Inglés: Repaso San Marcos

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Repaso San Marcos


PAST SIMPLE 1st person, sg. → I watched 1st person, sg. → I drank
TV yesterday. whiskey yesterday.
1. Past Simple is the tense that refers to actions comple- 3rd person, sg. → She 3rd person, sg. → She
ted in the past. watched TV yesterday. drank whiskey yesterday.
2. Past Simple requires the second form of the verb.
3. Verbs may be regular or irregular. This is reflected in Remember that:
their second form. • At Past Simple, the verb remains unchanged for all per-
sons, singular and plural (including the 3rd person sg.).
When do I use Past Simple?
Past Simple is used for actions that started and finished
Did + Subject + Verb I + (...) + ?
in the past.
e.g.: Did I (subject) watch (verb) TV yesterday?
• one action in the past: I watched TV yesterday.
• a series of actions in the past: I woke up, then I had
1st person, sg. → Did I 1st person, sg. → Did I
breakfast and read the newspaper.
watch TV yesterday? drink whiskey yesterday?
• historical facts: The Second World War started in 1939.
• generalizations in the past: People watched less TV 10 3rd person, sg. → Did she 3rd person, sg. → Did she
watch TV yesterday? drink whiskey yesterday?
years ago.

How do I recognize Past Simple? Remember that:

Past Simple is often marked by explicit or implicit adverbs • In interrogative sentences, the auxiliary did contains
or time expressions. the past form of the verb structure. The main verb (to
• yesterday, yesterday morning, the day before yesterday watch or to drink) is used in its FIRST form.
• last evening, last week, last month, last September, last • The auxiliary did is the same for all persons, singular
summer, last year and plural.
• The short answer for a Past Simple question is:
• one week ago, two months ago, three years ago
o Affirmative: Yes, I did (for all persons – Yes, I did; Yes,
• specific dates or months (if they are in the past): on the
you did; Yes, he did etc.)
1st of March, in May
o Negative: No, I didn’t = No, I did not (for all persons
• implicit reference (it is obvious that we are referring to
– No, I didn’t; No, you didn’t; No, he didn’t etc.)
the past): As a teenager, he played video games a lot.

Regular and irregular verbs
Subject + Did Not + Verb I + (...)
English verbs may be regular or irregular. This is linked to e.g.: I (subject) did not watch (verb) TV yesterday.
their second form. For Past Simple, we need the second
form of the verb, which is formed like this:
1st person, sg. → I did not 1st person, sg. → I did not
• Regular verbs have regular second forms. They take watch TV yesterday. drink whiskey yesterday?
an - ed at the end of the first form. e.g.: (to) watch -
3rd person, sg. → She did 3rd person, sg. → She
not watch TV yesterday? did not drink whiskey
• Irregular verbs have irregular second forms. These yesterday?
can only be learned by heart or by practice. e.g.: (to)
drink - drank Remember that:
• In negative sentences, the auxiliary did contains the
How do I form Past Simple? past form of the verb structure. The main verb (to
Affirmative watch or to drink) is used in its FIRST form.
Subject + Verb II + (...) • The short form of did not is didn’t. e.g.: I didn’t watch
e.g.: I (subject) watched (verb) TV yesterday. TV.

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The Bomb
Did you ever hear of King Charles the Twelfth of Sweden? He
A little girl went in search of flowers for her mother. It was
lived two hundred years ago and was famous for his courage
early in the day, and the grass was wet. Sweet little birds
in defending his country.
were singing all around her.
One day he was in the midst of a great battle. The small hou-
And what do you think she found besides flowers? A nest
se in which he had taken shelter was almost between the
with young birds in it.
two armies.
While she was looking at them, she heard the mother bird
He called to one of his officers and bade him sit down and
chirp as if to say, “Do not touch my children, little girl, for I
write a short order for him.
love them dearly.”
The officer began to write, but just as he finished the first
The little girl now thought how dearly her own mother loved
word, a bomb came through the roof of the house and struck
the floor close by him. He dropped the pen and sprang to his
So she left the birds. Then picking some flowers, she went
feet. He was pale with fear. “What is the matter?” asked the
home, and she told her mother what she had seen and
“Oh, sir,” he answered, “the bomb! the bomb!”
“Yes, I see,” said the king. “But what has the bomb to do with
6. What time of day was the girl looking for flowers?
what I wish you to write? Sit down, and take your pen. When
your country is in danger, you should forget your own safety.”
A) early in the afternoon
B) late at night
1. What was King Charles famous for?
C) early in the morning
A) Writing letters D) at noon
B) Defending his country E) at midnight
C) Calling his officers
D) Feeling fear 7. What did she find besides the flowers?
E) Answering letters
A) wet grass
2. Why did the officer drop his pen? B) more flowers
A) Because the king called him C) sweet little birds singing
B) Because the king called him D) a nest with young birds
C) Because a bomb came through E) a mother bird
D) Because the house was too small
E) Because there was a great battle 8. What did the mother bird say to the girl?

3. What is the king trying to teach the officer? A) The mother bird said not to touch the young birds.
B) The mother bird didn’t say anything.
A) To be coward
C) The mother bird said to pick some flowers.
B) To be easily scared
D) The mother bird said to go home
C) To be unsecure
D) To write a letter E) The mother bird said that the grass was wet.
E) To be courageous
9. Why did the girl leave the nest alone?
4. Why did the king call one of his officers?
A) She noticed that the mother bird loved her children.
A) To send a bomb B) She had to go home.
B) To defend the country C) She even noticed the nest.
C) To sit down D) She was picking some flowers up.
D) To write a short order E) She didn’t like nests.
E) To drop the pen
10. What does search mean?
5. According to the text, what does “fear” mean?

A) courage B) brave C) scared A) lose B) distraction C) abstraction

D) secure E) self - confidence D) absentmindedness E) looking - for

1- B 2- C 3- E 4- D 5- C
6- C 7- D 8- A 9- A 10 - E

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