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Script: Act 3 Scene 7 Richard III

R: So what did they citizens say?

B: Sir, They didn’t buy any of it

R: Bloody Hell, What do you mean?

B: They’re a bunch of…of… Fools!!

R: Then what should we do!?

B: I think we should go after the mayor. We should try to convince to be on our side because he can
easily influence those filthy commomers

R: Well, I think now’s the moment because he’s right outside.

B: I have an idea. Pretend you’re afraid, my lord, and don’t speak until you’re begged to become king.
And make sure to carry a prayer book in your hand and to stand between two priests, okay? Then I’ll
have the grounds to build a holy sermon about why you should be king. But don’t be easily won over.
Act like a virgin, always answering “No,” but taking it in the end.

R: You think they’ll be foolish enough to fall for it?

B: Hhaha. I am the ultimate actor. I will make them fall for. Don’t worry my Lord.

R: Brilliant idea Lord Buckingham. You must be very good pleading to the people for this to work. We
won’t have another chance as good as this.

B: Yes, don’t worry. Hurry up now and go to the roof. The mayor is knocking.

C: My lords, The mayor wants to have a word with the Duke of Gloucester

B: Just give him a second

Exit Catesby


C: I’m here, I’m here. What do you want!?...My lord

B: Call back that that bumbling, er Brilliant mayor in

C: Yes sir
Enter Mayor

M: Lord Buckingham, I need to talk to Richard immediately

B: What is this, a mob attack? Who are all these people

M: They’re, uh , citzens who want to be heard. Now may I speak to Richard?

B: Ah, Lord I must tell you this prince is nothing like Edward! He is not lolling in bed but on his knees in
prayer. He’s not enjoying himself with a couple of prostitutes but studying with two learned priests. He’s
not sleeping to fatten up his lazy body, but praying, to nourish his attentive soul. England would be lucky
to have this virtuous prince as king. But I’m afraid we’ll never get him to agree to be king. But I must call
him for you to talk to him yourself. RICHARD!!!

R: Ah, good mayor, I beg you to pardon me. I’ve been so busy on serving God that I’ve kept my friends
waiting. In any case, what would you like? What brings to my house?

M: I did not mean to interrupt your meditation; it is nice to see that some people are still men of god.
Just like you Richard. You are a good man.

B: Let’s hope all this praying can help this poor land, a land without a king.

R: Yes, I hope. So what brings you here Mayor. Just to chill?, or is there anything important.

M: You know that Prince Edward is waaayy too young to rule as king. We are looking for a king. Who do
you think it shall be.

B: I think it should you my Lord Rchard.

R: You’re kidding right? I’m plain ol’ Richard. What right do I have to sit on the throne?

B: Sire, your waay to humble. You have every qualities of a king. We heartily beg you, in all your
goodness, to take upon yourself the responsibility and rule of this land, not merely as a servant,
substitute, or other lowly agent of the king, but as the king himself. It is your birthright to be king. It’s for
this reason that we are here—the citizens of England and your devoted friends. We strongly urge you

R: But I still think I shouldn’t be king. It’s too much, even for me. I can’t tell which is the better course
of action, to leave in silence or to scold you. If I don’t answer, perhaps you’ll think I’m accepting
the heavy responsibility you foolishly want to impose on me. But if I do speak and refuse your
request, then I’m guilty of telling my friends off, who have been faithful and loving toward me.
So, I’ll speak to make clear I don’t want the crown but also that I am grateful to you. Here is my
definitive answer: thank you for your love, but I’m going to have to turn down your weighty
request because I don’t deserve to be king. So, thank God, there is no real need for me, as I
wouldn’t be able to help you much. Someone other than I has the right and the good fortune to be
made king. God forbid that I snatch the crown from him.
B: My Lord, you would be an amazing king. You have to help this amazing country to falling apart. It will
soon be corrupt if you don’t help.

M: My good lord, if you don’t care about this country, at least use your own pure lineage to rescue us
from the current corruption of the royal line. Aside: Am I really asking for Richard to become king?

B: Don’t refuse the love we offer. Even the citizens are begging. Please Richard.

C: Oh, Richard make them joyful. Make their wish come true. Be the true hero.

R: Alas, why would you heap all these responsibilities on me? I am unfit to rule and to be king. Please,
don’t take it badly, but I cannot and will not give in to you. I am not fit to become king. I have a hunch
back and am terribly weakened in my right arm. I cannot take the hardships of being king.

B: if you won’t become king, we’ll just get someone else, to the disgrace and ruin of your family. We will
not have your brother’s son as king. On this note, we’re leaving. Come, citizens. Damn it, I’m not going
to beg anymore!

R: Lord Buckingham don’t swear now.

M: I beg of you Richard and the citizens beg of you. Be our mayor. We need someone as responsible and
self-less as you. You have shown you are trust worthy as you pray to Lord above for our land to be
saved. We need someone holy like you.

C: aside: Tell them my lord, and accept their request. If you refuse it, the whole country will regret it.

R: aside: I agree with you. Buckingham, my brother, and you wise, serious men, since you intend to force
me to take responsibility for these changing times, whether I want to or not, I’m going to have to be
brave and endure the load. I will have to accept the offer to become king and make this country good

M: So be it!! God bless you. I know you are doing this only for us as you such as graceful and great man.

B: So it’s official! Long live England’s king! Lord Richard!!

Everyone: Amen!

B: So when will you be crowned?

R: Whenever you want. You guys wanted this, you should decide.

M: What an amazing man. We shall do it tomorrow. We shall announce you kingship tomorrow.

R: Sounds good.
M: So, I will be off now I will see you tomorrow King Richard.

R: Yes, farewell.

B: Farwell Lord Mayor.

Catesby: I feel that we have succeeded to pick the right king.

Exit Mayor & Catesby

R: Hahha, you are brilliant Buckingham

B: What do you mean?

R: how do we get him to ask me again/

B: Well you see, um…..uh-oh

R: Quick call him back

B: MAYOR!!!!!!

M: Yes, did I forget something?

R: Since you insisted so much I’ve decided to to agree with you

M: (Aside) Yea that’s why?

B: Start the annoucements, All hail King Richard!!!

R: Shut up Buckingham

B: Sorry

R: Don’t start rumors this early on. You can leave now mayor.

Exit Mayor and Catesby

B: What suckas

R: I know eh? That was too easy.. Like taking candy from a baby

B: They thought you were….a gods man. AHAHAHAHAHA

R: I know. Clearly they were never taught “ Don’t judge a book by its cover.

B: SO my….er our plan is in effect. Now al we gotaa do is sit back and watch

R: No we need some more people convinced. Those citizens saw right through it. I need new way to get through to them.

B: I’m outta ideas

R: I think it’s time Hastings “takes one for the team”

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