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Chapter 3



This section introduced the detailed processes of how the research study was conducted.

There are four major consecutive phases included in this section such as; gathering of data,

sampling method, testing of samples, and lastly, evaluation of test result and statistical analysis.

These four phases tended to support and answer the aim and the specific objectives of the

research study.

The study aims to evaluate the compressive strength of the brick containing sugarcane

bagasse ash and clay soil of Sta. Cruz, Zambales for fence use. The study begins with the

determining the possible materials in brick making by reviewing related literature. Researchers

found that sugarcane bagasse ash is found to have pozzolanic property so it can be used as

substitute to construction material, and based on the recent studies, SBA is rich in Silica, which

is Silica is one of the major component in making brick because it serves as a bonding agent. The

clay soil was purchased in Brgy. Guinabon Sta. Cruz, Zambales while the sugarcane bagasse ash

was purchased in Brgy. Sto Niño Cabangan, Zambales. Clay soil that is purchased in Sta. Cruz

will undergo in different soil test Liquid Limit Test, Plastic Limit Test, and Proctor Compaction

Test whether the material is possible to use as a brick material. These materials are to be tested

whether the materials are forming a bond or not. Proper pulverization and sieving of clay soil

and ash are needed in order to attain the physical properties of the brick. After testing binding

property and grading the materials, the required proportions of the materials are selected and
then it is mixed together to mold a brick in definite shape. Researchers used 195 mm x 95 mm x

50 mm for the dimension of the brick. Researchers used the various content of sugarcane bagasse

ash such as 20 specimens without SBA, 20 specimens with 10% of SBA, 20 specimens with

15%, and also 20 specimens with 20% specimen. 80 samples are to be constructed and will

undergo tests including; 20 samples for Compressive Strength Test, 20 samples Absorption Test -

5-h and 24-h Submersion Tests & 1-h, 2-h, and 5-h Boiling Tests, and 40 samples for

Efflorescence Test. Procedures, apparatuses, and calculation are all based on the ASTM C-67. All

specimen was examined to evaluate the strength of the brick containing Sugarcane bagasse ash

and clay soil in accordance to the ASTM C-67 Standard Test Methods for Sampling and Testing

Brick and Structural Clay Tile.

Phase 1: Data Gathering

This research study begun with an idea about sugarcane bagasse ash having a pozzolanic

property which makes it ideal in combining with clay soil. The development of ideas has stages

such as : Reading previous studies in relation with sugarcane bagasse ash, checking of standard

data and testing methods in accordance with AASHTO, ASTM and DPWH Standards, and the

development of experimental design and testing. With the provided ideas and supporting

information from previous related studies, this would bring direction and clear idea for the

development of experimental sample.

Step 1: Determining the adhesiveness of clay soil with sugarcane bagasse ash based on previous


Recent studies conducted on sugarcane bagasse ash in combination with ordinary

Portland cement resulted for a feasible study. Studies showed that sugarcane bagasse ash have
pozzolanic property which make it ideal in combining with clay soil. Sugarcane bagasse ash

found to improve some properties of paste, mortar and concrete including compressive strength,

water tightness, fineness and adhesiveness.

Step 2: Estimating the amount of Sugarcane Bagasse ash on previous studies

Recent studies of bagasse ash combined with ordinary Portland cement with different

percentage ratio ranging from 5% to 30%. The replacement of sugarcane bagasse ash up to 10%

resulted in better compressive strength. Higher replacement ratio of sugarcane bagasse ash

resulted in a higher consistency and lower setting time. This study led us to conclude to have 0%,

10%, 15% and 20% ratio to test the optimum ratio for high compressive strength.

Step 3: Determining the methodology based on previous study

Previous studies conducted was similar to methodology done by local brick makers.

Required proportions of the materials were then selected with one sample having no sugarcane

bagasse ash as a comparing sample. materials are then mixed and mold a brick in definite shape.

the mix then would be applied with a hammering motion using steel rod in order to compact it.

after molding, the brick is removed and is remained at the same stage for drying. drying must be

done carefully at room temperature and then sun dried for at least five days so the required

strength can be attained.

Step 4: Determining the ASTM Standard for sampling and testing of brick

This research study for the compressive and flexural strength of clay bricks with

sugarcane bagasse ash is proposed to be used for fencing wherein the Association for Standard

Testing of Materials (ASTM), in which their content must be met. the detailed methods and other

requirements are given in the following: ASTM C-127 (Standard Test Method for specific
gravity and absorption of coarse aggregates), ASTM C-136 (Standard test for sieve analysis of

fine and coarse aggregates) The DPWH were also based on these American standards. This

standard data was the basis for the success and failures of the results of testing.

Step 5: Evaluation of the conclusion of result based on previous studies

Conclusions of other related studies on bagasse ash with combination of cement showed

that the compressive strength resulted in higher compressive strength up to 5% improvement at

28 days whereas the 15% and 25% replacements have shown 3.4% and 12.6% reduction

respectively. the water penetration depth increases as the bagasse ash content of the concrete

increases and all the concretes with bagasse ash have a maximum penetration depth greater than

the controlled specimen. Since bagasse ash is considered as a waste material of Sugarcane mills,

its use as partial replacement material reduces the levels of CO2 emission by cement industry

and also saves a great deal of virgin materials.

Phase 2: Sampling Methods

In this phase, the sample is prepared from collecting of sugarcane bagasse ash (SBA)

waste and clay soil, preparation of the apparatus and materials and fabricating of forms, sieving

of ash and soil, soil testing, mixing of materials, sampling of bricks, drying of sample and curing

of sample in the oven. These steps will be done to have samples containing 0, 10, 15 and 20

percentage sugarcane bagasse ash.

Step 6: Collecting of SBA and clay

In this step, sugarcane bagasse ash waste is collected in the sugarcane mill in the town of

Cabangan particularly in barangay Sto. Nino. Sugarcane bagasse, is the fibrous residue after

crushing and juice extraction of sugarcane. It is burnt in the mill as a fuel so as to run their boiler.
This bagasse ash is generally dump in ash pond which causes environmental problems also

research states that Workplace exposure to dusts from the processing of bagasse can cause the

chronic lung condition pulmonary fibrosis, more specifically referred to as bagassosis. So, there

is great need for its reuse, also it is found that bagasse ash is high in silica and is found to have

pozzolanic property so it can be used as substitute to construction material like bricks. Clay is

collected in the foothill of Santa Cruz, Zambales specifically in barangay Guinabon. During the

flood the soil from the mountain easily erodes because it is disturbed during mining or during

high tide in the river the soil is accumulate in the foothill. Use digging tool to collect the soil and

put in the sack.

Step 7: Preparation of the apparatus and materials and fabricating of forms

In preparation of apparatus, get the proper no. of sieve which is no.40 to be used to obtain

the size of soil needed. Purchase the screed for removing the excess clay during molding. Put the

soil inside the electric pulverizer then turned on the power button and wait until the soil crushed

into very fine aggregates.

Step 8: Sieving of ash and soil

This step is done in PRMSU CoE Laboratory Room, when the soil is already crushed

sieving using sieve no.40 and pan make sure that it has cover. Hold the sieve layer with hands

and shake it until the soil passes through the openings.

Step 9: Soil testing

Investigate the clay soil of Sta. Cruz Zambales by conducting plastic limit test, liquid

limit test, and proctor compaction test in the PRMSU CoE Laboratory Room. Plastic limit is the

water content in percent of a soil at the boundary between the plastic and semi-solid-states. The
procedure is defined in ASTM Standard D 4318. From the 20g sample select a 1.5-2g specimen

for testing. Roll the test specimen between the palm and fingers on the ground glass plate to form

a thread of uniform diameter. Continue rolling the thread until it reaches a uniform diameter of

3.2mm or 1/8in. when the thread becomes a diameter of 1/8 in reform it into a ball. Knead the

soil for a few minutes to reduce its water content slightly. Repeat steps 2 to 5 until the thread

crumbles when it reaches a uniform diameter of 1/8 in. when the soil reaches the point where it

will crumbles and when the thread is a uniform diameter of 1/8in.,it is at its plastic limit.

Determine the water content of the soil. Repeat this procedure three times to compute an average

plastic limit for the sample.

Liquid limit test is defined by ASTM standard test method D4318.It is conceptually

defined as the water content at which the behaviour of a clayey soil changes from plastic to

liquid. Place a portion of prepared sample in the cup of the liquid limit device at the point where

the cup rests on the base and spread it so that it is 10mm deep at its deepest point form a

horizontal surface over the soil. Form a groove in the soil using grooving tool, beveled edge

forward, through the soil from the top of the cup. When forming the groove, hold the tip of the

grooving tool against the surface of the cup and keep the tool perpendicular to the surface of the

cup. Lift and drop the cup at a rate of 2 drops per second. Continue cranking until the two halves

of the soil sample meet each other at the bottom of the groove. The two halves must meet along a

distance of 13mm (1/2in). Record the number of drops required to close the groove. Remove a

slice of soil and determine its water content. Repeat steps 1to 5 with a sample of soil at a slightly

higher or lower water content. Whether should be added or removed depends on the number of

blows required to close the groove in the previous sample. The liquid limit is the water content at

which it will takes 25 blows to close the groove over a distance of 13mm. Run at least five tests
increasing the water content each time. As the water content increases it will take less blows to

close the groove.

The standard proctor compaction test is a laboratory method of experimentally

determining the optimal moisture content at which a given soil type will become most dense and

achieve its maximum dry density. These laboratory tests generally consist of compacting soil at

known moisture content into a cylindrical mold of standard dimensions using a compactible

effort of controlled magnitude. The soil is usually compacted into the mold to a certain amount

of equal layers, each receiving a number of blows from a standard weighted hammer at a

specified height. This process is then repeated for various moisture contents and the dry densities

are determined for each.

Step10: Mixing of materials

Weigh 5 kgs. Clay using weighing scale then put it in the mixing area. Followed by

adding the amount of water according to ASTM 34% of the amount of clay. After weighing the

desire amount of materials needed mix it together using bare hands. This mixing process is for

the bricks contained sugarcane bagasse ash.

For the sample with sugarcane bagasse ash added, weigh 5kgs clay using weighing scale

then put in mixing area. Weigh 10,15, 20 percentage sugarcane bagasse ash. Followed by adding

the amount of water according to ASTM 34% of the amount of clay.

Step 11: Moulding of bricks

Bricks are moulded in a rectangular form having dimension of 195 x 95 x 50mm mould

made from phenolic. There are two types of moulding, the hand moulding and machine

moulding. Using hand moulding, the tempered clay is forced in the mould in such a way that it
fills all the corners of the mould. Extra clay is removed by screed. Moulds is then lifted up and

raw bricks are left in the ground.

Step12: Drying of sample

The wet bricks were left in the moulds to air-dry for over three days based on ASTM-67

at room temperature. Slow drying is necessary for bricks to prevent from cracking or internal

steam formation.

Step 13: Curing of the sample in the oven

Finally, the completely sun-dried bricks were placed in the drying oven to be done in the

PRMSU CoE Laboratory Room. It is important for the bricks sample to undergo drying in the

oven to remove the water accumulated by crystallization and to activate chemical reactions in the

ingredients of the clay. At a temperature of 6500C, organic matter in the clay is oxidized and

water crystal vaporizes. When the temperature is increased to 11000C, the particles of alumina

and silica bind together by fusion. At temp above 11000C, more glossy mass is formed. This

stage is known as vitrification. The process imparts hardness, strength and durability. The drying

oven was then shut down and bricks were left to cool down naturally. The slow burning of bricks

was done to prevent the bricks from cracking.

Phase 3: Testing of Sample

In this phase, the samples will undergo three tests that includes compression test, water

absorption test and the efflorescence test base on the output of Phase 2 which is the Sampling

method. Compression test will be conducted in the DPWH Zambales 1 st District Laboratory

Room using Universal Testing Machine, and both Water Absorption Test and Efflorescence Test

will be conducted in the PRMSU CoE-Laboratory room using triple beam balance, watertight
shallow pans or dish, and drying oven. This test, determines the strength of the brick with

sugarcane bagasse ash. Five bricks samples were cast having size of 195 mm x 95 mm x 50 mm.

Step 14: Compressive Strength Test

According to ASTM C-67:

6.1 Test Specimens:

6.1.1. Brick – The test specimens shall consist of dry half brick, the full height and width

of the unit, with a length equal to one half the full length of the unit ± 1 in. (25.4mm),

except as described below. If the test specimen, described above, exceeds the testing

machine capacity, the test specimen shall consist of dry pieces of brick, the full height

and width of the unit, with a length not less than one quarter of the full length of the unit,

with a length not less than one quarter of the full length of the unit, and with a gross

cross-sectional area perpendicular to bearing not less than 14 in. ² (90.3 mm. ²). Test

specimens shall obtain by any method that will produce, without shattering or cracking, a

specimen with approximately plane and parallel ends. Five specimens shall be tested.

6.3 Procedure:

6.3.1 Test brick specimens flatwise (that is, the load shall be applied in the direction of

the depth of the brick). Test structural clay tile specimens in a position such that the load

is applied the same direction as in service. Center the specimens under the spherical

upper bearing within 1/16 in. (1.59mm).

6.3.2. The testing shall conform to the requirements of the Practices E 4.

6.3.3 The upper bearing shall be a spherically seated, hardened metal block firmly

attached at the center of the support head of the machine. The center of the sphere shall lie

at the center of the surface of the block in contact with the specimen . The block shall be

closely held in its spherical seat, but shall free to turn in any direction, and its p erimeter

shall have at least 1/4 in. (6.35 mm) clearance from the head to allow f or specimen whose

bearing surfaces are not exactly parallel. The diameter of the bearing surface shall be at

least 5 in. (127.00 mm). Use a hardened metal bearing block beneath the specimen to

minimize wear of the lower platen of the machine. The bearing block surfaces intended

for contact with the specimen shall have a hardness not than HRC60 (HB 620). These

surfaces shall not depart from plane surfaces by more than 0.001 in. (0.03 mm). When the

bearing area of the spherical bearing block is not sufficient to cover the area of the

specimen, place a plate with surfaces machined to true planes within ± 0.001 in. (0.03

mm), and with a thickness equal to at least third of the distance from the edge of the

spherical bearing to the most distant corner between the spherical bearing block and the

capped specimen.

6.3.4 Speed of Testing—Apply the load, up to one half of the expected maximum load, at

any convenient rate, after which, adjust the controls of the machine so that that the

remaining load is applied at a uniform, rate in not less than 1 nor than 2 min.

6.4 Calculation and Report:

6.4.1 Calculate the compressive strength of each specimen as follows:

Compressive Strength, C = W/A


C = compressive strength of the specimen, lb/in.² (or kg/cm²) (or Pa · 10⁴)

W = maximum load, lbf, (or kgf) (or N), indicated by the testing machine,

A = average of the gross areas of the upper and lower bearing surfaces of the

specimen, in.² (or cm²)

Step 15: Water Absorption Test

According to ASTM C-67:

7.1 Accuracy of Weighing/s:

7.1.1 Brick – The scale or balance used shall have a capacity of not less than 2000 g. and

shall be sensitive to 0.5 g.

7.2 Test Specimens:

7.2.1 Brick – The test specimens shall consist of half brick conforming to the requirement

of 6.1.1. Five specimens shall be tested.

7.3 5-h and 24-h Submersion Tests:

7.3.1 Procedure: Dry and cool the test specimens in accordance with 4.4.1 and 4.4.2 and weigh

each one. Saturation – Submerge the dry, cooled specimen, without preliminary partial

immersion, in clean water (soft, distilled or rain water) at 60 to 86°F (15.5 to 30°C) for
the specified time. Remove the specimen, wipe off the surface water with a damp cloth

weigh the specimen. Complete weighing of each specimen within 5 min after removing

the specimen from the bath.

7.3.2 Calculation & Report: Calculate the absorption of each specimen as follows:

Absorption, % = 100 (Ws -Wd) / Wd


Wd = dry weight of the specimen, and

Ws = saturated weight of the specimen after submersion in cold water. Report the average absorption of all the specimens tested as the absorption of the


7.4 1-h, 2-h, and 5-h Boiling Tests:

7.4.1 Test Specimens – The test specimen shall be the same five specimens used in the 5-h

or 24-h cold water submersion test where required and shall be used in the state of

saturation existing at the completion of that test.

7.4.2 Procedure: Return the specimen that has been subjected to the cold-water submersion to the

bath, and subject it to the boiling test as described in Submerge the specimen in clean water (soft, distilled or rain water) at 60 to 86 °F

(15.5 to 30°C) in such a manner that water circulates freely on all sides of the specimen.
Heat the water to boiling, within I h, boil continuously for s pecified time, and then allow

to cool to 60 to 86°F (15.5 to 30°C) by natural loss of heat. Remove the specimen, wipe

off the surface water with a damp cloth, and weigh the specimen. Complete weighing of

each specimen within 5 min after removing the specimen from the bath. If the tank is equipped with a drain so that water at 60 to 86 °F (15.5 to 30°C)

passes through the tank continuously and at such a rate that a complete change of water

takes place in not more than 2 min, make weighing at the end of I h.

7.4.3 Calculation and Report: Calculate the absorption of each specimen as follows:

Absorption, % = 100(Wb – Wd)/Wd


Wd = dry weight of the specimen, and

Wb = saturated weight of the specimen after submersion in boiling water Report the average absorption of all the specimens tested as the absorption of the


7.4.4 Saturation Coefficient:

Saturation Coefficient = Ws² - WdWb³ -Wd


Wd = dry weight of the specimen,

Ws = saturated weight of the specimen after 24-h submersion in cold water,

Wb = saturated weight of the specimen after 5-h submersion in boiling water

Step 16: Efflorescence Test

According to ASTM C-67:

10.1 Apparatus:

10.1.1 Trays & Containers – Watertight shallow pans or trays made of corrosion-resistant

metal or other material that will not provide soluble salts when in contact with distilled

water containing leaching from brick. The pan shall be of such dimensions that it will

provide not less than a 1-in (25.4-mm) depth of water. Unless the pan provides an area

such that the total volume of water is large in comparison with the amount evaporated

each day, suitable apparatus shall be provided for keeping a constant level of water in the


10.1.2 Drying Room, conforming to the requirements of 8.1.6.

10.1.3 Drying Oven, conforming to the requirements of 8.1.4.

10.2 Test Specimens:

10.2.1 The sample shall consist of ten-full size brick

10.2.2 The ten specimens shall be sorted into five pairs so that both specimens of each

pair will have the same appearance as nearly as possible.

10.3 Preparation of Specimens – Remove by brushing any adhering dirt that might be

mistaken for efflorescence. Dry the specimens and cool them as prescribed in 4.4.1 and


10.4 Procedure:
10.4.1 Set one specimen from each of the five pairs, on end, partially immersed in

distilled water to a depth of approximately 1 in. (25.4 mm) for 7 days in the drying room.

When several specimens by spacing of at least 2 in. (50.8 mm).

10.4.2 Store the second specimen from each of the five pairs in the drying room without

contact with water.

10.4.3 At the end of 7 days, inspect the first set of specimens and then dry both sets in the

drying oven for 24 h.

10.5 Examination and Rating – After drying, examine and compare each pair of

specimens, observing the top and all four faces of each specimen from a distance of 10 ft.

(3 m) under an illumination of not less than 50 foot-candles (538.2 lm/m²) by an observer

with normal vision. If under these conditions no difference is noted, report the rating as

“not effloresced.” If a perceptible difference due to efflorescence is noted under these

conditions, report the rating as “effloresced.” Record the appearance and distribution of

the efflorescence.

Phase 4: Evaluation of Results and Statistical Analysis

In this phase the result from testing of sample are evaluated and tabulated where the data

are defined in quantitative analysis. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) is hypothesis-

testing technique used to determine the significant differences between the means of two or more

independent groups. The output of this phase shows the physical and mechanical properties of

brick sample containing SBA waste with specified percentages of ash comparing to a

conventional brick. Evaluation of test results from the sample will determine the most

economical brick having the best strength that meet the ASTM standards.
Step 17: Comparison of the commercial brick to the clay brick with SBA waste

The properties of the brick samples are observed for comparing the manufacturing brick

to the economical brick containing SBA waste. The important properties to be compared are

durability, color, texture, size variation, compressive strength, water absorption and the cost of

each brick sample. This step shows the physical and mechanical properties of the samples that

will determine the most economical brick for construction.

Step 18: Statistical Evaluation of Results and Cost Benefit Analysis of the economical brick


This step summarizes the data and information from the results of the brick samples. A

one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) is an effective way to compare the means of each

samples. The data are tabulated from 0, 10, 15 and 20 percentage ratios of SBA with clay soil

mixture. The results from different test performed in water absorption, compression test and

efflorescence test are also tabulated. These are computed through statistical analysis which

provides an approximation or a null hypothesis that may be either proved or disproved of the

data. The results are shown wherein the F is compared to F-critical and P-value with a level of

significance that is default to 5% or 0.05. If between variation is much larger than the within

variation, the means of different samples will not be equal. If the between and within variations

are approximately the same size, then there will be no significant difference between sample


In terms of cost benefit analysis, each of the brick sample are compared to its total

expected cost with the total expected benefits. The result will represent the estimated strength
and weaknesses of the sample which shows the best strength and benefits while having the most

economical brick sample.

Step 19: Evaluation of the result samples

A graphical representation of test result shows the compressive strength of each brick

sample having 0, 10, 15 and 20 percentage ratios of SBA. The data tabulated from the graph

have 5 samples every mixture which will average the results. In this step, the investigation and

observation of the result will answer the aim and objectives of the study

Step 20: Comparison of result to the ASTM standards and requirements

The test results from the brick samples should meet the ASTM requirements including its

compressive strength, water absorption and its maximum saturation. The table shows the grades

that classify the brick according to their resistance to damage by freezing when wet. The three

grades should meet the ASTM C62-12 Table requirements in its physical properties that are

shown below.

Table 3.1. Physical Requirements of ASTM C62-12

Minimum Compressive Strength

Maximum Water Maximum
gross area, psi (MPa)
Absorption by 5-h Boiling, Saturation
Maximum Water Absorption by
% Coefficient
Designation 5-h Boiling, %
Average of 5 Individual Average of 5 Individua Average Individua
Brick Brick l of 5 l
Grade SW 3000 (20.7) 2500 (17.2) 17.0 20.0 0.78 0.80
Grade MW 2500 (17.2) 2200 (15.2) 22.0 25.0 0.88 0.90
Grade NW 1500 (10.3) 1250 (8.6) no limit no limit no limit no limit

Research Design
The research employs experimental design to evaluate the compressive strength of bricks

contains Sugarcane Bagasse Ash Waste and clay soil. Where experimental research design is any

research conducted with a scientific approach, where a set of variables are kept constant while

the other set of variables are being measured as the subject of experiment. There will be 10

samples in every test that will conduct and 5 samples in every percentage of Sugarcane Bagasse

Ash. The compressive strength of a clay bricks without Sugarcane Bagasse Ash is compared to

the clay bricks with Sugarcane Bagasse Ash.

Figure 3.1. Experimental Research Design

Research Setting
This study will be conducted in various locations, laboratories and testing sites where we

can gather data, statistics, materials and methodologies used locally. As for the gathering of

ideas, internet gives loads of information and achieves of articles and related studies. We also

visited sugarcane mills located in Cabangan and Brgy. Guisguis, Sta. Cruz to collect raw

materials. Laboratories in PRMSU COE department and Zambales Provincial Engineering Office

provided us equipment and materials that our study requires.

Research Respondents
The respondents in our study are the authors of articles, journals, related research studies,

thesis, books and other related reading materials. Achieves posted on the internet contributed by

our respondents given us great help to further understand clay bricks and its features. Further

readings suggest that sugarcane bagasse ash waste have pozzolanic properties which makes it

possible to be an admixture to clay brick. This determines the optimum usage of sugarcane

bagasse ash in clay bricks production. With the information and recommendation provided and

supported by recent related studies and with the standard qualifications of ASTM C-67 and

AASHTO standards, we determined the percentage ratio of sugarcane bagasse ash, water ratio

and curing period for clay bricks. Test methods and different methodology are also present with

the said reference. From the data collected, there will be evaluation and adoption of concepts

with sugarcane bagasse ash. The conclusions and recommendations can be further use and apply

to gain the optimum mix that will give high compressive strength.

Data Gathering Instruments

The instruments used in the gathering of data are reading documents like published

articles, journals, theses and other reference manuals from the internet to provide necessary data

and information needed for the study.

In sampling method, the materials used for the preparation and collection of clay soil and

sugarcane bagasse ash are digging tools, electric pulverizer and sieve tools. For soil testing of

clay sample, it uses weighing scale, cylindrical mould, grooving tools and a Cassagrande

apparatus to classify their plastic and liquid limit. Screed, Scraper, weighing scale and a mould

of 195 mm x 95 mm x 50 mm are also used in sampling of bricks. In drying of brick sample, an

oven is used with a certain degree of temperature for its curing process.

Testing of samples uses several types of machines in determining the mechanical

properties of brick samples. It uses a Universal Testing Machine (UTM) to measure the

maximum compressive strength of the brick. Triple beam balance is also used to determine the

initial and final weight of sample conducted in water absorption test. For efflorescence test, the

brick sample is placed in a shallow flat bottom dish and covered with glass cylinder.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers gathered data from collecting the sugarcane bagasse ash to curing of

sample in the oven by observation, experimentation and documentary evidence. Through

observation the important data acquired. Experimentation is also useful in gaining the best result

of the studies. Documentary evidence gives idea to develop the research.

Statistical Treatment

The appropriate statistical treatment that will be used in our study is the One- Way

Anova, which determine whether one level of the individual variable (say 10% of Sugarcane

Bagasse Ash by weight) is different for another (say 15% of Sugarcane Bagasse Ash by weight)

for each of the character of interests (Compression Test, Water Absorption Test, and

Efflorescence Test). The test result of of every sample will determine what percentage by weight
of Sugarcane Bagasse Ash has the highest Compressive Strength, Water Absorption and


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