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Division of Cagayan de Oro City

Bayanga, Cagayan de Oro City

April 1, 2016
Senior High School Academic Track
Lesson Plan in Grade 11 (Creative Writing/Malikhaing Pagsulat)
1st Semester, SY 2016 – 2017

I. Learning Objectives
At the end of one session, 90% of the Grade 11 Senior High School
students will be able to:

a. Define what is a short story and name it’s elements;

b. Appreciate the value of cooperation and teamwork in group activity;
c. Construct a collage to illustrate the theme of a story “ Footnote To Youth”
by Jose Garcia Villa; and
d. Create a new ending of a story “Footnote To Youth”.

II. Subject Matter

a. Topic: Elements of a Short Story (Theme and Point of View)

Learning Competency: Creating a new ending of a short story without
changing the theme and its point of view.

 Text Books:
-Josephine B. Serrano, et al. Better English 10 (1998) Phoenix Publishing
House, Inc. Quezon City, pages 106-110.
-Carmelita Emilia D. Isidro, et al. Growth Project 10 (Heading Towards
New Beginning) (2010) Wizard Publishing Haws, Inc. Tarlac City, pages

 Internet sources:

b. Materials: Marker, Cartolina / Manila paper, chalk, paper tape, book, and
c. Values Integration: Following instruction, Listening, Cooperation and

III. Procedure

A. Preliminary Activities
 Opening Prayer
 Greetings
 Checking of attendance, cleanliness and orderliness of the
classroom, class rules.
 Review: Fiction

B. Motivation: “Crown Passing Game”

 The teacher will let the students sing a song entitled “Jack and Jill”
and let the students pass the crown to their seatmates.
 If the teacher will say “STOP” the students will stop singing.
 The teacher will select one question and let the one wearing the
crown answer it.

C. Presentation

 The teacher will group the students into 4 groups and give each
student a photocopy of the story “Footnote To Youth” by Jose Garcia
 Given 20 minutes, the Teacher will let the students read the story and
let the students share their insights about the story through
brainstorming together with their group mates.
 The teacher will briefly discuss the elements of a short story which will
only be focus about the Theme and Point of View.
 The teacher will cite examples about theme and point of view.
 The students are encouraged to ask questions.
 There will be a student and teacher interaction.
D. Discussion
 As a result of the students brainstorming, the teacher will let the
students make a collage with the use of the newspapers.
 The students will make a collage to illustrate the theme of the story
“Footnote To Youth”
 Each group of students will post their collage in the board.
 The teacher will select one student to explain what is the theme of the
story with regards to their collage.
 The other groups were encouraged to ask questions to the presenter
of the other group.
 The teacher can also ask questions and add her own insights about
the activity.

E. Generalization
Discuss the following questions to summarize the topic.
 Recap elements of short story (Point of View and Theme).
 What did you learn from our discussion?
 How important is the lesson in your daily life?
 Why do you need to learn this topic?

IV. Evaluation
Direction: In 1 whole sheet of paper, make a new ending of a story “Footnote To
Youth”. Consider what other changes must be made in the story to make your ending
logical and how your ending would alter the overall meaning of the story. Your ending
must not change the theme and the point of view of the story.

The work of the students will be graded following this rubric:

Criteria Possible Points

1. Punctuation 10
2. Grammar 15
3. Content/Ideas 30
4. Organization 15
5. Theme & Point of View 30
Total 100

V. Assignment

Instruction: In 1 whole sheet of paper, select one character of the short story
“Footnote To Youth” and give him/her a piece of advice.

1. Dodong – main character of the story who got married at the age of 17.
2. Teang – regretted marrying at an early age.
3. Lucio – Teang’s other suitor who got married after she did and who’s childless until
4. Blas – Dodong and Teang’s oldest son who followed their footsteps in the end.
Blas contemplated to marry Tona when he was 18.
5. Tona - woman whom Blas wants to marry.

Prepared by:
Mrs. Jeanley Tapic – Albiso

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