Dialog Bahasa Inggris

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Guna Memenuhi Tugas Mata Kuliah Bahasa Inggris (MPK204)

Dosen Pengampu:
Dr. Ratna Asmarani, M.Ed., M.Hum.


Dayana Permatasari 21040115120010

Ilyalita Permata 21040115120043
Kelas C


Dialog (Past Tense)

Dina : Hy What did you do last night?

Heru : Hy Dina, I did some shopping at my girlsfriend last night. How about you?
Dina : Ya i see. You look so happy in this morning. I called with my father
Heru : Oh ya. where your father lived now? He often moved because his job.
Dina : Of course fine. Yah my father often moved this years because he did many job
Heru : Hmm... So when you were a child did you moved too?
Dina : Certainly, I have learned a lot of cultures in several countries.
Heru : Can you tell me one culture in China?
Dina : I went to a Chinese restaurant with my father and his friend. And my father talked
about business at a meal.
Heru : So, what’s wrong with that?
Dina : In China you should’nt to talked business at a meal. So during eat we just silent
Heru : I can’t imagine, because i talk every eat some food
Dina : Yah, You always do that.
Heru : hmm. How about Japan?
Dina : Oh ya. The culture in japan really different with us especially when gave present
Heru : Hmm I think in many counties have same culture about present
Dina : In US our contries someone gave you a present, should you open it?
Heru : Of Course, My girl friend did last nigth. She immediately open my present in front of
Dina : In Japan you must open the present later.
Heru : Omg, i did wrong. Last years my friend from Japan come to my house and gave me a
Dina : Did you opened it in front of him?
Heru : Yah, I did. I didn't know if that it was rude
Dina : Hahaha nothing problem because you didn’t know. But don’t do that again.
Heru : Okey, Thank u for your culture information
Dina : You are welcome.
Dialog (Present Tense)

(Dina and Heru are neighbors. They have been meeting when they were walking to the
bus stop)
Dina : Hi, Good morning. How are you today ?
Heru : Hi Dina, Good morning. I am fine, And you ?
Dina : I am fine too. Where do you want to go ?
Heru : I want to go to the office. Usually, office car picks me up at 7.30 am.
Dina : Ouh, you arrived early morning. This is 7 o’clock.
Heru : Yes, I want to go to the restaurant before I go to the office.
Dina : Why do you want to go to the restaurant ?
Heru : I want to buy some foods for my breakfast. Usually, I take my breakfast in the office.
But, today I want to eat some foods else.
Dina : All right, Heru.
Heru : And where do you want to go Dina ?
Dina : I go to the hospital. I work there every day except Saturday and Sunday.
Heru : Do you go to the hospital by public transportation ?
Dina : Yes, I always go there by public transportation ?
Heru : Dina, do you know Anisa ? Is she our new neighbors ?
Dina : Ooh, I see. Yes, Heru. Anisa is our new neighbors.
Heru : Where does she come from ?
Dina : Anisa comes from Surabaya. She comes with her parents.
Heru : What does she do then here ?
Dina : She works in Women's Police Station and her parents often move to another country
every five years.
Heru : I think, we should give a welcome greeting and make a small party at her house. What
do you think ?
Dina : Waaww, its a nice idea, Heru. We should also invite some of our other neighbors and
give gifts to Anisa’s family.
Heru : Okey, Dina. How about this weekend ?
Dina : It seems interesting. If so, I will speak to Anisa first.
Heru : Ok, Dina. You give me news soon. Contact me through my cellphone number.
Dina : Alright, Heru. Well, I must go now. My bus arrived. See you later, Heru.
Heru : See you. Be carefull, Dina.

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