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1. How to assign IP Address

Right Click Network icon
 Click Open Network and Sharing Center
 Click Change Adapter Settings and Click Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
 Right Click Local Area Network and Click Properties
 Double Click Internet Protocol Version 4 and Click Use the following IP Address
 Type IP Address: 192.168.X.X and Subnet Mask:
 Click OK then Close.

2. How to Turn-Off Windows Firewall

Right Click Network icon
 Click Open Network and Sharing Center
 Click Windows Firewall
 Click Turn Windows Firewall on or off
 Click Turn off Windows Firewall
 Click OK then Close.

3. How to Check Computer Connected to a Network

Left Click Start or Press Win Key + R
 Type: ping 192.168.X.X –t then Press Enter.
Syntax: ping [IP/Hostname] –t

4. How to Share a Folder

Create a Folder then type your Folder name.
Right Click Folder
 Click Share with then Click Specific People
 Click Down Arrow and select Everyone and Click Add Button
 Click Permission Level (Read or Read/Write)
 Click Share button and Done Button.
Right Click Folder
 Click Properties and Click Sharing Tab
 Click Advanced Sharing Button and Click Share this folder
 Click Permission Button and Check the Permission Box (Full Control/Change/Read)
 Click OK button and Close Button.

5. How to Open a Shared Folder / How to transfer files on the network

Left Click Start or Press Win Key + R
 Type: \\192.168.X.X then Press Enter.
 Double-click Shared Folder then Copy and Paste.

6. How to Share a Printer to a network

Left Click Start
 Click Devices and Printers
 Right click the Printer Name and click Printer Properties
 Click Sharing Tab and Click Share this Printer and OK.

7. How to Install a Networked Printer

Left Click Start or Press Win Key + R
 Type: ping 192.168.X.X –t then Press Enter
 Double-click Shared Printer.
 Check if the printer you’ve install is in the list.

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