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VERSION 2: September 2018

WORKSHOP 1 School Year: 2018 – 2019.

Teacher: Luwi Steve Ortega Subject: English Grade: Eleventh Term: First Month: August - September
Date grade A: Class Number Date grade B Class Number
2 4 7 9 12 2 4 7 9 12
22 24 27 29 31 03 05 07 1 6 11 22 27 28 29 03 04 05 10 1 6 11
3 5 8 10 13 3 5 8 10 13


CLASSWORK: ☺ It is a good idea

to read carefully the
Thinking Routine:
Provoking questions: questions given in the whole paper before doing each
Let’s answer orally, you exercise.
can take some notes to ☺ Underline the key words in each statement so you
organize what you are know what information you need to look for.
going to say:
☺ Read the text and look for words and phrases in the
➔ How important is text that are similar to the word you underlined in each
colour to you? Can you imagine living without it? What do
the colours red, yellow, and blue mean to you?
☺ The statements are in the same order as the
➔ Do you agree that colour has a powerful effect on people? information in the text.
Why? / Why not?
☺ Read the questions before you read the text. This will
➔ Do a class survey to find the most popular colour.
help you know what information you need to look for.
➔ Are attractive people happier, wealthier and healthier? Why ☺ Always read carefully and go slowly. You can
/ Why not?
underline important information to help you.
➔ It is ever a good idea to lie to a friend or should always tell ☺ Don’t worry if you don’t know a word. Just keep going.
the truth? Why? / why not?
☺ Always read the complete question and all of the
➔ Do you think it’s important to keep in touch with old friends?
possible answers before choosing one, because your
Why? / why not?
first idea may be wrong.

Skimming, Scanning and Intensive Reading:

☺ If you are not sure how to answer a question, first
eliminate the answers you know are wrong. Then
guess. Never leave a question blank.

 With multiple
choice questions,
read the main part of the question first and underline
the key words.

 Then, find the section of the text which corresponds

to the main part of each question and mark it.
 Finally, read the options carefully and check them
against the sections of the text you marked to find the
correct answer.
✓ First, read all the text to Then read each paragraph carefully, one at a time.
find out the topic and to get the What is each paragraph about? What information
general meaning. does the writer want you to know? Tyr to answer
✓ Then go back and read each sentence with a gap these questions before you read the next paragraph.
carefully. Make sure you read the complete sentence. Use the title and any headings in the text to help you.
Think about the type of word that could fit in each gap.
✓ Read the options. Then read the sentence again with
each option in the gap. Which word fits the best?
© “The power of Colour”: Close – Up B1+ Book.
✓ Be careful and write the correct option on the paper.
Pages 6 and 7. From Exercises A to E.
Go back and check again.
Read the text quickly to
© Vocabulary Practice: Close – Up B1+ Book.
find out what kind of text it is, e.g. Page 8. From Exercises A to C.

a review, a notice, a letter, etc. and type of information © PET READING PRACTICE: https://flo-

it has in it.

 Use:

➢ Close – Up B1+ Book. Page 9. From Exercises A to D. ➢ Present simple or present continuous? Change the verb

➢ Correct each sentence or question. if it is wrong.

a) I doesn’t likes this film. don’t like a) Are you having a motorbike?

b) What do you wants? b) I’m staying in a hotel near the sea.

c) Jim walk sometimes to school. c) I’d like to buy this coat. How much is it costing?

d) When the lesson begins? d) What you doing?

e) I don’t gets up early on Saturdays. e) I’m usually getting up at 6.00.

f) Tina not like computer games. f) This book is difficult. I’m not understanding it.

g) Figen watchs television every night. g) I watch a lot of TV every night.

h) Excuse me. Are you knowing the way to the museum?
➢ Put one word in each space. Contractions are one word.
a) What _______ you usually eat for lunch? ➢ Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs

b) George and Terry _______ speak Portuguese. They speak in brackets.

English. 1. My father _______ (read) the “Times” newspaper, but I

c) It’s 9.30 and the children _______ sitting at their desks. _______ (read) the “Guardian”.

d) Ken _______ like tea. In fact, he hates it. 2. Juan ________ (say) he _________ (do) a lot of fishing,

e) When it rains, _______ you take an umbrella? but he never _________ (catch) anything.
3. What __________ (you / watch) on the TV? I _________ ☺ How to do Part 2.
(watch) a programme about wildlife in the Artic.
 The questions will often use different words from the
4. I ___________ (not know) which train to catch.
recording, so think about synonyms and paraphrasing.
5. ¡Look! The bus _____________ (come)
 If you don’t hear the answer to one question, don’t worry
6. We usually ____________ (go) out to dinner on Saturday
about it. Keep focused or you could miss the answer to the
next. Remember you always get two chances to listen to the
7. I _________ (not understand) the sign over there. What
__________ (it / mean)?
8. Things __________ (fall) to the ground because of gravity.
 Before the recording starts, you get some time to read
through the instructions and questions, you should use this
9. We ___________ (paint) the flat at the moment.
to help you focus on and understand what you are likely to
10. Paul ___________ (live) in Hastings and _________
(work) as a civil engineer.
11. Why _______________ (that machine / not / work) now? ☺ How to do Part 3.

12. The President of the USA ___________ (not / live) in New  When deciding on the answer, there are certain things you
York. will need to remember or do:
13. Why ___________ (you / wait) outside the door?  The words you write will always be the same as you hear
14. This is a great party. I ___________ (have) a lovely time. on the recording. However, the words around the spaces
15. Sorry, Mary can’t speak to you. She ___________ (wash) may be different, so make sure you are ready to listen for
her hair. paraphrased texts.
16. That can’t be right! I __________ (not / believe) it!
 Guess what kind of words you need to listen for. For
17. My nephew is a great cook! This cake ___________ (taste)
example, is it a verb, noun, adjective, adverb that is
missing? Is it a place name, address, location, number,
18. Where ___________ (you / go)? I haven’t finished talking
amount, or activity that’s missing?
to you.
☺ How to do Part 4.
19. I ____________ (not / take) the bus to school today.
20. Sophia _______ (prepare) a sandwich for herself at the
 When deciding on the answer, there are certain things you
will need to remember or do:
moment, but I _________ (prefer) to eat salads.
 Read the instructions first. They will tell you who the
speakers are and what they will talk about.

CLASSWORK: tips for PET listening:

 Listen carefully to what both speakers say. They will give
their opinions and agree or disagree with each other.
 Try turning them into yes/no questions. For example, “Was
☺ How to do Part 1
the festival better than Jack expected it to be?”, “Did Helen
 When deciding the answer, there are certain things you will buy her ticket for the festival in advance?”
need to remember or do:
 Always read the question carefully and look at the pictures
before you listen. HOMEWORK: Remember to take notes while you’re

 Know the answers can be at the start, middle or end of each listening.

recording. They might try to trick you by putting what could ➔
be the answer at the start, when the key information is at ml
the end.
➔ Close – Up B1 Book. Page 10. From Exercises A to D.
 You might need to listen for a lot of information, or
sometimes only one small detail. If a picture is quite
detailed, then you will have to pay extra attention to the
 Interact with the other candidate. Not everyone can get top
marks for grammar, vocabulary or pronunciation, but there's

 At the start of the exam you will need to talk about yourself, no reason not to get a 5 for 'interactive communication'. This

people you know and places you go. mark is for initiating conversation, responding to what your
partner has said, and trying to move the discussion towards
 Think about the things in your life you could talk about
an outcome.
before the exam. This will help you feel less nervous.
 Try not to give short answers so think of extra information,
 Acknowledge something the other candidate has said and
develop it – just like a conversation in the real world. Try to
descriptions or reasons you could include too.
avoid just giving stock phrases like "I agree with you" and
Tricks to help you feel confident then moving onto a different topic. Say why you agree (or
 While you're waiting to go in, speak English to the people disagree) and discuss the point. For example, 'That's what
waiting with you. That way you're not going in "cold" – I think too because…'. You can ask the other candidate why
suddenly having to switch from your own language to they have that opinion too.
English. Think of it like doing warm up stretches before  ¡Be yourself! It's OK to make jokes or use humour. Just
going for a run because it's an exam doesn't mean everything you say has
 Forget about grammar and vocabulary today. Concentrate to be super serious. If your personality comes across, then
on answering the questions, listening to the instructions and it means the examiner is more likely to think of you as
your partner (for tasks where you have to interact with someone who expresses themselves well in English.
another student). If you've been studying for the exam for HOMEWORK: Answer in a long way these questions
months beforehand, you know all the grammar and from the list
vocabulary you're going to know. ¡So, there’s no point 1) Do you use social networking sites a lot? Why / Why not?
worrying about that on the day of the exam! 2) What are some of the things that your family usually do
 If you make a mistake, correct it and move on. Don't let it together?
interfere with your fluency. You get marked down for 3) What are your plans for the future?
hesitation and long pauses. But, correcting your mistakes, 4) What kind of clothes do you like to wear?
or even, asking the examiner or the other candidate to 5) How do you usually celebrate your birthday?
repeat or clarify something can gain you marks. It's called a 6) Could you describe your house/flat and the rooms in it?
'repair strategy' and it's a sign of good communication skills. 7) What kind of weather do you like the most/the least? Why?
8) What do you normally have for your breakfast / lunch /
Tricks for success in the exam
 ¡Be interesting! Remember the examiner has been going
9) How important is sport in your family?
through the same routine all day and he or she is bored.
10) What are your favourite TV programmes and why?
There are standard questions at the beginning of the exam
11) What are your favourite places for going out?
about where you live, your free time and school subjects,
12) What kind of holiday do you prefer and why?
for example. The examiner has probably heard the same
13) What do you like doing when you are on holiday?
answers all morning. If you're taking the exam in your own
14) Tell me how you imagine your life this time next year.
country, this is especially true as most candidates live in the
15) Tell me about the town where you live
same city. Before the exam, think of some interesting fact
16) Can you tell me about an object that is special for you? Why
about the place you live, or a hobby you have that is a bit
is it special?
different, or give an opinion about your school subject. Just
17) Where do you live? Tell me about your home
one or two sentences are enough to get the exam off to a
18) What is the best modern invention? Why?
good start.
o. We don’t go to _______ cinema very much these days. In fact, in _______ town where we live there isn’t _______
indefinite-articles/ cinema.
HOMEWORK p. Don’t stay in that hotel. _______ beds are very
➢ Close – Up B1+ Book. Pages 12. From Exercises A to F.
q. After I leave _______ school, I want to go to _______
➢ Use of English: Close – Up B1+ Book. Pages 13. From university.
Exercises A to D.

➢ Put in A / AN or THE. Sometimes you don’t need either

word, Write X.
Tips for writing well:
a. There was _______ waiter standing at _______ entrance of
✓ Be clear about your purpose
_______ restaurant. I ordered him _______ glass of
✓ Choose the appropriate style
_______ vodka with some juice in it.
✓ Start with a plan
b. There was _______ question I wanted to ask _______
✓ Write for readers, not yourself
biology teacher about _______ kangaroo. She had said
✓ Guide readers through what you write
_______ kangaroo carried her baby in _______ kind of bag
✓ Use passive verbs appropriately
in _______ front part of _______ her body. I wanted to know
how many baby kangaroos it could carry at _______ time.
c. “Is that your wife?” “No, my wife’s _______ woman in ➢ Close – Up B1+ Book. Pages 14 - 15. From Exercises A to
_______ red dress.” F.
d. I work with _______ man and two women. _______ man is
quite nice, but _______ Women are not very friendly.
e. What’s in _______ newspaper? making and designing a video or a play related to
f. Can you show me _______ that book, please?
Valentine’s day they have to make groups of 5 – 6 people
g. What’s _______ name of _______ woman in _______ blue
and start to plan and write the script.
h. _______ water turns into _______ ice at 0-degree C. EXAM:
i. I like _______ steak, but I don’t like _______ eggs.
j. She lives in _______ nice flat on _______ fifth floor of ☺ P.E.T: Reading
_______ old house. ☺ P.E.T ORAL TASK: Basic Questions.
k. It’s terrible - _______ eggs are $ 2 _______ dozen.
l. There was _______ boy and _______ girl in the room.
_______ boy was Japanese but _______ girl looked
foreign. She was wearing _______ fur coat.
m. This morning I bought _______ newspaper and _______
magazine. _______ Newspaper is in my bag but I don’t
know where _______ magazine is.
n. “Have you got _______ car?” “No, I’ve never had _______
car in my life.”

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