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Lesson Plan: 2/24/2019

Course: German I Teacher: Elizabeth Tyburski

Timing: 59 Minutes

Today learners can:
- Name & Recognize Germany’s neighboring countries
- Express which languages they speak, express what languages are spoken in various
- Express Nationalities

On Friday, we spent some time learning how to name nationalities, but I think students need
some clarification on what they are saying exactly (I am a German versus I’m German). We
are going to expand this lesson, and also tie in languages from Germany’s neighboring
countries, students’ home languages/other languages they learned, and some other European
languages, expanding outward from the original neighboring countries.

ACTFL Standards Met

Standard 4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through
comparisons of the language studied and their own.

Standard 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express
feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.

Materials and Set-Up

Materials & Set-Up for Lesson Plan Activities
Powerpoints, Laptop, Projector, Worksheets

Color Coding
Teacher Thinking
Guessed Student Responses

Neighboring Countries Nationalities
Which languages do you speak?

Timing Directions and Script
Teacher Thinking
4 min. Start Class: First I Guten Morgen, Klasse, Wie geht es euch?
greet the class, check [Good Morning, Class, How are you all?]
in with students how [Student Responses]
they are doing, and
[Appropriate Response to Student Responses]
then ask them about
the weather both here Und wie ist das Wetter heute hier in Ann Arbor?
(in Ann Arbor) and in [And how is the weather today, here in Ann Arbor?]
Germany. Students [Student Responses]
have enjoyed picking [Appropriate Response to Student Responses]
a German city to Und wir gucken jetzt auf das Wetter in Deutschland
search, and this keeps [and now we are going to search for the weather in
students sharp in Germany.]
terms of ability to
I will go to and project it:
express the weather.
It turns into multiple Welche Stadt soll ich suchen?
questions & a [Which city should I seek?]
conversation. [Student suggestion]
Search for the weather, ask: Wie ist das Wetter in (city’s
Note: Extra time name)? [How is the weather in (city’s name?)]
added to adjust for [Students interpret and tell me about the weather in the
announcements city.]
(approx. 2 minutes, Then I will read the Agenda:
but changes daily)

6 min. Warm-Up. Students Transition: If not passed out already, pass out warm up
have done well with a sheets (found at end of LP).
short, individual
written activity to Follow instructional protocol.
help them to get Written Student Instructions: Die Nachbarländer:
adjusted to the Woher kommen Sie? [The neighboring countries:
setting, so we where are you from?]
continue this today. We will be filling this chart out through the hour. First, I
would like you to fill in Germany’s Nachbarländer and
Worksheet: the nationalities (Er ist…/ Sie ist…). It’s okay if you
Countries, don’t know all of them. We will fill in the Sprachen
section later.
Languages, Feminine Luxemburg is filled in as an example.
and Masculine forms.
During this time I will be doing any possible set-up I
We will focus on the need to do and circulating to check in with how students
neighboring countries are doing.
to maintain a focus.
ASSESSMENT: How much do students remember?
Activity Type: Pair or
individual, written
10 min. Review the warm-up Transition: I project the sheet onto the board (using
as class: ladybug camera).
Go through the Okay, jetzt sprechen wir darüber. Am Freitag haben wir
answers, clarify that es auch gemacht, oder?
we don’t use [Okay, let’s talk about it now. We talked about this on
indefinite articles in Friday, right?]
Was sind die Nachbarländer?
Activity type: [What are the neighboring countries?]
Teacher type,
I write them in on the board as students tell them to me, I
will likely cold call here, at least at the beginning.

Once we have all the Nachbarländer written in, I will ask

about the nationalities. When students guess or answer
right, I will write in their answer. When they don’t I will
tell them what it is.

After the first one, I will ask: Wie heißt das auf Englisch?
[What does this mean in English?]

Student response option:

He is a Luxembourger.

Ja, genau. [Yes, exactly]

Do you notice a difference between the English and

There is an “a.”

Yes, in German. We do not use “a” here. Instead of

saying He is a Spaniard, we would say He is Spaniard.
However, this is still a noun here. Er ist Luxembourger
doesn’t mean He’s Luxembourgish, it means that He is a
Luxembourger. A man from Luxembourg.

Have you heard of when JFK said Ich bin ein Berliner?
The reason that’s wrong is because you don’t use ein,
which means a, with professions or where you are from.
You would just say Ich bin Berliner. Ein Berliner is a
type of donut, which is why some people think it is

I just want it to be clear to students that we are using

nouns and there is no use of indefinite articles here. I
may expand upon or edit this response as needed.
2-3 min. Introduce Unit: What Transition: Jetzt sprechen wir über Sprachen, was sind
does Sprachen mean? Sprachen? [Now we are going to talk about langauges,
Which languages do what are languages?]
you speak? [Student responses]
[Appropriate reply to student responses.]
They don’t have all
the vocabulary to Ich möchte wissen, welche Sprachen ihr spricht.
answer this (maybe),
but I want to tie my
students interests into I go on to ask several students:
this, since many of Welche Sprachen sprichst du?
them are multi- [Which languages do you speak?]
lingual (Eight are EL [Student Response]
students). [Appropriate Response to student response]

7 min. Welche Sprache Transition: Wir schauen jetzt einen kleinen Film, wo man
sprichts du? 0-2:30 über Sprachen spricht. Sie gehen in die Straßen und
fragen: Welche Sprachen sprechen sie?
Link to video found Sie sprechen mit vielen Leute.
below [We are now watching a short video, where they talk
about languages. The walk in the streets and ask: which
I think this is a fun & languages do you speak? They talk to lots of people.]
interesting video, and
want to use it at the Ihr sollt schreiben: Welche Sprachen hört ihr?
beginning to peak [You should write: Which langauges do you hear?]
students interest but
also because there are
I write this question on the board.
English subtitles. I
want students to hear
the new vocabulary in
context before we Schreibt es bitte auf. Ihr könnt auf der Ruckseite
dive into specific schreiben. [Please write these down. You can write on
patterns/formal the back. (I point to the warm-up sheet)]
In English: (if necessary): Please listen for languages
Activity type: you hear in this video. What languages are mentioned?
Listening, whole class
We will listen to the video (only until 2:30) I will ask
students about what languages they heard and write them
on the board as they say them, responding in German if
they say the English. We will rewatch the video and
listen for more languages the second time, then
LINK to 1st Languages Video:
LINK to Nachbarlaender w/ LANG (Neighboring Countries w/ lang.) PPT:

LINK to other (blue background) PPT:

8-10 min. I mentioned the Transition: Bring up Nachbarländer PPT (link found
languages spoken in above)
the neighboring
countries when I Okay, wir sprechen weiter über Nachbarländer und was
initially presented man da spricht. Füllt bitte dieses Arbeitsblatt aus.
them, but now we are [Okay, we are going to continue talking about
going to learn them. Neighboring countries and what languages are spoken
there. Fill this sheet out (shows worksheet to students,
First, we will start it’s the same one from warm-up).
with the languages of
the neighboring
For each, country ask:
countries. I will use
the same PowerPoint Welche Sprache oder Sprachen spricht man in diesem
from last week, I’ve Land? Was spricht man in __________?
just edited it to [Which language or languages do you speak in this
include languages . country? What do you speak in _______?]

Then we will go over [Student’s guess/answer.]

some other languages I reveal the slide with the languages once a student
(see 2nd PowerPoint, correctly guesses it.
blue background).
I’ve made sure to Ja, in diesem Land spricht man _________.
include all home [Yes in this country you speak__________.]
languages of my
students. I elaborate if necessary (where are these langauges
spoken in the country, etc.).

SWITCH to Blue Background PPT (link found above):

Wir sprechen über anderen Sprachen auch ein bisschen.
[We are going to talk about other languages a little too.]

For each language I will ask: Wie heißt das? Wo spricht

man das?
[What is this called? Where is in spoken?]

[student responses]

We will then do choral rehearsal of all the languages at

least twice. I’m given them a written list later today (part
of second worksheet).
3-4 min. Video: Deutsche Transition: Pull up Deutsche Welle video.
Welle (Link below, Okay, wir schauen jetzt ein kleines Video.
0:39 seconds) [Okay, we are going to watch a short video.]
Before we complete
the survey activity, I Ihr musst zwei Fragen antworten. Welche Sprachen
want students to see a spricht Nico? Welche Sprachen spricht die Frau? Ihr sollt
clear example of how
es am Ruckseite dieses Blatt schreiben.
their conversations
can go. [You need to answer two questions. Which langauges
does Nico speak? Which languages does the woman
speak? You should write it on the back of this sheet?]
This is not an
authentic text, but it
features native I write the previous questions on the board if I haven’t
speakers and directly done so already. I play the video once, check in with the
targets what we need. students, if they want we will listen one more time, and
It’s from Deutsche then answer the questions as a class.
ASSESSMENT: How well do students understand this
Activity: Listening clip?
Link to 2 Video (Deutsche Welle):

10 min. Class Survey: Welche Transition: Pass out sheets (found at end of document).
Sprache sprichst du? Jetzt sprechen wir mit einander über Sprachen.
[Now we are going to talk to one another about
Activity: languages.]
interpersonal, whole
class, active speaking Follow Instructional Protocol.
& listening
Student Written Instructions: Sprich mit deinen
Klassenkamaraden und fragt: Welche Sprachen sprichst
du? Du sprichst mit 8 Leuten.
[Speak with you classmate and ask: which langauges do
you speak? You speak with eight people.]

Students complete survey activity while I circulate.

ASSESSMENT: Are students asking the question? Are

they responding appropriately? How is pronunciation?
3-4 min. End Class, Check in Vielen Dank, Leute, und danke für eure Aufmerksamkeit.
with students [Thank you for your attention today.]

I would like you to talk with your partner about two

things you learned today. It’s okay to do this in English,
I’ll call on a few pairs at the end.

Students have 2 minutes to talk. I call on a few pairs and

recap, in German, what we did.

Danke, Leute. Wir sind jetzt fertig.

[Thanks, folks. We are now done.]

Accompanying Worksheets found on following pages:

Die Nachbarländer: Woher kommen Sie?

We will be filling this chart out through the hour. First, I would like you to fill in Germany’s
Nachbarländer and the nationalities (Er ist…/ Sie ist…). It’s okay if you don’t know all of them.
We will fill in the Sprachen section later.

Luxemburg is filled in as an example.

Land Er ist… Sie ist… Sprache(n)

Luxemburg Luxemburger Luxemburgerin

Welche Sprache sprichst du?

Sprich mit deinen Klassenkameraden und fragt: Welche Sprache sprichst du? Du sprichst mit 8

zum Beispiel:
Anna: Leo, welche Sprachen sprichst du?
Leo: Ich spreche Deutsch und Italienisch.

Name Sprache
Nachbarländer Sprachen:
Andere Sprachen:

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