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UBD Unit Plan

Teacher: Miranda Hammett Subject: Health Grade: 4

Unit Title: Let’s Learn About Looking After Our Bodies
Context: Type of Unit (ELA only):
Time Frame: 3 weeks
Outcomes Addressed in the Unit
SK curriculum outcomes can be copied and pasted, focuses highlighted.

Health 4 : Understanding, Skills, and Confidences (USC)

USC4.1 – Assess what healthy eating and physical activity mean for pre/adolescence.

ELA 4: Compose and Create (CC)

CC4.2 – Create a variety of clear representations that communicate straightforward ideas and information relevant to the topic and
purpose, including short, illustrated reports, dramatizations, posters, and other visuals such as displays and drawings.
CC 4.3 – Speak to present and express a range of ideas and information in formal and informal speaking situations (including giving oral
explanations, delivering brief reports or speeches, demonstrating and describing procedures) for differing audiences and purposes.

PE 4
PE 4.1 – Make decisions about and apply, with guidance, strategies (including fitness appraisals) and principles related to fitness
improvement to determine own level of health-related fitness (cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, muscular endurance, and muscular
strength) and to positively affect own level of health-related fitness.
Big Ideas/Enduring Understandings Essential Questions
What do you want students to understand and be able to use Open-ended questions that stimulate thought and inquiry linked
several years from now? to the content of the enduring understandings.
What are the BIG ideas?
 How can we live a healthy life?  How can we identify if something is an unhealthy practice in
 Understand the importance of physical activity life?
 Understand the importance of proper/healthy eating  How can we meet our own personal needs when it comes to
 Be able to identify the negatives of unhealthy eating and living a healthy lifestyle?
inactivity.  How can we set healthy goals for ourselves and work towards
 Be able to apply their knowledge into their everyday life achieving the goals?
 Understand what is safe and unsafe in terms of popular  How can we know if a health trend is beneficial or dangerous to
health trends ourselves and our health?
 How can we be healthier?
 How do we know what healthy eating and physical activity look

Knowledge and Skills (Students will know and do…)

What key knowledge and skills will students acquire as a result of this unit?
(These may be indicators from the curriculum)
Knowledge (Students will know…) Skills (Students will know how to…)
What key knowledge will students acquire as a result of this What key skills will students acquire as a result of this unit?
 Know the importance of a healthy/balanced diet  Be able to apply their knowledge into everyday practices
 Know how to ensure they are eating correctly for their  Be able to set health goals for themselves and work towards
development achieving them
 Be able to understand their body and what it needs to function
 Understand the positives of healthy eating and the
 Be able to apply their knowledge on what is safe and unsafe
negatives of eating unhealthy to do with their health and body
 Know the importance of regular physical activity  Be able to find ways that appeal to them to be physically
 Know the positives of being active and the negatives of active
being inactive
 Be able to understand their own selves and their needs to
live a healthy life
 Awareness of health, eating and exercise trends and
understand of what is safe and unsafe.


Assessment Evidence
Summative Assessments/Performance Tasks
Assessments of what students know and can do aligned to the outcomes. They are a snapshot in time used for reporting and
USC 4.1 Throughout the unit students will learn how to create their own action plan that is personally tailored to
them and what works best for them in regards to healthy eating and physical activity. Final product will
be due at the end of the 3 weeks.

Formative Assessments
Through what multiple sources of evidence will students demonstrate their understanding on a continual basis?
These help guide instruction and provide feedback to students.
 Exit Slips
 Having students sort foods into healthy and unhealthy categories (this will be an opener to a lesson)
 Exploring the new Canada Food Guide (group research assignment – will also have a peer assessment)
 One Minute Paper – Students will be given a question at the end of the lesson and will be asked to write the main point of the
lesson, most surprising concept, questions not answered, a confusing area of the topic.
 Observe students in class and their work (ongoing throughout the unit)
 Think-Pair- Share
 Watch different advertisements for Physical activity and eating (both positive and negative – have students document for each
add if they are positive or negative, what message is being sent, if its negative how can we turn it into a positive ad)
 Sugar cube guess and learn (students will be provided with sugar cubes, they will be given a food item or drink and they need to
represent how much sugar they think is in it and then I will show them how much sugar is actually in it)

Pre-assessments are used to determine what students know and their readiness level to inform instruction.

For pre-assessment we will be using the R.A.N Strategy, which allows us as a class to chart out what the students think they know,
knowledge that is confirmed, new learning, questions/wonders and misconceptions. Through these two lessons students will be able to
share what they think they know about physical activity and healthy eating as well as learn new things and understand what they already
knew as well as misconceptions they could have made and finally allows them to ask questions. This also allows me to see what my
students know and what they need to know more about. Through this learning experience we well be looking at different resources to
encourage learning about physical activity and healthy eating.


Instructional Plan
The Instructional Plan should include a sequence of lessons, teaching strategies, and information on First Nation, Inuit and Metis
Content integration and technology integration.
Lesson 1 – What is Healthy Eating? Why is it Important? (Pre Assessment – R.A.N strategy, Exit slip at end of class – prompt: one thing
they already knew about healthy eating, one thing that confused them and one thing that they want to learn about healthy eating.)
Lesson 2 – Let’s Learn About What Influences the Way We Eat (Think-Pair-Share on their own experiences with healthy eating – each
table group will share their ideas – this will help us create discussions on different cultures and different eating habits)
Lesson 3 (Part 1) – Making Healthy Food Choices: Looking at the Canada Food Guide (Food guide research assignment)
Lesson 3 (Part 2) – Making Healthy Food Choices: Looking at the Canada Food Guide (Food guide research assignment)
Lesson 4 – Making Healthy Food Choices: Nutritional Values
 activity for this – Good Sugars vs. Bad Sugars (Sugar Cube guess and answer)

Lesson 5 – Developing Healthy Eating Practices

 Beginning of class: food sort – if students can clearly sort foods and show an understanding of what is healthy and unhealthy food
choices as well as show me what categories the different foods fall under they will be showing me that they are around an Mostly
Meeting or Fully Meeting Expectations level)
 end of class: one-minute paper – Students will write about practices that stood out for them
Lesson 6 – What is Physical Activity? Why is it Important? (Pre Assessment Part 2 – R.A.N Strategy and exit slip - one thing they
already knew about physical activity, one thing that confused them and one thing that they want to learn about physical activity.)
Lesson 7 – How can we incorporate physical activity into our daily lives? (Think-pair-share about different physical activities we can be
a part of – not just sports)
 This lesson will also have a PE lesson incorporated into it. Lesson will focus on how we can incorporate physical activity in fun
and diverse ways (a way to encourage students to be physically active)

Lesson 8 – What Influences How We Eat and How Much We Exercise?

Lesson 9 – Looking into the “Norms” and Popular Trends for Physical Activity and Healthy Eating (Advertisement activity)
 This activity will be able to show me what they know about healthy eating and physical activity – if they are able to provide
feedback on the ads, identify if they are positive or negative and be able to

Lesson 10 – How can we apply our knowledge to better our nutrition and physical activity (Assessment for this will be involved in the
action plan)

Action Plan Assignment is ongoing throughout the three weeks, however, the final product is due at the end of the unit – end of
the 3-week block (I will grade, give descriptive feedback and take to the school)
Week 1 – First class have students set up healthy eating goals have them log their meals each day (have their parents sign the sheet) to
see how they may be following their goal. At the end of the week they will have acquired more knowledge about healthy eating, will re-
evaluate their goals and set new ones for the next week
Week 2 – First class have students set up physical activity goals have them log their activity each day (have their parents sign the sheet)
to see how they may be following their goal. At the end of the week they will have acquired more knowledge about physical activity,
will re-evaluate their goals and set new ones for the next week
Week 3 – We will set new goals for the week for both healthy eating and physical activity – at the end of the week as a class we will look
at our action plans over the last three weeks and see the growth and progression. I will take in the action plans at the very end as a
summative assessment of their learning and understanding.

Connecting Action Plan to the rubric:

 NY – student is unable to set goals for themselves and show their growth over the three weeks. They show that they do not fully
understand the importance of healthy eating and physical activity and how to apply it into their everyday lives. Having trouble
describing what healthy eating is and the different guidelines that are important to follow. Students appear to need more help with
understanding physical activity and the different ways we can be physically active and finding ways to use those.
 MM – student can begin to set goals for themselves with assistance and mostly carry them out. They show that they are beginning
to understand the importance of healthy eating and physical activity. They are beginning to show their understanding and apply it
to their lives. Can begin to describe what both are with guidance.
 FM – student can begin to set goals for themselves independently and carry them out, showing growth each week with some
assistance. They show understanding of how to properly apply it to their lives and understand the importance of healthy eating
and physical activity. They understand how to describe both and apply their knowledge throughout their plan.
 EU – student creates their own goals without assistance and is aware of how to improve themselves and their goals each week.
Student sticks to their goals and successfully carries them out each week. They clearly understand how to apply healthy eating
practices and physical activity into their daily lives. Can clearly describe both and show their understanding.

Key Resources

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