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Title: Angel's Fashion

Brief Description:

The Angel's Fashion is a type of business that deals with a production

industry. It is a ultramodern style and design of clothes and accessories for babies that
has a touch of procreate way of development of fashion for babies. Also, It aims to
provide a good quality product to all the customers.
The objectives of this business are to be known for it not just in Albay but
also in the entire Philippines, to create employment, to lead for enhancing for the
development of the fashion industry and to contribute to economy of the locality.
The target market of this business is all the mommies out there. The
store will be located at Centro Poblacion, Oas Albay.
I choose this business because it is new eye spot for mommies and I
notice that all the business babies wear on was old and there's no yet change through
style and designs, so I choose this for creating a new clothes and accessories for baby
to be on the generation or trend in today's world. Also, I choose baby as my market
because I want to get their attention in the business to understand who they are and
there's a huge based for the parents who are ready to spend their money to my
business for their babies.

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