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1 Vocabulary extension

Musical instruments
1   1   Write the names of the musical instruments. Listen and check.

accordion ​bagpipes ​
clarinet ​
cymbals ​double bass ​flute ​
French horn ​keyboard ​mandolin ​tambourine ​trombone ​xylophone

1 double bass 5 9
2 6 10
3 7 11
4 8 12



11 12


2 Answer the questions.

Which instruments ...
1 are part of an orchestra? clarinet,
2 are wind instruments?
3 are percussion instruments?
4 can you play?
5 do you want to learn to play?

CHAMPIONS Level 2  Unit 1 Printable © Oxford University Press 2015

1 Vocabulary extension

Quantities of food and drink

1   2   Look at the pictures and complete the expressions with the words in the box. Listen and check.

bread biscuits ​ cake ​ carrots ​ chocolates ​

cola orange juice ​
milk ​olive oil ​pizza ​sugar ​water

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12

1 a loaf of bread 5 a bunch of 9 a jug of

2 a slice of 6 a carton of 10 a box of
3 a piece of 7 a glass of 11 a bottle of
4 a packet of 8 a can of 12 a spoonful of

Food preparation
2   3   Match the pictures with the verbs in the box. Listen and check.

beat  ​chop  ​grate   ​mix  ​peel  ​slice  ​spread  ​stir

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

3 Write the food words in the box next to the correct words.
apples ​bread ​butter ​cake ​carrots ​cream  ​eggs ​
jam ​
red peppers courgettes

1 beat: eggs , 4 slice: ,

2 chop: , 5 spread: ,
3 peel: ,

CHAMPIONS Level 2  Unit 2 Printable © Oxford University Press 2015

3 Vocabulary extension

Places around town

1   4   Complete the words for places around town. Listen and check.

1 b u t c h e r ’ s 2 s 3 b  

4 f ’ 5 m 6 n ’

Giving directions
2   5   Match the words with the pictures. Listen and check.

crossroads ​bridge ​level crossing ​​T-junction ​
traffic lights  tunnel ​turning on right ​zebra crossing

1 crossroads 2 3

4 5 6

7 8

CHAMPIONS Level 2  Unit 3 Printable © Oxford University Press 2015

4 Vocabulary extension

1   6   Complete the phrases with the words in the box. Listen and check.

the car ​the dog ​the floor ​the washing  ​the windows ​the vacuuming

1 clean the windows 2 sweep

3 do 4 take for a walk

5 hang out 6 wash

Things to help with housework

2   7   Read the sentences and write the words. Listen and check.

broom ​carpet brush ​duster ​dustbin bag ​dustpan 
​feather duster ​furniture polish ​iron ​ironing board
  ​sink ​tea towel ​rubbish bin ​washing-up liquid

1 I’m helping mum do the washing up.

2 Mum usually does the dusting on Saturday.

3 Dad is doing the ironing.

4 Jake is taking out the rubbish.

5 We’re sweeping the floor.

CHAMPIONS Level 2  Unit 4 Printable © Oxford University Press 2015

5 Vocabulary extension

1   8   Match the adjectives to the pictures. Listen and check.

ambitious ​
artistic ​
cheerful ​
dishonest ​ generous ​
impatient ​nosy ​
optimistic ​rude ​self-assured  ​silly ​solemn

1 self-assured 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12

2 Complete the sentences with the adjectives in the box.

honest ​mean  ​miserable ​pessimistic ​polite ​relaxed ​sensible

He’s never happy. I don’t know why he’s always miserable .

1 Mark never pays when we go out. He’s .
2 Tim always says ‘please’ and ‘thank you’. He’s very .
3 Helen never cheats during tests. She’s an person.
4 Katy thinks everything is bad. She’s very .
5 Chloe never does silly things. She’s really .
6 Nick is very . He’s very patient and calm.

3 Match the adjectives in exercise 2 with their opposites from exercise 1.

relaxed impatient
1 pessimistic
2 miserable
3 mean
4 polite
5 honest
6 sensible

CHAMPIONS Level 2  Unit 5 Printable © Oxford University Press 2015

6 Vocabulary extension

The weather and natural disasters

1   9   Match the words to the pictures. Listen and check.

drought ​flood  ​hurricane ​storm  tornado ​​volcano

1 hurricane 2 3

4 5 6

2 Complete the sentences with the adjectives in the box.

dry ​changeable ​humid ​overcast  ​stormy ​wet

There’s thunder and lightning. It’s very stormy .

1 It was sunny, then cloudy and now it’s raining. The weather is very .
2 It’s very in deserts
3 The rainy season in India is between July and October. It’s very and
4 It’s very cloudy and the sky is grey and .

3 Put the words into the correct column.

balmy ​fair  ​foul ​glorious  ​lovely ​miserable ​unpredictable

Good weather Bad weather

lovely foul

CHAMPIONS Level 2  Unit 6 Printable © Oxford University Press 2015

Vocabulary extension

Answer key Unit 4

Unit 1 1 2 the floor
3 the vacuuming
1 2 bagpipes
4 the dog
3 cymbals
5 the washing
4 accordion
6 the car
5 flute
2 1 tea towel, washing-up liquid
6 French horn
2 iron, ironing board
7 keyboard
3 rubbish bin, dustbin bag
8 tambourine
4 dustpan, broom, carpet brush
9 clarinet
10 trombone Unit 5
11 mandolin
12 xylophone
1 2 cheerful
2 1 clarinet, cymbals, double bass, flute, French horn,
3 generous
4 impatient
2 French horn, accordion, bagpipes, clarinet, flute, 5 rude
6 silly
3 tambourine, cymbals, xylophone 7 dishonest
4, 5  Students’ own answers 8 optimistic
9 artistic
Unit 2 10 solemn
11 ambitious
1 2 pizza 12 nosy
3 cake 2 1  mean  2  polite  3  honest  4  pessimistic 
4 biscuits 5  sensible  6  relaxed
5 carrots 3 1 optimistic
6 orange juice 2 cheerful
7 milk 3 generous
8 cola 4 rude
9 water 5 dishonest
10 chocolates 6 silly
11 olive oil
12 sugar Unit 6
2 2  grate  3  chop  4  beat  5  spread 
6  peel  7  stir  8  slice
1 2 tornado
3 [suggested answers] 3 flood
1 beat: cream 4 storm
2 chop: carrots, red peppers 5 volcano
3 peel: apples, courgettes 6 drought
4 slice: bread, cake 2 1  changeable  2  dry  3  wet, humid  4  overcast
5 spread: butter, jam 3 Good weather: glorious, balmy, fair
Bad weather: unpredictable, miserable
Unit 3
1 2 supermarket
3 book shop
4 florist’s
5 market
6 newsagent’s
2 2 traffic lights
3 zebra crossing
4 tunnel
5 bridge
6 turning on right
7 level crossing
8 T-junction

CHAMPIONS Level 2  Answer key Printable © Oxford University Press 2015

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