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An Overview of the Hypothalamus: The

Parts of the Endocrine System hypothalamus is the connection between

the nervous and endocrine systems, and it
helps keep the internal balance of the
body in check.
The endocrine system includes a number of
glands that are located throughout the What Is the Pituitary Gland? The
body. Some glands are located in the hypothalamus controls the pituitary gland,
brain, while others are located in the neck which is responsible for several other
and in the abdomen. These glands have glands, such as the thyroid and the
specific jobs regulating different areas of adrenals.
your body.
The Pituitary Gland: People sometimes call
The hypothalamus is a special group of the pituitary gland the master gland
cells that sit in the lower middle part of because it is in charge of many other
your brain, responsible for working with glands in the endocrine system.
both the nervous system and the endocrine
The pineal gland was once dubbed the
system. The pituitary gland sits under the
“third eye,” which originated for many
hypothalamus, and it is about the size of a
reasons, ranging from its location deep in
pea. The pituitary gland is in charge of
the center of the brain to its connection to
other glands in this system
light. Also, the French philosopher and
The thyroid is in charge of setting the mathematician René Descartes was
speed at which cells use fuel, while the fascinated with the pineal gland. He even
parathyroids are in charge of how your regarded it as the “principal seat of the
body uses calcium. The adrenal glands are soul, and the place in which all our
in charge of your body’s salt and water thoughts are formed.” However, his
balance as well as your metabolism and observations have been widely rejected1.
your immune system. The melatonin
The thyroid’s main role in the endocrine
secreted by the pineal gland helps your
system is to regulate your metabolism,
body know when to be awake and when to
which is your body’s ability to break down
sleep. The gonads produce sex hormones
food and convert it to energy. Food
in your body. And your pancreas produces
essentially fuels our bodies, and our bodies
insulin and glucagon, which work to make
each “burn” that fuel at different rates.
sure your body has the fuel it needs for
This is why you often hear about some
people having “fast” metabolism and
The Hypothalamus: The hypothalamus is a others having “slow” metabolism.
part of the brain that produces hormones
Introduction to Parathyroid Glands: The
to regulate your temperature, hunger,
parathyroid glands sit behind the thyroid
thirst, mood, sleep, and more.
gland, and they are responsible for The Pancreas and its Functions: The
controlling calcium levels in the body. pancreas helps with changing the foods
you eat into fuel for your body.
Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands: The
thyroid gland is in the neck, and it The ovaries maintain the health of the
produces thyroxine and triiodothyronine, female reproductive system.They secrete
which are hormones. two main hormones—estrogen and
progesterone. Diseases associated with the
The thymus gland will not function
ovaries include ovarian cysts, ovarian
throughout a full lifetime, but it has a big
cancer, menstrual cycle disorders, and
responsibility when it’s active—helping
polycystic ovarian syndrome.
the body protect itself against
autoimmunity, which occurs when the The testes secrete testosterone, which is
immune system turns against itself. necessary for proper physical development
Therefore, the thymus plays a vital role in in boys. In adulthood, testosterone
the lymphatic system (your body’s defense maintains libido, muscle strength, and
network) and endocrine system. bone density. Disorders of the testes are
caused by too little testosterone production
Adrenal Glands: The adrenal glands sit at
the top of your kidneys, and they help
make sure your metabolism and immune
system function correctly.
What Are the Adrenal Glands? The adrenal
glands also help with kidney function, and
their name means “near the kidney” in
The Pancreas, Pineal Gland, and Gonads:
The pineal gland is responsible for
producing melatonin, which is an
antioxidant and helps with your sleeping
and eating cycles. Gonads produce sex
Overview of Endocrinology: The pineal
gland is located in the brain. The gonads
secrete testosterone and androsterone in
males and estrogen and progesterone in
What Is the Pancreas? The pancreas is
located in the abdomen, and it is involved
in both digestion and regulating blood

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