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Hello Our Dear Fellow Kayts Parishioners:

It is with great pleasure we can report back the great achievement made by the Parishioners’ living in the land of the
maple leaf which we call our home and native land Canada.
We started this journey with some tepidness back in the fall of 2018 with a small group of likeminded people coming
together and having a vision to continue the work carried out by our forefathers and mothers to renovate the church.
At the initial stage we envisaged that it will be a marathon race or in cricketing parlance a test match. We had a successful
Christmas Party with the help of our young parishioners Suganthy Ramkumar, Jeyanthi Amalan, Roshani Chrysanthus,
Rogash Lucas and Roshini Anthonipillai which brought our community together after a long lapse and our heartfelt thanks
to our parishioners’ for attending the party. At the Christmas party we laid the ground work for our fund collection effort
but were waiting for some information from Colombo before we can present our case to the Parishioners.
In February this year we received the initial budget and plan from Colombo and when it was received we approached
another group of young enthusiastic Parishioners- Arshini Joseph, Jeya Saverimuthu, Ananthy Jude, Shara Dinesh Logan
Lidya Roy and Roshini Anthonypillai to help us convene the Town Hall meeting which was well attended and it laid the
launching pad for our fund raising effort. After a lively exchange of views and ideas at the meeting, it was decided to get
the pledges from the community and send the funds to Colombo in three installments.
At the town hall meeting four dedicated members – Jeya Saverimuthu, Chandrin Gunasingam, Ananthy Jude and Roshini
Anthonipillai were appointed as the finance committee to continue the process of fund raising and they delivered an
amazing result. Instead of thinking that they were running a marathon race, they did a hundred-meter sprint, or they
thought it was a 20 over match and within a few weeks produced one of the largest fund-raising amounts. A special thanks
to Jeya Saverimuthu for her untiring efforts in maintaining the accounts, preparing the spread sheet and coordinating the
This effort will not have been successful without the back ground support and attendance at the Town Hall meeting of
Ansley Arokiyasamy, Logan Alvin, Jude Anthonypillai, Anthony Lucas Pitchi, Newton Arokiyasamy, Bala Devasagayam,
Amalan Joseph, Rajkumar Linus, Thomas Ratnasamy, Vasanthy Richard and Suganthy Xavier, Mahendran Devasagayam
and Dennis Aloysius.
We can report proudly today that Reginold Saverimuthu has kindly taken the responsibility to remit $17,151 Canadian
dollars (approximately Rs.2.24 million) to the St. Anthony’s Building Fund Account in Colombo. The overall Pledge total
from Canada as of today is $25,801 and we hope to grow this total in the coming weeks and months with your continued
Of course, our biggest thank you goes to all the silent donor’s whose list is attached for coming forward and donating and
pledging their hard-earned money and stating loudly Yes, we can and Yes, we will.
A very special thanks goes to our US Partners Brijesh Anthonypillai, Vijayan Saba and Juventinus Thampoe for their
encouragement and the Colombo Committee for their continued trust and support for our efforts. The Canadian’s have
run the first lap of the relay with a speed and big lead and we are confident that rest of the world will do their part.
We look forward to great things from Colombo. Over to you Colombo. May the blessings of St. Anthony guide us.
Anthonymuthu Rexi Selvakumar Anthonypillai April 08, 2019

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