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Evidence of Learning in the 21 Century Classroom
Classroom Observation Rubric
To Guide Leadership for Learning by Instructional Leaders


The task requires students to The task is teacher prescribed and The task is designed in The task reflects real world
respond to recall types of questions conventional but attempts are made collaboration with students and problems, issues, questions or
provided by the teacher and/or to explain how the work may apply engages their interests. It requires ideas in the home, workplaces and
textbook. to the world outside of school. collaboration with discipline experts communities of today. It replicates
(either in class or online) or challenges faced in real life,
Task Is Authentic

emerges from problems, issues, requires in-depth work, collaboration

questions or ideas that are of real with discipline experts and is of
concern to the broader community relevance and interest to students
outside of school. and others outside of schools.

Task fails to require the use of Task requires the use of technology Task requires a range of Task requires a range of
technology. to search for information, produce technologies that require higher technologies that require higher
good copies of reports, and/or enter order thinking, real-world contexts order thinking, real-world contexts
information into preset templates. and constructivist orientations. and constructivist orientations in a
purposeful manner that illustrates
new ways of thinking and doing.

Task fosters recall responses. Task fosters industrial habits of Task fosters strong habits of mind Task fosters innovation and
mind that emphasize groupthink and by requiring reasoned judgment creativity by inviting students to
single right answers in response to based on evidence, examination of think about novel problems, issues,
Task Produces Deep Understanding

pre-determined questions. different viewpoints, supposition and or questions in multiple ways, to

justification of why it matters. forward working theories and to
generate novel solutions.

Task requires recall and Task requires application and Task requires interpretation, Task requires a powerful and
identification. analysis. analysis and synthesis with limited illuminating interpretation and
use of discipline symbol systems judgment requiring the use of
and genre. discipline symbol systems and

Task requires students to respond Task requires students to review Task requires students to engage in Task requires students to construct
to information to solve simple and summarize assigned materials research and problem or project- knowledge, solve problems, inquire
problems or respond to questions and problems without drawing their based learning where there are into meaningful issues, engage in
with single right answers. own conclusions. multiple perspectives to investigate reflection, and build a repertoire of
and opportunities to formulate their effective learning strategies.
own reasoned judgments.

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Assessment is summative. Assessment is primarily summative Assessment is primarily formative. All assessment is focused on
in nature; however the teacher Formative assessment is used to improving learning. It is integral to
uses the information to guide guide student learning at key the learning and woven into all
planning. points throughout the task. aspects of the learning. Students
Students co-construct criteria, set co-construct criteria and use it to
goals and they obtain timely, guide learning, set goals, obtain
specific feedback about their work feedback from a variety of people
to improve learning from peers, self both inside and outside the
and the teacher. The teacher uses classroom to improve their
assessment for learning to inform learning. The teacher uses
instructional decisions. assessment to inform instructional
Assessment Is Comprehensive

decisions and reflect upon and

improve practice.

Assessment of learning provides a Assessment of learning provides a Assessment of learning provides Assessment of learning provides
limited picture of student learning. general picture of student learning an accurate, defensible picture of an accurate, comprehensive,
and competencies. student learning and defensible picture of student
competencies. learning and competencies at the
time the grade is awarded.

Students fail to use technology to Students use technology in limited Students use technology Students use technology to seek
obtain feedback. ways to obtain feedback from (interactive, responsive systems and obtain feedback from multiple
simple applications. and applications) to improve work sources on an ongoing basis to
and obtain immediate feedback improve and guide learning.
about their learning.

Teacher uses technology to record Teacher and students use a limited Teacher and students use a wide Teacher and students use a wide
marks and generate report cards. range of technologies to document range of technologies to document range of technologies to document
student learning. student learning through an online student learning through an online
portfolio. portfolio which invites the outside
world to provide commentary on
the work.

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Assessment Uses A Variety of Assessment data appears primarily Assessment data generally Assessment data includes a wide Assessment data includes a rich
in the form of pencil and paper includes tests, paper and pencil range of learning artifacts including variety of learning artifacts
tests that emphasize recall, i.e., the artifacts and the occasional written assignments, student including written assignments,
teacher relies on one source of technology presentation, i.e., the reflections, portfolios, digital student reflections, portfolios,
Data Sources of

data. teacher uses a limited number of images of student work, audio and digital images of student work,
artifacts as data sources. video recordings, i.e., the teacher audio and video recordings.
uses a variety of data from Students are also instrumental in
observations, conversations and gathering proof of learning based
artifacts. on clear, explicit criteria, i.e.,
teacher and student work together
to gather a variety of data from
observations, conversations and

Assessment criteria are shared Assessment criteria are developed Assessment criteria are Assessment criteria are
after the work has been graded. by the teacher and fully explained collaboratively designed with collaboratively designed with
to students before the work begins. students to ensure that everyone students and mediated by or added
Criteria Are Established For

has input and understands the to by experts or expertise within

learning expectations. This criteria the discipline to reflect authentic
is used to guide process and real world standards for high

products of learning quality work.

Teacher fails to communicate Teacher rarely uses online Teacher uses online Teacher uses online
expectations and assessment communication technologies to communication technologies to communication technologies to
criteria. make expectations and make expectations and make expectations and
assessment criteria open & assessment criteria open & assessment criteria open &
transparent. transparent. transparent and to invite feedback
from sources outside of the

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Learning Environment

Walls are bare. Walls are adorned with Walls serve as a showcase for Walls serve as a canvas for
commercially produced products displaying exemplary student work. documenting collective knowledge
Physical Learning Environment Is Conducive To

and posters. and learning processes.

Desks are immobile and arranged Furniture is moveable, however Furniture is moveable to enable Furniture and space arrangements
to accommodate solitary seatwork. desks are only occasionally flexible collaborative group work. maximize flexibility and
arranged to facilitate cooperative accommodate students and their
group work. learning needs.

Students and teachers rarely have Students and teachers have limited Students and teachers have ready Students and teachers have

access to technology. access to technologies through a access to an array of technologies access to a wide range of
computer lab that must be booked to support learning needs as they technologies i.e.: books online, on
in advance. emerge. iPod, pictures/images taken or
created, creating own data and
analyze, VC with experts, human
resources that enable them to
produce authentic high quality
products and performances.

Assistive technologies are Assistive technologies are Assistive technologies are enabled Assistive technologies are enabled
unavailable in the classroom. available in the classroom but and available for the use by and seamlessly incorporated into
some features have been disabled. students requiring them. learning tasks and activities.

Learning environment is Learning environment provides few Learning environment is Learning environment is
information poor, prescribed under information options and students information rich with both print and information rich with online and
Resources Meet
Learning Needs

the “1 size fits all model” – there is may choose from these limited online resources and students are print resources and students are
one path and one uniform choices. encouraged to choose the most encouraged to use resources to
outcome. appropriate resources for the task push the boundaries of creativity
at hand. and innovation.

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Students are disinterested in and Students are compliant but see Students can make general Students are deeply involved in the
see no relevance to the work they little relevance to the work they are connections between the work and work and know why it matters to
are asked to complete. asked to complete. self, others and/or the real world. them, to the discipline and/or to the
real world.

Most students are off task and Some students are off task while Students do the work but their Students are emotionally and
some are acting out. others are compliantly doing the primary motivation is to earn intellectually invested in the work
Learning Is Engaging

work. grades. (don’t want to stop/put it

down/leave class/school).

A quiet, somber, joyless climate An efficient, respectful and An inviting, nurturing, intellectually An intellectually rich, supportive
pervades the classroom. supportive climate pervades the exciting, climate pervades the risk taking, student-directed climate
classroom. classroom. pervades the classroom.

Students go through the motions of Students complete work with little Students are motivated by grades Students are so excited by learning
completing work in order to avoid a enthusiasm or do just enough to to do a good job. that they spend extra time and
poor mark. get by. effort doing their work. They derive
excitement and pleasure from the
work they are doing and grades
are not their primary motivation.

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Students are passive and Students are compliant but exhibit Students are active in their own Students are highly engaged as
disengaged from the work they are little enthusiasm or ownership for learning and able to manage they direct and determine the
assigned. the work they are assigned. significant aspects of it. course of their own learning.

Students fail to have access to Students do not have sufficient Students have sufficient access to Students have sufficient access to
assessment criteria to set personal access to assessment criteria while assessment criteria and feedback assessment criteria and ongoing
goals therefore are unable to learning and therefore have limited while learning and therefore are specific feedback from a variety of
Students Are Self-Directed

participate in goal setting by opportunities to participate in goal able to: sources in all aspects of learning
identifying proof of learning and setting by identifying proof of • identify proof of learning, and therefore are able to:
reflecting on the gap between learning and reflecting on the gap • reflect on the gap between • identify proof of learning,
current achievement and expected between current achievement and current achievement and • reflect on the gap between
achievement. expected achievement. expected achievement, current achievement and
• direct and monitor their own expected achievement,
learning as it progresses, and • direct major aspects of their
• engage in goal setting. learning,
• develop effective learning
strategies, and
• engage in accurate goal setting.

Students use agendas or Students use agendas or Students use calendars, agendas Students use calendars and project
calendars as prescribed by the calendars to record due dates and and project management management applications
teacher. reminders. applications (electronic and paper) (electronic and paper) on a
to manage work flow. consistent basis to coordinate
learning with others and manage
work flow.

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Students work alone with some Students share ideas to build Students interact with each other Students engage in considerable
opportunities to orally answer collective understanding of the about ideas of a topic under interaction about the ideas of a
questions and share ideas about topic or subject content. consideration (the talk is about topic (the talk is about discipline
the topic or subject content. discipline subject matter and subject matter and includes higher-
includes higher-order thinking such order thinking such as making
as making distinctions, applying distinctions, applying ideas,
Relationships/Learning Community

ideas, forming generalizations, forming generalizations, raising

raising questions). questions) in which the dialogue
builds coherently on participants'
ideas to promote improved
collective understanding of a topic.

Students respond to tasks Students have opportunities to Students have opportunities to Students have opportunities for
assigned by the teacher. select among project options provide input into the task design, substantive input into task design
provided by the teacher. product and performance and make key decisions regarding
outcomes. learning approaches and
product/performance outcomes.

There is no expectation that There is an expectation that There is an expectation that There is an expectation that
students use technology in their students will use technology to students will use technology to students will use a variety of
day-to-day work. store individual day-to-day work in contribute to group work using technologies to extend classroom
a personal online folder. shared common folders and use interactions, build knowledge and
online classroom discussion initiate collaboration with others
forums. beyond the classroom.

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Role of Teacher

The teacher is knowledgeable The teacher has a clear The teacher has an excellent The teacher has an exceptional
about Alberta Programs of Study understanding of Alberta Programs understanding of Alberta Programs understanding of Alberta Programs
outcomes and uses them to deliver of Study outcomes and uses them of Study outcomes and skillfully of Study outcomes and skillfully
Teacher Designs Learning

instruction. to explore ways to employ project- maps them to strong project-based maps them to issues, questions
based or problem-based learning. or problem-based learning tasks and problems in the world outside
and activities. the classroom walls in a
connected, integrated, cross-
curricular manner.

Teacher fails to assess Teacher has limited ability to Teacher critically assesses the Teacher critically assesses the
technologies or learning resources. assess technology; therefore, most appropriate technologies and validity of technologies being used
students sometimes use learning resources to support to maximize student learning, level
inappropriate technologies and student learning. the playing field and democratize
learning resources. learning.

Teacher asks students to come to The teacher circulates among The teacher circulates among the The teacher engages students in
Cognitive Coach

his/her desk if they encounter students as they work to ensure students as they work dialogue, as they work, to extend
Teacher Is A

difficulties while working quietly at that they are following directions collaboratively, to monitor learning, learning, stimulate discussion,
their desks. and assisting them as needed. stimulate discussion, pose pose questions, provoke thinking,
questions, provoke thinking or suggest resources and help
suggest resources as requested or students determine their next
appropriate. learning steps.

The teacher provides directions on Teacher provides choices of The teacher helps students to The teacher and other instructional
Teacher Is A Guide

how to complete assignments. products that students may use in learn how, when, and why to use partners make their thinking
completing assignments. different strategies and provides processes public, help students to
hints, clues, and other feedback to learn how, when and why to use
the entire class based on an different strategies and
observation of individual students technologies that provide hints,
or in anticipation of likely problems. clues, or other feedback on a
student-by-student basis.

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The teacher has experience using The teacher provides students with The teacher provides students The teacher extends his or her own
the instructional materials. opportunities to explore areas opportunities to explore areas knowledge and questions along
within the teacher’s expertise. outside of the teacher’s expertise, with the students’ and invites
but always stays a step ahead of students to become a part of the
the students. instructional process.

The teacher relies on and rarely The teacher occasionally brings The teacher continues to learn The teacher continues to learn
strays from prescribed resources current events related to curriculum about and stay abreast of new about and stay abreast of discipline
even if information is outdated topics into the classroom to share knowledge related to the subjects knowledge as it evolves in real
and/or inaccurate. with students. he/she teaches. world contexts.
Teacher Is A Learner

The teacher operates in isolation. The teacher shares lessons and The teacher obtains feedback The teacher works in collaboration
activities he/she has created. about instructional planning from with others to design robust
colleagues and mentors. learning tasks and obtain feedback
about instructional planning from
colleagues and mentors.

The teacher participates in learning The teacher participates in learning The teacher participates in school- The teacher participates in school-
communities as part of a school communities as part of a school based and online learning based and online learning
initiative but does not use online initiative and occasionally uses communities to access continuous communities to access and extend
communication technologies for online communication technologies ongoing professional learning to continuous ongoing professional
professional learning. for professional learning. improve practice. learning for self, to improve
practice and to advance the
learning of colleagues.

Teacher rarely consults Teacher is knowledgeable about Teacher is knowledgeable about Teacher takes the initiative to
educational research. research but makes little or no and acts in accordance with inform self about current research
attempt to incorporate ideas into current research. literature and incorporates it into
own practice. teaching and learning practices.

Teacher represents information Teacher represents information Teacher ensures that ideas, Teacher has an extensive
and concepts one way. and concepts in more than one concepts and information are repertoire of responsive teaching
way. represented in multiple, flexible strategies to represent important
Instructional Repertoire
Teacher Has A Strong

ways. concepts, information and ideas in

richly textured ways.

Instruction reflects a “one size fits Instruction reflects some aspects of Instruction reflects UDL principles Instruction reflects seamless
all” means of information and UDL principles in that students are where a range of learning activities integration of UDL principles where
concept representation. provided with multiple, flexible and formats are provided by the the teacher anticipates the student
means of expression; however teacher and available to all learning needs and plans for and
instruction is limited when students to meet their unique provides a wide range of learning
representing information and learning needs. activities, formats and technologies
concepts. to suit the needs of every student.

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Tasks and resources are available Tasks and resources are Tasks, resources and assessment Tasks, resources and assessment
only within the classroom. sometimes available online for criteria are available online for all criteria are available online for all to
others to see. to see. see and respond to.

Purpose for the learning is often Purpose for the learning is not Purpose and audience for the Purpose and audience for the
unclear and the audience is always clear and the audience is learning is clear and transparent learning is clear and transparent
exclusively the teacher. other members of the class and the from the start and open to larger from the start, responsive to
teacher via presentations. school community using emerging needs and open to the
The Classroom Is Open and Public

technology. larger globally connected


Tasks and assessment criteria Tasks and assessment criteria can Task and assessment criteria are Task and assessment criteria are
known only to teacher. be easily accessed by students published online for parents and published online along with
and by parents through a students to view on an as needs exemplars of student work.
newsletter that is sent home. basis. Parents, experts and members of
the larger community are invited to
respond to it.

Students’ work is sent home or put Students present work to Students respond to and explain Students use media and
up on a bulletin board. classmates and parents. their work to peers, parents and at elaborated forms of communication
least one other audience outside of to present work in innovative ways
school using appropriate media. to audiences inside and outside of
the school and invite feedback.

Class newsletters and notices are Class newsletters and notices are Class newsletters and notices are Class newsletters and notices are
sent home in paper copy only. available in both paper and via published online, available as pdf published online, available as pdf
email. documents or sent home in paper documents, through subscription
copy as requested by parents. via a RSS feed or as a paper copy
as requested by parents.

Evidence of Learning in the 21 Century Classroom 7/13/08
©Galileo Educational Network 2008

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