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Akta Notaris No.11 Tanggal 23 Juni 1992
TERAKREDITASI : B No. SK 02 00/203/BAP-SM/SK/XII/205 NSS : 302020/1035 NPSN : 20227881
Ijin Operasional SK Kanwil Depdiknas No.1896/ 1.02.1/Kep/OT/1999
Alamat : Jl.Raya Cibuni, Rancabali - Ciwidey
E mail :



Should advertisements be Banned from TV Program

Dear Editor,
I am writing to complain about advertisements on TV. There are so many advertisements, especially
during my favorite programs. I think they should be stopped for a number of reasons.
First, advertosements are a nuisance. They go on for a long time and there are so many. Sometime
the duration for advertisement is longer than the program itself.
Seconds, advertisements give a bad influence on people. They try to encourage people to buy
unhealthy food like beers, soft drinks, candies, etc. In other words, they make people want things they
do not really need and cannot adford.
Finally, it seems that advertisements play an important role in the programs people watch. There are
a lot of advertisements in the programs, watched by a lot of people. Meanwhile, some programs which
are not so popular are stopped because they do not attract enough advertisements, eventhough those
programs may be someone's favorite.
For those reasons, I think TV stations should stop showing advertisements. They interrupt
programs, and have bad influence on people and they sometimes put a stop to people's favorite shows. I
am sick of advertisements and now I watch movie in the cinema.

1. What is the topic of the text?

a. TV should stop showing advertisements
b. Advertisements have bad influence on people
c. There are many reasons why people stop watching TV
d. Advertisements play an important role in popular programs
e. There are many advertisement and favorite programs on TV
2. How many reasons are mentioned in the letter?
a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5
e. 6
3. What is the writer’s suggestion to the editor?
a. Advertisements on TV should be limited
b. Advertisements on TV should be stopped
c. Films should be more shown than advertisements
d. Advertisements should not annoyed TV watcher
e. The duration of advertisements should be shortened
4. “I am writing complain about advertisements on TV” (paragraph 1)
a. Intend c. Protest e. Convince
b. Inform d. Persuade
Akta Notaris No.11 Tanggal 23 Juni 1992
TERAKREDITASI : B No. SK 02 00/203/BAP-SM/SK/XII/205 NSS : 302020/1035 NPSN : 20227881
Ijin Operasional SK Kanwil Depdiknas No.1896/ 1.02.1/Kep/OT/1999
Alamat : Jl.Raya Cibuni, Rancabali - Ciwidey
E mail :

5. Which of the following expression does not belong to a suggestion?

a. You’d better take an umbrella d. Have you considered taking that job offer
b. You have to obey the rules here e. It must be a good idea take a walk right
c. What if we stayed a little longer here now
6. Woman : I am not feeling well but I have to finish all these documents
Man : ….
What is the best suggestion for her?
a. Good job! d. That’s what a friend is e. I am sorry to hear that
b. It’s fantastic for news
c. You must take a rest
7. Daughter : mother, I have to go to school. But, look at the sky, it’s very cloudy. I think it’s going to
Mother : ….
a. I will take an umbrella c. You don’t take an e. You are going to take
b. I should take an umbrella an umbrella
umbrella d. You should take an
8. Erina : why you look so upset?
Karin : I am in a difficult position. What do you think I …. do?
a. Can c. Have e. Should
b. May d. Could
9. Father : corruption has become a common issue. We can find it at nay place in this world.
Anyway, doing corruption is so human because every body does it.
Mother : I’m against this idea. I think corruption creates a bad mentality. That’s why I’ll write a
letter to my president to punish the corruptor.
What does mother mean?
a. She agress that everybody can do corruption
b. He thinks that creates a bad mentality
c. He agress that corruption has become a common issue
d. He disagrees that corruption has become a common issue
e. She disagrees if corruptor is so human and everybody can do it
10. Firman : what do you think about Eiffel I’m in love?
Belia : ….
Firman : what do you think about it?
Belia : the story is fantastic and Samual Rizal plays very well in it.
a. It’s terrible d. It’s really exciting
b. It’s horrible e. It really makes me disappointed
c. I really hate it
11. Mother : son, you should enter to the best university in this town.
Son : but mom, ….
a. That’s a great idea d. It’s really gives me a great pleasure
b. I think agree with you e. I think there is a little chance to get it
c. I’m convinced to pass it

12. Harry : dou you think we should be afraid of our competitor?

Ronald : …. Our team is also competent
Akta Notaris No.11 Tanggal 23 Juni 1992
TERAKREDITASI : B No. SK 02 00/203/BAP-SM/SK/XII/205 NSS : 302020/1035 NPSN : 20227881
Ijin Operasional SK Kanwil Depdiknas No.1896/ 1.02.1/Kep/OT/1999
Alamat : Jl.Raya Cibuni, Rancabali - Ciwidey
E mail :

a. Sure c. Absolutely e. I don’t think so

b. Really d. I think so
13. Kesti : In my opinion, Indonesia is a prosperous country
Januar : …., it has many natural resources.
a. Perfect c. It is not true e. It is not good idea
b. You’re right d. No, of course not
14. Yalqi : I think internet is a modern tool.
Hafiz : exactly. It’s sophisticated media.
Akta Notaris No.11 Tanggal 23 Juni 1992
TERAKREDITASI : B No. SK 02 00/203/BAP-SM/SK/XII/205 NSS : 302020/1035 NPSN : 20227881
Ijin Operasional SK Kanwil Depdiknas No.1896/ 1.02.1/Kep/OT/1999
Alamat : Jl.Raya Cibuni, Rancabali - Ciwidey
E mail :

a. Thank
b. A regret
c. An apology
d. An opinion
e. An approval
15. Rani : Jakarta is a
clean city, right?
Erma : …., it is
dirty in most part of the
b. Yes it is
c. It’s not true
d. You’re right
e. That’s what I feel
f. Sorry you are not
Akta Notaris No.11 Tanggal 23 Juni 1992
TERAKREDITASI : B No. SK 02 00/203/BAP-SM/SK/XII/205 NSS : 302020/1035 NPSN : 20227881
Ijin Operasional SK Kanwil Depdiknas No.1896/ 1.02.1/Kep/OT/1999
Alamat : Jl.Raya Cibuni, Rancabali - Ciwidey
E mail :

16. David : I’m in the opinion that Indonesian today is getting better and better.
Agus : That’s right
The underlined word has a similar meaning with the word….
a. Idea c. Thing e. Ambition
b. Goal d. Target
17. Vera : what do you think about the picture?
Eve : I think it is very artistic
What does Vera mean?
a. Asking for a help d. Asking for agreement
b. Asking for opinion e. Asking for information
c. Asking for sympathy
18. Dewi : Do you think it’s good to make a study group, Ulfa?
Ulfa : ….
a. I think so c. I don’t care about it e. It westes a lot of time
b. It’s not my idea d. We should not study
19. Teacher : do you have any opinion about the use of mobile phone at school, Praja?
Praja : ….
a. I think so d. You should stop using it
b. Nevermind e. I think it should be banned
c. I don’t think so
20. Iskandar : do you think cheating during the test is good?
Juang : I don’t think so
What does Juang mean?
a. He thinks it is good d. He disagrees to the opinion
b. He has no idea about it e. He has no opinion about it
c. He agress to the opinion
21. Marisa : Edward got married last Sunday
Fani : Really? That’s good….
a. It is sure c. I hope not e. I hope he will get a
b. I hope so d. I’m not sure happy marriage
22. Leena : are you sure you will pass the final examination next week?
April : …. I will try to study as hard as possible
a. It is sure c. I hope not e. I hope it is easy
b. I hope so d. I’m not sure
23. Rick : All the light are of deposit
Mark : I wish I knew about electricity
It means that mark …. About electricity.
a. Knew c. Has known e. Doesn’t know
b. Knows d. Didn’t know
24. Kiki : I wish I had a certificate of deposit
Indah : Why?
Kiki : the interest rate is high now.
From the dialogue we can conclude that Kiki…..
a. Has a certificate of deposite d. Is going to deposit his money in the bank
b. Doesn’t have money kept in a bank e. Has no interest to open an account in a
c. Enjoys the high interest pain in the bank bank
Akta Notaris No.11 Tanggal 23 Juni 1992
TERAKREDITASI : B No. SK 02 00/203/BAP-SM/SK/XII/205 NSS : 302020/1035 NPSN : 20227881
Ijin Operasional SK Kanwil Depdiknas No.1896/ 1.02.1/Kep/OT/1999
Alamat : Jl.Raya Cibuni, Rancabali - Ciwidey
E mail :

25. X : did you come to Jane’s party?

Y : I wish I had gone there. I had a terrible a headache.
From the dialogue we may conclude that the second speaker…. to Jane’s party.
a. Has come c. Didn’t come e. Doesn’t come
b. Had come d. Would come
26. Aldy : do you think those rats will attack your parents corn garden?
Mei : Of course ….
a. I do c. I hope not e. It is what I think
b. I did it d. I hope it will
27. Meita : Meutia, it’s cloudy. Do you think it will rain?
Meutia : …. we are going to attend Umi’s birthday party, aren’t we?
a. I disagree c. I’m not sure e. I don’t think it’s good
b. I hope not d. I don’t believe idea
28. Sony : Could you come over tonight,? I am scared to be alone at home
Sam : ….
a. You are very pitty
b. Sorry it’s your business
c. Ok but tomorrow morning
d. Don’t don’t be worry, I’ll accompany you
e. I heard that there’s a ghost appearance at your house
29. Rudi : would you like to go to a movie?
Saskia : I’m afraid I can’t. Thank’s anyway.
The underline sentence shows that….
a. Rudi invites Saskia d. Rudi refuses Saskia’s offering
b. Rudi dislike go to the movie e. Rudi will not to go to the movie
c. Rudi accept saskia’s offering

30. A : Would you mind joining us to see basketball?

B : …. (accept)
a. No, thanks
b. With pleasure
c. Not for me, thanks
d. No, I really won’t thank you
e. I’d like to but I have a promise with someone
31. Mary : Hello
John : Hi, Mary. This is John. Do you feel like going to a movie this evening?
Mary : That’s sound great, John. I haven’t been to a movie for a long time.
The underlined utterance expresses ….
a. Intention c. Suggestion e. Persuasion
b. Invitation d. Pemission
32. Eka : are you free today?
Lidya : yes, what’s up?
Eka : would you like to come with me to see the concert tonight?
Lidya : thanks, I’d be delighted to.
What are the speakers going to do?
Akta Notaris No.11 Tanggal 23 Juni 1992
TERAKREDITASI : B No. SK 02 00/203/BAP-SM/SK/XII/205 NSS : 302020/1035 NPSN : 20227881
Ijin Operasional SK Kanwil Depdiknas No.1896/ 1.02.1/Kep/OT/1999
Alamat : Jl.Raya Cibuni, Rancabali - Ciwidey
E mail :

a. To stay at home d. To watch the show at home

b. To see the concert e. To come to their friend’s house
c. To arrage their free time
33. Man : we’re going to the movie on Friday night. Would you like to come with us?
Woman : ….
a. I hate it c. I disagree with you e. I’m sorry to hear that
b. I don’t like it d. I’d love to I can’t
34. Mom : Wita, would you go with me to the supermarket?
Wita : I’d love to, Mom, but I have to finish my assignment first.
a. Showing her surprise to go to the market
b. Giving the permission to go to the market
c. Refusing the invitation to go to the market
d. Making excuses not to finish the assignment
e. Showing her inability to finish the assignment
35. Alisa : Beno, what will you do tonight?
Beno : Not much. Why?
Alisa : I have an extra ticket to watch a jazz concert tonight. Do you want to come?
Beno : Sure, what time?
The underline sentence shows ….
a. Refusal
b. Surprise
c. Inability
d. Refusing invitation
e. Accepting invitation

Tick Tock, Tick Tock

The new Year begins at
12 o'clock !
Please join us for the big countdown at
Kyla's New Years Blowout
December 31 st - 9.00 PM - 2.00 AM
232 South Beach Way
Miami, Florida
RS VP to Kyla

36. Where is the event being hels?

a. At the hotel
b. At the park
c. At keyla’s school
d. Kyla’s New Years Blowout
e. 232 South Beach Way Miami, Florida
37. What time is the event started?
a. 9 A.M. b. 9 P.M. c. At noon
Akta Notaris No.11 Tanggal 23 Juni 1992
TERAKREDITASI : B No. SK 02 00/203/BAP-SM/SK/XII/205 NSS : 302020/1035 NPSN : 20227881
Ijin Operasional SK Kanwil Depdiknas No.1896/ 1.02.1/Kep/OT/1999
Alamat : Jl.Raya Cibuni, Rancabali - Ciwidey
E mail :

d. 12 o’clock e. At midnight
Apt BLK 30, Eunos St
#05- 116
Singapore 1441
2nd April 2009
Dear Liza,
I have received your letter asking me to meet you at your house this Sunday to diacuss matter
you have. I regret however to say that it will be not be possible foe me to see you on Sunday as I
already have a previous appointment. I shall see you on Monday, next week, at 4 P.M. hoping
the change of date will be convinient to you.
Your sincerely,

38. What does the letter talk about?

a. Liza’s problem d. A meeting held at Liza’s house
b. Liza’s appointment e. Daisy regret for not being able to come
c. Daisy regret for not being able to come
39. Why did Liza ask Daisy to come to her house?
a. Daisy would discuss her problem with c. Liza persuaded Daisy to go somewhere
Liza d. Daisy wanted to meet Liza’s family
b. Liza wanted Daisy to solve her problem e. Liza wanted to chat with Daisy
40. “I have received your letter asking me to meet you at your house this Sunday to discuss matter you
The underline word has similar meaning with ….
a. Idea c. Topic e. problem
b. Meter d. Lesson

Answer !
1. Make the sentences
a. Suggestion
b. Accepting suggestion
2. Write a sentence that expression offering something !
3. Smoking should be baned in public places.
Give the respond about the sentence above by using the :
a. Agreement
b. Disagreement
4. Fantastic ! Congratulation on getting the first prize !
The sentence above the expression of ....
5. Make the invitation card about a birthday party !

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