Unforgettable Memories From The Past

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Unforgettable memories from the past,

May 5th, 2015, in a hospital in the city of Tangerang, Awalbros Hospital. That day was the day my first child was
born. A very fabulous day.
I have been waiting overnight before labor takes place. In the morning the doctor came and there was a labor
process by caesarean section.
I have been waiting in front of the operating room for 2 hours. Then I was called by a pediatrician to provide
information that my child had been born in superb condition. Then bring to the baby room for the next process.
Unforgettable day.
I only fought alone together with my wife until all the labor was finished and went home in a healthy and safe

Activity that i like todo recently

I am currently working at PT Paramount. This is a daily routine.

Last month I have joined to study at the Matana University. This is amazing university.
I want to try and learn new science, Architecture Engineering. I want to combine the knowledge that I have
learned before, Geodetic Engineering with this new science of Architecture Engineering.
I hope to be able to complete this level at the Matana University. And make provision of knowledge in carrying
out work at PT Paramount.
Studying while working is not easy, we must be able at managing time. Time to work, time to do college
assignments and time for my beloved family.
This is a challenge we must go through. This is very interesting, and I hope to be able to run well.

The dream, that you want to achieve in the future

Everyone must have a dream. from this dream we will becoming a person who works hard and better, so that
our dream can be realized. because everything is achieved by effort.
Now my dream is graduating at the matana university. I want to be an architect later, or maybe i will continue
again to a higher level of schooling. Even though at first I have dreamed of being a great geodesic data processor.
I can only try and hope to be realized. From the dream, the great person is there.

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