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In Freud’s there are three parts to the personality superego, ego and id where your superego is your
goal of your life what you want to do that makes right in view and also presents your conscience viewing
what is considered wrong, id is your pleasure or ideas that all of your needs should be met immediately
and last is your ego is yourself making decisions and facing consequence.

Well I also have my own goals and desires or wants, my goal is to graduate and have a job to help my
family but having this is hard because of my wants or my selfishness without knowing the outcome that
can be sometimes a hindrance of my goals in life.

Sociology is the study of human behavior in society and we are products of our environment because it
influences the way we think and act like in our family, friends, and media and also in films or movie.

I grow up having a broken family where my father isn’t there for me always in my side I lived with my
mother and the result is that I am shy and always get gossips that I am a gay which is not but because of
my movements and socializing with other people and also I have more friends that are girls than boys
because in our house I am the only boy.

Anthropology is a study of human societies and cultures or beliefs that may contribute a lot to one self.

I have live where I have one belief that makes me improved myself to be a better person and living place
having a culture that is good just like in this picture we Filipinos has close family ties because in other
places doesn’t care about other family because some sends their old people in home for the aged but us
Filipinos we take care of our old people.
The false and true self, a person can be good or evil and is shaped by ones culture. The true self can be
good and bad because you are being true to yourself showing your true identity knowing that it can also
affect or hurt other people. On the other hand is the false self where you are a pretender just to be liked
by other person or not showing your true self but it can be also lead to good doings for example myself
when I have a friend that really needs my help even if I am already tired. I don’t show my tiredness
because he or she is my friend that needs me.


Nickname: TON



Birthday: NOVEMBER 17, 1999




In the past they call me short, fat, piglet, big eyes and etc. that are negative; I got some bad description
about myself from others and it put me down and it always repeats in my mind the question why I am
like this and because of that I don’t really have confidence of myself in class and when also in sports, I
really don’t participate at all but now I realized that I am very lucky and very thankful of what I have
right now because when I got to see other people that don’t have their complete body like they don’t
have arms or legs still they are happy they go on because their also thankful to their life that they got
even without having it complete. I completely changed myself to be a happy person and to have
confidence of my life and I got to play sports without worrying about my physical self because everyone
of us has uniqueness.
In our generation we are too open minded that they give each other their selves to one another having
an early pregnancies without having the correct age and standards to be a parent. For me having a
relationship is not easy as a guy without disrespecting others you should treat your girl not by showing
your love through having sex and doesn’t have yet the right to showoff that you are being independent
that you don’t have to rely your money to spend for your love is from your parents, show your love by
having your relationship longer until your reach to the point that you get to marry her and giving both of
your partner your selves because for me giving your virginity is the sign of your love of each other that
you both have waited giving yourself to your true love.

In our report we showed it to our classmates through having a role play where I got to be the main
character of the story. In the story I was a rich man that I could buy everything that I see even though it
has no use of me because in the past I was so poor that I promised to myself that one day I could buy
those things to myself and with that eagerness I strived to be rich. After buying almost everything still
there is locking my parents. I realized that buying things can’t make me happy it is like I buy things
because of trends that society has even though It has no use owning things end up owning you.

In our life we have two appearance the physical and spirit it is connected. What we have inside is what
you have outside if you have weak spirit in you the same result you get in your physical it is like the spirit
is your subject and your physical is your object. Through spirit you can communicate directly to God and
I believed in that though we have different religions but we still have one creator which is Him and I also
believed that you can have an eternal life if you believe in Him though your physical vanished but still
your spirit goes on and enters the spirit world.
As a Filipino I am happy to belong in this group because we have traits like being family oriented we
likely to be intact in one place even though others have own family but still they loved to be as one not
like other country that they send their old people to the home for the aged because they are too busy to
care the old people and also ability to be flexible and adapt easily for example our ofws they easily adapt
the culture of others to survived because we Filipinos are known for a hardworking people.

In our generation technologies are improving we have smart phones, computer and etc. that can make
our life enjoying and not boring. I am also a user of this and I really enjoy it gives me entertainment and
got addicted. I realized that too much technology or internet can destroy you because there are bad
sides of this media if you use it in a wrong way just like cyber bullying they become untouchable because
of internet they hurt people not by physically but emotionally which is more painful through sharing a
post of persons life that can hurt him or her.

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