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MSMU Lesson Plan Format

Grade/Class/Subject: Kindergarten

Time/Duration of the lesson: 1 hour

English Language Proficiency of Students: Emerging

California Content Standards:

• Math Content Standards
K.OA.A.2 Solve addition and subtraction word problems, and add and subtract within 10, e.g. by using
objects or drawings to represent the problem.
K.OA.A.3 Decompose numbers less than or equal to 10 into pairs in more than one way, e.g., by using
objects or drawings, and record each decomposition by a drawing or equation (e.g., 5 = 2 + 3 and 5 = 4 +
MP 1 Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
MP3 Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
MP4 Model with mathematics.
• CA ELA Standards
ELD.PI.K.1. Exchanging information and ideas with others through oral collaborative conversations on a
range of social and academic topics
ELD.PI.K.5. Listening Actively to spoken English in a range of social and academic contexts
ELD.PII.K.2. Understanding cohesion.

Enduring Understandings:
(What concepts/big ideas?)
How can we show numbers in different ways?

Essential Knowledge/Skills:
(What knowledge/skills? How does this lesson build upon prior lessons? How will this knowledge/skill enable students to
understand future lessons?)
The students are identifying numbers and understanding that 5 means to have 5 of some objects. The students will learn how
to show numbers in different ways. For example, show 7 in different ways.

Higher-Order Questions:
(What is/are the focusing question(s) for this lesson?)
What does this number represent? Which color represents which side? What are other ways we can show
9 dots or decompose the number 9?

Observable Outcomes Assessment/Checking for Understanding

What do you want students to learn? What evidence will you gather/look for?
Content Objectives: (What evidence will you gather to ensure content objectives
Students will be able to decompose and solve an are met?)
addition word problem using pictures or objects. Students will be able to solve an addition word
problem using pictures or objects.

Academic Language Objectives: (What evidence will you gather to ensure language objectives
Students will be able to explain their solutions and are met?)
thinking process. Students will verbally explain their answers as well
as the strategy they chose to use.

Key Vocabulary: Supplementary Materials:

Ladybug, left, right, wing, decompose, number (What resources, “realia”, visuals, documents, or
patterns, whole, and total manipulatives will you use?)
Blocks, counters, markers, pencils, image of
ladybug, and ladybug worksheets

Technology in Support of Teaching/Learning: Technology in Support of Learning:

(What type of technology will you use in your instruction?) (What type of technology will the students use to achieve
Projector and/or demonstrate the objectives?)

Anticipated Misunderstandings/Difficulties:
(What areas of confusion or difficulty do you anticipate students might encounter with this material? How will you address
Students might not understand that the total of dots is 9.
Students might not understand that there is more than one possible solution.

Element Rationale*
Describe what will happen-what will teacher and/or students do Describe why you chose to do it this way.
Pre-Assessment of Students’ Knowledge or Ability: I chose to begin the lesson with the focus
I will begin the lesson by asking the class the focus questions because it allows me to see their
question “How can we show numbers in different understanding of the question without
ways?” I will also explain that we will be sharing a lot including a word problem. It also helps them
today with our classmates, so we need to remember our build their confidence in knowing different
conversation norms. ways to show numbers, this will help be
comfortable with decomposing numbers later
in the lesson.

Presentation (Instruction): This part of the lesson is where I chose to
(How will you make input comprehensible – scaffold the content-, begin introducing the class to the math
convey information to be learned, and integrate the concept and problem. We used the Three Phase Protocol
language objectives?)
to help them make sense of the problem. This
Next, I will introduce the math problem to the class.
is where they engage in MP1. By providing
“The grouch lady bug had 9 dots on her wings. She
the class with think time it allows them to
had some on her right wing and some on her left
engage in MP2 because they are beginning to
wing. How many could be on her right wing and how
reason the different ways, they can approach
many can be on her left wing?” Then I will say “we
the problem. Think time also gives them the
will use our Three Reads Strategy to help us solve this opportunity to think about which strategy is
problem. The First read will be to help us understand the one that will help them solve the problem.
the story. Close your eyes and try to see the story as I This process allows the students to engage in
read it to you.” “Now that you have heard the problem MP5.
talk with your partner and discuss these questions. 1
What is happening in the problem? 2. What are we
trying to find out? 3.How do you know?” “For our
second read we will now be focusing on the math. I will
read first and then you will echo after me. Now that we
have read it twice please talk to your partner and discuss
these questions. 1. What does each number mean? 2.
How will these numbers help us solve the problem?” “It
is now time for our Third read while we read, I would
like for you to focus on thinking of a plan on how you
can solve this problem. This time we will all read
together. Now that we have read it a third time, I would
like for you to use your think time to begin planning
how you will approach this problem.” Then I will tell
the class “While I was using my think time, I was
thinking about similar math problems that we have done
in the past. I thought which strategy I have used before
to decompose numbers. I know I have to make a model
to show how many dots Grouchy Ladybug has, maybe I
can use linking cubes, or teddy bears, or even dot
counters. What would be the most helpful tool to use?
Remember mathematicians take their time to think about
the problem and then make a plan on how to approach
the problem. We look like we are ready to solve our
It is time to start solving our problem. I will now give you some struggle time. This is your independent
work time. Remember to use your tools and please show your thinking using numbers, pictures, symbols
or words. I will walk around to see how everyone is doing. If a student is struggling to begin, I will ask
them focus questions. Now it is time to come back together. I see that some of you are done and some of
you are not done yet and that’s okay. Now I would like for you to share your thinking on how you either
solved or attempted to solve the problem with your partner, but first Alex and Nicole will remind us how
our Math Interview is done. After they are done demonstrating I will tell the class I heard Alex and
Nicole doing their best to clarify their ideas during their math interview. Now we will share our ideas and
thinking with our partners. While they are engaging in their Math Interviews I will go around listening to
their conversations and providing focus, assessing and advancing questions where ever necessary.
Differentiating Instruction for an English learner: (How do your choices support this student?)
(Identify this student’s EL goals. Describe the assets and challenges I chose to have the EL supports placed in the
related to this lesson for this English learner. What will you do lesson because it allows them to feel included
specifically support this student for this lesson?) in the lesson, it does not single them out.
Some of the things that I incorporated in the lesson such They are able to contribute and participate
as the fishbowl demonstration, the three reads protocol, with the whole class.
think time, prompt and response starters and the partner
talk are there to help all the students but these scaffolds
provide EL students with extra think time and support in
order to be successful in the lesson.
Differentiating Instruction for a focus student with (How do your choices support this student?)
Special Needs: I would like to provide the students with
(Identify this student’s special need and relevant IEP goals. special needs the opportunity to be able to
Describe the student’s assets and challenges related to this lesson. participate in the lesson with the class this is
What will you do specifically to support this student for this why I have chosen to incorporate the three
reads protocol, think time, prompt and
For students who have special needs I could
response starters and the partner talk in the
accommodate the lesson using smaller numbers. I could
lesson, even though these scaffolds provide
also break up the problem into smaller steps. Some of
support for all students it can be used to
the scaffolds that are include in the lesson such as the
provide extra support to students who need it
three reads protocol, think time, prompt and response
without singling them out. I also understand
starters and the partner talk could also provide extra
that some students do need to have some of
support for the students with special needs.
the work changed in order to meet their needs.

Differentiating Instruction for a focus student needing (How do your choices support this student?)
social-emotional and academic support: I chose to allow the student to make a choice
(Describe the social-emotional assets and challenges for this in their activity to avoid a melt down.
student. What will you do specifically support this student for this
I will allow this student to choose if they want to make
the dots on the ladybug or to put stickers to show the
number in different ways.

Differentiating Instruction (How do your choices support these students?)

(What will you do for those students who already "get it" and need I chose to ask the students to show the
to be challenged in different ways?) numbers in different ways and to add the
For the students who “get it” numbers.
I will ask them in addition, to show numbers in different
ways and to add the numbers.
1+8 =, 2+7=, 3+6=, and 4+5 =

Post-Assessment: This part of the lesson helps the students

(How will you know if students learned both the content and the engage in MPs 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6. At this point
language objectives? What informal and/or formal methods will
the class has already made sense of the
you use to gather evidence? What criteria will you use to assess
learning? How might pre-assessment be used in your analysis of
problem but now they are demonstrating how
this evidence?)
they persevered in solving it (MP1). When
I will bring the class together on the rug to have a Math
they are seeing their classmate’s solutions,
Summit where will discuss our answers. Then I will
they are trying to reason how their classmates
present the class with one solution and tell the class “use
reached those solutions (MP2). While they are
your think time to think about what you notice about this
listening to their classmates explain their
solution. Okay now share with your partner.” After they
thinking, they are critiquing the reasoning of
have discussed what they noticed with their partner I
their classmates. While their classmates are
will share two students work samples and ask the
demonstrating their work (MP3), they are
students who the solution belongs to, to please come up
analyzing the different models used to get to
and explain their thinking. When they are done
their solution (MP4). During the presentation
presenting, I will ask the class if they have any
they are attaining to precision by flowing
questions. Next, I will repeat this same process but with
along with their classmate’s work checking to
another student’s solution that was solved in a different
see if their answers are correct and how they
form. After we have discussed his work. I will ask the
got them (MP6).
class look at these two solutions. How are they different
and how are they the same?

Extension: I chose to extend by using bigger numbers so

(How might this lesson be extended into future content areas or the students will feel comfortable and develop
lessons?) their math skills.
This lesson may be extended by using bigger numbers.

*Theories that might be useful for rationales (Note: You may wish to refer to your “toolbox” for helpful
resources further explaining below):
Theories related to the work of Gardner, Vygotsky, Bloom, etc.
Universal Design for Learning: Multiple means of representation; Multiple means of action & expression; Multiple
means of engagement.(the what, how, and why of learning)
Five E’s: Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, Evaluate

Possible Solution

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