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Store Operations
! Assessment of in-store labor activities focused on
Process Assessment: inventory management, merchandising and customer
service to simplify and streamline processes while
optimizing the labor budget.

A $16+ billion small-box discount retailer with over 10,000 stores in the United States.

parker avery solution
The Parker Avery Group performed an
evaluation of current in-store processes
across multiple store formats and
geographic locations, taking into
consideration the impacts of store size,
challenge volume and other pertinent factors. The
Client leadership recognized the studies were conducted over several weeks
need to better understand and to capture variances in store traffic. results
optimize its in-store staffing The project team devised specific Parker Avery’s recommendations
model, processes and labor recommendations for improvement, focusing included short-term actions and
standards. The retailer on areas that offered the greatest potential long term visions, as well as a
strategically operates with a very to streamline and simplify store processes: high level assessment of
lean store staff, therefore sought implementation impacts and
to validate this approach and • Front End (Checkout/Returns)
• Inventory Management business benefits. The client is
focus labor on greater value-add using these recommendations as
activities. The client wished to (Receiving/Stocking/RTV)
• Store Merchandising Activities input to an initiative to drive
identify opportunities to deploy Merchandising reset
more efficient in-store processes (Resets/Promotions)
• Back Office/Management (Invoice/Cash improvements and optimize in-
in order to optimize store store inventory management
payroll spend. Handling)
This work effort included validating the
actual time required to perform store
activities and comparing those times with
existing engineered standards, identifying
key areas requiring improved process
design, performing a gap analysis against
leading practices, and developing a set of
prioritized opportunities both in-store and
upstream that offer the greatest potential for
efficiency gains.
Parker Avery's recommendations focused
on removing as much non-value work from
the store staff as possible by identifying Time Study Sample:
ways to optimize inventory and reduce Store Tasks Allocation
merchandising tasks.

The Parker Avery Group is a boutique strategy and Learn more about us at:
management consulting firm that is a trusted advisor to leading retail
companies. We specialize in solving merchandising, supply chain,
store operations and multi-channel commerce challenges. We Or contact us at:
combine deep experience and thought leadership with proven 770.882.2205
consulting methodology to deliver world-class results for our clients.
© The Parker Avery Group. All Rights Reserved.

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