Effect of The Auricular Acupoint Associated With Physical Exercise in Elderly People: A Randomized Clinical Test

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J Acupunct Meridian Stud 2018;11(4):137e144

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Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian Studies

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Research Article

Effect of the Auricular Acupoint Associated

with Physical Exercise in Elderly People: A
Randomized Clinical Test
Rogéria Gonçalves de Carvalho Fonseca 1, Andréia Maria Silva 2,
Luiza Faria Teixeira 3, Valéria Regina Silva 4,
Luciana Maria dos Reis 2, Adriana Teresa Silva Santos 2,*

Physiotherapist e Vale do Sapucaı´ University (UNIVÁS), Pouso Alegre MG, Brazil
Physiotherapy, Department of Physical Therapy of the Federal University of Alfenas,
Alfenas MG, Brazil
Physiotherapy, Department of Physical Therapy of the Vale Do Sapucaı´ University (UNIVÁS),
Pouso Alegre MG, Brazil
Physical Education Course Teacher e José do Rosário Vellano University (UNIFENAS),
Alfenas MG, Brazil
Available online 16 May 2018

Received: Jan 23, 2018 Abstract

Revised: Apr 25, 2018 Objective: To analyze the effect of auricular acupoint associated with physical exercise on
Accepted: May 4, 2018 balance, mobility, and fear of falling in the elderly.
Method: The study is characterized as a clinical, controlled, and randomized trial with 22
KEYWORDS elderly people divided into two groups: kinesiotherapy group (n Z 11) and kinesiother-
aging; apy/auriculotherapy group (n Z 11). The instruments used for evaluation were Falls Ef-
auriculotherapy; ficacy Scale International; Berg Balance Scale, and Timed up and Go Test. The
balance; intervention was performed with frequency 2/week for 8 weeks. In the kinesiother-
elderly; apy/auriculotherapy group, in addition to kinesiotherapy, auriculotherapy was applied
falls; in specific acupoints. The ShapiroeWilk test was used to determine the normality of
rehabilitation the data, and for comparison, analysis of variance was used for repeated measures of
two factors.

* Corresponding author. Universidade Federal de Alfenas, Endereço: Avenida Jovino Fernandes Sales, 2600, Alfenas, MG, CEP-37132-038,
E-mail: adrianat.silva@yahoo.com.br (A.T. Silva Santos).
pISSN 2005-2901 eISSN 2093-8152
ª 2018 Medical Association of Pharmacopuncture Institute, Publishing services by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC
BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
138 R.G. de Carvalho Fonseca et al.

Results: There was a significant intragroup reduction for the Timed up and Go Test
(p Z 0.00) and Falls Efficacy Scale International (p Z 0.00), and significant intragroup
Berg Balance Scale (p Z 0.00) for both groups.
Conclusion: The auricular acupoint did not influence the balance, mobility, and fear of
falling in the elderly studied.

1. Introduction and immune functions as well as protecting cells and

inhibiting apoptosis and anti-oxidative stress [13,14]. In
The elderly face numerous limitations, with an increase studies in humans, the application of acupuncture was able
in life expectancy, negatively affecting the quality of life to influence postural balance in healthy individuals [15] and
and overall health status [1]. Decreased mobility and bal- improve postural control in the elderly [3].
ance associated with fear of falling can lead to functional Among the alternative and complementary health ther-
decline in the elderly community [2]. apies, auriculotherapy stands out, which can be defined as
Falling in the elderly has become one of the major a system of diagnosis and treatment based on the regula-
public health problems because of increased morbidity, tion of the dysfunctions that affect the body, stimulating
mortality, and costs for the family and for society [1,3]. In points located in the ear. These points are called acupoints
Brazil, the systematic review, carried out between 2003 and when stimulated produce biochemical and functional
and 2012, highlights a high prevalence and incidence of responses to treat various physical and mental diseases
falls in institutionalized elderly people and in the com- [16e19].
munity; falls are considered multifactorial, recurrent, and It has been shown by some researchers that dermal
often underestimated by the elderly, representing a sig- stimulation of various parts of the body activate respective
nificant risk of death or disabling for activities of daily areas of the cerebral cortex [20], modifications in elec-
living [4]. The main risk factors for falls in this population troencephalographic patterns [21], hemodynamic changes
are related to functional limitation, previous history of observed by functional resonance [22] after application of
falls, increased age, muscle weakness, use of psychotropic acupuncture at specific points of the body, and also mod-
medications, environmental risks, and sensory deficits ulations of neurotransmitter responses [23].
[2,5,6]. To date, there is much scientific evidence on the effect
The aging process compromises the ability of the central of physical exercise to slow down the aging process
nervous system to process sensory information from the [24,25]. However, there is little evidence about the effect
vestibular, visual, and somatosensory systems, responsible of auriculotherapy for improved balance [3] being
for maintaining balance and decreasing the capacity of observed in studies with scalp acupuncture in stroke pa-
adaptive reactions, thus limiting the elderly person’s ac- tients [26], as well as improved performance and recovery
tivities of daily life [7]. To prevent falls, it is necessary to after exercise [27]. Until this day, existing research has
have good conditions to receive afferent information used auriculotherapy, systemic acupuncture, and physical
(vestibular, visual, and somatosensory systems) and exercise in an isolated form, and in some studies, the
efferent information (muscles) to maintain balance; one of authors highlight the small sample size with inconsistent
the means capable of stimulating this information is the results [3,10,15].
practice of physical exercises [7]. Thus, the objective of this study was to investigate the
Inactivity is a strong predictor of physical disability in effect of auricular acupoint associated with physical exer-
the elderly; however, longitudinal studies suggest that cise on balance, mobility, and fear of falling in the elderly.
regular physical activity is associated with reduced mor-
tality and prevents or improves the underlying conditions of 2. Methodology
disability in the elderly, including falls, hip fractures, car-
diovascular disease, and diabetes [8,9,10].
The American College of Sports Medicine’s position 2.1. Study design
states that participation in regular physical activity causes
a number of favorable responses that contribute to healthy This study is characterized by a randomized controlled
aging [11]. In this sense, physical exercise has demon- clinical trial. All participants agreed to participate in the
strated its beneficial effects such as reduced frailty, num- study by signing the free and informed consent term
ber of falls, decreased cognitive function, decreased following the guidelines of National Health Code of the
cardiac and pulmonary function, decreased physical func- Resolution 466/12 with the approval of the Ethics and
tion such as balance, gait, and mobility, and decreased Research Committee of the Vale do Sapucaı́ University under
muscle power and functional capacity [12]. the 39554314.7.0000.5102.
On the other hand, there are alternative and comple-
mentary health therapies that can also aid in healthy aging 2.2. Sample
[13,14]. Experimental studies in rats that used acupuncture
were able to slow down the aging process by regulating the The participant recruitment occurred between the
expression of various genes by strengthening inflammatory period November 2014 and April 2015. Seventy-two elderly
Acupoint Associated with Physical Exercise in the Elderly: A Randomized Clinical Test 139

community members were recruited from the primary based on an individual’s ability to perform each task inde-
health-care unit of a city in the south of Minas Gerais and pendently and meet certain time or distance requirements.
were invited to participate in the study. From this Each item of the test is subdivided into five alternatives
recruitment, 50 elderly people did not meet the inclusion with a score of 0 to 4. The total score is 56 points and
criteria: the elderly of both genders aged over 60 years, minimum zero, and the higher the score the better the
practicing physical activity (twice a week during an hour), result [29]. This scale indicates significantly high intra-
with a history of at least one fall in the last year, and with observer and interobserver correlations for all components
preserved visual and auditory acuity. Also excluded were [29].
the elderly with disabling musculoskeletal and neurolog-
ical conditions and cognitive deficits (analyzed by the 2.3.2. Timed Up and Go
Mini-Mental State Test).Twenty-two elderly people of the The Timed Up and Go (TUG) assesses functional mobility
community remained in the study and were randomized through sitting balance, transfers from sitting to standing
blindly (using the Randomizer programdwww.random. position, stability in walking, and gait changes without
org) and allocated to two groups: intervention using compensatory strategies [30]. The execution time is
groupdkinesiotherapy/auriculotherapy group (KAG, the determining factor of the test: time less than 10 sec-
n Z 11) and control groupdkinesiotherapy group (KG, onds, there is a risk of minimum drop; time between 10 and
n Z 11). There was a sample loss of one elderly person 20 seconds presents a slight impairment of mobility but are
in KAG due to a prescheduled varicose vein removal generally independent; and duration of 20 seconds or more
surgery. See the Fig. 1. is indicative of postural instability and high risk of falls [30].
The TUG is a safe instrument with good reproducibility for
2.3. Evaluation and revaluation instruments physical performance measurement for hospitalized elderly
2.3.1. Berg’s balance scale
This instrument evaluates the balancing ability in 14 2.3.3. Falls efficacy Scale-International Brazil
different situations, for example: lift, sit, rotate around The Falls Efficacy Scale-International Brazil (FES-I Brazil)
themselves, load transfer forward and sideways, and pick- is a possible test indicator of fall occurrence [32]. It eval-
ing up an object from the ground, among others, in uates the concern of the possibility of falls in the accom-
different situations of support base layout [28]. Scoring is plishment of 16 daily activities, graduated from one to four.

Population of
n= 72

Excluded n= 50
volunteers because
they did not meet the
inclusion criteria

Eligible and agreed to

participate in the
n= 22

Randomization by draw

n= 11, were selected for n= 11 were selected for

the control group the intervention group

1 participant was
excluded due to
vascular surgery

Figure 1 Study design and CONSORT diagram showing the flow of participants.
140 R.G. de Carvalho Fonseca et al.

The total score may range from 16 (no concern) to 64 recommendations of the standards according to STRICTA
(extreme worry) [32]. Points above or equal to 23 are [36] (Table 2).
associated with sporadic falls and above 31, recurrent falls. The application of auriculotherapy was initiated at the
The items on the scale have adequate internal consistency Shenmen point, followed by the kidney and then the sym-
and intra- and inter-rater reliability [32]. pathetic point, which are considered points that initiate
any program of auriculartherapy [34]. Subsequently, other
points were applied: subcortex, inner ear, forehead, and
3. Intervention occipital because they are points indicated for changes in
balance [34].
3.1. Kinesiology group The intervention was performed frequently twice a
week, lasting 1 hour and 40 minutes, totaling 8 weeks.
The intervention was performed twice a week, with a
total duration of 1 hour for 8 weeks. All exercises were 4. Statistical analysis
performed at a moderate intensity. The protocol that was
used followed all the recommendations established by the The descriptive data were used to characterize the
American College of Medicine and Sports for healthy elderly sample, presented in mean, standard deviation, and per-
people, which included aerobic exercises, strengthening centage. The ShapiroeWilk test was used to determine the
exercises, flexibility, and static and dynamic balance ex- normality of the data. Then, the two-way repeated mea-
ercises [33]. Static balance exercises were carried out with sure analysis of variance test and independent t test were
the eyes open for five sessions and then with eyes closed, applied. All analyses were performed by the SPSS statistical
initially on a stable surface, also for five sessions and then software (version 20.0), and the significance level was 5%.
on unstable surfaces without external disturbances Table 1. The power of the sample used was 95% and a Z 0.05. The
GPower 3.1.7 sofware (Franz Faut, Universitat Kiel Ger-
3.2. Kinesiotherapy/auriculotherapy group many, 2008) was used for analyses.

The KAG first received the intervention with kinesi- 5. Results

otherapy and rested for 20 minutes, and soon after that,
the auricular acupuncture was applied. For the application Table 3 describes the anthropometric variables analyzed
of auriculotherapy, the asepsis of the ear was performed in the study, and it is noted that there is no statistical
with alcohol 70% and the mustard seed was applied in the difference between the variables (p > 0.05), showing them
acupoint mentioned in the table below [34]. The elderly to be similar.
were oriented to stimulate the acupoints 5 times a day, for Table 4 describes the intergroup and intragroup com-
1 minute on each point, and for each application, the ear parison of the studied variables. There was statistically
was alternated weekly [35] The type of acupuncture chosen difference before and after intragroup and intergroup in-
was Chinese and the application was performed by a pro- terventions there was no difference. In the TUG and FES-I
fessional with 8 years of experience with the technique. Brazil tests, there was a decrease in both the execution
The application with auriculotherapy followed all the time and the scale score; for the Berg balance test, there

Table 1 Description of the kinesiotherapy group protocol.

Types of exercises Muscle group Series/repetitions Description of each exercise
Warm up e e Walk with upper limb movementd5 minutes
Active stretching Flexion/extension/abduction/ 3 30 seconds
adduction shoulders
adduction hips
Flexion/extension knees
Dorsiflexion/ankle flexion
Isotonic strengthening Flexion/extension/abduction/ 3/15 e
adduction shoulders
adduction hips
Flexion/extension knees
Dorsiflexion/ankle flexion
Static balance e 3 Bipodal supportd2 minutes
One-leg support with extended kneed2 minutes
Unipodal support flexed kneed2 minutes
One-leg knee support flexed on tiptoed1 minutes
Dynamic exercise e 3 Walk in zig zagd2 minutes
Acupoint Associated with Physical Exercise in the Elderly: A Randomized Clinical Test 141

prescription of medications, prevention of cognitive

Table 2 Location of auricular acupoints the according to
decline, reduction in the frequency of falls, and improve-
Souza [34].
ment of self-esteem [42].
Auricular Location of points Although no intergroup difference has been observed,
acupoints some studies show that acupuncture is able to retard the
Shenmen Point located at the vertex of the angle effects of aging [43], improve postworkout performance
formed by the lower root and the upper root and recovery and restore Qi from the body promoting en-
of the antihelix. ergy balance [44,45]. The stimulation of specific acupoints
Simpatico Point located in the middle of the lower evoke responses in various areas of the central and pe-
root below the helix membrane. ripheral nervous system [46], such as remodeling the ar-
Kidney Point located in the cimba shell, next to the chitecture of the neural networks of any motor system as
junction of this with the inferior root of the well as improving the connection between the cerebellum
antihelix, in the same line of the point and primary sensory motor cortex and facial nerve recovery
shenmen. [47].
Subcortex Point located in the upward curve towards In this study, physical activity was emphasized for lower
the apex of the antitrago, on the upper limbs and balance training, this is justified on the basis of
edge of the shell. scientific evidence pointing to a reduction of muscle mass
Internal ear Located at the lower edge of the lobe, 2 mm from 30 to 50% between 40 and 80 years [48,49], being
from the throatetonsil point higher in the lower limbs than in the upper limbs [50,51]. In
Front Located about 2 mm above and 1 mm next addition, according to Ikezoe [49], there is also a reduction
to the upper palate point in a straight line, in neural processing, vestibular excitability, vision sensi-
connecting the throat, eye and mouth tivity, and proprioceptive sensors that contribute to inse-
points. curity and fear of falling [52].
Occipital Located 2 mm from the point of allergy, Mobility is related to balance, gait velocity, and func-
1 mm from the anti-gore limit with the anti- tional capacity, being predictive factors for fall [53]. In
helix the present study, after the intervention, there was a
reduction in the response time analyzed by the TUG test in
both groups; however, the participants in the preassess-
ment presented values less than 10 seconds, indicating
was an increase in the scale score. That is, the two in- that they were already considered independent regarding
terventions influenced the physical functional data of the mobility.
elderly, but only within the same groups. Regarding the Berg balance test, it was observed that
both groups presented minimal risk of falls. After the
intervention, there was an increase in the intragroup score.
6. Discussion This result may be related to the low sensitivity of the test
for the study participants because it is a predictor of risk of
The main finding of this study was that auricular acu- falling, but not very sensitive to detect changes in elderly
point did not promote changes in the studied variables. exercise practitioners [54].
However, there was improvement in intragroup variables. The FES-I Brazil test indicated in the present study that
Responses are justified because of the fact that regular both groups presented in the preassessment a sporadic risk
practice of physical exercise is capable of promoting of falls, with a reduction in mean values after the inter-
physiological adaptation of the body [37]. Several studies vention. This result can be justified as a result of partici-
have highlighted the beneficial effects of physical exercise pants already practicing physical activity.
such as improved cardiovascular [38], musculoskeletal [39], The exercise protocol for the kinesiotherapy group fol-
and sensorimotor conditioning, decreased body fat [40], lowed all the recommendations established by the Amer-
improved bone density, functional capacity [41], and pre- ican College of Medicine and Sport in accordance with the
vention of osteoporosis [40]. Even after 65 years, physical proposal of this study. However, the authors describe that
activity favors longevity, reduction in mortality rate, no physical activity will disrupt the biological aging

Table 3 Analysis of the anthropometric variables.

Variable KG KAG p*
Age (year) (CI) 69.36  7.0 (64.77e73.95) 67.8  3.19 (65.51e70.08) 0.51
Sex (%)
Male 30 20 e
Female 70 80 e
BMI (Kg/m2) (CI) 27.9  3.93 (25.26e30.55) 26.9  4.0 (24.11e26.69) 0.56
Mental state examination (CI) 21,54  2.91 (19.59e23.50) 22.40  2.79 (20.39e24.40) 0.50
BMI, body mass index; CI Z confidence interval; KAG Z kinesiotherapy/auriculotherapy group; KG Z kinesiotherapy group.
*Independent t test.
142 R.G. de Carvalho Fonseca et al.

Table 4 Intragroup and intergroup comparison of the studied variables.

Variables KG (n Z 11) KAG Intergroups
Before After Before After
(95% CI) (95% CI) Before/after Before/after d d power
(pa) Groups (pa)
TUG 9.72  2.19 7.45  1.12 9.00  1.63 7.90  1.59 0.00* 0.12 0.90 0.97
(8.25e11.20) (6.69e8.21) (7.83e10.16) (6.75e9.04)
FES-I Brasil 27.54  11.15 21.81  8.91 26.20  6.49 19.50  2.50 0.00* 0.66 3.24 1.00
(20.05-35.04) (15.82e27.81) (21.55e30.84) (17.70e21.29)
EEBerg 50.45  4.56 55.00  1.34 52.30  3.77 55.10  1.59 0.00* 0.31 1.9 1.00
(47.38e53.52) (54.09e55.90) (49.60e54.99) (53.95e56.24)
ANOVA, analysis of variance; CI Z confidence interval; d Z effect size; EEBerg Z Berg balance scale; FES-I Brazil Z Falls Efficacy Scale-
International Brazil; KAG Z kinesiotherapy/auriculotherapy group; KG Z kinesiotherapy group; power Z sample power; TUG Z Time
Up Go.
*p  0.05.
Repeated measure ANOVA tests.

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