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Uji validitas kusisoner ,pemakaian KB 1 bulan dan 3 bulan, kenaikan BB,

perubahan siklus menstruasi

Case Processing Summary

N %

Cases Valid 15 100.0

Excludeda 0 .0

Total 15 100.0

a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the


Reliability Statistics

Alpha N of Items

.716 11

Item-Total Statistics

Scale Mean if Scale Variance if Corrected Item- Alpha if Item
Item Deleted Item Deleted Total Correlation Deleted

Item_1 4.27 17.638 .860 .715

Item_2 4.13 18.267 .749 .716

Item_3 4.07 17.352 .879 .715

Item_4 4.13 17.981 .730 .715

Item_5 4.13 17.552 .828 .715

Item_6 4.20 17.743 .796 .714

Item_7 4.13 17.552 .828 .720

Item_8 4.20 17.457 .870 .715

Item_9 4.33 18.381 .726 .715

Item_10 4.20 17.457 .870 .725

Item_11 4.20 18.029 .723 .715

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