Student Teacher Covenant

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THIS STUDENT TEACHER COVENANT made on the day of 2019


Ms. Lydiawani Che Ismail

(NRIC No:. )
the lecturer of the subject


(Student I.D No. )



1. Only sick leave and/or M.C from Pusat Kesihatan Universiti (P.K.U), government
hospital and/or clinics will be considered or accepted after due consideration.
2. Missing 6 classes without any reason and/or reasonable excuse and/or valid
documentation will be grounds for issuing barring letter.
3. Only registered letters are accepted as an excuse letter for not coming to classes.
4. Excuse of missing from class due to death must be supported by the death certificate
of the deceased or excuse letter from parent or guardian. However please note that
excuses of death will only be for close family members i.e parents, grandparents,
siblings and immediate family members will be considered as a credible excuse for
missing classes.
5. Using other class/subject quizzes and replacement for other classes/subjects are not
valid reason to skip this class as all time slots have been arranged and assigned by the
university management as such slot over lapping is not a valid excuse.

1. Main mode of communication is Whatsapp, e-mail and Online Learning.
2. Each student is responsible to know their tasks i.e assignments and announcements
which will be communicated through both the means stated earlier.
3. Other modes of personal communication via social media will not be entertained
4. All communications with students will cease after working hours which is 6.00 p.m. on
working days and NO communications on weekends, semester breaks, study week and
public holidays.
5. No excuses such as trying to contact or convey messages or transmit information after
working hours and days stated in clause B.4 will be entertained and/or considered as
an excuse for leniency.
1. All students are encouraged to wear semi-formal attire to class in respect of the
teaching and learning process and institution. However, leniency is granted to
students to wear appropriate clothing in attending classes.
2. No gym attire, shorts, sleeveless shirts, three quarter pants and/or social or informal
3. No sandals, slippers or any open foot wear. All students are encouraged to wear shoes
for classes.

1. All assessments will be given sufficient notice and time to complete. Overlapping of
assignments and datelines with other classes/subjects will not be entertained.
Students are expected to exercise their discretion and prioritize their time.
2. Late submission of assignments will result in 5 marks penalty and further deduction
will be made according to tardiness.
3. Any plea, appeal, request and/or demand on increasing the coursework mark at the
end of the semesters will not be entertained and will be equivalent as questioning the
credibility of the lecturer.
4. Your commitment to the classes/subject will determine your marks.
5. As the markings are governed by a moderation process no queries should arise
regarding this process.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands the day and year
first above written.

SIGNED by ] ……………………………………………..
] Name:
] (Student I.D No: )

in the presence of:-

Ms. Lydiawani Che Ismail

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