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LESSON Pastel Landscapes getting started - 45 minutes

GRADE 6, 7 and 8 Art

Becca Klein - April 4 , 2019


This lesson will allow students to get started on their large landscape drawing and understand how they
will be assessed through a rubric. They will learn that studies are instrumental in the art making process
through creating and referencing their study throughout creating their large pastel drawing. They will use
similar steps in their large drawing that they used in their study, starting with a pencil outline and filling it
in with colour (pastel).


Students will create a study to plan their large drawing.

Students will use colour theory to balance the colours in their image.

Students will use their understanding of colour theory (warm and cool colours) to represent a
mood through their image.


How can we create a balanced image with colour?

How can we use pastel techniques with purpose?

What will the mood of your landscape image be?



Pencil Crayons


Large sheet of paper


Questioning - go to each table

What mood will your image have?

What colours have you changed?

Sketchbook Studies Handed in - Are the images coloured? Labeled? Do they include a


Greet students

Attendance - (Thursday) What do you think will be the most challenging part of colouring your

Plan of action - Hand in Study, Pick up rubric - Go over rubric as a class,

Once we have gone over the rubric students will start drawing the outline of their pastel image, their
outline is checked before moving on to pastels.


Students will be in beginning stages of creating their landscape images.

Pencil outlines need to be effortfully finished before moving on to pastels.

(Show example of a well done student outline as they are working on them)

Once they have shown me their image in pencil they can move on to pastel work.

Students will reference their study as they create their image to ensure that they are on track.


Grade 6-

MB. Modified assessment - Pastel technique and colour experimentation in a landscape setting.

AB. Modified assessment - Pastel technique and colour experimentation in a landscape setting.

TF. Modified assessment - Pastel experimentation and effort to create a landscape image.

JP. Modified assessment - Pastel experimentation with image apparent on paper.

Grade 7 -

AA. Modified assessment - Study will not require full statements, pastels were used to create image that
is a landscape.

AB. - Not marked, start trying to use crayons to colour landscape pictures.

CM. - Modified expectations - effort and pastel use to create a landscape while experimenting with colour
and techniques.

KT. - Modified expectations - effort and pastel use to create a landscape while experimenting with
colour and techniques.

JW. - Modified assessment - Uses pastels to create a landscape that represents the picture he chose.

Grade 8-

SB. - Not marked, create a image with a landscape for the background.

KB. - Modified assessment - Create a landscape image.

TC. - Modified assessment - Colour theory use assessed, techniques are not applicable.

AF.- Modified time - Avril may take longer than the amount of time I am here for and may need to take
her project home or be given time to complete it.

WR. - Modified assessment - Use colour theory, techniques and create a landscape from the photo they


Clean up 5-10 mins early depending on the mess level.

Once everyone is seated question

What is the mood or colour scheme of your image? Why?


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