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Vü≤]¸‘Y Çìdæº≥÷´{Ÿ Date : 10-03-18

#·T≥Tº>∑T+≥, @\÷s¡T s√&é, $»j·Tyê&É -4, Cell : 9160419854, 9030450459

Paper Code :102 GROUP D EXAM P APER
PAPER 100 Questions, Time : 90minutes

1) Brahmos is a/an / ÁãVü≤√àdt ˇø£ :

1. Aeroplanes/$e÷q+ 2. Missile/ øÏå|üDÏ
3. Robo/s√uÀ(eTs¡ eTìwæ) 4. Satellite/ñ|üÁ>∑Vü≤eTT
2) Myopia is connected with :/ eTjÓ÷|æj·÷ BìøÏ dü+ã+~Û+∫q~ ?
1. heart/>∑T+&Ó 2. Lungs/}|æ]‹‘·TÔ\T 3. eyes/ø£qTï\T 4. ears/#Óe⁄\T
3) Cosmology is the study of :/ ø±kÕà\J BìøÏ dü+ã+~Û+∫q n<Ûä´j·TqeTT ?
1. Cosmetics/n+>∑sê>±\T / #·s¡à kÂ+<äs¡´ kÕ<Ûäq Á<äyê´\T
2. Universe/$X¯«eTT 3. Crime/H˚s¡eTT 4. Manuscripts/sê‘·Á|ü‹
4) The distance between the two consecutive points of same phase is :
¬s+&ÉT Áø£e÷qTkÕs¡ _+<äTe⁄\ eT<Ûä´ <ä÷s¡+ ˇπø <äX¯˝À ñqïjÓT&É\ n~ <ëì :
1. Frequency/bÂq : |ü⁄q´eTT 2. Amplitude/ø£+|üq |ü]$T‹
3. Intensity /ø±+‹ rÁe‘· 4. Wavelength/‘·s¡+>∑ <ÛÓ’s¡Œ¤´eTT
5) A crack in a pane of glass when seen obliquely appears :
>±E |ü\ø£˝À ñqï |ü>∑T\îqT e+ø£s¡>± #·÷dæq#√, ÁøÏ+~ $<ÛäeTT>± ø£ì|ædüTÔ+~ ?
1. Silvery/ yÓ+&ç˝≤>± 2. Green/|ü#·Ã>± 3. Black/q\¢>± 4. Coloured/es¡íeTj·TeTT>±
6) For alternate current we use :
@ø±+‘·s¡ $<äT´‘Y Á|üyêVü≤eTTq≈£î eTqeTT ñ|üjÓ÷–+#·Tq~:
1. Eliminator/m*$TH˚≥sY 2. Transformer/Á{≤Hé‡bòÕs¡àsY
3. Battery/u≤´≥Ø 4. Dynamo/&Ó’H√yÓ÷
7) Friction :/|òüTs¡¸D :
1. accelerates the motion/>∑‹ì ‘·«s¡DeTT #˚j·TTqT
2. stop the moving body completely/ø£~˝Ò düeT÷Vü≤eTTqT |üP]Ô>± Ä|ü⁄qT
3. retards the motion/>∑‹ y˚>∑eTTqT ‘·–Z+#·TqT
4. does not have any effect on motion/>∑‹ô|’ m˝≤+{Ï Á|üuÛ≤eeTTqT #·÷|ü<äT
8) The astronaut in the ship sees the sky as :/K>√\ XÊgE„ìøÏ HÍø£ qT+&ç Äø±X¯eTT á $<ÛäeTT>± ø£ì|æ+#·TqT :
1. Red/ms¡T|ü⁄ 2. Black/q\T|ü⁄ 3. Blue/˙\eTT 4. White/‘Ó\T|ü⁄
9) Which metal has the maximum use as pure metal?
á ÁøÏ+~ ˝ÀVü≤eTT\˝À @~ n‘·´~Ûø£ X¯ó<ä∆ ˝ÀVü≤eTT>± yê&Éã&ÉT#·Tqï~ ?
1. Silver/yÓ+&ç 2. Copper/sê– 3. Iron/ÇqTeTT 4. Alluminium/n\÷´$Tìj·TyéT
10) Cola type soft drinks contain/ø√˝≤ s¡ø±˝…’q düT\uÛÑ bÕ˙j·TeTT\˝À ñ+&˚~?
1. Phosphoric acid/bòÕdüŒ¤]ø˘ ÄeT¢eTT 2. Formic acid/bòÕ]àø˘ ÄeT¢eTT
3. Lactic acid/˝≤øϺø˘ ÄeT¢eTT 4. Acetic acid/mdæ{Ïø˘ ÄeT¢eTT
11) The substance used to burn Rocket fuel is :
sê¬ø{Ÿ Ç+<ÛäqeTTqT eT+&ç+|ü #˚j·TT≥≈£î ñ|üjÓ÷–+#·T |ü<ës¡úeTT / Á<äe´eTT ?
1. Lead Peroxide/˝…&é ô|sê¬ø’‡&é 2. Magnesium Oxide/yÓT–ïwæj·TyéT Ĭø’‡&é
3. Ammonium Perchlorate/nyÓ÷àìj·TyéT ô|sYø√¢πs{Ÿ
4. Potassium Chlorate/bı{≤wæj·TyéT ø√¢¬s’{Ÿ
12) ‘22 Carats Gold’ contains by weight :/22 ø±´¬s{Ÿ ã+>±s¡eTT˝À sê– XÊ‘·+?
1. 8.4 % of Copper/8.4 % sê– 2. 10.2 % of Copper/10.2 % sê–
3. 11.4% of Copper/11.4 % sê– 4. 12.6 % of Copper/12.6 % sê–

13) The nonstick pans used in Kitchens are coated with:/
e+≥>∑~˝À ñ|üjÓ÷–+#·T n+≥Tø=qì bÕÁ‘·\T <˚ì‘√ ˝Ò|üqeTT #˚j·Tã&ÉTqT ?
1. Polyvinyl Chloride/ bÕ*$HÓ’˝Ÿ ø√¢¬s’&é 2. Polytetrafluoroethylene/bÕ*f…Á{≤ |üP¢s√ m~∏*Hé
3. Polyethylene/bÕ*<∏Ó’*Hé 4. Polyamide/bÕ*j·÷yÓTÆ&é
14) ‘Oryza sativa’ is the scientific name of :/ªˇ¬s’C≤düf…Æyêµ nqTq~ á ÁøÏ+~ yêì˝À <˚ì XÊÅd”Ôj·T HêeTeTT ?
1. Wheat/>√<ÛäTeT 2. Maize/yÓTTø£ÿC§qï 3. Potato/ã+>±fi¯<äT+|ü 4. Rice/e]
15) The Chicory powder which is mixed with coffee is obtained from :
ø±|ò”˝À ø£\T|üã&ÉT ∫ø√] bÂ&ÉsY <˚ì qT+&ç Á>∑Væ≤+#· ã&ÉTqT?
1. Roots/y˚s¡T qT+&ç 2. Stem/ø±+&ÉeTT qT+&ç 3. Leaves/Ä≈£î\ qT+&ç 4. Seeds/$‘·ÔqeTT\ qT+&ç
16) Pigment without oxygen is :/Äøχ»Hé ˝Òì es¡í Á<äe´eTT ?
1. Phycobilins/ô|’ø√_*Hé‡ 2. Carotene/¬øs√{ÏHé
3. Chlorophyll/|üÁ‘·Vü≤]‘·eTT 4. Xantophyll/C≤+‘√|òæ˝Ÿ
17) Maximum Photosynthesis occurs in :/øÏs¡D»q´ dü+jÓ÷>∑ ÁøÏj·T @ ø±+‹˝À m≈£îÿe>± »s¡T>∑T‘·T+~ ?
1. Sunlight /dü÷s¡´ø±+‹ 2. Infra red light/|üsês¡TD ø±+‹
3. Blue light/˙* ø±+‹ 4. Red light/ns¡TD ø±+‹
18) Toamato belongs to the family of :/ ≥yÓ÷{≤ @ ≈£î≥T+ãeTTq≈£î #Ó+~q~ ?
1. Gramineae/Á>±$Tìj˚T 2. Solanaceae/kı\Hêdæj˚T
3. Leguminosae/˝…>∑T$TH√d” 4. Malvaceae/e÷˝Ÿyêdæj˚T
19) The organisms which can tolerate a small temperature range are called :
‘·≈£îÿe ñc˛íÁ>∑‘· dæú‹ì düVæ≤+#·>∑\ J$ì @eT+<äTs¡T ?
1. Stenothermal/ôdºH√<∏äs¡à˝Ÿ 2. Pyschrophiles/ôd’Áø√ô|ò’˝Ÿ‡
3. Eurythermal/j·T÷]<∏Ós¡à˝Ÿ 4. Poikilothermal/ô|’øÏ˝À<∏Ós¡à˝Ÿ
20) India’s first genetically engineered vaccine is :
uÛ≤s¡‘·<˚X¯eTT yÓTT≥ºyÓTT<ä≥ »qT´|üs¡eTT>± ‘·j·÷s¡T#˚dæq {°ø± eT+<äT ?
1. Mataria Vaccine/eT{≤]j·÷ {°ø± eT+<äT 2. FMD Vaccine/m|òt.j·TyéT.&ç {°ø± eT+<äT
3. HBW Vaccine/ôV≤#Y._.$. {°ø± eT+<äT 4. BCG Vaccine/_.dæ.õ. {°ø± eT+<äT
21) Which of the following enzymes are mostly involved in biosynthetic reaction ?
á ÁøÏ+~ yêì˝À @ m+C…’yéT\T m≈£îÿe>± Je ø£èÁ‹eT Á|ü‹ÁøÏj·T˝À bÕ\T |ü+#·Tø=qTqT ?
1. Lyases/\j˚TôdHé 2. Ligases/˝…’π>ôddt
3. Transferases/Á{≤Hé‡ô|ò¬sôddt 4. Hydrolases/ôV’≤Á&Ü*ôddt
22) The Chief function of Internal ear in fish is :/#˚|ü n+‘·s¡ #Ó$ Á|ü<Ûëq $~Û :
1. Hearing /$ìøÏ&ç 2. Sound Production/<Ûä«ì ñ‘êŒ<äq
3. Equilibrium/düeT‘ê dæú‹ 4. Detect changes in water/˙{Ï˝À e÷s¡TŒ\qT |üdæ>∑≥Tº≥
23) Microlytic anemia is due to the deficiency of :/yÓTÆÁø√˝…’{Ïø˘ s¡ø£ÔV”≤q‘· <˚ì ˝À|üeTT e\q ø£\T>∑T‘·T+~ ?
1. Folacin/ b˛˝≤dæHé 2. Biotin/ãjÓ÷{ÏHé
3. Niacin/ìj·÷dæHé 4. Pantothenic acid/bÕ+{À<∏Óìø˘ ÄeT¢+
24) E is the son of A,D is the son of B.E is married to C.C is B’s daughter. How is D Related to E ?
E, A jÓTTø£ÿ ≈£îe÷s¡T&ÉT, D,B jÓTTø£ÿ ≈£îe÷s¡T&ÉT. E,C ì $yêVü≤eT&ÓqT. C, B jÓTTø£ÿ ≈£îe÷¬sÔ. nsTTq#√ D, E øÏ @ s¡ø£eTT>±
ã+<ÛTä e⁄?
1. Brother-in-law/u≤e 2. Father-in-law/e÷ej·T´
3. Uncle/n+≈£î˝Ÿ 4. Brother/k˛<äs¡T&ÉT
25) Five men A, B,C, D and E read a newspaper. The one who reads first gives to C. The one who reads last had
taken from A.E. was not the first or last to read. There were two readers between B and A. Who reads the
newspaper last ?

◊<äT>∑Ts¡T e´≈£îÔ\T A, B, C, D eT]j·TT E ˇø£ yêsêÔ |üÁ‹ø£qT #·~yês¡T. yÓTT<ä≥ #·~$q n‘·qT C øÏ Ç#ÓÃqT. ∫e]˝À #·~$q n‘·qT
A qT+&ç rdüTø=HÓqT. E yÓTT<ä≥ >±ì, ∫es¡>±ì #·<äe˝Ò<äT. B eT]j·TT A eT<Ûä´ #·~$q yês¡T Ç<ä›s¡T ñHêïs¡T. ∫e]˝À yêsêÔ|üÁ‹ø£qT
#·~$q~ mes¡T?
1. B 2. C 3. A 4. D
26) A man walks 10 metres in front, 10 metres to the right. Then every time turning to his left, he walks 5, 15 and
15 metres respectively. How far is he now from his starting point ?
ˇø£ e´øÏÔ 10 MT≥s¡T¢ eTT+<äTyÓ’|ü⁄q≈£î, 10 MT≥s¡T¢ ≈£î&çyÓ’|ü⁄q≈£î q&ç#ÓqT. ‘·s¡Tyê‘· Á|ü‹kÕ] m&ÉeTyÓ’|ü⁄q≈£î ‹s¡T>∑T#·÷ n‘·&ÉT 5, 15
eT]j·TT MT≥s¡T¢ Áø£e÷qTkÕs¡+>± q&ç#ÓqT. Ç|üð&ÉT n‘·qT ãj·T˝Ò›]q _+<äTe⁄≈£î m+‘· <ä÷s¡+˝À ñHêï&ÉT?
1. 20 metres 2. 15 metres 3. 10 metres 4. 5 metres
27) How many numbers from 11 to 50 are there which are exactly divisible by 7 but not by 3 ?
11 qT+&ç 50 es¡≈£î >∑\ dü+K\˝À, 7‘√ dü]>±Z, nsTT‘˚ 3‘√ ø±≈£î+&Ü $uÛÑõ+|üã&ÉT dü+K´\T mìï ñHêïsTT ?
1. Two 2. Five 3. Four 4. Six
28) Which two months in a year have the same Calendar ?
@ ¬s+&ÉT HÓ\\T ˇπø $<ÛäyÓTÆq yê´˝…+&ÉsYì ø£*–j·TTqï$ ?
1. June, October/pHé, nø√ºãsY 2. April, July/@Á|æ˝Ÿ, p˝…’
3. October, December/ nø√ºãsY, &çôd+ãsY 4. April, November/@Á|æ˝Ÿ, qe+ãsY
29) If, Currency : Rupee, then Nationality : /ˇø£y˚fi¯, Á<äe´eTT : s¡÷bÕsTT, nsTTq#√ C≤rj·T‘· : ?
1. Nation/C≤rj·T 2. Person/|üs¡‡Hé
3. Patriotism/dü«<˚XÊ_Ûe÷q+ 4. Indian/uÛ≤s¡rj·TT&ÉT/uÛ≤s¡rj·TT\T
30) The antonym for ‘hard’ is:/ªVü‰sY¶µ q≈£î e´‹πsø±s¡úø£ |ü<äeTT :
1. Rigid/]õ&é 2. Soft/kÕ|òtº
3. Flexible/ô|ò¢øχãT˝Ÿ 4. Tough/≥|òt
31) The synonym for ‘haste’ is :/ ªùV≤dtºµ q≈£î düe÷q |ü<äeTT :
1. Hurry/Vü‰ÁØ 2. Fast/bòÕdtº 3. Rush/s¡wt 4. Tough/øÏ«ø˘
32) Which one of the following numbers is wrong in the series :
á ÁøÏ+~ es¡Tdü dü+K´\˝À ˇø£{Ï dü¬s’q~ ø±<äT. <ëìì ‘Ó\T|ü⁄eTT 1,6,2,12,8,24 ?
1. 2 2. 8 3.6 4. 24
33) If a box is 2m wide and 1m deep, how long should it be to hold 16 cubic metres of sand ?
ˇø£ ô|f…º 2 MT. yÓ&É\TŒ eT]j·TT 1 MT. >∑Vü≤q/˝À‘·T ø£*–j·TTqï jÓT&É\ 16 ≈£L´_ø˘ MT≥s¡¢ ÇdüTø£qT |ü≥Tºø=ì ñ+&ÉT≥≈£î bı&Ée⁄ m+‘·
ñ+&Ée˝…qT ?
1. 12m 2. 16m 3. 8m 4. 10m
34) Rearrange the letter BCARLMEDS to make a meaningful word ?
ns¡úe+‘·yÓTÆq |ü<äìsêàDeTTq≈£î BCARLMEDS nø£ås¡eTT\qT ‹]– @s¡Œs¡#·TeTT ?
35) The battle of Bobbili was fought in the year :/u§_“* j·TT<ä∆eTT »]–q dü+e‘·‡s¡+ :
1. 1755 2. 1756 3. 1757 4. 1758
36) The Azad Hind Fauz was started at :/ ªnC≤<é Væ≤+<é bòÂCŸµ ÁbÕs¡+_Û+#·ã&çq~ ?
1. Bangkok/u≤´+ø±ø˘ 2. Tokyo/{§ø√´ 3. Berlin/u…]¢Hé 4. Singapore/dæ+>∑|üPsY
37) The sage who is said to have Aryanised South India was :
<äøÏåD uÛ≤s¡‘·<˚X¯eTTqT Äs¡´e+oj·TT\T>± e÷]Ãq≥Tº |æ\Teã&ÉT eTTì ?
1. Apastambha/nekÕÔ+uÛÑ 2. Vasishtha/e•wüº
3. Vishwamitra/$XÊ«$TÁ‘· 4. Agastya/n>∑düÔ´
38) Ashoka used to release certain number of prisoners on humanitarian grounds on every anniversary of his :
nXÀ≈£î&ÉT e÷qe‘ê <äèø£Œ<äeTT‘√ Á|ü‹ dü+e‘·‡s¡eTT ø=+‘·eT+~ U…’B\qT á ÁøÏ+~ yêì˝À @ dü+<äs¡“¤eTT>± $&ÉT<ä\ #˚j·TT#·T+&ÓqT?

1. Birth/|ü⁄{Ϻq s√E 2. Conquest of Kalinga/ø£[+>∑qT »sTT+∫q s√E
3. Coronation/|ü{≤º_Ûùwø£+
4. Conversation to Buddhism/uÖ<ä∆eT‘·eTTq≈£î |ü]es¡Ôq #Ó+~qs√E
39) Jainism received a serious blow at the hands of:/
C…’q eT‘·eTT me] #˚‹˝À nbÕj·Tø£s¡ <Óã“/Á|üVü‰s¡+ bı+~q~ ?
1. Lingayats/*+>±j·T‘·T\T 2. Nayanars/Hêj·THês¡T\T
3. Alvars/nfi≤«s¡T\T 4. Sankaracharya/X¯+ø£sê#ês¡T´\T
40) Katantra Vyakarana was composed by :/ ªø±‘·+Á‘ê yê´ø£s¡D+µqT s¡∫+∫q~ ?
1. Patanjali/|ü‘·+»* 2. Agastya/n>∑düTÔ´&ÉT
3. Gunadhya/>∑TD≤&ÉT´&ÉT 4. Sarvavarma/düs¡« es¡à
41) The founder of the ‘Servants of India Society’ was: / ªdüπs«+{Ÿ‡ Ä|òt Ç+&çj·÷ kıôd’{°µ e´ekÕú|ü≈£î\T :
1. Dadabhai Naoroji/<ë<ëu≤sTT HÍs√J 2. Gopalkrishna Gokhale/>√bÕ\ø£èwüí >√K˝Ò
3. M.G.Ranade/j·T+.õ.s¡q&˚ 4. Balagangadhar Tilak/u≤˝≤>∑+>±<ÛäsY ‹\ø˘
42) The first Indian King who abdicated his throne, was :
yÓTT≥ºyÓTT<ä≥>± dæ+Vü‰düqeTTqT |ü]‘·´õ+∫q uÛ≤s¡‘·<˚X¯ sêE :
1. Chandragupta I/ˇø£≥e #·+Á<ä>∑T|ü⁄Ô&ÉT 2. Ashoka/nXÀ≈£î&ÉT
3. Chandragupta Maurya/#·+Á<ä>∑T|üÔ eTÚs¡T´&ÉT
4. Samudragupta/düeTTÁ<ä>∑T|ü⁄Ô&ÉT
43) The founder of Nalanda University was :/q\+<ä $X¯«$<ë´\j·T+ e´ekÕú|ü≈£î\T :
1. Kumaragupta/ ≈£îe÷s¡>∑T|ü⁄Ô&ÉT 2. Samudragupta/düeTTÁ<ä>∑T|ü⁄Ô&ÉT
3. Ashoka/nXÀ≈£î&ÉT 4. Nalanda/q\+<äT&ÉT
44) What was the childhood name of Nur Jahan?/q÷s¡®Vü‰Hé ∫qïHê{Ï ù|s¡T ?
1. Banu Begam/ u≤qT uÒ>∑yéT 2. Bharangal Nisha/uÛÑs¡+>∑˝Ÿ ìcÕ
3. Maharul Nisa/eTÁVüQ\ ìkÕ 4. Mumtaj/eTT+‘êCŸ
45) The Direct Action Day observed by the Muslim League was on :
eTTdæ¢+ ©>¥ Á|ü‘·´ø£å ø±sê´#·s¡D ~qeTTqT bÕ{Ï+∫q ‘˚~:
1. August 12, 1946 2. August 15, 1946
3. August 16, 1946 4. August 15, 1947
46) The Tweed Valley is located in :/{°«&é ˝Àj·T ñqï Á|ü<˚X¯eTT ?
1. Bradford/Áu≤&ébò˛sY¶ 2. Leeds/©&é‡
3. Scotland/kÕÿ{Ÿ˝≤´+&é 4. Huddersfield/Vü≤&ɶsY‡|ò”˝Ÿ¶
47) Nicolaus Copernicus was the 16th Century:/ìø√\dt ø√|ü]ïø£dt 16e X¯‘ê_› :
1. Astronomer/K>√fi¯ XÊgE„&ÉT 2. Mathematician/>∑DÏ‘· XÊgE„&ÉT
3. Navigator/HÍø±j·÷qeTT #˚j·TTyê&ÉT 4. Philosopher/‘·‘·« XÊgE„&ÉT
48) Annapurna, one of the highest mountains in the World is in :
Á|ü|ü+#·eTT˝À m‘·ÔsTTq |üs¡«‘·eTT\˝À ˇø£f…Æq nqï|üPs¡í mø£ÿ&É ñqï~ ?
1. India/Ç+&çj·÷ 2. Tibet/{Ïu…{Ÿ 3. Bhutan/uÛÑ÷{≤Hé
4. Nepal/H˚bÕ˝Ÿ
49) The bulk of the business relating to the Indian Stock Market is handled by the :
Ç+&çj·THé kÕºø˘ e÷¬sÿ{Ÿ≈£î dü+ã+~Û+∫ n~Ûø£ dü+U≤´ø£ ˝≤yê<˚M\qT »s¡T|ü⁄q~ ?
1. Reserve Bank of India/]»sY« u≤´+ø˘ Ä|òt Ç+&çj·÷
2. Bombay Stock Exchange/u≤+u… kÕºø˘ mπø‡Ã¤+CŸ
3. National Stock Exchange/H˚wüq˝Ÿ kÕºø˘ mπø‡Ã¤+CŸ
4. International Stock Exchange/Ç+≥πsïwüq˝Ÿ kÕºø˘ mπø‡Ã¤+CŸ
50) Introduction a man, a woman said “He is the only son of my mother’s mother”. How is the woman related to the
ˇø£ |ü⁄s¡Twüß&çì, ˇø£ Ád”Ô |ü]#·j·TeTT #˚dü÷Ô á $<ÛäeTT>± #Ó|æŒq~. ªªÇ‘·&ÉT e÷ neTàeTà jÓTTø£ÿ ˇπø ≈£îe÷s¡T&ÉTµµ. Ä Åd”Ô, Ä |ü⁄s¡TwüßìøÏ
@ $<ÛäyÓTÆq ã+<ÛäTe⁄ ne⁄‘·T+~ ?
1. Sister/k˛<ä] 2. Niece/y˚Tqø√&É\T 3. Aunt/|æìï 4. Mother/‘·*¢

51) Five girls are sitting in a row, Rashi is not adjacent to Sulekha or Abha. Anuradha is not adjacent to Sulekha. Rashi
is adjacent to Monika. Monika is at the middle in the row. Then Anuradha is adjacent to whom out of the follow-
◊<äT>∑Ts¡T u≤*ø£\T ˇø£ es¡Tdü>± ≈£Ls=Ãì ñHêïs¡T. düT˝ÒK≈£î>±ì, nuÛ≤≈£î>±ì, sêw” ø£*dæ j·TT+&É˝Ò<äT. nqTsê<Ûä düT˝ÒK‘√ ø£\dæ
j·TT+&É˝Ò<äT. sêw” yÓ÷ìø±‘√ ø£*dæ j·TTqï~. n|üð&ÉT á ÁøÏ+~ yê]˝À nqTsê<Ûä me]‘√ ø£*dæj·TTqï~ ?
1. Rashi 2.Monika 3. Abha 4. Sulekha
52) Which two months in a year have the same calendar ?
á ÁøÏ+~ yê{Ï˝À @ ¬s+&ÉT HÓ\\T ˇø£ $<ÛäyÓTÆq ø±´˝…+&ÉsYì ø£*–j·TTqï$ ?
1. April, June 2. January, December 3. April, July 4. June, October
53) Rahul ranks tenth from the top and thirty fourth from the bottom in a class. How many students are there in the
class ?
ˇø£ ‘·s¡>∑‹˝À sêVüQ˝Ÿ ô|’ qT+&ç |ü<äe sê´+≈£î, ÁøÏ+~ qT+&ç eTTô|’Œ Hê\T>∑e sê´+≈£î˝À ñHêï&ÉT. ‘·s¡>∑‹˝À m+‘·eT+~ $<ë´s¡T∆\T ñ
Hêïs¡T ?
1. 45 2. 43 3. 46 4. 44
54) In a group of 15 people, 7 read French, 8 read English while 3 of them read none of these two. How many of them
read both French and English?
ˇø£ 15 >∑T] düeT÷Vü≤eTT˝À 7 eT+~ Áô|ò+∫, 8 eT+~ Ç+^¢wtqT #·<äTe⁄#·THêïs¡T. Ç+<äT˝À eTT>∑TZs¡T (3) á ¬s+&ç+{Ï˝À <˚ìì
#·<äe&ÉeTT˝Ò<äT Áô|ò+∫ eT]j·TT Ç+^wt ¬s+&ç+{Ïì m+‘· eT+~ #·<äTe⁄#·THêïs¡T?
1. 0 2. 3 3. 4 4.5
55) Find the missing character from among the alternatives :
á ÁøÏ+~ Çe«ã&çq Á|ü‘ê´e÷ïj·TeTT\˝À ‘·|æŒb˛sTTq nø£ås¡eTTqT ø£qT>=qTeTT ?
1. 9 2. 12 3. 18 4. 6
56) If these letters RIDANI DINAGM rearranged, it would be the name of a :
ˇø£y˚fi¯ RIDANI DINAGM nqT nø£ås¡eTT\qT ‹]– @s¡Œs¡∫q#√, Ç~ á ÁøÏ+~ yêì˝À <˚ìøÏ dü+ã+~Û+∫q yê] ù|s¡T?
1. Political leadership/sê»ø°j·T Hêj·T≈£î\T 2. President/n<Ûä´≈£åî&ÉT
3. Governor/>∑es¡ïsY 4. Actor/q≥T&ÉT / q{Ï
57) If KNOWLEDGE is coded as ‘256535475’ then ‘GENERAL’ is coded as :
ˇø£y˚fi¯ KNOWLEDGE ì dü+πø‘· *|æ˝À ‘256535475’ >± ‘Ó*|æ ‘GENERAL’ ì dü+πø‹ø£ *|æ˝À @ $<ÛäeTT>± ‘Ó\T|üe#·TÃqT?
1. 7545993 2. 7969393 3. 7555912 4. 7555913
58) ‘Gas’ is to ‘Pipe’ as ‘Electricity’ is to :/ >±´dt ô|’|t≈£î m˝≤ dü+ã+<ÛäeTTqï<√, n˝≤π> m\ÁøϺdæ{°øÏ á ÁøÏ+~ yêì˝À <˚ì‘√
dü+ã+<ÛäeTTqï~ ?
1. Current/ø£¬s+{Ÿ 2. Switch/dæ«#Y
3. Wire/ yÓ’sY 4. Regulator/¬s>∑T´˝Ò≥sY
59) Mention the sport/game with which the term Mashie is most closely associated?
á ÁøÏ+~ yêì˝À ªe÷´w”µ nqT |ü<äeTTq≈£î #ê˝≤ <ä>∑Zs¡ dü+ã+<ÛäeTTqï Áø°&É/Ä≥qT ìπs›•+#·TeTT ?
1. High Jump/ôV’≤»+|t 2. Golf/>√˝ŸŒ¤
3. Volleyball/yê©u≤˝Ÿ 4. Kho-Kho/ø√`ø√
60) Mention the term with which the game Chess is closely associated ?
á ÁøÏ+~ yêì˝À ª#Ódtµ Ä≥≈£î #ê˝≤ <ä>∑Zs¡ dü+ã+<ÛäeTTqï |ü<äeTTqT ìπs›•+#·TeTT ?
1. Castle/ ø±´dæ˝Ÿ 2. Home Run/Vü≤√yéT s¡Hé
3. Mashie/e÷´w” 4. Raider/¬s’&ÉsY
61) A train is travelling at a speed of 120 kmph. How long will it take to travel 10km?
ˇø£ ¬s’\T >∑+≥≈£î 120 øÏ.MT y˚>∑eTT‘√ Á|üj·÷DÏ+#·T #·Tqï~. 10 øÏ.MT <ä÷s¡eTTqT Á|üj·÷DÏ+#·T≥≈£î m+‘·ø±\eTTqT rdüTø=qTeTT ?
1. 5min 2. 10min 3. 15min4. 30min
62) A students got twice as many sums wrong as he got right. If he attempted 36 sums in all, how many did he solve
ˇø£ $<ë]ú ˝…ø£ÿ\˝À dü]jÓÆTq düe÷<ÛëqeTT\ ø£Hêï ¬s+&ç+‘·\T ‘·|üð\T #˚dæHê&ÉT. ˇø£y˚fi¯ 36 ˝…ø£ÿ\qT Á|üj·T‹ï+∫j·TTqï jÓT&É\ mìï
˝…ø£ÿ\qT dü]jÓÆTq $<ÛäeTT>± #˚dæj·TTHêï&ÉT ?
1. 18 2. 24 3. 9 4. 12

63) Re-arrange the letters SESTA to make meaningfull word?
‹]– @s¡Œs¡∫, SESTA nqT nø£ås¡eTT\ qT+&ç ns¡úe+‘·yÓTÆq |ü<äeTTqT ‘Ó\TŒeTT ?
64) The outer layer of the earth is known as ?/uÛÑ÷$T jÓTTø£ÿ yÓ\T|ü\ ñqï bıs¡qT @eT+<äTs¡T ?
1. Mantle/ÁbÕyês¡eTT 2. Core/πø+Á<äeT+&É\eTT 3. Cirrus/eøå±uÛÑ 4. Crust/uÛÑ÷|ü≥\eTT
65) Which of the following is the major ocean of the world?
á ÁøÏ+~ yêì˝À Á|ü|ü+#·eTT˝À ô|<ä›<Ó’q eTVü‰düeTTÁ<äeTT @~?
1. Indian Ocean/Væ≤+<ä÷ eTVü‰düeTTÁ<äeTT 2. Atlantic Ocean/n{≤¢+{Ïø˘ eTVü‰düeTTÁ<äeTT
3. Pacific Ocean/|üdæ|òæø˘ eTVü‰düeTTÁ<äeTT 4. Arctic Ocean/Ä]ÿ{Ïø˘ eTVü‰düeTTÁ<äeTT
66) What will be the number added which makes 680621 a perfect square root?
680621 @ dü+K´qT ø£*|æq es¡ZeTT\+ n>∑TqT?
1) 4 2) 5 3) 6 4) 8
67) A shopkeeper gets 15% profit after giving the discount of 10% on the MRP. The ratio of expenditure and MRP
costs will be:
ˇø£ yê´bÕ] ˇø£ edüTÔe⁄qT 10% sêsTT‹ Ç∫à n$TàHê 15% ˝≤uÛÑ+ bı+<äTqT. nsTTq n‘·ì jÓTTø£ÿ Ks¡Tà eT]j·TT Á|üø£≥q y˚\\ eT<Ûä´
ìwüŒ‹Ô m+‘·?
1) 18 :23 2) 17:18 3) 17:23 4) 18:25
68) A bicycle of MRP Rs. 2000 is sold with the discount of 20% and 10%. If a consumer pay in advance, then he
gets extra discount of 5%. The selling price of bicycle on paying advance will be:
ˇø£ ôd’øÏ˝Ÿ Á|üø£≥q yÓ\ 2000s¡÷. <ëìô|’ 20%,10% eT]j·TT 5% sêsTT‘· Ç∫à n$Tàq, yÓ\ m+‘·?
1) Rs. 1368 2) Rs. 1468 3) Rs.1568 4) Rs.1668
69) Akash can do a piece of work in 6 days while Vasudha does the same work in 5 days. If they both work together
and the total earns of that work is Rs. 660, then find the only shares of Vasudha in this amount:
ˇø£ |üì Äø±wt 6 s√E\˝À n<˚ |üìì edüT<ä 5 s√E\˝À #Ój·TT´qT. yês¡T Ç<ä›s¡T ø£*dæ |üì#˚dæ s¡÷.660 rdüTø=ì] nsTTq edüT<ä yê{≤
1) Rs. 560 2) Rs. 300 3) Rs. 360 4) Rs. 420
70) Find the minimum number which after dividing by 16,18 and 20, we get a remainder 4 and that number is
completely divisible by 7:
16,18 eT]j·TT 20 \#˚‘· uÛ≤–+#·ã&ÉT‘·T X‚wü+ 4 Ç#˚à ø£ìwü˜ dü+K´ eT]j·TT n<˚ dü+K´ 7 #˚‘· K∫Ã+‘·+>± uÛ≤–+#·ã&ÉTqT?
1) 364 2) 2254 3) 2884 4) 3234
71) Battle : Ruination
1) Fire : Burn 2) Court:Justice 3)Water:Drown 4) Food:Hospital
72) Doctor : Hospital
1) Plumber : Wrench 2) Chef : Kitchen 3) Water : Tap 4) Farmer : Village
73) Tap : Water
1) House : Family 2) Cup : Tea 3) Vase : Water 4) Book : Knowledge
Directions ( in the following questions, one option is different from the rest three. Choose the
correct option.
Directions ( á ÁøÏ+~yêì˝À qT+&ç $_Ûqï |ü<ëìï >∑T]Ô+#·+&ç)
74) 1) Parrot/∫\Tø£ 2) Bat/>∑_“\+ 3) Crow/ø±øÏ 4) Sparrow/|æ#·Tø£
75) 1) Zebra/JÁu≤ 2) Tiger/|ü⁄* 3) Lion/dæ+Vü≤+ 4) Horse/>∑TÁs¡+
76) P can complete a piece of work in 60 days. P works at it for 15 days and Q completes the remaining work in 30
days. They will both together will complete the work in how many days?
ˇø£ |üìì P 60 s√»\˝À #Ój·T´>∑\&ÉT. P |üìì 15 s√E\î #˚dæq ‘·sê«‘· $T–*q |üì Q 30 s√E\˝À #˚XÊ&ÉT. nsTTq yÓTT‘·Ô+ |üìì
Ç<ä›s¡T ø£*|æ mìï s√E\˝À #Ój·T´>∑\s¡T.

1) 24 days 2) 25 days 3) 30 days 4) 32days
77) The product of LCM and HCF of two numbers is 24. If difference between two numbers is 18, the largest
number is:
ø£.kÕ.>∑T eT]j·TT >∑.kÕ.uÛÑ \ \ã›+ 24 ¬s+&ÉT dü+K´\ eT<Ûä´ ‘˚&Ü 18 nsTTq ô|<ä› dü+K´ @~?
1) 3 2) 4 3) 6 4) 8
78) In an examination, a student scored 30% marks and failed by 12 marks. In the same examination, an another
student scored 40% marks and get 18 marks more than minimum passing marks. Minimum passing marks
ˇø£ |ü]ø£å˝À ˇø£ $<ë´]ú 30% e÷s¡Tÿ\T bı+~ 12 e÷s¡Tÿ\T ‘˚&Ü‘√ |ü]ø£å˝À ‘·ô|ŒqT. eT]j·TT y˚πs $<ë´]ú 40% e÷s¡Tÿ\T bı+~. 18
e÷s¡Tÿ\T m≈£îÿe bı+<ÓqT nsTTq |ü]ø£å˝À bÕdüT e÷s¡Tÿ\T m+‘·?
1) 102 2) 120 3) 132 4) 150
79) In three numbers, first number is double to second number and second number is triple to third number. If
their average is 100, the largest number is:
yÓTT<ä{Ï dü+K´ ¬s+&Ée dü+K´ ø£+fÒ ¬s{Ϻ+|ü⁄ eT]j·TT ¬s+&Ée dü+K´ eT÷&Ée dü+K´øÏ eT&É÷¬s≥T¢ eTT&ÉT dü+K´\ dü>∑≥T 100 nsTTq ô|<ä›
dü+K´ :
1) 120 2) 150 3) 182 4) 300
80) A business man exceeded the printed price (MRP) by 40% than the expenditure cost and gave 25% discount on
MRP. The total profit availed by him is:
ˇø£ yê´bÕ] ø=qïyÓ\ô|’ 40% m≈£îÿe eTTÁ~+∫ 25% sêsTT‹ Ç∫à nyÓTàqT nsTTq ˝≤uÛÑ XÊ‘·+?
1) 4% 2) 5% 3) 10% 4) 15%
81) A radio is sold in Rs.990 at 10% profit. If the radio will be sold in Rs. 890, the actual profit/ loss is:
ˇø£ πs&çjÓ÷qT 990 s¡÷.øÏ neTà&É+e\q 10% ˝≤uÛÑ+ bı+<ÓqT. ˇø£ y˚\ 890 s¡÷\øÏ. n$Tà‘˚ ˝≤uÛÑ+/qwüºeT m+‘· XÊ‘·+?
1) Loss of Rs. 10 2) Profit of Rs.10 3) Loss of Rs. 90 4) Profit of Rs.90
82) If 20% of (P+Q)=50% of (P-Q), then P:Q, is: 33 1 %
1) 7 : 8 2) 7 : 3 3) 7 : 5 4) 5 : 7
83) What percent of 30 in 90?

1) 33% 2) 66 13 % 3) 66% 4)
84) In 729 L mixture of water and milk, the ratio of milk and water is 7:2 ratio of milk and water, we have to add.....
of water:
729 ©≥s¡¢ bÕ\T eT]j·TT ˙s¡T eT<Ûä´ ìwüŒ‹Ô 7 :2 nsTTq Ä ìwüŒ‹Ô 7 :3 >± e÷s¡\+fÒ ˙fi¯ófl mìï ©≥s¡T¢ ø£\bÕ*:
1) 81L 2) 71L 3) 56L 4) 50L
85) The average weights of A, B and C is 45kg. If the average weights of A and B is 40kg and B and C is 43 kg, then
the weight of B is:
A, B eT]j·TT C \ dü>∑≥T ãs¡Te⁄ 45 ¬ø.õ. A, eT]j·TT B \ dü>∑≥T ãs¡Te⁄ 40 ¬ø.õ. eT]j·TT B,C \ dü>∑≥T ãs¡Te⁄ 43¬ø.õ \T nsTTq
B ãTs¡Te⁄ m+‘·?
1) 17 kg 2) 20 Kg 3) 26 kg 4) 31 kg
86) In the row of 12, 15 and 18, equal number of soldiers exists. In order to make the arragement as perfect square
as a whole, the minimum number of soldiers required is:
12, 15 eT]j·TT 18 \ #˚‘· uÛ≤–+#·ã&˚ n‹ ∫qï K∫Ñ·yÓTÆq es¡Z+ m+‘·?
1) 189 2) 450 3) 900 4) 32400
87) If 80% of grains are there in a mixture of grains and pulse. In order to make the percentage of grains of the
mixture 90%, how much quantity of grains will be added into above 150 kg of mixture?
150 ¬ø.õ\ <ÛëHê´\T eT]j·TT |ü|üð\ $TÁX¯eT+˝À 80% <ÛëHê´\T ø£\e⁄. <ëì˝À m+‘· <Ûëq´+ ø£*|æq n~ 90% n>∑TqT?
1) 50 kg 2) 150 kg 3) 90 kg 4) 120 kg

88) In a class, the number of girls are 20% more than that of boys. The total capacity of class is 66. If 4 more girls
are admitted into the class, then the ratio of number of boys and girls will be:
ˇø£ ‘·s¡>∑‹˝À ne÷àsTT\T, nu≤“sTT\ø£qï 20% m≈£îÿe. Ä ‘·s¡>∑‹˝À yÓTT‘·Ô+ 66 eT+~. ø=‘·Ô>± 4>∑Ts¡T ne÷àsTT\T ø£*dæq. Ä
‘·s¡>∑‹˝Àì nu≤“sTT\T eT]j·TT ne÷àsTT\≈£î eT<Ûä´ ìwüŒ‹Ô m+‘·?
1) 1 : 2 2) 3 : 4 3) 1 : 4 4) 3 : 5
89) While going to the school, a boy walks with the speed of 3 km/h and at the time of returning to the home, he
walks with 2km/h. If he takes 5hr in going and coming to the home, then the distance between his home and
school is:
ˇø£ u≤\T&ÉT ã&çøÏ b˛j˚T≥|üð&ÉT 3 km/h y˚>∑+‘√ Á|üj·÷DÏ+∫ ‹]– e#ÓÃ≥|üð&ÉT 2km/h. y˚>∑+‘√ Á|üj·÷DÏ+#ÓqT. á yÓTT‘·Ô+
Á|üj·÷D+˝À 5 >∑+≥\T düeTj·T+ |üf…ºqT, nsTTq ã&ç qT+&ç Ç+{ÏøÏ <ä÷s¡+ ?
1) 6 km 2) 5 km 3) 5.5 km 4) 6.5 km
90) A train of length 150 m crosses a pole in 15s and an another train coming from the opposite direction crosses
the same pole in 12s. The speed of second train is:
150m \ bı&ÉyÓ’q ¬s’\T ˇø£ düÔ+u≤ìï 15 ôdø£\˝À <ë≥TqT. y˚s=ø£ ¬s’\T n<˚ düÔ+u≤ìï 12ôd.˝À <ë≥TqT. nsTTq ¬s+&Ée ¬s’\T y˚>∑+
1) 45 km /h 2) 48 km/h 3) 52 km/h 4) 54 km/h
91) A person spends 20% of his total earn on daily expenses and 15% of remaining on house rent. After these
expenses, he save Rs. 11560. The earn of this person will be:
ˇø£ e´øÏÔ n‘·ìøÏ e#˚à J‘·+˝À 20% s√E yê] Ks¡TÃ\≈£î Ks¡TÃô|f…ºqT. $T–*q. <ëì˝À 15% Ç+{Ï n<Ó›≈£î ô|f…ºqT. Ç+ø£ n‘·ì e<ä›
11560 nsTTq n‘·ì J‘·+ m+‘·?
1) Rs. 18320 2) Rs. 17000 3) Rs. 16500 4) Rs. 16000
92) An amount gets doubled in 10 yrs. In how many years, it will get tripled with the same simple interest?
u≤s¡Te&û¶ Á|üø±s¡+ 10 dü+e‘·‡sê\˝À ø=+‘· kıeTTà ¬s{Ϻ+|ü⁄ n>∑TqT. eT÷&ÉT ¬s≥T¢ ø±yê\+fÒ n‘·qT mìï dü+e‘·‡sê\T ô|{≤º*?
1) 12 2) 15 3) 18 4) 20
93) M and N complete a piece of work in 15days and 10days, respectively. They both together start doing the work
but after 2 days N takes leave and M does the rest piece of work alone. The total number of days to complete the
work is:
ˇø£ |üìì M eT]j·TT N\T 15 eT]j·TT 10s√E\˝À #Ój·T´>∑\s¡T. Ç<ä›s¡T ø£\dæ |üìì ÁbÕs¡+_Û+∫ 2 s√E\T ‘·sê«‘· N |üìì e<ä*
yÓfiËflqT. $T–*q |üìì M |üP]Ô #˚XËqT. nsTTq |üì yÓTT‘·Ô+ |üP]Ô n>∑T≥≈£î m+‘· düeTj·T+ |ü≥TºqT?
1) 10 days 2) 8 days 3) 12 days 4) 15 days
94) If a property is sold in Rs. 45000, then one has 10% loss. In order to get 15% profit, the same property must be
sold in :
ˇø£ dü›˝≤ìï 45000 s¡÷\≈£î neTà&É+ e\q 10% qwüº+ e#ÓÃqT. n<˚ dü›\ìï 15% ˝≤uÛÑ+ bı+<ë\+fÒ m+‘·≈£î ne÷à*?
1) Rs. 50000 2) Rs. 55000 3) Rs. 57500 4) Rs. 60000
95) A boat takes 8 h to cover distance of 40 km on in downstream and the same boat takes 6 h to cover distance of
36km on upstream. The velocity of that boat on water at rest will be :
ˇø£ |ü&Ée ˙{Ï Á|üyêVü≤~X¯˝À 40øÏ.$T\ <ä÷s¡eTTqT 8 h Á|üj·÷DÏ+#·TqT. n<˚ |ü&Ée ˙{Ï Á|üyêVü‰ìøÏ e´‹πsK ~X¯˝À 36 øÏ.$T. <ä÷s¡+qT
6>∑+≥\˝À Á|üj·÷DÏ+#·TqT. nsTTq |ü&Ée y˚>∑+ m+‘·?
1) 6.5 km/h 2) 5.5 km/h 3) 6 km/h 4) 5 km/h
96) A mango tree is of same height as that of coconut tree. The height of banana tree is less than that of palm tree.
The height of guava tree is lessthan that of banana tree but is highter than mango tree. The highest tree is :
ˇø£ e÷$T&ç #Ó≥Tº ø=ã“] #Ó≥Tº n+‘· bı&Ée⁄ ø£\<äT. ns¡{Ïø±j·T #Ó≥Tº ‘ê{Ïø±j·T #Ó≥Tº ø£qï ∫qï~. C≤eT #Ó≥Tº ns¡{Ï #Ó≥Tºø£qï bı{Ϻ
eT]j·TT e÷$T&ç #Ó≥Tº ø£qï bı&Ée⁄. nsTTq bı&ÉyÓ’q #Ó≥Tº. m~?
1) banana (ns¡{Ï) 2) palm (‘ê{Ï#Ó≥Tº) 3) mango (e÷$T&ç) 4) guava (C≤eT)

97) A is son of C. C and Q both are sisters. Z is mother of Q, P is son of Z. The correct statement is:
A, C jÓTTø£ÿ ≈£îe÷s¡T&ÉT. C eT]j·TT Q\T kı<ä]eTDT\T. Z,Q jÓTTø£ÿ ‘·*¢ P, Z jÓTTø£ÿ ≈£îe÷s¡T&ÉT. nsTTq ÁøÏ+~ yê{Ï˝À K∫Ñ·yÓTÆq~.
1) P and A both are cousin brothers/P eT]j·TT A k˛<äs¡T\T
2) P is maternal uncle of A/ P, A jÓTTø£ÿ y˚Tqe÷eT
3) Q is grandmother of A/ Q, A jÓTTø£ÿ neTàeTà/Hêj·TqeTà
4) C and P both are sisters/C eT]j·TT P k˛<äØeTDT\T
98) Find the next group of letters for the following series:
BGV, CIW, DKX, EMY,.....
1) FNX 2) FPZ 3) FOZ 4) UNO
99) If STUDENT is coded as RUTEDOS, then in the same code language RDGPKBQ will be coded as:
ÁøÏ+~ |ü]uÛ≤wü˝À STUDENTqT RUTEDOS>± ÁyêkÕs¡T. nsTTq RDGPKBQ>± <˚ìì ÁyêXËqT:
100) If GARDEN is coded as 325764 and WATER is 92165, then in the same code language WARDEN will be coded
ˇø£ |ü]uÛ≤wü˝À GARDEN qT 325764>±qT WATERqT 92165>±qT ÁyêXÊs¡T. nsTTq WARDENqT @ $<Ûä+>± ÁyêkÕÔs¡T?
1) 925764 2) 295764 3) 952764 4) 957264

GROUP D (Code 102)(10-03-18) Key Paper :
1(2) 2(3) 3(2) 4(4) 5(1) 6(2) 7(3) 8(2) 9(4) 10(1) 11(3) 12(1) 13(2)
14(4) 15(1) 16(2) 17(4) 18(2) 19(1) 20(3) 21(2) 22(3) 23(1) 24(1) 25(4) 26(1)
27(3) 28(2) 29(4) 30(2) 31(1) 32(1) 33(3) 34(2) 35(3) 36(4) 37(4) 38(3) 39(1)
40(4) 41(2) 42(3) 43(1) 44(3) 45(3) 46(3) 47(1) 48(4) 49(3) 50(2) 51(1) 52(3)
53(2) 54(2) 55(1) 56(1) 57(4) 58(3) 59(2) 60(1) 61(1) 62(4) 63(2) 64(4) 65(3)
66(1) 67(1) 68(1) 69(3) 70(3) 71(1) 72(2) 73(2) 74(2) 75(4) 76(1) 77(3) 78(1)
79(3) 80(2) 81(1) 82(2) 83(4) 84(1) 85(4) 86(3) 87(2) 88(2) 89(1) 90(4) 91(2)
92(4) 93(3) 94(3) 95(2) 96(2) 97(2) 98(3) 99(4) 100(1)

GROUP D (Code 102) (10-03-18)Key Paper :

1(2) 2(3) 3(2) 4(4) 5(1) 6(2) 7(3) 8(2) 9(4) 10(1) 11(3) 12(1) 13(2)
14(4) 15(1) 16(2) 17(4) 18(2) 19(1) 20(3) 21(2) 22(3) 23(1) 24(1) 25(4) 26(1)
27(3) 28(2) 29(4) 30(2) 31(1) 32(1) 33(3) 34(2) 35(3) 36(4) 37(4) 38(3) 39(1)
40(4) 41(2) 42(3) 43(1) 44(3) 45(3) 46(3) 47(1) 48(4) 49(3) 50(2) 51(1) 52(3)
53(2) 54(2) 55(1) 56(1) 57(4) 58(3) 59(2) 60(1) 61(1) 62(4) 63(2) 64(4) 65(3)
66(1) 67(1) 68(1) 69(3) 70(3) 71(1) 72(2) 73(2) 74(2) 75(4) 76(1) 77(3) 78(1)
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92(4) 93(3) 94(3) 95(2) 96(2) 97(2) 98(3) 99(4) 100(1)

GROUP D (Code 102) (10-03-18)Key Paper :

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GROUP D (Code 102)(10-03-18) Key Paper :

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27(3) 28(2) 29(4) 30(2) 31(1) 32(1) 33(3) 34(2) 35(3) 36(4) 37(4) 38(3) 39(1)
40(4) 41(2) 42(3) 43(1) 44(3) 45(3) 46(3) 47(1) 48(4) 49(3) 50(2) 51(1) 52(3)
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79(3) 80(2) 81(1) 82(2) 83(4) 84(1) 85(4) 86(3) 87(2) 88(2) 89(1) 90(4) 91(2)
92(4) 93(3) 94(3) 95(2) 96(2) 97(2) 98(3) 99(4) 100(1)

GROUP D (Code 102) (10-03-18)Key Paper :

1(2) 2(3) 3(2) 4(4) 5(1) 6(2) 7(3) 8(2) 9(4) 10(1) 11(3) 12(1) 13(2)
14(4) 15(1) 16(2) 17(4) 18(2) 19(1) 20(3) 21(2) 22(3) 23(1) 24(1) 25(4) 26(1)
27(3) 28(2) 29(4) 30(2) 31(1) 32(1) 33(3) 34(2) 35(3) 36(4) 37(4) 38(3) 39(1)
40(4) 41(2) 42(3) 43(1) 44(3) 45(3) 46(3) 47(1) 48(4) 49(3) 50(2) 51(1) 52(3)
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66(1) 67(1) 68(1) 69(3) 70(3) 71(1) 72(2) 73(2) 74(2) 75(4) 76(1) 77(3) 78(1)
79(3) 80(2) 81(1) 82(2) 83(4) 84(1) 85(4) 86(3) 87(2) 88(2) 89(1) 90(4) 91(2)
92(4) 93(3) 94(3) 95(2) 96(2) 97(2) 98(3) 99(4) 100(1)

Solution Paper Code 102
66) Calculate the square root of 680621 with the help of xy = 24 --- (i)
divide rule.
825 According to question, x - y = 2 ---(ii)
8 680621 From (i) & (ii) we get,
162 406
The greater number is 6.
1645 8221
8225 78) Let x are those marks which are required to get
-4 passed in exam and maximum marks are y.
67) Let the total expenditure and MRP costs are x and y, y x 30% = x - 12
respectively. 3y
= x −12 ⇒ 3y = 10x −120
100 + 15 100 −10 10
Then, x× = y× 10x − 3y = 120 and
100 100
x = 90 = 18
y 115 23
68) Given, total estimated cost = Rs. 2000 Solve the Eqs. (i) & (ii) to get the value of x, we
The selling price after discounts of 20%, 10% and 5% get,
5x=240=270=510 x=102
79) Let the third number = x
Second number = 3x
and first number = 6x
1 According to question,
69) The work done by Akansha in one day = 10x = 300 ⇒ x = 30
and the work done by Vasudha in one day = Greatest number = 6x = 6 x 30 = 180
The ratio of work done by both = 80) Let
⇒ 20
50×+ −
13x ==100
3+ +expenditure
−x6=90 −+
18 −
cost = Rs x
=0− 5
2y −3 100
1× 4% ×16x
40 4 =20
10 =10 24100
1- ×
=5:6 =
660 :(x
2000= ×
x + ==⇒
18 =
2y =×5x
= - 96
(x-6) 5
2 340(x+6)
4 5 + 100
Printed cost = 0 5
⇒ 240100
x = 24
6 and100
If they both work together then the total shares of only
= 2000× 80 × 90 × 95
100 giving100 100 discount, selling price
Vasudha = = Rs.1368
= 7x × 100 −25 = 7x × 75 =Rs. 21 x
70) L.C.M. of 16, 18 and 20 = 720 5 100 5 100 20
The required number = 720k + 4 21 x − x
Now, we have to select the value of k in such cway that Required percentage profit = 10 ×100 = 5%
the required number will be completely divisible by 7. 100 100
If k = 4, then 720 x 4 + 4 = 2880 + 4 81) Cost price of radio =990×100+10 =990×110 =Rs.900
= 2884 = 412 x 7
∴ There is loss after selling it in Rs. 890.
∴ The required number = 2884
So , total loss = 900=Rs. 10
76) One day’s work of P =
15 day’s work of P = = 82) (P+Q)x =(P-Q)x %

Remaining work =
2P+2Q=5P - 5Q, 3P = 7Q =
Remaining work is only done by Q in 30 days
83) Let there are x and y boys and girls in the class,
1 work is only done by Q in respectively.
1 then, according to question,
One day’s work of Q = 40
68 (x+y) = 60x + 80y
The work done by P and Q in one day 68x+68y = 60x + 80y
8x=12y = =
Percentages of boys in class =
∴ P and Q both, together complete the work in 24
84) The ratio of milk and water in the mixture = 7 : 2
Total quantity of milk in 729L mixture
77) Let the numbers be x and y.
Product of numbers = LCM x HCF = 7 ×729 = 567L

and quantity of water = 729 - 567 = 162L 92) Let principal = Rs. P and rate = r%
Nwo, x L water is also added in the mixture.
In the question, SI = Rs P
According to question, ∴P = P×r×10 ⇒r =10%
1134 = 7x = 1701 Now, simple interst; SI = 2P
7x=1701-1134=567 ⇒ x=81L
2P= 2P = P ×100
10 × t
85) According to question,
, A+B+C=135 ---(i)
and ---(ii) 93) The work done by M and N in one day is 15 and
, respectively.
and ---(iii)
Now from Eq. (i) & (ii), we get, Total work done by M and N in one day
80 + C = 135 C = 55
From, Eq (iii), we get, B + 55 = 86 B= 31 kg. Work done by M and N in two days = =
86) LCM of 12, 15 and 18 = 180 = 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 5 Remaining work =
In order to make 180 a perfect square root, we have Total number of days taken by M to do work
to multiply it with 5.
Minimum number of soldiers required alone=
= 180 x 5 = 900 Total time taken to complete the work
87) 80% of grain in 150 kg mixture = 2 + 10= 10 days
94) Selling price on 10% loss = Rs. 45000
= and 20% of pulse = 30 kg
∴ Cost price =
Let in order to make 90% of grain, we have to add
x kg of grain in the mixture. = Rs. 50000
∴ Selling price on 10% profit

= Rs. 57500
1350 + 9x = 1200 + 10x

+1120 ++B80
T U D E N T z-
95) A =680(45
Velocity +30 +C120
of )boat
R U on
T E downstream
D O S = 40 = 5km/h
x = 1350 - 1200 x = 150 kg. B
1 1×

15 t×x+
x= 2C
66 100
=B= 320
= =-115
yr =x3500
×120 + 12x 8
3 10353x+++
6100 x10
100 6
100 90×−100
30 + 30
4 46 115
88) Let number of boys = x 5C Velocity Sister 5 -1of boat
A on upstream = = 6km/h
⇒12x = 180Q-⇒+1 x = 15m/s = 15 × 18 6
and number of girls = -1 5 5 + 6 = 11 = 5.5km/h
Maternal of boat on water at rest =
Son +1
Velocity -1 2 2
According to question, x =A 54 km/h Uncle

96) According to question, order of trees

11x = 330 x = 30 Mango = Coconut ---(i)
The required ratio of number of boys and girls Banana < Palm ---(ii)
Mango < Guava < Banana ---(iii)
On combining Eqs.(i), (ii) & (iii), we get,
Coconut = Mango < Guava < Banana < Palm
89) Let the distance between house and school = d km
∴ Highest tree is Palm tree.
According to question, d3 + 2d = 5 97) According to question,
2d = 3d = 5 x 6 5d = 30 d = 6 km
90) Length of train = 150m
Initial velocity of train = = 10 m/s
Now, let the final velocity of train be x. 98) Series sequences is
+1 +1 +1 +1
+2 +2 +2
Then, G 1 K M +3
+1 +1 +1 +1

91) Let total income person be Rs. x

According to question,
x× 100 −20 × 100 −15 = 11560
100 100
x = 11560× 100 × 100 = Rs.17000
80 85


3 2 5 7 6 4 9 2 1 6 5

9 2 5 7 6 4


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