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A Wrinkle In Time

Madeleine L’engle

Alberta Kristea C. Danguilan

6- Narra

Ma’am Alex Perez

Table of Contents

Book Details------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3,4

Chapter Summary------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5

My Favorite--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6

What I Have Learned-------------------------------------------------------------------- 6

Recommendation------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6

My Book Rating--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6
Book Details

Title: A Wrinkle In Time

Author:Madeleine L’engle

November 29, 1918 – September 6, 2007 was an American writer of young adult fiction,
including A Wrinkle in Time and its sequels: A Wind in the Door, A Swiftly Tilting Planet,
Many Waters, and An Acceptable Time. Her works reflect both her Christian faith and
her strong interest in science.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Type of Book: Fantasy, Science Fiction

Main Characters

Meg Murry - Meg Murry is the twelve-year-old heroine of the story. She does poorly in
school even though she is good at math and science. Meg can
be stubborn, impatient and angry, but these qualities come in
useful when she has to resist IT. During the course of the
novel, Meg learns that her individuality is an asset rather than
a liability, and she also learns that she must take responsibility
for saving Charles herself, rather than waiting around for
others to do it.

Charles Wallace Murry - Charles Wallace Murry is a precocious five-year-old boy, the
youngest son of the Murrys. Charles Wallace has a gift of
understanding things that fall outside of normal human
experience. It is he who first befriends the three ladies, and he
has an uncanny ability to know what others are thinking.
Charles has a little too much pride, however, and it is this that
makes him even more vulnerable on Camazotz than Calvin or
Meg. As a result, he is taken over by IT and only freed by Meg's

Mr. Murry - Mr. Murry is a physicist with the Institute for Higher
Learning in Princeton, who was working for the government on a
top secret project when he disappeared. It turns out that he has been imprisoned on
Camazotz by IT.

Mrs. Murry - Mrs. Murry, like her husband, is a scientist. She

holds doctoral degrees in biology and bacteriology.

Calvin O'Keefe - Calvin O'Keefe is a tall and skinny

fourteen-year-old boy who meets Meg and Charles
Wallace on the way to the haunted house. In contrast to Meg, Calvin is
smart and very popular at school, being good at basketball and other

Mrs. Whatsit - Mrs. Whatsit is the first of the three old ladies that the Murry children
meet. She is dressed rather like tramp. Later, on the planet Uriel, Mrs. Whatsit takes on
another form, appearing as a beautiful creature with the lower parts resembling a horse
but a torso, arms and head like a man.

Mrs. Which - Mrs. Which is the last of the three ladies that the children meet. She never
fully materializes because it tires her too much to do so. Mrs. Which is in charge of
tessering, and it is she who tells Meg, that
Meg has something IT does not.

Mrs. Who - Mrs. Who is the second of the

three ladies that the children meet. She has a
habit of talking by using quotations from
famous writers because she finds it hard to
verbalize her own thoughts.

Setting – The setting is the universe; specifically, the planets. They spent majority of
their time on Earth, Uriel, the Happy Medium Planet, Camazotz, and Ixchel
Chapter Summary

Chapters 1 to 4

Chapter 1 introduces several of the main characters in the story and gives them distinct
identities. It also introduces two elements of mystery, and subtly announces two of the
main themes of the novel. Chapter 2, Meg and Charles went to visit Mrs. Whatsit. Meg
meets Calvin who then becomes her friend. In Chapter 3, Calvin goes to Meg’s house
for supper. They go out for a walk and Calvin asks about Meg’s father. Mrs. Whatsit
turns into an unearthly creature when they got to Uriel. Calvin asks Mrs. Whatsit to
make the dark Thing go away, because he knows it is evil.

Chapters 5 to 8

They tessered to another planet. They met a woman called Happy Medium. Before
leaving, she showed Calvin’s and Meg’s mom, They then tessered to Camazotz. They
were asked by a boy on what are they doing on the street. He says that the city is home
to IT but doesn’t say who IT is. The children decide to go into the building.They see a
man with red eyes. If you look into his eyes he will hypnotize you. Meg realizes with
alarm that Charles has gone. Meg is upset and demands to know what the man has
done with her brother.They spotted their father.

Chapters 9 to 12

Although the children can see Meg's father, he is unable to see them. Meg is in despair
because her father does not seem to understand that Charles has been taken over by
IT. Then Calvin tells Mr. Murry to tesser. Meg returns to consciousness only slowly. As
feeling starts to return to her body, they all see three figures approaching them across
the grass. These creatures are tall, eyeless and have tentacles, with heads but not
faces. The beasts take Meg away, saying she needs special attention to counteract the
influence of the Black Thing. Then Mrs. Whatsit, Mrs. Which and Mrs. Who suddenly
arrive in person. Meg pleads with the three ladies to help them save Charles Wallace.
She looks at Charles, full of love for him. This love frees Charles from the grip of IT, and
he and Meg embrace. She and Charles have landed at home, in the twins' vegetable
garden. Mrs. Murry emerges from the house with the twins, and there is a joyful family
My Favorite

Charles Wallace would be my favorite character. He is intelligent and he can read

people’s minds. He has a gift of understanding things that fall outside of normal human
experience. My favorite part would be when Meg freed Charles. Meg used her love for
Charles to free him from IT. Meg showed her love for Charles. That’s how he was freed.
After that, they arrived back to their home. Their mom welcomed them. Their family was

What I Have Learned

I have to be kind to everyone. Even if you won’t get anything in return, you still have to
be kind. Share kindness. Face your fears. It taught me to fight and face my fear instead
of relaxing.


This book is really nice. It has many life lessons. I recommend people to read this book
because it is really nice. It is fit for either old or young because the story is family and
the story is very amusing.

My Book Rating

I would rate this book a 5 out of 5. This book is good. And it has many to teach. It is very
entertaining and amusing.

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