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Teaching Guides in Grade 10 Mathematics

4 Quarter
Mathematics – Grade 10
Fourth Quarter
Teaching Guides
February 2017

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Prepared by: Department of Education- Division of Cavite
Schools Division Superintendent: Cherrylou D. De Mesa
Assistant Schools Division Superintendent: Editha M. Atendido, Ed. D.
OIC- Assistant Schools Division Superintendent: Alias A. Alicaya, Ed. D.
Chief- Curriculum Implementation Division: Elpidia D. Bergado, Ed. D.

Development Team of the Teaching Guides

Consultant: Eduarda M. Zapanta, Ed. D.
Education Program Supervisor in Mathematics

Writers: Joland M. Sereño, Angel M. Esteron, Natalia Bayas and Sheryl B. Costelo

Reviewers: Mary Jane T. Luna, Beverly B. Gloria, and Agnes de Sagun

Module 8: Measures of Position
Lesson 1: Measures of Position for Ungrouped Data
Learning Competency 45: Illustrates the following measures of positions:
Quartiles, Deciles and Percentiles
a. Illustrate the different measures of positions for ungrouped data.
b. Calculate the different measures of position such as quartile, decile and
c. Interpret and apply the different measures of position in real life situations.
Topic: Measures of Position
Sub-Topic: Measures of Position for Ungrouped Data
Materials: real life data, test scores
References: Grade 10 Teacher’s Guide pages 314 - 360
Grade 10 Learner’s Material pp. 362 - 382
Elementary Statistics with Computer Applications by Precilla S. Altares, Rex Bookstore, 2005 pages 80 – 86
MSA Statistics and Probability by Merly S. Alferez, MSA pub.
House, 2006 pages 58 - 66
A. Preliminaries

The midpoint between two numbers x and y on a real number line is .

1. Find the coordinates of the midpoint of AB in terms of x and y.
2. Find the coordinates of the midpoint of BC in terms of x and y.
3. What does point B represent in the distribution?

B. Lesson Proper
1. Teaching/Modeling
The median divides the distribution into equal parts. It is a
point in the distribution where one-half of the distribution lies
below it or above it. Hence, if AC in the Preliminaries represents
a distribution, one half of it lies below point B and one-half lies
above B. (where B represents the median). There are instances
that we want not only the point that divides the distribution into
two equal parts but also we want to find the value in the
distribution which separates the highest 75% from the lowest
25%, or the value below which lies 40% of the cases. To do
these, we need the other measures of position, namely,
quartiles, percentiles, and deciles.
Quartiles are points that divide a distribution into four
equal parts.

Deciles are points that divide a distribution into 10 equal


Percentiles are points that divide a distribution into 100

equal parts.

To find the quartile of the given set of data, arrange the

data in ascending order, then use the formula to get the position
of the quantiles and lastly, looked at the data that corresponds
to the position.
A group of students obtained the following scores in their
30-item latest quiz in Math 10:
21, 30, 10, 7, 24, 27, 19, 24, 11, 26, 19
Arrange the scores from the smallest to the highest
7, 10, 11, 19, 19, 21, 24, 24, 26, 27, 30
21 is the 2nd quartile, since it divides the set of scores into two
equal parts. It means 50% of the scores are below 21 and 50 % of the
the scores are above 21.
26 is the 3rd quartile since the position of the 3rd quartile is
located at the 9th position. It means 75% of the scores are below 26
and 25% of the scores are above 26.
2. Analysis
a. How do you get the point that divides the set of data into two
equal parts?
b. How do you get the upper quartile of the given distribution? How
about the lower quartile?
c. What divides the distribution of data into 10 equal parts?
d. What are the steps to find the D7 of the given distribution?

3. Guided Practice
Solve each problem with your partner.
1. In Rowena’s Buco Tart, the owner is interested to know the
amount of time it takes his salesladies to assist their costumer.
On a particular day, he asked his store manager to record the
service times for 15 costumers. The times are given below (to
the nearest minute.)
16, 19, 17, 15, 25, 20, 19, 17, 14, 19, 20, 19, 18, 16, 17
a. Find the lower and the upper quartile of the service times.
b. Find the value of D5? What does it mean?
First arrange the numbers from lowest to highest.

Find the position of the lower quartile using

Where: N = ________
Q1= __________ position
Q1= ___________

Find the position of the upper quartile using

Where: N = ________
Q3 = __________ position
Q3 = __________
Therefore, ________________________________
2. The following are the scores of Gabriel in his 7 quizzes in
Mathematics 10.
87, 88, 89, 87, 95, 86, 94
a. Find Q2. What does it imply?
b. Find P75. What does it imply?
First arrange the numbers from lowest to highest.

Find the position of the lower quartile using

Where: N = ________
Q2= __________ position
Q2= ___________
Therefore, _________________________________

Find the position of the 75th percentile using

Where: N = ________
P75 = __________ position
P75 = ___________
Therefore, ____________________________________
4. Independent Practice
Solve each problem and show the complete solution.
1. The ten souvenir shops located at Picnic Groove in Tagaytay
City have the following daily sales, Php7200, Php7600,
Php6900, Php8200, Php7200, Php9200, Php7800, Php8700,
Php9800, and Php8000.
a. What is P75 and what does it imply?
b. What is D50 and what does it imply?

2. In the class of 68, Rafael got a percentile rank of 82 in the

Mock NCAE in Tagaytay City Science High School.
a. What does this percentile rank imply?
b. How many students ranked below Rafael?
5. Generalization
Quartiles are points that divide a distribution into four equal parts.

Deciles are points that divide a distribution into 10 equal parts.

Percentiles are points that divide a distribution into 100 equal

6. Application
Answer the following.
1. The ages of 15 guests at a certain party held at RSM
Tagaytay are 22, 24, 31, 28, 7, 14, 18, 33, 27, 26, 19,
24, 27, 12, and 27. What are the values of the upper and
the lower quartiles and what do they mean?

2. The qualifying exam for Science Class at TCSNHS is in

terms of percentile rank. If the passing mark is 45, what does
it imply? If the numbers of students who took the exam was
56, how many students passed the test ?

7. Assessment

1. The prices of a souvenir T-shirt in Tagaytay from 10 souvenir

shops located at Sky Ranch are as follows: Php250, Php100,
Php180, Php110, Php200, Php250, Php170, Php200, Php210
and Php300. What is the value of the 50th percentile and what
does it mean?

2. Fifteen individuals were asked how many children were

sponsored by them in the “Adopt a student program in TCSNHS,
wherein they will give Php100 per week per child. The
individuals responded that they sponsored 4, 3, 7, 2, 3, 7, 1,
3, 2, 2, 3, 2, 4, 5, and 2.
a. Determine the 5th decile and what does it imply?
b. Find the value of the upper decile and give the meaning of
I. Follow –up: Answer the following problems.
1. The score of Florinda in their latest 40-item quiz in probability was
the median score. What is her percentile rank and what does it mean?
2. Upon examining the monthly sales of Loumar’s Buco Pie
Restaurant for the year 2016, the owner took note of the following sales for
the month of January to December.
Month Sales (Php) Month Sales (Php)
January 224,000 July 89,200
February 190,000 August 116,300
March 171,000 September 140,700
April 158,700 October 165, 400
May 157,500 November 156,400
June 98, 700 December 226,000
Calculate the value of the 50 percentile and interpret it.

II. Study: Measures of Dispersion

1. What is the formula to find the Quartile of grouped data?
2. When can you use the Percentile?
3. What is the difference between Decile and Percentile?
Answer Key
2x  y
x  2y
3. Midpoint/ median

Guided Practice
First arrange the numbers from lowest to highest.
14, 15, 16, 16, 17, 17, 17, 18, 19, 19, 19, 19, 20, 20, 25
Find the position of the lower quartile using
Where: N = Number of observations in a set of data
Q1= 4th position
Q1= 16
Find the position of the upper quartile using
Where: N = Number of observations in a set of data
Q3 = 12th position
Q3 = 19
Therefore, 75% of the scores are below 19 and 25% of the scores are above 19
2. The following are the scores of Gabriel in his 7 quizzes in
Mathematics 10.
87, 88, 89, 87, 95, 86, 94
a. Find Q2. What does it imply?
It implies that 50% of the scores are below 88 and 50% of the
scores are above 88
b. Find P75. What does it imply?
It implies that 75% of the scores are below 94 and 25% of the
scores are above 94

First arrange the numbers from lowest to highest.
86, 87, 87, 88, 89, 94, 95
Find the position of the lower quartile using
Where: N = number of observations in a set of data
Q2= 4th position
Q2= 88
Therefore, 50% of the scores are below 88 and 50% of the scores are above 88
Find the position of the 75th percentile using
Where: N = number of observations in a set of data
P75 = 6th position
P75 = 94
Therefore, 75% of the scores are below 94 and 25% of the scores are above 94

Independent Practice
1. a. 8825- it implies that 75% of the daily sales are below P8825
and 25% of the daily sales are above P8825
b. 7900- it implies that 50% of the daily sales are below P79˘00
and 50% of the daily sales are above P7900
2. a. It implies that Rafael got a score higher than 82% of the
b. 60

1. Upper quartile is 27
Lower quartile is 18
 25% of the guest has an age below 18 and 75% has an age above 27.
2. 45% did not pass 55% of those who took the test passed or a total of
308 students
1. P50 = 200

It means that 50% of the prices is below P200

2. a. D5 = 3

b. Quartile, Q3 = 4
Module 8: Measures of Position
Lesson 2: Measures of Position for Grouped Data
Learning Competency 46: Calculates a specified measure of position of a
set of data.
Learning Competency 47: Interprets measures of position.

a. Determine the position of data using Mendenhall method or by interpolation
in quartiles.
b. Interpret the measures of position.
c. Appreciate measures of position in solving real life problems.

Topic: Measures of positon
Materials: pictures, chalk-board, pen and paper
References: Grade 10 Mathematics Teachers’ Guide, pp. 323 - 345
Grade 10 Mathematics Learners’ Guide, pp. 383 – 402
Exploring Mathematics 10 by Baccay, Elisa S.,, pp.
350– 368
A. Preliminary
Direction: Complete the table by supplying the class size (i), number of
cases (N), lower boundaries (LB) and less than cumulative frequencies (<cf)
Class Interval Frequency LB <cf
20-24 4
15-19 1
10-14 2
5-9 3
i=_______ N=______

B. Lesson Proper
1. Teaching/ Modeling

For Quartile Grouped Data

1. Given the data in our previous activity, find Q 1 of the distribution?
a) Determine the i, N, LB, <cf of the distribution

Class Interval Frequency (f) Lower Boundaries <cf

51-60 5 50.5 31
41-50 6 40.5 26
31-40 7 30.5 20
21-30 10 20.5 13
11-20 3 10.5 3
i=10 N=31

b) Find Q1 class
Position of Q1 class = = = 7.75
This means we need to find a class interval where the 7.75th score is contained.
Note that the 4th to 13th scores belong to the 21-30 class interval, thus 7.75 also
contained therein.
c) Compute for Q1
Qk = LB + * +

Q1 = 20.5 + [ ]

Q1 = 20.5 + 4.75
Q1 = 25.25
Therefore, 25% of the vendors have sales less than or equal to 25.25.

For Decile Grouped data

2. Given the data in our previous activity, find D7 of the distribution?
a) Determine the i, N, LB, <cf of the distribution
Class Interval Frequency (f) Lower Boundaries <cf
51-60 5 50.5 31
41-50 6 40.5 26
31-40 7 30.5 20
21-30 10 20.5 13
11-20 3 10.5 3
i=10 N=31
b) Find D7 class
Position of D7 class = = = 21.70
This means we need to find a class interval where the 21.70th score is contained.
Note that the 21st to 26th scores belong to the 41-50 class interval, thus 21.70 also
contained therein.
c) Compute for D7
D7 = LB + * +

D7 = 40.5 + [ ]

D7 = 40.5 + 2.98
D7 = 43.48
Therefore, 70% of the vendors have sales less than or equal to 43.48.

For Percentiles Grouped Data

1. Given the data in our previous activity, find P30 of the distribution?
a) Determine the i, N, LB, <cf of the distribution
Class Interval Frequency (f) Lower Boundaries <cf
51-60 5 50.5 31
41-50 6 40.5 26
31-40 7 30.5 20
21-30 10 20.5 13
11-20 3 10.5 3
i=10 N=31
b) Find P20 class
Position of P20 class = = = 6.2
This means we need to find a class interval where the 6.20th score is contained.
Note that the 4th to 13th scores belong to the 21-30 class interval, thus 6.20 also
contained therein.
c) Compute for P20
P20 = LB + * +

P20 = 20.5 + [ ]

P20 = 20.5 + 3.2

P20 = 23.7
Therefore, 20% of the vendors have sales less than or equal to 23.7.

2. Analysis

1. What are the steps in finding the decile of grouped data?

2. What are the steps in finding the quartile of grouped data?
3. What are the steps in finding the percentile of grouped data?
4. How do we interpret the computed quartile? Computed decile? Computed

3. Guided Practice

Mrs. Mojica conducted a Scrabble competition with 10 participants. Calculate

the following:
a. Find the 2nd quartile
b. Find the 5th decile
c. Find the 30th percentile

Scores Frequency
31-35 1
26-30 2
21-25 3
16-20 2
11-15 2

4. Independent Practice

Zumba is regarded as a good stress reliever and fat-burning dance and

fitness exercise. It provides a workout for the whole body and builds up good
cardiovascular respiratory system. A study was conducted in Cavite State University
to determine the average exercise intensity and energy expenditure during a 40-
minute Zumba class. A sample of twenty students showed the following energy
expenditure (in Kcal) throughout the session:
Energy Expenditure (in Frequency
250- 299 2
200- 249 8
150- 199 6
100- 149 4

a. Find the Q1 and Q3

b. Find the D4 and D9
c. Find the P40 and P60

5. Generalization

The Quartile for Grouped Data

In computing the quartiles of grouped data, the following formula is used:


Qk = LB + * +
LB = lower boundary of the Qk class
N = total frequency
<cfb = cumulative frequency of the class before the Qk class
fQk= frequency of the Qk class
i = size of class interval
k = nth quartile, where n = 1, 2, and 3

The Decile for Grouped Data

In computing the deciles of grouped data, the following formula is used:


Dk = LB + * +

LB = lower boundary of the Dk class
N = total frequency
<cfb = cumulative frequency of the class before the Dk class
fDk= frequency of the Dk class
i = size of class interval
k = nth decile, where n = 1, 2, 3…..9

The Percentile for Grouped Data

In computing the percentiles of grouped data, the following formula is used:


Pk = LB + * +

LB = lower boundary of the Pk class
N = total frequency
<cfb = cumulative frequency of the class before the Pk class
fPk= frequency of the Pk class
i = size of class interval
k = nth percentile, where n = 1, 2, 3…..99

6. Application

Alden has an assignment to ask at random 10 students in their school about

their grades in Mathematics in the Third Quarter. The data are listed in the table
Grades Frequency
95-99 3
90-94 2
85-89 1
80-84 1
75-79 3

a. Find Q1 and Q3.

b. Find D3 and D8.
c. Find P50 and P70.

7. Assessment

“Nagmahal, Nasaktan, Nagsayaw” is a reality talent search in Showtime in

ABS-CBN. One of the contestants of the said program is Arra San Agustin who is a
Caviteña. In order to express our support, an FB page was developed for Princess.
The table below shows the number of likes of Princess in Facebook for ten days:
Likes (in thousands) Frequency
31-35 2
26-30 1
21-25 4
16-20 2
11-15 1

a. Find the seventh quartile of the distribution.

b. Find the second decile of the distribution.
c. Find the 60th percentile of the distribution.


Conduct a mini-research on student’s performance in the 3rd periodical

examination in Mathematics 10. Apply the knowledge and skills you have learned in
this lesson to evaluate and interpret test results and to make/formulate meaningful
decisions based on the results to resolve the difficulties that you have encountered in
the subject.
Module 8: Measures of Position
Learning Competency 48: Solves Problems Involving Measures of Position

1. compute the specified measure of position
2. use percentile rank in relating individual scores to their positions in
the entire group
3. solve problems involving measures of position

Topic: Solves problem involving measures of position of grouped data
Materials: Activity Sheets
References: Grade 10 Mathematics Teacher’s Guide pp. 346-347
Grade 10 Mathematics Learner’s Module pp. 394-397

A. Preliminaries:
Look at the ladder. This has something to do with our topic, measures
of position. Given the frequency distribution, you would be asking yourselves, which
is higher between D4 and Q3 ? Q1 and P10 ?

In some cases, the analysis of certain individual items in the data set is of
more interest rather than the entire set.
It is necessary at times, to be able to measure how an item fits into the data,
how it compares to other items of the data, or even how it compares to another item
in another data set.
Measures of position are several common ways of creating such
B. Lesson Proper
1. Teaching/Modeling

Post the frequency distribution of the daily allowance of 60 students of

Gen. E. Aguinaldo National High School-Bailen. Find D4 and Q3.

Class Interval f <cf

81-90 7 60
71-80 10 53
61-70 15 43
51-60 4 28
41-50 12 24
31-40 6 12
21-30 3 6
11-20 2 3
1-10 1 1

Compute the value of D4: (Follow the suggested steps below)

D4 Class: = = = 24 Determine the number of students that
comprise the D4 class
L = 40.5 This is the exact lower boundary
f = 12 The frequency of the D4 class
cfb = 12 The cumulative frequency before the D4 class
i = 10 The size of the class interval

D4 ( ) Formula to solve D4

D4 Substitute the values to the formula

D4 40.5 + 10 Simplify
D4 = 50.5 The value of D4

Compute the value of Q3: (Follow the suggested steps below)

Q3 Class: = = 45 Determine the number of students that
comprise the Q3 class
L = 70.5 This is the exact lower boundary
f = 10 The frequency of the Q3 class
cfb = 43 The cumulative frequency before the Q3 class
i = 10 The size of the class interval

Q3 ( ) Formula to solve Q3

Q3 Substitute the values to the formula

Q3 70.5 + 2 Simplify
Q3 = 72.5 The value of Q3
Q3 has a greater value than D4, so therefore, the position of Q3 is higher than
that of D4 if we will present/graph the values in vertical manner. Similarly, D 4 is at the
left of Q3 if the results will be presented horizontally.
2. Analysis
1. How do you find doing the activity?
2. How many equal parts are there in a quartile? decile?
3. What is the way you remember in calculating the number of cases
required for a specific quantile?
4. Were you able to answer correctly the problem given to you?

3. Guided Practice
The given frequency distribution below is the scores in Mathematics 10
quiz of Grade 10 students of Gen. E. Aguinaldo National High School. Find
Q3, D4, and P90 .

1. What is the number of cases, n ?

2. Complete the third column by completing the commulative frequency

a) To solve Q3 :
Q3 Class: = = ___ Determine the number of students that comprise
the Q3 class
L = ___ The exact lower boundary
f = ___ The frequency of the Q3 class
cfb = ___ The cumulative frequency before the Q3 class
i = ___ The size of the class interval

Q3 ( ) Formula to solve Q3

Q3 Substitute the values to the formula

Q3 31.5 + _______ Simplify
Q3 = _____ The value of Q3

b) To solve D4 :
D4 Class: = = ___ Determine the number of students that
comprise the D4 class
L = ___ The exact lower boundary
f = ___ The frequency of the D4 class
cfb = ___ The cumulative frequency before the D4 class
i = ___ The size of the class interval
D4 ( ) Formula to solve D4

D4 Substitute the values to the formula

D4 28.5 + ________ Simplify
D4 = _____ The value of D4

c) To solve P90:
P90 Class: = = ___ Determine the number of students that
comprise the P90 class
L = ___ The exact lower boundary
f = ___ The frequency of the P90 class
cfb = ___ The cumulative frequency before the P 90 class
i = ___ The size of the class interval

P90 ( ) Formula to solve P90

P90 Substitute the values to the formula

P90 34.5 + ________ Simplify
P90 = _____ The value of P90

4. Independent Practice
The Grade 10 students’ grades for the third grading period are shown in the
frequency distribution below. If your grade is 87. 93, do you belong to the upper 25%
of the Grade 10 students? Show your solution.

Class Interval f <cf

96-100 17
91-95 35
86-90 46
81-85 54
76-80 42
71-75 21
66-70 5
5. Generalization

The most common measures of position are percentiles, quartiles, deciles and
standard scores (aka, z –scores).
1. Quantiles ►one of the class of values of a variate that divides the total frequency
of a sample or population into a given number of equal proportions.
Examples □ Percentile □ Decile □ Quartile
2. Quantiles ►the 100-quantiles are called percentiles
►the 10-quantiles are called deciles
►the 4-quantiles are called quartiles
3. Percentiles►the kth percentile is a scale value for a data series equal to the p/100
quantile ►the 25th percentile is the first quartile ►the 50th percentile is the
4. Deciles ►represents 1/10 of the total population ►The 1 st decile cuts off the
lowest 10% of data ►the 9th decile cuts off the lowest 90% of data
5. Quartiles ►the quartiles divide the distribution into four equal parts □ called
fourths □ total of 100% is broken into four equal parts: 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%
►lower quartile Q1 is the 25th percentile, ►median quartile Q2 is the 50th percentile
and the upper quartile Q3 is the 75th percentile.

6. Application
Mr. Angel M. Esteron gave a short quiz about measures of position to
his students. This is the frequency distribution based from the scores of the
Grade 10 – Perseverance.

Class Interval f <cf

46-50 7
41-45 5
36-40 6
31-35 5
26-30 12
21-25 6
16-20 3
11-15 2
6-10 2
1-5 2

1. Find D6, P20, P40, D7, P80, Q1, Q2, D9 and Q3

2. Which among the measures of position in # 1 take the lowest value? and
the highest value?
3. Arrange D6, P20, P40, D7, P80, Q1, Q2, D9 and Q3 in ascending order.

7. Assessment
Find the 1st quartile, 7th decile and 45th percentile of the following
frequency distribution:

Class Interval f <cf

81-90 5
71-80 3
61-70 7
51-60 9
41-50 9
31-40 5
21-30 9
11-20 2
1-10 1

Answer Activity 6 and Activity 7, Mathematics Learner’s Module pp396-397

Electronic Source:

percentiles-july-2009 . This site provides formula, examples, and
exercices of Quartile, Percentile, and Decile. This site provides
examples of Quartile. . This site provides examples
and exercises of Percentile.
Answer Key:

Guided Practice
1. What is the number of cases, n = 50
2. Complete the third column by completing the commulative frequency

a) To solve Q3 :
Q3 Class: = = 37.5 Determine the number of students that
comprise the Q3 class
L = 31.5 The exact lower boundary
f = 16 The frequency of the Q3 class
cfb = 24 The cumulative frequency before the Q3 class
i =3 The size of the class interval

Q3 ( ) Formula to solve Q3

Q3 Substitute the values to the formula

Q3 31.5 + 2.53 Simplify
Q3 = 34.03 The value of Q3

b) To solve D4 :
D4 Class: = = 20 Determine the number of students that
comprise the D4 class
L = 28.5 The exact lower boundary
f = 10 The frequency of the D4 class
cfb = 14 The cumulative frequency before the D4 class
i =3 The size of the class interval

D4 ( ) Formula to solve D4

D4 Substitute the values to the formula

D4 28.5 + 1.8 Simplify
D4 = 30.3 The value of D4

c) To solve P90:
P90 Class: = = 45 Determine the number of students that
comprise the P90 class
L = 34.5 The exact lower boundary
f= 8 The frequency of the P90 class
cfb = 40 The cumulative frequency before the P90 class
i = ___ The size of the class interval
P90 ( ) Formula to solve P90

P90 Substitute the values to the formula

P90 34.5 + 1.88 Simplify
P90 = 36.38 The value of P90

Independent Practice

Answer: Yes. Q3 = P75 . Since the value of Q3 is 85.17, therefore, if your grade is
87.93, your grade belongs to the upper 25% of the grade 10 students during the third
grading period.


1. D6 = 32.3 ; P20 = 21; P40 = 26.75 ; D7 = 37 ; P80 = 41.70 Q1 = 22.25 ; Q2 = 28;

D9 = 46.36 and Q3 = 38.25
2. Q1 = 20.25 is the lowest while D9 = 46.36 is the highest
3. P20 ; Q1 = P25 ; P40 ; Q2 = P50 ; D6 = P60 ; D7 = P70 ; Q3 = P75 ; P80 ; D9 = P90


1st Quartile = 31.5 ; 7th Decile = 60.5 ; 45th Percentile = 46.61

Module 8: Measures of Position
Learning Competency 49: Formulates Statistical Mini-Research.
Learning Competency 50: Uses appropriate measures of position and other
statistical methods in analyzing and interpreting research data.

a) write a statistical mini-research
b) apply the skills in different measures of position in writing statistical
c) appreciate the finished statistical mini-research


Topic: Solves problem involving measures of position

Materials: Activity Sheets

B. Preliminaries:
B. Lesson Proper

1. Teaching/Modeling
You have told by your teacher to interview 30 Grade 10 students
about their grades. Suppose the following are the grades of students during
the third grading period in Mathematics 10. Your teacher wants to know how
many students are above average and below average.
79 85 91 89 94 87
81 84 87 78 75 86
83 81 90 95 85 89
78 77 86 84 90 87
82 80 92 90 78 89
a) Make a frequency distribution:

b) Find the mean

Mean =

= 85.2
Based from the result, we can say that among the 30 students being
interviewed, there are 13 students who belong to the below average, 2
students are average and 15 students are above average as far as
Mathematical ability is concerned.
c) Find the median

= 15
L =83.5
<cf = 11

Median = L + ( )
= 83.5 + 3(15 – 11)/6
= 83.5 + .67
= 84.17
Based from the result, we can say that among the 30 students being
interviewed, there are 13 students who are less than or equal to the median,
and 17 students are above the median class.
2. Analysis
1. How do you find doing the task?
2. When do you have to use mean or median?
3. What are the other measures of position can you use to interpret
the given data above?
3. Guided Practice
Mr. Angel M. Esteron instructs the students to visit the school clinic to
get the records of height of Grade 10 students. The students are divided into
five groups so that each group can make a mini-research.
The following are the parts of an Action Research but you may just skip
some parts since you are only required to do a mini-research.
I. Background of the Study
II. Statement of the problem:
III. Significance of the Study:
IV. Scope and Delimitation:
V. Research Paradigm
VI. Methodology:
A. Research Design
B. Respondents
C. Sampling Procedure
D. Instrument
E. Operationalization of Variables
Statistics: t-test for Independent Samples
F. Data Collection Procedure
G. Statistical Treatments
VII. Evaluation:
VIII. Conclusion and Recommendation:
IX. Bibliography
In making your statistical mini-research, just use the following parts:
I. Background of the Study
 Tell something about your topic.
 Copy an article related to your topic ( mention the writer)
II. Statement of the problem:
 Write your objectives why you want to conduct a mini-
III. Significance of the Study:
 Discuss the importance of your mini-research
IV. Methodology:
 Presentation of Data
 Statistical Treatments (Explain what measures of position
you will use to analyze your findings)
V. Evaluation:
 State your findings related to your objectives
VI. Conclusion and Recommendation:
 Write what you have discovered from your findings
 List down at least three recommendations that would be
beneficial to the readers
VI. Bibliography
 List down the reference books you used that help you to
finish your mini-research

4. Independent Practice
Make a mini-research on the topic, “Ages of Grade 10
15 15 16 17 15 16

17 15 15 16 17 16

15 16 16 15 17 16

16 16 15 17 16 16

16 15 16 17 18 19

5. Generalization
Suggested Parts of a Mini-research
I. Background of the Study
II. Statement of the problem:
III. Significance of the Study:
IV. Methodology:
V. Evaluation:
VI. Conclusion and Recommendation:
VII. Bibliography
6. Application
Divide the class into groups with five members. Let them make a mini-
research on the topic of their choice. Tell them to select the measures of
position they will be going to use in the conduct of their mini-research. Explain
the Rubric that will be used in assessing/ evaluating their output.

7. Assessment
Answer the following:
1. What are the suggested parts of a mini-research?
2. What are the measures of position that can be useful in writing
your mini-research?
3. List down the rubric that will serve as your guide in writing you mini-

Think of the topic that you will be going to explore in writing a

Electronic Source:

and-percentiles-july-2009 . This site provides formula, examples, and
exercices of Quartile, Percentile, and Decile. . This site provides
examples of Quartile. . This site provides examples
and exercises of Percentile.

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