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Foreword 5
Abreviations 7
Introduction 9
Chapter 1
The ethiological treatment in infectious diseases 15
Chapter 2
Scarlet fever 39
Erysipelas 45
Measles 49
Rubella 53
Mumps 57
Varicella-zoster virus infections. Varicella (Chickenpox) 63
Herpes zoster (Shingles) 67
Whooping cough 71
The infections with Epstein-Barr virus (infectious mononucleosis) 77
Diphtheria 85
Influenza 89
Viral respiratory infections 97
Parainfluenza virus infections 103
Human respiratory syncitial virus infections 105
Human metapneumovirus infections 107
Coronavirus infections 108
Chapter 3
Central nervous system infections 111
Encephalitis 135
Chapter 4
Leptospirosis 145
Rabies 151
Lyme borreliosis 157
Anthrax 167
Tetanus 171
Chapter 5
Enterovirus infections 177
Poliomyelitis 183
Acute infectious diarrheal diseases 189
Salmonellosis and typhoid fever 199
Shigellosis 206
Cholera 211
Food intoxication 215
Botulism 221
Chapter 6
Acute viral hepatitis 225
Chapter 7
Sepsis 241
Nosocomial infections 255
Chapter 8
Infection with the human immunodeficiency virus HIV (HIV) 265


Despite decades of dramatic progress in their treatment and prevention, infectious diseases
remain a major cause of death and debility and are responsible for worsening the living
conditions of many millions of people around the word. Our goal in publishing this book is to
offer convenient source to the medical students about the basic knowledgein infectious
disease. The physicians caring patients for infectious disease must cope with new challenges
in diagnosis, treatment and prevention. Infections frequently challenge the physician’s
diagnostic skill and must be considered in the differential diagnoses of syndromes affecting
every organ system.
The incidence of different kind of infections is an ever-changing pattern, which is one reason
why the study of infectious diseases is so interesting.We want to convince our students that in
21 century without basic knowledge about infectious diseases nobody can practice medicine
We hope that this book will prove valuable to medical students and young doctors in medical
training, in the day to day management of patients with infectious disease.

The authors


ADEM = Post-infectious encephalitis

AMG = Aminoglycosides
ANI = Asymptomatic neurocognitive impairment
ARDS = Adult respiratory distress syndrome
Bb = Borrelia burgdorferi
C3G = Third generation cefalosporins
C4G = Fourth generation Cefalosporins
CMV = Cytomegalovirus
CNS = The central nervous system
CPM = Conditioned pathogenic microorganisms
CSF = The cerebrospinal fluid
CT = Computed tomography
DIC = Disseminated intravascular coagulation
DNA = Deoxyribonucleic acid
DTaP = The development of acellular pertussis vaccines
DTP = Diphtheria toxoid+ Tetanus toxoid+ Pertussis vaccine
EA = Early antigen
EA-D = Early antigen in diffuse pattern in nucleus and cytoplasm of infected cells
EA-R = Antibody to early antigen restricted
EBV = Epstein-Barr virus
ECHO = Enteric cytopatic human orphan
ECM = Chronic erythema migrans
EIA = Enzyme immunoassay
FAMA = Fluorescent antibody to membrane antigen assay
FI = Food intoxication
FQN = Fluoroquinolones
GABA = Gama-aminobutyric acid
GABHS = Beta-hemolytic streptococcus
GNB = Gram negative bacilli
HAART = Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy
HAD = HIV-associated dementia
HBV = Hepatitis B Virus
HCV = Hepatitis C Virus
HHV4 = Human Herpes virus 4
HIV = Human immunodeficiency virus
HIV/AIDS = Acquired imunodeficiency syndrome
HMPV = Human metapneumovirus
HTIG = Human tetanus immune globulin
ICP = Intracranial pressure
ICU = Intensive Care Unit
IM = Infectious mononucleosis
JCV = John Cunningham virus
LB = Lyme borreliosis
LYDMA = Lymphocyte-detected membrane antigen
MA = Membrane antigen
MND = Mild neurocognitive disorder

MP = Mucopeptidic
MRI = Magnetic resonance imaging
MRSA = Methicilin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
MSOF = Multiple systemic organ failure
MSSA = Methicillin-sensitive staphylococcus aureus
NBL = Lyme neuroborreliosis
NP = Nucleoprotein
OPV = Oral live-attenuated vaccine
ORS = Oral rehydration solutions
PCR = Polymerase chain reaction
PHN = Post-herpetic neuralgia
PML = Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy
PRP = Penicillin resistant pneumococci
RNA = Ribonucleic acid
RSV = Respiratory syncitial virus
RT-PCR = Reverse transcription–polymerase chain reaction
SIADH = Syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone
SPM = Strictly pathogenic microorganisms
SSPE = Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis
TCBS = Thiosulfate-citrate-bile salts-sucrose
Td = Tetanus diphtheria toxoids
VAP = Ventilator associated pneumonia
VCA = Viral capsid antigen
VISA = Vanco-intermediate strains
VRE = Vancomycin resistant enterococci
VZV = Varicella-zoster virus
WHO = World Health Organisation
WNE = West Nile encephalitis
WNV = West Nile virus

Iringo Zaharia Kezdi
Basic considerations
A century of advance in medicine and public health (better sanitation, clean food and water
supplies, good housing, personal hygiene, vaccines and drugs) has markedly controlled some
diseases and attenuated the risk of most infectious diseases. Because of this, the epidemiology
of infectious disease has changed.In the resource-poor developing countries infectious
diseases continue to cause significant morbidity and mortality.
In this days,there are a numerous emerging and reemerging infectious diseases.
In the last few years a lot of factors were identified as forces to contribute to diseases
emergence and reemergence, such as:
 Climate change, global warming, could extend the geographical range of infections
 Increased number of older persons, immunocompromised hosts leading to severe,
opportunistic infections
 Transplant and cancer patients treated with cytotoxic drugs, become a feertile field for
formerly unusual pathogenic bacteria, fungus, viruses etc.
 Environmental degradation could result in inadequate suppliesof safe food and water
 Economic development (industrialization, urbanization, irrigation) changes human
demographics, behaviors
 In developing and developed countries poverty and malnutrition, migrating people,
wars may bring high rates of diseases (like tuberculosis) into cities.
 Genetic modification could, in theory, result in new human pathogens,
 We must be prepared for the unpredictable and unexpected: bioterrorism and other
deliberate releases of biological agents
The picture of infectious diseases, at the beginning of the 21st century can be summarized as
 Some infectious diseases start to disappaer: smallpox has been completely eradicated
(WHO 08.05.1980) although there is a potential threat of its deliberate release.
Mosquito control has removed malaria from Romania. Poliomyelitis is close to global
eradication. There are a few infections which have virtually disappeared as endemic
diseases: cholera, typhus, diphtheria.
 Some Infections have become much less common or less virulent: scarlet fever,
measles, mumps, rubella, whooping cough, tetanus, Haemophilus influenzae type b
 There are infections whose incidence has remained unchanged: respiratory infections,
chickenpox (except in countries practising universal childhood varicella vaccination)
and herpes zoster, gastroenteritis, infections of the nervous system, urinary infections
 There are infections whose incidence has increased: sexually transmitted infections,
infections in immunocompromised, dibilitated and intensive care unit patients,
methicilin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection,Clostridium difficile
infection, infections in intravenous drug users.
 There are new infection problems like
a, Infections associated with the increasing travel to tropical countries: malaria, enteric fever,
ameobiasis, helminthiasis, exotic viral infections, traveller’s diarrhoea

b, Infections associated to newly identified agents: Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
infection, variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, multidrug resistance in pneumococci,
salmonellae, tuberculosis and staphylococci, severe acute respiratory distress syndrome
Infectious diseases will always exist, continuing advances in dignostics, surveillance,
therapeutics, vaccines are very important in prevention and control.
Transmission of infection
Infection spreads by one of the following methods:
I. Airborne
Airborne transmittal occurs when infectious agents traveltrough the air on small water or dust
particlesoften for great distances.
Diseases spread by airborne routes include:
Exanthemata: measles, rubella, chickenpox, scarlet fever.
Mouth and throat infections: diphteria, tonsilitis, mumps, herpes stomatitis.
Respiratory tract infections: whooping cough, influenza and other respiratory virus infections,
pulmonary tuberculosis.
General: meningococcal and staphylococal infection.
II. Intestinal
Diseases spread by the intestinal route include typhoid and paratyphoid, salmonellosis,
dysentery, cholera, gastroenteritis, poliomyelitis and other enterovirus infections, and viral
hepatitis A and E.In another group of ingestion diseases, transmission is direct from
contaminated food. This group includes brucellosis, Q fever, salmonellosis, trichinellosis and
other helminth infections.
III. Direct contact
Infection may be transmitted directly by local skin contact. This mostly involves cutaneous
infections and includes impetigo and scabies.
IV. Venereal route
Infection may be transmitted by sexual contact, including sypihilis, gonorrhoea,
lymphogranuloma venereum and herpes genitalis infection, HIV and hepatitis B infection.
V. Insect or animal bite
Infections transmitted by bites include malaria, leishmaniasis, trypanosomiasis, typhus, rabies,
Lyme disease and simian herpesvirus infection.
VI. Blood-borne
Some infections are commonly transmitted via infected blood or blood products, e.g. hepatitis
B, HIV, hepatitis C.
These do not cover all the complex routes by which disease spreads.
Other diseases may spread by two or more alternative routes. For example, tuberculosis
commonly spreads by airborne infection, but may spreadvia milk by ingestion or even by
direct skin contact.
Pathogenesis of infections
Infectious diseasaes occurs when a pathogenic organism causes signs and sympthoms of
inflammation or organic dysfunction. An infecting agent can be from endogenous (those

residing on mucosal surfaces or resting latent in various tissues) or exogenous source
(transmitted to host from source by direct or indirect contact). The infectious agent first
colonizes at the site of entry (the portal of entry). The most frequent portal of entry of
pathogenic bacteria are: respiratory, gastrointestinal, genital, urinary tracts. The appearence of
disease is supported when the infecting dose is sufficiently large and adherence to epithelium
or other tissue is possible. There are a few adherence factors like: surface hydrophobicity
and net surface charge (the more hydrophobic the bacterial cell surface, the greater the
adherence to the cell surface); specific surface molecules: pili (eg. E coli), fimbriae ( group A
Streptococci): lipoteichoic acid and M protein found on the fimbriae. They multiply and
spread directly through tissues or via the lymphatic system to the blood stream.
Alternarively, the proliferative phase may not result in invasive disease, but instead continue
and cause prolonged excretion of infectious organism-carrier state.
The fitness of a pathogen can be defined as its ability to multiply within a host, disseminate
from that host, translocate to a new host, colonize the new host, and cause infection. This can
be distinguished from the virulence from a pathogen, which refers to the severity of clinical
illness resulting from infection.The specific virulence factors allow pathogens to invade tissue
in a predictable way, they give the ability to evade the host’s immune system by the
production of enzymes: coagulase, beta-lactamases, streptokinases, etc. Outside the factors
that promote colonization, proliferation, and tissue invasion, other important virulence factors
include the capacity to form toxins (toxigenicity). The toxins are secreted proteins (exotoxins)
or structural portionst of the microorganisms (endotoxins).
Host responses to the release of this substances, by fever, chills, local inflamation,
leukocytosis, protein catabolism, serum acute phase reaction, etc. The pathogenesis of
infectious diseases is a complex interplay of microbial action and host reaction. Disease is a
complex phenomenon resulting from tissue invasion and destruction, toxin elaboration and
host response.
Diagnosis of infectious diseases
The basic goals of diagnosis in infectious diseases are
- to determin which organ system is affected
- to determin which agent is responsabile
The methods used for the diagnosis of infectious diseases are as follows:
- Careful history, extensive review of occupational, travel, sexual and social
- Complete physical examination
- Laboratory tests: for direct and indirect detection of causative agent
 direct detection with microscopy; microscopic examinations of body fluids, exudates,
 detection of microbial antigens (particle agglutination tests, enzyme –linked
immunosorbent assays, DNA probes, etc)
 culture techniques and susceptibility testing
 immunologic methods, serologic tests
 others:biopsy, skin tests
Treatment of infectious diseases
The rational use of antiinfectious agents (antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, antihelmintic etc)
depends on:
I. Drugs parameters
a, the drugs mechanism of action

- spectrum of activity
- pharmacokinetics
- pharmacodynamics
- toxicities
- interactions
b, mechanism underlying infectious agents resistance
c, strategies used by clinicians to prevent, limit resistance
II. Patient-associated parameters:
- infection site
- other drugs being taken,
- allergies,
- immune status
- excretory status
Writing a prescription for infectious disease practical advices
To treat a patient with infectious disease is much more than prescribing a drug. To approach a
rational treatment, you must cover the folloing aspects:
- Where you want to treat the patient: at home or in hospital?
- Do the patiet need isolation or not?
- Do the patient need a total rest?
- What about his diet?
The chosen drugs must be efficient on
- causative agent (the ethiological treatment: antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal.
- pathophysiology
- symptoms
Before writing a prescription for infectious disease........
It is a truism that any drug that can produce therapeutic benefit can also cause unexpected,
adverse effects (related to dose, to time-course, to patient susceptibility, to other drugs
interactions). Ask yourself if the patient has an infectious disease or not? Will the treatment
prevent the disease or not?
State the dose-write out in full
State the route of administration
State the frecvency of administration –dosage interval
Give special instructions if necessary
Think about Carmeli s score if you use antibacterial or antifungal treatment
1. Lecture Notes on Infectious Diseases 2005, B.K. Mandal, E.G.L. Wilkins, E.M.
Dunbar, R.T. Mayon-White (Sixth edition), Blackwell Publishing (Chapter 1.
2. Harrison`s Infectious Diseases 2013, Dennis L. Kasper, Anthony S. Fauci ( 2nd
edition) McGraw-Hill Education (Section I. Introduction to infectious diseases)
3. Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment 2012, Stephen J, McPhee, Maxine A.
Papadakis ( Fifty- first edition), McGraw-Hill Education (Chapter 1, p. 3. Prevention
of infectious diseases)

4. Infectious Diseases for Medical Students 2002, Egidia Miftode, Vasile Luca, Editura “
Gr. T. Popa” U.M.F. Iasi ( Chapter 1. Introduction)
5. Boli infectioase 2002, Dr. Mircea Chiotan,editia a II-a, Editura National (Capitolul 2.
Procesul infectios)
6. Boli infectioase transmisibile 2007, Augustin Cupsa, Editura Medicala Universitara
(Capitolul 1. Bolile infectioase)

Chapter 1


Iringo Zaharia Kezdi

The ethiological treatment in infectious diseases is based on antibacterial, antiviral,

antifungal, antiparasitic therapy.The number of antimicrobial, antiviral, antifungal agents
increased year by year because of new new pathogens, resistance of new and old pathogens to
the previously used drugs. Ethiological treatment is started empirically in most of the cases,
because at the time therapy is initiated, usually, the knowlidge of the infecting microorganism
is not available. The selection of drugs is based on their activity, susceptibility of infecting
microorganism, efficacy, toxicity, host factors, genetic factors, site of infection, drug
interactions, cost, and so on.These chapter deals with important informations concerning to
clinical use of antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal drugs.

Antimicrobial drug classes

1.β-lactam antibiotics
2.erythromycin group (macrolides)
3.tetracycline group
7.antituberculous drugs
10.bacitracin, mupirocin
12.metronidazole and tinidazole
19.pentamidine and atovaquone
20.urinary antiseptics

1.Β-lactam antibiotics
Those antibacterial drugs which share a common chemical nucleus that contains a β-lactam
ringare namedβ-lactam antibiotics. These antibiotics are as follows:
I. Monobactams
Aztreonam-the sole marketed monobactam, resistant to many betalactamases.
Is active against gram-negative organisms including: Pseudomonas, E coli,Klebsiella, Proteus
Pseudomonas spp, unpredictable against Acinetobacter, Enterobacter,Citrobacter spp
Clinical use: severe gram negative infections with susceptibil germs.
Dose: 1 g/day, i.v. in gram negative cocci and bacilli infections

II Dibactames
1. Narrow spectrum β lactamase sensitive natural penicillins, penames:
- penicillin G for parenteral administration (aqueous crystalline or benzathin penicillin G)
- penicillin V, phenoxymethyl penicillin for oral administration
They are most active against gram-positive organisms and are susceptible to hydrolysis by

Table 1. Antimicrobial spectrum and therapeutical indications of natural penicillins

Antimicrobial activity Clinical uses
1. streprococcus group including anaerobic streptococcal pharyngitis and
streptococci cellulitis, scarlet fever , pneumonia,
2. susceptible and moderately susceptible meningitis, sepsis, endocarditis
3. non–beta-lactamase-producing staphylococci diphtheri, anthrax, syphillis
4. meningococci leptospirosis, Lyme disease,
5. Treponema pallidum and other spirochetes
6. Propionibacterium acnes and other gram- actinomycosis
positive anaerobic bacilli
7. non-difficile clostridia
8. actinomyces

Most infections due to susceptible organisms respond to aqueous penicillin G in daily doses
of 1–2 million units administered intravenously every 4–6 hours. For life-threatening
infections (meningitis, endocarditis), increased doses (3–4 million units intravenously every 4
hours) are required.

2. Narrow spectrum β-lactamase resistant penicillins, antistaphylococcal penicillins

Oxacillin, cloxacillin, dicloxacillin, and nafcillin are resistant to degradation by beta-
lactamases produced by staphylococci. They are less active than natural penicillins against
nonstaphylococcal gram-positive bacteria. The primary route of clearance of the above agents
is nonrenal—thus, no dosage adjustment is needed in chronic kidney disease. Methicilline is
no longer approved in practice due to its nephrotoxicity.

3. Extended-spectrum penicillins
The extended-spectrum group of penicillins includes the
3.1. Aminopenicillins: ampicillin, amoxicillin
Table 2. Antimicrobial spectrum and therapeutical indications of aminopenicillins
Antimicrobial activity Clinical uses
- strains of Proteus mirabilis, Listeria, Amoxicillinis given orally for minor
- non–beta-lactamase-producing strains of infections- acute sinusitis, acute otitis media
Haemophilus influenza and prophylaxis for endocarditis
- penicillin-susceptible pneumococcus
- Enterococcus faecalis, ampicillin- Ampicillin is administered intravenously
resistant E faecalis has emerged for:
pneumonia, meningitis, bacteremia, sepsis,
Amoxicillin is preferable to ampicillin in the oral treatment of infection because of its
improved oral bioavailability and less frequent dosage frequency.
3.2. Ureidopenicillins:Azlocillin, Piperacillin, Mezlocillin (available even in combination
with the beta-lactamase inhibitor tazobactam). These drugs are susceptible to destruction by
staphylococcal (and other) beta-lactamases, their spectrum of activity is similar to the natural
penicillins against gram-positive bacteria; however, these agents offer modest aerobic gram-
negative coverage as well

Table 3. Antimicrobial spectrum and therapeutical indications of ureidopenicillins

Antimicrobial activity Clinical uses
Severe infections with sensitive
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella spp,
E faecalis, pneumococci, Bacteroides fragilis
Plurimicrobial infections: biliary,
Proteus spp, Enterobacter spp, Serratia marcescens, digestive, genito- urinary tract
Enterobacter cloacae, Citrobacter

3.3. Penicillins combined with beta-lactamase inhibitors

The addition of beta-lactamase inhibitors (clavulanic acid, sulbactam, tazobactam) prevents
inactivation of the parent penicillin by some, but not all, bacterial beta-lactamases.
Table 4 Marketed products of penicillins combined with beta-lactamase inhibitors
Name penicillin dose beta-lactamase route of
inhibitor administration
250 mg, clavulanic acid orally
Augmentin amoxicillin 125 mg
500 mg,
875 mg,
sulbactam 0.5 g intravenously
Unasyn ampicillin 1g
Timentin ticarcillin 3g clavulanate 100 mg intravenously
tazobactam 0.375 g intravenously
Zosyn piperacillin 3g
0.5 g
Table 5. Antimicrobial spectrum and therapeutical indications of penicillins combined
with beta lactamase inhibitors
Drug combination Antimicrobial activity Clinical uses
Timentin, Unasyn, -ampicillin-susceptible enterococci infections with sensitive
Zosyn germs
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Serratia,
polymicrobial infections
Klebsiella spp such as peritonitis from a
ruptured viscus,
osteomyelitis in a diabetic
patient, or traumatic
Augmentin Staphylococcus aureus, H influenzae, acute bacterial
Moraxella catarrhalis, B fragilis rhinosinusitis infections
resulting from animal and
human bites refractory
cases of otitis media
The beta-lactamase inhibitors are variably and unpredictably effective against beta-lactamases
produced by certain aerobic gram-negative bacilli, such as Enterobacter.
3.4. Carboxypenicillins:Carbenicillin (Carindacillin), Ticarcillin, Temocillin. They are
considered antipseudomonal penicillins, active against Proteus, Enterobacter Serratia,
Pseudomonas. They are used in severe infections with sensitive germs, plurimicrobial
infections of biliary, digestive, genito- urinary tract.

2. Cephalosporins
Cephalosporins have been divided into five major groups or "generations" based on their
antibacterial activity:
Table 6: Antimicrobial spectrum and therapeutical indications of cephalosporins
Generation Antimicrobial activity Clinical uses
First-generation -aerobic gram-positive Respiratory infections
Oral: cephalexin, organisms Streptococcus Urinary infections
including viridans
cephradine, Skin infections, soft tissue
streptococci, group A
cefadroxil, infections
hemolytic streptococci
streptococcus pneumoniae, Prophylaxis of infection of most
Intravenous: (except Enterococcus), meti-S- clean surgical procedures
cefazolin staphylococcus
some community-acquired
gram-negative organisms P
mirabilis, Escherichia coli,
Klebsiella species
gram-negative bacteria Otitis, sinusitis,
generation indole-positive Proteus and Tonsillitis (if failure with
cefaclor, Klebsiella (including first- penicillin G, or reccurences)
generation cephalosporin-
cefuroxime mixed anaerobic infections, eg,
resistant strains), M
cefprozil peritonitis and diverticulitis
catarrhalis, Neisseria species,

Parenteral: H influenzae , E.coli, are superior to first-generation
cefamandole some are active against gram- agents for prophylaxis of
cephamycines: negative anaerobes; infection following elective
cefotetan, colorectal surgery or
cefoxitin hysterectomy.
Third-generation Enhanced activity versus Severe Infections:
aerobic Gram negative Meningitis
bacteria: E.coli, Shigella, Sepsis
Proteus, Salmonella Broncho-Pneumoniae
Nosocomial Infections
ceftriaxone inconsistant activity versus:
ceftizoxime Serratia, Acinetobacter, Surgery antibioprophylaxis
latamoxef Enterobacter Febrile neutropenic patient
Oral: cefixime Modest activity against (Ceftazidime)
cefpodoxime anaerobes ( only for
ceftibuten Gonorrhea, chancroid, and more
ceftizoxime) serious forms of Lyme disease-
ceftidinir Antipseudomonal active: Ceftriaxon
Less active than 1st g.
cephalosporins versus Gram
positive cocci, gram-negative
Fourth- are more stable against Severe Infections:
generation: plasmid-mediated beta- Sepsis
lactamase Febrile neutropenic patient
has little or no beta-lactamase-
inducing capacity that results
Nosocomial Infections
in improved coverage against
Enterobacter and Citrobacter Surgery antibioprophylaxis
Fifth-generation: methicillin-resistant S aureus Severe Infections:
Skin, soft tissues infections
ceftaroline gram-negative spectrum
activity as third-generation
Nosocomial Infections
In meningitis in older patients, third-generation cephalosporins should be combined with
ampicillin or trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole until L monocytogenes has been excluded.

3. Carbapenems
This class of drugs is structurally related to beta-lactam antibiotics.

Table 7. Antimicrobial spectrum and therapeutical indications of carbapenems

Drug Antimicrobial activity Clinical uses
Imipenem most gram-negative rods Respiratory infections
including P aeruginosa gram- Urinary infections
positive organisms and Skin infections, soft tissue
anaerobes, with the exception of infections
Burkholderia cepacia, Prophylaxis of infection of most
Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, E clean surgical procedures
faecium, and methicillin-resistant
S aureus and Staphylococcus Febrile neutropenic patient
Meropenem like imipenem plus extended- Serious hospital-acquired infections,
spectrum beta-lactamase- meningitis
producing E coli and Klebsiella Febrile neutropenic patient
spp Polymicrobial infections such as
peritonitis and pelvic infections.
intra-abdominal infections
Doripenem like imipenem plus extended-
spectrum beta-lactamase- peritonitis and pelvic infections and
producing E coli and Klebsiella pyelonephritis
Ertapenem aerobic gram-positive and Severe infections with susceptibile
anaerobic organisms is inactive germs
Imipenem. Dosage adjustment is required in renal insufficiency.Meropenem and
doripenem are less likely to cause seizures than imipenem. The usual dose for meropenem is
1–2 g intravenously every 8 hours. Dosage adjustment in renal insufficiency is required.
Ertapenem can be administered once daily. The usual dose is 1 g intravenously every 24
hours and adjustments are needed for renal insufficiency.


The macrolides are characterized by a macrocyclic lactone ring with various sugars attached.
While they are generally bacteriostatic, they can sometimes be bactericidal for certain
organisms Similar to penicillin, the rate of macrolide-resistant S pneumoniae has increased
(25–35%), and increased regional resistance in group A streptococci has been reported.
Erythromycin-resistant pneumococci are resistant to azithromycin and clarithromycin as well

Table 8. Antimicrobial spectrum and indications of macrolides:
Drug Antimicrobial activity Clinical use
“old” macrolides: Legionella, Mycoplasma, Ureaplasma, Bronchitis, legionellosis,
Corynebacterium (including atypical pneumonia, skin
diphtheria), Campylobacter, infections, enteral
spiramycine Rhodococcus species, Bartonella spp., infections (yersinia,
josamycine Chlamydia and Chlamydophila campylobacter,
(including ocular and respiratory cryptosporidium)
“new” macrolides: infections) organisms. genital infections,
clarithromycine They are useful alternatives in the toxoplasmosis
dirithromycine treatment of streptococcal and (pregnancy), bacillary
pneumococcal disease in patients with angiomatosis, hepatic
roxithromycine serious penicillin allergy, such as peliosis
azalides: anaphylaxis. infections in stomatology
azythromycine Methicillin- Sensitive Staphylococcus
sinergistines: Moraxella catarrhalis, Bordetella
pertussis, Erysipelotrix,
Campylobacter, Treponema,
virginiamycine Mycoplasma, Chlamydia, Rickettsia
GN cocci, Toxoplasma gondii
(spyramicine, roxithro,
clarithromycine), atypical
mycobacteria, Bartonella spp
Sinergistins:Methicillin- resistant
staphylococcus, penicillin- restistant
pneumococcus, GP anaerobes

Erythromycins are excreted primarily nonrenally; no adjustment is therefore required in renal

insufficiency.Azithromycin is available for oral and intravenous use; the latter is particularly
useful in the treatment of Legionnaire disease.
Fidaxomycin Fidaxomycin is a nonabsorbed macrolide approved for the treatment of
Clostridium difficile infection. At a dose of 200 mg twice daily for 10 days, fidaxomycin is
equal to vancomycin in the treatment of this disease.
KETOLIDES:Telithromycin, the one available ketolide, is similar in structure to macrolides
but has a broader spectrum of activity. The dose is 800 mg/d orally, and no adjustment is
needed for kidney disease or liver insufficiency.

The tetracyclines are a group of drugs with common basic chemical structures, antimicrobial
activity, and pharmacologic properties. These agents are inhibitors of protein synthesis, they
are bacteriostatic for many gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.

Table 9. Antimicrobial activity and indications of tetracyclines
Drug Antimicrobial Clinical use
1st Generation They are strongly Broncho- pulmonary infections, acne,
inhibitory for the Brucellosis, Tularemia (in combination
growth of with streptomycin),
cholerae, genital infections with
ROLITETRACYCLINE rickettsiae, chlamydia, endocervicitis, urethritis,
2nd Generation proctitis, granuloma inguinale
ehrlichia, epididymitis pelvic inflammatory
LYMECYCLINE Vibrio organisms, disease, -psittacosis, -Lyme disease,
spirochetes, some
METACYCLINE protozoa (eg, -relapsing fever, actinomycosis, -
3 Generation amebas). nocardiosis, -infections caused by M
marinum,-malaria, malaria prophylaxis
DOXICYCLINE Tetracyclines also (including multidrug-resistant P
have some activity
MINOCYCLINE falciparum), - amebiasis, (in
against combination with other drugs), recurrent
pneumococcus spp., ulcers due to H pylori, doxycycline
some vancomycin- should be considered as a potential
resistant enterococci, empiric therapy for mild to moderate
methicillin-resistant outpatient pneumonia.
H influenzae
Doxycycline,minocycline are formulated even for parenteral administration in doses similar to
the oral ones. Tetracyclines are bound to calcium deposited in growing bones and teeth,
causing fluorescence, discoloration, enamel dysplasia, deformity, or growth inhibition.
Therefore, tetracyclines should not be given to pregnant women, nursing women, or children
under 8 years of age.
GLYCYLCYCLINES: Tigecycline, a tetracycline derivative, is available as a parenteral
antibacterial for the treatment of nosocomial infection
Table 10 . Antimicrobial spectrum and indications of Tigecycline
Antimicrobial activity Clinical uses
- gram-positive bacteria: methicillin- - complicated skin and soft-tissue infection
resistant staphylococci, vancomycin- - intra-abdominal infections
resistant enterococci,
A loading dose of 100 mg is administered
- multidrug resistant aerobic gram-negative intravenously with maintenance at 50 mg
bacilli: Acinetobacter, Enterobacter,
every 12 hours.
Citrobacter E coli Klebsiella anaerobes B
fragilis gram-positive anaerobes

5. Chloramphenicol
Chloramphenicol binds to the 50S subunit of ribosomes and inhibits protein synthesis.

Table 11. Antimicrobial spectrum and indications of cloramphenicol
Antimicrobial activity Clinical uses
GP cocci: Staphylococcus.aureus, S. Chloramphenicol is an alternative to more
epidermidis, S. pneumoniae, Peptococcus- standard therapy for
Peptosreptococcus, GN cocci and 1 meningococcal, H influenzae, or
coccobacilli, N. gonorrhoeae, Pasteurella pneumococcal infections of the central
multocida, H. influenza, Brucella spp, nervous system;
Bordetella pertussis, GP bacilli:
Cprynebacterium diphtheriae, Listeria 2 anaerobic or mixed infections in the
monocytogenes, Clostridium spp, central nervous system, eg, brain abscess;
Prpionibacterium acnes, Actinomyces subdural empiema good penetration in brain
israelli, Actinobacillus
3 alternative to tetracyclines in rickettsial
actinomycetemcomitans infections, especially in pregnant women, in
GN bacilli: E.coli, S.typhi and Proteus whom tetracycline is contraindicated.
mirabilis ( the other Enterobacteriaceae 4.Typhoid fever
have verying sensitivities)
Chlamydia, Mycoplasma, Rickettsies
It is used minimally because of its toxicity and the availability of alternative agents.
Chloramphenicol is widely distributed in tissues, including the eye and cerebrospinal fluid.
Chloramphenicol in excess of 50 mg/kg/d regularly causes reversible disturbances in red cell
maturation within 1–2 weeks. In contrast, it is also associated with an irreversible aplastic
anemia in 1:40,000–1:25,000 courses of chloramphenicol treatment.

6. Aminoglycosides:
A group of bactericidal drugs sharing chemical, antimicrobial, pharmacologic, and toxic
characteristics. All these agents inhibit protein synthesis in bacteria by inhibiting the function
of the 30S subunit of the bacterial ribosome.
Table 12. Antimicrobial activity and indications of aminoglycosides
Drug Antimicrobial activity Clinical uses
1st Generation enterococci, penicillin-resistant plague and tularemia;
viridans streptococci, S aureus
Streptomycin -endocarditis caused by E faecalis or
endocarditis, S aureus and S viridans streptococci (use in
epidermidis, francisella conjunction with penicillin or
tuleransis, brucella, vancomycin)
mycobacterium tuberculosis
-active tuberculosis when other less
toxic drugs cannot be used;
-acute brucellosis (in combination
with tetracycline).
Neomycin, These are closely related, with Neomycin, often combined with
Kanamycin similar activity and complete bacitracin and polymyxin, is a
. cross-resistance. Systemic use component of several topical
has been abandoned because of ointments and creams.
ototoxicity and nephrotoxicity

Paromomycin, closely related to neomycin and asymptomatic intestinal amebiasis,
kanamycin, is poorly absorbed giardiasis in pregnancy,
after oral administration cryptosporidiosis in HIV/AIDS, the
dosage is 500 mg orally three or four
times daily
2nd Generation The addition of gentamicin to cell - serious infections caused by gram-
wall active agents, such as negative bacteria
penicillin or vancomycin is -endocarditis
associated with increased
bactericidal activity against
viridans streptococci, E faecalis
Tobramycin Tobramycin is like gentamicin in by aerosol (300 mg twice daily) to
antibacterial activityIt is more patients with cystic fibrosis
active than gentamicin against P
3rd Generation It is active against many severe gram negative infections
gentamicin-resistant strains:
Amikacin mycobacterial infections
derivative of Enterobacter,Serratia organisms
kanamycin. M avium complex M fortuitum
are inhibited.

Netilmicin less ototoxic and less nephrotoxic severe infections with susceptible
than the other aminoglycosides germs
Aminoglycosides are not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. They diffuse poorly into the
eye, prostate, bile, central nervous system, and spinal fluid after parenteral injection.
Amynoglycosides are not effective against anaerobes, pneumococcus, treponemes! All
aminoglycosides can cause
- ototoxicity can be irreversible and is cumulative, presenting as hearing loss, or vestibular
damage, manifested by vertigo and ataxia.
- nephrotoxicity is usually reversible
- neurotoxicity appears in very high doses, usually associated with irrigation of an inflamed
peritoneum, producing a curare-like effect with neuromuscular blockade that results in
respiratory paralysis.

7. Polymyxins
The polymyxins (colistin and polymyxin B) are bactericidal for certain gram- negative aerobic
rods, including Pseudomonas. Systemic use of these agents has been limited by poor
distribution into tissues, substantial toxicity (nephrotoxicity and neurotoxicity). It is used in
infections caused by multidrug-resistant gram-negative organisms that are sensitive only to the
polymyxins. Colistin has been used with succes in the treatment of pan-resistant Acinetobacter
baumanii and P aeruginosa.

8.Antituberculous drugs
Mycobacterium spp are intracellular, have long periods of metabolic inactivity, and tend to
develop resistance to any one drug. Therefore, combined drug therapy is used to delay the
emergence of this resistance. First-line drugs, increasingly used together in all tuberculosis, are
isoniazid, ethambutol, rifampin, pyrazinamide.
Alternative drugs in tuberculosis treatmentin cases of drug resistance (clinical or laboratory) to
first-line drugs we can use:
Capreomycin- injectable agent given intramuscularly, Clofazimine - active in vitro against M
avium complex and Mycobacterium tuberculosis, given orally, Cycloserine, a bacteriostatic
agent, orally, Ethionamide, like cycloserine, is bacteriostatic and is given orally.
The fluoroquinolonesofloxacin, levofloxacin, ciprofloxacin, and moxifloxacin are active in
vitro against M tuberculosis, they have been demonstrated to be efficacious in treating
tuberculosis in patients unable to take isoniazid, rifampin, and pyrazinamide.
Linezolid is effective in achieving culture conversion in patients with treatment-refractory,
highly resistant pulmonary tuberculosis.
RIFAMYCINS Rifampin used as a primary antituberculous agent, is used as an adjunct in the
treatment of S aureus infections. Is associated with rapid emergence of resistance when is used
as monotherapy. When is used in combination with primary antistaphylococcal agents,
rifampin improves outcomes in the treatment of infected prosthetic hardware.
Rifaximin, is a derivative of rifamycin, is nonabsorbable, reaches very high levels in the stool.
It is approved for use in nonpregnant women and for persons aged 12 years and older to treat
noninvasive traveler's diarrhea (200 mg three times daily for 3 days) prophylaxis of traveler's
diarrhea (200 mg/d), recurrent disease with C difficile, irritable bowel syndrome in certain
patients, therapy of hepatic encephalopathy (400 mg twice daily).

Sulfonamides alone are rarely used in the treatment of bacterial infection. In combination with
other drugs, are useful in the treatment of toxoplasmosis and pneumocystosis.Trimethoprim
and pyrimethamine are compounds that inhibit the conversion of dihydrofolic acid to
tetrahydrofolic acid by blocking the enzymedihydrofolate reductase.
Table 13. Antimicrobial spectrum of sulfonamides
Drug Antimicrobial activity
Sulfadiazine Gram positive organisms (S.aureus, S.pneumoniae, S.pyogenes,
Enterococcus, fecalis, Corynebacterium diphtheriae, Listeria
monocytogenes, Bacillus antracis), Gram negative organisms (
Sulfametoxazole E.coli, Klebsiella, Salmonella, Serratia, Shigella, H. influenza, N.
Sulfadoxine meningitidis), Other: Chlamydia trachomatis, Nocardia asteroids

These two agents are generally used in combination with other drugs (usually sulfonamides) to
prevent or treat a number of bacterial and parasitic infections.

Table 14. Antimicrobial spectrum of trimethoprim (one part) plus sulfamethoxazole (five

Antimicrobial activity Clinical uses
E coli, Klebsiella, Enterobacter, urinary tract infections, acute prostatitis, chronic
Salmonella, Shigella, Serratia, prostatitis, parasitic infections:
Providencia, S maltophilia, B prophylaxis (160 mg trimethoprim/day daily) and
cepacia (formerly Pseudomonas treatment (15 mg/kg/d of trimethoprim/day 21 days)
cepacia), Burkholderia of Pneumocystis pneumonia,
pseudomallei, Nocardia, MSSA
(including MRSA) and about 50% of Cyclospora infection, Isospora belli infection, -
S epidermidis isolates, M meningitis caused by gram-negative rods
catarrhalis, H influenzae, H ducreyi, Sulfonamides are the drugs of choice for Nocardia
L monocytogenes. infections and leprosy
It is inactive against anaerobes and enterococci.

10. Bacitracin and mupirocin

This polypeptide named bacitracin has a selective activity against gram-positive bacteria. Its
use has been limited to topical application usually in combination with polymyxin or neomycin
because of severe nephrotoxicity associated with systemic administration. Mupirocin is a
naturally occurring antibiotic produced by Pseudomonas fluorescens, active against: gram-
positive cocci, including methicillin-sensitive and methicillin-resistant S aureus, streptococci
(but not enterococci). Used topically, to the anterior nares twice daily for 5 days it is effective
in eliminating staphylococcal nasal carriage. The IDSA recommends the use of mupirocin with
chlorhexidine preferentially over oral antibacterials for methicillin-resistant S aureus

11. Lincosamides: clindamycin and lincomycine

It is widely distributed in tissues but not in cerebrospinal fluid. Excretion is primarily nonrenal
While useful in brain abscess, clindamycin is ineffective in meningitis. Common side effects
are diarrhoea, nausea, skin rashes, antibiotic-associated C difficile colitis

Table 14. Antimicrobial spectrum of lincosamides and indications

Antimicrobial activity Clinical uses
gram-positive organisms: S prophylaxis against endocarditis following dental
pneumoniae, viridans streptococci, procedures in patients allergic to amoxicillin.
group A streptococci, and S aureus, -as alternative to metronidazole for the therapy of
though resistance has been described in bacterial vaginosis, to treat aspiration
all of these organisms pneumonia,
-anaerobes: Prevotella, Clostridium, to treat pelvic and abdominal infections, to treat
Peptococcus, Peptostreptococcus, Pneumocystis pneumonia (in combination
Fusobacterium with primaquine) to treat staphylococcal
osteomyelitis.While useful in brain abscess,
clindamycin is ineffective in meningitis.

12. Metronidazole and tinidazole
Metronidazole is an antiprotozoal drug (used to treat) active also against some bacteria.
Table .15 Antimicrobial spectrum and indications of metronidazol
Antimicrobial activity Clinical uses
amebia, giardia, Trichomonas amebiasis and giardiasis , Vaginitis caused
vaginalis, anaerobic gram- by Trichomonas vaginalis, Anaerobic infections, active
negative bacilli (Bacteroides, against virtually all B fragilis isolates, C difficile colitis,
Prevotella, Fusobacterium), is less expensive and equally as efficacious as oral
Brain abscess, in combination with penicillin or a third-
generation cephalosporin.
H pylori infections in combination with clarithromycin
plus omeprazole

After oral administration is well absorbed and is widely distributed in tissues. It penetrates well
into the cerebrospinal fluid, yielding levels similar to those in serum. The drug is metabolized
in the liver, and dosage reduction is required in severe hepatic insufficiency or biliary
Tinidazole is identical in spectrum of activity to metronidazole.

13. Glycopeptides: Vancomycin And Teicoplanin

Bactericidal for most gram-positive organisms, particularly staphylococci and streptococci;
bacteriostatic for most enterococci (vancomycin-resistant strains of enterococci, particularly E
faecium have emerged, VRE). Vancomycin is not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and
thus useful orally only for the treatment of antibiotic-associated enterocolitis. For systemic
effect, the drug must be administered intravenously (30 mg/kg/d in two or three divided doses).
Indications for parenteral vancomycin include the following:
1 Severe staphylococcal infections in penicillin-allergic patients; for methicillin-resistant S
aureus and S epidermidis infections and for serious infections (pneumonia, meningitis) due to
resistant S pneumoniae.2 Severe enterococcal infections in the penicillin-allergic patient or if
the enterococcus is penicillin-resistant. 3 Other gram-positive infections in penicillin-allergic
patients, eg, viridans streptococcal endocarditis.4 Surgical prophylaxis in penicillin-allergic
5 For gram-positive infections due to organisms that are multidrug-resistant, ie.
Corynebacterium jeikeium. 6 Endocarditis prophylaxis in the penicillin-allergic patient. 7
Antibiotic-associated enterocolitis.
Rapid infusion or high doses (1 g or more) may induce diffuse hyperemia ("red man
syndrome") and can be avoided by extending infusions over 1–2 hours. The drug is potentially
ototoxic, nephrotoxic.

14. Streptogramins
Synercid, the one approved streptogramin, is a combination of two synthetic derivatives of
pristinamycin—quinupristin and dalfopristin—in a 30:70 ratio that is administered

intravenously. Inhibits protein synthesis by binding to bacterial ribosomes. It is bactericidal. It
is used in the therapy of gram-positive infections, particularly: MRSA, -S epidermidis,
enterococci, including VRE
15. Oxazolidinediones
Oxazolidinediones represent a class of antibacterials of which the one available is Linezolid a
bacteriostatic agent. The oral bioavailability of linezolid is complete, with serum levels
approaching those observed with intravenous administration.

Table 16. antimicrobial spectrum and indications of linezolid

Antimicrobial activity Clinical uses
Methicillin resistant S. aureus (MRSA), S. Community and hospital- acquired
epidermidis, Penicillin resistant pneumonia
pneumococci (PRP), Vancomycin resistant Skin infections
enterococci (VRE) Other infections with gram positive resistant
Vanco- intermediate strains (VISA), germs

16. Daptomycin
Daptomycin is a bactericidal lipopeptide with a spectrum of activity similar to that of linezolid
or quinupristin-dalfopristin. Daptomycin is only available as a parenteral drug with once-daily
Table 17. Antimicrobial spectrum and indications of daptomycin
Antimicrobial activity Clinical uses
methicillin-resistant staphylococci, skin and soft tissue infection, treatment of
vancomycin-resistant enterococci; bacteremia, right-sided endocarditis
Telavancin is the first approved lipoglycopeptide. It is used only for the treatment of skin and
soft-tissue infections due to resistant gram-positive bacterial pathogens in once-daily dosing.

The synthetic analogs of nalidixic acid are the quinolones, with a broad spectrum of activity by
inhibition of bacterial DNA synthesis as result of blocking the enzyme DNA gyrase.

Table 18. Classification and antimicrobial spectra of fluoroquinolones

Biologic classification of fluoroquinolones Microbiologic classification/use
Group I. Limited spectrum I: Enterobacteriaceae
Nalidixic acid, Flumequine, Oxolinique acid, urinary antiseptics
Piromedique acid, Pipemidique acid,
Group II. Large spectrum
II: Enterobacteriaceae and: H. influenza,
Pefloxacin, Enoxacin, Norfloxacin, Neisseria spp., Coagulase negative
Ciprofloxacin, Fleroxacin, Lomefloxacin, staphylococcus, intracellular pathogens:

Ofloxacin Mycoplasma spp, P.aeruginosa,
Acinetobacter spp., Vibrio cholera, M.
tuberculosis, M. leprae

III: + Streptococcus pneumoniae,

Group III. Extended spectrum Streptococcus spp, +/- Anaerobes
Temafloxacin, Tosufloxacin, Moxifloxacin,
Grepafloxacin, Clinafloxacin, Gemifloxacin,
Trovafloxacin, Levofloxacin, Gatifloxacin
The earlier quinolones nalidixic acid, oxolinic acid, cinoxacin, were used only as urinary antiseptics.
The fluoroquinolone derivatives (ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin, gemifloxacin, and moxifloxacin) have
more potent antibacterial activity, achieve clinically useful levels in blood and tissues, and have low
Table 19. Antimicrobial spectrum and indications of fluoroquinolones
Antimicrobial activity Clinical uses
1. 1 gram-negative bacteria, -acute and chronic bacterial prostatitis
Enterobacteriaceae, -sexually transmitted diseases C trachomatis
Haemophilus, Neisseria, Moraxella, cervicitis, urethritis, and proctitis-ofloxacin.
Brucella, -nongonococcal urethritis caused by U
Legionella, Salmonella, Shigella, urealyticum.
Campylobacter, Yersinia, Vibrio, -pelvic inflammatory disease
Aeromonas, E coli but resistant strains
emerged, P aeruginosa- only ciprofloxacin -epididymitis- levofloxacin
and levofloxacin -complicated skin and soft tissue infections
2.M tuberculosis –moxifloxacin, M -osteomyelitis caused by gram-negative
fortuitum, Mycobacterium kansasii. organisms.
3. gram-positive activity including against -malignant otitis externa
streptococci, pneumococci and S aureus and
S epidermidis, including some methicillin -traveler's diarrhea
resistant strains -gemifloxacin, levofloxacin, -domestically acquired acute diarrhea.
4. anaerobic pathogens - moxifloxacin
Fluoroquinolones are effective for prophylaxis: -against gram-negative infections in the neutropenic
-to eradicate meningococci from the nasopharynx of carriers. "Respiratory fluoroquinolones"are
gemifloxacin, levofloxacin, and moxifloxacin are reserved forr the treatment of refractory infections
in high-risk patients, including those with comorbidities or with recent receipt of beta-lactam
antibacterials. T pallidum and Nocardia are resistant to all fluoroquinolones.

19. Pentamidine and atovaquone

Pentamidine and atovaquone are antiprotozoal agents that are primarily used to treat
Pneumocystis pneumonia.Atovaquone inhibits mitochondrial electron transport and probably
also folate metabolism. The use of atovaquone is limited to patients with mild to moderate

Pneumocystis infections who have not responded to, or cannot tolerate other therapies.

20. Urinary antiseptics

These drugs exert antimicrobial activity in the urine but have little or no systemic antibacterial
effect. Their usefulness is limited to therapy and prevention of urinary tract infections.
Table 20 Antimicrobial activity and indications of urinary antiseptics
Drug Antimicrobial activity Clinical uses
gram-positive urinary
pathogens E faecalis and
Staphylococcus therapy or prophylaxis of
Nitrofurantoin saprophyticus, cystitis in patients with
normal kidney function
gram-negative urinary
pathogens E coli,Citrobacter
E coli, including extended-
spectrum beta-lactamase–
producing isolates, uncomplicated urinary tract
-E faecalis, and other gram- infection
negative aerobic urinary
Nitrofurantoin cannot be used to treat pyelonephritis or prostatitis. Fosfomycin should not be
used for systemic infection.
Antifungal drugs
Empiric antifungal therapy is instituted only for febrile neutropenic and other high-risk
Tabel 21 Antifungal activity and indications of antifungal drugs
Antifungal drugs Antifungal activity Clincal uses
Aspergillus, systemic mycotic infections,
Histoplasma, infections caused by
Aspergillus and Mucor.
Lipid-based amphotericin -cryptococcal meningitis-
Coccidioides, combined treatment with
Candida, flucytosine
Blastomyces, -systemic candidiasis.
oral candidiasis
Nystatin wide spectrum
Infections of skin
Candida, Combined use of flucytosine
Flucytosine and amphotericin B
cryptococcal meningitis
systemic candidiasis
Natamycin Fusarium, Acremonium, and keratitis (plus surgical

others measures)
in combination with other
antifungals severe infections
Terbinafine is available
Terbinafine Candida, Aspergillus topically as well as oral
administration, Is god to use
for fingernail and toenail
oral candidiasis. vaginal
cutaneous dermatophytes,
Clotrimazole, candidiasis, cutaneous
oropharyngeal candidiasis,-
candidal esophagitis.,-
vaginal candidiasis;
candidemia in both
neutropenic and
nonneutropenic patients.
-cryptococcal meningitis in
Cryptococcus, Blastomyces patients with HIV/AIDS
Fluconazole infections. Candida albicans, -coccidioidal meningitis
C tropicalis, C parapsilosus -cutaneous leishmaniasis due
to Leishmania major
is effective prophylaxis
against superficial and
invasive fungal infections in
bone marrow and liver
transplant recipients
Histoplasma capsulatum, dermatophytic infections
Blastomyces dermatitidis, (including those of the nails,
Cryptococcus neoformans, onychomycosis), and oral
Sporotrichum schenkii, and and esophageal candidiasis.
various dermatophytes nonmeningeal
Aspergillus species coccidioidomycosis, and
skeletal disease.
documented and suspected
fungal infections in febrile
Candida and molds, neutropenic patients,
Voriconazol Aspergillus, Fusarium,
disseminated aspergillosis
Pseudallescheria, and others
drug of choice in Fusarium
and Scedosporium infections
Candida and molds,
Posaconazol Aspergillus, Fusarium,
prophylaxis of neutropenia
Pseudallescheria plus
Candida, including drugs of choice in the
nonalbicans species, treatment of infections due to

Aspergillus species. C glabrata and C krusei.
candidemia and invasive

Pseudallescheria boydii and Fusarium are often resistant to amphotericin B.Lipid-based

amphotericin B is less nephrotoxic than conventional amphotericin B. The intravenous
administration of amphotericin B often produces chills, fever, vomiting, and headache.

has a wide spectrum of antifungal activity but is used almost exclusively to treat superficial
candidal infections. It is too toxic for systemic administration, and the drug is not absorbed
from mucous membranes or the gastrointestinal tract.
Flucytosine inhibits some strains of Candida, Cryptococcus,and other fungi. With oral
administration we can achive therapeutic levels in serum, urine, and cerebrospinal fluid. When
used as monotherapy, development of resistance is common; thus, flucytosine is not used as a
single drug therapy except in candiduria.
Natamycin is a polyene antifungal drug effective against many different fungi in vitro. The
toxicity after topical application appears to be low.
Terbinafine, an allylamine, inhibits fungal cell membrane function by blocking ergosterol

Antifungal Imidazoles and Triazoles

These antifungal drugs (Clotrimazole,Fluconazole, inhibit synthesis of ergosterol, resulting in
inhibition of membrane-associated enzyme activity, cell wall growth, and replication.
Fluconazole, a bis-triazole with activity similar to that of ketoconazole, is water-soluble and
can be given both orally and intravenously. It penetrates well into the cerebrospinal fluid and
eye. Fluconazole is well absorbed after oral administration (> 90% bioavailability), and serum
levels approach those seen after administering the same dose intravenously. While generally
well tolerated, fluconazole is associated with dose-dependent nausea and vomiting. Altered
liver function tests (alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase ) and hepatitis have
been reported.
Itraconazole is an oral triazole with variable bioavailability. The drug is metabolized by the
liver, and no dosage adjustment is needed in kidney disease.
Voriconazole is a triazole antifungal, oral administration leads to predictable absorption.
The primary toxicity associated with voriconazole is infusion-related, transient visual
disturbances, particularly during the first week of therapy. In addition, voriconazole is
associated with photosensitivity reactions.
Posaconazole is an antifungal derivative of itraconazole. Posaconazole is superior to
fluconazole as prophylaxis of neutropenia. The drug is only available as an oral formulation,.
Posaconazole should always be administered with food to ensure adequate oral bioavailability;
the drug is primarily eliminated via nonrenal mechanisms.

Ketoconazole, the first orally bioavailable azole, previously was used in the treatment of a
variety of fungal infections. However, the improved spectrum of activity, reduced toxicity, and
superior pharmacokinetics of newer azoles have reduced ketoconazole to a secondary role.
The echinocandins (anidulafungin, caspofungin, micafungin) act by inhibiting fungal cell wall
synthesis. Their long pharmacologic half-life confers the advantage of once-daily dosing. No
change in dose is necessary in patients with kidney disease; however, moderate to severe
hepatic disease necessitates a reduction in dosage for caspofungin.

The Antiviral Agents start to develop in the last few years, still we have not so much
experience with them like with antibacterial drugs. We classified this drugs as follows:
1.Antiviral drugs active against respiratory infections
2.Antiviral drugs active against herpesvirus infections
3.Antiviral drugs active against hepatitis viruses
4.Antiviral drugs active against retroviruses-HIV
1. Antiviral drugs active against respiratory infections
Several compounds can influence viral replication and the development of viral disease.
Antivirals for influenza viruses

Table 22 spectrum of activity, route of administration, indications of antivirals against

respiratory infections
Rout of
Antivirals Active against Clinical uses
prophylaxis and
oral influenza A virus therapy of influenza
Amantadine A infection
prophylaxis and
Rimantadine oral influenza A virus therapy of influenza
A infection
Neuraminidase inhibitors
aerosol prophilactic and
treatment of
influenza A and B
Zanamivir susceptibile virus
influenza A H1N1 infections
parenteral critically ill patients
prophilactic and
influenza A and B treatment of
Oseltamivir oral
influenza A H1N1 susceptibile virus

Critically ill patients
available Parenteral A H1N1 influenza virus
with influenza
aerosol Respiratory syncycial RSV infection
virus (RSV) infants
Parainfluenza virus
infection, Influenza
A, B infection older
children, adults
severe acute
respiratory syndrome
oral or I.V Lassa virus
Lassa fever,
I.V Hantaan virus Hemorhhagic fever
Neuraminidase inhibitors
Zanamivir inhalers are difficult to use for some patients, especially those with asthma and
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, in whom bronchospasm has been reported. Both drugs
are administered twice daily (oseltamavir, 75 mg orally; zanamivir 10 mg inhalation)

Antivirals against herpesviruses

Table 23 spectrum of activity, route of administration, indications of antivirals against


Route of
Drug Activ against Clinical uses

mucocutaneous herpes
oral herpes simplex
simplex, varicella,
intravenous varicella-zoster virus herpes zoster, herpes
Citomegalovirus encephalitis,
prophylaxis against
mucocutaneous and
visceral herpes viruses
infections in
topical herpes simplex
ous orallesions

herpes simplex, acute herpes zoster

Famciclovir oral recurrent genital
varicella herpes

herpes simplex, herpes zoster, acute

and reccurent genital
Valacyclovir oral varicella herpes
CMV prevention of CMV

infection in
transplanted patient
CMV, herpes simplex,
varicella-zoster, HIV, CMV retinitis in HIV
HHV6, ganciclovir-
Foscarnet intravenous HHV6 in
resistant CMV immunossupressed
acyclovir-resistant herpes patients
simplex varicella-zoster
all human herpesviruses,
adenoviruses, poxviruses
Cidofovir intravenous CMV retinitis
(variola, vaccinia), CMV,
herpes simplex virus, and
herpes zoster virus that
are resistant to ganciclovir
or acyclovir
CMV retinitis,
infections, hepatitis,
pneumonitis, wasting
Ganciclovir intravenous CMV illness in
prophilaxis of CMV
disease in transplant

Acyclovir. The absolute oral bioavailability of acyclovir is 10–30%. Acyclovir is relatively

nontoxic. Resistance has been described, usually in immunosuppressed patients who have
received multiple courses of therapy.
Valacyclovir. Valacyclovir is a prodrug of acyclovir that has significantly increased oral
bioavailability when compared with acyclovir. After absorption, it is converted to acyclovir
and serum levels are three to five times higher than those achieved with acyclovir.
Foscarnet. Is a pyrophosphate analog that inhibits viral DNA polymerase of human
herpesviruses, and the reverse transcriptase of HIV. The drug is much less well tolerated than
acyclovir and ganciclovir and more difficult to administer.
Cidofovir. The drug has a prolonged pharmacokinetic intracellular half-life, allowing for
administration every 1–2 weeks. Cidofovir is associated with a high incidence of
nephrotoxicity, sometimes severe ocular toxicity, including uveitis and iritis.
Ganciclovir. This is an analog of acyclovir with similar antiviral activity, including activity
against CMV. The major adverse effect is neutropenia, which is reversible but may require
the concomitant use of colony stimulating factors.
Antiviral drugs active against hepatitis viruses

Tabel Nr. 24 Antiviral drugs active against hepatitis viruses, spectrum route of action,
HIV infection, Chronic
Lamivudine HBV infection, prevention
oral HIV, HIV
(3TC) HBV associated with liver
HBV, lamivudine- Chronic HBV infection
Adefovir oral resistant HBV, HIV,
Herpes simplex, CMV
Tenofovir oral HBV, HIV HIV-HBV coinfection
HBV susceptible and
Entecavir oral resistant to Chronic B hepatitis
HBV susceptible and
Telbivudine oral resistant to Chronic B hepatitis
only in combination with
peginterferon or oral
Boceprevir oral HCV genotype 1
ribavirin, Chronic C
genotype 1 hepatitis
only in combination with
peginterferon or oral
Telaprevir oral HCV genotype 1
ribavirin, Chronic C
genotype 1 hepatitis
Human therapy of chronic hepatitis
interferons due to hepatitis B, C, and D
Lamivudine. While lamivudine is useful, development of resistance is common with long-
term therapy.
Adefovir high doses have been associated with substantial nephrotoxicity, this complication
is rare with the lower doses (10 mg/d) used to treat hepatitis B.
Tenofovir. The antiretroviral is at least as effective as adefovir and is particularly useful in
the treatment of HIV- and hepatitis B–coinfected patients. Similar to adefovir, the primary
toxicity associated with tenofovir is nephrotoxicity.
Entecavir Adverse events are similar to those of other hepatitis B agents and include severe,
acute exacerbation of hepatitis B after discontinuation as well as headache, abdominal pain,
diarrhea, fatigue, and dizziness.
TelbivudineThe most recently approved agent, telbivudine is administered once daily,
patients with moderate or severe kidney disease require dosage adjustment. The adverse effect
profile is comparable to that observed with other nucleoside analogs.
Boceprevir andTelaprevirThe serine protease inhibitors boceprevir and telaprevir represent
a remarkable advancement in the treatment of hepatitis C. They are associated with
substantial toxicity and adverse events, drug interactions. Approximately half of patients
receiving boceprevir experience anemia, necessitating erythropoietin administration. In
addition to anemia, dysgeusia, neutropenia, and thrombocytopenia are common with the use
of boceprevir.
Telaprevir is associated with substantial pruritus and other rash, observed in over 50% of
Human interferons These agents have antiviral, antitumor, and immunoregulatory
Adverse effects are common and include bone marrow suppression, an influenza-like illness
with fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, headache, arthralgia, myalgias. Considering the poor
tolerability of interferon, only a minority of patients infected with hepatitis C are actually
candidates for therapy.

1. Burke A. Antibiotic Essentials 2013, Cunha (Twelfth edition), Jones & Bartlett Learning
2. Duncan Richards, Jeffrey Aronson. Oxford Hanbook of Practical Drug Therapy 2008, ,
Oxford University Press. 322;362, 374
3. Nelson M. Gantz, Richard B. Brown, Steven L. Berk, James W. Myers. Manual of
Clinical Problems in Infectious Disease 2006, (Fifth edition), Lippincott Williams &
4. B.K. Mandal, E.G.L. Wilkins, E.M. Dunbar, R.T. Mayon-White. Lecture Notes on
Infectious Diseases 2005, (Sixth edition), Blackwell Publishing
5. L. Kasper, Anthony S. Fauci. Harrison`s Infectious Diseases 2013, Dennis (2nd edition)
McGraw-Hill Education
6. Stephen J, McPhee, Maxine A. Papadakis. Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment 2012,
(Fifty- first edition), McGraw-Hill Education
7. Egidia Miftode, Vasile Luca. Infectious Diseases for Medical Students 2002, , Editura
“Gr. T. Popa” U.M.F. Iasi
8. Kovács Gábor . Mészner Zsófia . Pásztor Mónika . Szalka András, Golden Book Kiado.
Problémaorientált infektológia 2003, p179
9. Chiotan Mircea. Boli Infectioase. Ed. National, 2002, vol II, capter 2, pg. 267-272
10. Augustin Cupsa. Boli infectioase transmisibile 2007, , Editura Medicala Universitara

Chapter 2

Scarlatina/Scarlet fever
Anca Meda Georgescu, Brîndușa Țilea

Scarlatina or scarlet fever is an acute infectious, endemic-epidemic disease, caused by the

infection with group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus (GABHS), clinically manifested by fever,
enanthema and characteristic exanthem, followed by desquamation.

GABHS known as Streptococcus pyogenes due to the potential to cause suppurative infections,
is the only representative of the group A streptococci, according to Lancefield’s classification. It
is a sporulated, gram-positive cocci, arranged in piles or short chains, which on the areas with
blood, produces, around the colonies, complete hemolysis (beta).
The GABHS cell’s structure is complex, consisting of somatic components (capsule, cell wall,
cytoplasmic membrane, cytoplasm), expressing multiple antigens on its surface:
 capsular antigens; the capsule is made up of hyaluronic acid, which opposes phagocytosis,
being a virulence factor; they are poorly antigenic, but have a role in pharyngeal
 cell wall antigens located in three layers:
- the inner layer, mucopeptidic (MP)
- the middle layer of polysaccharide nature – protein C, according to which the
streptococci in 19 Lancefield groups (AM) are classified
- the outer layer: contains the M protein, which confers type specificity, through its
structural variability (there are over 100 serotypes); it is the major virulence factor, through
the involvement in the process of bacterial attachment and the strong antiphagocytic effect,
due to binding to plasma fibrinogen
 Both C and M proteins have structural and antigenic similarities to particular components
of human tissues (from the heart, synovial valves, kidney), having a crucial role in
determining the pathogenesis of post streptococcal diseases.
 cytoplasmic proteins, with the role of cross-reactive antigens
On the other hand, GABHS produces and releases extracellular products, represented by toxins
and enzymes, with systemic toxic role and in the spread of infection. The most important ones
are: streptolysin O (strong antigen) and S, streptokinase (role in fibrinolysis) Spe-B cysteine
proteases (role in the production of toxic shock), hyaluronidase, DNase and pyrogenic exotoxins
A, B and C, which have a role in the destruction of cell membranes; they are highly
immunogenic, causing antitoxin antibodies and antitoxic immunity. In scarlet fever, the exotoxin
(previously known as erythrotoxin or erythrogenic toxin) is responsible for the rash..

Scarlet fever is universally spread, but tends to predominate in areas with a temperate climate,
with predominant manifestation in the cold season. The source of infection is represented by
patients with scarlet fever or those with angina, or porting of GABHS.
The disease is commonly spread by airborne transmission, by direct contact or indirectly via
contaminated objects; in this case the gateway is the pharyngeal mucosa. The digestive
transmission is possible as well (through milk / milk contaminated with GABHS) and rarely the

cutaneous one through open, cutaneous or surgical wounds that serve as gateways ("the plague"
scarlet fever).
The contagious effect of patients with scarlet takes 2-3 days in case of a correct treatment with
antibiotics; GABHS carriers retain this status for an indefinite period of time.
Responsiveness is general, but the disease prevails between children of 4-12 years old and very
rarely occurs in infants and elderly.
Immunity after scarlet fever is solid and lasting, conferred by eritrogen antitoxin antibodies, so
that reinfection with scarlet fever are extremely rare, produced by secretory serotypes of other
exotoxin type. However, reinfections with GABHS can be common, but with other types, the
antimicrobial immunity being serotype specific.

GABHS limits itself to the entrance gate - pharyngeal, rarely cutaneous or puerperal, where after
attachment multiplies and releases the toxins and enzymes mentioned above. Erythrogenic
exotoxin which is the one which broadcasts by blood, the streptococcus remaining stuck at the
gate, where produces inflammation with typical angina manifestation.
Exotoxin is responsible for specific manifestations of scarlet fever: exanthem followed by
desquamation, fever, digestive and neurological manifestations, which constitute the toxic
syndrome; hypertoxic forms of scarlet fever, with marked toxemia may lead to the installation of
the streptococcal toxic shock, being extremely serious, and s that can cause toxic complications
by damaging some of the organs (hepatitis, myocarditis, nephritis).
Septic syndrome of scarlet fever is caused by the streptococcal infection itself, GABHS having
the ability to spread in the neighboring tissues of the infectious outbreak, causing local septic
complications (adenitis, otitis, mastoiditis, sinusitis) or systemic ones (bacteremia, septicemia),
which are exceptional.
The immuno-allergic syndrome is the result of the occurence of cross-reactive antibodies against
streptococcal antigens at 14-21 days after the acute illness and can cause post-streptococcal
diseases. After the same period of time, the eritrogen antitoxin antibodies occur as well, which
give the specific antitoxic immunity against the scarlet fever.

Clinical picture
Incubation is from 1 to 10 days, on average 3-6 days.
The onset of the disease is typically sudden, even brutal, with 38-40 ⁰ C fever, dysphagia,
headache, abdominal pain, vomiting; in severe forms agitation or delirium may occur when the
blood pressure lowers in hypertoxic forms.
Physical examination reveals pharyngotonsillar hyperemia, regional angulo-mandibular
lymphadenopathy (which persists), saburral tongue.
The pre eruptive period (the invasion period) is characterized by persistent changes from the
onset, in association with the pharyngeal enantema, consisting of angina and the changes that
constitute the lingual cycle.
Streptococcal angina during scarlet fever may have different aspects depending on the enzyme
equipment of GABHS:
 erythematous angina, with an intense pharyngolaryngeal congestion being "red as a
flame" extended at the level of the tonsils, tonsillar pillars, lueta and the soft palate, where is
suddenly demarcated by the hard palate

 erythematous pultaceous angina – characterized by marked edema and erythema of the
tonsils, which have in their crypt a white-gray exudate
 pseudomembranous angina – the white-gray purulent deposits from the crypts
confluents, forming false membranes on the surface of the tonsils
 necrotizing ulcerative Henoch angina, in which the affected area is the same with the
erythematous forms, but ulcers caused by tissue necrosis are present, these may be complicated
by local bleeding by the perforation of the blood vessela, which favors possible systemic
hematogenous disseminations; the general condition is profoundly affected, intensely fetid
halitosis is present; this severe form of angina is caused by strains of streptococci with increased
 gangrenous angina, determined by coinfection with anaerobes, most commonly by the
complication of the ulcerative necrotic forms; in these two severe forms, regional adenopathy is
important, intensely painful, extending laterocervical and submandibular; the prognosis is
The lingual mucosa suffers a characteristic transformation, causing a lingual cycle of scarlet
fever, which is important for the diagnosis by the dynamic changes: on day 1, the tongue is
white, saburral; in days 2-3 desquamation starts from the top and sides of the tongue progressing
to its base, suggesting a lingual "V"; on days 4-5, the desquamated tongue has the
pathognomonic aspect of a "raspberry" due to lingual papillae which became prominent;
subsequently the re-epithelization gives the tongue the aspect of a lacquered, glossy mucosa -
"cat tongue" that gradually fades until days 10-12, when it normalizes.
The state period starts at 24-48 hours from the onset, with the advent of scarlet exanthema,
initially on the chest, extending in 24 hours on the trunk and limbs, where is proximally more
expressed; it respects the face, palms and plants. The exanthema consists of a diffuse erythema
with congestive micropapule giving the feeling of a rough skin at touch.
The facies has a characteristic aspect, slapped, with a contrasting perioral pallor with flushing
cheeks, called Filatov’s mask.
At the level of thebending folds (axillary, inguinal, abdominal folds), haemorrhagic lines are
distinguished as a result of the microbleeds due to capillary fragility by the action of the
erythrotoxin, at mechanical stress places called Pastia-Grozovici’s lines.
During the state period, fever and symptoms from the onset period are maintained, which may be
associated, in the absence of antibacterial therapy, to cardio-circulatory (tachycardia,
hypotension), hepatic (jaundice, hepatomegaly), renal (focal nephritis) , neuropsychological
(meningism, agitation, delirium) manifestations – with a toxic mechanism.
The descuamation period occurs 1-2 weeks after onset and can last 2-3 weeks. The aspect and
intensity of the descuamation are significantly influenced by the early instituted antibiotic
treatment: squama, classic in glove flaps or fingers at the level of the extremities and furfuracea
aspect on the face and torso, are very discreet after proper therapy.

Clinical forms
 depending on the severity of the disease
 average, common shape - corresponds to the one described
 benign forms: abortive, oligosymptomatic, forms without rash
 severe, malignant forms:
- toxic form: hyperpyrexia, cyanotic or hemorrhagic exanthema, hypotension,
tachycardia, circulatory failure, oligo-anuria, shock, possibly fatal evolution
- septic form: necrotizing ulcerative angina, painful cervical adenitis, adenophlegmons,
- toxico-septic form

 depending on the aspect of the rash
 miliary scarlet fever: rash covered by microvesicles
 haemorrhagic/ purpura scarlet fever: haemorrhagic exanthema
 cyanotic or livid exanthema: in severe, hypertoxic forms
 after the gate (see Epidemiology, Pathogenesis)
 toxics: myocarditis, nephritis, hepatitis
- these appear in the early days of the disease
 septic:
 near the tonsils: tonsillar / peritonsillar phlegmon, adenophlegmon, sinusitis, otitis,
 by propagation towards CNS by the perforation of the cribriform plate of the ethmoid
bone: thrombosis of cavernous sinus, meningitis, brain abscess
 by hematogenous spread: endocarditis, bronchopneumonia, abscesses (hepatic, brain,
lung), septic arthritis, meningitis
- these appear in the second week of the disease
 immuno-allergic: rheumatic fever, rheumatic carditis, Schonlein-Henoch purpura,
chorea,erythema nodosum, acute diffuse poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis
- these appear in weeks 3-4 of the disease

Positive diagnosis is based on clinical data (fever, dysphagia, characteristic exanthema and
enanthema, digestive and nervous manifestations) in the presence of epidemiological data
(contact with patients with scarlet / streptococcal angina, or carriers of GAS), with confirmation
based on laboratory data: blood agar
 highlighting GAS from throat swab or nasal secretion by cultivation on blood agar or
 detection of GAS antigen by rapid tests of latex agglutination; the sensitivity of the method
is inferior to the cultural techniques (70%)
 serological diagnosis; late: a positive ASLO titer (antistreptolysine O antibody)
 nonspecific tests: leukocytosis with granulocytosis, increased ESR, CRP and fibrinogen
Differential diagnosis is done with: measles, enteroviruses, Kawasaki disease, erythroderma,
allergodermia, pre-eruptive rash of chickenpox.

 Hygienic-dietary treatment
Patients with scarlet fever are hospitalized and they stay in bed for 7 days; the diet is hydro
lacto mellitus all through the febrile period.
 Etiologic treatment
The preferred antibiotic is Penicillin G, in doses of 50,000 IU / kg in children and 2-6
million IU / day in adult, for 7 days. Alternatively, Penicillin V can be used, in double doses
prior to the anterior ones, with an every 6 hours administration. In the case of an allergy to
Penicillin, generation I or II cephalosporins are recommended for 7 days, or macrolides
(erythromycin, clarithromycin, azithromycin) or clindamycin for 10 days. In ulceronecrotic and
gangrenous forms, the antibiotic spectrum will be broadened in order to cover the anaerobic flora
(Clindamycin or association with Metronidazole).
 Pathogenetic treatment
In common forms NSAIDs are recommended (Ibuprofen) in the first 3-5 days after onset.
Severe, toxic forms requiring emergency administration of steroids (hydrocortisone
hemisuccinate 15 to 30 mg / kg / day); in parallel, the administration of standard intravenous
immunoglobulins (0.3-0.4 ml / kg) are recommended.

Symptomatic treatment: anti-pyretic, analgesics, oral disinfectants
Patients convalescent from scarlet fever require dispensary treatment for 3 months, clinical and
laboratory examination (urine test, ASLO titre, CRP, fibrinogen), in order to detect possible
poststreptococcal complications.

Selective bibliography
1. Bisno AL, Stevens DL. Streptococcus pyogenes. (Principles and Practice of Infectious
Diseases, 7th Edition, eds Mandell GL, Bennett JE, Dolin R). Ed. Churchill
Livingstone Elsevier, Philadelphia, 2010; 2593-2610
2. Cupșa A. Boli infecțioase transmisibile. Ed. Medicală Universitară, Craiova, 2007;
3. Dennis L, Stevens J, Mebane A, Madras-Kelly K. Streptococcus Groups A, B, C, D
and G. (Syndrome in Clinical Infectious Diseases, ed Schlossberg D). Ed. Cambridge
University Press, 2008; 1055-1059
4. Mascini EM, Willems RJL. Streptococci, enterococci and other catalase-negative coci.
(Infectious Diseases Third Edition, eds Cohen J, Powderly WG, Opal SM). Ed. Mosby
Elsevier, 2010; 1645-1659
5. Ruoff KL, Bisno AL. Classification of Streptococci. (Principles and Practice of
Infectious Diseases, 7th Edition, eds Mandell GL, Bennett JE, Dolin R). Ed. Churchill
Livingstone Elsevier, Philadelphia, 2010; 2591-2592
6. Zanc V, Cismaru C. Erizipelul. (Boli Infecțioase, eds Zanc V, Ciutică I, Slavcovici A).
Ed. Medicală Universitară Iuliu Hațieganu, Cluj-Napoca, 2011; 352-357
7. Wessels MR. Streptococcal Infections. (Harrison’s Infectious Diseases 2nd Edition,
eds Kasper DL, Fauci AS). Ed. Mc Graw Hill Education, 2013; 429-440

Anca Meda Georgescu, Brînduşa Ţilea

Erysipelas is a particular form of infectious acute dermita caused by group A beta-hemolytic

streptococci (all GABHSserotypes - the same species that produce scarlet fever),
characterized by the presence of a plaque with a tendency to expand in a febrile state.

Erysipelas occurs sporadically, being spread across the globe, but its incidence is higher in the
cold and temperate areas and in winter,as well as other forms of streptococcal infections. It
commonly affects older people, adults and males.
The source of infection is represented by patients with streptococcal infections (scarlet fever,
angina, sinusitis, pyoderma, impetigo) and GABHScarriers. Sometimes the patient may be the
source of infection (endogenous infection).
The transmission of the disease occurs directly (direct contact or by airborne transmission) or
indirectly through contaminated objects.
Infectiousness is reduced. The disease is not followed by the installation of immunity, but
rather, by a tendency to relapse at the same location, through a hypersensitivity effect of the
tissue to streptococcal C polysaccharide but as well because of the particular placethe
infection occurs on.

The gateway is represented by continuity solutions at the tegumentary level (abrasions,
wounds, varicose ulcers, de-epithelization, interdigital mycosis, insect bites) or at the mucosal
level(dacryocystitis, rhinitis), where, by contiguity, GABHSspreads to the adjacent tegument.
Characteristic to streptococci is multiplication and spreading via the intradermal lymphatic
vessels, that become the premises of the inflammatory processby the presence of cellular
infiltration and vasodilatation, which are associated with edema.
The propagation of infection is centrifugal, “in oil slick”, so that the intensity of the
inflammatory phenomena in erysipelasis more pronounced at the periphery of the plaque
where there is an inflammatory burelet, compared to its center, which becomes pale.
The intensity of the edema determinesparticular clinical forms (bullosa, blister) by cleavage of
the epidermis to the dermis, respectively an array of cellulite by edematous infiltration of the
Repeated episodes of erysipelas, maintained by the local sensitization phenomenon, will
gradually cause an irreversible impairment of the lymphatic microcirculation, which will lead
to a chronic lymphoedema as their sequel, and progressively to elephantiasis. On the other
hand, the lymphoedema itself is a predisposing factor to relapses, as well as the chronic
venous stasis in the varicose disease in case of post-thrombotic syndrome and venous
circulatory failure.

Clinical picture
The incubation is 1-7 days.

The onset is extremely sudden, brutal, with fever preceded by chills, changing in the general
condition of the patient, sometimes vomiting, abdominal pain, headache.The only change at
the physical examination is the painful adenopathy, detectable in the area to be interested in
the onsetof the plaque; if the adenopathy is deep, it may not be palpable but the patient
experiences local pain. In some cases the gateway to the proximity of this regionmay be
detectable or even obvious.
The state periodis installed after a few hours, even 1-2 days after onset, together with the
occurence of theerysipelatous dermalinflammation:it is unique, well-defined, with a tendency
to rapid expansion,with clear edges where the inflammatory burelet is highlighted; it is
characterized by the presence of characteristic signs of acute inflammation: rubor, dolor,
calor, and it is accompanied by a degree of induration and edema.In the acute phase, the color
of the plaque is red; on the hairy skin of the head, it is white to gray and in cardiacs it is
cyanotic or purple. The plaque is warm but not painful, patients feel only a local tension. The
pain occurs in case of septic complications (abscess, phlegmon) and it is present in the
location of erysipelas of the scalp or auricle.
Painful regional adenopathy is present, taking into consideration the lymph nodes that
lymphatically drain the affected area.
Associated clinical signs are fever, digestive and nervous disorders (agitation, delirium,
headache), impaired renal function (proteinuria, oliguria, hematuria).
The evolution of the erysipelatous inflammation is of 10-14 days, according to the correct
antibiotic treatment, and may be extended in particular forms or on important
lymphedema.Relapses occur in 20-25% of patients, predisposing factors being the
aforementioned local ones (see Pathophysiology) but general as well: diabetes, obesity,

Clinical Forms
 Depending on the location:
 Facial erysipelas:has the characteristic appearance of a butterfly, including
symmetrically the cheeks and the nasal pyramid. The edema is usually important,
and determines hypodermic infiltration (cellulitis) and evident frontal and eyelid
edema (palpebral fissure closed). The gateway is usually endogenous - an
inflammatory process of the skin or mucosa of the face
 Lower limb erysipelas:is the most common, tends to recurrences bymaintaining the
local predisposing factors
 Post-partum or post-abortionperigenitalerysipelas: severe forms
 Erysipelas umbilicus of the newborn: potentially fatal
 Upper limb erysipelas:occurs in mastectomized patients for breast cancer who
develop chronic upper limb lymphedema after axillary dissection; has a tendency to
frequent relapses
 Depending on the aspect of the dermal plaque:
 Blister and bullous erysipelas are forms caused by the marked edema; the break of
the blisters followed by the leakingof the content of a yellowish fluidor sero-citrine,
which dries and formsmelicericcrusts
 Gangrenouserysipelas:occurs in severe forms, by by necrosis of the
overlyingepidermis ofthe placard
 Migratory erysipelas: at least one placard from the initial one
 Erratic erysipelas: some placards tangent to the lymphangitisroute formed from the
gateway towards the inflammatory adenitis
 Serpiginous erysipelas: with imprecise edges, wavy extensions

Positive diagnosis concerning erysipelasis mainly clinical (dermal erythematous plaque with
described characters, important infectious syndrome), epidemiological data is missing or are
uncertain and the available laboratory data are often nonspecific:ESR, fibrinogen, CRP,
leukocytosis with granulocytosis; bacteriological examination is possible only in blister or
bullous clinical forms, respectively from throator nasal swab in endogenous infections.
Differential diagnosis is made with:solar erythema, stasis dermatitis, contact dermatitis,
erythema migrans of Lyme borreliosis, erysipeloid of Rosenbach,acute varicophlebitis and
thrombophlebitis, herpes zoster, allergic exanthema, staphylococcus erysipelas(unique
purpleplaque, cold, painful, imprecisely defined,with severe evolution,determined by the
compromised venous microcirculation byintravascular multiplication of staphylococci which
tend to formseptic thrombi at this level).
In the erysipelas of the face the differentiation from the ophthalmic zoster, microbial eczema,
cavernous sinus thrombosis, malignant staphylococcal infection of the face (facial cellulitis
with marked edema, necrotic foci, pustules) is necessary to be made.

The incidence of complications is determined by the accuracy and timeliness of the
antibacterial therapy.
 Septic complications
 Local:
a. Superficial: bacterial superinfection (with staphylococci, Gram-negative
bacilli), superficial necrosis, gangrene
b. Profound: abscesses, phlegmons, necrotizing fasciitis, suppurative
 General: septicemia, nephritis
 Local complications: lymphangitis, elephantiasis
 Venous complications: phlebitis, thrombophlebitis
 Immune-allergic complications: acute diffuse glomerulonephritis, rheumatic
fever (the same as after scarlet fever, but they rarely occur)

In most cases it is recommended for the patient to be hospitalized, in particular in the forms
located in the lower limbs, which require bed rest throughout the duration of the disease or in
more serious / recurrent / complicatedforms. Mild episodes and uncomplicated forms can be
cared for at home, with respecting the rules of hygiene.
Diet is unrestricted after overcoming the febrile period, limiting the intake of salt and protein
in case of renal disease.
Etiological treatment.Penicillin G is the antibiotic of choice in the dose of 4-8 MU/day (80-
100.000UI/kgc/day) intravenously for 7-10-14 days.In some more severe forms, possibly
complicated ones, the therapeutic response is best on the second and third generation ofd
cephalosporins. In forms that aretreated at home, macrolides,clindamycin, aminopenicillin
with beta-lactamase inhibitors (Augmentin) are indicated. In case of bacterial superinfections,
the associate of a quinolone or a aminoglycoside to the therapy with penicillin may be
necessary (for infections with Gram-negative staphylococcus) and metronidazole for the
superinfections bz anaerobes (or monotherapy with clindamycin).

Pathogenetic treatment. In common forms NSAIDs are recommended while in the severe
ones, with marked edema, glucocorticoidswill be recommended (hydrocortisone
hemisuccinate 3-4 mg/kg/day) for 3-5 days.
Symptomatic treatment, painkiller
 Locally- with weak antiseptic solutions (Rivanol10%)
 Treatment of the entrance gate (varicose ulcer, interdigital mycosis, rhinitis)
 Surgical treatment of deep septic complications
 Prophylaxis of deep venous thrombosis with low molecular weight,with heparin

Selective bibliography
1. Bisno AL, Stevens DL. Streptococcus pyogenes. (Principles and Practice of Infectious
Diseases, 7th Edition, eds Mandell GL, Bennett JE, Dolin R). Ed. Churchill Livingstone
Elsevier, Philadelphia, 2010; 2593-2610
2. Cupșa A. Boli infecțioase transmisibile. Ed. Medicală Universitară, Craiova, 2007; 8.31-
3. Dennis L, Stevens J, Mebane A, Madras-Kelly K. StreptococcusGroups A, B, C, D and
G. (Syndrome in Clinical Infectious Diseases, ed Schlossberg D). Ed. Cambridge
University Press, 2008; 1055-1059
4. Zanc V, Horvat M. Erizipelul. (Boli Infecțioase, eds Zanc V, Ciutică I, Slavcovici A). Ed.
Medicală Universitară Iuliu Hațieganu, Cluj-Napoca, 2011; 72-79
5. Wessels MR. Streptococcal Infections. (Harrison’s Infectious Diseases 2nd Edition, eds
Kasper DL, Fauci AS). Ed. Mc Graw Hill Education, 2013; 429-440

Cristina Gîrbovan

Acute infectious disease, very contagious, specific to humans, clinically characterized by
fever, exanthema and characteristic enanthema, ocular – nasal and tracheal - bronchial

The measles virus is part of the Morbillivirus type, Paramyxoviridae family. It differs from
the other paramyxoviruses by the lack of neuraminidase activity.
It is an RNA virus with a single antigen type, little resistant to exterior environment. It
presents an external lipoproteic coat and an internal nucleocapsid with helicoidal symmetry.

Measles is a disease with universal occurrence, evolving endemoepidemically. In the last
years, in the countries where the anti measles vaccination program has been applied to
children, its morbidity decreased considerably.
The source of infection is represented by the ill person, with typical or atypical forms.
The transmission is aerogen or indirect through objects recently contaminated, being
extremely rare.
The extremely high contagiosity corresponds to the first 2-5 days of the eruptive phase or 4-5
days after its appearance. Receptivity is universal, the most exposed being, in absence of
vaccination, children under 15. Postinfectious immunity is long-lasting.

The virus enters the body through the superior airways or at the conjunctive level, it
multiplies first at the level of respiratory epithelium, from where, taken over by lymphocytes
gets to the lymphoid tissues, especially to the lungs and digestive tube, where it continues its
multiplication, and sets off primary viremia. The invasion period corresponds to the presence
of the virus in the blood, tissues, nasopharyngeal secretions and urine. In the 5th and 7th day of
exposure the major secondary viremia appears, which produces the generalizing of the
infection. The state or eruptive period corresponds to a phenomenon of hypersensitivity
mediated by humoral immunity.
At persons with mediated defense cellularly compromised, the virus cannot be removed from
the places of secondary infection and frequently there is a progression towards a severe, fatal

Clinical manifestations
The incubation period is 10 days, one of the most stable incubation periods. The invasion
period (the preeruptive state, catarrhal period) last 3-4 days and is characterized by:

- fever which goes up to 39-40 C
 Malaise
 Anorexia
 Conjunctivitis
 Nasal discharge
 Respiratory symptoms (cough, coryza)
 Koplik spots appear at the end of prodrome -is a pathognomonic feature of
- Bluish-gray specks on a red base
- Most often appear on the mucosa opposite the second molars
This enanthem persists for several days and begins to slough as the rash appears
The rash of measles
 usually begins on the face and proceeds down the body involving the extremities ,
including palms and soles last.
 Is erythematous and maculopapular
 It becomes confluent , especially on the face and the neck
 Usually lasts about 5 days and starts to clear on the skin that was first involved
The patient with measles is usually most ill during the first or second day of the rash. Several
days after the appearance of the rash the fever abates, and the patient begins to feel better. The
entire uncomplicated illness from late prodrome to resolution of fever and rash lasts 7-10
days; cough may be the last symptom to disappear.
The complications of measles can be divided into three groups (according to the site
1) The respiratory tract
2) The central nervous system (CNS)
3) The gastrointestinal tract
1) Respiratory tract involvement, manifested as:
- Laryngitis
- Croup
- Otitis media
- Pneumonia
2) Neurologic complications:
- Convulsions
- Encephalitis
- Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE)
3) Gastrointestinal tract complications:
- diarrhea

Measles in Immunocompromised Hosts
Severe measles infection may occur in persons with deficient cellular immunity, such as those
being treated for malignancy and those with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) or
congenital immunodeficiencies. Often these individuals do not have a rash; however, there is
a significant incidence of pneumonitis and encephalitis. A chronic form of encephalitis
resembling SSPE often with concomitant pneumonia has also been reported.

Measles during Pregnancy

Measles during pregnancy may be severe, mainly related to primary measles pneumonitis.
During pregnancy, measles is associated with higher risk of miscarriage and premature
delivery; however, is not known to cause congenital anomalies of the fetus.

Classic measles with cough, coryza, conjunctivitis, Koplik spots, and a maculopapular rash
beginning on the face is easily diagnosed clinically. Laboratory diagnosis of measles is
helpful when the clinician is unfamiliar with the illness due to the decline in cases of clinical
measles since introduction of measles vaccine.
Laboratory finding s- lymphopenia and neutropenia are common in measles. Leukocytosis
may herald a bacterial suprainfection.
A sensitive reverse transcription–polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) method demonstrating
viral RNA is available but primarily in reference laboratories.
A specific diagnosis of measles can be made quickly by immunofluorescent staining of a
smear of respiratoy secretions for measles antigen. Measles virus can be demonstrated by
culture or polymerase chain reaction in respiratory secretions or urine. A serologic diagnosis
by enzyme immunoassay (EIA) cannot necessarily be made rapidly if acute and
convalescent’s phase serum specimens are examined.

Differential diagnosis
 Kawasaki disease
 Scarlet fever
 Infectious mononucleosis
 Toxoplasmosis
 Drug eruption
 Mycoplasma pneumonia infection
 Therapy for measles is largely supportive and symptom based.
 Patients with otitis media and pneumonia should be given standard antibiotics.
 Patients with encephalitis need supportive care, including observation for increased
intracranial pressure.

The vaccine was used in the United States since 1963 and induces seroconversion in 95% of
recipients and probably confers lifelong protection. For the past three decades measles
vaccine has been available as the combination vaccine measles –mumps-rubella (MMR). This
vaccine should be administered to children at 12-15 months of age. A second dose of MMR
vaccine is recommended for school –age children. Approximately 10% of healthy vaccines
develop a fever, with temperature up to 39,4 C, 5-7 days after vaccination; this fever lasts 1-5
days and is accompanied by a transient rash.
Measles vaccine is contraindicated:
 for persons with impaired cell-mediated immunity
 for pregnant women
 for persons with a history of anaphylaxis due to egg protein and neomycin.

1. Carmen Canciovici: Rujeola. In Cupșa A. Boli infecțioase transmisibile . Editura
Medicală Universitară Craiova, 2007:8.10-8.15
2. Alison Margaret Kesson: Measles. In Elaine C. Jong, Dennis L. Stevens, eds: Netter, s
Infectious Diseases . Elsevier Saunders Copyright 2012:42-46.
3. Chen SP, Fennely GJ. Measles.Available
at: Accessed March 25, 2010.
4. Simona Muresan : Rujeola .In Virginia Zanc et al: Boli Infectioase. Editura Medicala
Universitara ”Iuliu Hatieganu ” Cluj-Napoca 2011; 80-84.
5. Moss WJ. Measlee (Rubeola). In Kasper DL, Fauci AS. Harrisons,s Infectious Diseases
2nd Edition.Mc Graw-Hill Education 2013:1009:1014.

Cristina Gîrbovan

Rubella is an acute contagious viral disease, specific to humans, clinically characterized by
posterior cervical adenopaties, posterior cervical manifestations, easy catarrhalrespiratory
manifestations and micro macular exanthema. Its evolution is benign with children and adult,
but serious with pregnant women, because of a high teratogen risk.

The rubella is an RNA virus, from the Togaviridae family and the only member from the
Rubervirus type. The virion is medium sized, with a lipoproteic external coat, with a diameter
between 50-70nm and a nucleus with RNA. There is a single antigen associated to the cell
used in the hemagglutination inhibition test.

Rubella is a universally spread disease, however, it is difficult to appreciate its real incidence
because there are many asymptomatic forms. The epidemiologic profile has been modified in
countries in which antirubella vaccines were introduced. The source of the infection is
represented by the ill persons with clinical or unapparent forms. At newborns with congenital
rubella, the virus is execrated through the nasopharyngeal secretions and through urine 6
weeks up to a month. The contagious period starts 7 days before the eruption and lasts 5 days
after its apparition (15-21 day). The transmission is made directly, through air or indirectly
through objects recently contaminated with secretions from the ill person. There is also
transplacental transmission.
Receptivity is universal. Immunity is solid and long lasting.

The virus enters the body on the nasopharyngeal way, it attaches itself and invades the
respiratory epithelium, from where it disseminates in the regional lymphatic ganglions
(primary viremia). The multiplication takes place in the local cells, or at distance, in the
reticuloendothelial system, a second viremia taking place. The rubella virus is lymphotropic
and produces a constant reaction from the lymphatic ganglions.
The exanthema is the manifestation of an immunologic phenomenon at this level. The
exanthema is an inconstant phenomenon compared to adenopathy.

Clinical manifestations
Age is the most important determinant of severity of rubella. Postnatally acquired rubella is
generally an innocuous infection, and as it is true for many viral illnesses, children are apt to
have milder disease than adults. In contrast, the fetus is at high risk to develop severe rubella
with long- lasting sequelae, if infected transplacentally during maternal rubella in early

Acquired rubella (postnatal)
Its incubation lasts 14-21 days, an average of 17-18 days.
The prodromal (invasion) phase lasts approximately 2 days and is often unapparent. It is
characterized by moderate fever, nasal catarrhal phenomena, pharyngitis, asthenia. The
clinical picture is dominated by the swelling of lymphatic ganglions which appears 4-10 days
before the eruption and disappears after 2-6 weeks (the first and last sign of the disease).
Adenopathies are generalized but predominate at the occipital level, retro and submastoid,
lateral cervical and submaxillary ganglions.
The pharynx is hyperemic and hemorrhagic purpura (Forschheimer spots) is present on the
soft palate.

The eruptive period

The eruption is not constant, it appears in a single spurt which covers the face and the torso,
becoming generalized in 24 hours. It lasts 2-4 days. The exanthema is made up of small pink
maculas, not too intense, which do not conflate. Sometimes a discrete splenomegally and a
transitory hepatitis may be present.

The complication of postnatal rubella

Complications are rare: rubella arthritis more frequent with teenagers, adults and females. It
affects especially the small articulations of the hands.
Another complication is post eruptive thrombocytopenic purpura. It is rare and it appears at
10-15 days after the eruption under the effect of corticosteroids.
Meningoencephalitis or Encephalitits are rare, it appears more frequently with adults than
children and it is associated with 20-50% mortality.

The diagnosis of congenital rubella is based on:
 epidemiological data: infecting contact of a receptive person
 clinical diagnosis: post auricular and occipital adenopathies, and / or exanthema
 Lab data:
- Not specific: leucopenia, the presence of plasmocytes and atypical
lymphocytes in the peripheral blood sample
 etiological diagnosis can be made by the isolation of the virus from pharyngeal or
nasopharyngeal secretions; serologic exams – underlining the inhibiting antibodies of
hemagglutination, complement fixation and neutralizers; the determination of IgM
antibodies through Elisa; the detection of nucleic acid through RT-PCR.

Differential diagnosis
The exanthema must be differentiated from that caused by: scarlatina, German measles,
roseola infatum, enteroviruses, adenoviruses, the infections with B19 parvovirus, secondary
syphilis, infectious mononucleosis, and eruptions caused by medication, allergic eruptions.

Poliadenopathy must be differentiated from that caused by infectious disease such as: HIV
infection, CMV infection, infection caused by the Epstein Barr infection, brucellosis,
tuberculosis, and toxoplasmosis.
Noninfectious diseases: leukemia, inflammatory diseases, serum disease.

Congenital rubella
The rubella virus is part of the TORCH group of congenital infections (toxoplasmosis,
rubella, cytomegalovirus, herpes viruses, lues). The malformation risk approaches 100%
when the infection happens during the first month of pregnancy and decreases to 20% in the
fourth month.

During the first infection at a pregnant woman a viremia and a transplacental passage of the
virus take place. The virus acts on the cell mitosis, inhibiting cellular multiplying and
disrupting the development of organs. The consequences of the rubella infection at the
pregnant woman are:
1. Abortions and premature delivery
2. Congenital rubella which includes: malformations (Gregg syndrome) and evolutional
congenital rubella
The most frequent and important clinical manifestations of congenital rubella are ocular,
cardiac and auditory.
Organ / system involved Clinical manifestations
Ocular Cataract, glaucoma, microphthalmia, retinopathy
Persistent arterial canal, pulmonary artery stenosis,
interventricular septal defect, myocardial necrosis
Auditory Loss of hearing, lesions of the Corti organ, cochlear lesions
Microcephalia with abnormal motor development, varied
forms of paralysis, mental retardation
Hematological Thrombocytopenic purpura, hemolytic anemia
Bone, muscular, digestive, urogenital, metabolic, cutaneous

Evolution of congenital rubella

It is characterised by:
- Intrauterine distrophia: microphtalmia, micrognathia, hypoplasia or dental agenesis
- Multivisceral affection: myocarditis, interstitial pneumonia, meningoencephalitis,
bone lesions, hepatosplenomegaly, adenopathy
- Hematological: thrombocytopenia, hemolytic anemia, leucopenia

The diagnosis of congenital rubella is based on:

- The presence of the virus at pharyngeal level

- The finding of rubella antigen through immunofluorescence
- Serological techniques: showing the antibodies of hemagglutination, complement
fixers or neutralizers
For the diagnosis of an acute, recent infection, the IgM antibodies are determined, antibodies
which appear precocious and persist for 10 weeks. The knowing of the immune status at the
pregnant woman is necessary for a diagnosis.
If the pregnant woman was seronegative, the existence of inhibited hemagglutinated
antibodies in high titre indicates a sure diagnosis. When the previous state is not known, the
determination of IgM and IgG clarifies the diagnosis. In recent infection the IgM increases
(primary immune response), and in the case of reinfection only the specific IgG increases
(secondary immune response).

 Curative
- common form: symptomatic treatment
- congenital rubella: symptomatic treatment, surgical correction of certain
- first infection at pregnant woman in the first trimester of pregnancy: indication of

 Prophylactic
- isolation of the ill person at home
- passive prophylaxation by administering gamma globulin has no preventive effect of
the viremia
- the only efficient prophylaxis method is vaccination which is recommended to females
in childhood or adolescence.

1. Carmen Canciovici: Rubeola. In Cupșa A. Boli infecțioase transmisibile . Editura
Medicală Universitară Craiova, 2007:8.15-8.19
2. Cherry JD: Rubella. In Feigin R, Cherry J, Demmler G, Kaplan S, eds: Textbook of
pediatric infectious diseases, ed 6, Philadelphia, WB Saunders 2009:2271-2300.
3. Gershon A: Rubella. In Mandell G, Bennett J, Dolin R, eds: Principles and practice
of infectious diseases, Philadelphia, Elsevier 2005:2003-2006.
4. Alison Margaret Kesson: Rubella. In Elaine C. Jong, Dennis L. Stevens, eds:
Netter, s Infectious Diseases . Elsevier Saunders Copyright 2012:51-54.
5. Simona Muresan : Rubeola .In Virginia Zanc et al: Boli Infectioase. Editura
Medicala Universitara ”Iuliu Hatieganu ” Cluj-Napoca 2011; 84-88
6. Laura A. Zimmerman: Rubella (German Measles). In Kasper DL, Fauci AS.
Harrisons,s Infectious Diseases2nd Edition.Mc Graw-Hill Education

Cristina Gîrbovan

Mumps is an acute viral infection whose most distinctive feature is swelling of one or both
parotid glands. Involvement of other salivary glands, the meninges, the pancreas, and the
gonads also is common. The disease is benign and self-limited, one-third of the persons
having subclinical infection. Meningitis and epididymo-orchitis represent the two most
important of the less frequent manifestations of this disease. As the characteristic of many
viral infections, mumps in the post pubertal person is usually a more severe illness than in
children and more commonly leads to extra salivary gland involvement.

Etiologic agent
The mumps virus is a member of the Paramyxovirus genus of the Paramyxoviridae family
which includes the following genera : paramyxovirus (mumps, parainfluenza, and Newcastle
disease virus), morbillivirus (measles) and pneumovirus (respiratory syncytial virus.)

Before widespread vaccination, the incidence of mumps was highest in the winter and spring,
with epidemics every 2-5 years. In the prevaccine era, 50% of children aged 4-6 years and
90% of children aged 14-15 years had positive serology of mumps. One attack of mumps
usually confers lifelong immunity. Long- term immunity is also associated with

The virus is naturally transmitted via direct contact, droplet nuclei, or fomites and enters
through the nose or mouth. More intimate contact is needed to transmit mumps than either
measles or varicella. Replication of the virus in the epithelium of the upper respiratory tracts
leads to viremia, which is followed by infection of glandular tissues and/or the central
nervous system (CNS).

Clinical manifestations
The incubation period of mumps generally ranges from 14-18 days with extremes of 7 and 23
The prodromal symptoms are nonspecific and include:
 Low-grade fever
 Anorexia
 Malaise
 Headache
 Myalgia
Within a day the patients complains of an earache, and tenderness can be elicited by palpation
of the ipsilateral parotid.

 Parotitis it is generally bilateral
 The orifice of Stensen duct is frequently edematous and erythematous.
 Trismus may result from the parotitis, and the patient may have difficulty with
pronunciation and mastication.
The submaxillary and sublingual glands are involved less often than the parotid and are
almost never involved alone.
Epididymo-orchitis is the most common extrasalivary gland manifestation in the adult man. It
develops in 20-30% of postpubertal men undergoing mumps infection and is bilateral in one
of six of those with testicular involvement. Gonadal involvement may precede parotitis or
occur as the only manifestation of mumps.
The onset is abrupt
 with temperature in the range of 39-41 C
 chills
 headache
 vomiting
 testicular pain
Genital examination reveals:
 warmth
 swelling
 tenderness of the involved testicle
 erythema of the scrotum
Oophiritis develops in5% of postpubertal women with mumps.
A pancreatitis manifests with:
 epigastric pain
 tenderness
 and is accompanied by fever, nausea, and vomiting.
Mumps pancreatitis is difficult to diagnose because an elevated serum amylase level can be
associated with either parotitis or pancreatitis.
Central nervous system involvement is the most common extrasalivary gland manifestation of
Meningeal symptoms, like any of the other manifestations of mumps infection, may occur
before during after, or in the absence of parotitis. Onset averages 4 days after appearance of
salivary gland involvement, but may occur as early as 1 week before or as late as 2 weeks
after parotitis.
The typical clinical features associated with viral meningitis are present:
 Headache
 Vomiting
 Fever
 Nuchal rigidity

Lumbar puncture yields CSF:
 containing 1000-2000 cells/mm3
 The predominating cells are usually lymphocytes
 20-25 percent of the patients have a polymorphonuclear leukocyte predominance.
 Protein levels are normal to mildly elevated
 Hypoglycorrhacia is reported in 6-30% of the patients, and appears to be more
common than in other viral meningitides.
More rarely, mumps virus may cause encephalitis.
Other CNS problems occasionally associated with mumps include:
 Cerebellar ataxia
 Facial palsy
 Transverse myelitis
 Guillain-Barre syndrome
 Aqueductal stenosis leading to hydrocephalus
A variety of other manifestations have accompanied mumps infection:
 Migratory polyarthritis
 Thyroiditis
 Mastitis
 Hepatitis
 Thrombocytopenia
 Prostatitis

 In the majority of instances, the diagnosis of mumps is made on the basis of a history
of exposure and on the presence of parotid swelling and tenderness accompanied by
mild to moderate constitutional symptoms.
 The white blood cell and differential counts in mumps are normal, or there may be a
mild leukopenia with a relative lymphocytosis. When meningitis, orchitis, or
pancreatitis is present, leukocytosis with a shift to the left is most commonly
 Serum amylase level is elevated in the presence of parotitis and may remain abnormal
for 2-3 weeks.
 Laboratory confirmation in typical mumps is unnecessary.
 The definitive diagnosis of mumps depends on serologic studies or viral isolation.
 PCR also is used to detect mumps virus in clinical specimens.
 Highly sensitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays are useful for serological
diagnosis of mumps and for determination of susceptibility to the disease.

Differential Diagnosis of Parotitis
Systemic infections
Mumps Rare in countries with vaccination programs
Coxsackie virus infection Particularly likely in children
In HIV positive-children receiving no
HIV infection
antiretroviral therapy
Particularly likely in children associated with
Parainfluenza virus type 3 infection
acute respiratory tract symptoms
Seasonal; associated with acute respiratory
Influenza A virus infection
tract symptoms
Cat-scratch disease Unusual but described
Epstein-Barr virus infection Unusual but described
Systemic Noninfectious Causes
Sarcoidosis Additional manifestations of disease likely
Syὄgren s syndrome Additional manifestations of disease likely
Uremia Additional manifestations of disease likely
Diabetes mellitus Additional manifestations of disease likely
Drugs Thiouracil, Phenylbutazone
Unilateral Parotitis
Ductal obstruction duo to stones or strictures Unilateral, gradual, onset, suppurative
Parotid cyst Unilateral, gradual, onset,
Parotid tumor Unilateral, gradual, onset,
Acute Suppurativ Parotitis
Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus species, and gram-negative bacteria, anaerobes

- Therapy of mumps parotitis is limited by symptomatic and supportive measures.
- The administration of analgesics and the application of warm or cold compress to the
parotid area may be helpful.
- Intravenous fluid administration is indicated for those patients with meningitis and
pancreatitis who have persistent vomiting.

Live attenuated mumps vaccine induces antibodies that protect the recipient against infection
in 95% of cases. Mumps vaccine is usually administered as part of the measles-mumps-
rubella (MMR) vaccine at the age 12-15 months and again at 4-12 years of age.
As with most other live virus vaccines, mumps vaccine should not be administered to:

 Pregnant women
 Patients receiving immunosuppressive therapy
 Persons with a severe febrile illness, malignancy, or congenital or acquired
1. American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP): Mumps. In Pickering LK, Baker CJ,
Kimberlin DW, Long SS, eds: Red Book: 2009 Report of the Committee on Infectious
Diseases, ed 28, Elk Grove Village, Ill, 2009, AAP, : 468-472.
2. Cherry JD: Mumps. In Feigin R, Cherry J, Demmler G, Kaplan S, eds: Textbook of
pediatric infectious diseases, ed 6, Philadelphia, 2009, WB Saunders, pp 2451-2461.
3. Marcu Cristian : Infectia Urliana. In Virginia Zanc et al :Boli Infectioase Editura
Medicala Universitara ”Iuliu Hatieganu ” Cluj-Napoca 2011;159-166
4. Alison Margaret Kesson: Mumps. In Elaine C. Jong, Dennis L. Stevens, eds: Netter,
s Infectious Diseases . Elsevier Saunders Copyright 2012:47-50.
5. Litman N, Baum S: Mumps. In Mandell G, Bennett J, Dolin R, eds: Principles and
practice of infectious diseases, Philadelphia, 2005, Elsevier: 2003-2006.
6. Rubin S, Kathryn M Carbone. Mumps. In Kasper DL, Fauci AS. Harrisons,s
Infectious Diseases2nd Edition.Mc Graw-Hill Education 2013:1019:1022.

Nina Șincu

Highly contagious infectious disease, specifically human, caused by varicella-zoster virus
(VZV), characterized by maculo-papulo-vesicular exanthema and enanthema, fever and
malaise, followed by persistent immunity.

Etiologic agent:
Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) = type 3 Human Herpesvirus, belonging to Herpesviridae
family, subfamily Alpha-Herpesvirinae. It has double-stranded DNA structure.

Ubiquitous infection, with sporadic or epidemic evolution. In temperate regions, it registers
epidemic peaks during the cold season. The highest incidence is registered among children,
but adolescents or adult seronegative persons may develop the disease as well. Attack rate:
95-100% among susceptible individuals exposed to VZV (extremely contagious).
Reservoir: specifically human – patients suffering from varicella or herpes zoster (VZV is
present in the naso-pharingeal secretions in case of patients with chickenpox and inside
vesicular fluid in case of chickenpox and / or herpes zoster patients). Following primary
infection, the virus persists in latent form at the site of sensorial ganglia, including dorsal
roots of spinal nerves. The patient is not contagious during this stage, but it becomes
contagious again when the infection reactivates, following immune suppression and herpes
zoster appears.
Contagiousness: beginning with the last 3-5 days of incubation, until the stage of crusts
(overall 14 days).
Transmission route: direct transmission - airborne, via respiratory droplets (from patients
with chickenpox) or by direct contact with vesicular fluid, or indirect transmission – via
recently contaminated objects (from varicella or herpes zoster patients).
Susceptibility: general
Immunity: both humoral (IgM and IgG anti-VZV antibodies) and cellular, follows disease or
vaccination. Immunity following disease is durable, life-long. Duration of vaccination-related
immunity is yet to be established. However, VZV infection reactivation (herpes zoster) occurs
following immune suppression, as VZV persists in latent form inside sensorial ganglia.
Infants born to immune mothers are protected against VZV infection during their first 4-6
months of life due to transplacental transfer of IgG anti-VZV antibodies from their mothers.

VZV penetrates into the human organism through naso-pharingeal and / or conjunctival
mucosa, with local replication, followed by infection of the reticulo-endothelial system and
bloodstream penetration (viremia). VZV thus reaches the skin and mucosa, where it causes
cell degeneration, with the appearance of multinucleate giant cells, with eosinofilic inclusions,
as well as various other organs (visceralization).

Clinical manifestations
The incubation period lasts for 10-21 days. Prodrome / Invasion (24-48 hours), characterized
by fever, malaise, myalgia and headache may be absent. Clinical manifestations include a
characteristic pruriginous rash, which evolves in several successive crops, each accompanied
by fever, appearing over a period of 3-5 days. Erythematous maculo-papules evolve over
hours into “dew-drop-like” vesicles, with erithematous base. Initially, the vesicular fluid is
clear, but it becomes cloudy due to local accumulation of polymorphonuclear cells, fibrin and
cellular detritus. The vesicles’ centers umbilicate and the vesicles scab. Subsequent crusts will
be discharged spontaneously. The exanthema is generalized, covering trunk, face, limbs and
scalp, and polymorphic – lesions at various stages of evolution may be found on the same
skin region (macula-papules, vesicles, crusts) It is accompanied by enanthema – rash
covering the oro-pharinx, genital and sometimes conjunctival mucosa (aphtous lesions). In
peculiar cases, e.g. immunocompromised patients, severe forms of disease may occur, with
hemorrhagic, bullous or necrotic exanthema.

Clinical forms:
- Varicella mitigate
- Ordinary form
- Hemorrhagic form
- Bullous form
- Necrotic form
Adults may develop more severe clinical forms than children. Severe forms of disease are
encountered in immunocompromized patients (congenital or acquired immune suppression,
e.g. HIV infection, malignancy, connective tissue disorders, diabetes mellitus,
immunosuppressive therapy, transplant recipients).
Perinatal varicella, occurring in newborns from mothers who developed chicken pox within
the first 5 days before or 2 days after delivery, is usually a severe form, as the newborn did
not benefit from transplacental antibodies transfer from his mother and is therefore not
protected against VZV infection).

Positive diagnosis
Based on:
- Epidemiologic data: susceptible (seronegative) individual, exposed to VZV infection by
close contact with a patient with chickenpox or herpes zoster within the previous 10-21
- Characteristic clinical manifestations: fever, rash (exanthema / enanthema)
- Laboratory findings: leukopenia or normal white blood cells count. Leukocytosis occurs in
the event of bacterial secondary infection. Serum IgM anti-VZV antibodies (ELISA,
complement fixation test) reflect recent / acute infection, while IgG anti-VZV antibodies
reflect immunity following previous disease or vaccination. Detection of VZV DNA by
PCR from vesicle fluid and / or CSF (in case of VZV infection of the central nervous
system) is available in well-prepared laboratories. Tzanck smear – microscopic
examination of cell-base scraping (from skin lesions) may depict multinucleate giant cells.
VZV isolation in cell cultures is rarely necessary, usually for research purposes.

Differential diagnosis
- herpes simplex virus infections
- enterovirus infection (group A Coxsackie virus)
- impetigo (Streptococcus / Staphylococcus)
- bullous dermatitis
- prurigo
- multiple insect bites
- rickettsialpox (Rickettsia akari)
- smallpox or disseminated vaccinia – (smallpox is nowadays eradicated; important in case
of biologic warfare)

Bacterial secondary infection of skin lesions (with Streptococcus / Staphylococcus strains) –
the most frequent complication (poor hygiene), requiring antibiotic therapy.
Respiratory complications: varicella pneumonia, tracheo-bronchitis, bacterial pneumonia due
to superinfection. Varicella pneumonia – with possible subsequent respiratory failure,
presents nodular infiltrates and interstitial pneumonitis on chest X-ray. It has peculiar severe
in pregnant women.
Central nervous system complications: meningitis, encephalitis, mielitis, Guillain-Barre
syndrome. Usually occurring following the first week of disease. Reye syndrome consists of a
fatty liver degeneration associated with encephalopathy following acetyl-salicylate (aspirin)
use in patients with VZV infection.
Other complications: corneal lesions, nephritis, hepatitis, myocarditis, bleeding diathesis.
Chickenpox in pregnant women: may cause spontaneous abortion, premature birth or
malformations. VZV is teratogenic – it may cause central nervous system and limb
malformations, as well as skin lesions with remnant scars.
Isolation: at home in mild cases. Hospitalization is compulsory in severe clinical forms or
immunocompromised subjects. Skin and clothes hygiene is required in order to prevent
bacterial secondary infections of skin lesions. Secondary bacterial infection of skin lesions or
scratching may lead to the development of permanent scars and should therefore be avoided.
Diet should be light, with good hydration, and rich in vitamins. Antihistaminic drugs are used
to fight pruritus, antipyretic substances to fight fever. Aspirin and aspirin derivatives is
prohibited in chickenpox due to the risk of Reye syndrome.
Etiologic treatment is indicated in immunosuppressed hosts, severe forms of disease or
complications. However, adolescents and adults are known to develop more severe forms than
children and may benefit from etiologic therapy. Acyclovir is a nucleosidic analogue (guanine
derivative) that inhibits DNA polymerase and thus viral replication. It can be administered in
doses of 30 mg/kg/day orally or via intravenous route, divided into 3-5 doses, for 5-7 days. In
case of renal function impairment, acyclovir doses must be reduced. Valacyclovir, famciclovir
and brivudine may also be used. Iv immunoglobulin administration is useful in severe cases
or immunocompromised patients. In case of neurological complications (meningitis,
encephalitis), a short course of corticosteroids is recommended, alongside iv
immunoglobulins, depletion and group B vitamins.

Vaccination – live attenuated varicella vaccine (Oka strain), administered in two doses – in
susceptible children (> 1 year-old), adolescents and adults. Universal vaccination of children
decreases the overall incidence of the disease. Vaccination is prohibited during pregnancy.
Pregnancies should be avoided for at least 3 months following anti-VZV vaccination.
VZIG – specific, targeted iv anti-VZV immunoglobulins, recommended in
imunocompromised subjects exposed to VZV infection, within the first 96 (72) hours after
Antiviral prophylaxis – in patients at high risk who are not eligible for vaccination and have
lost the 96-hours post-exposure window for VZIG administration. It consists of 7-days course
of acyclovir / famciclovir / valacyclovir. It either prevents the onset of the diseases of reduces
its severity.

1. Whitley RJ. Varicella-zoster virus infections. In. Kasper DL, Fauci AS. Harrison’s
Infectious Diseases. 7th edition. McGrawHill Medical. New York. 2010, pages 740-
2. Chiotan M. Varicela. In Chiotan M. Boli Infectioase. Editura National. Bucuresti.
2006, pages 166-168
3. Dragan M. Varicela si herpesul Zoster. In Rebedea I. Boli Infectioase. Editura
Medicala. Bucuresti. 2000, pages 110-118

Nina Șincu

Acute infectious disease, caused by a reactivation of varicella-zoster virus (VZV) infection,
subsequent to immune suppression, characterized by dermatomal vesicular rash, usually
accompanied by neuropathic pain.

Etiology and pathogenesis

Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) - type 3 human herpes virus. Following primary infection
(chickenpox), VZV persists in latent form in the sensorial ganglia of the cranial or spinal
nerves (posterior root) of the human host. VZV infection reactivates in case of immune
suppression of various origins: chronic illnesses, (e.g. HIV infection, malignant lesions,
connective tissue disorders, immunosuppressive treatment, transplant recipients, diabetes
mellitus), acute diseases, trauma / surgery, psycho-emotional stress, physical or psychological
effort. Rarely, herpes zoster may be the consequence of massive exposure to VZV from an
external source. In cases of extreme immune suppression, severe clinical forms, including
generalization (herpes zoster varicellosus) may occur.

VZV DNA was detected in vesicular fluid. The patient may transmit the disease by direct
contact with skin lesions or indirectly, by recently contaminated objects, to susceptible
(seronegative persons) which will subsequently develop chickenpox. Contagiousness lasts
until all vesicular lesions are crusted. Unlike chickenpox, which registers its highest incidence
among children, herpes zoster is more common among persons > 60 years-old, but it may
occur in immunocompromised hosts of any age.

Clinical manifestations
Unilateral vesicular exanthema, with dermatomal distribution, usually associated with
neuralgia. The initial erythematous maculopapular exanthema evolves into vesicles and then
scabs, after several days. Skin lesions usually evolve in one crop, so the exanthema is
monomorphic. As the basal membrane of the epidermis is altered, skin lesions usually result
in permanent pigmented scars, even in the absence of bacterial secondary infection or
scratching. Unlike chickenpox, dermitic rash is accompanied by pain, not pruritus. In case of
generalization of skin lesions, similar to chickenpox rash (herpes zoster varicellosus), the
initial dermatomeric rash can still be distinguished due to the local richness of skin lesions.
The average duration of skin lesions is 10-14 days.
Neuropathic pain (zoster-associated neuralgia), due to acute neuritis, usually precedes the
appearance of the exanthema by several days up to one week and lasts for several weeks or
even months after the resolution of skin lesions (post-herpetic neuralgia PHN). It is described
as a burning sensation, paresthesia or severely disturbing pain. In rare cases, especially in
young or diabetic patients, neuralgia may be absent.

Clinical forms
- Zoster sine herpete – neuralgia is present, without the rash (rare)
- Herpes zoster without accompanying pain – in children
- Recurrent herpes zoster – multiple episodes of herpes zoster occurring in the same
immunocompromised host over time (e.g. HIV infection)
According to the location of skin lesions:
- Thoracic herpes zoster – the most frequently encountered location (intercostal nerves)
- Herpes zoster ophtalmicus – exanthema along the dermatome correspondent to the
ophthalmic branch of the trigeminal nerve (Vth cranial nerve) – predisposes to the risk of
keratitis and blindness
- Other locations: cervical, brachial, sciatic, etc
- Ramsay-Hunt syndrome – exanthema and pain within the external auditory meatus or on
the auricular pavilion, accompanied by ipsilateral facial palsy and loss of taste in the
anterior two thirds of the tongue (affects the geniculate ganglion, VII bis cranial nerve)
According to the type of exanthema:
- Bullous herpes zoster
- Hemorrhagic herpes zoster
- Necrotic herpes zoster
- Herpes zoster varicellosus – secondary generalization of skin lesions, but the initial
dermatome can still be distinguished
(all in severely immunosuppressed patients).

Positive diagnosis
Mainly clinical.
- Epidemiologic data: history of chickenpox in the past
- Clinical manifestations: dermatomal vesicular rash accompanied by neuralgia
- Laboratory findings: detection of VZV-DNA inside vesicular fluid (PCR technique), or
serological tests: serum IgG anti-VZV antibodies (ELISA, FAMA – fluorescent antibody
to membrane antigen assay, adherence hemagglutination assay). VZV isolation in cell-
cultures – for research purposes.

Differential diagnosis
- Herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection
- Coxsackie virus infections
- Contact dermatitis
- Burns
- Streptococcal / staphylococcal impetigo

Complications and sequelae

- Central nervous system (CNS) complications: meningitis, encephalitis, transverse
myelitis, Guillain-Barre syndrome,
- Granulomatous cerebral angiitis: ofteninvolves the internal carotid artery, with
controlateral hemiplegia; it is more frequent in case of herpes zoster ophtalmicus
- Respiratory complications: pneumonitis (visceralisation)
- Ocular complications (ophthalmic herpes zoster): keratitis (leading to blindness),
iridocyclitis, optic neuritis, hemorrhagic / necrotizing retinitis, retinal vascular occlusion

- Other complications: hepatitis (visceralisation), myositis
- PHN = post-herpes neuralgia: debilitating, it may persist for weeks / months following an
episode of herpes zoster, even after the resolution of skin lesions; requires antialgic
- Bacterial superinfection of skin lesions (Streptococcus, Staphylococcus)
- Scarring

Patients should either be isolated at home (mild cases) or hospitalized (severe cases,
complications). Isolation period should last for 10-14 days, until skin lesions have overpassed
the stage of crusts.
Etiologic (antiviral) treatment: acyclovir, a nucleosidic analogue which inhibits DNA-
polymerase and viral replication. It can be administered orally: 5x800 mg/day in adult
patients, for 7-10 days, or via intravenous route, in severe or complicated cases: 30
mg/kg/day, divided into 3 doses, for 7 days. Valcyclovir, a prodrug of acyclovir, 3x1g/day 7-
10 days orally, or famciclovir, a prodrug of penciclovir, administered orally – 3x500 mg/day
for 7-10 days, are also useful. Acyclovir doses must be modified according to the parameters
of the renal function (creatinine clearance). Acyclovir resistance, due to the impairment of
timidine-kinase, a viral enzyme which phosphorilates acyclovir into its active form, may be
extended to famciclovir and valacyclovir. Brivudine may represent a therapeutic alternative.
Acyclovir topical administration (ophthalmic ointment) is recommended in herpes zoster
keratitis. Corticosteroids are recommended in case of central nervous system complications
and / or uveitis, but only accompanied by antiviral treatment.
The management of PHN (post-herpetic neuralgia) is particularly difficult. It requires non-
narcotic or narcotic analgesics, ranging from natrium metamisole, paracetamol
(acetaminophen), NSAIDs, to narcotic derivatives. Lidocaine patches, amitriptyline
hydrochloride, pregabalin and gabapentin are frequently used substances. Group B vitamins
may be helpful in reducing the course of PHN.

Zoster vaccine (containing 18 times the amount of viral antigen contained by Oka anti-
varicella vaccine) administered to aged subjects (> 60 years old) was reported to reduce the
incidence of herpes zoster by 50% compared to patients who had not received vaccination, by
boosting cell-mediated immune response.

1. Whitley RJ. Varicella-zoster virus infections. In. Kasper DL, Fauci AS. Harrison’s
Infectious Diseases. 7th edition. McGrawHill Medical. New York. 2010, pages 740-
2. Chiotan M. Herpesul Zoster. In Chiotan M. Boli Infectioase. Editura National.
Bucuresti. 2006, pages 169-170
3. Dragan M. Varicela si herpesul Zoster. In Rebedea I. Boli Infectioase. Editura
Medicala. Bucuresti. 2000, pages 110-118


Lucia Carmen Chiriac

Definition: Acute contagious infectious disease, determined by Bordetella pertussis cocco-

bacillus (rarely by Bordetella parapertussis), with several weeks of evolution, clinically
characterized by paroxysmal fits of spasmodic coughing preceded by a noisy inspiration.

Coqueluchoide syndrome: - a clinical syndrome similar to paroxysmal whooping cough crisis

determined by adenoviruses, parainfluenza viruses, respiratory syncytial virus.


Bordetella pertussis, a small, strictly anaerobic, Gram-negative cocco-bacillus belongs to

genus Bordetella. It is cultivated on the Bordet-Gengou medium (agar + blood + glycerol +
potato). The biologically active products of the bacillus are:

- pertactin: adhesion,enhance protective immunity

- thermostable endotoxin:lipopolysaccharide
- adenylat cyclase toxin:activation of cAMP, antiphagocytic, anti-inflammatory, haemolytic
- agglutinogens: stimulate the production of antibodies
- filamentous hemagglutinin:are adhesion, antigenic, with immunizing effect,component of
acellular pertussis vaccines.
- pertussis toxin (pertussigen): contains the factors:
o histamine-sensitizing factor,
o lymphocytosis-promoting factors,
o protective antigen
o hypoglycemiant effect- neurotoxin
o mitogenic factors
Specific antibodies: agglutinins, complement-fixating antibodies appear after the second week
of illness.

Susceptibility to antibiotics: the most active substances are Erythromycin, Ampicillin,



The disease is spread all over the world. Its maximum incidence is reported during winter and
spring. Overall morbidity and mortlity have dramatically decreased since the initiation of
children immunization.

Source of infection: sick persons, including those with mild clinical forms and the carriers of
B. pertussis.

Transmission: directly, through airborne droplets. Rarely, B. pertussis is transmitted via

freshly contaminated objects.

Contagiousness period: 7 days after infectious contact + 4 weeks after onset. Its duration is
reduced to 10 days in cases receiving antibiotic therapy. Maximum attack rate is achieved
during the catarrhal period of the disease, high: 90 % among unimmunized family contacts.

Receptivity is general – newborns may get sick immediately after birth, because the
immunoglobulins transmitted from mother do not cross the placenta.

Immunity after disease is durable. Re-infection is possible, with another type of Bordetella. It
is more serious in girls than boys.


The germ is not invasive, it attaches to the ciliated epithelial cells in the nasopharynx,
tracheobronchial mucosa, determining local inflammation, irritation of vagal nerve
terminations with initiation of cough reflex-phase of bronchogenic cough. On a cortical level,
a dominant focus of arousal is created (neurogenic period): cough sets off at sensory stimuli.
The toxins released by Bordetella are dispersed in the organism. Systemic manifestations
(lymphocytosis) are the result of toxin activity. The pathogenesis of neurologic events, such
as seizures and encephalopathy, is influenced by:

- toxic factors
- hypoxic factors by coughing fits with apnea
- hemorrhagic factors
- allergic factors: sensitized at the nucleoprotein complex of coccobacillus.

Clinical manifestations

Pertussis is a prolonged coughing illness, the clinical manifestations vary by age. Pertussis is
most often seen in preschool and school-age children.

The average incubation period: 7-10 days

Catarrhal phase the: week 1-2. It is indistinguishable from the common cold and is
characterized by the following:

- high contagiousness
- duration 7-14 days
- ordinary catarrh of respiratory airways
- hyperemic conjunctiva
- mild fever
The cough: initially ordinary. At the end of the catarrhal stage it becomes mainly nocturnal,
spastic and accompanied by vomiting. It is not influenced by symptomatic therapy.

Paroxysmal stage: duration 2-4 weeks. Paroxysmal episodes consist of: aura (the child
anticipates the access), sudden inspiration followed by (5-10) spasmodic expiratory bursts,
expiratory pause (face is congested and cyanotic), resumption: deep prolonged wheezing
inspiration. There may be several cycles of prolonged inspiration and jerky expiratory bursts.

Sputum expectoration is difficult: slimy mucus, accompanied by vomiting. During
paroxysmal episode, the patient’s face is congested, livid, eyes are injected. He may develop
ulceration of lingual frenum.

The number of paroxysmal episodes within 24 hours:

- mild forms: 4-6 episodes

- medium forms 10-30 episodes
- severe forms 30-40 episodes, bloated facies with periorbital edema
Convalescent phase: is characterized by gradual resolution of coughing episodes.

Particularities of episodes in suckling infants and newborns: atypical aspect: prolonged

apnea, glottic spasm, cyanosis, paroxysmal sneezes, seizures.

Physical examination – pulmonary auscultation: bronchial rales.

Convalescence stage:

- paroxysms become rare in number and intensity.

- vomiting may persist as a phenomenon of conditioned reflex
Clinical forms: severe, medium, mild

- in suckling infants: forms are serious, atypical, lack of resumption, prolonged

apnea, paroxysmal sneezes
- abortive and atypical forms are difficult to diagnose, appear following incomplete

a) Mechanical: intra-cerebral, conjuctival, pulmonary, nasal hemorrhages, rectal prolapse,

umbilical hernia, pneumothorax, emphysema, seizures, atelectasis.
b) Bronchopneumoniae, pneumoniae, otitis,
c) Encephalitis: severe in infants, it has complex pathogenesis, appears in week 3-4 of
illness, with seizures
Sequelae: bronchiectases, emphysema, asthma, psychic retardation, motor sequelae

Positive diagnosis

If the epidemiologic data and the classic symptoms of pertussis are present ,the diagnostis is
not difficult.

Laboratory findings: leukocytosis 20-50.000/mm3 with lymphocytosis (60-80%), normal ESR

Characteristic chest X-ray image: hilar and basal infiltrates in the cardio-frenum angle,
Gotche triangle or „heart in flame”.

Bordetella pertussis isolation from naso-pharyngeal secretions, during catarrhal phase and at
the beginning of paroxysmal phase, by cultivation on Bordett-Gengou medium(gold standard
of diagnosis) or using fluorescent antibodies

Real-time PCR methods are more sensitive than culture,result can be available within hours.

Serologic tests: agglutination and complement fixation test

Differential diagnosis

- during catarrhal stage: influenza, measles, adenoviroses

- during paroxysmal stage: compressive mediastinal formations, laryngeal spasm,
spastic cough: adenoiditis, intralaringeal / intrabronchial foreign body
Prognostic: severe in children younger than 2 years old.


Early treatment of pertussis is very important. If treatment for pertussis is started early in the
course of illness, during the first 1 to 2 weeks before coughing paroxysms occur, symptoms
may be lessened.

Isolation at home or at hospital

Diet: fractioned meals in reduced amounts

Antimicrobial treatment: Erythromycin, 40-50 mg/kg/day, Clarithromycin, Azithromycin,

Ampicillin, Cotrimoxazole

Pathogenic treatment: cough tranquilizers, antihistamines, oxygen therapy, assisted breathing,

postural drainage, aspiration of respiratory secretions, vitamins. Bacterial superinfections:
antibiotics therapy Encephalitis: cerebral edema control, anticonvulsants.


Regarding patients and contacts:compulsory to declare

Isolation of contacts, 7-10 days prophylactic course of antibiotics

The best way to prevent pertussis is to get vaccinated. There are vaccines for infants, children,
preteens, teens and adults. The childhood vaccine is called DTP (a combination vaccine that
protects against three diseases: diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis).

The development of acellular pertussis vaccines (DTaP) have replaced whole-cell pertussis
vaccine.The acellular pertussis vaccines are less reactogenic than whole-cell pertussis vaccine
and may be used for booster immunization in older childrens and adults. The pertussis
booster vaccine for adolescents and adults(Tdap) contains also protection against tetanus,
diphtheria and pertussis.


1. Scott A. Halprin. Pertussis and other Bordetella infections in Kasper D L, Fauci A S,

Harrison′s Infectious diseases,Mc Graw Hill Education, 2013, pg 525-530
2. Centers for Disease Control. Pertussis. In: Atkinson W, Wolfe S, Hamborsky. J.
Epidemiology and Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases. 12th ed. Washington
DC: Public Health Foundation; 2012:215-231
3. R Srinivasan,T HYeoAre newer macrolides effective in eradicating carriage of
pertussis? Arch Dis Child 2005;90:322-324 doi:10.1136/adc.2004.068783
4. Lynfield R, Schaffner W Can we conquer coqueluche? [Introductory Journal Article,
Research Support, U.S. Gov't, P.H.S.] J Infect Dis 2014 Apr 1.:S1-3.
5. Cupsa A , Boli infectioase transmisibile, Editura Medicala Universitara Craiova,
2007, pg. 9.66-9.72


Cristina Gîrbovan


Mononucleosis is an acute infectious viral disease, caused by the Epstein Barr virus,
autolimited to immunocompetent children and young adults. Clinically, it is characterized by
fever, angina, adenopathy, to which sometimes hepatosplenomegaly can be associated.
Hematologically, lymphocytosis is present and the appearance of atypical modifications in the
mononuclears of the peripheral blood.


The disease is determined by the Epstein Barr virus (Human Herpes virus 4-HHV4), a virus
belonging to the family of herpes viruses, a double catenary DNA virus, with a dimension of
approximately 200nm, having an envelope and a hexagonal nucleocapsid of 100nm. EBV has
been established as the etiologic agent of heterophile-positive infectious mononucleosis (IM).
EBV is also associated with several human tumors, including nasopharyngeal carcinoma,
Burkitt’s lymphoma, Hodgkin’s disease, and B-cell lymphoma.


The Epstein Barr virus is one of the most frequent viruses, more than 90% of humans being
infected in childhood. The source of infection is the ill person, with clinical forms which may
be visible or not. The way of transmission is aerogene, through saliva drops, kissing, and
objects recently contaminated with saliva. The virus may persist for months after the cure in
the respiratory secretions. Receptivity is general, and after the disease there is a strong


The entrance gate is the oropharyngeal epithelium, from where the virus gets to the B
lymphocytes from the pharyngeal lymphoid tissue and disseminates in the whole lymphoid
tissue. The DNA synthesis is stimulated and new antigens are induced to form:

- early antigen (EA) with two subtypes,

- viral capsid antigen (VCA),
- membrane antigen (MA),
- Epstein Barr nuclear antigen,
- lymphocyte-detected membrane antigen (LYDMA).

The immune response to the infection with EPV is produced as an immune umoral response
(useful antibodies for the diagnosis). The cellularymediated immune response is characterized
by the proliferation and activation of T lymphocytes in the second week of the disease and the
activation of B lymphocytes. NK lymphocytes, T CD4 lymphocytes and T CD8 lymphocytes
control the proliferation of B lymphocytes infected with the Epstein Barr virus during the
primary infection. The T CD8 lymphocytes through their cytotoxic and suppressing action are
important for the control of the latent infection. During the Epstein Barr virus infection, an
inversion of the CD4/CD8 proportion takes place.

Clinical manifestation

 The incubation period lasts for approximately 30-50 days. The start may be insidious
or sudden and it is represented by a triad in 50 percent of the cases: fever,
lymphadenopathy, erythematous or pseudomembranousangina.
 The age of the patient has a profound influence on the clinical expression of EBV
infection. In children, primary EBV infection is often asymptomatic. In patients of
college age, the ratio of clinically apparent to inapparent EBV infection ranges from
1:3 to 3:1 . Because of previously existing immunity, the disease is less common in
older patients.
 Fever is present in over 90 percent of the patients with infectious mononucleosis. In
most cases fever resolves over a 10-to 14 day period.
 A rash, which may be macular, petechial, scarlatinaform, urticarial or erythema
multiformelike, is present in about 5percent of patients.
 Periorbital edema has been reported in up to one-third of the cases in some series.
 Tonsillar enlargement is usually present, occasionally with tonsils meeting at the
midline. The pharynx is erythematous with an exudate in about one-third of the cases.
 Palatal petechiae may be seen in 25-60 percent of the cases, but are not diagnostic of
infectious mononucleosis.
 Pseudomembranousangina at a patient with infectious mononucleosis.
 Cervical adenopathy, usually symmetric, is precent in 80-90 percent of the patients.
Posterior adenopathy is most common, but submandibular and anterior adenopathy are
quite frequent as well, and axillary and inguinal adenopathy also occur.
 Abdominal examination may detect hepatomegaly in 10- 15 percent of the cases.
Splenomegaly is present in about one-half of the cases, and is usually maximal at the
beginning of the second week of illness and regresses over the next 7-10 days.


The positive diagnosis in infectious mononucleosis is based on epidemiological, clinical and

laboratory data.

The epidemiological data are usually insignificant.

The clinical diagnosis is based on fever, angina, adenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly.

Laboratory diagnosis:

 Patients with infectious mononucleosis have a 12.000 – 25.000 / mmc leukocytosis,

with a 50-90% lymphocytosis.
 Atypical lymphocytes are the hematologic hallmark of infectious mononucleosis, and
account for about 30 percent of the differential count at the height of the atypical
 Thrombocytopenia is also common, and 50 percent of the patients in one series
manifested platelet counts of ≤ 140 000/mm3.


 Heterophile antibodies are a long-established marker of EBV-induced IM and rarely

produced outside of this setting. Rapid latex slide tests and solid-phase immunoassays
have supplanted traditional methods, such as the Paul-Bunnell-Davidsohn test, for
detection of heterophile antibodies. Heterophile antibodies are defined based on their
ability to recognize specific animal erythrocytes (eg, causing agglutination of sheep,
horse, and cow erythrocytes). In the first week of the disease, 60% of the patients with
IMN present heterophile antibodies, and in the first month 80-90%.
 The specific antibodies useful for serologic diagnosis are: viral anticapsid antibodies –
VCA, antibodies to EBV early antigens (anti – EA), antibodies to EBV nuclear
antigens (anti-EBNA)
 Anti-VCA antibodies of IgM type appear at the start of the acute
infection and persist for 2-3 months, anti-VCA antibodies of IgG type
appear later and persist the whole life.
 Anti-EA: may appear at the clinical start of the illness, but the titer
increases gradually and disappears in 3-6 months. These antibodies are
detectable with Elisa method, indirect immunofluorescence or Western
There are two types of antibody:

EA-D antibody; antibody to early antigen in diffuse

pattern in nucleus and cytoplasm of infected cells.

EA-R antibody; antibody to early antigen restricted

to the cytoplasm

About 70% of individuals with IM, have EA-D antibodies during the
illness, the presence of EA-D antibodies is especially likely in patients
with relatively severe disease. EA-R antibodies are only occasionally
detected in patients with IM but are often found at elevated titers in
patients with African Burkitt, s lymphoma or chronic active EBV

 Anti-EBNA antibodies appear between the second and 8th week from
the start of the disease and last for the whole life.

Serologic features of EBV-ASSOCIATED DISEASES

Condition Heterophile IgM IgG EA-D EA-R

Acute IM + + ++ + - -

Convalescence ± - + - ± +

Past Infection - - + - - +

Reactivation with
- - ++ + + ±

- - +++ ± ++ +

- - +++ ++ ± +

(Adapted from M.Okana et al: Clin Microbiology Rev 1:300,1988.)

Detection of EBV DNA, RNA, or proteins has been valuable in demonstrating the association
of the virus malignancies.


The differential diagnosis of angina is performed with: viral angina, streptococcal angina,
angina resulted from diphtheria, ulcero-necrotic angina from malignant hemopathies.

The adenopathy diagnosis with: TBC, toxoplasmosis, HIV infection, rubella, acute leukemia,

There must be made a difference from CMV (CMV is the most common cause of heterophile-
negative mononucleosis, usually presenting in older patients).


 Hematologic complications:
 Autoimmune hemolytic anemia
 Thrombocytopenia
 Agranulocytosis
 Aplastic anemia
 Hemophagocytic syndrome

 Splenic rupture is a rare but dramatic complication of infectious mononucleosis. The
incidence of rupture is highest in the second or third week of illness, but may be the
first sign of infectious mononucleosis.
 Neurologic complications:
 Aseptic meningitis
 Encephalitis
 Guillain-Barre syndrome
 Bell ’s palsy
 Transverse myelitis
 Reye, s syndrome
 Hepatic complications:
 Consist largely of self-limited elevations of hepatocellular enzymes.
 Hepatic necrosis
 Cardiac complications:
 Clinically significant disease is very uncommon
 ECG abnormalities-confined to S-T wave abnormalities
 Pericarditis
 Myocarditis
 Pulmonary complications:
 Interstitial infiltrates in 3-5 percent of the cases
 Immunologic complications
 Appear by the production of auto antibodies
 Anergy
 Lymphoproliferative syndromes
 Hypogammaglobulinemia
 Dermatologic complications
 Cold-mediated urticarial, leukocytoclastic vasculitis, ampicillin-
associated rash, erythema multiforme, erythema nodosum.
Infection at hosts with deficient defense

At immunocompetent patients, after the infection with the Epstein Barr virus, there remains a
restraint population of B cells latently infected which may amplify and may be transformed in
lymphomatous cells in the case of alteration of the defense mechanisms.

Infectious mononucleosis may evolve into a life-threatening lymphoproliferative disorder in

persons with profound acquired or congenital cellular immunodeficiency. In a rare inherited
disease, the X-linked lymphoproliferative disorder, young males develop a fulminant
mononucleosis after acquiring EBV. Many die of hemorrhage and infection; survivors have
aplastic anemia, agammaglobulinemia, and lymphoma.

The Epstein Barr virus has been associated with different types of neoplasms: Burkitt,s
lymphoma, nasopharyngeal carcinoma, acute lymphoblastic leukemia, monocytic leukemia,
histiocytic leukemia.

Nasopharyngeal carcinoma has been described in the South of China, North of Africa and at
the Eskimos from Alaska. EBV is present in the tumoral epithelial cells and not in the B
lymphocytes of the tumor.

Burkitt lymphoma is a highly malign lymphoma with small cells located in the maxilla or
abdominally. In Equatorial Africa it is associated with the Plasmodium falciparum malaria.

Hodgkin lymphoma is associated with the identification of the viral DNA in the Reed
Sternberg cells, in 40-60% of the cases.

HIV / AIDS positive patients with EPV may present the following entities: non – Hodgkin
lymphoma, lymphoid interstitial pneumonia and hairy leukoplakia of the tongue.


Infectious mononucleosis is an autolimiting infection. The general treatment measures are

those from a feverish disease: diet during the feverish period, stay in bed, symptomatic
treatment with antithermic and nonsteroidal anti inflammatory medication.

Treatment of infectious mononucleosis is largely supportive since more than 95 percent of the
patients recover uneventfully without specific therapy. Contact sports or heavy lifting should
be avoided during the first 2-3 weeks of illness, especially splenomegaly is present.

Aspirin or acetaminophen, are helpful in relieving the sore throat and in suppressing the fever.

If the throat culture contains β-hemolytic streptococci, treatment for 10 days with penicillin
or erythromycin is advised. Ampicillin should not be used because it causes rash in more than
85% of cases; amoxicillin also appears to cause rash frequently.

Corticosteroids are often advocated, but their use in uncomplicated illness is still
controversial. Most infectious disease consultants prefer not to administer corticosteroids in
this self-limited disease of certain specific indications.

Corticosteroids are generally used in the following situations:

1) Impending airway obstruction

2) Severe thrombocytopenia
3) Hemolytic anemia
4) CNS involvement
5) Myocarditis
6) Pericarditis
Antiviral agents such as acyclovir, ganciclovir, and foscarnet inhibit EBV replication during
lytic infection but do not inhibit amplification of latent EBV genomes in proliferating B cells.

Valaciclovir, an orally administred prodrug of acyclovir, and formulations of intravenous and
high-dose oral acyclovir greatly inhibit oropharyngea sheding of EBV in persons with IM.

Acyclovir has had no significant clinical impact on IM in controlled trials. Acyclovir, at a

dosage of 400-800 mg five times daily, has been effective for the treatment of oral hairy


There is not a vaccine for prevention of EBV infection or disease. Hospitalized patients with
IM need not be isolated. Transmissibility of EBV during asymptomatic viral shedding
remains possible long after the acute illness.


1. Meier JL. Epstein-Barr Virus and other Causes of the Mononucleosis. In David
Schlossberg.Syndrome in Clinical Infectious Disease.Cambridge University Press 2008:
2. Cohen JI. Epstein-Barr Virus Infections, including Infectious Mononucleosis. In Kasper
DL, Fauci AS. Harrison,s Infectious Diseases 2nd Edition.Mc Graw-Hill Education 2013:
3. Livia Dragonu. Mononucleoaza infecțioasă. In Cupșa A. Boli infecțioase transmisibile .
Editura Medicală Universitară Craiova, 2007:12.3-12.11
4. Mihaela Lupse : Infectia cu virusul Epstein-Barr. In Virginia Zanc et al :Boli Infectioase
Editura Medicala Universitara ”Iuliu Hatieganu ” Cluj-Napoca 2011;116-120.
5. Toree D,Tambini R. Acyclovir for treatment of infectious mononucleosis: a meta-
analysis. Scand j Infect Dis. 1999;31:543-547.

Iringo Zaharia Kezdi

Greek Diptheros meaning leather (leather hide)Recognized by Hippocrates in 5th century

B.C.Epidemics described in 6th centuryC. diphtheriae described by Klebs in 1883Toxoid
developed in 1920s
Diphtheria is an acute illness caused by toxin producing Corynebacterium diphtheria strain,
which causes local infection of the upper respiratory tract andsystemic effects on heart and
peripheral tissues, nerves. The characteristic manifestations are gray membrane at portal of
entry in pharynx (or any mucous membrane or skin wound), sore throat, nasal discharge,
hoarseness, malaise, fever, myocarditis, neuropathy.It’s a very contagious and potentially life-
threatening bacterial disease.

The etiologic agent, Corynebacterium (C) diphtheriae is the principal human pathogen of the
Corynebacterium group, an aerobic gram-positive bacillus with irregular shape, pleomorphic,
club-end, non-spore-forming, non-acid-fast, non-motile. Staining with Loffler's methylene
blue show bluish purple metachromatic granules. with polar bodies, Need enrichment media
Contain Blood, Serum or Egg 37 c ph 7.4 Commonly used medium Loeffler serum slope,
Tellurite Blood agar,
Can be killed at 58 c in 10 mt, 100 c in 1 mt Survive in blankets, floor dust, toys inanimate
Regulary the organism is noninvasive, and most morbidity and mortality is associated with
complications resulting from toxin elaboration.The major virulence determinant is the
exotoxin, diphtheria toxin. After binding to the host cells, the active subunit will interrupt the
protein synthesis of the target host cell and results in cell death.
C. diphtheria strains are divided into three biotypes ( mitis, gravis, intermedius). As referring
to the toxin synthesis, there are toxin-producing and non-producing strains. Diphtheria toxin
is the primary virulence factor of C.diphtheriae, the structural gene, tox, being carried by a
family of bacteriophages.
Under the action of heat (40 °C) or formalin 4%, the toxin may be transformed after a month
in anatoxin, an untoxic but immunizing substance. In nature, C. diphtheria is only rarely an
invasive organism; it is encountered in the respiratory tract, in wounds or on the skin of
infected persons in normal carriers. It is spread by droplets or by contact to susceptible
individuals; the bacilli then grow on mucous membranes or skin abrasions and those that are
toxigenic start producing toxin.
At entry the bacilli multiply locally in the throat and elaborate a powerful exotoxin wich
produce local and systemic symptoms.Locally, toxin induces tissue necrosis, leukocyte
response and formation of a tough, adherent pseudo membrane composed of a mixture of
fibrin, dead cells and bacteria-commonly over the tonsils, pharynx, or larynx. Any attempt to
remove the pseudo membrane results in bleeding. The diphtheria bacilli within the membrane
continue to produce toxin actively. This is absorbed and leads to distant toxin damage,
particularly parenchymatous degeneration, fatty infiltration and necrosis in heart muscle,
liver, kidneys (tubular necrosis), and adrenals, sometimes accompanied by important
hemorrhage. The toxin also produces nerve damage (neuronal demyelination), resulting often
in paralysis of the soft palate, eye muscles, or extremities.All human tissues may suffer by the
toxin because all human cells have receptor sites. Accordingly, there is no specific target
organ for the toxin, but clinical consequences generally result from myocardial and neural
abnormalities. Death often results from cardiac failure, but necrotic and often hemorrhagic
lesions are usually found in many organ. Except from the local site of infection, the lesions
are sterile.
Wound or skin diphtheria occurs chiefly in the tropics. A membrane may form on an infected
wound that fails to heal. However, absorption of toxin is usually slight; the small amount of
toxin promotes development of antitoxin antibodies, so that the systemic effects are
There are 2 phases of diphtheria: the initial local presentation as a severe pharyngitis with
tough membranes that can cause suffocation and a late systemic phase caused by the effects of
the circulating exotoxin on tissues of the host. No diphtheria corynebacteria produce localized
or systemic diseases principally by colonizing foreign bodies introduced into the human tissue
(prosthetic valves, catheters, etc).

Clinical Findings
Incubation period is usually less than 1 week.
Pharyngitis. The initial form of diphtheria manifests as an infection of upper respiratory
tract. During the onset period that is abrupt, symptoms like malaise, sore throat, anorexia,
fever appear, as a result of the substantial systemic absorption of toxin. Physical exam
includes erythema of the posterior pharynx, followed by the development of a pseudo
membrane, that is usually asymmetric and extend, to involve the soft palate and uvula. As the
membrane spreads, the patient may develop significant edema of the submandibular areas and
the anterior neck with the lymphadenopathy giving a characteristic “bull neck appearance”.
Laryngeal diphtheria can occur as a result of membrane extension, or may be the only site
of infection, manifested by: hoarseness, stridor, dyspnea that may need intubation or
tracheostomy. Nasal diphtheria presents with purulent and serosanguinolent discharge.
Cutaneous infection often appears as a secondary infection of a previous wound (pustule,
ulcer and edematous rolled borders that may evolve as a chronic non-healing ulcer). Other
organ involvement includes: ears, conjunctiva, and cornea. The disease may progress if
enough toxinsenter the bloodstream, causing severe prostration, striking pallor, rapid pulse,
stupor and coma. The absorbed toxin can also cause delayed damage at distant sites.

1. Cardiovascular complications
Myocarditis may occur in the second week of evolution – early myocarditis (20-65% of
patients): progressive weakness, dyspnea, congestive heart failure, muffled heart sounds,
gallop rhythm, and circulatory collapse, conduction disturbances (prolongation of PR interval,
complete atrioventricular block), and sometimes cardiac arrest.
Late myocarditis – occurs between the third and fourth week of illness with milder clinical
2. Neurologic complications
a. Palatal paralysis – begins 1-2 weeks after the onset of symptoms, followed by paralysis of
swallowing and involvement of the other cranial nerves.
b. Oculomotor paralysis – later ( weeks 4-5th), there may be difficulties with vision (paralysis
of accommodation)
c. Peripheral polyneuritis with a glove-and-stocking distribution of motor and sensory loss
may resemble Guillain-Barre syndrome (weeks 7-10). All of these manifestations tend to

subside in a few weeks and sometimes months, or may evolve with ascending syndrome
(Landry) which is lethal.
Laboratory Tests
1. Isolation of C. diphtheria from different specimens such as swabs from the nose, throat, or
other suspected lesions that must be obtained before antimicrobial drugs are administered
(culture on Loeffler or Pai agar and cysteine tellurate). Any diphtheria-like organism
culture must be submitted to a “virulence” test before the bacteriologic diagnosis of
diphtheria is definite. Bio typing and toxigenicity testing has not been maintained in all
countries. Toxin production may be demonstrated in vivo by the guinea pig lethality test,
or by the more rapid Elek test in vitro.
2. Stained smears show beaded rods in typical arrangement.
The presence of an asymmetric grey, adherent membrane with lymph node enlargement and
soft tissue swelling, in a toxic-looking person is suggestive for diphtheria. Several
predisposing factors will make the diagnosis more likely:
- An unimmunized patient or who has not received the recommended booster
- A history of contact with a diphtheria case;
- a history of recent travel to an endemic region for diphtheria;
- The pre-treatment antitoxin titer is below 0.01 IU/ml.
Differential Diagnosis
 Other pharyngeal diseases: herpes simplex virus, Epstein-Barr virus, adenoviruses,
Vincent’s angina, Candida infection, Ludwig angina, epiglottitis – but, the asymmetric
appearance of the membrane, and involvement of the soft palate and uvula are helpful
diagnostic signs.
 Retropharyngeal and peritonsillar abscesses can resemble diphtheria.
 A foreign body in the larynx, viral laryngitis could cause confusion with laryngeal
Specific treatment must never be delayed for laboratory reports if the clinical picture is
strongly suggestive of diphtheria.
1. The imperative in diphtheria treatment is to administer the antitoxin as soon as possible, as
it is the only mean to neutralize toxin that has not already bound to cells. The mainstay of
therapy is prompt administration of equine diphtheria antitoxin: 20.000- 100.000 IU, i.v.
the test for hypersensitivity consists of administration of one drop of antitoxin diluted 1:10
in one eye.
If the antitoxin is administrated in the first day of illness, the mortality is less than 1%.
2. Antibiotics are used to stop toxin producing in infected patients with clinical disease:
PENICILLIN or ERYTHROMYCIN will eliminate the organism and consequently prevent
further toxin production and its transmission. Patients are expected to be non contagious
within 48h after antibiotic is administered. In a recent study all strains were susceptible to:
erythromycin, penicillin, ampicillin, cephalotin, chloramphenicol, ciprofloxacin,
gentamicin, and tetracycline and to trimethoprim and rifampicin in 97% of strains.
Treatment should continue for 14 days, and elimination of the organism should be confirmed
by three consecutive negative cultures after completion of therapy.
3. Supportive care and maintenance of an airway.

4. Strict bed rest during the acute phase of diphtheria.

Diphtheria was the first bacterial disease for which toxic cause was demonstrated and the first
to be treated successfully with an antitoxin. In 1913 a vaccine was created, composed of
treated diphtheria toxin, called anatoxin, later transformed in diphtheria toxoid. In 1940 a
combined vaccine appeared: DTP (Diphtheria toxoid+ Tetanus toxoid+ Pertussis vaccine).
Active immunization in childhood with diphtheria toxoid yields antitoxin levels that are
generally adequate until adulthood. Levels of antitoxin decline with time; for booster injection
of adults, only Td toxoids are used; these combine a full dose of tetanus toxoid with a tenfold
smaller dose of diphtheria toxoid in order to diminish the likelihood of adverse reactions.
Regular boosters with Td are particularly important for adults who travel to developing
countries, where the incidence of clinical diphtheria may be 1000-fold higher than in
developed countries, where immunization is universal. In the most developing countries,
immunization with diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and pertussis vaccine was introduced by the
late 1970s; in countries with low immunization coverage, diphtheria continues to be endemic.

1. Antibiotic Essentials 2013, Burke A. Cunha (Twelfth edition), Jones & Bartlett
Learning (Botulism, Tetanus, Diphtheria chapter 2, page 170)
2. Manual of Clinical Problems in Infectious Disease 2006, Nelson M. Gantz, Richard B.
Brown, Steven L. Berk, James W. Myers ( Fifth edition), Lippincott Williams &
3. Lecture Notes on Infectious Diseases 2005, B.K. Mandal, E.G.L. Wilkins, E.M.
Dunbar, R.T. Mayon-White ( Sixth edition), Blackwell Publishing (Diphtheria
Chapter 4, page 33
4. Harrison`s Infectious Diseases 2013, Dennis L. Kasper, Anthony S. Fauci ( 2nd
edition) McGraw-Hill Education ( Diphtheria- William R. Bishai, John R. Murphy
chapter 42; Tetanus- C. Louise Thwaites, Lam Minh Yen chapter 44; Botulism-
Jeremy Sobel, Susan Maslanka chapter 45)
5. Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment 2012, Stephen J, McPhee, Maxine A.
Papadakis ( Fifty- first edition), McGraw-Hill Education (Botulism – Michael J.
Aminoff, Geoffrey A. Kerchner chapter 24, page 1006; Botulism, Tetanus- Brian S.
Schwartz chapter 33, page 1390; Diphtheria- - Brian S. Schwartz chapter 33, page
6. Infectious Diseases for Medical Students 2002, Egidia Miftode, Vasile Luca, Editura “
Gr. T. Popa” U.M.F. Iasi Chapter 17. Diphtheria V. Luca, Egidia Miftode;
7. Problema orientalt infektologia 2003 , Kovacs Gabor . Meszner Zsofia . Pasztor
Monika . Szalka Andras, Golden Book Kiado
8. Boli infectioase 2002, Dr. Mircea Chiotan,editia a II-a, Editura National (Difteria
capitolul 20
9. Boli infectioase transmisibile 2007, Augustin Cupsa, Editura Medicala Universitara
Difteria capitol 9, pagina 9.14

Andrea Incze

Influenza is a moderate or severe infectious disease produced by the influenza viruses. It can
affect the upper and lower respiratory tract, it is accompanied by severe systemic symptoms
(fever, myalgia, weakness, headache). It can be endemic, or cause epidemics, pandemics, with
a peak in winter.

Etiologic agent
Influenza viruses belong to the family of Orthomyxoviruses, they are RNA viruses. There are
3 separate types of viruses, A, B and C, classified based on the characteristics of
nucleoprotein (NP) and matrix (M) antigens.
Each type, subtype and strain of influenza virus has similar morphology. The shape of the
virion is either spherical or elongated. The structure of the virus consists of:
- nucleocapside: RNA fragments and a nucleoprotein (NP)
- the matrix protein (M) surrounds the nucleocapsid, and provides the stability of the
- these are surrounded by the envelope, a double-layer lipid structure, covered with
projections on its surface
- the projections consist of 2 glycoproteins:
o hemagglutinin (H) – plays a role in attachment of the virus to receptors of
the host cells
o neuraminidase (N) - plays a role in release of the virus from infected host
- polymerases, other non-structural proteins
Based on the structure of hemagglutinin (H) and neuraminidase (N) antigens influenza A is
further subtyped. There are 16 H subtypes and 9 N subtypes. All of the H subtypes can be
found in avian influenza viruses, however, only H1, 2, and 3 were associated with influenza
epidemics in humans. Regarding the N subtypes, only subtype 1 and 2 were associated with
human epidemics.
Influenza B and C viruses do not have subtype designations, because there are no antigen
variations in case of influenza virus C, and these variations are minor in case of influenza
virus B.
The designation of the influenza virus consists of:
- type of nucleoprotein (A, B or C)
- host of origin (if it is not specified, it means that is human)
- geographic origin
- isolate number
- year of first isolation
- type of H and N

For example: influenza virus A/California/10/1978/H1N2, A/Hiroshima/52/2005/H3N2.
Antigenic variations of influenza virus
Antigenic variations appear especially in the case of influenza virus A. They might occur in
influenza virus B also, but they were not described in influenza virus type C. These variations
can be major or minor. The variations are linked mostly to the surface antigens (H, N),
however, other proteins can be modified also, but without clinical or epidemiologic impact.
Major variations (shift)
In this case the surface antigens (H or N) are completely replaced with new subtypes of
antigens. This happens due to a genetic rearrangement. The gene segment that encodes a
subtype of H or N is completely replaced with another gene segment, which might come from
a virus originating in an animal host (swine or avian influenza virus). The newly formed viral
subtype has no or minor relationship with the former subtype, therefore there is no immunity
against it in the population, and pandemics can occur.
Minor variations (drift)
Minor antigenic changes occur every year or every few years (more frequently than major
variations). These are caused by point mutations of the genes encoding H or N. These
mutations appear sequentially during the interpersonal transmission of the virus. As a result
minor amino-acid changes occur in the structure of the surface antigen (H especially),
however their basic structure remains unmodified. Antibodies formed due to exposition to the
previous strain do not neutralize the new one as effectively as they neutralized the former
strain, therefore epidemics occur.
Due to these antigenic variations it is not possible to elaborate a long-lasting influenza
Influenza virus is destroyed by direct sunlight, ultraviolet light, drought, usual disinfectants.
During the winter the virus reaches high concentrations in aerosols, which contributes to the
appearance of outbreaks.
Amanatadine and rimantadine are antivirals with virostatic effect, whereas the neuraminidase-
inhibitors are active against the A and B types of influenza viruses.

Influenza can be endemic, or it can appear in epidemics, that occur every year or every 2-3
years, and pandemics that occur every 10-15 years.
Sources of infection can be ill people (at the end of incubation and the first 3-4 days of the
disease), asymptomatically infected persons, and animal hosts (swine, horses and birds).
The virus is transmitted via the air, and through direct contact with the secretions of the
patient, or through contaminated objects.
Receptivity is universal, however children, pregnant women the elderly and the
immunosuppressed patients have a higher degree of receptivity.
Immunity is type and subtype specific.
Influenza A virus is the etiologic agent of the most severe outbreaks, due to the H and N
antigenic variations. Antigenic shifts have resulted in pandemics, with many fatal cases of
influenza. In some epidemics influenza B viruses have circulated simultaneously with type A

Influenza epidemics have a rapid onset, reach their peak in 2-3 weeks, last for 2-3 months and
subside abruptly. Influenza epidemics occur during the winter in the temperate zones,
although rarely they can occur during the warm months also. In the tropics they can occur
during the whole year. Rapid transport facilities contribute to the widespread of influenza to
geographic areas that are at a long distance.
The last influenza pandemic started in March 2009, ended in August 2010 (according to
WHO). It was caused by an A/H1N1 virus, which was a recombinant between a North
American swine virus and a Eurasian swine virus. The new virus was antigenically different
from the A/H1N1 viruses that had circulated in the years before 2009, thus vaccines
elaborated against the circulating A/H1N1 strains were not efficient. A new vaccine was
elaborated against the A/California/07/2009/H1N1 virus. This virus was sensitive to the
neuraminidase inhibitors (oseltamivir and zanamivir), but resistant to amantadine and
rimantadine. The clinical illness did not differ from that caused by seasonal influenza A virus.
Severe forms appeared in children, young adults, pregnant women and patients with
Avian influenza is transmitted to humans through direct contact with infected poultry, in case
of poultry outbreaks of influenza. Human to human transmission is possible in case of close,
prolonged unprotected contact, but is very rare. According to CDC reports, since November
2003, 600 sporadic human cases of avian influenza have been noted, with a mortality rate of
Influenza B causes less extensive epidemics than influenza A, and the disease is milder. It
affects communities, such as schools, institutions for elderly, and the army. Reye’s syndrome
was described as the most important complication of B influenza.
Influenza C causes mainly upper respiratory symptoms, it affects rarely the lower respiratory
tract, and there are many asymptomatic infections.

Influenza virus infects the organism through the respiratory epithelium. The ciliated columnar
epithelial cells become infected, and the infection can spread towards the alveolar cells,
macrophages, and mucous gland cells also. This process can be prevented by the action of
secretory IgA, nonspecific nucleoproteins that attach to the virus, and mechanic action of the
mucociliary apparatus.
Neuraminidase (N) reduces the viscosity of the mucosal layer, and uncovers the
hemagglutinin-receptors. The next step is viral-cellular fusion, followed by intracellular
penetration. The virus replicates in the cell within 4-6 hours, the newly formed virions leave
the host cell, and the infected cells are destroyed due to viral replication and apoptosis. The
new virions infect other epithelial cells, thus in a few hours a great number of respiratory
epithelial cells are destroyed, and desquamated. An inflammatory mononuclear infiltrate and
edema appears in the submucosal layer.
Although the systemic symptoms (headache, fever, myalgias) are prominent in influenza, the
virus has rarely been detected in extrapulmonary areas.
The immune response of the host consists of serum antibody production (antibodies against
hemagglutinin seem to be the most important), local secretory IgA antibodies, antigen-
specific and antigen-nonspecific cellular immune response (TCD4+, TCD8+, NK cells),
interferons. In most of the patients viral shedding stops in 2-5 days after the onset of disease,
when the antibody level is still low. Therefore it was supposed that interferon, cell-mediated
immune response and nonspecific inflammatory responses are responsibile for the recovery.

Clinical manifestations
The incubation is short, 3-4 days. The disease starts with severe, abruptly onset general
symptoms: fever with shivering and sweating, discomfort, prostration, arthralgia, myalgias,
and headache. The fever is high, 38-41ºC, lasts 2-3 days, until 1 week. The persistence of
fever above a week is sign of complication.
The respiratory tract symptoms are sore throat, cough, substernal discomfort. Tracheitis,
laryngitis, croup, otitis, sinusitis, conjunctivitis can also occur.
Vomiting, diarrhea, shortness of breath can also be present.
Ocular symptoms are present: burning of the eyes, photophobia, and pain at the movement of
the eyes.
As the general symptoms subside, the respiratory symptoms become more prominent.
Physical findings are minimal: hyperemic face and conjunctivae, dry skin, nasal discharge,
enlarged cervical lymph nodes, wheezes, rhonchi, scattered rales can sometimes be heard on
chest examination.
Dyspnea, hyperpnea, cyanosis, diffuse rales, and pulmonary consolidation are signs of
Patients recover from uncomplicated influenza in a week, however, cough may persist 1-2
weeks. Postinfluenzal asthenia may persist for several weeks.

The elderly, children under 2 years, pregnant women and patients with comorbidities such as
chronic cardiac, renal or pulmonary disorders, hemoglobinopathies, immunosuppression,
diabetes mellitus are prone to have complications.

Pulmonary complications
Pneumonia – can be primary viral pneumonia, secondary bacterial pneumonia, or the mix of
the former two.
Viral pneumonia is characterized by a progressive worsening of influenza, with dyspnea,
cyanosis, hypoxia, bloody sputum, diffuse infiltrates on the chest X-ray, acute respiratory
distress syndrome. There is an important inflammatory reaction, necrosis and hemorrhage at
the level of alveoli.
In secondary bacterial pneumonia fever reappears after an afebrile period, cough, purulent
sputum, signs of consolidation can be found. The etiologic agents can be Streptococcus
pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus, Haemophylus influenzae.
In case of mixed pneumonia the involvement of the lung might be less extensive, compared to
viral pneumonia. The chest examination and X-ray reveals patchy infiltrates or consolidation.
Other pulmonary complications: croup, bronchiolitis (especially in children), worsening of
chronic pulmonary obstructive disease, exacerbation of asthma.
Extrapulmonary complications
Reye’s syndrome, which appears in case of Aspirin administered to children with influenza
(especially B).

Skeletal myositis, rhabdomyolysis, myoglobinuria can appear. It is characterised by severe
myalgias, swelling of the muscles, elevation of serum CPK, aldolase, and rarely renal
Myocarditis is frequent, with a slightly modified ECG. Pericarditis can be present.
Complications of the nervous system: encephalitis, transverse myelitis, Guillain-Barré
syndrome, peripheral neuritis, cranial nerve palsies were noted.
Toxic shock syndrome appeared due to staphylococcal superinfection.
Pregnant women have a double risk of mortality compared to the general population. Fetal
malformations due to influenza virus were described.
Decompensation of the chronic comorbidities during influenza might lead to death.
Complications of avian influenza
Avian influenza conducts to pneumonia in 50% of the cases, diarrhea, CNS (central nervous
system) complications are frequent, multisystem dysfunction, cardiac and renal failure can

During influenza epidemics the appearance of high fever, cough, sore throat, headache,
myalgias, pain of the ocular globes, prostration is correlated with the diagnosis of influenza.
Laboratory diagnosis
Etiologic diagnosis
Detection of influenza virus in throat swabs, nasopharyngeal washes, sputum:
- isolation on tissue culture or chick embryos, detection of neuraminidase by
immunologic or enzymatic methods
- PCR – detection of viral nucleic acid
- determination of the type of virus (A, B, C), and hemagglutinin subtype: with
specific antisera, detection of or neuraminidase activity – rapid tests
Serologic tests: comparison of acute and convalescent antibody titers (during the acute illness
and after 10-14 days) – 4x or greater titers are diagnostic
Nonspecific laboratory tests
- the leucocyte count can be low early in illness, normal or slightly elevated later
- relative lymphopenia can occur in children
- severe leukopenia: in severe viral or bacterial infection
- leukocytosis: in bacterial superinfection
- transaminaze-levels of liver and tissue origin may be elevated
- amylase levels may be raised
- CPK levels may be elevated
- troponin may be raised in myocarditis

Differential diagnosis
Influenza should be differentiated from:

- other viral respiratory infections (produced by rhinovirus, HRSV, adenovirus,
parainfluenzae virus, enterovirus)
- atypical pneumonias (Mycoplasma, Chlamydia, Rickettsia)
- acute febrile diseases in the invasion period (eg. measles, brucellosis, leptospirosis,
- streptococcal pharyngitis
- bacterial penumonia

Etiologic treatment
Neuraminidaze inhibitors:
- Oseltamivir: 2x75 mg/day given orally for 5 days
- Zanamivir: 2x10 mg inhaled for 5 days
Side effects:
- oseltamivir: neuropsychiatric side effects in children, nausea, vomiting
- zanamivir: exacerbates bronchospasm in asthmatic patients
M2 protein inhibitors (membrane ionic channel): Amantadine, rimantadine are no longer used
due to the multiple resistant strains, their use may be reconsidered in case of sensitive strains.
Antibiotics should be used in case of bacterial superinfection.
Pathogenetic and symptomatic therapy:
Antivirals are not needed in the treatment of uncomplicated influenza. These cases are
isolated and treated at home. In this case NSAIDs (with the exception of Aspirin, which might
lead to Reye syndrome) should be used.
Codeine-based therapy can be applied against cough.
Rest and appropriate hydration are important.
In severe cases it is essential to maintain oxygenation, to treat the patient in an intensive care
unit, to provide respiratory and hemodynamic support.

Vaccination with inactivated or live attenuated vaccines can be applied.
Most of the vaccines are inactivated, derived from influenza A and B influenza strains that
circulated during the previous season. They provide 50-80% protection.
The vaccines might have side effects: fever, systemic symptoms, local reaction at the
vaccination site, allergic reaction (in case of egg-sensitivity), Guillain-Barré syndrome
It is recommended to vaccinate the persons, who are elderly, have comorbidities, are
immunosuppressed, and their contacts, healthcare personnel.
Vaccination should be applied in the autumn, before the influenza outbreak, and should be
administered annually.

A live, attenuated vaccine is available, that can be given to the age group 5-49 years, and is
highly protective (92%).
Antivirals can be used as chemoprophylaxis. Oseltamivir and zanamivir can be given at half
of the therapeutic dose, however, amantadin and rimantadin are not recommended, due to
resistance. Chemoprophylaxis is used in unvaccinated persons with high risk for influenza. It
can be used in vaccinated persons also, has an additive effect to the inactivated vaccine, but it
should not be administered closer than 2 weeks after the administration of live attenuated

1. Mandell GL, Bennett JE, Dolin R – Principles and practice of infectious diseases, 6th
Edition, 2005, Elsevier
2. Kasper DL, Fauci A - Harrison’s Infectious diseases, 2010, McGraw Hill Medical
3. Cupsa A – Boli infecţioase transmisibile, 2007, Editura Medicală Universitară Craiova
4. Bannister B, Gillespie S, Jones J – Infection Microbiology and Management 3rd
Edition, 2006, Blackwell Publishing, London

Andrea Incze

Acute viral respiratory illnesses are among the most frequent diseases. Their incidence is 3-6
episodes per person per year, higher in children aged below 6 years (6-8 episodes per year)
than in adults (3-4 episodes per year).
The etiological spectrum of acute viral respiratory illnesses is wide, as they are caused by
more than 200 viruses that have different antigenic structures.
In most of the cases the acute viral respiratory illnesses manifest clinically as upper
respiratory infections, however the lower respiratory tract can also be involved, especially in
young children and the elderly.

According to the etiology
Acute viral respiratory illnesses can be caused by:
- rhinoviruses
- adenoviruses
- parainfluenza viruses
- human respiratory syncitial virus (RSV)
- human metapneumoviruses
- coronaviruses
- enteroviruses
- influenza viruses

According to the clinical syndrome

Acute viral respiratory illnesses can manifest clinically as:
- common cold (acute rhinopharyngitis ± sinusitis, otitis, tracheobronchitis)
- pharyngitis
- laryngitis
- croup (laryngotracheobronchitis)
- tracheitis
- bronchitis
- bronchiolitis
- pneumonia

Rhinovirus infections

Etiologic agent
Rhinoviruses are the etiological agents of about 50% of the common cold cases. They are
RNA viruses and take part of the Picornaviridae family.

Rhinovirus infections are more frequent in lower age groups. Children under the age of 6
introduce the infection into their families, with a subsequent spread of the infection among
family members.
There is a higher seasonal incidence in the autumn and spring in temperate areas.
Rhinoviruses are transmitted through contact with infected secretions, such as infectious
droplets suspended in the air, infected surfaces, hand to hand contact. Close physical contact
is needed in order to transmit the virus.
Studies have demonstrated that lack of sleep, fatigue and exposure to cold do not facilitate the
appearance of illness caused by rhinovirus, but stress might conduct to the disease.
There are multiple serotypes of rhinoviruses that circulate together. Despite the presence of
multiple neutralizing antibodies in adults, further infections can still occur.

Rhinoviruses enter the human organism through the nasal mucosa, which becomes
hyperemic, edematous, with a mucoid discharge. On the second and third day large quantities
of virus are produced at this level.
In 8 hours - 2days after the nasal inoculation clinical symptoms appear. Virus shedding begins
shortly before or together with the onset of symptoms.
Immunity develops after infection, however not in every individual. In case of massive
inoculation infection with the same serotype is possible despite the presence of antibodies.

Clinical manifestations
The symptoms that characterize the common cold are present: rhinorrhea, sneezing, nasal
congestion, sore throat, cough, hoarseness. Systemic symptoms (fever, headache) are mild
and uncommon. The recovery is spontaneous after 4-9 days. Lower respiratory tract might be
affected in children.

- exacerbation of asthma and chronic pulmonary disease
- otitis
- sinusitis
- severe pneumonia in immunosuppressed patients

Etiologic diagnosis cannot be made based on the clinical symptoms.
Laboratory diagnosis:
- isolation of the virus from nasal secretions in tissue culture (it is rarely applied)
- PCR to detect the RNA of rhinovirus (research procedure only)
- detection of serum antibody (it has no diagnostic value due to the many serotypes)

There is no etiologic (antiviral) treatment.
Pathogenic and symptomatic therapy: nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs),
antihistamines, hydration, cough suppressants, nasal decongestants.
Antibiotics are recommended only in case of bacterial superinfection.

Intranasal interferon is efficient, however causes local irritation.
In order to reduce the transmission rate appropriate hand washing, covering coughs and
sneezes with disposable nasal tissues, and environmental decontamination is useful.

Adenovirus infections

Etiologic agent
Adenoviruses are DNA viruses that belong to the genus Mastadenovirus. They can cause
acute respiratory infections and conjunctivitis.

Adenoviruses cause infection especially in childhood, infancy and among the military
recruits. Neonates in most of the cases receive maternal antibodies that provide protection
until the age of 6 months.
The route of transmission is the same as that of rhinoviruses, but adenoviruses can be
transmitted by fecal-oral route or inoculation into the conjunctiva also.
There are many serotypes of adenoviruses. Immunity after infection is serotype-specific, and

Adenoviruses can cause:
a. lytic infection in human epithelial cells that conducts to virus multiplication at high level
and cell death

b. latent, chronic infection in lymphoid cells (for example in the tonsils), with a low level of
virus multiplication and cell death, that can be overcome by cell multiplication
c. oncogenic transformation with the viral DNA integrated in the structure of the cellular
DNA. In this case viral DNA replicates together with the cellular DNA, with no new virion
In respiratory tract infections adenoviruses migrate from the upper towards the lower
segments of the respiratory tract, however they can reach the respiratory tract by the means of
viraemia also. Gastrointestinal infections might be associated to respiratory tract infections. In
this case the virus is swallowed, and can be isolated from the stool.
The immune response is based upon the production of IgA at the level of mucosa and serum

Clinical manifestations
Adenoviruses can cause several types of clinical manifestations, such as:
- pharyngitis (with fever, tonsillar exsudate, enlarged cervical lymph nodes)
- acute upper respiratory tract infection (rhinitis)
- pharyngoconjunctival fever (fever, sore throat, rhinitis, bilateral conjunctivitis,
cervical adenopathy ± diarrhea, otitis) which occurs in outbreaks during the
summer, related to swimming pool usage
- acute laryngotracheitis
- acute bronchiolitis (severe, might be fatal)
- whooping cough syndrome (no evidence of Bordetella pertussis, pertussis-like
cough, leucocytosis with lymphocytosis)
- epidemic keratoconjunctivitis
- hemorrhagic cystitis
- infantile diarrhea
- intussusception in children
- encephalitis, meningoencephalitis
- fatal disseminated infections in immunosuppressed patients and neonates

Adenovirus infection can be suspected based on epidemiological and clinical data.
Laboratory diagnosis:
- cytopathic changes in tissue culture, identification of the virus with
- detection of viral antigen from nasopharyngeal, conjunctival, respiratory
secretions, urine, stool (ELISA, immunofluorescence)
- detection of viral DNA (PCR, nucleic acid hybridization)
- detection of serum antibody rises

There is no etiologic therapy, only symptomatic and pathogenic treatment can be used.

Parenteral vaccines containing live attenuated or inactivated virus were used, but given up
because of the oncogenic character of the virus in animal models. Live attenuated oral
vaccines were used among the military recruits, with no availability of the vaccine in the last
General methods such as current disinfection in hospitals, appropriate disinfection of the
swimming pools, health education can be applied.

Parainfluenza virus infections
Andrea Incze

Etiologic agent
Parainfluenza viruses are RNA viruses that belong to the Paramyxoviridae family.
Parainfluenza infection manifests as croup (serotype 1 and 2), lower respiratory tract infection
(bronchiolitis, pneumonia - serotype 3), or mild respiratory infection (serotype 4).

Parainfluenza viruses type 1 and 2 produce epidemics in the autumn, whereas parainfluenza
virus type 3 is detected throughout the year, with a peak in spring, the seasonality of
parainfluenza virus type 4 has not been well established.
Symptomatic and asymptomatic people are the source of infection. It is transmitted by the
means of infectious droplets in the air, or contaminated hands.
Children are most affected by the infection. Immunity following infection is not long lasting,
and is serotype-specific. Despite the presence of maternal antibodies serotype 3 can produce
infection in neonates.

Parainfluenza virus penetrates the human organism through nasal, oral and pharyngeal
mucosa, it multiplies in the mucosa of the respiratory tract, but viraemia is rarely produced.
The multiplication rate is slower than that of influenza virus. Cell fusion is produced, and
syncitial multinucleate cells appear in the mucosa.
The immune response is based on the local production of IgA, neutralizing antibodies in the
serum, and T-cell mediated immunity.

Clinical manifestations
Parainfluenza viruses produce a wide spectrum of diseases, severe diseases such as croup and
bronchiolitis, and there are asymptomatic infections also:
- common cold (coryza), hoarseness (in older children and adults)
- tracheobronchitis (in adults)
- pneumonia, bronchiolitis (type 3) - It appears in children and manifests with
cough, wheezing, tachypnea, intercostal retractions, with rhonchi, wheezes, coarse
breath sounds.
- croup in children (type 1) – It manifests as severe laryngotracheobronchitis,
requires urgent hopsitalization. It is characterized by fever, barking cough, stridor,
occasionally airway obstruction and hypoxia. Bacterial superinfections worsen the
- mild respiratory disease (type 4)
- severe, prolonged infection (in immunosuppressed patients)
Epidemiologic and clinical data are not sufficient for the diagnosis.

Laboratory diagnosis:
- detection of the virus in tissue cultures (from throat swabs, nasopharyngeal or
respiratory tract secretions) – the virus can be detected through its cytopathic
effect or hemagglutination
- detection of viral antigen in the exfoliated cells of the respiratory tract
(immunofluorescence, ELISA)
- PCR assays
- serologic diagnosis - the antibody level is determined from acute and convalescent

The therapy is symptomatic and pathogenic. Antibiotics are used in case of bacterial
superinfection. Severe cases need hospitalization, in case of acute respiratory distress
epinephrine aerosols, systemic and aerosolized glucocorticoids and humidified oxygen are
given. There is no antiviral therapy, however ribavirin was used in immunosuppressed

There is no vaccine available, general preventive methods should be applied.

Human respiratory syncitial virus infections
Andrea Incze
Etiologic agent
Human respiratory syncitial virus (HRSV) is an RNA virus, and it is part of the
Paramyxoviridae family. It affects children especially, and is the most frequent etiologic agent
of lower respiratory tract infections in infants.

Epidemics are present in the cold season (autumn, winter, spring).
Although newborns receive maternal antibodies, the rate of illness is high in the age group of
1-6 months. All children become infected with HRSV until the age of 2 years.
HRSV is responsible for epidemic outbreaks in day care centers and pediatric hospitals. It
spreads among family members also.
The route of transmission is through contaminated hands or objects, or by large particles of
aerosols. Virus shedding lasts for 2 weeks. Severe diseases and longer periods of viral
shedding characterize the immunosuppressed patients.

Incubation is 2-8 days. The virus penetrates into the human organism through the nasal
mucosa and conjunctiva. HRSV affects the respiratory tract, from the upper to the lower parts.
Despite the presence of maternal antibody or vaccination, severe HRSV infections can occur.
The immunity after infection is short lived and incomplete. After multiple reinfections a
temporary protection appears, and the disease is milder. The musosal IgA, serum antibodies
and cell-mediated immunity have a role in protection.

Clinical manifestations
HRSV causes a wide spectrum of diseases:
- pneumonia
- bronchiolitis
- tracheobronchitis
- common cold (in adults)
The disease has a mild form in the beginning, with low fever, cough, rhinorrhea, wheezing,
followed by recovery. In severe cases tachypnea, dyspnea, hypoxia appears, with wheezing,
rhonchi and rales at the physical examination. Hyperexpansion, infiltrates can be seen on the
chest radiograph.
Severe forms appear in premature infants, in those with congenital heart disease, or in the
immunosuppressed. The elderly can develop severe HRSV pneumonias.

Epidemiologic findings can facilitate the diagnosis (outbreaks of severe respiratory diseases
among infants).

Laboratory diagnosis:
- isolation of the virus in tissue culture from respiratory secretions, identification by
ELISA, immunofluorescence
- detection of viral antigen in respiratory secretions, nasopharyngeal swabs
(immunofluorescence, ELISA)
- serologic tests: comparison of the antibody levels of acute and convalescent sera

Treatment is symptomatic, in case of hypoxia oxygen, hydration, antibronchospastic agents
are given. In severe hypoxia mechanic ventilation is needed.
Aerosolized ribavirin may be efficient in severe diseases in infants.

In premature infants, children with cyanotic heart disease or bronchopulmonary dysplasia
who are younger than 2 years anti-HRSV immunoglobulin can be administered every month.
In pediatric wards protective barriers for the conjunctivae and disposable gloves should be

Human metapneumovirus infections

Andrea Incze
Etiologic agent
Human metapneumovirus (HMPV) is an RNA virus that belongs to the Paramyxoviridae

Infection affects the children at early ages, and they develop antibodies until the age of 5
years. Other age groups, elderly people, and immunosuppressed patients can also be affected.
Two genotypes circulate in parallel.

Clinical manifestations
HMPV affects the upper and lower respiratory tract, croup, bronchiolitis, pneumonia might
develop. In older children and adults the infection can be asymptomatic, or a common cold
might appear. Pneumonia can be present in the elderly. Severe diseases appear in the
immunosuppressed patients.

Laboratory diagnosis:
- tissue cultures from respiratory secretions
- PCR from respiratory secretions
- serologic diagnosis (ELISA)

Treatment is symptomatic and pathogenetic.

There are no specific preventive methods.

Coronavirus infections
Andrea Incze
Etiologic agent
Coronaviruses are RNA viruses that are part of the Coronaviridae family. They have 3
antigenic groups, and infect a wide range of animals. Coronaviruses from serogroups 1 and 2
infect humans also. The coronavirus responsible for the severe acute respiratory syndrome
(SARS-CoV) belongs to serogroup II.
SARS-CoV survives 1-2 days on dry surfaces at room temperature, in pathological products it
can survive for 21 days at low temperatures. It is sensitive to heat and disinfectants.

Human coronavirus infections are ubiquitary, they occur usually in childhood. They produce
the symptoms of common cold, and appear more frequently in the cold months.
In 2002-2003 there was a pandemic due to SARS-CoV. It had animal origins, the natural host
was the horseshoe bat, and the outbreak started in southern China due to human contacts with
infected partially domesticated animals (such as the palm civet).
In contrast with other viruses, after crossing the border between species the virus was
transmitted very efficiently among humans. The virus was transmitted at high rates by persons
with severe disease, whereas those with asymptomatic infections seemed not to transmit it.
Therefore the outbreak could be controlled by correctly applied preventive measures. It
affected more than 8000 people in 28 countries, with a 9.5% fatality rate.
The route of transmission was fecal-oral, respiratory through aerosols, and by the means of

Coronaviruses that cause common cold symptoms infect the epithelial cells of the
nasopharynx, replicate there, with subsequent local inflammatory response.
SARS-CoV penetrates the cells of the respiratory tract, with subsequent systemic infection. It
was detected in the stool, blood, urine, kidneys, CSF. The viral load increases progressively
until the 10th day of the illness, after that it decreases in parallel with the appearance of
antibodies. Despite of the decrease of viral load the symptoms can still worsen in this period.
This might suggest an immunpathologic mechanism of the lesions in the lung.
Hyaline membranes are formed in the alveoli, with descuamation of the pneumocytes, and
there is a mononuclear interstitial infiltrate. Giant cells are also present.
In the patient’s sera elevated levels of inflammatory cytokines and chemokines were detected.
Necrosis of the white pulp of the spleen and generalized arteritis of the small vessels were

Clinical manifestations
The incubation period is 2-7 days, can be prolonged until 20 days. The symptoms are
nonspecific in the beginning: fever, myalgia, headache, malaise. The chest x-ray shows
peripheral and inferior interstitial infiltrates. After a short, transient recovery fever reappears
with dry cough and dyspnea, and in 25% of patients diarrhea develops. The radiological
findings evolve to bilateral multifocal infiltrates. The symptoms can progress towards adult

respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and multiorgan dysfunction. Illness is severe in the
elderly, patients with chronic diseases, pregnant women, however it is less severe in children.
Non-SARS coronaviruses produce common cold, in military recruits lower respiratory tract
disease, pneumonia in infants.

Epidemiological data: contact with confirmed or suspect cases of SARS in the last10 days
before the onset of symptoms, travel history in the affected geographic regions.
Clinical data: the presence of fever, chills, myalgias, headache, malaise, dyspnea, acute
respiratory distress.
Laboratory findings in SARS:
- leucopenia, CD4+, CD3+, CD8+lymphopenia, thrombocytopenia
- elevated LDH, CPK, AST levels
- isolation of the virus on cell cultures (from respiratory secretion, urine, stool,
- RT-PCR (from respiratory secretions and blood in the early phases, from stool and
urine in the later phases of illness)
- serum antibody detection (ELISA, immunofluorescence)
The detection of non-SARS coronaviruses is rarely necessary, antigen detection in clinical
samples (ELISA, immunfluorescence), and RT-PCR can be used.

Ribavirin and high dose of glucocorticoids were used to treat SARS, but their efficacy has not
been proven.
Patients have to be isolated until 10 days have passed after the decrease of fever and
improvement of respiratory symptoms. General supportive care, symptomatic, pathogenetic
therapy must be applied. Oxygen administration or mechanic ventilation might be necessary.
Antibiotics are given in case of bacterial superinfection.

There is no vaccine against SARS-CoV. The preventive measures are: the establishment of
case definitions, travel advisories, quarantines. Health care workers who get into contact with
SARS patients have to wear disposable gloves, gowns, protective barriers for the eyes,
filtering face masks.

1. Mandell GL, Bennett JE, Dolin R – Principles and practice of infectious diseases, 6th
Edition, 2005, Elsevier
2. Kasper DL, Fauci A - Harrison’s Infectious diseases, 2010, McGraw Hill Medical
3. Cupsa A – Boli infecţioase transmisibile, 2007, Editura Medicală Universitară Craiova

Chapter 3

Central nervous system infections

Brîndușa Țilea, Anca Meda Georgescu

Acute meningitis
Meningitis is the most common and important infection of the central nervous system (CNS)
being a severe disease with high mortality, requiring urgent diagnosis and immediate

Theoretically, any agent can affect the leptomeninges, causing meningitis. But meningitis is a
rare disease occuring whenever infectious agents with specific pathogenic qualities meet
vulnerable organisms most likely due to favorable factors: immunological, age-related or
external conditions. Infectious agents that can cause meningitis are listed in Table I. The most
common meningitis is the viral one caused by enteroviruses (80%) and of the bacterial ones
the most frequent are produced by pneumococcus, meningococcus, Haemophylus influenzae
(20%). Other etiologies are less frequent (Table II), depending on predisposing factors (Table

Herpes simplex type 1, 2

DNA viruses: Herpes viruses
Polio, ECHO, Coxsackie and
Togaviruses: rubella
Myxoviruses: mumps, measles,
RNA viruses Enteroviruses influenza and parainfluenza
Arenaviruses: Armstrong virus
Rhabdoviruses: rabies
Retroviruses: HIV
Gram positive cocci pneumoniae
Staphylococcus aureus
Bacteria Gram-negative cocci Neisseria meningitis
Lyster monocytogenes, B.
Gram positive bacilli
Gram negative bacilli Haemophilus influenzae,

Borrelia, Treponema,
Cryptococcus neoformans,
Toxoplasma gondii,
Plasmodium falciparum
Chlamydia Chl. psittaci
Mycoplasma M. pneumoniae
Rickettsia Various species
Cysticercus cellulosae,
Metazoans Angiostrongylus
Table I - Agents involved in the etiology of infectious meningitis

Gram negative bacteria (60%)

New born and <2 months Sterptococi group B
Lysteria monocytogenes
Haemophylus influenzae (35-70%)
Children 2 months - 15 years Neisseria meningitis (30-40%)
Streptococcus pneumoniae (10-20%)
Streptococcus pneumoniae (30-50%)
Adults Neisseria meningitidis (10-30%)
Staphylococcus aureus (5-15%)
Streptococcus pneumoniae (48%)
Elderly Lysteria monocytogenes
Gram negative bacilli
Table II - Etiology of meningitis by age

Congenital defects Staphylococcus aureus,

Anatomical defects
(spina bifida, epidermidis
meningomyelocele, Gram negative bacilli
congenital fistulas)
Acquired defects pneumoniae
(posttraumatic, Haemophylus influenzae
Neisseria meningitidis
Staphylococcus aureus,
Meningeal skin fistula
ENT infection (otitis, sinusitis, Haemophylus influenzae
Staphylococcus aureus
Group B Streptococcus
Maternal genital infection Listeria monocytogenes
Herpes simplex 2
Staphylococcus aureus,
Localized infection ii neighborhood
(epidural abscess, subdural) Gram negative
Anaerobes bacteria
Table III - The etiology of meningitis according to contributory factors

Streptococcus pneumoniae
Humoral immune deficiency (multiple
Haemophylus influenzae
myeloma, leukemia)
Neisseria meningitidis
Listeria monocytogenes
Cellular immune deficiency (lymphoma,
Mycobacterium tuberculosis (or atypical)
AIDS, corticosteroids)
Cryptococcus neoformans
Deficiency of complement (C 5-C 9) Neisseria meningitidis
Asplenia Streptococcus pneumoniae
Chronic alcoholism, cirrhosis Streptococcus pneumoniae
Gram-negative bacilli, pathogenic
staphylococci, pneumococci
Table IV - The etiology of meningitis based on immune status


Meningitis is a sporadical illness which can be community based. Meningococcal meningitis
is endemic in Saharian Africa.
The infectious source is usually the ill person.
Mode of transmission: air borne (meningococcus), digestive path (enteroviruses),
mucocutaneous (leptospirosis, herpes simplex).
Responsiveness deponds on age, immune system, predisposing factors.
Immunity is weak or absent due to the scarcity of antibodies in the subarachnoid cavity, some
meningitis is recurrent as the pneumococcal one due to the persistance of predisposing factors

A. Pathogeny of bacterial meningitis.
Germs invade the subarachniod cavity after breaking several barriers:
1. the anatomical barrier: mucous membranes, self defense mechanisms, gateway.
2. the immunological barrier: non-specific defense reaction (phagocytosis, complement) and
specific humoral and celular immunity.
3. the blood-brain barrier (BBB) that is partially impaired by citokynes release (Il-1 beta,
TNF alpha), lipopolysaccharides or other components of the bacterial cell wall. To
overcome these barriers bacteria must possess virulence traits of their own, the most
important being: the presence of the capsule (having an anti phagocytic role), fimbriae
(performing adhesion), etc. Once inside the subarachnoid cavity, germs survive due to
favorable local conditions: low complement and immunoglobulins, ineffective leucocytes
because of low opsonizationoccurance of inflammation in the subarachnoid cavity lesions
in nerve cells.

Routes of infecting the leptomeninges:

The hematogenic route: arterial, venous
The lymph route: lymph surrounding the olfactory threads that cross the lamina cribrosa of the
ethmoid bone or related neighboring cavities.
The direct route: iatrogenic (post lumbar puncture, neurosurgery), traumatic, brain abscess
(fistulizing into the subarachnoid cavity), osteomyelitis through local extension.

B. Pathogenesis of viral meningitis

Viruses get into the subarachnoid cavity after overcoming the same obstacles, the routes of
entry of infectious agents:
 Hematogenous route (viremia)
 Nervous path: olfactory nerve (herpes simplex), peripheral nerves (rabies virus, polio)

Clinical manifestations:
Meningitis being the infection of leptomeninges, is commonly associated with the following
 infectious syndrome
 meningean syndrome
 intracranial hypertension syndrome
 encephalitic syndrome
Infectious syndrome includes signs such as fever, chills, myalgia, malaise, high fever and
relative bradycardia with a possible diphasic evolution.
The meningean syndrome is based on symptoms whose intensity are related in part to the
degree of ICH: headache (continuous, violent, accompanied by rachialgia), jet vomiting,
photophobia, and physical signs: cutaneous hyperesthesia, vasomotor disorders, signs of
menigean irritation.
Signs of meningean irritation specific to the disease are caused by the inflammation of the
meninges that surround the spinal nerve roots. In meningitis rachialgia is so intense that the
patient takes antalgic positions,"gun cock" position, head is in extension and knees are flexed
(lateral decubitus) and sitting in "tripod position" (lying on the bed with his hands behind the
Signs of muscle contraction are:
 stiff neck: the examiner trying to make passive flexion of the head on the trunk,
limitation or incapacity is noticed.
 Kerning sign is performed with the patient lying down
Kerning one positive: when the trunk is lifted in sitting position knee flexion occurs
2 positive Kerning: when trying to lift the limbs on the vertical plane of the bed
flexion of legs on the thighs.
 Brudzinski sign is performed with the patient lying down
Bruzinski 1: the lower limbs in extension, forced passive flexion of the head leads to
flexion of legs on thighs
Brudzinski 2: the lower limbs in extension,triple flexion of the leg produces a similar
response in the contralateral limb
 Intracranial hypertension syndrome
ICP is the result of constant equilibrium established between the volume of cerebral blood
volume, the volume of nerve mass and the volume of CSF. The increase in volume of one of
the components mentioned leads to ICH syndrome with pathophysiological consequences
such as cerebral ischemia and cerebral herniation.
ICH clinical symptoms:
headache, exacerbated by standing or head movements
vomiting jet, drowsiness, bradycardia, disturbances of consciousness, seizures.
ICH meningitis syndrome is based on:
 Increase in volume of CSF due to inflammatory component
 Multiple pathogenesis of cerebral edema: cytotoxic, vasogenic, interstitial

 vascular homeostasis disorder: arterial vasodilation, stasis
 obstruction of CSF circulation: the case of clogging.
ICH syndrome accompanies meningitis and it can be objectively detected in advanced forms
by fundus examination by papillary edema and stasis. The presence of the latter warns against
spinal puncture because of the risk of brain substance migration.
Encephalitic syndrome
Manifestations of encephalitic syndrome include loss of consciousness, coma, seizures,
psychiatric symptoms (hallucinations, agitation, crying,) pyramidal syndromes,
extrapyramidal, sensory motor deficits, abnormal reflexes.

Clinical Forms
A. newborn and infant meningites
Meningitis symptoms in the newborn presents less characteristic symptoms and serious
complications. The onset is insidious, the infectious syndrome is reduced, signs meningeal
signs are absent, replaced with: generalized hypotonia, marked hyperesthesia, agitation,
unwillingness to be breastfed, uncessant crying, vasomotor disorders, bulging fontanelle
outside periods of crying. Encephalitic syndrome is emphasized: impaired consciousness,
capping eyes, encephalitic cry, seizures, coma. Sometimes the clinical signs can be
misleading with predominant digestive symptoms: vomiting, diarrhea, respiratory distress
(cyanosis, apnea).
B. meningitis in the elderly
They also show peculiarities by decreased inflammatory responsiveness, meningean
syndrome may be absent. Sensor disorders may occur with greater frequency without actual
encephalitis involvement, coma is quick and neurological complications are common.
C. meningitis in immunocompromisedpatients raises the same issues as above, the
common element being the lack of defense against infection.
According to the intensity of the inflammatory syndrome the following forms were described:
 exacerbated forms – usually bacterial meningitis associated with infectious and toxic
syndrome with high mortality rate due to the encephalitis component and lesions of
the vital organs (eg meningococcemia with purpura fulminans Waterhouse-
Friderichsen syndrome)
 acute forms, classical ones – violent onset while the health status seems perfect
apparently, infectious and meningean syndrome
 attenuated forms - often of viral etyology, the infectious syndrome is modest and signs
of meningeal irritation are absent or discrete. Diagnosis is validated by lumbar
 subtle forms - may go undiagnosed, being spontaneous and having rapid remission,
usually of viral etiology.

Diagnosis of meningitis constitutes a major clinical emergency, subject to starting
immediately the etiological therapy. Positive diagnosis has two major objectives:
 diagnosis of the disease (recognition of meningitis itself).

 etiologic diagnosis (identification of the causative agent).
Diagnosis of meningitis as such shall be based on clinical data (presence of infectious
syndrome of HIC, meningeal signs of brain damage) and laboratory confirmation of
meningitis by examination of CSF obtained by spinal puncture:
a. examination begins right from puncture by assessing the appearance of CSF and pressure of
elimination. The jet flow of CSF points to high pressure of CSF, confirming the suspicion of
meningitis. Normal aspect or hipotension do not invalidate the diagnosis of meningitis.
b. Laboratory examination of CSF consists of:
 qualitative assessment proteinorachia by Pandy reaction (usually negative) any
increase of proteinorachia is expressed by turbidity of the reactive substance in contact
with a drop of CSF;
 existing cell count in CSF (pleocytosis). Any increase above 5/mm indicates an
inflammation. The number of these cells can be indicative in diagnosis:
- between 10-1500 elements - viral etiology, fungal, leptospirosis etc..
- between 200-400 items - specific etiology (TB) or protozoal
- thousands or tens of thousands - bacterial etiology
 identification of elements by examining smears made from the sediment obtained by
centrifuging the CSF out of which usual staining (Gram, methyl blue), special staining
(Ziehl Nielsen, China ink), cytological staining (Giemsa), fluorescent staining
(acridine orange, special microscope is needed) are performed. Mononuclear
predominance characterises viral meningitis and leptospirosis, while the
predominance of polynuclear neutrophils is specific to bacterial meningitis – table III
 cultures performed at the patient’s bedside or in the laboratory under sterile conditions
on blood agar, Chocolat, Mueller-Hinton, Loewenstein, Sabouraud
 immunological examination is designed to detect bacterial antigens in CSF: counter-
current immuneelecxtrophoresis (CIE), latex agglutination test, ELISA technique,
immunofluorescent techniques, the detection of specific DNA sequences in CSF by
means of gene amplification (PCR)
 virological exam: performed in virology laboratories, aiming to isolate and identify the
virus in CSF
 Biochemical CSF: spinal fluid protein/glucose/chlorine/lactic acid concentration –
table III.
Other laboratory tests in meningitis: lung X-ray examination, ENT examination, CT scan,
MRI, EEG route. A special mention should be blood culture which is mandatory in patients
with bacterial or fungal meningitis.

Meningitis CSF Biochemical
Cytology Bacteriological
type appearance Proteins Glucose Chloride
Normal <3-5 elem / mm ½ Approx.
Clear Sterile <45mg%
CSF 3 glucose 700mg%
Thousands, tens Germ smear Much
Bacterial Much Normal
Cloudy of thousands> increased +
Meningitis Positive cultures decreased or low
80% PMN ++
200-600 elem /
Clear, mm 3 small and Positive stain Much
TB xantochrome medium-sized Ziehl-Nielsen Much
increased +
Meningitis decreased
mononuclear Löwenstein + +++ Low
800 - 2-3000
Viral Clear, elem / mm 3 N or
Negative increased + N
meningitis opalescent polymorphic higher
Fungi Giemsa stain
Hundreds elem /
Fungal and China ink Raised + + Slightly
Clear mm 3 most N
Meningitis positive cultures + decreased
Table III - Characteristics of the main types of meningitis CSF

Differential Diagnosis
Before the spinal tap/lumbar puncture the differentiation will be performed on the basis of
intracranial expansive processes (abscesses, tumors), which may cause high fever but
generally it evolves slowly with focal neurological signs and intracranial pressure (IP).
After lumbar puncture differential diagnosis is made with:
 meningismus - meningean syndrome moderately or intensely present, CSF is
eliminated with high pressure without showing inflammatory changes. It can occur in
acute infectious diseases, especially in children (viruses, angina, sinusitis, ear
infections, sun stroke, etc..)
 meningeal reaction - slight inflammatory reaction with early changes of CSF (10-100
lymph / mm3). May occur in many acute infectious diseases.
 Intracerebral hemorrhage,subarachnoid
 insolation (sun-stroke)
 cerebral thrombophlebitis
 Other causes of cerebral edema (iatrogenic, toxic)
 Post-puncture syndrome

The most common complications occurring in bacterial and fungal meningitis are correlated
with age, germ virulence, immune system conditions, related diseases, early onset and correct
Early complications:
 septic shock
 seizures
 cerebral vasculitis
 purulent exudate
 hydrocephalus
 brain abscess
 cranial nerve injury (III, VI, VII, VIII)
Late complications:
 memory impairment, concentration
 mental retardation
 motor deficit
 deafness, blindness
 water on the brain
 epilepsy

A correct treatment in acute meningitis requires the following:
 early diagnosis and etiology of disease
 possibility to verify in vitro the germ’s sensitivity
 antibiotics that penetrate the blood-brain barrier
 possibility to monitor antibiotic levels in CSF for an efficient antibacterial titer at this
 monitoring the effectiveness of therapy
 etiological therapy is associated with the control or pathogenetic correction of
inflammation, cerebral edema, or other manifestations of imbalance (infectious shock,
DIC) and the symptomatic ones as well.

Meningococcal disease
(Epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis)
Meningococcal disease is a major clinical manifestation of infection with Neisseria
meningitidis, which can take the following forms fulminant meningococcemia (purpura
fulminans), nasopharyngitis and healthy carrier of meningococ.

Neisseria meningitidis (meningococcus) is a Gram negative diplococci, aerobes, 0.6 to 1
micron with typical alignment (the "beans" that fit the concave side) of different sizes and
extracellular location, but frequently intracellular, belongs to the Neisseria type of
Neisseriaceae family. Meningococcus is a pretentious germ, he develops only on blood
cultures (Socol agar, serum agar). The medium used universally is Mueller-Hinton.
Meningitis is extremely fragile in external environment being destroyed rapidly by cold, heat,
dryness. The optimum temperature for growth is 36-37 ° C. To obtain the culture it is
necessary that from the sampling point to the thermostat, the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF, and so
on) to be transported at 37°C.

After the antigen 12 serogroups structures have been identified A, B, C, E, H, I, K, L, X, Y, Z
and W-135. Identification is made with specific antisera. The most common meningococcal
disease is caused by the serotypes A, B, C and Y. In Africa and Europe the epidemic type is
represented by meningococci of group A, while groups B and C produce epidemics elsewhere
sporadically, meningococii of other groups are less virulent and of lesser importance.
Meningococii contain strong endotoxin (lipopolysaccharide) with pathogenic role in
meningococcal purpura and other clinical manifestations.

Meningococcal infection is spread across the globe. Infections occur sporadically throughout
the year, but with a higher incidence in winter and spring.
The source of infection is only the human being: meningococci carriers and patients with
meningococcal nasopharyngitis disease.
Transmission is by direct contact through infected Pflugge droplets or indirectly through
recently contaminated objects.
Contagiousness is high, but virulence is generally weak and variable, which explains the low
number of disease compared with those infected.
Susceptability to infection is general, maximum at children decreasing with age.
Immunity. Based on studies it is known that there is a group meningococcal immunity
expressed by serum bactericidal activity and the presence of agglutinins and complement
fixers antibodies. Immunity is achieved through group polysaccharide antigen vaccines.

The gate for meningitis is nasopharynx and respiratory mucosa. An inapparent infection
usually follows or meningococcal nasopharyngitis. Overcoming the body's defense may result
in bacteremia, possibly followed by dissemination of meningococci in the form of metastases
in different organs and tissues: skin, meninges, joints, endocard, lung. Serum bactericidal
activity against meningococci belong to IgM fraction and this fraction deficit favors
dissemination. Thus meningococcal septicemia is produced; injuries that occur are
predominantly vascular wall lesion with vascular necrosis and thrombosis, resulting large
petechiae and hemorrhagic areas. The most severe form is fulminant meningococcemia with
Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome in which there is bleeding into the adrenal glands and

death occurs in 24 hours. In most cases of Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome microthrombi
have been found in large numbers, particularly in the kidney, liver, lung, choroid plexus.
Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) is today considered a major pathogenic factor
in producing rapid death in meningococcemia. The syndrome can be detected by indentifying
the following: thrombocytopenia (20.000-30.000/mm3), increased prothrombin time (over 15
seconds). A consumptive coagulopathy with significant deficiency of coagulation factors (V,
VII, VIII and X) is noted. Intravascular microtrombi are formed causing difficulties in
microcirculation and a generalized bleeding diathesis.
Responsible for producing Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome is meningitis endotoxin.
Against meningococcal antigen sensitization phenomena may occur as fever, arthritis and
vasculitis with exanthematic aspect.
Complement is an important component of resistance against meningococcal illness. A
decrease in complement function is noted in the forms of invasive infection. Genetic
deficiencies of complement C3, C5, C7, C8 favor recurrent meningococcal meningitis.
Another contributing factor is gender, the disease being more common in males.

Clinical manifestations
Clinical manifestations of meningococcal infection are varied. The disease can occur in the
following forms: pharyngitis, sepsis or meningitis.
Meningococcal nasopharyngitis is the most common manifestation of meningococcal
infection, bacteriological exam contributes to identify the etiology by isolating meningococci.
They have a considerable epidemiological importance.
Meningococcal sepsis (meningococcemia). In its acute state it usually presents itself as the
worst option being extremely virulent, although chronic forms may exist as well.
Acute meningococcemia. Onset is sudden with fever, chills, myalgia, arthralgia. The patient
becomes apathetic, hallucinating or becomes comatose. The skin develops a rash with dark
red spots as closed, bleeding, unevenly distributed. In severe cases with vascular thrombosis
the aspect is that of necrotic appearance or gangrene of the skin. Meningococii can be isolated
by culture from eruptive elements. The patient presents arthralgia or suppurative arthritis,
herpes labialis, splenomegaly.
In 20-30% of cases, these clinical manifestations are identified as meningoencephalitis.
Sudden onset of Meningococcemia. Onset is brutal with bacterial shock, massive purpura
wide spread bleeding. The patient may be febrile or hypothermic, in shock, with pallor,
cyanosis, tachycardia, hypotension, dizziness, agitation, coma. DIC is present most often
manifested by large gastrointestinal and cutaneous areas of bleeding. Death can occur quickly
within a few hours.
Chronicmeningococcemia. Rare for meningococcemia evidenced by repeated fevers, chills,
arthralgia, headache, petechiae and purpura on the skin nodules. The clinical picture may
suggest vasculitis or collagen.
Meningococcal disease. Incubation: 2-5 days.
Onset: sudden, with chills, high fever, headache, nausea, vomiting, convulsions, coma.
The patient’s condition. The patient presents the picture of an acute meningitis: persistent
fever, headache, delirium, agitation, cutaneous hyperesthesia, photophobia, drowsiness,
stupor. The position of the patient is usually in the "cock of the rifle" patient showing signs of
muscle stiffness (stiffness of neck, Kerning signs, positive Brudzinski). Frequently there is an
oral or peribucal expanded herpes. Children have a characteristic cry ("encephalitic cry"),

frequent seizures, bulging fontanelle. CSF is high, turbid, purulent, containing hundreds or
thousands of cells / mm3, most neutrophils and intra-and extracellular meningococci identified
on smears (blue methylene, Gram). Neutrophilic leukocytosis are found in blood.

Clinical Forms
 attenuated form
 the acute common form
 the chronic form
 the sudden Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome.

Other meningococcal clinical manifestations

 pneumonia
 pericarditis
 Arthritis
 endocarditis
 conjunctivitis.

Blockage of CSF circulation through blockage of communication spaces between the
subarachnoid space and ventricles or intraventricular blockage leading to internal
hydrocephalus, cerebral cortex atrophy, psychiatric sequelae.
Impairment of cranial nerves may be followed by important sequelae.
Deafness after meningitis varies between 3-5% and it can be acute or permanent.
Strabismus (lesion pair of cranial nerves III).
Blindness (optic neuritis).
Psychiatric Sequelae persistent headache, depression, memory impairment, etc..

Positive diagnosis is based on clinical data (acute meningitis, petechial exanthema, arthralgia,
herpes labialis), plus epidemiological data. Diagnosis indicated by laboratory data: CSF
examination (cytology, bacteriology, smears, culture, latex agglutination tests,
Differential diagnosis: purulent meningitis of other etiologies, otogenic, with clear CSF,
subarachnoid hemorrhage, meningism, meningeal reaction, brain tumors, cerebral abscess.
Meningococcal rash should be distinguished from Henoch-Schönlein, various vasculitis
septicemia, endocarditis, AAR, etc..

The prognosis depends on the clinical form of meningococcal meningitis (meningococcal
serogroup) and the precocity of diagnosis and treatment. The prognosis remains serious for
the sudden debut, Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome. "Meningococcemia kills faster than
any other infectious disease."

Treatment should be initiated very urgently, therapeutic success depends on the accuracy and
the early diagnosis. The patient should be isolated in a department of infectious diseases and
intensive care.
Penicillin G is the antibiotic of choice in meningococcal infection. The dose of penicillin is
100000-200000 MU / kg / day iv for a period of 10-14 days.
Ampicillin has similar results in doses of 150-200 mg / kg bw / day iv.
Chloramphenicol site (50-100 mg / kg / day iv) or Cotrimoxazole is used generally for those
with allergies.
Ceftriaxone at a dose of 100 mg / kg body weight / day in the case of penicillin-resistant
Pathogenetic therapy is carried out with anti-inflammatory steroids, hydrocortisone
hemisuccinate (5 mg / kg / day iv), dexamethasone (0,1 - 0,3 mg / kg / day iv), solumedrol
and depletion (mannitol, furosemide).
Symptomatic treatment: antipyretics, analgesics, vitamins.

Meningococcal disease is part of the list of contagious diseases with compulsory admission.
For family contacts and close contacts chemoprophylaxis with one of the following
antibacterial substances is recommended:
Rifampicin 600 mg / day in adults, 5 days
Spiramycin, 2g/day in adults, 50 mg / kg / day in children, 5 days
sulfonamides only if there is clear evidence of sensitivity of meningococci to this class
Specific prophylaxis. Lately we obtained effective vaccines against group A,C meningococcal
infection, which is administered in a single dose subcutaneously or intradermally.

Pneumococcal Meningitis

Pneumococcal meningitis is a type of meningitis with the extremely severe evolution due to
Streptococcus pneumoniae. It can be primary (in this case nasopharyngeal entry gate ) or
secondary to pneumococcal outbreaks or parameningeal (ORL). Patients with splenectomy,
head trauma, chronic diseases (cirrhosis, diabetes), fistulas with subarachnoid
communication, the elderly are especially susceptible.
The onset is usually sudden with an infectious syndrome, intracranial hypertension
phenomena, brain damage and rapidly evolving to coma, seizures, focal neurological signs.

Diagnosis is supported by CSF examination, Gram positive cocci in diplo are detected,
lanceolated, coated, extracellular and positive cultures as well. Pneumococcus can be
identified in blood cultures.
The evolution of the disease is severe, since there are frequent relapses because of uncared for
fistula. The most common complications are hydrocephalus, subdural empyema, vasculitis.
The death rate, despite treatment, is 30% especially in the elderly.
Treatment is primarily etiologic because of additional issues such as:
 Deposits of fibrin in early stages which leads to decreased access of antibiotics and of
active concentrations below the necessary bactericidal level;
 the risk of resistance to penicillin; a percentage of 30-40% of cases of pneumococcal
resistance to this antibiotic have been reported lately.
Treatment usually combines two substances prior to antibiogram:
 Penicillin G at a dose of 150000-200000 IU / kg / day in children and in adults
200000 U - 300000 IU / kg / day administered iv at 6-8 hour intervals;
 Chloramphenicol hemisuccinate iv at a dose of 50 mg / kg / day iv (not to exceed the
dosage of 3 g / day in adults or 50 mg / kg in children);
 Ceftriaxone at a dose of 2-4 g / day iv in adults, 100 mg / kg bw / day in children;
 Cefotaxime at a dose of 6-8 g / day iv for adults and 100 mg / kg / day for children;
 Meropenem at a dose of 30-40 mg / kg iv, in 8 hours in special cases where there is
evidence of a resistant strain.
Antibacterial treatment duration is at least 10 days, preferably 14 days depending on the
clinical, biological constants and changes in CSF.
Pathogenetic treatment is performed by administering anti-inflammatory steroids:
hydrocortisone hemisuccinate, dexamethasone, solumedrol.
Depletion therapy is oral mannitol, furosemide.
Symptomatic treatment: anti-pyretic, analgesic and neuroroborant.

In addition to the prevention of pneumococcal infection particular attention is given to cases
of patients with high risk due to favorable conditions. In patients with relapses of chronic
diseases splenectomised vaccination with polyvalent (Pneumovax) is recommended because it
includes 23 of the most common and pathogenic serotypes.

Haemophilus influenzae meningitis

It is characteristic of children under 2 years most frequently of type B (90%).
Haemophilus influenzae is a Gram-negative coccobacillus, aerobes, non-sporing.
Besides meningitis the germ may cause epiglottitis, pneumonia, septic arthritis and various
cellulite as well.
Diagnosis is based on historical data supported by clinical and CSF examination where small
pleomorphic Gram negative cocobacilli have been detected as well as positive cultures.

A reconsideration of the etiologic treatment has been necessary in recent years triggered by
strains resistant to Ampicillin and Chloramphenicol in 30-40% of cases. Prior to antibiogram
in case of suspicion it is recommended to begin treatment with one of the following third-
generation cephalosporin: Ceftriaxone (100 mg / kg / day iv) Ceftazidime, Cefotaxime,
Ampicillin (100 - 200 mg / kg / day iv) Amoxicillin. Added to these the cortisone, depleted,
symptomatic therapy is recommended as well. Antibacterial treatment duration is 14 days.

A vaccine (antihaemophilus influenzae type B) is currently available on the market, with
parenteral administration and satisfactory immunogenicity. Unfortunately immune reaction is
estimated to be effective only for children over the age of 1.5 years.
Nonspecific measures target children's communities by avoiding access of pharyngeal
carriers, especially in care units with chronic illness or immunological deficiencies.

Listeria monocytogenes meningitis

Listeria monocytogenes is a coccobacillus, pleomorphic Gram-positive rods having a
diameter of 0.5 - 1.5 micron non-sporing, aerobes and facultative anaerobes.
Having O and H antigens it differs from most serotypes, the most frequent being types I and
IV. No exotoxins are secreted, but an endotoxin with necrotizing action is produced.

It is spread across the globe.
The source of infection is of animal origin, the cocobacillus being isolated from 44 species of
animals, birds and shellfish.
Man is infected by eating or contact with sick animals or inhalation of contaminated dust.
The real incidence of the disease in humans is unknown because of the large number of
unapparent infections. The most frequent infection period is summer. It generally affects
immunosuppressed persons.
Positive diagnosis is established on the basis of epidemiological, clinical data and
confirmation is possible by isolating the germ of CSF from blood cultures, throat swabs,
conjunctival secretions.
Identification of isolated germ is carried out by immunofluorescence, ELISA technique.

Moncytogenes Listeria generally responds to Ampicillin, Cotrimoxazole, Chloramphenicol. It
is usually resistant to cephalosporins and polimyxin. In such cases bi-therapy with Ampicillin
and Cotrimoxazole is recommended as well as anti-inflammatory steroids, depleted,
symptomatic therapy.

Staphylococcal meningitis
It is a particularly severe form of meningitis in adults, elderly, newborn.

Staphylococci (staphs) are Gram-positive cocci, aerobes, immobile, non-sporing that are
arranged charactheristically in "piles", "bunches", both in pathological products and in solid
Staphylococcus species is divided into: Staphylococcus aureus, epidermidis and
saprophyticus. From a clinical point of view the pathogenetic classification is more important
since it creates two categories:
Staphylococci coagulase producers (highly pathogenic);
Coagulase-negative staphylococci (except pathogens: S. epidermidis, S. saprofiticus).
Positive diagnosis requires clinical examination of an array of staphylococcal sepsis or by
identifying a vulnerable entry gate. Bacteriological laboratory confirmation is given by
viewing staph in CSF and especially the cultivation of CSF, blood or metastatic foci.

Etiologic treatment requires staphylococcal antibiotics in combination: Oxacillin (100 - 200
mg / kg / day iv) with Rifampicin or Nafcillin, third generation cephalosporins and
Ciprofloxacin (400-600 mg / day iv) or Cotrimoxazole and in the case of plurirezistent germ
Meropenem will be used (30-40 mg / kg / day to 8 hours) with Vancomycin (10-30 mg / kg /
day iv every 12 hours). Duration of treatment is at least 14 days, depending on the clinical and
biological progress.
Pathogenetic therapy, anti-inflammatory steroid treatment, depleting drugs (Mannitol 20%,
Furosemide) should be administered as early as possible. In cases of early heparinisation DIC
is recommended.

It requires basic personal hygiene measures, proper care of staphylococcal lesions especially
those at risk of "malignant staphylococcal face."
Meningitis caused by Leptospira
Leptospirosis is an infection of organism with pathogenic leptospire that evolves diphasic
initially with systemic manifestations, and in the second phase with visceral locations,
including meningitis. No significant changes of CSF are noted (hundreds of elements / mm3
with predominance of mononuclear polymorphic cells) with no biochemical changes.
Diagnosis is suggested by epidemiological arguments and the coexistence of other visceral
determinations (liver, kidney). Serological confirmation is required, RAL, RFC, ELISA,
immunofluorescence, electron microscopy, PCR.
Evolution is generally favorable.
Etiological treatment is carried out with Penicillin G (100,000 U / kg / day), Ampicillin, third-
generation cephalosporins (Ceftriaxone - 100 mg / kg / day iv).

Meningitis with Borrelia burgdorferi
Spirochaetosis borreliosis is transmitted by ticks of the Ixodes species. It has a gradual
development at skin, neurological, cardiac, articular level. Untreated the disease becomes
chronic, with recurrent persistent headache, paralysis of cranial nerves (II, III, V, VII) but
with moderate or absent meningean syndrome. Acute borreliosis meningitis has the following
characteristics: clear CSF, with tens or hundreds of lymphocytes with slightly increased
proteinorachia and normal glicorachia. The serological diagnosis is clarifying (specific
antibodies, anti Bb, IgM, IgG in CSF, blood), ELISA, IFI, Western-blot or gene amplification
methods (PCR) .
Etiological treatment of choice is the Penicillin G, Ceftriaxone, Cefotaxime, Amoxicillin,
Doxycycline. Duration of therapy is 14 days in acute forms, and 30 days chronic forms.
Pathogenetic treatment with NSAIDs is performed; corticosteroidian treatment is
recommended only in major cases.

Meningitis Streptococcus agalactiae (group B)

It is considered characteristic of the neonatal period, but it can occur up to 6 months of age,
the explanation consisting of the immaturity of the newborn immune system, lack of maternal
antibodies, knowing that streptococcal infections in immunocompetent individuals do not
develop protective antibodies. The evolution is as severe as with Gram-negative meningitis,
CSF is of purulent aspect, intensely positive Pandy reaction, thousands of cellular elements
with PMN predominance, increased proteinorachia low glicorachia.
Diagnosis is supported by anamnesis, confirmed by clinical and laboratory data (CSF, blood
culture), blood culture, latex agglutination, ELISA serology, PCR.
Etiological treatment involves the combination of Ampicillin (100 - 200 mg / kg / day iv) with
aminoglycosides (gentamicin, netilmicin - 5-7 mg / kg / day iv) or third-generation
cephalosporins, and Vancomycin, Phosphomycine, Rifampicin in cases of intolerance to beta
Pathogenetic treatment is carried out with anti-inflammatory steroids, depleting, symptomatic
The treatment duration is of at least 14 days depending on the clinical status and laboratory

Pseudomonas aeruginosa meningitis

It is a rare disease but with a severe evolution, with a greenish turbid CSF. Iatrogenic
meningitis (of innoculation) occurs more frequently in adults, after septic spinal puncture.
Treatment consisting of: Meropenem 30-40 mg / kg / day iv every 8 hours in combination
with Ciprofloxacin 400-600 mg / day at 8 hours interval. In case of iatrogeny where
plurirezistent germs are suspected Colistin is administered as well 100,000 U / kg / day in 2-3
divided doses. Other alternatives: Ceftazidim, Cefoperazone, Cefepime, Piperacillin /
tazobactam, Amikacin intraspinal.

Enterobacteriaceae meningitis
Species of Enterobacter, Salmonella, Proteus, Klebsiella cause particularly serious meningitis,
they occur more frequently in neonates, infants, the elderly, people with compromised

immunity. CSF has a purulent aspect containing thousands, tens of thousands of polys
(polymorphonuclear leukocytes).
Treatment: third generation cephalosporin (Ceftriaxone, Ceftazidime) in combination with
fluoroquinolones (ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin) or Meropenem, fourth generation
cephalosporin, Cefepime when the germs are pluriresistent.

Anaerobes Germs Meningitis

They are particularly severe meningitis (Bacteroides spp etc.).
Treatment consists of the combination of Penicillin G 200,000 U / kg / day iv, Metronidazole
50 mg / kg / day IV or Chloramphenicol 50-100 mg / kg / day iv. If there are suspicions of
Peptostreptococcus, Meropenem should be administered (30-40 mg / kg / day iv every 8

Meningoencephalitis tuberculosis (TB)

Tuberculous meningoencephalitis is one of the most severe forms of extrapulmonary
tuberculosis whose evolution in the absence of treatment, is invariably fatal.

It is caused by the Koch bacillus characterized by a subacute or chronic evolution with ICH
syndrome and intense meningeal irritation, moderate inflammatory syndrome and early
association of neurological symptoms such as impairment of cranial nerves or bladder
retention, highly indicative to the correct diagnosis.

It is represented by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. bovis rarely). It is an intracellular germ.
The bacillus is morphologically imobile with a wall rich in lipidic structures that render it

Tuberculosis is now the most common infectious disease in the world, tightly connected with
the dramatic extension of AIDS in the world.
The source of infection is the human being, rarely animal.
The route of transmission is airborne directly or indirectly, rarely digestive or cutaneous.
Responsiveness depends on the contact time. There are periods of maximum receptivity,
Childhood, adolescence, elderly. The most important factor favoring cell immunosuppression.

Meningeal infection disseminates in two ways:
 The hematogenus path during primary infection (in children), if it is generalized
(miliary TB);
 Lympho-hematogenic dissemination or contiguity out of juxta-meningeal outbreaks
(bone, kidney, pleuropulmonary).

Clinical manifestations
Incubation is long, a few weeks in its reactive forms, but it can be shorter, of only a few days
in the primary disseminated forms, especially in immunocompromised bodies.
The onset is insidious. It takes 2-4 weeks until the onset of the meningean syndrome, during
which the patient accuses headache, fatigue, loss of appetite, drowsiness, low fever.
State of patient while illness is in progress: infectious syndrome is moderate; meningean
syndrome is gradually increasing in intensity. The stiffness of the neck becomes extreme
("wooden backhead"), the clinical manifestations are predominantly the result of the
encephalitic syndrome. The patient is drowsy, confused, exhausted, cranial nerve palsies may
occur (especially abducens, oculomotor), globe bladder, pyramidal motor deficits. HIC
syndrome is most often present.
Laboratory data: blood examination may be normal, and CSF has the following features:
 clear or xantocrom;
 hypertension;
 pleocytosis with 2-600 cells / mm3 lymphocytes having monomorphic aspect;
 increased albuminorachia;
 glicorachia greatly reduced;
 low chloride;
 fibrin coated.
Cultures become slowly positive in 4-6 weeks, and Ziehl-Nielsen stained smear may reveal
acid-alcolo-resistant bacilli. Supporting diagnosis can be made based on fluorescent staining
of smears, detection of mycobacterial antibodies in CSF, Lowenstein culture, mycobacterial
detection of DNA fragments in the CSF by PCR.
Laboratory tests can support the diagnosis namely: lung X-ray examination may reveal miliar
aspect or pulmonary modifications, fundus examination may detect the presence of choroidal
tuber and cerebral CT scan may reveal brain edema, hydrocephalus, cerebral softening zone.
Positive diagnosis is supported by epidemiological data (history of TB contact,
immunocompromised diseases), clinical data, prolonged meningean syndrome, encephalitic
syndrome, CSF – aspect.
Differential diagnosis is carried out taking into account, such as:
 intracranial hypertension in tumors and other diseases;
 viral, fungal, bacterial meningitis;
 previous subarachnoid hemorrhage.

Etiological treatment is established as early as possible at the slightest suspicion, by
associating the first 4 major anti-tuberculosis preparations:
 Isoniazid (HIN) in doses of 5-8 mg / kg / day iv, po;
 Rifampicin dose of 8-10 mg / kg / day po;
 Pyrazinamide at a dose of 20-25 mg / kg / day po;

 Ethambutol at a dose of 20 mg / kg / day po;
This regimen can be modified over time in two cases: in case of therapeutic inefficiency or by
analysing the isolated bacillus or in case of some forms of intolerance or adverse reactions. In
these situations the solution is to resort to the use of alternative anti-TB drugs such as
ciprofloxacin, capreomycin.
Duration of daily administration is 3 months, after which an intermittent dosing schedule 3
days / week (3/7) or 2 days / week (2/7) is recommended, the dose is thereafter appropriately
modified, for a period of up to 9 months.
Pathogenesis therapy is carried out with anti-inflammatory steroids, depleting drugs.
Symptomatic treatment is carried out with antipyretics, analgesics, vitamins group B drugs
with trophic effects.

Viral meningitis
The feature that distinguishes viral meningitis from other types of meningitis is the particular
way of evolution, namely the tendency to spontaneous healing. The pattern of the evolution of
viral meningitis includes:
 The route of transmission is predominantly respiratory (mixoviruses, adenoviruses,
influenza and parainfluenza viruses), gastrointestinal (enteroviruses) or mucous
membranes (HIV, herpes viruses);
 incubation varies depending on the etiology from 5 days to over 3 weeks;
 the invasion phase lasts a few days (3-7 days), thereby being obviously different from
bacterial meningitis, tuberculosis, fungal;
 the inflammatory syndrome with meningeal irritation is prevalent, while ICH
syndrome and encephalitis syndrome are diminished or absent.
Complications and sequelae: persistent headaches, intracranial ICH, manifestations of
psychiatric disorders, arachnoiditis, seizures, abnormal behavior.
Treatment of these meningitis is the same, regardless of etiology, none of the viruses involved
do not require etiologic treatment, except VZV.
In these cases the treatment requires :
 hygienic-dietary (isolation, bed rest, diet adapted to digestive tolerance);
 pathogenic - in severe cases antiinflmator steroidal depletion therapy;
 symptomatic - pain relievers, sedatives, anti-pyretic, anti-emetics.

Benign lymphocytic meningitis

It is considered the prototype of the entire group of viral meningitis.
Etiology: Armstrong virus, RNA virus of the arenavirus family.
The natural source are the rodents (especially mice) from which it is transmitted to humans.
The route of transmission is respiratory (aerosol).
Responsiveness is unknown, the disease is more common in young people and staff working
with rodents.

Clinical manifestations
Incubation lasts 5-10 days.
Theonset of illness is of the pseudo-flu type with 3-5 days of fever, malaise,
micropoliadenopathy sometimes transient erythematous exanthema.
Illness development after a brief reduction of fever, malaise, intense headache, meningian
overt syndrome are prevalent.
CSF: clear or opalescent hypertensive, hundreds of cellular elements / mm3 with mononuclear
predominance of polymorphic aspect; proteinorachia is moderately increased or normal,
normal or slightly low glicorachia. Sometimes an encephalitic syndrome is associated.

Acute myocarditis, orchitis, reactive arthritis in the small joints.
Diagnosis is supported on the basis of epidemiological, clinical, laboratory, and certified by
the serologic diagnosis (ELISA), virological PCR.

 Pathogenetic with Hidrocortizonn hemisuccinat 5mg/kgc, dexamethasone: 0.1-0.3 mg
/ kg, prednisone 1 mg / kg, 10-14 days depending on clinical status and laboratory.
 Depleting drugs: Mannitol 20%, 5 mg / kg / day, furosemide.
 Antacids, anti-pyretic medication, vitamins group B.
 Sodium diet.

Clinical Forms
 Mumps Meningitis - described in case of epidemical parotitis.
 Poliomyelitic Meningitis described in poliomyelitis
 Coxsackie virus meningitis, Echo described in case of enteroviruses
 West Nile virus meningoencephalitis
Herpes virus meningitis - occurs mostly as a meningoencephalitis, with a severe evolution in
children. This Meningitis benefits from etiologic treatment: acyclovir 30-40 mg / kg / day iv
3-4 times / day that will be associated and pathogenetic, symptomatic treatment.

Fungal meningitis
More than one species may be involved: Cryptococcus neoformans, Candida albicans,
Histoplasma capsulatum. These agents have in common the fact that they attack
immunocompromised organisms immunocompromised (AIDS, lymphoma, cancer,
immunological diseases).

In the absence of the defense capacity of the body, fungi can become invasive, moving from
colonization to systemic forms. Brain lesions are located mainly basal, fibrin coated, causing
vascular, necrotic injury, cloasonation and obstructions.

Clinical manifestations:
Onset: usually insidious. Moderate meningeal syndrome, the encephalitic syndrome when
present is severen and an indication of increased severity. The clinical manifestations are
determined by the ICH syndrome is often dominated by ICH and neurological (extreme
headache, nausea, vomiting, photophobia, bradycardia, cranial nerve impairment,
convulsions, paralysis).

Examination is based on the CSF: clear, hypo-or hypertension, cellular elements 400-600
lymphocytes / mm 3 , proteinorachia greatly increased, glicorachia low. Giemsa stained
smears, China ink can identify fungi. The culture medium used for fungi is Sabouraud
medium. For the determination of the fungal antigens latex agglutination technique is used.

Etiologic treatment
Amphotericin B in progressive dose administered iv, 0,1 - 0,3 mg / kg / day, 2-3 weeks.
Flucytosine 150 mg / day orally, and iv.
Fluconazole 200-800 mg / day, 4 weeks iv then po.

Anti-inflammatory, symptomatic treatment, depleting drugs.

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Lucia Carmen Chiriac

Definition. Encephalitis represents an inflammation of the brain parenchyma, characterized

by focal or diffuse neuro-psychic symptoms. Encephalitis is distinct to meningitis although on
clinical evaluation both of them have similar manifestations: headache, photophobia, neck

Enchephalitis is also distinct to cerebritis which appears in the stage preceding the formation
of a brain abscess and implies a bacterial infection with massive destruction of the brain

Most frequently, encephalitis is a viral infection, injuring the brain parenchyma in various
degrees, of mild to severe gravity. Patients with encephalitis may also suffer from meningitis
– meningoencephalitis, lesions of the spinal cord - encephalomyelitis, or lesions of the spinal
nerve roots – encephalomyelo-radiculitis.

Etiology. The most common etiology of encephalitis is viral. The most important viruses that
might determine sporadic encephalitides are the herpetic viruses:herpes simplex virus (HSV)
1and 2, varicella-zoster virus (VZV), Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), enteroviruses (includes
Coxackieviruses, Echoviruses, enterovirus) the measles virus, influenza viruses, mumps virus,
rubella virus. These viruses are transmitted by interpersonal contact. An important category of
encephalitides is due to the group of arboviruses, transmitted to humans by means of some
vectors: ticks, mosquitoes. Rabies is a particular form of encephalitis due to the rabies virus
transmitted by animal bite.

The bacterial etiology is not very common, implying species of Mycoplasma,

rickettsi,Borrelia burgdorferi. Other etiologic agents could be fungi, protozoa or prions.

Classification of encephalitides

- According to the type of production:- primary

- secondary

- According to the etiology:

 Prions
 viruses: arboviruses, enteroviruses, herpetic viruses
 mycoplasmas, chlamydia
 fungi
 protozoa-toxoplasma gondi
 metazoa – Trichinella spiralis, Echinococcus, Cysticercus
- According to the most injured tissue:
 - polioencephalitis (gray matter lesions)

 leucoencephalitis (white matter lesions)
 panencephalitis (both gray and white matter lesions)
 encephalomyelitis (brain and spinal cord lesions)
 encephalo-myelo-radiculo-neuropathy (brain / spinal cord /
peripheral nerves lesions)


1. Direct invasive mechanism – Primary, viral encephalitis

The virus replicates at the entrance gate: respiratory tract(e.g.measles virus), digestive tract
(e.g.enteroviruses) or skin(e.g.arboviruses) and produce a local infection, followed by
dissemination via bloodstream (viremia),leading to invasion and replication in the Central
Nervous System (CNS).The arboviruses probable enter the CNS via cerebral
capillaries,determining vascular endothelial cell infection,preceding infection of the neural

Rabies virus and polioviruses gain acces to the CNS trough neuronal networks.

When the virus across the blood-brain barrier, the virus can infect the neural cells, with
resultant disruption in cell functioning,neuronal death, perivascular congestion, hemorrhage,
and a diffuse inflammatory response that disproportionately affects gray matter over white
matter. Certain viruses have a particularly tropism to a specific brain area due to neuron cell
membrane receptors found only in specific portions of the brain, with more intense focal
pathology in these areas. Herpes simplex virus has predilection for the inferior and medial
temporal lobes.

2. The indirect immune-mediated mechanism – Post-infectious encephalitis (ADEM) that

follows an infection,most common :measles,varicella,rubella,mums and mor recent were
involved influenza A and B viruses,hepatitis viruses,Mycoplasma. The pathogenic
mechanism generates immune, inflammatory reactions with demyelination, perivascular
mononuclear inflammatory infiltrates (T cells,macrophages),after a delay of 1-4 weeks.
Postvaccination cases of ADEM are rare with the newer vaccines now in general use.

3. Chronic encephalitis – the etiology of slow virus infections, such as subacute sclerosing
panencephalitis (SSPE) and progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML), is poorly
understood, appear in a few months or years after the accute viral infection. SSPE is a
chronic degenerative disease of, more common in older children / teenagers who have
suffered from measles before the age of 2 years.

Prion-induced encephalitis: Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, Kuru disease, Gerstman syndrome,

fatal familial insomnia.

The prions – proteinaceous infectious particles, totally free of nucleic acids, which do not
stimulate the production of antibodies. They are a 100 times smaller than the smallest known
viruses. In mammals, they reproduce by the selection of the normal cellular prion protein
(PrPc) and the stimulation of the transformation into its isoform (PrPSc). Each different

conformation of PrPsc is associated with a different type of prion disease. In animals, they
produce scrapie, a denomination coming from the English verb to scrape = to scratch, to rub,
to graze.

Humans can catch prion disease in several ways: from contaminated food, iatrogenically
(neurosurgical interventions, cornea transplant) or genetically transmitted.

Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease described in the year 1921 is characterized by a deep alteration of

the intellect, memory, social conduct, temporo-spatial disorientation. It appears in persons
with ages over 60 years, having a progressive evolution, with myoclonia, blindness, insanity.
Death occurs after a few months. Diagnosis is confirmed histopathologically by detecting
PrPSc inside brain parenchyma.

4. Encephalopathies – refers todiffuse cerebral dysfunction without inflammation.There are

clinical entities caused bytoxins, cerebral circulatory disorders, electrolytic disorders, uremia,
liver failure, unbalanced diabetes mellitus. Most of patients with encephalopathies have
extra-CNS findings that suggest the underlying disease process.

Clinical manifestations

Regardless of their pathogenetical mechanism, the clinical symptoms are associated in 3

major syndromes:

- infectious syndrome: acute febrile illness

- syndrome of intracranial hypertension: headache, vomiting, photophobia, bradicardia,
elevated blood pressure
- encephalitic syndrome:
- consciousness disorders (confusion, behavior troubles, agitation, personality
changes, hallucinations, lethargy, coma)
- seizures (focal / generalized)
- focal signs: upper or lower neuron patterns of weakness, involuntary
movements (tremor, myoclonic jerks), cranial nerve deficits (facial palsy, ocular
palsy), lesions of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis (diabetes insipidus, temperature
dysregulation, SIADH – syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic
- medullar lesions may be associated (myelitis): flaccid paralysis, osteotendinous
areflexia, sphincter disorders.

Positive diagnosis

Encephalitis is one of the most challenging pathology for clinicians to diagnose and manage.
The etiology of many cases of encephalitis remain undiagnosed.

Epidemiological and clinical data, complementary examinations should be performed.

The initial laboratory testing include a complete blood count,test of renal and hepatic
function,cogulation studies.Serum electrolyte levels are usually normal unless dehydration is
present; The syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone (SIADH) is the
result of hypothalamic dysfunction. The serum glucose level should be determined to rule out
confusion due to treatable hypoglycemia and to compare with the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
glucose value.

CSF examination should be performed in all cases of encephalitis, except for cases with
severely increased intracranial pressure (ICP). It allows differentiation from a possible
purulent meningitis. It generally reveals a minimum pleocytosis of 10-100/mm3,
lymphocytes, moderate or inconstant elevation of CSF proteins. However, CSF may be

Isolation of the pathogen agent from the CSF:

- antigen detection
- determination of IgM specific antibodies from CSF and serum
- Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR )technique:high sensitivity and specificity for
identifying a specific viral etiology:herpes simplex virus(HSV-DNA),varicella-zoster
virus(VZV-DNA),JC virus,Epstein –Barr virus (EBV-DNA)
Neuroimaging.Patients with encephalitis suspicion should be referred for neuroimaging
investigations: CT, MRI.The sensivity and specificity of different patterns of neurimaging
abnormalities in encephalitis have not been formally defined.

CT examination – allows differentiation from other diseases: abscess, subdural

effusion, thrombo-phlebitis, hemorrhage. CT examination may be normal! It may reveal:
focal hypodense lesions or cerebral edema of the white substance.

MRI examination of the brain – allows the visualization of some abnormalities, more
precociously than by CT, demyelinating lesions,multifocal hemorrhagic infarctions.

Brain biopsy: rarely performed, in patients with focal lesions on MRI examination, whose
diagnosis could not be established by noninvasive techniques and who did not respond to
acyclovir and supportive therapy.

Electroencephalography (EEG) should also be performed,results can be helpful in identifying

the degree of cerebral dysfunction,may provide information about the specific area of the
brain involved.

Differential diagnosis

Metabolic comas

Accidental or volunteer intoxications

Brain tumors

Brain hemorrhages

Systemic vasculitis


Encephalitis may have various evolving patterns and severities.

Primary encephalitides are severe diseases, with deaths rates between 20-30% and 70%.

Sequelae: their incidence and severity is directly correlated to the patient’s age (young
patients have higher recovery rates) and mental status (GCS < 6 points predicts unfavorable
outcome: death or severe sequelae) at the time of therapy initiation.

The most frequent sequelae are- paresis, paralysis

- epilepsy

- psychomotor retardation

- cognitive impairment

- behavior disorders


Isolation of patients in intensive care units: monitoring and support of the vital functions

Rigorous hygiene of the skin and mucous membranes

Diet – parenteral nutrition, nasogastric intubation

Pathogenic medication – Corticosteroid therapy (Dexamethasone, Methylprednisolone,


Elimination of brain edema (depletion) and ICP monitoring: Manitol, 1-2g/kg/day

Anticonvulsant medication

Hydro-electrolytic and acid-base re-equilibration

B vitamins, neurotrophics

Fever suppression.

Etiologic treatment: Acyclovir – etiologic therapy in herpetic encephalitis, but should be

initiated “empirically” in all patients with suspected viral encephalitis. Doses: 10 mg/kg every
8 hours, for at least 14 days. Gancyclovir and Foscarnet are used in CMV-related CNS


Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) is a common cause of sporadic encephalitis.HSV type 1 and 2
are members of the Herpesviridae,with VZV, EBV, CMV, HHV-6, HHV-7, HHV-8, and
simian herpes virus B.The mechanism by which HHV-1 and HHV-2 invade the CNS is
Clinical features
Patients may have a prodrome of malaise, fever, headache, and nausea, followed by acute or
subacute onset of an encephalitis whose symptoms include lethargy, confusion, and delirium.
The following are typically the most common symptoms of HSE: fever (90% to
100%),altered consciousness,headache (81%), vomiting(46%), psychiatric
symptoms:behavoir or personality change (71%), seizures (67%), focal weakness
hemiparesis, ataxia,memory loss,speech disturbances.In neonatal HSV appears to arise from
maternal genital infection with the virus.Signs and symptoms of neonatal HSE develop about
6-12 days after delivery, at which time lethargy, poor feeding, irritability, tremors, or seizures
may be noted. Those with disseminated disease also have abnormal liver function test results
and thrombocytopenia. In contrast to older patients, neonates often have herpetic skin lesions.
Diagnostic tests
Cerebrospinal Fluid Analysis. Once a space-occupying lesion has been excluded by imaging,
lumbar puncture always should be performed in suspected HSE.A typical “viral profile” is
identified: mononuclear pleocytosis of 10-500 white blood cells (WBCs)/µL, protein levels
are elevated to the range of 60-700 mg/dL, glucose values may be normal or mildly decreased
(30-40 mg/dL). In about 5-10% of patients, especially children, initial CSF results may be
normal. However, on serial examinations, the cell counts and protein values increase.
The procedure of choice is the PCR of HSV-DNA in the CFS.
Neuroimaging. Approximately one third of patients with HSE have normal CT findings on
presentation. Head CT may show changes in the temporal and/or frontal lobe, but CT is less
sensitive than MRI.
MRI of the brain is the preferred imaging study. MRI may be normal early in the course of
illness. Temporal lobe involvement sometimes hemorrhagic, and early involvement of white
matter are typical. The inferomedial portion of the temporal lobe is most commonly affected
on MRI, sometimes in association with abnormalities of the cingulate gyrus. Findings of
localized temporal abnormalities are highly suggestive of HSE, but again, confirmation of the
diagnosis depends on the identification of herpes simplex virus (HSV) by means of PCR or
brain biopsy.
Treatment.Acyclovir,10mg/kg every 8 hours,14-21 days is the durg of choise for the
treatment of HSV encephalitis.
Prognosis.Several factors influence the prognosis of HSVE,including patient age,level of
consciousness,duration of clinical encephalitis before initiation of acyclovir therapy.


Arbovirosis are zoonosis, transmitted to humans, from animals, birds, by means of a

hematophage vector: mosquitoes, ticks, phlebotomes.

Arboviruses(ARthropod- Borne viruses) have brain (acute panencephalitis produced by

invasive mechanism) hepatic and vascular tropism.

More than 500 arboviruses are known.The arboviruses that infect humans cause nonspecific
symptoms,the main patterns of arbovirosis in humans are: fever, rash, arthritis, retinitis,
encephalitis and viral haemorragic fevers.

Classification of Arboviruses

- Togaviridae
- Bunyaviridae
- Reoviridae
- Flaviviridae
Pathogenesis:after the bite from an infected mosquito,the virus replicates in the local
tissue,lymph nodes-primary viremia.Dissemination of virus to the reticuloendothelial system
results in a secondary viremia that allows the virus to invade the CNS and other organs.

Clinical manifestations:The incubation period is between 4 and 10 days.

Beginning: influenza-like syndrome, fever, myalgia, neck stiffness

State of disease – encephalitic syndrome

Clinical forms:Taiga encephalitis, West-Nile encephalitis, Central European tick encephalitis,

Scottish encephalitis, Japanese encephalitis, West / East equine encephalitis.

Denga, hemorrhage fevers: hemorrhage fevers (others tan African hemorrhagic fevers)

Yellow fever (serious acute hepato-nephritis, hemorrhagic syndrome and encephalitis)

Treatment: Ribavirin, 2g, then 1g every 6 h, Acyclovir


The West Nile virus is an arbovirus, from Flaviviridae family, spread by hematophage

The natural reservoir of West Nile virus – migrating birds

Seventeen species of wild birds transmit West Nile virus to humans via the Culex, Aedes, and
Anopheles mosquitoes.

Patients may not provide a mosquito bite history.

The incubation period of West Nile encephalitis (WNE) is 1-6 days (14 days in
immunosuppressed patients). West Nile virus (WNV), like other arthropod-borne viruses,
traverses the blood-brain barrier and infects the brain parenchyma, clinically manifesting as
viral encephalitis.

WNV may also affect the leptomeninges, resulting in a clinical presentation of aseptic
meningitis (viral meningitis). Patients with WNE may present with features of encephalitis
and aseptic meningitis (meningoencephalitis).

Approximately 50% of children in Egypt have West Nile virus seropositivity. West Nile
encephalitis (WNE) is the most common cause of viral aseptic meningitis or encephalitis in
patients presenting to emergency departments in Cairo. WNE is common in the Middle East,
Asia, and Africa,USA,Europe.

Epidemic evolution was, in 1996, in Romania, with over 400 cases of manifested clinical

Worldwide, most cases occur in young children or young adults. The elderly patients are
affected more severely.

Clinical manifestations

Many patients describe prominent GI symptoms, especially vomiting and diarrhea.

Nonspecific symptoms may include sore throat, myalgias, and arthralgias

Onset – acute: fever, headache, myalgia, quick progress to coma. Concomitantly, patients
presented signals of multiple organ failure; bronchopneumonias, cardiovascular
manifestations, hypertrophy of thymus.

During Romanian epidemics, the evolution was usually favorable, with cure without sequelae,
but death rate was 18%.

Serological tests revealed the frequency of rough/minor/asymptomatic forms of disease: 300

cases/1clinically manifest case.

Common disorders with CNS manifestations that may mimic West Nile encephalitis (WNE)
include subacute bacterial endocarditis, Legionnaires disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever,
Epstein-Barr virus infectious mononucleosis, human herpesvirus type 6 infection, and
systemic lupus erythematosus cerebritis

WNVE is usually diagnosed by demonstration of WNV-specific IgM antibodies in CSF by


CSF-PCR for WNV is highly specific,but less sensitive than serologic studies.

There is not specific therapy .


1. Mook-Kanamori B, van de Beek D, Wijdicks EF. Herpes simplex encephalitis with

normal initial cerebrospinal fluid examination. J Am Geriatr Soc. Aug 2009;57(8):1514-
5. 11
2. Roos Karen L, Tyler K. L. Meningitis, Encephalitis, Brain Abscess and Empyema ,in
Harrison′s Infectious Diseases, 2nd edition, Kasper D.L, Fauci A.S. Mc Graw Hill
Education, 2013, pg. 344-354
3. Kennedy PG. Viral encephalitis. J Neurol. Mar 2005;252(3):268-72

4. Tunkel AR, Glaser CA, Bloch KC, et al. The management of encephalitis: clinical
practice guidelines by the Infectious Diseases Society of America. Clin Infect Dis 2008;
47:303. West Nile Encephalitis
5. Burke A Cunha, Michael Stuart Bronze,West Nile encephalitis
6. Ion-Nedelcu N, Campbell GL, Tsai TF. West Nile encephalitis epidemic in southeastern
Romania, Lancet 1998, 352, 9130, 767-771

Chapter 4


Cristina Gîrbovan

Leptospirosis is an acute infectious disease belonging to the group of anthropozoonosis,

determined by certain serotypes of the Leptospira kind, with an autolimiting evolution,
usually benign, but with possibilities of serious evolution, clinically characterized by fever
and myalgia, to which sometimes hepatic, renal and meningeal affections can be associated.


Leptospira interrogans covers over 200 serovars grouped in 25 pathogen serogroups for
mammals. Two types are described: L.interrogans – parasite, pathogen for humans and
animals, and Leptospira biflexa – saprophyte, not pathogen which lives freely in water and
humid soils.

Leptospires appear at the electronic microscope with dark field as bright microorganisms,
mobile, with curved extremities, hook – shaped. They contain a common endotoxin of
lipopolysaccharides nature and an antibody, for fixing the complement. Leptospires are killed
in acid environment in a few minutes or hours. In neutral or alkaline urine they can survive
for weeks. Their favourite environment is wet ground or warm water. They do not resist at
heat. They are destroyed by chlorinated water and by ultraviolet rays.

The most common serotypes of pathogen leptospires for humans are:

- L. Pomona,
- L. Hebdomadis,
- L. Icterohaemorrhagiae,
- L. Canicola
- L. Australis,
- L. Bataviae,
- L.grippotyphosa,
- L. Tarassovi.


Leptospirosis is a zoonotic disease. Human to human transmission does not occur. According
to the WHO (World Health Organisation) the annual incidence of the disease is 0.1-1 at
100.000 inhabitants in temperate regions and 10-100 at 100.000 inhabitants in wet tropical
regions. The source of infection is represented by domestic and wild animals. From the wild
mammals, the first are the small rodents (mice and rats), the carnivorous and the herbivore
mammals. Pigs, goats, horses, dogs and cats are the hosts for leptospiroses. There are
associations between some serotypes and certain hosts: L. Icterohaemorrhagiae with rats, L.
Grippotyphosa with field mice, L. Canicola with dogs and L.pomona with pigs. Animals host
leptospires at kidney level, with elimination to external environment through urine. The sick
human eliminates leptospires through urine up to 2-4 weeks following clinical cure.

The transmission of the illness to humans may be realized by direct contact with sick animals
and indirectly, by water, soil and food contaminated with animal urine. Receptivity is general.
Postinfectious immunity is specific to type. Leptospirosis cases at humans have either an
accidental character or a professional one. Professional exposure (doctors, vets,
agriculturalists, hunters, pig breeders, butchers, fishermen) as well as recreational exposure
(swimming, surfing, tourism) constitute important risk factors in getting the disease.


Leptospires enter the body through skin lesions or through mucous and produce lesions in the
endothelium of small blood stems. Leptospires will disseminate by lymphatic or hematogene
way at the level of the whole body, having a special affinity for the hepatic and renal tissue, as
well as for the central nervous tissue. An acute renal insufficiency appears frequently,
aggravated by protein hypercatabolism through generalized myositis. Tubular lesions up to
necrosis appear at kidney level, lesions of inflammatory type with aspect of immune
glomerulonephritis. The myositis process is expressed by the increase of creatine
phosphokinesis – CPK. At the level of lungs, phenomena of congestion appear, focal or
intraalveolar hemorrhage. The frequent jaundice is explained by intrahepatic cholestasis.
Spontaneous myalgias are determined by degenerative lesions with inflammatory infiltrations,
localized at the level of myofibrils of the striated muscles. The affectation of the nervous
system determines the emergence of aseptic meningitis through an immune mechanism.

Clinical manifestations

The incubation period is 7-10 days with an average of 2-26 days, the duration depending on
the virulence of the serotype, the infecting dosage, as well as the way of transmission.

The start of the disease is sudden, with fever, headache and myalgia. There may frequently
appear conjunctival hyperemia and nasolabial herpes.

The evolution of the disease is biphasic and has an initial septicemic phase and an immune

The septicemic phase lasts for 4-7 days and we observe:

 General phenomena: fevere, severe myalgia, headaches, conjunctival hyperemia,


 Digestive phenomena: anorexia, nausea, vomiting
 Renal disorder: oliguria, albuminuria, cylindruria
 Lesions at the level of central nervus system: typical meningeal syndrome.

The organic immune phase is announced by reappearance of fever, together with different
manifestations, depending on the localization, on the organ:

 Hepatic and renal – severe with the infection with L Icterohaemorragiae

 The presence of meningitis: headaches, photophobia, modifications in the LCR
(lymphocytosis, normal glycorahia, increased proteinorahia), rarely neuritis, myelitis,
 Hemorrhagic manifestations: hemoptysis, melena, epistaxis, ecchymosis, metrorrhagia
 Pulmonary manifestations: nodular pneumonia
 Ocular manifestations: uveits, iritis,

Clinical forms:

1. Benign forms (anicteric):

- pseudo influenzal with discreet meningial and renal syndrome

- myalgic

- rough forms and unapparent infections (serologically diagnosed)

2. Common forms which can be determined by any serotype with general manifestations

3. Severe forms (known under the name of Weil Syndrome) with jaundice and haemorrhage
which are caused especially by L. Icterohaemorhagiae, more rarely by L. Canicola and L.
Pomona, with evolution towards hepato-renal insufficiency and hemorrhagiparous syndrome,
with reserved prognosis and high mortality (25-40%). The aspect is of hepatonefritis, with
marked jaundice, with total bilirubine of 20-30mg%, moderate increase of ALT, with
decrease in the concentration of thrombin, oliguria, azotemia and hemorrhagiparous

4. Meningeal forms appear most often at pig breeders, being cause by L. Pomona. It has the
character of serous meningitis.

The positive diagnosis is based on:

1. Epidemiological data – contact with sick animals, fishing, swimming in lakes,

professional exposure (plumbers)
2. Clinical data: association of syndromes: fever, algic, meningeal, hepatic, renal
3. Laboratory data:

 Unspecific examination: VSH with highly raised values, leukocytosis with
neutrophilia thrombocytopenia, azoted retention, hepatocytolysis, direct
hyperbilirubinemia, increase of CPK, modifications of LCR (clear or xanthochrome
CSF with 20-300 elements / mmc normal glichorahia, slightly increased
1. The etiologic diagnosis of confirmation is bacteriologic and serologic:
 The visualization of leptospires under the microscope on dark background from the
CSF and blood in the first 10 days of the illness or from urine, tissues from the second
 Cultivation of leptospire on Fletcher or Korthoff environment, using pathological
products: blood, CSF, urine

Serodiagnosis is made through:

- microscopic agglutination test – the most sensitive and specific on type

- the reaction of fixing the complement is group – specific and shows recent infection.
Positive serums are considered from 1/16. It is realized with L.biflexa patock
antibody, common to all leptospiroses.
- the Elisa test allows the detection of IgM in the early stage of the illness
- The PCR test allows the showing of bacterial DNA
The differential diagnosis is made according to the clinical form of the disease:

- anicteric forms must be differentiated from respiratory viral infections, RAA,

septicemia, typhoid fever, brucellosis, rickettsiosis, infectious mononucleosis.
- Jaundice forms – viral hepatitis, angiocholitis, hemolytic, obstructive jaundice
- The meningeal form – viral meningitis


a. Ocular: iridociclytis, uveits, neuritis

b. Neurological : encephalitis, encephalomyelitis, neuritis.


The ill persons are hospitalised and isolated, and severe forms are treated in Intensice Care
units. Ethiological antibacterial treatment must be started as soon as possible to prevent the
progression of the disease.

Treatment and chemoprophylaxis of leptospirosis in adults.

Indication Regimen


Mild leptospirosis Doxycycline (100mg PO bid) or

Amoxicilin (500mg PO tid) or

Ampicilin (500mg PO tid)

Moderate/severe leptospirosis Penicilin (1,5 milion units IV or IM q6h) or

Ceftriaxone (1g/d IV) or

Cefotaxime (1g IV q6h)


Doxycycline (200mg PO once a week) or

Azithromycin (250 mg PO once or twice a


Pathogenic therapy – Hydrocortisone Hemisuccinate is administered i.v. (200-300mg/day),

dexamethasone, Solu-Medrol. The treatment is completed with solutions in glucoses, vitamins
from the B group, vitamin C and K, insulin. In acute renal insufficiency diuretics are used:
manitol 20%, furosemide. If the patient does not start diuresis or if the level of urea is above
400mg/%, hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis is used.


General sanitation approaches and avoidance of swimming in potentially contaminated places

are recommended, but these measures are difficult to apply consistently. No vaccine is avaible
for humans leptospirosis. Preventive strategies, including prophylaxis with doxycycline, have
been variably effective in different settings.

1. Melinda Horvat. Leptospiroza .In Virginia Zanc et al.: Boli Infectioase Editura
Medicala Universitara ”Iuliu Hatieganu ” Cluj-Napoca 2011;357-365.

2. Huston CD. Leptospirosis. In David Schlossberg .Syndrome in Clinical Infectious
Disease. Cambridge University Press 2008: 1139-1141.
3. McClain JB, Ballou WR, Harrison SM, etal. Doxycicline therapy for leptospirosis.
Ann Intern Med. 1984; 100:696-698.
4. Irina Niculescu. Leptospiroza. In Cupșa A. Boli infecțioase transmisibile. Editura
Medicală Universitară Craiova, 2007:15.30-15.33
5. Panaphut T, Domrongkitchaiporn S, Vibhagool A, et al. Ceftriaxone compared with
sodium penicillin G for treatment of severe leptospirosis. Clin. Infect. Dis.
6. Vinetz JM. Leptospirosis. In Kasper DL, Fauci AS. Harrison, s Infectious Diseases
2nd Edition.Mc Graw-Hill Education 2013: 709-715.

Lucia Carmen Chiriac

Rabies is an acute viral infection of the central nervous system, with terminal evolution.
Humans are infected by the bite of an ill animal or which is in the period of incubation.
- Lyssa (gr.)=craziness
- Rabiaes, rabere (lat.) = violence
- Rabhas (Sanskrit) =violence
- Louis Pasteur – created the anti-rabies vaccine in 1884
- Victor Babeş - proved the prophylactic efficiency of the anti-rabies serum (1889)


The virus of rabies forms part of Lyssavirus genus, Rhabdoviridae family also including other
viruses: the vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV). The rabies virus is a virus of large size – 180
mm, having a long shape of a “bullet”.

The nucleocapsid is formed by monocatenary RNA. The lipoprotein cover presents external
projections with the function of attaching the virus to the host receivers.

The rabies virus is destroyed by ethers, soap, quaternary derivates of ammonium but it lasts
for years if frozen at -70°C.


Rabies is a zoonotic viral disease, specific to warm blood vertebrates, and accidentally it can
be transmitted to humans. It is spread worldwide, excepting the following geographical areas:
Antarctica, England, New Zeeland, Hawaii, Cyprus.

The rabies virus is kept in circulation by means of three natural cycles:

1) The sylvatic reservoir of rabies virus is represented by some salvage animals,

reservoirs of rabies virus: in Europe – foxes, wolves (in the areas where they still
exist), badgers, otters, rats, mice, rabbits; in USA – coyotes, skunks
2) Urban, canine rabies – the rabies virus reservoir is represented by dogs, cats,
rarely horses, bovines, pigs.
3) Chiroptera virus (vampires, bats) – which can be healthy carriers of rabies virus,
United States, Spain, Portugal.
The transmission tohumans is done by the saliva of contaminated animals: bites or epidermal-
mucous with the spit of ill animals. There have also been reported cases by airborne
transmission (exposure to aerosols in labs or caves where thousands of bats survive) or post-
transplant. The cornea transplant represented the rabies source in eight cases. Exceptionally,
the virus can be transmitted by inhalation in the caverns populated by bats. The handling of
death animals is also dangerous.

The receptivity is general. The death is mortal. The virus is excreted by spit 5-7 days before
the appearance of clinical signs, during the period of disease, till death. The virus does not
penetrate the healthy skin. The inoculation of mucous membranes by smeary hands is


The rabies virus penetrates the organism by a solution of teguments continuity: animal bite, by
mucous membranes, respiratory tract.

The rabies virus is multiplied at local level, mostly in the corrugated muscular cells. It crosses
neural-muscular junctions, attaches to acetylcholine receptors (their blocking restrains the
attaching of the rabies virus). The penetration of the rabies virus into the sensitive and motor
neurons is followed by an ascendant, centripetal migration along the axons of peripheral nerves
with a speed of 100-400 mm/day towards the spinal cord, brain stem, central nervous system

In the CNS, the rabies virus is multiplied exclusively within the gray substance where it causes
more neuronal malfunctions and less neuronal destruction. From the level of the CNS, the virus
spreads centrifugally along the peripheral nerves towards other tissues: salivary glands, lungs,
liver, kidneys, adrenal glands, muscles, teguments, heart. The rabies virus is multiplied in the
acinar cells of the salivary glands and excreted by saliva. The histopathological modifications are
specific: minimal mononuclear inflammatory infiltrates in leptomeninges, perivascular, microglial
nodules (Babeş nodules). The parenchyma reveals intracytoplasmic eosinophil inclusions
containing viral nucleocapsids denominated Negri corpuscles (more spread in the Purkinje cells
from the cerebellum).

Clinical frame

The medium incubation period is between 20 and 90 days. The shortest incubation periods
have been described in case of multiple bites on face, scalp, neck and the longest incubation
periods have exceeded 1 year.

Two clinical forms of rabies at humans have been described: furious rabies and paralytic

Furious rabies

Prodrome: the period of invasion (prodromal) with the duration of 2-4 days reveals: asthenia,
anorexia, fever, psychomotor excitation with anxiety, agitation, irritability, insomnia, a
depressive state.

The ill person complains about paresthesias/pain at the place of the bite, progressively a state
of epidermal, diffuse hyperesthesia.

State of disease: it begins with hyperexcitability, defined agitation, the patient becomes
hoarse, shouts, talks a lot, is disoriented, has hallucinations. Hydrophobia and aerophobia
determined by the glottic spasm are frequent, pain during the attempt to swallow liquids (or
when hearing flowing water) or when an air current passes over the face of the patient.
Dysphagia also occurs, the patient salivates excessively, cannot swallow the saliva which
creeps through the commissures. Other symptoms are also present: fever, muscular
fasciculations, mydriasis, hypersudoration, localized or generalized convulsions. After the
appearance of furious crises, patients die in maximum 1-2 weeks.

Paralytic rabies

It begins with rachialgias, pareses, soft paralyses, initially in the region of the bite, they
extend afterwards, ascending similarly to the Landry ascendant paralytic syndrome. Intense
pains of the limbs, or muscular volumes are common, the mental status is progressively
degraded. Unlike the furious type, aerophobia, hydrophobia are not present. The
cephalorachidian fluid (CRF) is hypertensive, normal biochemical parameters, moderate
pleocytosis (lymphocytes).

The paralytic form also evolves to death in about 6-30 days from the installation of coma.

Evolution: Rabies is a fatal disease, although recently there have been communicated also
cases of cure.


Epidemiological data: animal bite

Clinical data: pain / paresthesias at the level of the bitten canker, hydrophobia/aerophobia,
neurological signs

Etiologic diagnosis: isolation of the rabies virus from tissues, saliva, cornea, mucous
membranes – intracerebral inoculation in mice.

The virus detection by immunofluorescence (2 hour result) from: saliva, CRF, corneal
imprint, fragment of teguments. Specific neutralizing antibodies into serum can be detected a
few days after the release of symptoms. Some patients do not create antibodies. The specific
antibodies in CRF suggest rabies, no matter the immune status of the patient.

The detection of viral RNA into the saliva, CRF, tissues, by the technique RT-PCR is very
specific and sensitive.

Post mortem, the highlight of Babeş – Negri corpuscles in AMMON’s horn cells.

Differential diagnosis

During the precocious phases of disease, rabies, having a sporadic progress, is difficult to be
distinguished by other encephalitides: herpetic encephalitis, and it benefits of a specific

Warm season encephalitides determined by enteroviruses, arboviruses could determine
problems of differential diagnosis with rabies. The epidemiologic data, the identification of
specific viruses using the PCR technique in LRC, blood make a difference with respect to the
diagnosis. Paralytic rabies may give the impression of the Guillain-Barre syndrome, it must
be distinguished from poliomyelitis, encephalomyelitis anti-rabies tetanus post vaccination
(trismus), botulism (symmetrical paralyses, without sensorial disorders)

The rabies phobia – exaggerated fear of rabies may cause similar symptoms to rabies,
agitation, hypersialorrhea. Persons affected by rabies phobia may give the impression of
hydrophobia but they cannot imitate aerophobia.


At the present time there is no etiologic specific treatment. Triggered rabies: special measures
are necessary for the maintenance of vital functions, prevention and control of complications.
Recently, there have been a few attempts for antiviral treatment: Amantadin, Ribavirin,
Interferon, which failed.

Post-exposal prophylaxis

The plague with rabies potential:

- Prolonged abundant wash with water and soap

- Rinse with water
- Disinfection using 70 ° alcohol, iodine
- There is no scientific, infectious argument for the postponement of the plague
- The biting animal should be supervised by a veterinarian for 14 days
In case the aggressor animal dies spontaneously/killed its head should be taken
to a vet laboratory for virology investigations

Post-exposal specific prophylaxis:

- Anti-rabies serum and anti-rabies vaccine

- Anti-rabies immunoglobulins indicated without time limit after the aggression
- A part of the immunoglobulins are injected at the level of plague
- Anti-tetanus prophylaxis
- Antibiotics

1. The existence or absence of rabies in the zone where the animal comes from; 2. The
deepness and the extension of lesions (face, neck, extremities, most dangerous mucous
membranes rich in nervous fillets); 3. The known/unknown aggressor animal, signals
of rabies in the aggressor animal. All bat bites or plagues smeared by the saliva of a
suspect animal: immediate anti-rabies treatment.

Post-exposure anti-rabies treatment (World Health Organization WHO)

Type of exposure, state of the

Category animal in the moment of the Recommended treatment

– touching or feeding animals, licks

I on intact skin None
Domestic animal, healthy, supervised

nibbling of uncovered skin, minor

Immediate vaccination and local
II scratches or abrasions without
treatment of the wound

single or multiple transdermal bites

Immediate vaccination and
or scratches, licks on broken skin;
administration of rabies
III contamination of mucous membrane
immunoglobulin; local treatment
with saliva from licks, contacts with
of the wound


1. Messenger SL, Smith JS, Rupprecht CE. Emerging epidemiology of bat-associated

cryptic cases of rabies in humans in the United States. Clin Infect Dis. Sep 15
2. World Health Organization. Rabies. 2014
3. Cupsa A , Boli infectioase transmisibile, Editura Medicala Universitara Craiova,
2007, pg. 11.40-11.44
4. Bassin SL, Rupprecht CE, Bleck TP. Rhabdoviruses. In: Mandell GL, Bennett JE,
Dolin R, eds. Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases. 7th ed. Philadelphia, Pa:
Elsevier Churchill Livingstone; 2009:chap 163
5. Hemachudha T, Ugolini G, Wacharapluesadee S, Sungkarat W, Shuangshoti S,
Laothamatas J (May 2013). "Human rabies: neuropathogenesis, diagnosis, and
management.". Lancet neurology12 (5): 498–513.
6. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.Rabies
7. Jackson A.C. Rabies and Other Rhabdovirus Kasper D L, Fauci A S,
Harrison′s Infectious diseases,Mc Graw Hill Education, 2013, pg 1023-1030

Lyme borreliosis
Brîndușa Țilea, Anca Meda Georgescu

It is defined as a natural focal infectious disease transmitted by ticks from the Ixodes class
produced by bacteria of the Borrelia type, clinically characterized by multisystem
manifestations with evolving stage and polymorphous clinical picture.

• Lyme borreliosis (LB) has a universal spread with endemic avolution or in small
• It belongs to Borrelia spirochetes, the species Borrelia burgdorferi (Bb).
Taxonomically Borrelia is classified in the Spirochaetaceae family, Spirochaetales
order. Spirochete was identified by Willy Burgdorfer in 1982 from Ixodes dammini
tick gut, being isolated from patients from blood, CSF, skin, liver, spleen, muscle,
bone, myocardium.
• Based on the diversity of antigen surface protein (Ospa) seven kinds of antigens or
serotypes have been described. Bb sensu lato is classified into eight subspecies and
two genomic groups.
• Using genetic and immunological criteria, three human pathogenic subspecies have
been identified as pathogenic for human beings:
• Borrelia burgdorferi sensu stricto or OspA1 serotype strain 212 in Europe and B31 in
the U.S.
• Borrelia garinii or OspA3-7 serotype, strain 2004 in Europe.
• Borrelia afzelii or OspA2 serotype, strain VS 461 in Europe.
• Spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi is a Gram-negative germ, with sizes between 4-30
μmetri an average of 7 to 11 flagella at each end, mobile, microaerophilic, catalase
negative, which multiplies slowly at 30-37° C. Like all spirochetes it possess a
cytoplasmic membrane surrounded by protoplasmic cylinder, then the flagella and
outer membrane. Borrelia is longer and less coiled than other spirochetes. The external
membrane has a trilaminar structure and it is fluid.
• Growth media used for spirochete’s culture is liquid, complex, after the Barbour-
Stoenner-Kelly (BSK) formula.

• Borrelia burgdorferi was isolated from 24 different species of mammals or birds.
• The potential reservoir of infection are the animals that may be act as hosts for the
vector agent. It is a vast reservoir (for Ixodes persulcatus 240 different species and for
Ixodes ricinus over 300 species of animals: wild mammals, domestic birds, reptiles).
• Borrelia burgdorferi transmission between animals and accidentally from these to
humans takes place via ticks at different life stages (larva, nymph and adult form). The

Ixodes tick remains infected throughout her life, without transmitting the causative
agent to the offspring.
• Various species of tick transmit spirochete Bb: primary (rodent - rodent, rodent -
domestic animal) and secondary (rodent - domestic animal - human accidental
• To transmit Bb infection more bites of infected arthropods are necessary, especially in
the case of the larval stage or the connection by arthropod bite and the host should be
extended at least of 24 hours.
• In Romania Ixodine species are found in the following genres: hyalloma Ixodes,
Rhipicephalus, Dermacentor, Haemaphysalis, margaropus.
• The most widespread species is the Ixodes ricinus.
• The main risk factor for Lyme borreliosis is permanent or temporary human presence
in areas with high tick infection with the spirochete Bb.
• Given the nature of the reservoir of germs and vectors of Lyme borreliosis, people
who are at risk are forestry workers, staff working in agriculture, forestry, hunters,
veterinarians, hikers, people who visit nature where they meet both the source
infection as well as the specific vectors.

Borrelia burgdorferi antigenic structure

• major external surface proteins - OSPA and OspB, specific but only rarely detected
and only in the tardive stage of infection (more than six months of evolution).
• other cell-surface proteins identified are represented by a group of proteins of
molecular weight 20-25 kDa. These include protein C (PC), 22 to 25 kDa, identified in
Europe and 21 to 25 kDa detected in some strains isolated in North America.

• Once it goes beyond the skin, Bb penetrates in the blood stream and invades various
tissue compartments, thus generating systemic infection. Spirochete can migrate and at
derm level. The difficulty in isolating blood spirochete suggests that spirochetemia is
transient and low.
• Experimental studies have shown that the BB is able to adhere to a variety of human
cells, such as endothelial cells, cells of the central nervous system (microglial cells,
Schwann cells) cardiac cells, synovium.
• Spirochete attachment to host tissue cells is the step that initiates infection, this
attachment involves an interaction between glucosamin structures on the surface of
host cells and the three proteins: 67 kDa, 62 kDa and 41 kDa (flagelina).
• Spirochetes multiply and disseminate in blood, causing damage to the ECM,
representing the clinical manifestation of early stage I being thus the primary stage of
the disease.
• Stage II occurs with the hematogenous dissemination of spirochete (spirochetemia). At
this stage, spirochetes can be seen in blood or CSF. The duration of this stage may be
between 1-6-12 months.

• Stage III, tardive, or tertiary, covers a period of months or years, if appropriate therapy
is not initiated. A persistent infection occurs which may affect: CNS osteoarticular,
cardiovascular system.
• Spirochete adheres to endothelial cells, causing vascular lesions, large areas of
localized cerebral vasculitis and perivasculitis, heart, joints and skin.
• Bb induces the production of cytokines (IL-1β - TNF-α), which potentiates the
intensity of inflammation.
• Immune mechanisms are involved as well circulating immune complexes and
cryoglobulins being present.
• Impairment occurs only late to persons showing major histocompatibility complex

Clinical manifestations
The clinical manifestations are polymorphic, but the most common manifestations are
cutaneous, neurological, cardiac, joint, which fall into three stages illustrated below:

Early infection Tardive infection

Primary Stage The secondary Tertiary stage

Multiple ECM Acrodermatitis chronical

Benign cutaneous atrophicans

Chronic Early neuroborreliosis Tardive neuroborreliosis

erythema (radiculitis, meningitis,
migrans (ECM) encephalitis, myelitis) (chronic progressive
encephalomyelitis, delayed

Arthritis Chronic Arthritis

Table I - Lyme borreliosis stages

Chronic erythema migrans

Chronic erythema migrans (erythema migrans cronicum ECM) occurs early, usually at
1-30 days after the bite of the infected tick with spirochete Bb. At skin macula or Papillary
element occurs and then it extends gradually showing a clear zone in the center and the
periphery, clearly defined, is darker, sometimes having a ring-shape hence the name of
eryhtema annulare centrifugum. ECM may have a purplish-red color with thickened vesicular
or necrotic tegument, without producing tenderness. ECM constitutes the typical cutaneous
impairment the clinical diagnosis of Bb can be established by proper identification of this

The most common locations in adults are the legs (popliteal, groin, thighs) and trunk in 50%
cases, while in children the most common location is the cephalic extremity (25% of cases)
and lower limbs. ECM lesions are usually asymptomatic but they may be pruritic or painful as
Cutaneous manifestations of ECM take about 3-4 weeks and then gradually subside.
During spirochetemia patients may show: general systemic manifestations (mild fever up to
38°C, chills, myalgia, arthralgia, coryza, without local acute inflammatory phenomena) that
occur as a result of acute or subacute damage to vital organs (arthralgia , headache, dysphagia,
fatigue, stiffness, transient meningeal irritation syndrome), lymphadenopathy,
hepatosplenomegaly, cardiac arrhythmias, myositis, hepatitis, transient impairment of CNS
outside any determinations.

Cardiac manifestations
- Cardithis due to BL shows conduction abnormalities, various degrees of atrioventricular
block, these being the most common.
Major branch blocks
Conduction abnormalities
Minor branch blocks or

Ventricular: rare due to myocarditis

Fibrillation: due to pericarditis

Miopericarditis ST-T segment changes

Light myocardial dysfunction

Chronic Congestive Cardiomyopathy

Table II - Cardiac Manifestations

Osteoarticular manifestations
• Joint damage was in the U.S. at the origin of the description of this disease that was initially
called "Lyme arthritis". Involvement of the osteoarticular apparatus in the BL can occur at
any age but it is found with higher frequency in children, it can occur both at an early stage
and the late stage of the disease.

Ophthalmic Manifestations
• Keratitis is one of the most common ocular manifestations occurring in the months or
years following the onset of the disease.
• In addition, several cases have been described of uveitis, chorioretinitis under Bb

Neurological manifestations - Lyme neuroborreliosis
• Infection of the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system
(PNS) caused by spirochete Bb has been defined as Lyme neuroborreliosis - NBL.
Spirochete was detected in the central nervous structures both in the acute and sub-
acute stage of the disease as well as in later stage, which is why a distinction between
accute subacute neuroborreliosis occuring in weeks or months (6-12 months) after
contact with infected arthropods and chronic neuroborreliosis affection occurring after
a period of over 12 months, even years later after infection is necessary.
• The pathogenesis of NBL proves to be complex, involving the following:
- Bb penetrates directly into the CNS, involving a combination between direct
action of spirochetes and indirect immune reactions.
- spirochaete penetrate the blood-brain barrier during infection subsequent to the
interaction with the intraluminal surface and then it is located in areas with
possible vascular lesions via astrocytes, causing a process of focal vasculitic
with mononuclear cell infiltrates (especially T cells - helper) leading to focal
leptomeningeal changes with a release of inflammatory mediators;
- a decrease in cerebral blood perfusion has been noted particularly in the white
matter as demonstrated by functional neuroimaging techniques;
- research studies in laboratories have shown many times that the spirochetes
have a preference share for oligodendrocytes;
- in CNS disease vascular direct modifications, localized mainly at the SAC
level have been identified;
- it has been demonstrated in patients with NBL, in both stages of the disease,
the aspect of toxic metabolic encephalopathy induced by lymphokines;
- involvement ofother immunological factors such as IL-6, interferon γ and
matrix metalproteic (MMP) has been noted;

Early Lyme Neuroborreliosis - Acute Stage

• Acute lymphocytic meningitis or Lyme is the most common manifestation of NBL. It
occurs most frequently in the secondary stage of the disease being more common in
children and adolescents with less manifest clinical symptoms. The CSF pressure is
usually normal, moderate pleocytosis, from tens to hundreds of items, mononuclear.
Albuminorachia is slightly increased, normal glicorachia.
• Meningitis is often associated with cranial neuritis (facial nerve VII) and with
radiculoneuritis, Bannwarth syndrome.
• Acute Lyme encephalomyelitis. Cerebral parenchymal abnormalities are found in 20-
50% of North American patients with Lyme meningitis. The frequency of CNS
manifestations is generally low in Europe and almost always accompanied by
pleocytosis in CSF and peripheral cranial neuritis. Central lesions may occur alone or
may be associated with meningeal peripherals damage, representing clinical picture of
acute meningoencephalitis, meningoencephalomielitis, encephalomielo
• Cranial nerve lesions. The most common is peripheral nerve VII palsy unilateral or
bilateral. Other nerves may be involved, especially the trigeminal and oculumotor one.

• Optic neuritis. It may occur in isolation, requiring differentiation of idiopathic optic
neuritis or that of MS.
• Radicular lesions with sensory predominance. Radiculoneuritis occurs in
approximately one third of patients with neurologic impairment, accompanied by
pleocytosis in CSF. The first symptom is the radicular pain, numbness and / or
hyperaesthesia starting on average 30 days after the tick bite, the most common
locations being the lower limbs, upper cephalic extremity.
• Peripheral motor injuries. Motor impairment is rare, being responsible for asymmetric
paralysis, most commonly proximal, located at the level of certain muscles responsible
for muscular atrophy. Prolonged evolution, sequelae are possible.
Tardive Lyme Neuroborreliosis - chronic
Current research shows that the time of occurrence of delayed neurological manifestations,
after inoculation, varies from 12 months to 17 years with an average of 5 years. The
physiopathogeny of these lesions is not well known, but it is considered as in syphilis that the
impairment of neuraxis is partly due to vascular lesions.
• Chronic lymphocytic meningitis. It is discovered incidentally, often being associated to
encephalitis in the tardive stage. CSF: 80-400 cells/mm3, albumino-cytological
dissociation being noted.
• Borrelia encephalomyelitis is the most well-defined progressive tardive neurological
NBL, the clinical evolution can simulate an MS relapse or stroke. Risk of confusion
with MS is higher due to CSF abnormalities CT and / or MRI of the brain being
almost identical.
• Lyme encephalopathy refers to a cognitive disorder of average or moderate severity
affecting first of all memory and learning. It is accompanied by primary psychiatric
symptoms or mild drowsiness, but unaccompanied by neurological signs or
pathological changes in the MRI exam of the brain. The SPECT (single-photon
emission CT and positron) demonstrated a reduction in cerebral perfusion in the
frontal cortical and subcortical areas.
• Polyneuropathy and neuropathic tardive sclerotic lesions. The most common
symptoms are called paresthesia, often intermittent, asymmetric, focal involving the
upper and lower limbs. A quarter of patients had carpal tunnel syndrome.
• Psychiatric disorders in Lyme borreliosis. Psychiatric aspects have been described
more frequently in children and adolescents with spectacular remission subsequent to
antibacterial therapy. The most common mental disorder observed (70%) is
depression. Other possible problems: short-term memory loss, anxiety, panic attacks,
personality changes, paranoia, mood swings, psychotic episodes, etc..

BL accurate diagnosis remains problematic at the moment until a diagnostic test "gold
standard" will be developed. BL and NBL diagnosis is currently based on serological
methods, which are far from being satisfactory, both in terms of sensitivity and specificity.
Serological tests need to be interpreted with caution, taking into account the epidemiological
and clinical context. Various methods currently used in the diagnosis of BL are summarized
in the table below:

Direct detection methods Indirect detection methods

Microscopic examination
Serological methods
• THAI indirect hemagglutination test, RFC
Immunohistology • IFI indirect immunofluorescence
• ELISA technique
Methods of capturing antigens
• Western blotting
• T lymphocyte proliferation study method
Detection of bacterial DNA by PCR

Table III - Methods of diagnosis of Lyme borreliosis

In conclusion, serology for BL has 3 major limitations:

1. low sensitivity in the diagnosis of early infection due to slow antibody response
2. low specificity of available tests because many cross-reactions
3. inability to delineate recent infections and tardive ones due to the persistence of
antibodies both in the treated forms and in the untreated ones.

• CSF-based assays in acute NBL demonstrate:

- lymphocytic pleocytosis;
- blood-brain barrier dysfunction;
- predominance of intrathecal production of IgM, detection of activated B cells
containing all three classes of immunoglobulin (Ig) with IgM predominance.

The differential diagnosis of ECM considers other erythema, such as cellulite, tinea,
candidiasis, erythema multiforme, urticaria, etc.. Lyme arthritis can be distinguished from
other lesions, as follows: RAA, meningococcal arthritis, gonococcal, LED, psoriatic arthritis,
gout, etc..
Neuroborreliosis can be distinguished from other meningitis, aseptic encephalitis with trenant
Optic neuritis requires differentiation of idiopathic optic neuritis but also from that of multiple
Lyme encephalopathy needs to be differentiated from other types of encephalopathy (toxic,
metabolic), tertiary syphilis, HIV encephalopathy, LED.

There are different therapeutic strategies based on the staging, as follows:
Antibiotic Dose / day Administration Duration (days)
Amoxicillin 3x500 or 2x1000 mg mg po 10 to 21
Azithromycin 500 mg po 5-7
Doxycycline 2x100 mg po 10 to 21
Cefuroxime axetil 2x500 mg po 10 to 21
Penicillin V 3x1000 U po 10 to 21
Table IV - Treatment ECM
Antibiotic Dose / day Administration Duration (days)
Ceftriaxone 2g iv 14 to 21
Cefotaxime 3x2 g iv 14 to 21
Penicillin G 3x3 MU iv 14 to 21
Table V - Treatment of carditis
Antibiotic Dose / day Administration Duration (days)
3x500 mg (child) or 3x1000
Amoxicillin po 14 to 30
mg (adult)
Doxycycline 2x100 mg po 14 to 21
Ceftriaxone 2g iv 14 to 21
Cefotaxime 3x2 g iv 14 to 21
Table VI - Lyme arthritis treatment
Antibiotic Dose Administration Duration (days)
Ceftriaxone 2g iv 14 to 21
Cefotaxime 2g iv 14 to 21
Penicillin G 3x3 MU iv 14 to 21
NBL early
Doxycycline 2x200 mg po 14 to 21
Amoxicillin /
2g po 14 to 21
clavulanic acid
Ceftriaxone 2g iv 30
Tardive Cefotaxime 2g iv 30
NBL Penicillin G 3x3 MU iv 30
Doxycycline 2x200 mg po 30

Amoxicillin /
2g po 30
clavulanic acid
Table VII - Treatment of Lyme neuroborreliosis

In case of pregnant women treatment of firmly diagnosed cases and suspicions as well, is
recommended. Treatment with Aminopenicillin, macrolides (azithromycin) is recommended
in cases of infection localized to the tegument and in cases with neurological determination
Ceftriaxone is advisable.
Duration of therapy in both BL and NBL is variable between 14-30 days, but it can be
extended up to six weeks, even months in trenant or relapsed cases.

Complications and prognosis in Lyme borreliosis

• The risk of acute complications in BL and NBL is more reduced if antibacterial
therapy is instituted early to avoid progression from acute stage to the tardive stage of
the disease.
• In cases of early NBL with severe CNS/ SNP impairment in about 10% of cases were
notified motor sequelae, residual neurological clinical symptoms such as headache,
dizziness, paresthesia, myalgia, arthralgia, anxiety.
• Doctors who have to decide on the therapeutic approach in case of patient stung by
ticks have three alternatives:
- to treat the patient;
- to monitor the patient and to establish therapy if signs or symptoms of disease
- to appreciate the dynamics of serology (blood, CSF) immediately and then
after 3-6 weeks, treating only if there are clinical signs of a serological
Prophylactic therapy is recommended for all persons who are stung and from endemic areas
of BL. The most commonly used antibiotics are: Amoxicillin, Amoxicillin / clavulanic acid,
Azithromycin – both in children and adults.
Cyclins (Doxycycline) is the recommended antibiotic in ECM prophylaxis and impaired adult
with SNP. Prophylactic therapy duration is between 14-21 days.
Nonspecific prophylactic measures
Physical measures
• physical measures refer to avoiding areas with high density of ticks, using appropriate
clothing to avoid skin-fixing of the tick, regular monitoring of the presence and
removal of any tick.
Chemical Control
It is made using:
• acaricides sprayed powder in endemic areas, but they present limitations, namely:
environmental pollution, side effects, duration of action limited in time, high cost,
inability to use them for wildlife;

Vaccination with DNA
• Recent advances in molecular biology have led to the development of new techniques
for induction of immune response by using plasmids. The vaccine consisted of
plasmids encoding a surface protein Ospa Bb using a eukaryotic promoter and / or
virus or the bacteria itself.
• The vaccine approved by the ACIP (Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices)
Center for Disease Control (CDC, Atlanta, USA) and currently used in the U.S., is
called Lymerix. It is a recombined vaccine, made using genetic engineering
1. Cifecu C, Hristea A. Borrelioza Lyme. Ed. Briliant, Bucureşti, 1999; 100-125.
2. Cohen J, Opal SM, Powderly WG. Infectious Diseases, 3 rd Edition, vol I, 2010, 464-
3. Pilly E. Maladies Infectieuses et Tropicales, 19e ed. 2004; 402-417, 422-450.
4. Ţilea B. Borrelioza Lyme. Ed. University Press, Tg. Mureş, 2008; 40-80.
5. Ţilea B. Patologie Infecţioasă. Fundamente de licenţă în medicină. . Ed. University
Press, Tg. Mureş, 2009, 111-119
6. Wilske B. Microbiological Diagnosis in Lyme Borreliosis. J Med Int Microbiol, 2002;

Iringo Zaharia Kezdi

The disease anthrax is produced by the sporulating bacterium Bacillus anthracis, found in the
soil in many parts of the world. The spores from the infected animal carcasses can
contaminate the pasture for many decades and lead to sporadic outbreaks.
It is believed that the fifth and sixth plagues of Egypt, described in the Old Testament, were
probably caused by anthrax, and also the description of the “black bane”, which caused an
estimated 60.000 deaths in cattle in Europe in the 1600s, indicate that this was anthrax.
Two microbiologists, Robert Koch and Louis Pasteur both studied anthrax in the 1870s. Koch
demonstrated that the disease could be produced by the transfer of infected material from one
animal to another. He also demonstrated the ability of the bacillus to produce heat- resistant
spores, which had the ability to germinate and infect animals.
Pasteur, confirmed the “germ” theory of the disease and he also demonstrated in 1881, in a
famous public experiment, that cows, goats and sheep could be “vaccinated” by use of a live
attenuated skin. The current vaccine is a live vaccine made from an unencapsulated, avirulent
but toxigenic strain.
The common name is derived from the Greek name “anthrakis”, or coal, so named from the
black cutaneous lesions produced.
The disease is naturally one of animals, particularly herbivores, who ingest spores on the
grass and from the environment. Until the advent of an effective vaccine, the disease was
common in cattle, sheep, goats, horses and pigs, but is now far rarer. Infections in humans
were most oftenassociated with the handing of an infected animal carcasses or hides. “ Wool
sorter`s disease” was contracted by those handling infected fleeces or hides, often from
inhaling spores released in the processing of the fleeces or hides. Anthrax is still endemic in
some parts of the world, notably Africa, the Middle East, Asia and some parts of the US and
Australia. Inhalation anthrax is extremely rare under normal conditions.
As has been illustrated so clearly in the US recently, anthrax can be used as a weapon of
terror. It is one of the favored species for “germ warfare”, or bioterrorism, but in not
necessarily an ideal one. It is not highly pathogenic, requiring a large number of spores to
produce infection by any route. It is not transmitted from person-to-person other than in
exceptional circumstances. The spores need to be transmitted in a very fine aerosol to be
highly effective. Resistance can be developed experimentally to most of the current agents of
choice, and it remains to be seen whether widespread use of ciprofloxacin and doxycicline
will create a selective pressure on the organism.
B. anthracis is a large (1-3mm), gram-positive, aerobic, rod-shaped, non-motile, sporulating
bacillus. The spores are thermostable. Like many other members of the genus Bacillus, the
spores are remarkably resistant and long-lived in the environment. The organism grows
rapidly on normal laboratory media (nutrient or blood agars) not needing any special cultural
techniques, but does not grow on Mac-Conkey agar. There are a number of mop=rphological
distinguishing characteristics; white-grey, flat or slightly convex, irregular round colonies
with a ground-glass appearance. A “Medusa head” colony is characteristic for B.anthracis.
culture are not or very slightly haemolytic, but not β-haemolytic. In smears from infections,
long chains may be formed and a capsule is present. The capsule can be seen clearly using
India Ink. The lack of motility distinguishes B.anthracis from many other Bacillus species.

Modern molecular techniques can be used to confirm strains of B. anthracis. Multiplex PCR
has been used in recent outbreaks and immunohistochemical staining can be valuable. MIC
determination showed recently the following results: “Susceptible” strain to: Doxycycline,
Ciprofloxacin, Amoxicillin, Penicillin G, Rifampicin, Clarithromycin, Clindamycin,
Vancomycin, Chloramphenicol.
“Intermediate” to: Erythromycin, Azithromycin, Ceftriaxone
Preliminary studies report the presence of a Class B cephalosporinase (constitutive) and the
possibility of an inducible penicillinase.
Naturally acquired anthrax in humans is generally due to contact with infected animals or
their carcasses. Although fatal human disease may occur, B. anthracis is not highly virulent,
and in spite of its previous prevalence in the environment and in animals, human infections
were not common and are now rare. Virulence is associated with encapsulated strains and
death is caused by toxins, that produce massive haemorrhagia and shock. The most common
form of the disease is cutaneous, which is frequently self-limiting. To produce the serious
form of inhalation anthrax, a large number of spores, greater than 2000, and possibly 5-
10.000, are necessary to establish an infection. The organisms do not multiply in the lungs but
are carried by alveolar macrophages to the mediastinal lymph nodes where the spore
germinate and multiply. From this focus they are able to spread rapidly throughout the body.
Three toxins are produced by B.anthracis all thermolabile proteins; a protective antigen (PA),
an oedema factor (OF), a lethal factor (LF). The individual toxins have no adverse effects,
they need to combine to produce the characteristic toxicity seen in the disease. They target the
macrophages and have little effect on other cells. The protective antigen binds to receptors to
the macrophage cell-surface protease. This produces a cell-bound C-terminal 63kDa protein
(PA63). This cleaved portion, A63, has high affinity binding sites for the other two toxins.
The bound complex enters the cell by receptors mediated endocytosis. The OF toxin has
calcium and calmodulin-dependent adenylate cyclase activity. The LF toxin is a protease that
interferes with the protein kinase signal transduction pathway. The assembled toxin has
powerful proteolytic activity, which causes the eventual death of the macrophage. The release
of cytokines, including IL-1 and TNF, from the damaged macrophages is believed to cause
the damage to the blood clotting system and to contribute to the septic shock and oedema. The
genome of B.anthracis has been sequenced recently and considerable advances have also been
made in understanding the mode of of action of toxins. The plasmids coding for toxins (pX01)
and the capsule-associated plasmids (pX02) have also been identified and sequenced.
Clinical manifestations
 Cutaneous form is the commonest form of the disease, occurring in up to 95% of
cases. Incubation period is 3-10 days. It is seen most often on the face, hands,
forearms and neck since infection is generally from handling infected material. The
organisms, usually spores, invade from a skin abrasion or cut. After germination of the
spores, the vegetative bacilli multiply locally and a small, visible papule, appears.
Several days later a vesicle or ring of vesicles develops (4-6 cm). This discharges clear
with surrounding oedema. In most cases cutaneous anthrax is self-limited, the lesion
resolving within 10 days. In some cases systemic anthrax may develop (malignant
edema), but unless therapy is initiated very late, by which time extensive toxin
production has occurred, the disease responds very well to chemotherapy. Painful,
regional adenopathy may persist even after successful therapy. In untreated cases the
death rate can reach 20%, but is less than 1% when treated.
 Inhalation anthrax is rarer, compromising only approximately 5% of all cases. Once
established, this is a far more serious disease with a high death rate. Incubation period

is 3-5 days. Initial symptoms are insidious and flu-like, generally mild and non-
specific. In the second phase there is acute respiratory distress, sepsis and an acute
haemorrhagic mediastinal widening. X-ray symptoms can be confused with those of
tuberculosis. Blood culture may be positive at this stage, and if the disease has
progressed to this stage, it is frequently fatal as toxin production has already advanced
and therapy can thus be ineffective.
 Gastro-intestinal anthrax is even rarer and is contracted by consuming large number of
spores, which infect the intestinal tract or the oesophagus. The illness may present as
an acute abdomen, bloody diarrhea or cholera-like syndrome.
 Meningitis is a rare complication of any form of anthrax, and is generally fatal since,
by the time it is diagnosed, toxin production is well advanced. It evolves with
hemorrhagic CSF.

Laboratory diagnosis
- Gram stain examination of vesicle fluid, CSF, blood;
- Culture of vesicle fluid, CSF, blood;
- Immunofluorescence;
- In those with negative blood cultures, PCR, immunohistochemical staining or a
four0fold rise in IgG can confirm anthrax;
- Electrophoretic immune-transblot test;
- Termoprecipitating reaction (Ascoli-Cornelson-Toma) (formation of an opalescent
ring at the interface between the mixture containing crust and anti-anthrax serum);
- Abnormal radiographs/mediastinal widening in inhalation anthrax;
- Total WBC normal or only slightly elevated;
- Increases % of neutrophils or band forms;

Differential diagnosis
- Cutaneous anthrax: staphylococcal lesions, cutaneous leishmaniasis, herpes zoster,
herpes simplex lesion, erysipelas, inflammatory edema of the face
- Gastrointestinal anthrax: food poisoning, acute abdomen, shigellosis, yersiniosis
- Inhalation anthrax: other pneumopathies
- Anthrax meningitis: Listeria meningitis, tuberculous meningitis meningeal
Most strains of B.anthracis are susceptible to a wide range of antibacterial agents. The
organism was traditionally highly susceptible to penicillin and, until recently, this was the
drug of choice. Wild-type strains often produce a constitutive cephalosporinase. Penicillin-
resistance has been noted, albeit rarely, in wild-type strains and, in addition, strains with
resistance to penicillin are believed to have been engineered durong the “cold war” era. For
these reasons, the first choice is now generally a fluoroquinolone, (ciprofloxacin), although
other FQ are probably also effective. Most authorities still recommend that therapy be
switched to a penicillin (penicillin G, penicillin V, ampicillin, amoxicillin) if antibacterial
susceptibility is confirmed. Alternative drugs include doxyxycline, minocycline,

erythromycin, clindamycine, vancomycin and chloramphenicol. Cotrimoxazol is not active
and 3rd generation cephalosporins are not recommended. Therapy of current inhalation cases:
combination intravenous treatment with Ciprofloxacin and Rifampicin plus
Current dosages recommended:
Penicillin G (procaine)- 600.000 U im. Every 6 or 8 hours
Penicillin V- 500 mg orally 3 times a day
Doxycycline- 100 mg orally 3 times a day
Ciprofloxacin- 500 mg twice a day
For localized or uncomplicated cutaneous anthrax these doses are normally given for 7 days.
The therapy is recommended to continue for 60 days suspected or known inhalation anthrax
to protect against the possibility of delayed germination of spores.
Systemic anthrax: high intravenous doses are recommended. Penicillin + Streptomycin is
often suggested. FQ and tetracyclines are not normally recommended therapy for children and
should thus be used with caution. Therapy should be switched to penicillin or alternatives as
soon as possible.
Patients need to be hospitalized and isolated until clinical recovery and the elimination of the
An adsorbed culture filtrate vaccine became available for humans some four decades ago and
is generally used for those at high risk of exposure including veterinarians, and military
personnel. Repeat vaccination is advised. A live, toxigenic unencapsulated avirulent vaccine
is available for animals, but this is not regarded as sufficiently safe to give to humans,
although a live vaccine is apparently in use in Russia. Those known to have been exposed can
be protected by immediate chemoprophylaxis. Vaccination is not viable option currently for
large numbers of people and supplies are not plentiful. In addition, the strain employed in the
bioterrorist attacks is the US is thought to be the Ames strain, used originally in the US and
the UK for their “germ warfare” programmes. Vaccination is not though to give full
protection against the strain. Better methods of protection from the lethal effects of the toxins
are required and various recent approaches may hold out some promise. A DNA-based
vaccine has proved itself to be of value in experimental work in mice. Plasmids coding for the
PA and LF toxins were used by Galloway et al. to immunize mice who were able to survive
over five times the usual lethal dose of anthax.

Iringo Zaharia Kezdi

Tetanus a greek word of origine meens-to contract.
Tetanus is an acute,often fatal,diseaseof the nervous system, caused by an exotoxin produced
by the bacterium Clostridium tetani. It is characterized by generalized rigidity, persistent
tonic spasmof skeletal muscles and with violent brief exacerbations.The muscle stiffness
almost always commences at the muscles of the neck and jaw, causing trismus (lockjaw)and
then becomes generalized.

Tetanus- remains a major public health problem in the developingworld and is still
encountered in the developed world. There arebetween 800000and 1 million deaths due to
tetanus each year. Eightypercent of Tthese deaths occur in Africa and South East Asia andit
remains endemic in 90 countries world wide.Tetanus occurs worldwide but is most frequently
encountered in densely populated regions in hot, damp climates with soil rich in organic
matter.The reservoir organisms are found primarily in the soil and intestinal tracts of animals
and humans.Manure-treated soil may contain large numbers of spores.Spores may persist for
months to years.
The disease istransmitted primarily by Clostridium tetani spores contaminated wounds
(usually from dust, soil) in which the anaerobic conditions allow germination of the spores
and toxin production.The wounds with tetanus risk are: deep tissue injury(surgery,burns,deep
puncture wounds,crush wounds, otitis media,dental infection,animal bites, abortion,and
pregnancy).Tetanus is notcommunicablefrom person to person. It is the only vaccine-
preventable disease that is infectious but not contagious.It is the disease of active age (5-40
years), but new born babies, females during delivery or abortion can develop also severe
tetanus. The incidence in males is higher than in females. Agricultural workers are at higher
risk for this disease. Incidence of tetanus is much lower in urban areas than in rural areas.
Herd immunity does not protect the individual. Environmental and social risk factors are:
unhygienic custom habits, unhygienic delivery practices.Persons of risk: elderly, migrant
workers, newborns, injecting drug users, unvaccinated individuals.

Clostridium tetani is an obligate anaerobic rod that in young culture stains is gram positive,
but after 24 hours of incubation Gram’s stain is negative. The organism is found commonly in
soil samples around the world, especially in warmer climates. It is isolated from the intestinal
tract of animals (horses, sheep, cattle, dogs, cats, rats, guinea pigs, and chickens) and from
human excrement. The mature C.tetani organism develops a terminal round spore creating a
“tennis racket or a drumstick appearance” and producing tolerance to extremes of
environmental conditions. The organism is sensitive to heat and cannot survive in the
presence of oxygen. The spores, in contrast are very resistant to heat and the usual antiseptics
(phenol and other chemical agents). They can survive autoclaving at 121°C for 20 minutes.
Two exotoxins, tetanospasmin and tetanolysin, are released by some strains of the organism
while it is actively dividing in anaerobic conditions. The role of tetanolysin is unknown (it is
presumed that can disrupt cell membranes). Tetanospasmin is a powerful neurotoxin,
estimated human lethal dose is 2.5 ng/kg, and causes the clinical manifestations of

tetanus.Tetanospasmin disseminates from the infected site of entry, to neuromuscular
junctions, by intraaxonal transport, in the central nervous system. The organism remains
localized in the anaerobic tissue environment.
Tetanospasmin act at three levels: central motor control, autonomic function and
neuromuscular junction.The 150 kD peptide tetanospasmin binds in central nervous system,
inhibits release of inhibitory neurotransmitters gama-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and glycine
and block inhibitory impulses. The resulting imbalance in the central nervous system
predisposes the patient to reflex spasm, to unopposed muscle contraction.
The process involves three steps:
- binding to the presynaptic membrane, -translation of the toxin to the active site, -
induction of paralysis (by inhibition of acetylcholine release)
Tetanospasmin disinhibits sympathetic reflexes at the spinal level, so the hyperadrenergic
findings do not depend on hypothalamic or brain stem dysfunction. The clinical effects of
tetanospasmin may persist for 4-6 weeks.
Tetanus can occur in patients with gangrene, burns, decubitus ulcers, septic abortions,
intramuscular injections, dental infections, penetrating eye injuries, and umbilical stump
The incubation period range from 3 to 30 days (11 days). The disease has four forms:
1. Generalized tetanus is the most frequent form of the disease(90% oc cases).
a. The most commonly presenting sign is trismus (inability to open the mouth)
caused by the rigidity of the masseter muscles. Among the first symptoms are also
the stiffness in the neck, or jaw, difficulties in swallowing and back or shoulder
stiffness. The initial symptoms of generalized tetanus tend to descend from the
head to the skeletal muscles of the trunk and extremities in1-4 days. The
incubation period (time from wound to first symptom) and the period of onset
(time from first symptom to first generalized spasm) is important.
b. Risus sardonicus is another characteristic sign
c. The typical generalized spasm resembles decorticate posturing, consisting of:
sudden tonic contraction of muscles causing opisthotonus, flexion and adduction
of the arms and extension of the lower extremities. Other positions are orthotonus
and pleurosthotonus
d. Generalized spasms can involve abdominal, diaphragmatic, and laryngeal muscles
(life-treathening event), causing apnea and necessitating endotracheal intubation.
During these spasms patients do not lose consciousness, and sustained skeletal
muscle contractions are extremely painful. Tetanic contractions are powerful
enough to cause tendon avulsions, fractures of the spine and long bones.
e. Autonomic dysfunction is the leading cause of death in tetanus patients. This
syndrome includes: labile hypertension, tachycardia, irregularities of cardiac
rhythm, peripheral vascular constriction, profuse sweating, pyrexia, and sometimes
development of hypotension (signs which are present toward the end of the first
week, or during the second). The disease may continue to increase in intensity for
10-14 days, recovery requiring about 4 weeks.
2. Localized tetanus (8%) is an uncommon form of the diseasein which patients have
persistent contraction of muscles in the same anatomic area as the injury. This formmay
develop in persons who are partially immunized to tetanospasmin. The incubation is short
1-2 days.Local tetanus may precede the onset of generalized tetanus but is generally

milder.Only about 1%of cases are fatal.Muscle rigidity depends on the location of injury,
which could involve agonists, antagonists and fixators. The muscles are painful, and deep
tendon reflexes are enhanced.
3. Cephalic tetanus (2-3%)is a rare form of the disease,occasionally occurring with otitis
media (ear infections)in which C.tetaniis present in the flora of the middle ear,or
following injuries to the head.There is involvement of the cranial nerves,especially in the
facial area. The incubation is short 1-2 days. Facial paresis is usually present.
Ophtalmoplegic tetanus is developedwhen there is a paresis of the IIIrd, IVth, and VIth
cranial nerves. If phargyngeal or laryngeal muscle spasm occur, apiration or airway
obstruction is possible with puar prognosis.
4. Neonatal tetanus (very rare) occurs when the mother lacks immunity; usually follows an
infection of the umbilical stump.The incubation is short 3-10 days Infant is unable tu suck,
typical opisthotonic posture occurring later.The mortality rate is almoust 100%.

Rating scales for tetanus severity

Table 1. Veronesi scale
Veronesi scale
Incubation period < 7 days
Period of onset* < 48 hours
High-risk portal of entry (surgical, abortion, etc)
Generalized tetanus
Core temperature above 40°C
Tachycardia (heart rate>120 in adults, >150 in neonates
Score one point for each
*period from the first symptom to the first reflex spasm
Table 2. Severity and prognosis
Score* Severity Mortality
0-1 Mild < 10%
2-3 Moderate 10-20%
4 Severe 20-40%
5-6 Very severe >50%
*cephalic tetanus is always scored as severe or very severe. Neonatal tetanus is always scored
as very severe (
Table 3. Modified Ablett scale of severity
Group Symptoms
Mild Mild rigidity and spasms
Moderate More intense spasms and rigidity, accompanied by disphagia
Severe Marked rigidity, frequent generalized spasms, disphagia, respiratory

The average annual incidence of tetanus in the world is about 1 million cases. Due to its
rarity, the initial clinical symptoms may be missed and the diagnosis may not be made until a
generalized tetanic spasm occurs.
Diagnosis is established in the presence of a portal of entry, trismus, tonic contraction, sudden
spasms and a descending manner of contraction progression, painful convulsions precipitated
by minimal stimuli.
Wounds are classified as clean or tetanus prone. The latter are more than 6 hours old;
contaminated with dirt, feces, soil or saliva; or involve tissue with poor vasculature. Diabetic
foot infections are commonly polymicrobial and contain necrotic tissue classifying them as
tetanus prone. The diagnosis of tetanus cannot depend on wound cultures because cultures are
positive for C.tetani in only 32-50% of cases. In addition, isolation of C. tetani is
inconsequential in immune patients. The lack of a defined wound does not exclude the
diagnosis of tetnus.
A protective titer of tetanispasmine antibodies (>0,01u/ml) may help to exclude diagnosis, but
only in retrospectiv manner .

Differential diagnosis
 Trismus in tetanus must be distinguished by: alveolar ridge abscess,
temporomandibular joint arthritis, tonsillitis; oropharingeal infections
 Spasms and rigidity must be distinguished by: generalized convulsive status
epilepticus, strychnine intoxication, dystonic reactions to antidopaminergic drugs,
tetany precipitated by hipocalcemia, meningitis, encephalitis, brain hemorrhage;
 Local tetanus- with transverse myelitis

1. Respiratory dysfunction: atelectasias, apnea (phrenic and laryngeal neuropathy),
2. Cardiovascular complications: cardiomiopathy, hypertension, ritm disturbancies
3. Urinary tract infections and acute renal failure caused by rhabdomyolysis
4. Vertebral compression, fractures, hyperostosis
5. CNS and systemic consequences of hypoxia

Management of tetanus involves:
 Neutralizing wound and circulating toxin
 Eradicating the source of toxin
 Standard supportive care to provide supportive care until the tetanospasmin that is
fixed in tissue has been metabolized
 Treating related complications
 Treatment of the portal entry

A. Neutralizing Clostridium toxins may require administration of tetanus toxoid (active

immunization) and HTIG (human tetanus immune globulin).
Concomitant administration of HTIG and tetanus diphtheria toxoids (Td) is
recommended in the care of some wounds because tetanus toxoid alone does not

provoke a sufficient, prompt immune response to remove the toxins. Tetanus immune
globulin, used for passive tetanus immunization in patients with tetanus toxoid
hypersensitivity, contains antibodies specific to tetanus toxin, expediting toxin
removal. Both HTIG and Td should be administered at separate sites due to the
possibility of interference with active immunization. Of importance HTIG is limited
by the lack of penetration into the central nervous system and the need for
intramuscular injection. The minimum effective dose of HTIG has not been
established; however, 500 IU appears to be as effective as 3000-5000 IU. Injection of
HTIG around the site of Clostridium infection does not have significant benefit. With
immunization histories being frequently unreliable or unavailable in emergency
departments, “liberal use” of tetanus toxoid and tetanus immune globulin was
recommended for patients with an incomplete or unknown immunization history.
Booster injections beyond treatment guidelines are potentially harmful. Patients with
tetanus antitoxin titers greater than 5U/ml are likely to have an adverse reaction to
tetanus toxoid.
B. Eradicating the source of toxin
Despite the resistant nature of C.tetani spores, in vitro activity occurs with penicillins,
cephalosporins, macrolides, tetracyclines, imipenem, and metronuidazole. A study
comparing oral metronidazole with intramuscular penicillin reported a lower mortality
rate, shorter hospitalization, and less progression of disease in patients receiving
metronidazole. Poor results with penicillin corresponded to its known GABA
antagonistic effects as well as adverse effects caused by intramuscular injections.
Effective eradication of the bacterium is not correlated with immediate improvement
in symptoms because antibiotics do not affect preexisting tetanospasmin. Antibiotic
regimens should contain metronidazole.
C. Standard supportive care of generalized tetanus in the past required:
- Neuromuscular blockade: diazepam dose of 20 mg/hour, vecuronium/pancuronium
- Mechanical ventilation
- GABA agonists: labetalol, morphine 5 mg
D. Treating related complications
Because of extended hospital stay, long-term mechanical ventilation, and several
intravenous access sites, these patients are prone to nosocomial infections. Routine
care such as intramuscular injections and patient stimulation trigger spasms. Extra
measures should be taken to avoid patient stimulation caused by the intensive care unit
E. Therapy of the portal of entry
Debridement should be performed after administration of benzodiazepines
Recent interest has focused on intrathecal methods of antitoxin administration to neutralize
toxin within the central nervous system and limit disease progression.
Even with today’s advanced level of care, the case fatality ratio of tetanus can be high, like

Tetanus is preventable by
 good wound care, antibiotics
 immunization (active and passive, as required)
 in neonates clean delivery and cord-care practices
 maternal vaccination

1. Antibiotic Essentials 2013, Burke A. Cunha (Twelfth edition), Jones & Bartlett
Learning Tetanus, chapter 2, page 170
2. Lecture Notes on Infectious Diseases 2005, B.K. Mandal, E.G.L. Wilkins, E.M.
Dunbar, R.T. Mayon-White ( Sixth edition), Blackwell Publishing Tetanus Chapter 7,
page 86
3. Harrison`s Infectious Diseases 2013, Dennis L. Kasper, Anthony S. Fauci ( 2nd
edition) McGraw-Hill Education Tetanus- C. Louise Thwaites, Lam Minh Yen
chapter 44;
4. Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment 2012, Stephen J, McPhee, Maxine A.
Papadakis ( Fifty- first edition), McGraw-Hill EducationTetanus- Brian S. Schwartz
chapter 33, page 1390;
5. Infectious Diseases for Medical Students 2002, Egidia Miftode, Vasile Luca, Editura
“Gr. T. Popa” U.M.F. Iasi Chapter 17. Diphtheria V. Luca, Egidia Miftode
6. Boli infectioase 2002, Dr. Mircea Chiotan,editia a II-a, Editura National Tetanosul
capitolul 48
7. Boli infectioase transmisibile 2007, Augustin Cupsa, Editura Medicala Universitara
Tetanosul capitol 11, pagina 11.56
8. Patologie infectioasa 2009, Brindusa Tilea, Editura University Press Targu Mures
Tetanosul capitol V, pagina 120

Nina Șincu

Etiologic agents
Enteroviruses = single-stranded RNA viruses, which belong to the Enterovirus genus in the
Picornaviridae family. Their denomination came from their ability to replicate inside the
human digestive tract, but they are responsible for a wide variety of diseases apart from
infectious gastroenteritis: herpangina, hand-foot-and-mouth disease, exanthem, acute
hemorrhagic conjunctivitis, pneumonia, pleurodinia, central nervous system infections
(meningitis / encephalitis, paralysis), myocarditis / pericarditis.
65 human serotypes have been identified so far:
- Poliovirus – 3 serotypes
- Coxsackievirus - group A – 23 serotypes – induce flaccid paralysis in suckling mice
- group B – 6 serotypes – induce spastic paralysis in suckling mice
- Echovirus (enteric cytopatic human orphan = ECHO) – 29 serotypes (1-34). Their
name was given by their cytopathic effect in primate cell cultures, usually without any
pathogenic effects in suckling mice
- Enterovirus 68-71 – 4 serotypes. Enterovirus 70 was associated with outbreaks of
acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis, enterovirus 71 with paralysis.
Enteroviruses lack a lipidic envelope - structural feature which confers them stability in acidic
environment, including human stomach, and facilitates replication within the digestive tract.

Distribution: worldwide. Enterovirus infections evolve in endemic or epidemic patterns.
Seasonality: summer - early autumn in temperate climate regions, all year round in tropical
areas. ¾ cases appear in children, but adults can be subject of enteroviral infection as well.
Overcrowding, poor hygiene favour the transmission of enterovirus infections, especially in
groups of children. Nosocomial transmission of enterovirus has been documented.
Infection reservoir: human, patients with clinically manifest infections, as well as those with
subclinical forms (50% all enterovirus infections, 90% poliovirus infections –asymptomatic).
Contagiousness: several days before and after the onset of the disease, patients shed the virus
through their faeces as well as in the pharyngeal secretions.
Transmission route: direct route: faecal-oral (contaminated hands), or airborne, via
respiratory droplets, as enterovirus can be found in the patient’s stool and pharynx. Indirect
route – via contaminated objects or water (swimming pools) has also been incriminated.
Enterovirus can also be detected in the vesicular fluid from hand-foot-and-mouth disease skin
lesions. Mother-to-child transmission during pregnancy has been reported, as enteroviruses
cross the placenta. Direct inoculation of conjunctival mucosa with enterovirus via
contaminated hands or fomites has been reported in cases of acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis.
Susceptibility: general
Immunity: serotype-specific humoral immunity – IgM antibodies appear 1-3 days after contact
with the virus and last for 2-3 months, IgG antibodies initially appear about 10 days after

contact with the virus and persist for life, but are targeted against the specific serotype which
caused the infection. Infection with other viral serotypes is possible.

Enteroviruses penetrate into the human body via the digestive or upper respiratory tract
(pharynx). Following replication at the entrance gate, in submucosal lymphatic tissues,
enteroviruses penetrate into the bloodstream and cause “minor viremia”, which results in the
infection of the reticulo-endotelial system, where the virus continues to replicate (liver,
spleen, bone marrow). From these sites, virions are again discharged into the bloodstream,
causing a second, clinically manifest, “major viremia”. In most cases, immune mechanisms
are able to contain the infection before the second phase of “major viremia”, which leads to
subclinical forms of infection.

Clinical entities
Enterovirus infections may cause a wide range of clinical manifestations. Disregarding
poliovirus, for which a distinct chapter is reserved, Coxsackievirus and Echovirus infections
may involve the gastro-intestinal and respiratory tracts, the central nervous system, eyes,
kidney, myocardium and pericardium. Clinical entities characterised by fever and exanthema
may also be the result of enterovirus infections.
The incubation period for most cases of enterovirus infections range between 2-14 days, with
an average duration of incubation beneath 7 days.
Herpangina. It is usually caused by group A coxsackievirus, particularly serotypes 1-10, 16,
22. Rare etiologic agents could be group B coxsackievirus serotypes 1-5 and echoviruses and
enterovirus 71. Clinical manifestations include acute onset, fever, sore throat, odynophagia,
possibly associated with vomiting, myalgia, headache. The characteristic enanthem consists
of 2-4 mm vesicles on erythematous base, distributed on the soft palate, uvula, tonsilary
pillars, sometimes on the posterior pharyngeal wall, with subsequent ulcerations. Acute
lymphonodular pharyngitis, caused by group A coxsackievirus serotype 10, is regarded as a
clinical variant of herpangina, with small yellowish nodules (formed by lymphocytes) situated
on the soft palate and uvula, without consecutive ulceration.
Pleurodinia (Bornholm disease). It is actually o myositis usually caused by group B
coxsackievirus, serotypes 1-6, less often by group A coxsackivirus or echoviruses. Clinical
manifestations consist of acute, knifelike spasmodic pain in the chest (adults) or upper
abdomen (children), with 15-30 minutes duration, accompanied by fever peaks, which resolve
along with the pain. Physical examination reveals pleural rub and local tenderness to
palpation of the involved muscles, but chest X-ray is negative.
Pneumonia – more frequent in children, it can be caused by echovirus serotypes 6, 7, 9, 11,
12, 19, enterovirus 71, but also group A or B coxsackievirus. Respiratory symptoms concur to
interstitial or patchy bronchopneumonia features on chest X-ray.
Other respiratory diseases caused by enteroviruses are: choryza, laringo-tracheo-bronchitis,
croup and bronchiolitis.
Nonspecific febrile illness (summer grippe) – the most frequent enterovirus-associated
clinical entity, with flu-like symptoms – fever, coryza, sore throat, cough; it occurs during the
summer – early autumn warm season. It resolves spontaneously, within 3-7 days.
Exanthems. Enteroviruses produce a broad range of exanthems, accompanied by fever,
resembling those encountered in rubella, measles, scarlet fever, roseola infantum, herpetic or
allergic rash and even petechial exanthema.
Hand-foot-and-mouth disease is most often caused by coxsackievirus A16, although other
serotypes of coxsackievirus group A 4-7, 9-10, group B 2-5, echovirus 18 and enterovirus 71
are also known to produce the disease. Clinical manifestations include fever, vesicles and
ulcerations in the oral cavity and skin lesions, consisting of erythematous papules and clear
vesicles surrounded by erythema distributed characteristically on the hand, feet and
sometimes gluteal regions. The etiologic agent can be isolated from the vesicular fluid.
Aseptic meningitis – most frequently caused by group B coxsackievirus serotypes 1-5 and
echovirus serotypes 4, 6, 7, 9, 11, 13, 16, 18, 19, 30, 33, less often by group A coxsackievirus
type 2, 4, 7, 9 and 10. Enteroviruses are reported as the most frequent cause of aseptic
meningitis in children and young adults, evolving especially during the warm season. Clinical
manifestations include fever, chills, headache, vomiting, photophobia, neck stiffness and
other meningeal sings, sometimes accompanied by other clinical symptoms that indicate an
enterovirus infection: herpangina, diarrhea, rash, myocaditis. CSF analysis reveals
pleocytosis: initially polymorphonuclears prevale (differential diagnosis with bacterial
meningitis), but lymphocytes become dominant usually after 24 hours. Total CSF cell count is
usually below 1000 cells/µL, glucose CSF levels are normal, protein CSF levels are slightly
elevated. Prognosis is usually good, with clinical recovery after one week.
Encephalitis –enteroviral infection account for about 10-20% cases of viral encephalitis.
Most cases appear in children and young adults, during the warm season. Coxsackievirus B2,
B5, A9, echovirus serotypes 6, 9 and enterovirus 71 have been incriminated more frequently.
Mental status impairment, ranging from disorientation to coma, seizures, cerebellar ataxia and
sometimes paresis are present. A severe form – brainstem encephalitis, caused more
frequently by enterovirus 71 implies cardio-respiratory malfunction of central origin. CSF
alterations resemble those from enteroviral aseptic meningitis. Imaging and
electroencephalogram may reveal various generalized or localized abnormalities. Prognosis is
good in most cases, although fatal outcome and lifelong sequelae have been reported as well.
Other central nervous system infections. Paralysis (poliomyelitis-like flaccid motor
paralysis) may be the result of enterovirus 71 or coxsackievirus A7. Less frequent etiologic
agents could be coxsackievirus A4, A9, B1-B5, echovirus serotypes 6, 9. The course of the
disease is less severe than in poliomyelitis. Guillain-Barre syndrome has also been depicted
associated to coxsackievirus A2, A5, A9 and echovirus 6, 22. Chronic meningitis or
encephalitis has been reported in patients with hypo- or agammaglobulinemia infected with
Acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis. It is usually caused by enterovirus 70, which evolves in
epidemic outbreaks, but coxsackievirus A24 has also been reported as etiologic agent. The
most common route of transmission is direct inoculation of mucosa via contaminated hands or
fomites (towels, handkerchiefs). Clinical manifestations include pain, foreign body sensation
in the eye, eyelid oedema, serous or seromucoid discharge, subconjunctival haemorrhages,
with 7-10 days duration. Upon physical examination, small follicles are found on the tarsal
conjunctiva. Corneal erosions and punctuate keratitis may sometimes be seen. Signs initially
manifest unilaterally, but they rapidly involve the contralateral eye. Fever and malaise appear
in about 20% cases.
Myocarditis and pericarditis – most commonly encountered as a unitary entity –
myopericarditis. Enteroviruses are responsible for > 50% cases of viral myopericarditis.
Coxsackievirus A4, A9 and A16, B1-B5 and echovirus serotypes 6, 9, 11, 22 are most
frequently involved. The virus reaches the myocardium via bloodstream and induces an
inflammatory local immune response, which may persist for months. Myocyte destruction is a
consequence of both the virus and the inflammation. Myopericarditis is more frequent among
adolescents and young adults. Clinical signs and symptoms imply fever, malaise, chest pain,
cardiac arrhythmias (tachyarrhytmias, various degrees of cardiac block), dyspnea and, in case

of pericardial involvement – sharp pain in the precordial area, exacerbated by recumbent
position, pericardial friction rub on cardiac auscultation. Cardiomegaly and congestive heart
failure may appear. Serum myocardial enzymes are increased. Electrocardiogram reveals ST-
segment and T-wave abnormalities, while echocardiography may depict dilation of cardiac
cavities or reduction of ejection fraction. Recovery implies interstitial fibrosis and myocyte
loss. Long-term sequelae are present in 1/3 adult patients, including cardiomegaly, chronic
congestive heart failure and persistent echocardiographic changes. Dilated cardiomyopathy
and chronic constrictive pericarditis may occur.
Gastro-enteritis. Both coxsackie and echovirus, especially echovirus serotypes 11, 14, 18
have been incriminated in cases of non-bacterial gastro-enteritis, characterised by fever,
vomiting and diarrheic stools.
Generalized neonatal disease. It may be the result of vertical transmission of enterovirus in
the perinatal period (maternal infection during the last week of pregnancy) or infection
acquired during the first month of life (either from an infected mother or during nosocomial
outbreaks in nurseries). Although many enterovirus serotypes produce the same clinical
manifestations in newborns as in older patients, some serotypes cause a severe, generalized
disease of the newborn, particularly coxsackievirus group B serotypes 1-5, echovirus
saerotype 11. Group A coxsackievirus serotypes 3, 9, 16 and echovirus serotypes 4-6, 7, 9, 12,
14, 16, 18, 19-21, 31 are less frequently encountered. Generalized disease of the newborn
includes myocarditis, hepatitis, encephalitis and respiratory distress syndrome, sometimes
with fatal outcome.
Other clinical entities have also been depicted in association with enterovirus
infections:acute nephritis, acute arthritis, parotitis, orchitis, polymyositis. Group B
Coxsackievirus has been isolated from the pancreas of several children diagnosed with type 1
diabetes mellitus, but, so far, there is no confirmed correlation between enteroviruses and this
metabolic condition. However, acute pancreatitis has been depicted in association with group
B coxsackievirus type 1-5 and echovirus serotypes 6, 11, 22 and 30.

Positive diagnosis
Epidemiologic and clinical data are rarely suggestive for enterovirus infections. Clinically
distrinct entities, such as hand-foot-and-mouth disease or herpangina are exceptions.
Enterovirus infections may be suspected in case of epidemic outbreaks, by contact with other
confirmed cases.
Laboratory findings
Serologic tests detect the presence of anti-enterovirus IgM antibodies after 1-3 days from
contact with enterovirus, which last for 1-3 months, and of IgG antibodies, which appear > 10
days from the infective contact with lifelong duration. Anti-enterovirus antibodies are
serotype-specific. Neutralizing and complement-fixating titers of antibodies can be
determined. Dynamic serological tests should be performed, detecting antibody titers at 4
Enteroviruses can be isolated in cell cultures (monkey kidney cell lines, human embryonic
fibroblasts, human rhabdomyosarcoma cell lines), by characteristic cytopathic effect, or into
suckling mice. Thus, enteroviruses can be isolated from the throat, faeces, CSF or blood.
PCR (polymerase chain reaction) detects the presence of enteroviral RNA genome in blood,
CSF, stool, naso-pharyngeal samples or from tissues.

So far, no antiviral medication has been licensed for enterovirus infections. Iv administration
of immunoglobulin containing high anti-enterovirus antibodies titers can be used in
agammaglobulinemic patients, newborns with severe generalized neonatal disease or in other
patients with severe forms of illness, including central nervous system infections.
Treatment is supportive: symptomatic, anti-inflammatory medication, bed rest. Meningitis –
encephalitis requires corticosteroids, depletion, neuronal trophic medication, group B
Patient isolation can be performed either at home in mild cases or by hospitalization – in
severe forms of illness.

Apart from poliovirus, there is no vaccination against other enterovirus infections. Good
hygiene, hand washing, use of gloves and masks help prevent enterovirus transmission
(especially nosocomially). Enteric precautions should be maintained for about 1 week after
the onset of the disease. Overcrowding should be avoided.

1. Cohen JI. Enteroviruses and Reoviruses. In. Kasper DL, Fauci AS. Harrison’s
Infectious Diseases. 7th edition. McGrawHill Medical. New York. 2010, pages 939-
2. Chiotan M. Enteroviroze. In Chiotan M. Boli Infectioase. Editura National. Bucuresti.
2006, pages 282-285

Nina Șincu

Acute infectious and contagious systemic disease caused by poliovirus (an enterovirus), with
diverse clinical manifestations, ranging from asymptomatic infection to paralyitic
poliomyelitis and even death.
→ polios = gray, myelos = marrow (Greek): “involves gray matter neurons” (especially the
anterior horns of the spinal cord).

Poliovirus – genus Enterovirus, family Picornaviridae. It has single stranded RNA structure,
proteic capside and no lipidic envelope, which makes it resistant in acidic environments, such
as the human stomach. It may resist for several days at room temperature, several weeks at
4ºC and is not destroyed by alcohol, ether, chloroform and usual detergents. It is inactivated
by formaldehyde, ionizing radiations and phenol.
Poliovirus can be cultivated in HeLa cell lines or monkey kidney cell cultures.
Poliovirus has 3 known serotypes:
- Type 1 (Brunhilde) – most frequently involved in severe, paralytic forms of disease
- Type 2 (Lansing) – usually causing asymptomatic infections
- Type 3 (Leon) – rarely encountered

In 1988, World Health Organisation (WHO) set poliomyelitis eradication until the year 2000
as major goal. The introduction of anti-poliovirus vaccination significantly decreased the
number of cases of poliomyelitis. However, in spite of general availability of anti-poliovirus
vaccination, the disease is not yet eradicated worldwide, as cases are still reported, especially
in the sub-Saharan region and south-east Asia. In Romania, poliomyelitis is considered
eradicated illness, although the possibility of import cases in travellers returning from
endemic areas cannot be excluded.
Reservoir: human. It consists of patients infected with poliovirus, either developing a clinical
manifest disease or apparently healthy carriers of virus. Persons recently vaccinated with oral
live-attenuated vaccine (OPV) shed the virus through their faeces and may be source of
infection for unimmunized contacts.
Contagiousness: high. The period of contagiousness begins from the last (≈ 5) days of
incubation and last for about 8 weeks after the clinical onset of the disease. Poliovirus can be
isolated from the oropharynx for about 3 weeks and from the faeces for about 8-12 weeks
after the onset of the disease.
Transmission route: both airborne, through naso-pharyngeal droplets, and via faecal-oral
route, by contact with faeces, contaminated hands, food and / or water. About 1 million
infective doses are eliminated within 1 gram of faeces.
Susceptibility: general, among unimmunized contacts. However, only a minority develop the
paralytic form of disease, asymptomatic infection and minor illness are more frequent.

Immunity: Infection with one poliovirus serotype confers type-specific lifelong immunity,
but does not protect against infections with different serotypes. Immunity following
vaccination with trivalent vaccine lasts for about 5 years. Secretory IgA antibodies appear in
the oropharynx and intestinal tract after 1-3 weeks from OPV. IgG serum antibodies develop
after OPV or IPV. Breastfed infants born to immune mothers benefit of protection against
poliovirus infection due to the passage of mothers’ antibodies during their first 3-4 months of

Poliovirus penetrates into the organism via the oropharynx or digestive tract. After infecting
the epithelial cells of the digestive mucosa, it replicates inside local lymphoid structures:
tonsils and Peyer’s patches (the intestinal stage of infection). It subsequently disseminates to
the reticuloendothelial system via minor viremia and, in most patients, infection is limited at
this stage by antibody formation (asymptomatic disease). Bloodstream dissemination follows
replication inside the reticuloendothelial system (major viremia), corresponding to clinical
phenomena characterising the minor illness. If infection is contained at this stage, without
involving the central nervous system (CNS), the patient develops a form of abortive
poliomyelitis (4-8% cases of infection).
CNS impairment (CNS invasion stage), resulting in paralytic poliomyelitis, may be the result
of dissemination via neuronal pathways or from bloodstream; occurs in 1-2% cases. The
poliovirus receptor is found at the site of neuromuscular junctions, which suggested that
poliovirus reaching the junction during viremia may travel from muscles to the anterior horns
of the spinal cord via long axons composing the peripheral nerve fibres.
Poliovirus affects the motor and autonomic neurons from the gray matter of the spinal cord
(especially the anterior horns), but also from cranial nerves nuclei from the brainstem,
(especially medulla oblongata and pons). Apart from neuronal destruction, inflammatory
lesions were depicted, consisting of leukocyte infiltrates, oedema and vasculitis, that persist
for months. Muscle denervation and atrophy are the result of neuronal degeneration, with the
formation of glial scars in the place of destroyed neurons.
Several factors may influence the development of paralytic poliomyelitis, apart from strain
virulence: age, immune status, pregnancy, trauma. Tonsillectomy predisposes to bulbar
paralytic poliomyelitis and reduces the duration of the incubation period. Intramuscular
injections are prohibited as they favour the onset of muscle paralysis.

Clinical manifestations
About 95% cases of infection are asymptomatic. 4-8% cases are abortive forms of
poliomyelitis. 1-2% cases involve CNS.
The classic evolution of poliomyelitis is biphasic and includes several stages:
Incubation: average: 9-12 days (ranging from 5 to 35 days). Incubation period is shortened in
case of tonsillectomy (< 1 week).
Minor illness: duration: 2-3 days. The patient complains of fever, headache, vomiting,
abdominal pain, sore throat, respiratory symptoms, without any neurological signs. It
resembles “flu” and may be misdiagnosed. In abortive poliomyelitis, the course of infection
ends at this stage.
Latency period: a 3-5 day symptom-free period.

Major illness: temperature raise, followed by a pre-paralytic phase, which lasts for 1-2 days,
resembling aseptic meningitis: headache, vomiting, neck stiffness, pleocytosis of the CSF,
with minimum elevation of CSF protein levels (cyto-albuminologic dissociation). Pronounced
myalgias, hyperesthesia, paresthesia, muscle spasms and fasciculations precede the onset of
the paralytic stage by 1-2 days. Signs and symptoms are characteristic for the peripheral
motor neuron syndrome. Flaccid paralysis occurs, with asymmetrical distribution. Lower limb
muscles are more frequently interested than upper limb muscles and proximal muscles of the
limbs are more frequently affected that distal muscle groups. Deep tendon reflexes are
hyperactive at the beginning, than become absent. Abdominal and thoracic muscle paralysis
may occur as well. Paralysis of the respiratory muscles – intercostals and diaphragm may
cause respiratory arrest.. Paralysis progression extends during hours or days and stops after
fever remission.
Lesions of autonomic neurons translate into circulatory troubles, cold extremities,
perspiration, urinary retention due to urinary bladder paralysis.
In bulbar forms, the involvement of neurons belonging to cranial nerves (especially IX and X)
leads to dysphonia, dysphagia, sometimes dyspnea. Facial palsy is possible. Alteration of the
cardio-circulatory brainstem centres may be fatal.
Consciousness troubles are uncommon, except for polioencephalitis. Sensory deficits are not
characteristic for poliomyelitis; they impose differential diagnosis with Guillain-Barre
Recovery stage: begins 10-14 days after the onset of the disease and lasts for months or years,
though most reversible lesions disappear in one month. Partial recovery of the motor
functions may take place in various amounts. About two thirds of patients remain with
lifelong sequelae.
Stage of sequelae: lifelong; it is characterised by definitive limb paralysis and muscle
atrophies due to denervation. Deformations of the limbs, pelvis or spine are common,
especially since paralysis is asymmetrical and involves either only the extensors or only the
flexors of one limb. Since the opposite muscle group maintains its tone, various vicious
positions may be acquired. Equinovarus foot, valgus deformity, scoliosis may occur. Failure
to grow of one limb, while the controlateral limb develops normally leads to the apparent
“shortening” of one limb.
Postpoliomyelitis syndrome: appears 20-40 years after the initial episode of poliomyelitis. It s
characterised by newly established weakness, muscle atrophy, fatigue, pain, usually in the
same muscle groups involved in the initial episode of disease, rarely extending to previously
“healthy” muscle groups. The cause is considered to be the progressive loss of motor units
innerving muscle groups already impaired during the initial course of the disease (motor units
that had taken over the function of previously destroyed neurons) and not an infection
reactivation. It affects 20-30% patients. Disease severity and rate of progression is not
comparable to those from the initial episode of poliomyelitis.

Clinical forms
Non-paralytic forms:
- Asymptomatic forms – 90-95% cases
- Abortive poliomyelitis – includes only minor disease – 4-8% cases
- Polio meningitis – aseptic meningitis (initial cyto-albuminological dissociation in the
CSF, followed by albumin-cytological dissociation)

Paralytic forms:
- Spinal paralytic poliomyelitis the most frequent paralytic form – paralysis of the limb
muscles (monoplegia, hemiplegia, paraplegia, quadriplegia), of the abdominal or thoracic
muscles, including respiratory muscles, paralysis of neck muscles
- Bulbar paralytic poliomyelitis – paralysis of muscle groups inervated by cranial
nerves, especially IX and X: dysphonia, dysphagia, accumulation of secretions in the airways,
dyspnea. It may involve the cardio-respiratory centres from the brainstem, with usually fatal
- Polioencephalitis – alteration of consciousness, confusion, sometimes seizures. It
resembles viral encephalitis of different etiologies. Unlike other forms of poliomyelitis,
spastic paralysis occur, as in central motor neuron syndrome. It is more frequent in infants.
- Mixed forms: spino-bulbar, spino-encephalitic, bulbo-encephalitic, with intertwined
According to the age of patients: infants may develop polioencephalitis or severe forms more
often than adults.
Vaccine-associated poliomyelitis – follows OPV

Positive diagnosis
- Epidemiologic data: infective contact, poliomyelitis epidemics outbreaks, vaccination
- Clinical data: infectious syndrome, neurological suggestive signs and symptoms
- Laboratory findings: Poliovirus can be isolated from the oropharynx, faeces and CSF
by PCR technique or cultivated on HeLa / monkey kidney cell cultures. For epidemiologic
purpose, it is important to identify the viral strain as wild-type, OPV or vaccine-derived
poliovirus. Serological tests, performed 4 weeks apart, detect an increase in neutralizing or
complement-fixation titres of IgM antibodies. CSF is clear, characteristic for aseptic
meningitis, with lymphocytic pleocytosis, but slightly elevated or normal protein levels (cyto-
albuminological dissociation), with normal glucose levels. Poliovirus can be identified from
the CSF by PCR or cultivation on cell lines. However, lumbar puncture should be avoided, as
it may exacerbate the course of illness.

Differential diagnosis (DDx)

- Minor disease: DDx with flu and other respiratory virus infections
- Major disease – pre-paralytic stage: DDx with aseptic meningitis
- Major disease – paralytic stage: DDx with other enterovirus infections (enterovirus
71), West-Nile infection, vaccine-associated myelitis, brain haemorrhage, botulism, post-
dyphteric paralysis, spinal cord compression, Guillain-Barre syndrome (symmetrical,
bilateral, ascending paralysis, sensation impairment, albumin-cytological dissociation in the
CSF: elevated CSF albumin level without significant pleocytosis)


- Pulmonary complications: pulmonary oedema, respiratory failure (paralysis of
respiratory muscles, airways obstruction with secretions in bulbar forms, impairment of
respiratory neurological centres), bacterial pneumonia (due to superinfection)
- Cardiac complications: myocarditis, elevated blood pressure
- Gastro-intestinal complications: paralytic ileus, digestive tract bleeding, gastric
- Urinary complications: urinary tract infections (in-dwelling catheters required by
urinary retention)

No etiologic antiviral treatment has been discovered so far. Case management implies
supportive methods. Hospitalization and careful monitoring is required during the acute phase
of paralytic poliomyelitis. Severe forms of disease require hospitalisation in an intensive care
unit. Bed rest is compulsory during this stage, with no exercise. Intramuscular injections are
prohibited, as they may exacerbate neurological symptoms. Hot moist packs are applied to
involved muscle groups. Pain relievers, sedatives, group B vitamins may be of help.
Mechanical ventilation is necessary in case of paralysis of respiratory muscles: tracheal
intubation and positive pressure ventilation. Postural drainage and secretion aspiration is
useful in patients with bulbar forms of poliomyelitis, with accumulation of secretions in their
Physical therapy begins in the recovery phase and may last for years. Sometimes surgery is
necessary to correct vicious positions or limb abnormalities.

Mortality in paralytic forms of poliomyelitis was reported to be of 5-10% during polio
epidemics and even more increased in bulbar forms of disease. Lifelong sequelae are frequent
in paralytic forms, characterised by limb paralysis and muscle atrophy, usually accompanied
by vicious positions of the limbs due to asymmetric muscle involvement.

Two types of anti-polio vaccine have been available.
Live-attenuated oral poliovirus vaccine (Sabin) – OPV contains strains of poliovirus
attenuated by multiple successive passages in monkey kidney cell cultures and selection of
mutant strains with low virulence. It is administered orally and induces local, gastro-intestinal
immunity, reflected by local appearance of IgA anti-poliovirus antibodies after 1-3 weeks
from vaccination. IgG antibodies appear as well. Trivalent vaccine is used (effective against
all 3 serotypes of poliovirus). However, as it contains a live-attenuated viral strain, one must
bear in mind the risk of developing vaccine-associated poliomyelitis following administration
of oral (live-attenuated) vaccine. It is about 1 case/2.5 million doses among
immunocompetent subjects and 2000 times higher among immunosuppressed individuals,
disease occurring both in vaccinated persons and their contacts, as vaccinated persons shed
poliovirus through their faeces (up to 6 weeks) and naso-pharingeal secretions (up to 3
weeks). The replication of the live-attenuated viral strain inside the digestive tract may lead to
mutations and transformation into a virulent strain that may cause disease. Intramuscular
injections are prohibited during the first months following OPV vaccination as these
manoeuvres increase the risk of vaccine-associated poliomyelitis. Intercurrent diarrheal

diseases reduce the efficacy of OPV. Like other live-attenuated vaccines, OPV is prohibited
in immunocompromised hosts.
Inactivated poliovirus vaccine (Salk) – IPV is obtained by formalin-inactivation of viral
strains. It does not cause vaccine-associated poliomyelitis. It induces IgG antibody formation.
While industrialized countries mostly use IPV, OPV is administered at large scale in less
developed regions. Nowadays, IPV is used in Romania. Four doses are recommended in
children – at the age of 2 months, 4 months, 6-18 months and 4-6 years.

1. Cohen JI. Enteroviruses and Reoviruses. In. Kasper DL, Fauci AS. Harrison’s
Infectious Diseases. 7th edition. McGrawHill Medical. New York. 2010, pages 939-
2. Cupsa A. Poliomielita. In Cupsa A. Bolile infectioase transmisibile. Editura Medicala
Universitara. Craiova, Romania, 2007, pages: 11.45-11.52.
3. Chiotan M. Poliomielita. In Chiotan M. Boli Infectioase. Editura National. Bucuresti.
2006, pages 286-295
4. Carstina D. Poliomielita. In Rebedea I. Boli Infectioase. Editura Medicala. Bucuresti.
2000, pages 331-335.

Andrea Incze

Acute infectious diarrheal diseases are the second worldwide regarding their frequency,
following the acute respiratory illnesses. In children under 5 years diarrhea appears 2-3 times
per year in developed countries, whereas in developing countries in can have a frequency of
10-18 episodes per year. In Asia, Africa, and Latin America diarrhea is a leading cause of
morbidity and mortality in children.

Diarrhea is defined as passing 3 or more watery stools, or one or more bloody stools per day.
The average stool weight is 100 g per day, whereas diarrhea is defined as at least 200 g of
stool output per day.
Severe diarrhea is characterized by one or more of the following: volume depletion, fever, 6
or more stools per day, the illness lasting above 48 hours, and immunosuppression.

Classification regarding the duration of diarrhea
Regarding its duration diarrhea can be classified as:
- acute (lasts up to 14 days)
- persistent (lasts 14-30 days)
- chronic (lasts above 30 days)
Classification based on the etiologic agent of diarrhea
Infectious diarrhea is caused by:
- viruses
- bacteria
- parasites
- fungi
Classification regarding the pathogenic mechanism of diarrhea
- noninflammatory diarrhea (enterotoxigenic):
o the proximal small bowel is affected
o the stools are watery
o stool findings: no fecal leukocytes, mild or no increase in fecal lactoferrin
o examples: Vibrio cholerae, enterotoxigenic and enteroaggregative
Escherichia coli, Clostridium perfringens, Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus
aureus, Aeromonas hydrophyla, Plesiomonas shigelloides, rotavirus,
norovirus, adenovirus, Giardia lamblia, Cryptosporidium spp., Cyclospora
spp., microsporidia
- inflammatory (invasive or cytotoxic) mechanism:

o distal small bowel or the colon is affected
o diarrhea is dysenteric (bloody mucopurulent) or inflammatory
o stool findings: fecal polymorphonuclear leukocytes, important increase in
fecal lactoferrin
o examples: Shigella spp., Salmonella spp., Campylobacter jejuni,
enterohemorrhagic and enteroinvasive Escherichia coli, Yersinia
enterocolitica, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Aeromonas hydrophyla,
Plesiomonas shigelloides, Clostridium difficile, Entamoeba histolytica
- penetrating mechanism:
o distal small bowel is affected
o the microorganisms penetrate the epithelial layer via the phagocytes, and
disseminate throughout the body, causing enteric fever
o stool findings: fecal mononuclear leukocytes
o examples: Salmonella typhi, Yersinia enterocolitica, Campylobacter fetus

The source of infection is human (ill persons or healthy carriers), or animal (in some cases,
for example Salmonella).
The infection is either transmitted through direct contact with the source of infection, or
through contaminated objects (food, personal articles, water). Dirty hands play an important
role in the transmission of diarrhea. Vectors such as flies or rodents can transmit the enteric
Toxins that are preformed in the food might cause diarrhea – this is the case of food
Receptivity is general, although children under 5 are more exposed.
There is no immunity following the infection in most of the cases, a new infection is possible.
Most cases of diarrhea are sporadic, but it can occur in epidemics, pandemics (for example
cholera) also, or it can be endemic.
Diarrhea can be related to travel to undeveloped areas, and produced through the ingestion of
contaminated water or food. The most frequent etiologic agent of the traveler’s diarrhea is E.
coli (enterotoxigenic and enteroaggregative).
There are certain sites where cases of diarrhea can accumulate: day care centers (rotavirus),
hospitals (rotavirus in pediatric wards, Clostridium difficile among adults), nurseries for
newborns (enteropathogenic E. coli) and chronic care institutions for elderly (Clostridium

Host factors
A great number of microorganisms are ingested with every meal, neutralized by the defense
mechanisms of the normal host. The elements of the host defense are:
Gastric acid

The acidic pH (<4) of the stomach destroys the majority of enteric pathogens. Neutralization
of this barrier by antiacid medication might conduct to enteric bacterial and parasitic
In order to pass this barrier a great inoculum of pathogens is needed (for example: 108
organisms of Vibrio cholerae).
Some microorganisms can survive gastric acidity – such as rotavirus, which is stable in acid
environment, and some parasites, their process of excystation is facilitated by the low pH.
Personal hygiene
The acquisition of an enteric infection depends on the number of pathogens ingested. The
exception is Shigella, which can be transmitted with only 10-100 organisms, and cysts of
certain parasites.
The route of transmission of enteric pathogens is oral in most of the cases. Therefore the
supply of uncontaminated water and appropriate sanitary facilities play an important role in
the prevention of diarrhea.
Normal flora
The intestine is inhabited by a large number of bacteria, 99% of which is anaerobic (10 11
organisms per gram of normal feces – Bacteroides, Clostridium, peptostreptococci,
peptococci and others). These bacteria produce volatile fatty acids and provide acidic pH,
which prevents colonizationof the bowels by enteric pathogens.
Infants who have not developed yet their normal flora, or persons receiving antibiotics that
cause a loss of normal flora, are more likely to have infections with enteric pathogens. A
single dose of antibiotic can eradicate the protective effect of normal flora.
Intestinal motility
Gut motility and diarrhea helps the host to get rid of the intestinal pathogens. Antimotility
drugs administered in bacterial diarrhea might worsen the outcome, and conduct to
bacteremia in some cases.
Cellular and humoral immunity play an important role in protection from enteric infections.
Humoral immunity consists of systemic IgM and IgG, and local secretory IgA.
The first line defense is the mucosal immune system. Bacterial antigens are bound to the
luminal surface of the M cells in the distal small bowel and they are presented to the
subepithelial lymphoid cells. As a result sensitized lymphocytes (plasma cells) are produced,
these spread throughout the mucosa, and produce secretory IgA.
Breast-feeding has a protective role through the antibody, lactoferrin, lysozyme, phagocyte,
lactose, low pH, low protein, low phosphate and oligosaccharide-fraction content of the
human milk.
Host genotype and age
Host genotype and age influence the susceptibility to colonization with enteric pathogens. For
example persons with blood group O are more susceptible to cholera, shigellosis, and
norovirus infection, whereas those with blood group A to giardiasis. Infections with
enteroaggregative E. coli are associated with a polymorphism in the interleukin 8 gene.
Rotavirus and enteropathogenic E. coli infections affect young children especially. This is
related to age-specific changes of intestinal mucosa, cell surface factors, microbial flora,
environmental exposure, and specific immune factors.

Microbial factors
Inoculum size
There is a certain number of microorganisms that has to be ingested in order to cause disease.
This number can be low (10-1000 bacteria or cysts) for Shigella, enterohemorrhagic E. coli,
Giardia lamblia and Entamoeba, or high (105-108) in the case of Vibrio cholerae.

By adhering to the intestinal walls microorganisms can avoid the effect of peristaltism, they
can colonize the mucosa.
Microorganisms adhere to the specific receptors of the intestinal cells through specific surface
structures, such as pili, fimbiriae, or other adherence factors (adhesins). Examples of
microorganisms using adherence factors: Vibrio cholerae, enterotoxigenic and
enteropathogenic and enterohemorrhagic E. coli.

Enterotoxin production
The enterotoxins act on the secretory mechanisms of the mucosa. They activate the adenilate
or guanilate-cyclase enzymes of the eneterocytes, which results in cyclic AMP or GMP
formation. These cyclic nucleotides activate the water and electrolyte secretion, which
conducts to watery diarrhea. Examples of enterotoxin-producing microorganisms: Vibrio
cholerae, enterotoxigenic E. coli.

Cytotoxin production
Cytotoxins inhibit the protein synthesis of intestinal epithelial cells, which conducts to cell
destruction. As a result of this disentery syndrome appears, characterized by bloody stools
with inflammatory cells (frequent low quantities of mucous-purulent-bloody stools associated
with abdominal cramps and tenesmus). Examples of cytotoxin-producing microorganisms:
Clostridium difficile, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Enteropathogenic E. coli, some types of
Salmonella, Shigella dysenteriae type 1, and Shiga-toxin producing E. coli. The last two
produce a verotoxin, which conducts to hemolytic-uremic syndrome and hemorrhagic colitis.
Neurotoxins are produced by microorganisms outside the host, which are ingested. This is the
case of food poisoning. For example the staphylococcal and Bacillus cereus toxins act on the
central nervous system, and produce vomiting.

Many microorganisms can adhere to and invade the intestinal epithelial cells. This conducts to
the destruction of the epithelial cells and dysentery syndrome. The bacteria multiply in the
cells, destroy the cells and spread to adjacent cells. An important local inflammatory reaction
appears. The subsequent systemic invasion is rare however it might appear in the
immunocompromised patients. Examples of invasive microorganisms: Shigella,
enteroinvasive E. coli, Salmonella.

Some microorganisms can penetrate the intact intestinal mucosa, without local destruction.
They multiply in the phagocytes found in Peyer’s patches or intestinal lymph nodes.

Afterwards they produce systemic invasion, manifested as enteric fever syndrome,
characterized by fever, headache, relative bradycardia, abdominal pain, splenomegaly, and
leukopenia. Examples of penetrating microorganisms: Salmonella typhi and paratyphi,
Salmonella cholerae suis, Yersinia enterocolitica.

Mature epithelial cell destruction

Mature epithelial cells are infected and destroyed in viral intestinal infections. However
destruction does not affect the cells of the intestinal cryptae. As a result the structure of
intestinal vili is destroyed, and the absorption of the fluids altered. Water and electrolyte loss
occurs therefore the stools are watery, although rarely they might be also bloody.

Clinical manifestations
Diarrhea can be easily recognized based on the presence of frequent soft stools associated or
not with abdominal cramps, tenesmus. However, it is not easy to establish the etiology of

Dehydration and electrolyte loss are frequent acute complications of diarrhea.
Chronic complications can follow an acute episode of diarrhea. Chronic diarrhea can be
caused by: lactase deficiency, small bowel bacterial overgrowth, malabsorbtion syndromes.
Inflammatory bowel disease can be exacerbated by an acute infectious diarrhea.
Reactive arthritis (Reiter’s syindrome) can appear following infection with invasive
microorganisms (Salmonella, Shigella, Campylobacter).
Hemolytic-uremic syndrome, manifested with hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia and renal
failure can appear in case of verotoxin producing microorganisms (Shigella dysenteriae type
1, enterohemorrhagic E. coli).

Historical data has to be obtained about:
- the duration of diarrhea
- the presence / absence of fever (fever means either invasive disease, or it can result
from an infection outside the intestinal tract)
- the appearance of stool:
o bloody mucous stools: ulceration of the large bowel
o bloody stool without leukocytes: shiga-toxin producing enterohemorrhagic
E. coli
o white stools: small intestinal process, malabsorption
o profuse “rice-water” stools: cholera, or other toxigenic process
- frequency of stools and vomiting: can appoint towards dehydration
- abdominal pain:

o severe in inflammatory processes (Shigella, Campylobacter)
o painful cramps caused by electrolyte loss: in cholera
o bloating: lambliasis
o appendicitis-like syndrome: Yersinia enterocolitica
- tenesmus (painful rectal spasms with the sensation of defecation, but little passage
of stool): proctitis (shigellosis, amebiasis)
- vomiting:
o toxin-mediated illness
o food poisoning
o systemic illness
o bowel obstruction
- contacts presenting the same symptoms: food poisoning, the food can be examined
- previously consumed food
- current or recent antibiotic therapy: Clostridium difficile diarrhea (antibiotic
should be stopped, tests for Clostridium difficile should be performed)
- travel: traveler’s diarrhea
Physical examination
Severe disease has to be identified: high fever, toxic syndrome, dehydration.
Dehydration can be mild, moderate or severe:
- mild dehydration: thirst, dry mouth, decreased urine output, decreased axillary
sweat, moderate tachycardia, the skin loses from its elasticity, retracts slightly
slower than normally, slight weight loss (5%)
- moderate dehydration: intense thirst, tachycardia, weak pulse, deep breathing,
orthostatic fall of blood presure, decreased skin turgor (the skin retracts slowly),
sunken eyes, sunken fontanelle (in infants), hoarse voice, oliguria, the weight loss
is moderate (5-10 %)
- severe dehydration: very intense thirst, hypotension, the mental status can be either
normal, or somnolence, confusion, coma might be present, very rapid pulse rate,
with feeble or impalpable pulse, deep and rapid breathing, the skin retracts very
slowly, the eyes are very sunken, the voice is not audible, oligoanuria, anuria is
present, sometimes shock can appear, the weight loss is severe (10% or above).

Laboratory evaluation
Test for fecal leukocytes
A thin smear of stool is prepared on a glass slide, a drop of methylene blue is added, and it is
examined. Fecal lactoferrin is a marker of the fecal leukocytes. Its evaluation is more
sensitive, and avalilable in latex agglutination and ELISA formats.
The presence of neutrophils suggests an invasive or cytotoxic mechanism, although it can be
present in ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease, also.
The absence of leukocytes suggests noninflammatory diarrhea, which can be either infectious
(enterotoxin-produced, viral, parasitic) or noninfectious (tumors, immunosuppression).

Gram stained smear from stool
It is useful in case of staphylococcal diarrhea and cholera. It cannot be used to distinguish the
Gram negative microorganisms.
Stool culture: The stool sample has to be obtained before the initiation of antibiotic therapy.
Negative stool culture does not exclude the bacterial etiology of an acute diarrhea. Indications
to perform stool cultures are: dysenteric syndrome, feverish diarrhea lasting > 3 days, diarrhea
outbreaks, traveler’s diarrhea, diarrhea following antibiotic therapy, immunosuppressed
In case of food poisoning cultures have to be made from vomiting and the food also.
Blood cultures are useful in the case of typhoid fever, and invasive diarrhea (Salmonella,
Yersinia enterocolitica, Campylobacter spp.)

Detection of specific pathogens

The useful tests to detect viruses as the cause of diarrhea are: latex agglutination (rotavirus),
ELISA tests and PCR (norovirus).
Parasites can be detected by performing native and coloured smears, either from stool or
from the duodenal fluid, or from intestinal biopsy. At least three specimens should be
If there is a suspicion of cholera, stool should be cultured on TCBS (thiosulfate-citrate-bile
salts-sucrose) agar.
In case of Clostridium difficile: the toxins A and B have to be detected in stool, by latex
agglutination, or ELISA tests.

Differential diagnosis
Acute infectious diarrhea has to be differentiated from:
- toxic diarrhea (intoxication with mushrooms, ciguatoxin and scombrotoxin from
fish or seafood, heavy metals such as lead, mercury)
- diarrhea caused by drugs (purgatives, immunosuppressive agents)
- food allergy
- diarrhea caused by endocrine diseases
- psychogenic diarrhea
- chronic inflammatory diseases (Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis)
- neoplasms
- acute abdominal diseases (intestinal occlusion, mesenteric infarction, appendicitis,
- disaccharidase deficiency (lactose intolerance)

In most cases of infectious diarrhea an etiologic diagnosis is not necessary or available, due to
the time consuming diagnostic approaches, therefore the therapy is empirical. It is focused on

adequate rehydration, diet, symptomatic therapy. Most of acute infectious diarrheas are self
limited and do not require antimicrobial therapy.
Most of the patients with diarrhea are treated at home. Hospital admission is necessary in
cases of severe dehydration and certain diseases with epidemiologic risk (dysentery, cholera,
typhoid fever).
The diet is rich in liquids (tea, rice soup, vegetable soup with salt and glucose, plain water).
Boiled rice, boiled pasta, followed by boiled meat and vegetables, toast, non fermented cheese
can be consumed, in small, frequently administered quantities. It is advisable to avoid milk,
juices, alcohol, coffee, vegetables with high cellulose content (beans, peas), potatoes, fruits,
sweets, other foods that are not easily digested.
Breast-feeding should be maintained in infants, however in case of formula fed infants
lactose-free formulas have to be used.
Rehydration is the most important therapeutic action. Oral rehydration solutions are effective
in mild and moderate dehydration. The World Health Organization recommends oral
rehydration solutions that contain 3.5 g sodium chloride, 2.5 g sodium bicarbonate, 1.5 g
potassium chloride and 20 g glucose per liter of water.
In case of vomiting or in severe dehydration intravenous rehydration is necessary.
Physiological saline, 5% glucose, Ringer’s lactate solutions can be used.
Antidiarrheic therapy such as loperamide is recommended only in watery diarrhea. It is
contraindicated in invasive diarrhea, dysentery syndrome, due to its lowering effect on the
bowel movements. This facilitates the invasion of microorganisms, and their entrance into the
systemic circulation.
Intestinal adsorbents such as Bismuth subsalicylate, Pectin, Kaolin and Diosmectite can be
Probiotics facilitate the recolonization of intestines with lactobacilli, which modify the local
pH, and create unfavorable conditions for pathogenic microorganisms.
Antimicrobial therapyis recommended in enteric fever, dysentery, diarrhea caused by
Clostridium difficile, cholera. The recommendation is debated in case of diarrhea produced by
Campylobacter, Yersinia, Aeromonas, and E. coli.
Antimicrobial therapy can be either empirical or specific. Many antibiotics can be used:
fluoroquinolones (ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin), 2nd and 3rd generation cephalosporins,
azithromycin, erythromycin, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, rifaximin (not recommended in
dysentery), furazolidone, doxycycline. The duration of antimicrobial therapy is 3-5 days.
Examples of antimicrobial therapy according to specific agents:
- Campylobacter spp.: erythromycin
- Clostridium difficile: vancomycin, metronidazole
- E. coli: trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, 2nd and 3rd generation cephalosporins
- Salmonella spp.: trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, 3rd generation cephalosporins (in
case of non-typhi salmonella antibiotics are recommended only at the extreme
ages and in immunosuppressed)
- Shigella spp.: trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, 3rd generation cephalosporins, new
- V. cholerae: doxycycline, macrolide
- Yersinia spp.: trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, 3rd generation cephalosporins

Individual and comunitary hygiene has to be improved in order to reduce the fecal-oral
transmission of enteric microorganisms.
Travelers should eat only cooked food, avoid raw vegetables, salads and unpeeled fruit, drink
only boiled or treated water, and avoid ice. Prophylactic antimicrobial therapy is
recommended for travelers only if they are immunosuppressed(rifaximine, trimethoprim-
sulfamethoxazole, quinolones).
Rotaviral infections can be prevented by vaccination. A live attenuated oral vaccine is
available, that has to be administeredin 2 doses to infants aged between 6-24 weeks (with at
least 4 weeks between the doses).

1. Mandell GL, Bennett JE, Dolin R – Principles and practice of infectious diseases, 6th
Edition, 2005, Elsevier
2. Kasper DL, Fauci A - Harrison’s Infectious diseases, 2010, McGraw Hill Medical
3. Cupsa A – Boli infecţioase transmisibile, 2007, Editura Medicală Universitară Craiova
4. Gantz NM, Brown RB, Berk SL, Myers JW – Manual of clinical problems in infectious
disease, 5th Edition, 2006, Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins
5. Szalka A, Timár L, Ludwig E, Mészner Zs – Infektológia, 2005, Medicina Könyvkiadó,
6. Chiotan M – Boli infecţioase, 2002, editura Medicală Naţională, Bucureşti

Andrea Incze

Bacteria of the genus Salmonella are divided in many species and subspecies. They can infect
humans and animals also. The typhoid Salmonellae (typhi and paratyphi) infect humans only,
causing enteric fever. The non-typhoidal Salmonellae have a wide range of animal hosts.
More than 200 serotypes are pathogenic to humans, causing gastroenteritis ± bacteremia.

Etiologic agent
Salmonellae are Gram-negative, facultatively anaerobic, non sporulated bacilli, which are part
of the Enterobacteriaceae family. Salmonella genus has 2 species: Salmonella bongori and
Salmonella enterica. The latter was divided to 6 subspecies.
Salmonella subspecies are classified based on the somatic O antigen (lipopolysaccharide, cell
wall component), surface Vi antigen (restricted to Salmonella typhi and paratyphi C) and
flagellar H antigen in > 2400 serotypes, according to the Kauffmann-White scheme. O-
antigen serogroups are designated A, B, C1, C2, D and E. These can be detected through
agglutination reaction. Strains of these 6 serogroups cause 99% of salmonella infections in
humans. This classification is useful in epidemiologic studies.

In case of non-typhoidal Salmonallae the sources of infection are ill persons, chronic carriers,
and animals, whereas the only source of Salmonella typhi is human.
The route of transmission is fecal-oral, and through contaminated food.
Non-typhoidal Salmonella infections can be sporadic, or appear in outbreaks. These are linked
to certain food consumption, such as milk, eggs, poultry, or inadequately washed raw
vegetables, undercooked ground meat, dairy products, the lack of hygiene, inadequate food
preparation. Contact with animals, especially reptiles might conduct to sporadic cases of
Rates of morbidity and mortality are higher in the immunosuppressed patients and at extreme
Antibiotic resistance has increased in non-typhoidal Salmonellae, due to the widespread use
of antibiotics in food animals, and in animal feed.

The inoculum producing infection in case of Salmonellae is 103-106 bacteria. This number
lowers in case of hypoclorhidria or antacid therapy. Intestinal surgery, inflammatory bowel
disease, and alteration of the normal intestinal flora through antibiotic therapy are facilitating
Salmonella infections.
At the level of small intestine Salmonallae traverse the intestinal layer through the M cells
(phagocytes found in Peyer’s patches). As a result of non-typhoidal Salmonella colonization
interleukin 8 is secreted, that is a strong neutrophil chemotactic factor. This conducts to
massive polymorphonuclear infiltration in the mucosa of small bowel and colon. Neutrophils

degranulate and release toxic substances, which damage the intestinal mucosa, and cause
inflammatory diarrhea.
In some cases there is no sign of disease, only a transient carrier state. If the process is not
limited to the intestines, bacteria can pass into the lymphatic and systemic circulation.
Metastatic foci can appear in case of bacteremia.

Clinical manifestations
Gastroenteritis is characterized by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, with an incubation of 6-48
hours. Abdominal cramps, fever can also occur. The stools are of moderate volume, loose,
nonbloody, but they might be bloody, dysenteric or watery. Symptoms mimicking
appendicitis might appear. Diarrhea is self limited, antimicrobial treatment is recommended
only in the immunosuppressed patients and extreme ages. The carriage state lasts 4-5 weeks,
or > 1 year in case of chronic carriage.
Bacteremia appears in 5% of diarrheal diseases, and 5% of these develop septic metastases.
These are more common in S. choleraesuis and S. Dublin infection, and at extreme ages or
immunosuppression. Endocarditis, arteritis can occur as a result of bacteremia.
Non-typhoidal Salmonellae can cause intraabdominal infections, such as hepatic, splenic
abscesses, cholecystitis. These are facilitated by gallstones, hepatobiliary tract abnormalities,
abdominal neoplasms, and sickle cell anemia.
Other infections:
- CNS infections: meningitis (in infants below 4 months), ventriculitis, subdural
empyema, brain abscess
- pulmonary infections: lobar pneumonia, lung abscess, empyema, bronchopleural
fistula (facilitated by lung cancer, sickle cell disease, glucocorticoid use)
- urogenital infections: cystitis, pyelonephritis, ovarian and testicular abscesses,
prostatitis, epididymitis (facilitated by malignancies, urolithiasis, structural
abnormalities, HIV infection, renal transplantation)
- bone, joint and soft tissue infections: osteomyelitis, septic arthritis (facilitated by
sickle cell disease, hemoglobinopathies, preexisting bone disease)
Reactive arthritis (Reiter’s syndrome) can follow non-typhoidal Salmonella gastroenteritis.

Non-typhoidal Salmonellae can be isolated from stool, blood, or another body fluid (joint
fluid, abscess drainage, CSF).
In case of localized infection echocardiography, computer tomography are used.

Antibiotics should not be used to treat non-typhoidal Salmonella gastroenteritis in
immunocompetent patients. In case of dehydration fluid replacement is necessary.
Certain categories have to receive antibiotics: neonates up to 3 months, persons older than 50
years, immunosuppressed patients, patients with cardiac valvular or endovascular
abnormalities, vascular grafts, prosthetic joints, hemoglobinopathy, bacteremic, or
hospitalized with severe diarrhea and fever.

Antimicrobial agents used in therapy are: ciprofloxacin (2x500 mg/day), levofloxacin (500
mg/day once daily), azithromycin (500 mg/day once daily), trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole,
amoxicilin, ceftriaxone, ampicilin.
There are resistant strains to trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, chloramphenicol, ceftriaxone,
The duration of antimicrobial therapy of gastroenteritis is 48-72 hours-7-10 days, or in case of
immunosuppression 7-14 days. In AIDS patients with Salmonella bacteremia the duration of
therapy is longer, 1-2 weeks iv therapy followed by 4 weeks of oral fluoroquinolones. Those
who relapse should receive long term suppressive therapy. In case of endocarditis or arteritis
the duration of therapy is 6 weeks. In case of extraintestinal nonvascular infections the
duration of therapy is 2-4 weeks. Surgical treatment is required in some cases.
Chronic carriers should receive a prolonged antibiotic course.

Every step of food production should be monitored. Contaminated food has to be pasteurized,
irradiated or cooked properly.
The infections have to be reported to the Public Health Authority to prevent larger outbreaks.
Limited usage of antibiotics in humans and animals might prevent the emergence of
multidrog-resistant Salmonella.


Typhoid fever is a human systemic disease caused by Salmonella typhi or paratyphi serotypes
A, B, or C, characterized by fever, splenomegaly, typhoid state, and rose spots, with severe,
potentially fatal evolution.

Etiologic agent
Salmonella typhi has a somatic antigen (O), flagellar antigen (H – induces specific antibodies,
which are determined by the Widal reation), virulence (Vi) antigen, with antiphagocytic
The microorganism is resistant in the environment, can survive at low temperatures for long
periods of time. Salmonella typhi is destroyed by common disinfectants.

The hosts of Salmonella typhi and paratyphi A, B, and C are exclusively human. The source
of infection is the ill person or healthy carrier.
The disease is transmitted through fecal-oral route, directly, or indirectly, through
contaminated food, water or objects. Sexual transmission is possible between homosexuals.
The infection of health care workers is possible through contact with ill persons or processing
clinical specimens or cultures.
Receptivity is general, the immunity is relative, does not provide protection in case of massive
Outbreaks of enteric fever are related to poor sanitation and lack of clean drinking water.
Sporadic cases may appear in travelers.
Multidrug-resistant strains of Salmonella typhi have emerged, which are resistant to
chloramphenicol, ampicilin, trimethoprim, ciprofloxacin.

Salmonella typhi and paratyphi passes the intestinal epithelium through the M cells within
Peyer’s patches at ileocecal level. Subsequently they are phagocytosed by macrophages,
however they survive within macrophages. Then they disseminate throughout the body in
macrophages via the lymphatics. This is the first, transient bacteremia. They colonize the
reticuloendothelial tissues such as liver, spleen, lymph nodes, bone marrow. The patient has
no fever and few symptoms in this phase (incubation).
Salmonellae are taken up by the tissular macrophages, multiply within them, and in 1-3 weeks
a secondary bacteremia occurs, with the spread of infection to another organs, such as the
gallbladder, biliary tract, and reinfect the Peyer’s patches of the ileon. The secondary
bacteremia is continuous, low quantities of microorganisms are continuously released into
circulation. As a consequence intestinal lesions appear such as necrosis of Peyer’s patches,
followed by ulceration. The symptoms of the disease start in parallel with the secondary
The endotoxin of Salmonella typhi plays a major role also, it enhances the inflammatory
response at the microbial multiplication sites, pyrogenic molecules and inflammatory
cytokines are produced. The delirious attitude called typhoid state, myocarditis, and
leucopenia are caused by the endotoxin.

Clinical manifestations
Incubation lasts for 10-14 days.
The initial symptoms appear progressively, the fever increases progressively during 5-7 days,
there is severe, persistent headache, insomnia, fatigue, myalgias, anorexia. Rarely the disease
starts abruptly with high fever.
Prolonged fever is the most important symptom, which lasts up to 4 weeks.
Typhoid state appears, called “muttering delirium” or “coma vigil”, which is characterized by
a delirious attitude, dreaming, the patient touches imaginary objects, rarely insomnia,
At the end of first week a rash appears, rose spots, pink maculae situated on the abdomen,
basis of the chest, it resolves in 2-5 days. Salmonella can be cultured from these lesions.
Digestive syndrome is characterized by anorexia, nausea, vomiting, and coated, dry tongue
(“parrot tongue”). Ulcerative angina (Duguet angina) may be present. The abdomen is
meteoristic, with diffuse pain, especially in the right iliac fossa, where bowel movements can
be observed. The stool can be diarrheic (yellow-green stool), or can be normal, or
constipation may be present.
Hepatosplenomegaly may be present.
Cardio-vascular symptoms: relative bradycardia (discordant with fever), hypotension.
Other symptoms: bronchitis, oliguria, albuminuria, cylindruria, hematuria, encephalitis,
In the absence of treatment this phase lasts 2-3 weeks. After this fever lowers progressively,
during a week’s period.
Convalescence lasts 2-4 weeks, but relapse is possible during this period.

Clinical forms
There are mild, moderate, atypical and severe forms.
Other clinical forms:
- encephalytic form
- hemorrhagic form
- cholera-like form

Neurological complications are encephalitis, meningitis, polyradiculoneuritis.
Digestive complications are:
- intestinal bleeding
- bowel perforation
Both are life threatening, require rapid fluid replacement and surgical intervention.

Cardiovascular complications: myocarditis, thrombophlebitis, arteritis
Bacterial superinfection can occur (pneumonia, stomatitis, otitis)
Osteitis, osteomyelitis can appear at a distance of many years from the disease.

Epidemiological data: infectious contact, travel.
Clinical data: prolonged fever, typhoid state, rose spots, digestive syndrome, splenomegaly,
relative bradycardia.
Laboratory diagnosis
Non-specific findings:
- leucopenia, lymphocytosis
- leukocytosis appears in children or in intestinal perforation and subsequent
- moderately elevated liver function tests and muscle enzyme levels
Specific findings:
- isolation of Salmonella typhi from: blood cultures (1st week), bone marrow
cultures, stool cultures, urine cultures, cultures from the rose spots, cultures from
bile, intestinal secretions (obtained by non-invasive duodenal string test),
- serologic tests: paired sera (acute and convalescent) are sampled to evaluate the
anti-O anti-H (Widal’s test) and anti-Vi antibodies
- PCR: detects Salmonella typhi in blood

Differential diagnosis
Other diseases that cause prolonged fever have to be differentiated: sepsis, endocarditis,
brucellosis, tuberculosis, malaria, mononucleosis, leptospirosis, neoplasias, malignant
hemopathies, chronic inflammatory diseases
Diseases with typhoid state: exanthematic typhus, recurrent fever, meningoencephalitis have
to be differentiated.

In typhoid fever prompt antibiotic therapy is mandatory. Ciprofloxacin (2x200 mg IV/day –
7-10 days), levofloxacin (750 mg PO or IV/day – 7-10 days), ceftriaxone (2 gram IV/day – 7-
14 days), azithromycin (1 gram PO 1st dose, than 500 mg PO/day for 5-7 days),
chloramphenicol 4x500 mg PO or IV/day – 14 days), amoxicillin, trimethoprim-
sulfamethoxazole can be used.
The patient has to be admitted to the hospital. Complete bed rest is recommended.
In severe forms with neurologic manifestation or shock corticosteroid therapy
(Dexamethasone) is recommended.
Cholecystectomy and antimicrobial therapy for 10-14 days is recommended in case of
gallstone in chronic carriers. In case of normal gallbladder the antimicrobial therapy lasts for

4-6 weeks in chronic carriers. Amoxicilin, ciprofloxacin or trimethoprim-sulphametoxazole
can be used.

Ill patients are isolated in hospital. They can be released after 21 days of normal body
temperature, but only after 3 negative stool cultures were obtained.
Persons working in risky areas such as public alimentation, day care centers are allowed to
return to work only after 3 months. The carriers must not be employed in risky areas.
It is important to provide adequate sewage disposal and water supplies.
Three vaccines are available, an oral live attenuated, a parenteral, that contains purified Vi
polysaccharide, and a killed whole cell vaccine. The traveler’s vaccination is recommended.
Persons who have intimate or household contact with carriers, or laboratory workers who
frequently deal with Salmonella typhi, should be vaccinated.


The etiologic agents of paratyphoid fever are Salmonella paratyphi A, B or C. The disease
resembles typhoid fever, with slight differences according to each etiologic agent.
In paratyphoid fever A the intestinal lesions are rare and superficial therefore the digestive
complications are rare.
In paratyphoid fever B the incubation period is shorter than in typhoid fever, the onset is
rapid, the rose spots appear in greater numbers, and diarrhea is more prominent. The course of
disease is shorter, with fewer complications.
In paratyphoid fever C the clinical manifestations are severe, and the patients might have
jaundice and encephalitis. However there are no intestinal lesions.
Diagnosis and therapy are similar as in typhoid fever. The Widal reaction shows the presence
of anti-Salmonella paratyphi A, B, respective C antibodies.

1. Kasper DL, Fauci A - Harrison’s Infectious diseases, 2010, McGraw Hill Medical
2. Cupsa A – Boli infecţioase transmisibile, 2007, Editura Medicală Universitară Craiova
3. Szalka A, Timár L, Ludwig E, Mészner Zs – Infektológia, 2005, Medicina
Könyvkiadó, Budapest
4. Rebedea I – Boli infecţioase, 2000, Editura Medicală Bucureşti
5. Gilbert DN, Moellering RC, Eliopoulos GM, Chambers HF, Saag MS – The Sanford
Guide to Antimicrobial Therapy, 41st Edition, 2011, Antimicrobial Therapy Inc., USA

Andrea Incze

Shigellosis or dysentery is an acute infectious diarrheal disease caused by Shigella spp.,
characterized by fever, tenesmus and bloody mucopurulent stools.

Etiologic agent
Shigellae are non-spore forming, imobile Gram-negative bacteria. They are members of the
Enterobacteraiceae, and genetically related to E. coli.
There are 4 serogroups of Shigella:
- A – Shigella dysenteriae (10 serotypes)
- B – Shigella flexneri (6 serotypes)
- C – Shigella boydii (15 serotypes)
- D – Shigella sonnei (1 serotype)

Dysentery is present worldwide.
The reservoir of infection is represented by persons with acute or chronic infection, and
healthy carriers. Higher primates can also be reservoirs of infection.
The transmission is by fecal-oral route, via unwashed hands. Contaminated water, food, or
flies can play a role in the transmission. Shigella can survive in food, causing food-borne
infections. Sexual transmission is also possible among homosexual men.
The receptivity is general. Morbidity and mortality rates are higher among children below 10
years. Infants may be protected during breastfeeding.
Shigellae are resistant to the low pH of the stomach, therefore the inoculum required to
produce infection is low (10-100 bacilli).

Shigella invades the mucosa of distal ileon and colon. The microorganism spreads from cell
to cell after crossing the epithelial barrier through M cells (specialized translocating epithelial
cells). This conducts to inflammation and necrosis, focal ulcerations that can reach the
submucosal layer.
Shigella dysenteriae type 1 produces a neurotoxin (Shiga toxin), which increases the severity
of the disease. Other shigellae produce enterotoxins which alter the hydro-electrolyte
transport, and conduct to intraluminal fluid accumulation.
Systemic invasion is rare, it occurs only in infants, in case of immunodepression, and

Clinical manifestations
The incubation period lasts 1-8 days.
The initial manifestations are high fever, diffuse or lower abdominal pain, watery diarrhea,
malaise, anorexia, tenesmus. At this stage the small intestine is affected.
The manifestations of dysentery follow: small volumes of bloody mucopurulent stools with
tenesmus and abdominal cramps. In this stage the distal colon and rectum is affected.
The disease is self-limited in most of the cases, and resolves within 1 week.

Dysentery can be life-threatening in malnourished children below 5 years.
Bacteremia can occur in malnourished and immunosuppressed patients.
Dehydration can be present, it can be severe also. However dehydration is not a major feature
in dysentery. Other metabolic complications such as hyponatremia, hyopglycemia can occur.
Neurologic symptoms may appear in young children: meningism, seizures, confusion,
delirium, coma, and headache. Very rare complications: meningitis, toxic encephalopathy.
Hemolytic uremic syndrome is characterized by hemolytic anemia (hemoglobin <8g/dl),
thrombocytopenia (<60000/ µl) and acute renal failure ±leukemoid reactions (leukocyte
number 50000/µl).
Local complications are rectal prolapse, intussusception, toxic megacolon (the inflammation
reaches the colonic smooth-muscle layer and causes paralysis, dilatation ± peritonitis), and
intestinal perforations.
Reiter’s syndrome can appear as postinfectious immunologic complication, manifested as a
reactive arthritis weeks or months after shigellosis. It appears especially in patients with
histocompatibility antigen HLA-B27, and only following Shigella flexneri infection. The
arthritis can be associated with conjunctivitis and urethritis.

Epidemiological data can reveal contact with ill persons or healthy carriers.
Clinical data consist of the presence of dysentery syndrome, although shigellosis can evolve
without dysentery syndrome also.
Laboratory diagnosis:
- Non-specific findings:
 test for fecal leukocytes: neutrophil predominance
 blood leukocyte count: can be normal, low or elevated (leukemoid
reactions occur in infections with Shigella dysenteriae type 1)
- Specific findings:
 isolation and identification of Shigella from stool
 Shigella is fragile, can be destroyed by temperature and pH
changes, therefore Cary Blair holding medium is used before
 The parts of stool containing bloody mucopurulent material should
be sampled.
 rectal sawbs can also be used to isolate the microorganism

 blood cultures are rarely positive, they should be performed only in case of
 Serény test: conjunctival inoculation of guinea pigs conducts to
keratoconjuctivitis in case of invasive microorganisms
 PCR: high sensitivity test that can detect Shigella from stool

Differential diagnosis
The following diseases should be differentiated from shigellosis:
- Infectious diarrhea with dysentery syndrome caused by Salmonella enteritidis,
enterohemorrhagic and enteroinvasive E. coli, Campylobacter jejuni, Clostridium
difficile, Yersinia enterocolitica, Vibrio parahemolyticus, or Entamoeba
- Noninfectious bloody diarrhea: appears in inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn’s
disease, ulcerative colitis), neoplasms of the colon, intussusception, food allergy,
hemorrhoids, anal fissure.

The patients with dysentery have to be admitted to hospital. Diet, rehydration and
symptomatic therapy should be applied. Antimotility agents have to be avoided. Although
mild cases respond well to this therapy, antimicrobial therapy shortens the course of disease,
and facilitates the sterilization of the intestine.
Antimicrobial therapy:
- Ciprofloxacin 2x15 mg/kg/day or 2x500-750 mg/day PO
- Levofloxacin 500 mg/day once daily
- Ceftriaxone 50-100 mg/kg, once daily, IV or IM
- Azithromycin 6-20 mg/kg, or 500-1500 mg/day once daily PO
- Rifaximin 3x200 mg/day PO
The duration of treatment is 3-5 days, or 7-10 days in immunosuppressed patients.
Other antibiotics such as trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, nalidixic acid, tetracycline,
ampicilin can be used, however there are resistant strains.

The mild and moderate diseases resolve spontaneously in one week, although the patient
might remain healthy carrier. The healthy carrier state can last above 2 months, especially in
malnourished patients.
5% of the untreated cases can chronicize.
The mortality rate is < 0.1% in adults, and 6-7% in infants and young children.
Patients with shigellosis have to be isolated in hospital, and the cases are reported to the
Public Health Authorities. Patients can be released from hospital only after obtaining 3
negative cultures form stool. Stool cultures have to be repeated in the following 3 months.

Hand washing before handling food, after defecation and after handling children’s feces is

1. Mandell GL, Bennett JE, Dolin R – Principles and practice of infectious diseases, 6th
Edition, 2005, Elsevier
2. Kasper DL, Fauci A - Harrison’s Infectious diseases, 2010, McGraw Hill Medical
3. Cupsa A – Boli infecţioase transmisibile, 2007, Editura Medicală Universitară Craiova
4. Szalka A, Timár L, Ludwig E, Mészner Zs – Infektológia, 2005, Medicina
Könyvkiadó, Budapest
5. Bannister B, Gillespie S, Jones J – Infection Microbiology and Management 3rd
Edition, 2006, Blackwell Publishing, London
6. Gilbert DN, Moellering RC, Eliopoulos GM, Chambers HF, Saag MS – The Sanford
Guide to Antimicrobial Therapy, 41st Edition, 2011, Antimicrobial Therapy Inc., USA

Andrea Incze

Cholera is an acute infectious diarrheal disease, caused by Vibrio cholerae, characterized by
high quantities of watery diarrhea, vomiting, subsequent severe dehydration, muscle cramps,
and possibly death.

Etiologic agent
Vibrio cholerae has 200 serogroups, classified based on the structure of the
lipopolysaccharide O antigen. They are divided into 2 groups: those with O1 antigen, and
without O1 antigen (non-O1 Vibrio cholerae). Non O1 serogroups cause only sporadic
outbreaks, serogroup O1 causes epidemics. Serogroup O139 can also cause epidemics.
Serogroup O1 is divided into 2 biotypes: classical and El Tor. These biotypes are divided into
3 serotypes: Inaba, Ogawa and Hikojima.
The disease can be produced only by toxin-producing strains from groups O1 and O139.
A specific medium, TCBS (thiosulfate-citrate-bile salts-sucrose) agar is used for inoculation.
Vibrio cholerae is destroyed by heat, gastric acid, and disinfectants. Biotype El Tor is more
resistant in the environment than the classical biotype.

The natural habitat of V. cholerae is coastal salt water. Humans become infected incidentally.
After being infected they spread the infection. Ill persons with symptomatic or
oligosymptomatic disease, convalescent and healthy carriers can be sources of infection. The
carrier phase is longer (3-4 months) in case of biotype El Tor.
The route of transmission is fecal-oral, especially through the consumption of contaminated
water or food.
The infectious dose is high (108-1011 bacteria) however it decreases in case of
hypochlorhydria or antiacid consumption (106 bacteria).
The receptivity is general, higher in children, although they can have asymptomatic forms
more frequently.
Secretory IgA seems to be responsible for immunity. Breastfed children have a passive
immunity, through secretory IgA from milk, and do not develop severe cholera. There is no
cross-immunity between groups O1 and O139.
Cholera is either endemic, or appears in epidemics, or pandemics. Since 1817 seven global
pandemics were noted. Biotype El Tor caused the last one. It was believed that V. cholerae
O139 was the cause of the 8th pandemic, however, it did not spread outside Asia. War or other
circumstances that conduct to the breakdown of public health measures facilitate the spread of
Many geographic areas are affected in the present, such as: the Indian subcontinent, Asia,
Africa, Latin America.

A large inoculum dose is needed in order to pass the gastric barrier. Subsequently Vibrio
cholerae traverses the intestinal mucous layer with the help of proteases. It colonizes the small
intestine, adheres through a pilus, and produces a toxin. The diarrhea is toxin-mediated.
The toxin has 2 components: subunit A (enzymatic activity) and subunit B (binding activity).
Subunit A activates the adenylate cyclase, and as a result intracellular cyclic AMP
concentration increases, conducting to intraluminal sodium and chloride secretion. Water
moves passively along. When the quantity of secreted water exceeds the resorbtive capacity
of the intestine, diarrhea appears.
The quantity of diarrhea is high, about 1 liter per hour, that conducts to severe dehydration,
acidosis, shock.

Clinical manifestations
Incubation may last 1-5 days.
The initial symptoms have sudden onset, with painless watery diarrhea and vomiting.
The volume of the stools increases rapidly, they are frequent, 20-50 per day, watery, profuse,
the aspect resembles “rice-water”, with sweet, inoffensive odor.
Fever usually is absent.
Muscular cramps appear due to electrolyte loss.
The signs of mild, moderate or severe dehydration are present.

Clinical forms
There are mild, moderate and severe forms of cholera.
Cholera may have the form of a common gastroenteritis.
Cholera sicca is a very severe form characterized by important fluid loss and paralytic ileus.
The fluids may not be eliminated through diarrhea or vomiting, and the patient dies within
Another severe form is the typhoidic form, with high fever and rapidly lethal evolution.

The complications that can occur in cholera are:
- shock
- acute renal failure (due to acute tubular necrosis)
- acidosis
- hypoglycemia
- bacterial superinfections

Epidemiological data reveal residence or travel in endemic or epidemic geographical areas, or
contact with ill persons or cholera carriers.

Clinical data show afebrile abundant watery diarrhea with “rice-water” aspect and rapid
Laboratory diagnosis
Non-specific findings
- elevated hematocrit
- mild neutrophilic leukocytosis
- elevated serum urea and creatinine levels
- reduced bicarbonate level (<15 mmol/l)
- elevated anion gap (increased serum lactate, protein, phosphate)
- low arterial pH (7.2)
Specific findings
- identification of V.cholerae in stool or vomiting fluid:
o the samples have to be taken on peptone water
o detection with dark-field microscopy (mobile bacilli with flagellum)
o the serotype is detected through immobilization with specific antiserum
- isolation on TCBS (thiosulfate-citrate-bile salts-sucrose) agar
o identification based on biochemical testing, monoclonal antibodies, PCR
- detection of the toxin in stool: latex agglutination, ELISA tests
- serologic tests: antibodies appear in the 4th-6th day, the titer lowers in 2-3 months,
except in the healthy carriers

Differential diagnosis
Cholera can be differentiated from other acute infectious diarrheas, toxic diarrheas, meningitis
(in children).

The patient has to be admitted to the hospital.
The most important is to replace rapidly the fluid, electrolyte, and base losses.
Rehydration with oral rehydration solutions (ORS) can be used. If they are not available,
WHO recommends a substitute made of ½ teaspoon salt and 6 level teaspoons of sugar
dissolved in a liter of potable water.
In case of severe vomiting or severe dehydration intravenous rehydration is needed. The total
fluid deficit can be replaced in 4 hours, half within the first hour. Ringer’s lactate is
recommended. Potassium replacement is needed.
Antimicrobial therapy:
- tetracycline 2g once, or 4x500 mg/day for 3 days
- doxycycline 300 mg once
- ciprofloxacin: single dose of 30 mg/kg-1g, or 3 days course 15 mg/kg bid (not to
exceed 1g/day)

- erythromycin: 4x500 mg /day for 3 days in adults or 40 mg/kg/day tid, for 3 days
in children
- azithromycin 1g single dose or 20 mg/kg/day single dose in children
- trimethoprim-sulphamethoxazole 2x2 tablets/day
- furazolidone (5-10 mg/kg/day), trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (5-7 mg/kg/day) –
these can be used in children
Resistant strains to ciprofloxacin, sulphonamides and furazolidone have emerged.
Azithromycin and erythromycin are recommended in the treatment of pregnant women with

In Romania all of the cases of cholera, their direct contacts and the carriers have to be
admitted to hospital, and declared immediately to the Public Health Authorities. Direct
contacts receive prophylactic antimicrobial therapy with tetracycline 2g/day for 3 days.
It is important to provide safe water and appropriate facilities for disposal of feces, to prepare
and store food in an adequate way.
There are two types of cholera vaccines: a killed whole-cell vaccine, and a live attenuated
vaccine. Neither of them provides sufficient protection. Travelers should be vaccinated only if
this is required by the visited countries.

1. Mandell GL, Bennett JE, Dolin R – Principles and practice of infectious diseases, 6th
Edition, 2005, Elsevier
2. Kasper DL, Fauci A - Harrison’s Infectious diseases, 2010, McGraw Hill Medical
3. Cupsa A – Boli infecţioase transmisibile, 2007, Editura Medicală Universitară Craiova
4. Szalka A, Timár L, Ludwig E, Mészner Zs – Infektológia, 2005, Medicina Könyvkiadó,
5. Rebedea I – Boli infecţioase, 2000, Editura Medicală Bucureşti
6. Gilbert DN, Moellering RC, Eliopoulos GM, Chambers HF, Saag MS – The Sanford
Guide to Antimicrobial Therapy, 41st Edition, 2011, Antimicrobial Therapy Inc., USA

Anca Meda Georgescu, Brînduşa Ţilea

Food intoxication (FI) is an acute digestive diseasecaused by ingestion of certain food

contaminated with various bacterial species and /or their toxins, clinically characterized by
acute gastroenteritis with sudden onset and phenomena of general toxicity.
Unlike the terms used in the Anglo-Saxon literature (food poisoning, foodborne diseases),
which have a broader sense, the term does not include food poisoning (eg. inedible
Mushroom) or illness resulting from the consumption of food accidentally contaminated with
The etiologic spectrum of FI is varied, the most common causes being represented by:
- Bacteria: Salmonella spp, E. Coli spp, stafilococ, Proteus spp, B. cereus, Shigella spp.,
Clostridium perfringens, Lysteria monocytogenes, Vibrio spp, Yersinia
- Protozoa: Cryptosporidium spp (increasing incidence), Isospora belli, Entamoeba
- Nematodes: Trichinella spiralis, Giardia lamblia
- Viruses: rotavirus, coronaviruses, adenoviruses, noroviruses (the most common cause
of FI in the USA), caliciviruses, astroviruses
In Romania, the dominant etiology is the bacterial one;species of Salmonella are responsible
for 30-60% of the etiology of FI, followed by enterotoxigenic staphylococci ( approximately
25%) and Enterobacteriaceae (E. coli spp., And Proteus spp.).
FI incidence remains high and has a tendency to increase in some geographic regions,
depending on the level of sanitation and social eating habits. Globally, in parallel with the
trend of widening their spectrum, we notice an increasing risk of epidemic outbreaks of FI
due to the process of globalization, the massive export of food, but also as a consequence of
the increasing number of diseases or immunocompromised therapies among people.
FI occurs either in the form of epidemic outbreaks when affecting the members of a
community who ate the same food, or sporadically as isolated cases.
The source of infection is the the human being (patients with infectious diarrheal diseases,
cutaneous staphylococci or with nasopharyngeal carriage of bacteria) and animals (through
the consumed meat or milk).
Typically, the transmission path is represented by food, which can be contaminated at the
origin (meat or milk from sick animals, usually causing FI with Salmonella) and during
transportation, processing, preparation (usually fromgerm carriers or contaminated water),
serving or storage. The most frequent food that can be contaminated are:
- Eggs, egg powder, egg dishes
- Meat and meat products, especially poultry
- Dairy products
- Dishes (mayonnaise, cream, ice cream, salads)
The risk of developing FI is higher during the warmestmonths of the year when food is
improperly stored or the time (period) between preparation and consumption is prolonged. All
these may be common factors of diseases.

Responsiveness towardsFI is general and immunity is not acquired after episodes of FI.
FI is triggered by the contamination of the ingested food with pathogenic microorganisms in
large amounts or the presence of toxins produced by them. The severity of FI is influenced by
the dose ofcontaminated germs/toxin and by factors related to the host: the extremes of age,
immunosuppression, poor nutritional status; all these may trigger more severe forms of FI.
FI may occurin the following cases:
1. Ingestion of preformed toxin in food
- Etiology: Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus (short incubation strains),
Clostridium botulinum
- Mechanism: non-inflammatory,by the production of neurotoxins acting on the
central nervous system
- Clinical features: short incubation period (less than 12 hours, usually 1-6 hours),
absence of fever, clinical picture dominated by nausea and vomiting ("emetic

2. The production of toxin in the digestive tract by ingested bacteria

- Etiology: Clostridium perfringens, enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC), Bacillus cereus
(strains with long incubation), Cryptosporidium spp, Shiga toxin-producing E. coli
- Mechanism: non-inflammatory by the production of enterotoxins, acting on the small
- Clinical features: incubation periodof 8-16 hours (16-72 hours except ETEC),
clinical picture dominated by abdominal cramps and diarrhea; short development (1-3

3. Ingestion of large amounts of bacteria with food

- Etiology: Salmonella spp., Shigella spp, Campylobacter jejuni, Listeria
monocytogenes,Enteroinvasive E. coli (EIEC), Vibrio parahaemolyticus
- Mechanism: inflammatory (invasive) by cytotoxins
- Clinical features: incubation period of 6-48 hours (Salmonella, Shigella) / 16-72
hours (C. jejuni), the clinical picture includes fever, abdominal cramps, frequent
bloody diarrhea; development 2-7 days

Clinical picture
Most FIare manifested by acute gastroenteritis or gastroenterocolitis, accompanied or not by
an infectious syndrome and / or toxic manifestations, depending on the pathogenic
mechanism triggered by the etiologic agent.
Epidemiological and clinical peculiarities of FI according to etiology are highlighted in
Clinical manifestations
Incriminated Abdomin
Nausea, Diarrhe Evolution
food Fever al
Vomiting a
S. aureus Salted cheese, + 12 - 36
1–6 (preformed milk, tuna, - +++ ++
(water) hours
hours enterotoxins) frozen meat
B. cereus Boiled rice - +++ +++ +/- Less

withshort than12
incubation hours
B. cereus with
Reheated meat
(poultry), dry
incubation - - ++ ++
8–16 Less than
hours C. 24 hours
meat, - - ++ ++
produced from
heat resistant
Eggs, dishes 4-6days;
Salmonella containing
Over ++ Systemic
eggs, meat
16 (produces +++ ++ + invasion in
(poultry, beef), (water)
hours enterotoxins) immuno-
milk, dairy depressed

Tabel I. Epidemiological and clinical features according to the etiology of FI

1. The main complication of gastroenterocolitis resulted from FI is dehydrationand
hidroelectrolyte and acid-base disturbances. The intensity of dehydration (I, II, or III)
is determined by the intensity of the digestive symptoms. More severe clinical forms
favored by the extremes of age, immunocompromised states and comorbidities tend to
have a much faster evolution with the rapidonsetof dehydration.

2. Systemic complications occur in immunocompromised patients and are the result of

the systemic invasion of the microorganism involved in the development of FI. The
risk of bacteremia is higher in infants and young children, in HIV infection and other
cellular immunodeficiency syndromes,the most commonetiologies involved being:

-Salmonella: the risk of systemic complications is associated with IgA

deficiency in achlorhydria, malnutrition and HIV infection in advanced stages:
bacteremia can cause septic metastasis, most commonly osteomyelitis,
endocarditis, pericarditis, meningitis; increased mortality in HIV-positive
- Listeria: bacteremia and meningitis in immunocompromised, newborns and
the elderly; can cause abortion in pregnant women
- Yersinia enterocolitica: bacteremia, cholangitis
- Campylobacter: bacteremia, meningitis, cholecystitis

3. Other complications
- Postinfectious syndromes – Reiter’s syndrome (aseptic inflammatory arthritis,
conjunctivitis): Salmonella, Yersinia enterocolitica, Shigella, Campylobacter. The risk

of this complication is decisively influenced by genetic factors: 80% of patients with
Reiter's syndrome have the HLA B27 antigen
- Hemolytic-uremic syndrome: ETEC, Shigella
1. Epidemiological data: the onset of acute gastroenterocolitis in two or more people who
ate the same food. The value of epidemiological data for diagnosis is often limited at
sporadic cases.
2. Clinical data: sudden onset after a short incubation period, with nausea, vomiting,
abdominal cramps, watery or bloody diarrhea, possibly febrile syndrome or toxic
condition, a usually self-limited evolution.
3. Date paraclinice: coprocultura si examinari bacteriologice din lichidul de varsatură,
respectiv examinari bacteriologice din alimentul suspicionat: Se recoltează probe
bacteriologice secretie nazala, faringiana, secretie din colectii purulente cutanate) de la
persoanele care au manipulat alimentul.
Laboratory data: stool and bacteriological examination of thevomitted liquid or
bacteriological examination of suspected food: Bacteriological samples are collected
(nasal and throat secretions, cutaneous purulent collections) from people who handled
the food.
1. Diet
- hydric regime in the first 24-48 hours; consume unsweetened liquids at room
- depending on the gastric tolerance, solid food is later allowed (rice, toast, lean meat,
banana, boiled carrots)
2. Restoring electrolyte balance, is the most important and most urgent therapeutic
- oralrehydration is prefered if the patient doesn’tvomit; in mild forms an intake of 50
ml / kg in the first 4 hours will be recommended
- iforalrehydration can not be achieved, intravenous rehydration is recommended with
solutions for infusion administered at a rate and volume appropriate for the level of
dehydration: 80 ml / kg in 4 hours in moderate dehydration, and 100 ml / kg in the
first 2 hours for severe dehydration. The use of 5% glucose solution and Ringer’s
solution, 0.9% saline solution.
3. Symptomatic treatment: anti-pyretic, analgesic
4. Pathogenic treatment: antiemetic, antispasmodic, gastric antisecretory
5. Intestinal eubiotics
6. Antibiotic treatment: inimmunocompetent patients, with medium and mild clinical
forms, this treatment iscontraindicated because of the risk of reducing the
symptomatic duration of the disease.
Antibiotic therapy indications are limited and refer to:
- The presence of systemic complications or the risk of dissemination, septic metastasis
- Patients with symptomatic HIV / AIDS
- Immunodeficiency syndromes
- Newbornand infant, the elderly
- Chronic debilitating diseases
In these cases, quinolones are used, a class of antibiotics (in adults), aminopenicillins
or cotrimoxazole in infants; in systemic infections the third generation cephalosporins are
prefered to be used (ceftriaxone, ceftazidime).

Selective bibliography
1. Cupșa A. Boli infecțioase transmisibile. Ed. MedicalăUniversitară, Craiova, 2007;
2. LaRocque RC, Ryan ET, Calderwood SB. Acute Infectious Diarrheal Disease and
Bacterial Food Poisoning. (Harrison’s Infectious Diseases 2nd Edition, eds Kasper
DL, Fauci AS). Ed. McGraw Hill Education, 2013; 282-290
3. Mureșan S. Toxiinfecțiialimentare. (BoliInfecțioase, eds Zanc V, Ciutică I, Slavcovici
A). Ed. MedicalăUniversitară Iuliu Hațieganu, Cluj-Napoca, 2011; 227-233
4. Sodha SV, Griffin PM, Hughes JM. Foodborne Disease. (Principles and Practice of
Infectious Diseases, 7th Edition, edsMandell GL, Bennett JE, Dolin R). Ed. Churchill
Livingstone Elsevier, Philadelphia, 2010; 1413-1427
5. Steiner TS, Guerrant RL. Principles and Syndromes of Enteric Infections. (Principles
and Practice of Infectious Diseases, 7th Edition, eds Mandell GL, Bennett JE, Dolin
R). Ed. Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, Philadelphia, 2010; 1335-1351

Iringo Zaharia Kezdi

Botulism is a paralytic illness induced by a neurotoxin - botulin toxin, produced by the
bacterium Clostridium botulinum. The toxin inhibit the release of acetylcoline at
neuromuscular junctions and autonomic synapses. Occurs most commonly following the
ingestion of contaminated, mostly homemade, home-canned food. The disease is
characterised by:
- sudden fluctuating severe weakness in a previously healthy person
- descending, symmetric cranial nerve palsies, including diplopia, (unreactive, dilated,
fixed pupils) blurry vision, difficulty speaking, dysarthria, dysphagia, inability to
swallow, dryness of the mouth, nasal speech, dry throat, respiratory difficulties,
skeletal musclesdense flaccid paralysis, constipation
- respiratory failure, death

Members of genus Clostridium (C.) are gram-positive, rod-shaped, anaerobic bacilli with
subterminal spores. They are ubiquitous, can be found in soil, water and the intestines of
humans and animals. There are various species of toxigenic clostridia, C. botulinum groups I,
II, III; C. argentinense (toxin type G), C. baratii (toxin type F), C. butyricum (toxin type E).
The toxins serotypes are A, B, C, D, E, F and G, differentiated by specific biochemical
properties. They are antigenically distinct. Human botulism is most commonly caused by
serotypes A, B, E, and rarely F. The toxins causing this disease are among the most potent
bioactive substances known (the oral lethal dose for humans is 0.05-0.5 microgrames).
Toxin type A cause the most severe disease, toxin type B cause milder disease than type A.
Toxin type E is associated with foods of aquatic origin.
Conditions that promote germination of C.botulinum spores include absence of oxygen
(anaerobic conditions), low acidity (pH>4.5), temperatures of 4-120◦C, law sugar and salt

There is four clinical type of botulism:
1. Foodborne botulism- characterizes infection in adults and older children and is caused by
the ingestion of food contaminated with preformed botulinum toxin. From the upper
small intestine the toxin pass into the bloodstream and binds irreversibly to the following
 Receptors on cholinergic nerve fibers at a neuromuscular junction
 Postganglionic parasympathetic nerve endings
 Autonomic ganglia
The toxins enter the nerve endings and irreversibly interfere with the release of acetylcoline.
2. Wound botulism results from spore germination and toxin production in contaminated
wounds with subsequent systemic absorption of toxin.
3. Infant botulism results from the ingestion of spores that germinate and produce toxin in
the infant’s gastrointestinal tract.

4. “Infectious”, adult intestinal toxemia botulism develops after ingestion of spores,
followed by toxin production in gastrointestinal tract.
Botulism has been raported after inhalation of aerosolized botulinum toxin and after injection
of toxin for medical or therapeutical purpose (iatrogenic botulism).

Food borne botulism occurs due to ingestion of contaminated food (homemade, commercial
foods, restaurant prepared foods). Person to person transmission of botulism has not been
described, most botulism cases are sporadic. In U.S predominated botulism produced by
toxin type A, in Romania toxin type B.
Wound botulism is caused by contamination of wounds, toxin production in the anaerobic
milieu of an abscess. In our days occurs almost exclusively in injective drug users.
Infant botulism, adult intestinal toxemia botulism results fromabsorbtion of toxin after
colonisation of intestin by toxigenic clostridia.
Botulinum toxin can be used like a weapon of bioterrorism (aerosolized toxin, contamination
of food)

The incubation period in food borne-botulism is typically 12-36 hours, but can range from 6
hours to several days depending on ingested toxin dose. In wound botulism, in injection drug
users the incubation period is difficult to estbilish.
In food borne botulism gastrointestinal signes like: nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps,
diarrhea precede the onset of neurologic manifestations. The neurologic involvement begins
with cranial nerve dysfunction: blurred vision, diplopia (pupils are dilated, nonreactive with
inability to accommodate near vision), dysartria, dysphagia, dysphonia (the 4 d sign),
ptosis,facial muscle weakness, tongue weakness. Muscle weakness progresses in a descending
manner and typically symmetrical. Paralysis of the diaphragm and accessory breathing
muscles in severe cases may result respiratory compromise or arrest and death. Flaccid upper
and lower extremity weakness can be present. Dizziness and fatigue are common. Patients
usualy have no sensory or cognitive deficits. Deep tendon reflexes may be normal, or may
progressively dissapear.
Manifestations of parasympathetic nervous system dysfunction are: dryness of the mouth and
constipation (paralytic ileus), urinary retention, orthostatic hypotension.
Pacients are usually afebrile (85% of patients), the presence of fever meens complications.
In wound botulism gastrointestinal signs usually do not occur.
Infant botulism is manifested with lethargy, weak cry, decreased sucking, ptosis floppy neck
and constipation. They can experience generalized flaccidity and respiratory failure.
Symptoms and signs of botulism are reversible (toxin binding is irreversible, but nerve
terminals regenerate), but cranial nerve dysfunction and mild autonomic dysfunction may
persist for more than a year.

1. Epidemiological data. When foodborne botulism is suspected, clinicians and public health
investigators should inquire about the food history, preparation and eating of foods

preserved by any home method (e.g., canning, pickling, curing and fermenting).
C.botulinum spores are not killed by boiling at 100°C. The contaminated food do not
change his caharacteristics like taste, coloure, smell.
2. Clinical data. Symmetric cranial nerve palsies followed by symmetric descending flaccid
paralysis that may progress to repiratory arrest , anhidrosis, dry mouth constipation
3. Laboratory confirmation. Detection and identification of botulinum toxin in blood (serum
sample obtained at admission), stool,vomit, gastric aspirates, wound material and in the
food consumed before onset of illness. Ingested toxin is detectable in serum 1 week after
exposure (but it was documented even after 25 days). Mouse bioassay consist on
intraperitoneally inoculation of above mentioned extracts (positive test:death within 24-48
hours of all mice except those protected by the polyvalent and type-specific antisera and
those receiving inocula that have been heat-treated).
 Isolation of C.botulinum from the stool (even later in the course of ilness)
 CSF is normal

Differential diagnosis
The diseases that may be confused with botulism are: tick-borne encephalitis (rare flaccid
condition closely resembling botulism), stroke syndromes (asymmetric paralysis, upper motor
neuron signs, brain imaging ), Guillain-Barre syndrome (ascending paralysis, often follows an
acute infection ), myasthenia gravis (positive edrophonium test), diphtheria (nasopharingeal
signs, systemic toxicity), poliomyelitis (asymmetric paralysis), tetanus (muscle tone permits
differentiation), poisoning by tetrodotoxin, shellfish and antimicrobial drug-associated
For infant botulism differential diagnosis includes: sepsis, dehydration, pneumonia, Epstein-
Barr infection, diphtheria, congenital myasthenia gravis, muscular dystrophy,
hypothyroidism, metabolic and toxic conditions which may produce weakness and hypotonia.

Persons in whom botulis is suspected must be hospitalized in an intensive care unit
immediately. The patients vital functions must be monitored, they require mechanical
ventilation some times.
Patients with botulism require the following treatment:
1. Trivalent botulinum antitoxin (the only specific treatment, neutralizes only toxin
molecules that have not yet bound to nerve endings) –must be administrated as early
as possible (ideally <24 h after symptom onset), with a test for the hypersensitivity.
This equine origine antitoxins can cause anaphylaxis, serum sickness and other
hypersensivity reactions.Antitoxin must be give intravenously, in one vial (if there are
no signs of hypersensitivity). Hypersensitivity reactions must be averted through the
use of human botulism immune globulin.
2. Supportive care, nutritional support
3. Prevention of nosocomial pulmonary and urinary tract infection
4. Guanidine hydrochloride , the use of this drug is controversial
5. High-dose penicillin therapy (or other batalactamines) is generally given
6. Antibiotics if there are complications
7. In wound botulism the suspect wounds should be cleaned, the abscesses drained
Mortality rate is 25-30%.

No specific prophylaxis or vaccin is available. Safe food preservation methods destroy spores
or inhibit their germination and growth. The toxin is heat-labile, so it may be inactivated by
boiling of foods before consumption.

1. Antibiotic Essentials 2013, Burke A. Cunha (Twelfth edition), Jones & Bartlett
Learning (Botulism chapter 2, page 170)
2. The Sanford Guide to HIV/AIDS Therapy 2013, Michael S. Saag, Henry F.
Chambers, George M. Eliopoulos, David N. Gilbert, Robert C. Moellering, Jr. (21st
3. Oxford Hanbook of Practical Drug Therapy 2008, Duncan Richards, Jeffrey Aronson,
Oxford University Press (Antibacterial drugs chapter 5, page 322)
4. Manual of Clinical Problems in Infectious Disease 2006, Nelson M. Gantz, Richard B.
Brown, Steven L. Berk, James W. Myers ( Fifth edition), Lippincott Williams &
5. Lecture Notes on Infectious Diseases 2005, B.K. Mandal, E.G.L. Wilkins, E.M.
Dunbar, R.T. Mayon-White ( Sixth edition), Blackwell Publishing Botulism Chapter
7, page 85
6. Harrison`s Infectious Diseases 2013, Dennis L. Kasper, Anthony S. Fauci ( 2nd
edition) McGraw-Hill Education Botulism- Jeremy Sobel, Susan Maslanka chapter 45
7. Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment 2012, Stephen J, McPhee, Maxine A.
Papadakis ( Fifty- first edition), McGraw-Hill Education Botulism – Michael J.
Aminoff, Geoffrey A. Kerchner chapter 24, page 1006
8. Infectious Diseases for Medical Students 2002, Egidia Miftode, Vasile Luca, Editura “
Gr. T. Popa” U.M.F. Iasi Chapter 29. Botulism Egidia Miftode Chapter 35
9. Problémaorientált infektológia 2003 , Kovács Gábor . Mészner Zsófia . Pásztor
Mónika . Szalka András, Golden Book Kiado
10. Boli infectioase 2002, Dr. Mircea Chiotan,editia a II-a, Editura National Botulismul
capitolul 34
11. Boli infectioase transmisibile 2007, Augustin Cupsa, Editura Medicala Universitara
Botulismul capitol 11, pagina 11.54

Chapter 6

Acute Viral Hepatitis

Anca Meda Georgescu, Brîndușa Țilea

Acute viral hepatitis’s are systemic infections that affect mainly the liver through
inflammation. They are still a major public health problem due to high morbidity and
mortality rates in spite of the existence of efficient vaccines against the two most frequent
etiologic agents: Hepatitis A Virus (HAV) and Hepatitis B Virus (HBV); the resulting health
costs are high and the treatment resources are limited.
Five different viruses areaccounting for more than 90% of the hepatitis infections: HAV,
HBV, Hepatitis C Virus (HCV), Hepatitis D Virus (HDV) and Hepatitis E Virus (HEV).
While HBV is a DNA virus, the rest of these are RNA viruses.
This etiologic diversity leads to complex antigenic properties, diverse pathologies, different
evolutions; the clinical picture is however similar for all types of hepatitis. The clinical
specter spans from asymptomatic infections to extremely severe and rapid evolutions but the
main public health burden is due to the possibility of evolution towards chronic infections
with B, C and D viruses and the risk of developing hepatocellular carcinoma.

HAV is belongs to the Hepatovirus genus of the Picornaviridae family; it was initially
classified as an Enterovirus to which it however displays differences of structure, it has a
slower replication and does not induce cytopathic effects.
It is a RNA non-enveloped virus with icosahedric symmetry. The capsid has 4 polypeptidic
units, VP1 to VP4 that are bearing the antigenic determinants. The viral genome is a single
stranded positive RNA molecule with a single open reading frame (ORF) and 3 coding
regions (P1, P2, P3). Although there are 7 genotypes HAV cross-reacts antigenically: it
displays a single serotype and a single major epitope: (Ag HAV).
HAV does not induce cytopathic effect, is slowly replicating on cell lines; although it can be
cultivated in vitro, this technique is not of diagnostic use; in vivo, it replicates strictly in the
liver; it can be detected in the liver, bile and the feces by the end of the incubation period.
HAV is thermostable and resistant to acids and organic solvents; it remains viable in the feces
several hours at room temperature. It is inactivated by boiling for one minute, intense
chlorination, autoclaving, UV exposure and formaldehyde.
HBV is a type 1 hepadnavirus that belongs to the Hepadnaviridae family alongside distinct
genera that induce hepatitis in mammals and birds.
HBV has three morphologic forms that circulate in the serum of infected patients:
- Spheric 22 nm or 20 nm phylamentous particles; they consist of the surface protein
(Ag HBs) to which they are antigenically identical; they predominate, do not include
nucleocapsidic material and are not infective
- 42 nm spheric particles, 100-1000 times less frequent, that represent the complete
virions (Dane particles).
The complete virion consists of a lipid envelope and the core (nucleocapsid)

The envelope embeds the surface antigen HBsAg that has three forms: Large, Medium and
Small. The Large peptide displays several epitopes: a (which is present in all strains) d/y and
w/r, respectively; their combination defines the 8 subtypes and 8 genotypes (A-H) that have
distinct geographical distribution and differ in terms of chronic evolution vs. clearance of the
virus. The A (adw) and D (ayw) genotypes predominate in Europe.
The viral nucleocapsid (core) is 27 nm large, is localized in the nucleus of the hepatocyte and
consists of:
- HBc AG: it is located strictly in the hepatocyte and cannot be detected in the
blood, it is highly immunogenic, eliciting anti-HBc Ac
- HBe Ag: it is the soluble form of HBc Ag. It is a replication marker, its presence
indicates high infectivity; it is transiently present early in the infection; its
clearance indicates recovery but its persistence for more than 3 months is
predictive for chronic evolution.
- HBV DNA: its presence in blood accounts for the contamination risk; it is small
(3200 ntd), asymmetric,closed and circular, partially double stranded. The negative
strands codes for 4 overlapping ORFs (Fig. 1):
o S: it codes for the major surface protein (HBs) that mediates the attachment
of the virion on the hepatocyte and the penetration and other 2 surface
proteins (Medium: pre-S2+S, Large: preS1+preS2+S)
o P codes for the DNA polymerase
o C codes for HBcAg and HBeAg (pre-C segment)
o X codes the HBxAg
- The DNA polymerase intervenes in the viral replication that occurs in the liver and in
the lymph nodes. HBV and the other hepadnaviruses are unique among DNA viruses
because this enzyme mediates a replication process that includes reverse transcription
of the RNA – very much like it is performed by retroviruses.
- The HBxAg is a protein involved in the hepatocyte apoptosis induces activation of
cytolytic T cells and is associated with liver ontogenesis.
HCV is the only member of the Hepacavirus genus of the Flaviviridae family. Prior to its
identification it was known as „posttransfusional hepatitis virus” and the disease as „non-A
non-B hepatitis”.
It is a single stranded positive RNA virus, with a diameter of 55 nm. A single ORF coding for
structural (C, E1, E2, p7) and nonstructural (NS2-NS5) proteins is flanked by 5’ and 3’
untranslated regions (UTR). The viral genome does not integrate in the host genome. The
replication rate of the virus is very high but sometimes it is rather difficult to detect the viral
particles since it circulates in the blood at low titers.
The viral envelope is lypoproteic and it embeds two proteins, E1 and E2 that have a role in
the attachment of the virus to the cell surface; E2 is antigenic.
Genetic variation is a major characteristic of HCV; there are 6 genotypes, more than 50
subtypes and all are quasispecies. This diversity is generated by a high mutation rate during
viral nucleic acid replication. The effects of variability are of major consequence:
- Circumventing the immune response through generation of escape mutants that
are not recognized by a thus inefficient humoral immune response.
Neutralizing antibodies are detected early during HCV infection (preceding
hepatic cytolysis) but are transitory, and do not protect against infection with
other strains and not even the homologous strain. Third generation ELISA tests
detect specific antibodies during acute infection.
- The apparition of resistance against antiviral treatment
- Evolution towards chronic infection

- Lack of protection by vaccination (so far)
The most accurate diagnostic test is detection of HCV RNA by molecular techniques (PCR).
The Simmonds classification of HCV by sequencing the 5’ UTR and NS5 describes 6
genotypes (1-6) and 12 subtypes. This classification correlates with the response to interferon
(IFN) treatment and with evolution; the 1b genotype is associated with high levels of viremia,
higher rate of chronic infections and liver carcinoma and poor to average response to IFN; in
contrast, the genotypes 2a and 3a have a 100% response rate to treatment.
HDV is a single stranded circular negative RNA virus; it is spherical with a 35-37 nm
diameter. It is defective: the presence of HBV is required for HDV pathogenic effects to be
It has an envelope that has AgHBs embedded and a core-like structure which associates the
viral genome with HDAg, the only protein coded by the viral RNA.
There are two forms of HDAg: the large P27 inhibits RNA replication and stimulates viral
assembly and export while the small form, P24, initiates the rolling-circle mechanism of the
viral genome replication – independently of the HBV replication. These particular replicative
properties alongside the defective character of HDV lead to its classification as a subviral
particle within the Deltavirus genus.
HDV replicates exclusively in the liver cells. It is characterized by a high genetic variability
with effects that are incompletely understood; the major genotypes are IA, IB, II and III.
HEV belongs so the Hepevirus of the Hepeviridae family. It structure and epidemiology are
similar to HAV: a diameter of 32-34 nm, icosahedric symmetry, unenveloped, a single
stranded RNA genome with 5 ORFs: ORF1 codes for the nonstructural proteins that are
involved in replication; ORF2 codes for the structural proteins of the nucleocapsid and ORF3
codes for a protein with unknown function.
There are one HEV serotype and 5 genotypes, 4 of which are pathogenic in humans and have
distinct geographic distributions. Animal reservoirs are involved in the endemicity of this
viral infection.
The virus is detected in the liver, bile and the feces were it is excreted at the end of the
incubation period. The IgM and IgG responses are very rapid but transient; the viral titers
decline in 9-12 weeks. There are no standardized tests for the routine diagnostic of HEV. The
virus is unstable at cold (-70C) but it resists to acids and alkali.

HAV Hepatitis
The HAV infection is widely spread through the world with sporadic or endemic/epidemic
evolution, with autumn-winter seasonality and a periodicity of outbursts of about 5 years
through accumulation of receptive population.
The proportion of immunize adults has decreased in developed countries as a result of better
sanitation conditions in childhood; the infection is associated with fecal-oral transmission,
direct contact or through contaminated food or water. This route of transmission is still highly
prevalent in poor countries. Intrauterine transmission has not been demonstrated; parenteral
transmission is an exception due to the short period of viremia (10 days before and after the
clinical onset). There have been cited severe epidemics in recipients of coagulation factors.
The source of infection is exclusively the diseased patient weather with or without clinical
symptoms. HAV is detected in the feces starting two weeks after the infective contact until
two weeks after the clinical onset but the infectivity diminishes markedly after the apparition

of icterus; fecal excretion of the virus can last for 8 weeks and even longer in children and
immunocompromised hosts. There is no chronic excretion of HAV.
Humans are universally susceptible to HAV but no more than 40-50% of the infected persons
develop clinical symptoms; these are more frequent and more severe in the elder children and
adults. Anicteric, asymptomatic infections are quite frequent in children. There is solid, life
long post infection immunity.

HBV Hepatitis
Although the HBV infection is globally spread with a human reservoir of more than 350
million carriers its prevalence varies substantially in different geographic regions. It is only
0.5-1% in Western Europe and the USA as compared with 5-10-20% in Far East Asia. The
prevalence in Romania is 3-5% with slight zonal variations and a decrease after a vaccination
program for the newborns was introduced.
The source of infection is represented by the patients with acute or chronic disease and the
carriers. HBV is detectable in the blood and in most of the body fluids: saliva, sperm – both
sources of infection as well as in milk, genital secretions, tears, CSF.
There are several transmission routes:
- Parenteral – percutaneous or per mucosal, through blood and contaminated
blood products most commonly during:
o Medical interventions :
 Transfusions
 Use of incorrectly sterilized instruments in stomatology,
invasive investigations, parenteral treatment
 Professional accidents: cuts or punctures of the medical staff
o Non medical interventions
 Nail treatment, piercing, shaving, tattooing
 Sharing of needles by IV drug users
 Exposure of wounds to biological fluids within the family
- Non – parenteral - sexual (heterosexual or same sex) through genital secretions
and saliva
- Vertical – perinatal:
o In utero: it accounts for 10% of the vertical transmission cases; the risk
when the pregnant woman is infected during the last three months of
pregnancy; in mothers that are carriers of HBsAg the risk is correlated
with the presence of HBeAg (90% risk when it is present vs. 10% when
it is absent).
o Intrapartum – the most frequent route of infection
o Postpartum – the risk of transmission during breastfeeding has not been
documented enough
The persons at risk of acquiring HBV infection are:
- Patients on dialysis or with multiple transfusions (transfusion risk: 1/230000)
- Intravenous drug addicts
- Medical staff
- Children born to HBsAg carrying mothers
- Sex workers. MSM
- Family members of HBV infected patients

HCV Hepatitis
The HCV infection is universal but unevenly distributed. The human reservoir is increasing
despite the fact that the infecting dose is smaller than for HBV and the blood and blood
products have been controlled rigorously after the 80s.
The reservoir is strictly human, it includes acutely and chronically infected (symptomatic or
asymptomatic) patients; an estimated total of 170 million people carry the virus.
The routes of transmission for HCV are:
- Parenteral percutaneous transmission through blood and blood products,
surgery instruments, contaminated syringes and needles, unsterilized
nonmedical cutting devices. It occurs most often during:
o Transfusions: HCV accounts for 90% posttransfusional hepatitises. It is
estimated that by testing the donors with latest generation ELISA tests
and by RT-PCR detection of viral RNA the risk of transmitting HCV
has been reduced to 1/23 million transfusions
o IV drug use
o Occupational hazard for staff working mainly in dialysis centers
o Non-parenteral medical procedures
- The sexual transmission, although theoretically possible, is rare. It is more
often seen in persons having several partners and in people with sexually
transmitted diseases
- The perinatal transmission is extremely rare; it seems that the risk correlates
with the mother’s viral load; breastfeeding does not increase the risk of
transmission. The two latter transmission routes account for 5% of
transmissions which is sensibly less than the HBV transmission.
There is universal receptivity to HCV. The role of the post infection immunity is
unclear: anti-HCV antibodies signify history of infection but are not necessarily protective.

HDV Hepatitis
The reservoir of infection for D hepatitis is represented by the persons with double infection
The routes of transmission are identical with those of HBV, most commonly the parenteral
route after multiple transfusions and in IV drug users followed by the sexual transmission.
The vertical transmission is less common.
The receptive population is the HBV receptive population – HBV and HBV can be
simultaneously transmitted – and persons chronically infected with HBV (HDV
The HDV infection can be endemic or sporadic in correlation with the high or low prevalence
of the HBV infection.

HEV Hepatitis
This form of hepatitis is more common in Asia, India, Africa and Central America where its
prevalence can reach 40 %. The epidemiology is very similar to HAV due to its enteric way
of transmission. The infection is prevalent mainly in young adults – although there is general
receptivity and it can propagate by interhuman transmission. The infection is sporadic in
Western countries affecting mainly people travelling in endemic regions; the antibody
prevalence is about 2%.

The source of infection is the infected person – whether with manifest or atypical clinical
forms; virus excretion in the feces is short (2 weeks). There is much argument about the
existence of an animal reservoir (pigs, rodents).
Fecal-oral transmission is mediated by food (mainly sea food) or water. There is also vertical
transmission and pregnant women are infected during the last trimester of pregnancy.
The immunity is limited, reinfections are possible.

HAV Hepatitis
HAV is orally ingested and the first round of replication is in the oropharynx, salivary glands
and the bowel – where it can be recovered at this time. Multiplication in the epithelial cells of
the small intestine is follow by transport by way of the port vein to the liver where another
round of replication occurs in hepatocytes and Kupfer cells. Transcription of RNA is followed
by synthesis of the viral proteins that are assembled into new capsids then virions in the
cytoplasm; the virions are excreted in the bile ducts without cell destruction – HAV lacks
cytopathic effect. HAV is transported through the bile to the feces or can infect new target
The intrahepatic replication is accompanied by viremia that last from week 2 post infection
until week 2 after the onset of symptoms (1 week after the apparition of icterus)
The hepatic lesions are the result of immunologic mechanisms induced by expression of viral
antigens on the surface of hepatocytes; NK cells and cytotoxic T cells are involved in viral
clearance through cytokine and interferon action.
The humoral immunity is limiting the infection; IgM antibodies appear concomitantly with
the clinical onset, during fecal excretion on the virus, and last for 6 months, being thus a
marker for current or recent infection; IgG antibodies follow, are predominant during
convalescence and through long life persistence protect against reinfection.
Hepatocyte destruction is accompanied by serum increase in lysis specific enzymes and
electrolytes (iron, copper). Hepatic injury affects metabolic processes such as the lipid
metabolism (increase in triglycerides, decrease of cholesterol), protein metabolism (decrease
in albumins and coagulation factors II, V, VII, and IX, increase in globulins), glucidic
metabolism (erratic glycaemia) and hydro electrolytic – with a tendency of increase of the
extracellular fluid.

HBV Hepatitis
The hepatocytes are the main site of replication for HBV; the infection has several stages:
Replicative with immune tolerance. It corresponds to the incubation period, lasts for 2-4
weeks, and is characterized by active viral multiplication with minimal cytolysis, therefore
with little if any hepatic lesions and no symptoms.
Replicative with immunological clearance. The immune system reacts through TcL with the
viral proteins as targets. The markers of viral replication disappear and the HBe antibodies
appear; cytolysis is exacerbated and symptoms of acute hepatitis are prominent. The stage
lasts for 2-4 weeks in patients that clear the virus is indefinite in patients that are becoming
chronic carriers.
The immune clearance and the destruction of infected hepatocytes are followed by remission
of the symptoms and cytolysis and a limited reversion of the histologic modifications: a

degree of fibrosis is present but it does not affect the hepatic architecture although theHBsAg
can be shed for years. If the immune response of the host is very active the integrative stage
follows: HBs seroconversion occurs, the HBsAg disappears, the HBV DNA becomes
undetectable in the serum but still detectable in the liver cell where activation can occur if
immunosuppression is present (HIV infection, immunosuppressive therapy, cytostatic
The secondary, extra hepatic, sites of replication - lymph nodes, circulating lymphocytes,
bone marrow, spleen, pancreas) can act as a virus reservoir although they do not undergo
inflammatory lesions; they can be the origin of extra hepatic syndromes and post transplant
activation of infection
HBV does not have a direct cytopatic effect; the lesions, the evolution and the
symptomatology are triggered by the immune response of the host. The cytolysis is mediated
by cytotoxic CD8 lymphocytes that recognize on the cell surface nucleocapsidic proteins
(AgHBc, AgHBe) and by NK cells. The cytotoxic aggression is associated with inflammatory
lesions induced my macrophages that infiltrate the periportal areas. The type of immune
response determines the clinical picture and possible chronicization.
To some extent, thedestruction of the infected hepatocytes is also mediated by early activity
of the inflammatory cytokines and components of the innate immunity.
The humoral immunity does not directly elicit cytolysis. HBc and HBe antibodies mediate the
cytotoxic cellular response. The only protective antibodies are against HBs.
The existence of a direct pathogen effect of the virus is suggested by the association between
certain mutations in the pre-core region and a higher incidence of severe and fulminant
Serologic markers in Viral Hepatitis B:
 HBsAg
 Detectable at 1-12 weeks, 2-6 weeks prior to cytolysis and clinical
 Disappears at 1-2 months after icterus – can persist for 6 months
 HBsAb
 Appear after HBsAg clearance; the interval between the two events is
called „serologic window”
 Detectable throughout the rest of the life
 Marker of immunity, protective against reinfection
 HBcAg: undetectable in the serum, strictly intracellular in hepatocytes
 HBc Ab:
 early apparition, 1-2 weeks after HBsAg, weeks or months before
 diagnostic value in the „serologic window”
 IgM persist for 6 months, IgG detectable after 4-6 months
 IgG persist indefinitely
 HBeAg
 Simultaneously or soon after HBsAg
 Denotes viral replication, are associated with DNA viral load and Dane
 Variant: mutated HBV that does not express HBeAg
 disappearance before HBsAg, soon after the cytolytc acme
 HBeAc

 They appear after HBe Ag disappearance and before
 Marker of low infectivity
The evolution of HBV hepatitis acquired through vertical transmission is distinct from the
evolution of the hepatitis acquired horizontally at adult age. The neonatal infection is
associated with immune tolerance to HBV which explains the lack of clinical signs of acute
infection but the evolution is constantly towards chronic infection and, eventually, after
decades of evolution, towards cyrosis and hepatocarcinoma. The infection acquired after
puberty is accompanied by an active immune response – the immune reactive stage, clinically
manifest, followed almost always by healing and clearance of the virus and none of the
mentioned complications.
In contrast to this typical evolution of the hepatitis with HBV, the chronic evolution is
announced by the lack of clearance of the HBsAg after 6 months and the lack of HBsAb; only
HBcAb IgG can be detected and HBV DNA is detectable in the serum and in the hepatocytes.
The peak of infectivity is during the replicative stage when virions, viral DNA and HBeAg
can be detected in the serum. The nonreplicative stage follows after the seroconversion in the
„e” system; at this point the viral DNA is integrated in the hepatocyte genome and only
altered virions are circulating in the periphery; this stage is of inactive carrier. Reversion to
the previous stage is sometimes possible.

HCV Hepatitis
Infection with HCV is followed after 1-2 weeks by viremia that is at is highest initially then
varies; when the evolution is toward chronic infection the viremia persists after cytolysis
decreases but it correlates with the severity of the hepatic lesions thus indicating poor
HCV replication occurs in the hepatocytes with no direct cytopathic effect but also in
monocytes and lymphocytes. The mechanism of the hepatic lesion is by immune response –
cell mediated and by cytokines with antiviral effect released by the T lymphocytes. The
degree of response by CD8 cytotoxic lymphocytes correlates with the healing rate, their being
present in high titers indicates favorable prognosis. NK Lymphocytes contribute to controlling
the infection. The effect of these immune mechanisms in controlling the HCV infection is
quite often transient; evolution to persistent infection occurs in 70-85% of the cases.
Persistent infection is caused by suboptimal response of the adaptive immunity as a result of
the variability of the virus (quasispecies) and by the downregulating of the innate immunity
(interferon) by the viral proteins.
The risk of chronicization in HCV hepatitis is influenced by viral factors (genotype 1b high
viremia) and host factors (HIV, HBV coinfections, alcoholism, male gender) and immune
response variations.

HDV Hepatitis
The hepatic lesions in HDV hepatitis is through direct cytopathic effect through blocking the
host cell protein expression. The immune response is however also playing a role in chronic
HDV is a defective virus that cannot be transmitted in the absence of HBV. The interaction of
the two virusesleads to higher severity of the hepatitis. There are two types of interaction:

A. HDV-HBV coinfection leading to severe acute hepatitis and biphasic clinical,
biological and histologic pictures; healing is possible but the evolution is more
severe than in hepatitis with HBV only
B. HDV superinfection: severe acute hepatitis occurs in a HBV carrier, liver failure
and fulminant evolution occur in 10% of cases; with chronic evolution, 75% of the
patients progress towards cirrhosis.

HEV Hepatitis
HEV has fecal-oral transmission very much like HAV; ingestion of the virus is followed by
primary replication in the cells of the small intestine and consequently in the liver. The hepatic
lesion is induced by the immune system – HEV lacks cytopathic effects.
The humoral immune response is prompt: HEV IgM antibodies are detectable at the onset of the
clinical stage and usually disappear 2-3 months after the acute illness although they can persist
for 2 years and more; the IgG antibodies appear two weeks after the onset of the disease and
persist in small titers for months and up to 10 years without conferring protection against
HEV RNA can be detected in the serum and feces at 4-6 weeks after the onset of the disease.

Clinical picture
The onset of acute hepatitis follows an incubation period that varies according to the etiology. It
is shorter in the forms with fecal-oral transmission: 20-45 days (4 weeks) for HAV, 14-60 days
(5-6 weeks) for HEV; the HBV and HDV hepatitises have an average incubation of 8-12 weeks
(30-180 days at the extremes) and HCV hepatitis has 7 week incubation on average with a very
large variability (15-160 days).
The prodromal (anicteric) stage is polymorphic as symptomatology: it is dominated by
systemic manifestations, unspecific and with varying intensities, that begin 1-2 weeks before
icterus and are often associated with digestive symptoms; the latter are receding with the
onset of icterus.
Among the systemic manifestations:
- Unspecific digestive syndrome, with anorexia, reduced olfactory and taste
sensitivity, flatulence. When this is the main clinical picture at the beginning it is
a clinical staple of acute hepatitis with digestive onset; the symptoms subside
when icterus appears.
- The general infectious symptoms are fever 38-39⁰C (mainly in hepatitis with
enteric transmission), myalgia, asthenia, fatigue, headaches, photophobia.
- Common cold syndrome, cough, angina in the pseudoinfluenza syndrome
- Small joint arthralgia, nocturnal and symmetric sometime with rash or purpura;
serum sickness-like symptoms occur in 10% of the patients with HBV and 5% of
the patients with HCV and are associated with the infectious syndrome. Pseudo-
rheumatic symptoms occur more frequently in HBV hepatitis (30-70%); Gianotti
syndrome (papular acrodermatitis) is a particular form in children that consists of
papulovesicular skin rash of the face and chest and generalized adenopathy
- Neuropsychiatric manifestations: severe asthenia, drowsiness of insomnia,
depression, restlessness, apathy are characteristics of the neuropsychiatric onset
- Atypical manifestations: colic, abrupt apparition of icterus can mimic acute
surgical abdomen
Hyper chrome urines and discolored stools appear 2-5 days before icterus.
On clinical examination painful hepatomegaly (10%), and often splenomegaly and adenopathy
(5%) can be detected mainly in children.

The prodrome lasts for 5-7 in HAV hepatitis, 1-4 days in HEV hepatitis and 2-3 weeks in HBV
hepatitis. In HCV hepatitis the symptoms are very faint and are often ignored by the patient.
The stasis stage (icteric) is heralded by the attenuation/disappearance of the prodromal
syndromes followed by icterus of skin and mucosa.
- The icteric syndrome in viral hepatitises is insidious, varies in intensity and lasts,
on average 3-4 weeks. Acholic stools and hyper chrome urine accompany the
icterus; its intensity is an indicator of the clinical form’s severity; if bilirubinemia
does not exceed 2-3 mg/dl the jaundice might not be noticed (mild, anicteric
forms) whereas in cholestatic forms, with longer evolution (3-6 months) and more
characteristic to HAV the jaundice has a striking intensity and can acquire a green
- The hepatosplenomegaly is characterized by tender distension of the liver; its
consistency is soft, the surface is lean and the patients complain of discomfort or
even pain in the right hypochondrium. Fifty percent of the patients have
splenomegaly; cervical adenopathy is less frequent (20%).
- The digestive dyspeptic syndrome is unspecific, persists for 1-2 weeks during the
icteric stage and anticipates an evolution that is more severe
- Hemorrhagic syndrome: epistaxis, bleeding of the gums, accentuated menstrual
flow or metrorrhagia – accompanied in severe forms by liver failure.
- Asthenic syndrome: apathy, listlessness, irritability, depression
- Extrahepatic symptoms: they are more frequent in HBV (15-20%) and HCV
 Hypertension, sinus bradicardia, ECG late phase modifications,
myocarditis, pericarditis
 Pancreatitis, increase in serum amylases – in infections with HBV
 Pleurisy
 Interstitial nephritis
 Essential mixed cryoglobulinemia
 Aplastic anemia, agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenia
 Polinevritis, encephalitis
 Antiphospholipidic syndrome, pulmonary fibrosis, thyroiditis – in
hepatitis with HCV
The convalescence (post icteric) stage is characterized by onset of systemic symptoms and
persistence of a degree of hepatomegaly and low-level cytolysis. It lasts for 2-12 weeks;
complete remission of the clinical, biological and histological alterations is achieved in 1-2
months in HCV hepatitis and 3-4 months in HBV and HCV hepatitis. The patients must be
monitored clinically and biologically for 6 months because relapses are possible.

Clinical forms
- Anicteric acute hepatitis (unapparent, subclinical): the clinical picture is limited to
the preicteric stage; the diagnostic is based on immunological and serologic
alterations; the risk of complications and chronic evolution is the same as in
icteric forms.
 They are more frequent in HAV hepatitis (70%) and HEV hepatitis were it
is endemic (80%)
- The cholestatic form is characterized by intrahepatic cholestasis and has a clinical
picture of long lasting obstructive jaundice that can be severe; it is frequently
associated with pruritus, sometimes fever and diarrhea; the prognosis is favorable
 5-10% HBV hepatitis cases and less frequent in HAV hepatitis
- The extended uncomplicated form: the stasis stage is longer the serum liver
enzymes decrease more slowly

- Persisting forms: characteristic to HBV hepatitis they consist of extension of the
clinical, biochemical and serological alterations characteristic to the acute stage
for 7-8 months; the risk of chronic evolution is higher
- The relapsing, recurrent forms: they are extended forms. A first episode and a
convalescence stage of 1-3 months are followed by recurrence of the initial
clinical and biological picture, with an overall evolution of up to 5 months.
 The frequency of this form is 10% in HAV hepatitis
 In HBV hepatitis it may be induced by corticotherapy, concomitant
disease, super infection with HDV
 When occurring with HDV-HBV coinfection it prompts evolution towards
rapid chronic evolution and cirrhosis
- The fulminant form or massive liver necrosis is the most severe form of viral
hepatitis that accounts for most of the fatalities; it has a mortality rate of 80%.
Hepatic encephalopathy occurs within the first 8 weeks of disease or 2 weeks after
the onset of jaundice.
 It is not a frequent form but certain patients are at high risk:
 Young and adult patients with HBV account for half of the cases of
fulminant hepatitis; the frequency is low, higher when HBV-HDV
confection or chronic hepatitis C are present
 In pregnant women with HEV it can reach 20% as compared with
1-2% in the general population
 It is rare in patients with HAV; it occurs mainly in elder patients or
in those chronically infected with HBV or HCV

Laboratory diagnostic
The positive diagnosis relies on complex laboratory investigations that reflect the pathology of
the disease:
- Hepatic cytolysis:
 The increase in serum transaminases (AST, ALT) is frequently substantial
(20-30 fold), already in the prodromal stage and precedes the jaundice and
reverses gradually during convalescence; their levels do not correlate with the
severity of the hepatic injury
- The biliary retention syndrome
 The serum bilirubin (both fractions) increases; jaundice can be observed
when it reaches 4-5 mg/dl
 Higher bilirubin levels (>20 mg/dl) that persist are correlating with severe
- The cholestatic syndrome is associated with significant increase in serum bilirubin;
the gammaglutamyltranspeptidase (GGT), alkaline phosphatase and cholesterol are
also increased in the serum
- The hematologic syndrome:
 Leukopenia, lymphocytosis, neutropenia
- The liver failure reflects severe hepatic injury and affects several liver functions:
 Synthesis of the serum proteins: their values decrease:
 Prothrombin – as reflected by the reduction of the prothrombin index
(PI), increase in INR (international normalized ratio); it is an early
marker for severe prognosis and anticipates the liver failure
 Proconvertin
 Christmas factor (IX)
 Detoxification: increase in serum ammonium
 Metabolic: decrease of bilirubin conjugation

- Inflammatory syndrome:
 Increase of serum IgG, IgM
 Alteration of the albumin/globulin ratio
 Hipoalbuminemy and hypergammaglobulinemy due to chronic liver injury
The etiologic diagnostic oh viral hepatitis relies on viral markers and serologic tests
HAV Hepatitis
The etiologic diagnostic is based on serology: IgM antiHAV antibodies are detectable since the
clinical onset and up to 3-6 months later; they signal acute or recent infection.
IgG antibodies signify residual immunity post infection or post vaccination,
HAV antigen can be detected in stools by immune electron microscopy or in serum by ELISA.
The virus can be cultivated and the viral RNA can be detected by RT-PCR but these techniques
are not used for the routine diagnostic.
HBV Hepatitis
(See serologic markers in HBV hepatitis)
HCV Hepatitis
The serologic diagnostic for HCV hepatitis consists of detecting anti-HCV antibodies with
generation I-III ELISA tests. No available serologic tests differentiate between acute and chronic
HCV infection. A significant limitation of these tests is caused by late seroconversion,
approximately 3 months after infection. The more recent generation tests are more sensitive than
the older ones.
HCV RNA in serum can be detected as early as a few days after infection and persists
indefinitely in chronic infections and 3-4 months in limited ones. The positive diagnostic of
HCV infection relies on a positive HCV RNA test and a serologic ELISA test of new generation.

HDV Hepatitis
Serology: anti –HDV IgM antibodies are detectable after the clinical onset and persist for
along time; they are followed by a serological window and then IgG antibodies.
Virological diagnostic consists of detecting Ag HDV in the serum by immunofluorescence the
second week after infection and during 3 weeks. HDV RNA can be detected in serum by PCR
and signifies viral replication and infectiveness.

HEV Hepatitis
The IgM anti-HEV antibodies appear 4 weeks after infection and persist for 3 month; their
detection signifies acute infection. The same is true for IgE anti-HEV antibodies.
Virological diagnostic is made by detecting HEV antigen in the serum and stools (although
shedding of virus in the stool is limited to a short period); the first viral marker to be detected is
HEV RNA and it persists for approx. 6 weeks.

HAV Hepatitis
The otherwise healthy patients that develop this form of disease recover completely with no
sequels. Elder age, preexisting chronic liver disease and hypo or agammaglobulinaemia are
predisposing factors for more severe evolution, with mortality of 0.1-1%, sometimes through
fulminant evolution.

HBV Hepatitis
The rate of complete recovery after the HBV infection is 95-99% in adults that are otherwise
healthy; it is estimated that only 1% of immune competent people do not eliminate the HBsAg

after an acute infection. Severe forms are more frequent in elderly patients and when other
pathology is associated: alcoholic liver disease, other chronic hepatopathies, and diabetes. The
mortality in HBV acute hepatitis is 1% and severe prognosis is announced by liver failure or
very high hepatic cytolysis.

HCV Hepatitis
The HCV acute hepatitis is milder than HBV hepatitis; asymptomatic and anicteric forms are
much more frequent but the chronic evolution is extremely frequent, 85-90%, and they lead to
cirrhosis in 50% of cases.

HBV-HDV coinfection
The mortality associated to this coinfection is not higher than that of HBV infection (5%) and the
risk of evolution to chronic infection is also low.

HDV superinfection
As opposed to coinfection, the prognostic is poor due to mortality associated with fulminant
forms (20%) and a high risk of chronic evolution (80%). The evolution of the HBV infection is
more severe regardless of its stage at the time of super infection.

HEV Hepatitis
The prognostic is favorable, the disease is self-limited; pregnant women have, however, high
mortality risk (20%).
- Rare complications:
 Pancreatitis
 Myocarditis
 Atypical pneumonia
 Aplastic anemia
 Transverse myelitis
 Peripheral neuropathy
 Encephalitis
 Vasculitis
 Interstitial nephritis
- Bacterial infections, mainly after HAV hepatitis
- Porphyria cutanea tarda, lichen planus especially after HCV infection
- Chronic evolution
- Hepatocellular carcinoma: the risk is high in patients with chronic infection since
childhood that have HBeAg or high viremias as measured by HBV DNA; the risk is
also high in patients with chronic (25-30 years) HCV infection and cirrhosis.
- Autoimmune hepatitis – with HAV, HBV and HCV hepatitis

Acute hepatitis treatment is individualized according to the clinical form and the etiology, to
the associated pathology and possible hepatotoxic factors. Every acute hepatitis must be
considered seriously and the treatment must be early; in self-limited forms treatment consists of
general measures and symptomatic and pathogenic therapy/
General measures
Hospitalization and isolation of patients with acute hepatitis during the first 2-3 weeks is
mandatory in Romania due to the complication potential and the transmission risk. Bed rest is

recommended during this time; regular physical activity is progressively introduced
A hypercaloric diet is recommended, ideally fractionate din 4-5 daily meals, and according to
the patient’s appetite and digestive tolerance; the main meals should be in the morning, during
the early stages of disease a diet rich in lacto-vegetarian diet is better tolerated but the diet will
become unrestricted afterwards with the exception of hepatotoxic agents (alcohol, condiments);
hepatotoxic drugs and those that are metabolized in the liver or are cholestatic are also to be
avoided. The patients with prolonged gastric intolerance who cannot feed orally most receive
parenteral support – glucose and caloric supplements
Etiologic treatment is not generally recommended in acute hepatitis with the exception of cases
that are not self limited thus being at risk for chronic evolution. There are studies that document
the usefulness of nucleoside analogues of reverse transcriptase in severe hepatitis with HBV
and monotherapy with alfa interferon in HCV hepatitis by inducing a sustained virologic
response and preventing chronic evolution.
The symptomatic medication includes:
- Supportive treatment
- Treatment of constipation and meteorism
- Treatment of insomnia
- Antiemetics
- Treatment of dislypemia when chronic liver disease is associated
- Hepatotropic agents: they have no proven effect on the clinical or virologic
- Treatment of associated diseases (ulcer, gastritis, duodenitis, parasitosis,
nutritional disorders)
- Choleretics, muscle relaxants, cholestyramine, ursodeoxycholic acid,
antihistamines – in the cholestatic forms
Corticotherapy is not recommended during acute viral hepatitis because immune suppression
favors viral multiplication, persistent antigenemia and chronic evolution. It is indicated in
particular cases:
 Severe cholestatic forms
 Evolution with intense allergic phenomena
 Treatment of hematologic complications
 Severe, fulminant cases, when the prothrombin index is below 50% (there is no
consensus though)
The treatment of fulminant forms:
The main therapeutic goal is sustaining the vital functions while waiting for the hepatic
regeneration; therapeutic measures include:
 Maintaining the hydro electrolyte and acid-base equilibrium
 Correction of hypoglycemia
 Correction of hiperammoniemia (diet without proteins, evacuator enema, nasal-gastric
aspiration, intestinal decontamination with nonabsorbable antibiotics – rifaximine, and
nonabsorbable disaharids – lactulose, colic recolonization with lactobacillus)
 Control of the hemorrhagic syndrome (fresh plasma transfusion, platelets, K vitamin)
 Treatment of the cerebral edema
 Management of the renal failure
 Prophylactic antibiotherapy and the treatment of the associated bacterial infections
 Corticotherapy - useful only in the early stages of liver failure
 Orthotopic liver transplant – with good results

 Other radical (and costly) therapeutic measures did not prove their efficacy in improving
the survival rate. Among these, hemoperfusion, extracorporeal circulation,

Unspecific measures
 For enteral hepatitis: improving personal hygiene, correct treatment, transport
and storage of food and water, correct neutralization of waste
 For parenteral hepatitis: correct sterilization of surgical and medical
equipment, rigorous control of transfusion blood, the use of single use syringes
and needles, observing the universal protection rules, avoidance medical
maneuvers with infective risk, prophylaxis of the sexual transmission
Specific measures:
 Passive prophylaxis with immune globulins
- HAV specific human Ig or standard human Ig – for HAV hepatitis prophylaxis in
persons travelling to endemic regions or during the first days after infecting
- HBV specific Ig – in newborns with HBV positive mothers or after professional
exposure of the medical personnel
 Active prophylaxis:
- HAV vaccination – with highly immunogenic inactivated virus
- HBV vaccination – recombinant vaccines with very good efficacy; they induce
anti-HBs antibodies

Selective bibliography
1. Cupșa A. Boli infecțioase transmisibile. Ed. Medicală Universitară, Craiova, 2007; 10.66-
2. Curry MP, Chopra S. Acute viral Hepatitis. (Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases,
7th Edition, eds Mandell GL, Bennett JE, Dolin R). Ed. Churchill Livingstone Elsevier,
Philadelphia, 2010; 1577-1592
3. Dienstag JL. Acute Viral Hepatitis. (Harrison’s Infectious Diseases 2nd Edition, eds Kasper
DL, Fauci AS). Ed. Mc Graw Hill Education, 2013; 949-974
4. Horvat M, Muntean M. Hepatite virale acute. (Boli Infecțioase, eds Zanc V, Ciutică I,
Slavcovici A). Ed. Medicală Universitară Iuliu Hațieganu, Cluj-Napoca, 2011; 273-312
5. Mauss S, Berg T, Rockstroh J, Sarrazin C, Wedemeyer H. Short Guide to Hepatitis C. Ed.
Flying Publisher, 2011; 13-31
6. Ryder SD. Viral hepatitis. (Infectious Diseases Third Edition, eds Cohen J, Powderly WG,
Opal SM). Ed. Mosby Elsevier, 2010; 408-422

Chapter 7
Brîndușa Țilea, Anca Meda Georgescu

Septicemia is a disease caused by various etiologic agents which have an evolution that
involves fever without any tendency to withdraw, while its severity is progressive and the the
clinical manifestation are amplified and complicated, with an important lethal risk.
The classical acception of systemic bacterial infections, the following steps are defining:
1. The entry gate for a pathogen agent (skin, respiratory, digestive, etc.)
2. Establishment of an initial foci - the place, often located near the entrance gate,
where the pathogen multiplies in the body and from where it disseminates in the
body with its exo and endotoxins.
3. Hematogenous dissemination - the germs start from the primary foci and spread in
various other places in the body. It is an essential step and at the same time, the
main manifestation of the disease, being maintained through participation and
secondary foci;
4. Formation of septic metastatic foci secondary to grafting germs involved in
circulation. These secondary foci, originating in the embolized vascular wall will
remain connected with the vessel, in this way they will continue to introduce new
quantities of germs in circulation. The secondary foci maintain and amplify the
presence of germs in the blood.
The existence of septic metastatic foci, differentiates septicemia from bacteremia (simply
discharging the germs from the entry gate or from the primary foci without repercussions in
terms of the illness progress);
5. seriously impairing the patient’s status by two major consequences:
 participation in the clinical manifestations, in addition to systemic
inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS), of signs and symptoms of many
organ systems affected directly (metastatic) or indirectly, with their
characteristic clinical manifestations;
 functional impairment of the affected organs and systems due to major
imbalances of homeostasis, which can lead to onset of defense reactions
that can evolve to the stage of shock, disseminated intravascular
coagulation (DIC), MSOF ("Multiple System and Organ Failure" - defined
as Multi or multisystem failure) and death.
The authors tend to simplify the concept, proposing the term "sepsis" for all situations of
uncontrolled infection by defense mechanisms of the body, these carrying the same risk factor
in terms of evolution.
During amplification several developmental stages can be detected:
SIRS (Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome) – There are four criteria:
 fever> 38.5°C or hypothermia <35.5°C;
 tachycardia> 90 / min.
 tachypnea> 20/min.

 leukocytosis> 12000/mm 3 or leukopenia <4000/mm 3 or> 10% segmented
Sepsis is defined as SIRS occurred in the context of infection, the defining criteria are valid
for SIRS plus clinical evidence of infection.
Severe sepsis is defined as sepsis plus one of the following criteria:
 hypoxemia defined as PCO2 / FiO2<280 intubated patient as PAO2<75mmHg or the
need to administer an anesthetic gas containing more than 40% O2 artificially
ventilated patient
 oliguria - diuresis <480ml/day or <20 ml / h
 metabolic acidosis - pH <7.20 or lactic acid ic> 1.5 mmol / l
 acute encephalopathy with deteriorating mental status
 peripheral vascular resistance <800dyne x sec x cm -5
 hypotension with systolic BP <90 mmHg
 haemostatic disorder as defined by the concentration of PT <30% or a decrease in the
number of platelets under 100.000/mm3 or more than 40% of the value of the previous
Septic shock is considered a special case in severe sepsis, having as a criteria for defining
those described above.
 The criteria used to define various organ deficiencies are those proposed by Knaus
(see Table I)
Insufficient organ Criteria for defining
AV <55/min
BP <80mmHg
Cardiovascular tachycardia or recent atrial fibrillation
pH <7.25 with PaCO2<50mmHg
respiratory rate <5/min or> 50/min
paCO2> 50/mmHg
Respiratory alveolar-arterial differences O2> 350mmHg
ventilator dependence> 24 hours
creatinine> 3.5 mg%
Renal urea> 120mg%
Diuresis <480ml/zi or <20 ml / h
WBC <1000/mm 3
Hematologic HT <20%
PLT <20.000/mm 3
SNC GCS <6 in the absence of sedation
HP <15% with factor V <40%
Hepatic total bilirubin> 6 mg%
Table I - Knaus criteria of organ failure
 Disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome - DIC (not necessarily enroll in
clinical shock can occur outside or before the phenomena of shock);
 Multiple systemic organ failure (MSOF) is interpreted as critical stage consecutive to
major disturbances in circulatory and metabolic shock, and it is defined in the

presence of signs of decompensation of at least three major systems or vital
- cardio, respiratory, excretory, hematopoietic, hepatic, cerebral.

Although the incidence of severe systemic infections might be expected to decrease due to
improvement of preventive measures and of potentially active therapy in localized infections,
such tendency is not however evident. On the contrary in the U.S. an increase with 39%. in
the incidence of severe sepsis in 2000 compared to 1990. Some of the major causes of this
phenomenon are:
 the increase of the capacity of SIRS etiological identification
 the increase of immunocompromised persons likely to develop sepsis
 increased invasiveness of medical practice through the development of new diagnostic
and therapeutic methods that favor production of bacteremia and sepsis as well.
 the acute microbial aggressiveness of parallel to etiological involvement of
multiresistant germs to antibiotics.
Currently in the U.S., are reported over 750,000 cases of sepsis annually, every day 500
patients die from sepsis. The average age is around 58, and considering gender men are more
often affected.
The etiological palette is large (fig. 5). Interestingly, not every germ can cause a sepsis. From
this point of view, both in the classical perspective but especially the current view states that
when defense capabilities are normal the fatal septicemic infection are unlikely to occur:
 the germs with good antigen ability are capable to determine the formation of
protective antibodies (in such a context the development will be self-limiting, even in
the presence of bacteremia stages or in the case of secondary metastasis – the case of
SalmonellelorTyphi and Paratyphi that develops typhoid fever).
 germs deprived of invasive capacity (Clostridium tetani, botulinum, diphtheria

Major immunological deficiency eradicates both groups, the first group by the inability to
develop antibodies, and the second one by creating favorable conditions to overcome local
Throughout the historical development of therapeutic possibilities, especially recorded in the
last century, a significant change in the etiologic spectrum of sepsis was.

New ethiopatogenic types are signaled nowadays:

 "Catheter" sepsis, especially caused by "hospital" germs, pluriresistent to antibiotics
(staphylococci, gram-negative bacilli as Proteus and Pseudomonas, Acinetobacter
fungi etc.).
 sepsis in iv drug addicts with opportunistic germs mostly of the saprophyte germs
(Staphylococcus epidermidis, corynebacteria) or intestinal bacteria;

 sepsis due to immuno-depressed patients (transplant surgery, cancer, autoimmune
diseases) with an extremely wide range from germs non-pathogenic germs to
pluriresistant selected germs;
 sepsis favored by the existence of prothesis or other prosthetic devices, especially
vascular on which germs are grafted as a primary foci that cannot be sterilised -
usually non-pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic germs;

Specific key stages in the evolution of sepsis are evident from its definition:
The entry gate of the germ functions as a primary pathogen, its identification therefore,
represents a diagnostic with an indicative value, even retroactively: based on the location and
the conditions in which the infection occurs certain etiologies can be detected. For example,
the skin entry gate suggests the involvement of staphylococci, genitourinary location - aerobic
Gram-negative bacilli or enterococci, a genital entry gate especially in the case of a septic
abortion, towards the aerobic and anaerobic germs, etc..
Primary septic sites
Primary infection sites are usually located in close proximity to the entry gate (in case of soft
tissue phlegmon subsequent to infected penetrating wounds of limbs, the case of parametritis
formed after postabortum endometritis etc.) or in its vicinity on the lymph circuit
(adenophlegmon satellites of entry gate ).
Dissemination of germs from the primary septic site is possible in several ways:
 by erosion of the walls of small veins trapped in the focus of inflammation,
thrombosis at that level, directly exposed to germs (staphylococci secret coagulase) or
by means of other local mechanisms, infected thrombi detach intermittently and being
spread in the general circulation will embolize distantly usually at the level of vascular
bifurcation – in the systemic circulation or in the pulmonary vascular circulation.
 primitive lymphatic path and subsequently hematogenous (in the case of
 through depleted circulating macro-and microphage. These cells incorporate germs for
phagocitosis but they are unable to perform the germs’ lysis due to the depletion of
lysosomes or the required energy resources so that once entering circulation, they will
end up releasing the viable germs in other places outside the primary infection site
(process revealed in staphylococci).
Secondary metastases formation, marks, as maintained dissemination, completion of clinical,
morphological and functional aspects of sepsis.
Remaining at the predominant model of septic emboli, the place where they stop, vascular
intima is eroding under direct action of germs, they become located at the level of vascular
wall thickness and within hours an adventicial abscess develops, the first form of the new
septic focus. These are quickly formed, maintaining regular contact with drainage vessel that
will discharge, in turn, further amounts of germs.
The most affected site in metastasis is the lung (clinically manifest in over 40-60% of cases)
because the alveolar capillary network, is a veritable "filter" in the way of septic thrombi.
The prevalence and dissemination of secondary sites in the body, affecting the viscera -
including meningocerebral and soft parts of the body the clinical manifestations worsen.

The classic authors maintain that in case of sepsis an important role is played by the defense
capacity of the body. Thus it is stated that:
 people with a very good defense capability neutralize infection even in the initial
 people with a low capacity for defense evolve to septic shock and death, without
clinical manifestations of sepsis, the fulminant infection evolving rapidly.

The inflammatory syndrome is triggered by a series of mechanisms that are activated in a

cascade, involving as key step, the macrophage system (the current name for
reticuloendothelial system). Mechanisms of the systemic inflammatory response (SIR) are
complex and subject to a good defense capability of the host. (Table II presents the main
mediators of inflammation).


macrophage  lipoprotein lipase
lymphocyte β inhibitors
TNF α T lymphocytes, Nk  hipercatabolism
neutrophils  pyrogenic effect
endothelial cells  antitumor
 lymphocyte proliferation
 T, B and Nk
IL 1 macrophage  receptors stimulate the
production of IL 2
 the most important
 Increases the secretion of
IL 2 T lymphocyte
 auto-positive feedback
 stimulating macrophage
 B and T lymphocyte
IL 6  pyrogenic effect
T lymphocyte
 synthesis of acute phase
 Increased pulmonary
vascular resistance
leukotrienes arachidonic acid  involved in the genesis of
acute respiratory distress
PGI2 arachidonic acid  vasodilation

(Prostacyclin)  antiplatelet
arachidonic acid PGI2 antagonist
 activation platelet
 macrophage activation
PAF platelets
 increased capillary
(Platelet-activating macrophages
factor) endothelials
 increased pulmonary
vascular resistance
 neutrophil degranulation
 Macrophag activation
 Nk activation
interferon γ T lymphocyte
 increases synthesis of IL
1 and TNF-α
Fibronectin collagen defect  Low-swelling
 toxic bacterial
free radical granulocytes
 toxic cell
 Increased capillary
Table II - Best known mediators of inflammation

Dinarello managed to create an indicative chart of the stages of these mechanisms. The
essential role is performed by the release - from activated macrophages, of two mediators -
Interleukin1 and Tumor Necrosis Factor - alpha, these activate the hypothalamic
thermoregulation center, with the production of fever (and chills, sweating, etc..), which
insures the discharge of young, potent, neutrophils, and stimulate thereafter processes of
phagocytosis, stimulates fibroblasts cells and histiocytic cells towards collagen deposits.
Repairing and barrier is their role, also they develop acidosis - a new resource that provides
energy to heart and liver - both having a crucial role in defense, they stimulate hepatic release
of Acute phase proteins (different glycoproteins having a role in triggering complement
activation via the alternative C3), they stimulate T and B lymphocytes to release lymphokines
and specific antibodies.
In addition, especially in severe cases, the following have been identified:
 secondary triggering of activation cascade of vasoactive mediators (kinins, serotonin,
protein P) which would determine the evolution towards shock;
 triggering the coagulation cascade - by means of factor XII (Hagemann), which may
involve the triggering of DIC;
 at the level of vascular endothelium directly assaulted (the action of germs and their
endotoxins) or indirectly, a large amount of nitric oxide will be released (NO) with

negative consequences on circulatory equilibrium (leading to vasoplegia, hiper-
permeability leakage of capillary fluid in the tissues) and evolution towards shock.
Clinical manifestations
What is commonly referred to as incubation, considered to be the time spent between the
existence of the entry gate and the first general manifestations, is not precise because sepsis is
not a self-limiting cyclic model of evolution.
Depending on the size of the inoculum and pathogenicity germ, and the ability of the body's
defense, this interval can be of 1-2 days or weeks - months. The shortest incubation were
found in cases with genital entry gate because of septic endometritis postabortion caused
empirically by ingestion of various toxic substances or by the introduction of irritating
materials in the cervix. Extensive local necrosis allows a large area of the entry gate and high
pathogenicity - usually by bacterial association. Meanwhile, the bodies of young women in
question have the capacity to fight the infection so that the inflammatory syndrome is intense
and fast.
The onset is often sudden, with fever, chills, heat curve and may take different aspects – the
septic type with large vesperal oscillations, - intermittent type, with unregulated variations
every hour or daily (known as "irregular fever") can apparently become steady "the plateau
stage "- especially in cases of osteoarthritis or metastatic pleural empyema etc.
Other elements are added to the previous ones:
 localized inflammatory events of the metastatic foci - most commonly by
hematogenous bronchopneumonia respiratory syndrome (frequent cough, dyspnea,
sometimes stabbing, cyanosis) or osteoarticular (early for staphylococcal septicemia).
The septic emboli or pustular skin aspect or thrombohaemorrhagic, disseminated on
the trunk, especially the limbs (fingers, palms and plants ventral faces) have a high
diagnostic relevance.
 significant deterioration of general condition - fatigue, indefinite malaise, headache,
chest pain, nausea, loss of appetite, vomiting, restlessness, psychomotor agitation.
Physical examination on appliances, shows the following symptoms:
 Skin: various rashes appear on the skin (macules, petechiae, bleeding blisters) of the
embolic type or painless nodules in the extremities (Osler nodes). Often the
appearance is pale or Teros due to vasoconstriction and anemia.
 Respiratory tachypnea, nasal wings beat, cyanosis of the extremities,
bronchopneumonia (septic pulmonary metastases).
 Cardiovascular: tachycardia, hypotension, cardiorespiratory failure, collapse, forming
part of the picture of endotoxin septic shock, frequently determined by Gram-negative
bacilli; atrio ventricular conduction block, varying degrees of AV block, cardio-
circulatory failure.
Sometimes there are local signs of vascular type (superficial thrombophlebitis with
inflammatory edema, rarely large arterial embolism with acute peripheral ischemia syndrome;
 Digestive: hepatosplenomegaly, jaundice with toxic hemolysis;
 Urinary: dimished urinary secretion, macroscopic hematuria, albuminuria,
glomerulonephritis cilindrurie to acute tubular damage and AKI;
 Neurological: may reveal stiff neck or signs of advanced meningeal irritation,
inequalities of tendon reflexes and skin hypotony or isolated paresis, tremor, lack of

coordination, focal neurological signs (microbial embolism) there may be visible signs
of encephalitis (sleepiness or agitation, delirium, etc..).

Laboratory data usually confirm:

 The existence of inflammatory syndrome with accelerated ESR (over 100mm/hour)
with leukocytosis and neutrophilia - but leukopenia with neutropenia combination is
common, either due to lack of reactivity, or due to Gram-negative bacilli, leukopenia
being the expression of a toxic bone marrow inhibition. All other tests for
inflammation show much altered data (C-reactive protein, fibrinemia etc.).
 significant anemia by marrow inhibition and therefore hipo-regenerative at recovery
attempts by iron and folic acid or vit. B12;
 platelet count is usually very high (infectious thrombocytosis) may exceed
600.000/mmc), but can be much reduced by inhibiting bone marrow toxicity or
advanced cases the DIC;
 decompensation of nitrogen balance with constant hyperazotaemia most often by
decreasing renal irrigation and filtration fraction but by nectrotico-inflammatory
lesions and massive release of protein catabolism. When renal impairment is
associated the serum creatinine increases;
 constant acid-base decompensation, often towards metabolic acidosis, compensated,
subsequent to diffuse cellular damage with release out of the cell of acid radicals and
deviation of cellular combustion to anaerobic model with release of Tricarboxylic
acids - lactic and pyruvic.
 transient hyperglycemia spontaneously reversible by improving biological condition.
It can be explained by releasing additional glucose in the adaptive response (via
glycogenolysis and neoglucogenesis) and by decreasing peripheral consumption rate
due to the fact that the body's cells when pressured (hypoxic, toxic bacterial or
endogenous etc.) can not incorporate glucose and no longer consume it as such;
spontaneous remission of hyperglycemia is the most reliable sign of cellular
metabolism remission, with particular prognostic value;
 electrolyte imbalance - sometimes related to fluid retention.

Clinical Forms
From an evolutionary standpoint, there are supraacute forms rapidly evolving to infectious
shock and death within a few days of onset, acute forms (most of them) described above, and
subacute forms, metastatic manifestations being predominant.
Clinical types in terms of etiology and entry gate.
1. Skin sepsis with skin as entry gate is in most cases of staphylococcal etiology
(staph pathogen, aureus, hemolytic coagulase-positive or, more rarely, with
pathogenic staphylococci, coagulase-negative). This type is among the most severe
because of high pathogenicity (rapidly invasive embolizing germ, toxigenic,
causing thrombosis, with tissular destructive-necrotic action). It presents two
clinical features that allow etiologic diagnosis:
 Early osteoarticular impairment (with osteomyelitis and septic arthritis);
 bronchopneumonia with particular radiological aspect (necrotic foci and
pneumonia, "honeycomb radiological aspect").

The evolution is severe one of the highest mortality rate and significant risk of endocardial
and osteoarticular sequelae.

2. Sepsis with visceral entry gate

The first are genital sepsis (postabortum, postpartum), often associated with aerobic and
anaerobic bacteria, but also monoetiological type (staphylococci, Gram negative bacilli,
isolated anaerobes). They are considered among the most severe on the grounds already
 large area of the entry gate;
 rapid damage of parameters without surgical drainage conditions of primary infectious
site (simple evacuation of endometrial debris does not solve the issue);
 local high toxicity (frequently evolving to uterine necrosis) and general toxicity;
 high mortality index.
Urinary sepsis (urosepsis) - can be spontaneous, but more often occurs after uretero-bladder
instrumental explorations. The main cause are - Gram negative bacilli: Escherichia coli,
Enterobacter, Proteus, Pseudomonas. They frequently occur as a complication of diseases
resulting from prolonged immobilization.
Surgical sepsis – it is rare, it is a cause of various complications due to digestive, genital or
cardiovascular interventions especially. It is usually monoetiologic with acute or subacute
development due to the normal practice of post-operative prophylactic antibiotic.
A special category is sepsis contracted in ICU services (post intubation maneuvers, vascular
or urinary catheterization, etc..) extremely severe, because of puriresistant germs to antibiotic
Evolution and prognosis
In the absence of therapy, fatal sepsis evolves lethally in over 85-90% of cases. Spontaneous
healing is possible, in some cases, but not without sequelae.
Under complex treatment lethality has decreased around 14-17%, and in the personal research
mentioned above, we calculated a mortality rate of only 9.7% in the group of 327 adult
Lethality is higher at extreme ages (over 50-60%), in persons with immune deficiency and in
the cases presented or diagnosed too late. Mortality may also vary depending on the etiology,
it is higher in the case of Gram negative bacilli and sometimes Staphilococcus.

There are two stages of diagnosis:
 positive and differential diagnosis of the disease;
 etiological diagnosis.
Positive diagnosis is easy when there is a full clinical picture but it may be more difficult to
establish in cases with subacute evolution or in a very early stage, before they show signs of
metastatic impairment.
Differential diagnosis requires the removal:

of other causes of high and persistent fever - typhoid fever, pneumonia, viral diseases
(complicated influenza) system diseases (collagen), lymphocyte and myeloproliferative
syndromes, neoplasms with fever, suppuration (abdominal, perirenal, pelvic), deep pelvic and
cerebral thrombophlebitis etc.

Etiologic diagnosis
It is an absolute must.
Guidance - but with great value in the choice of first-line therapy, the diagnosis has to
 location of the entry gate;
 the condition in which the infection was contracted (in the hospital ICU ward, or
community - ie outpatient, home);
 existence of intensely debilitating diseases;
 location of private septic metastases (for staphylococcal osteoarthritis) or suggestive
aspect (in case of hemorrhagic-necrotic cutaneous palmar-plantar, staphylococcal
Etiologic diagnosis of certainty is provided by bacteriological investigations.
In order to isolate the causative agent as early as possible and - especially before the
introduction of antibiotic treatment – the following procedures are required:
 blood cultures (2-4) on aerobic, anaerobic, fungi medium;
 cultures (aerobic and anaerobic) from the primary foci and metastatic foci, if possible;
 cultures, smears from the entry gate.
Coefficient of certainty is greater if the same germ is isolated from several cultures or if the
isolated germ comes from closed hematogenous foci.
After isolation and identification of the germ, antibiotics will be used for susceptibility to
antibiotics testing, both normal and backup by antibiograms and determination of MICs
against selected preparations.
Rapid methods of diagnosis:
a. capsular antigen determination by agglutination - Latex, counterimunelectrophoresis
(for Meningococcal, Pneumococcal H. influenzae, cryptococcal, etc.)
b. determination of bacterial DNA by gene amplification methods (PCR)
c. determination of serum levels of procalcitonin, E-selectin, C-reactive protein
d. determining of the level of CD10 -which decreases in bacterial infections.

Perhaps more than in other situations, a complex treatment is urgently required (etiologic,
pathogenetic rebalancing, symptomatic and hygienic-dietary treatment).
1. Etiological therapy, involves two steps:
 First-line therapy
- until etiology is confirmed:

- etiological indicative criteria will be considered;
- complementary and synergic combinations of 2 or 3 antibiotics in terms of the
- the route of administration will be, whenever possible, parenteral- especially
IV bolus - to ensure peak concentrations which will lead to high tissular
The choice of antibiotic preparations should consider the following:
- etiological probability;
- statistical probability of the alleged germ sensitivity;
- bioavailability able to ensure effective concentrations in all tissular locations;
- the absence of contraindications due to sensitivity or other circumstances;
- lower toxicity per dose;
- availability for a lasting cure;
- few drug incompatibilities;
- affordable price to provide therapy for the duration required.
The entry gate Germs covered First-line antibiotics
Staphylococcus aureus, group Penicillin G+Metronidazole ± AMG
A streptococci, anaerobic cocci (or Imipenem/ Cilastatin)
Urinary BGN (Enterobacteriaceae) Ceftriaxone + AMG or FQN
Streptococcus Pneumoniae, H.
Aminopenicillin / Ceftriaxone +
Pulmonary influenzae, Mycoplasma ±
Macrolide (or FQN)
Digestive GNB / anaerobic / enterococci Azocillin or Carbapenems ± AMG
Streptococcus Ceftriaxone+AMG+Metronidazole
B/GNB/anaerobic Ceftazidime+FQN+Metronidazole
Table III - empirical therapy in community systemic infections

The entry gate Germs covered First-line antibiotics

Methyl-R Staphylococcus
Vancomycin and Cefepime + AMG
Cutaneous (MRSA), Pseudomonas, other
or FQN
Central venous Vancomycin +C4G ± Amphotericin
White Staphylococcus, GNB
catheter B
Enterobacteria / Bacillus fragilis Imipenem/Cilastatin + AMG +
Digestive Surgery
/ Pseudomonas / Candida Metronidazole) ± Fluconazole
Artificial Pseudomonas, other GNB,
Carbapenem + Vancomycin
ventilation MRSA
GNB including Pseudomonas / Antipseudomonal beta – lactam.
enterococcus drugs + AMG

Table IV - empirical therapy of nosocomial infections

Affection Germ covered First-line antibiotic

Agranulocytosis Pseudomonas / MRSA / C4G + Vancomycin
Splenectomy Streptococcus pneum. / H. Ceftriaxone ± AMG
Multiple Myeloma Streptococcus pneum. Aminopenicillin / Vancomycin
IV. Addiction Staphylococcus / Pseudomonas Imipenem/ Cilastatin + Fluconazole
/ Candida
Alcoholism Streptococcus pneum. / C4G
HIV Streptococcus pneum. / Carbapenems, C4G

Table V - Antibacterial treatment correlated with the context

Etiology Scheme of choice Alternative therapeutic

The native valve Amoxicillin/C3G + AMG Vancomycin + AMG
The prosthetic Vancomycin + AMG AMG + vancomycin + rifampicin

Table VI – Treatment of endocardial impairment

Finding germs sensitivity will allow both possible correction formula antibiotics and possible
dose adjustment necessary after MIC determination to selected antibiotics.
 Duration of antibiotic administration is adapted to the evolution of each case,
between 14-21 days, depending on clinical status and laboratory data but it can be
longer in case of valvular or bone damage (weeks, months).
Control of therapeutic efficacy based on clinical and laboratory arguments.
Clinical arguments :
a) remission of fever. Persistence of fever over seven days under treatment tested in vitro, for
sensitivity of the germ in question may have several explanations:
 the existence of remaining undrained septic foci. Evacuation of pus or serous exudate
will cause significant reduction of fever;
 the existence of non-immobilised septic arthritis (fever disappears after
b) remission of general condition and symptoms and of other elements characteristic to
systemic inflammatory response.
a) remission of modified biological constants;

b) checking the inhibitory efficiency level (IEL) or bactericidal level (IEB) in serum under
Any amount of IEL of at least 8 offers therapeutical certainty (considering that it will be able
to provide effective concentrations in affected tissues, where the concentration is usually
lower than serum).
2. Pathogenetic therapy involves several aspects:
 Ensuring the monitoring of vital functions in an ICU ward, knowing that the patients
in a state of severe sepsis syndrome can easily develop severe septic shock or MSOF
syndrome. Attention will be paid to balance the level of electrolytes, acid-base, and
nitrogen homeostasis;
 in the presence of febrile curve of sensitivity or in situations of intense inflammatory
cerebral or pulmonary edema, inflammatory corticosteroid therapy has proven
effective under the protection of antibiotics, short episodes of 4-7 days - as
 anticoagulation may be used in case of evoluion towards DIC.
3. Other useful therapeutic measures:
 surgical drainage of primary or secondary purulent collections (including evacuation
serous exudates);
 immobilisation of affected joints in manifest inflammatory process;
 nonspecific increase resistance by intake of vitamins, calcium therapy, anabolic
synthesis and, especially in children and in cases of immunosuppression,
immunoglobulin iv infusion repeated every 3-5 days (multiple doses).
4. Hygienic-dietary therapy include:
 providing bed rest;
 ensuring the insulation;
 diet will vary according to digestive tolerance, fluid and calories needed, depending on
the patient's age and fever;
 control and maintenance of hygiene at the level of skin and mucous membranes,
urinary wells and transcutaneous venous lines etc.

The proper treatment of small wounds or infections of the skin and mucous membranes mean
prevention of sepsis. Basically, there are several possibilities:
 health education of the population, in schools and youth communities towards:
- Visiting the doctor at the first small signs of local infection or signs of disease
in the already complicated situations;
- Counteracting the tendency to solve empirical localized infections (manual
manouvres of collections);
- Ensure asepsis and antisepsis, especially for people who manage medication
(insulin-dependent diabetes) or iv drug (increasing frequency situation in our

- Antibiotic prophylaxis in case of interventions with bleeding risk and
bacteremia (dental uterine curettage), especially in individuals at risk (valvular,
cirrhotic, ethylic, splenectomised). Administration will begin 12 hours before
intervention and will be continued at least 2-3 days afterwards;

1. Bartlett J. Pocket Book of Infectious Disease Therapy. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2007;120-
2. Bearden A, Safdar N. Prevention and Management of Health Care-Associated
Infections.Infectious Disease Special Edition. 2009; 12: 67-83.
3. Benea EO, Popescu C, Popescu G. Ghidul Angelescu. Terapie antimicrobiană, 2004; 29-133.
4. Cohen J, Opal SM, Powderly WG. Infectious Diseases, 3rd Edition, vol I, 2010, 478-491
5. Chiotan M. Boli infecţioase. Ed. Naţional, 2002; 149-200.
6. Gilberd D, Moellering R, Eliopoulos G, Sande MA. The Sanford Guide to Antimicrobial Therapy
37th ed. 2007; 167-190.
7. Gopa B Green, Ian S Harris, Grace Lin. Manual de terapeutică medicală WashinghtonTM.
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Ed. Medicală, Ediţia 31, 2006; 358-399.
8. Popescu C, Popescu GA. Sepsis. Actualităţi şi controverse. Ed. Ager Press, Bucureşti, 2002;100-
9. Rubin HR, Hirsch HH, Marty FM, Fisher RA. Cyomegalovirus Infection and Disease in the New
Era of Immunosuppression Following Solid Organ Transplantation. Transplant Infectious
Disease. 2009; 11(3):195-200.
10. Streinu Cercel A. Boli infecţiose. Note de curs pentru studenţi şi medici practicieni. Ed.Sigma,
2004; 80-120.
11. Torok E, Moran ED, Cooke F. Oxford Handbook of Infectious Diseases and Microbiology,
Oxford Univ. Press, 2009; 64-147.

Anca Meda Georgescu, Brîndușa Țilea

1. Definition
A nosocomial infection is the kind of infection acquired in the hospital or other healthcare
facilities with beds and refers to any disease caused by microorganisms. It isaclinically or
microbiologically recognized infection which affects eitherthe patient due to his admission
to hospital orthe care he receivedand the inpatient or the patient being under treatment
consecutively afterhospital admission and / or the treatment he received,or the medical staff
due to the job they perform, whether or not the symptoms occur while the person is in
hospital. From an etimologycal point of view: nosos = disease; komeo = caring.

2. Incidence, epidemiology
The most common infections are those of the urinary tract, followed by the respiratory tract,
infections associated with surgical wounds, infections of the circulatory system.
Associations with techniques / medical maneuvers:
 Nosocomial pneumonia, in one third of cases are associated with medical devices
(intubation and mechanical ventilation)
 Urinary tract infections are associated with bladder catheterization
 Circulatory system infections are associated with theinsertion of the central venous
The prevalence of nosocomial infections is higher in patients admittedto intensive care units
(ICU), where 19.5% of the patients had at least one nosocomial infection, compared with an
average of 5.2% for the remaining sections.
The most common nososcomial infection diagnosed in the ICU is the infection of the
respiratory tract (pneumonia, lower respiratory tract infections) followed by nosocomial
infections of the circulatory system.
The highest number of nosocomial urinary tract infections have been reported in the geriatric,
psychiatric and rehabilitation wards, while nosocomial infections associated with surgical
wounds are most common in the surgical and gynecology wards.
The most common isolated pathogenic microorganisms in nosocomial infections are, in order
of incidence (according to ECDC, 2013):
 Escherichiacoli (15.9%)
 Staphylococcus aureus (12.3%)
 Enterococcus spp. (9.6%)
 Pseudomonas aeruginosa (8.9%)
 Klebsiella spp. (8.7%)
 Coagulase-negative staphylococci (7.5%)
 Candida spp. (6.1%)
 Clostridium difficile (5.4%)
 Enterobacter spp. (4.2%)
 Proteus spp. (3.8%)
 Acinetobacter spp. (3.6%)

3. Risk factors
The predisposing factors are: the health of the patient (age, malnutrition, alcohol, smoking,
chronic respiratory diseases, diabetes) the acute medical process that the patient underwent
(surgery, trauma, burns), the type of invasive procedure (endotracheal or nasotracheal
intubation, central intravenous catheterization, extrarenal purification therapies, surgical
drains, nasogastric probing, tracheostomy, catheterization) and the received treatment
(transfusions, previous antimicrobial therapy, immunosuppressive or stress ulcer

4. Classification of nosocomial infections

 Endogenous - caused by bacteria belonging to the patients’ own flora: cutaneous,
respiratory, intestinal, etc.
 Exogenous – microorganisms found in the hospital: nursing staff, students, visitors from
another patient.
Depending on the typeof pathogeninvolved, nosocomial infections can be divided into:
4.1. Bacterial:
 Commensal bacteria – are found in the normal flora of healthy individuals, having a
protective role in terms of a healthy body but can cause infectionsin case of
animmunocompromised body.
 Pathogenic bacteria - causing sporadic or epidemic infections
- Anaerobic Gram-positive bacteria
- Gram-positive bacteria
- Gram-negative bacteria
4.2.Viral: hepatitis B virus, hepatitisC virus, respiratory syncytial virus, rotavirus,
4.3.Fungal –fungi are opportunistic organisms that can cause infections in certain
circumstances created by the weakening of the host’s immunity, prolonged antibiotic
treatment: Candida albicans,Aspergillus spp., Cryptococcus neoformans,
Depending on the site of the infection, these may be:
 associated to surgical wounds
 associated to the urinary tract
 associated to the circulatory system
 associated to the respiratory system
 other associated sites: digestive tract, central nervous system, heart, circulatory

5. The profile of potentially pathogenic microorganisms

Etiological agents of nosocomial infections can be divided into:
- Strictly pathogenic microorganisms (SPM)- affect healthy individuals lacking specific
immunity, but may cause serious, specific infections at people admitted to noninfectious
- Conditioned pathogenic microorganisms (CPM) - cause infections in
immunocompromised individuals with low immunity.
From an epidemiological point of view, germs can be grouped into:
- Bacteria that survive in a damp environment - Enterobacter spp. Pseudomonas
aeruginosa,Acinetobacter spp)

- Bacteria that colonize the skin and produce biofilm which allows the adherence to
catheters and other medical devices:Staphylococcus aureus,coagulase-negative
- bacteria resistant to commonly used antibiotics: methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus
aureus- MRSA, enterococci, VRE vancomycin-resistant, multidrug-resistant gram-
negative bacteria, Candida spp

There are over 20 species of staphylococci, but only two are significant in
their interactions with humans: Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis. As a
result of the frequent use of antibiotics two different types of Staphylococcus aureus can be
- one sensitive to antibiotic - MSSA- methicillin-sensitive staphylococcus aureus
- oneresistant to antibiotic - MRSA - methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus
There are also MRSA strainsthat has been known to develop outside hospitals:
- community associated- MRSA - CA-MRSA
- Vancomycin-resistant S. aureus - VRSA
Virulence factors expressed by Staphylococcus aureus are:
- surface proteins– determine the colonization of the host tissue
- invasin proteins- determine the invasion of bacteria in the tissue (leukocidin, kinases,

Clostridium difficile
Clostridium difficileis a gram-positive bacterium having an optimal development in the blood
- agar at body temperature, under conditionsof anaerobiosis.Under stress, the bacteria produce
spores that can withstand extreme conditions, conditions that bacteria generally do not
tolerate. Its favorite place is the colon and it is found in approximately 2-5% of the adult
population. Clostridium difficile causes antibiotic-associated diarrhea and also more serious
problems, such as colitis and pseudomembranous colitis.These conditions arise from the
multiplication of bacteria in the colon, because of the most frequent alteration / destruction of
the normal gut flora by antimicrobial therapy.Toxins produced by Clostridium difficile are:
enterotoxin (Clostridium difficile toxin A) and cytotoxin (Clostridium difficiletoxin B), both
leading to diarrhea and inflammation.

Vancomycin resistant enterococci

Enterococci are bacteria that normally colonize the human intestinal tract and the female
genital tract, being also present in the environment.
Vancomycin-resistant enterococci - VREare Enterococcus bacterial strains that are resistant to
There are five different types of enterococci resistant to Vancomycin: Van-A, Van-B, Van-C,
Van-D, Van-E and Van-F.
- Van-A VRE is resistant to both vancomycin and teicoplanin
- Van-B VRE is partially resistant to vancomycin and is resistant to teicoplanin.
- Van-C has partial resistance to vancomycin and is susceptible to teicoplanin.

Multidrug-resistant gram-negative bacteria
The misuse of antibiotics and the poor infection control in hospital facilities led to the
emergence of multidrug-resistant gram-negative bacterial strains. The bacteria have
developed mechanisms of resistance to carbapenems - production of carbapenemases:
Acinetobacter, Pseudomonas and Klebsiella, so these antimicrobials have become ineffective
against these organisms.
Microorganisms resistant to multiple antimicrobial therapies:
- MRSA- Staphylococcus aureus resistant to methicillin
- VRE– vancomycin-resistant enterococci
- ESBLs - b - lactamases with extended spectrum showing resistance tocephalosporins and
- PRSP - Streptococcus pneumoniaeresistant to penicillin
MRSA and VRE are multiresistant bacteria most frequently isolated in patients from health
care centers where patients stay for a long time.ESBLs are most frequently found in hospitals/
intensive care units; MRSA and VRE are also frequently encountered as a cause of
nosocomial infections.

Extended-Spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) - gram-negative bacteria

Extended-spectrum beta lactamases (ESBLs) are beta-lactamases that were found in
Enterobacteriaceae.ESBLs are able to hydrolyze penicillin, a series of narrow spectrum
cephalosporins, some broad spectrum cephalosporins, oximino-cephalosporins (cefotaxime,
ceftazidime), and monobactams (aztreonam). Beta-lactamase inhibitors (eg. Ac. Clavulanic)
destroy ESBL strains.

Acinetobacter is a bacterium that is commonly found in soil and water. The baumanii species
is responsible for about 80% of infections.Acinetobacter infections typically occur in
intensive care unitsand can rarely be encountered outside hospitals.Acinetobacter can cause
pneumonia, severe sepsis, and wound infections. Acinetobacter can be present without
causing symptoms, colonizing the tracheostomy areas or wounds.

Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Severe infections with this microorganism occur in immunocompromised patients or those
with prolonged stay in hospital. Mechanically ventilated patients, patientshaving venous
catheters, surgical wounds or burns are at risk for aquiring infections.Pseudomonas can be
transmitted bythe medical staff, contaminated equipment or other improperly cleaned

Klebsiella is a gram negative bacteria that are normally found in the intestinal flora, being
isolated from faeces.In hospitalsthese bacteria cause infections in patients with prolonged
hospitalization, patients who require mechanical ventilation, intravenous catheters as well as
in patients who are treated with antibiotics for a long time.The transmission of this bacterium
in hospitals is by direct contact from person to person (hands, contaminated equipment,

contaminated surfaces). The bacteria is not transmitted through the air. This bacterium has
developed strains which are resistant to carbapenems (Klebsiella- CRE).

6. Localizations of nosocomial infections

6.1.The Surgical wound
Surgical wound infections depend on the type of surgery. The most common microorganisms
are theStaphylococcus aureus, coagulase-negative staphylococcus, Enterococcus spp., and
Escherichia coli.Infected wounds, those containing necrotic macerated tissues, plagues
fromunderarms and those foundunder the waist, especially in obese, diabetic patientshave an
increased risk of infection with gram-negative bacteria such as P. aeruginosa, Serratia
marcescens and Enterobacteriaceae, including E. coli.

Wounds can become infected from contaminated dressings, or by the hands of the medical
staff who changes these dressings.
- Risk factors related to the patient: the extremes of age, nutritional status, diabetes,
smoking, obesity, coexisting infections, colonization with microorganisms,
immunosuppression, the duration of preoperative hospitalization
- Risk factors related to surgery: surgical washing time, skin antisepsis, preoperative
removal of hair, length of intervention, surgical technique, inadequate sterilization of the
instruments, foreign bodies in the surgical wound,operating room ventilation, surgical
drains, poor hemostasis, and tissue trauma.

6. 2. The urinary tract

Patients with a high risk of nosocomial infections of the urinary tract are:
- Patients with catheters
- Patients to whom invasive maneuvers at the level of the urinary tract were performed
- Elderly male patients with prolonged hospitalizations
- Patients with debilitating diseases.
- Other risk factors: underlying diseases (renal failure, diabetes, immunocompromised,
repeated urinary drainage,improper catheterization technique - failure to comply with
sterile conditions)
The bacteria responsible for these kinds of infections may originate from the intestinal tract -
Escherichia coli or fromhospitals-Klebsiella.
The infection associated with bladder catheterization is characterized by:
- No other identifiable source of infection
- The presence of 1000 or more CFU / ml of a / several bacterial species
- Symptoms of infection: fever, leukocytosis, pyuria
In patients with bacteriuria the removal of the catheter may sometimes be enough. It is
necessary totake a urine samplefor cultivation of pathogens and perform an antibiogram.The
antibiotic treatment is initiated in patients with bacteriuria that persists over 48 hours after the
removal of a catheter. The length of the antibiotic therapy is 7 days in patients in whom
symptoms disappear.In patients with delayed response to antibiotics, it is recommended to
continue the treatmentfrom 10 to 14 days. In women over 65 with symptoms of urinary tract
infections after the removal of the urinary catheter and who do not present symptoms of upper
urinary tract infection a three day antimicrobial therapy can be administered.

6. 3. Ventilator associated pneumonia (VAP)
Ventilator associated pneumonia is defined as pneumonia occurring more than 48 hours after
intubation and initiation of the mechanical ventilation.
The risk factors are: endotracheal intubation, length of invasive mechanical ventilation,
prolonged horizontal position, pharyngeal aspiration of secretions, increased gastric pH,
enteral nutrition, sinusitis, continuoussedation,MSOF, ARDS, BPOC, coma, head trauma,
CPR, factors related to the ventilatory circuit. Many of the organisms causing VAP, such as
Psudomonas, MRSA and Acinetobacter show increased resistance to antibiotics. This
resistance is closely related to the onset of VAP.
According to the time ofonset,VAP is classified into:
- Early onset VAP - which occurs at 4-7 days after IOT - is caused by the following
microorganisms: Haemophilus, streptococci - S. pneumoniae, MSSA, Enterobacteria
- Late-onset VAP - appears> 7 days after IOT - are the same microorganism as those
found in early –onset VAP but their resistance is much higher.

The American Thoracic Society has established the following criteria for the suspicion of
- new and persistent radiological infiltrates (> 48-h) or progressive infiltrate to which at
least two of the following are added:
 temperature >38°C /<36°C
 leucocytes o >10,000 /ml / <5,000 /ml
 purulent tracheal secretions
 impaired gas exchange
The sensitivity of clinical criteria of VAP is greatly reduced in patients with ARDS, in which
it is more difficult to detect new infiltrations on the thoracic radiography.In the presence of
purulent sputum, positive cultures of sputum, fever, leukocytosis in the absence of new
pulmonary infiltrates, the diagnosis is a nosocomial tracheobronchitis.
For a proper treatment of VAP the multiresistance to the antimicrobial therapy has to be taken
into consideration. It can be suspected:
- At patients who are not intubated
 there was an antimicrobial therapy within the last 90 days
 recent hospitalization for a period of five days, not necessarily in the ICU
 immunocompromised conditions / immunosuppressive therapies
- For intubated patients the following are added:
 Hospitalization for more than two days in the last 90 days
 Chronic dialysis in the past 30 days
 Home caring
 Prolonged treatment at home – antibiotherapy
 Family members who have multidrug-resistant bacteria
In the absence of risk factors for bacterial multiresistancethe empirical antibiotic therapy
should be directed to: Streptococcus pneumonia, Haemophilus influenza and methicillin-
sensitive Staphylococcus aureus - MSSA or enteric gram negative organisms resistant to
antibiotics. The following drugs can be administered: ceftriaxone, quinolone (levofloxacin,
moxifloxacin, or ciprofloxacin), ampicillin/sulbactam, ertapenem. If there are risk factors for
bacterial multiresistance, besides the listed microorganisms, the therapy should be directed
against: Pseudomonas aeruginsa, Klebsiella, Enterobacter, Serratia, Acinetobacter,
methicillin-resistant S. aureus- MRSA.Empirical therapy should include either an anti-
Pseudomonas cephalosporin (cefepime or ceftazadime), an anti-Pseudomonas carbapenems
(imipenem or meropenem) or a β-lactamase inhibitor (pipercacillin-tazobactam).Anti-
Pseudomonasfluorochinolone (ciprofloxacin or levofloxacin) or an aminoglycoside
(amikacin, gentamicin, or tobramycin) associated with linezolid / vancomycin are added to
the list as well.
In order to prevent VAP several stages can be taken into account:
- Before intubation: solving the reversible causes of the respiratory failure (fluid and
electrolyte balance, bronchospasm, analgesia, sedation, noninvasive mechanical
- During intubation: avoid gastric distension, the choice of the oral or nasal route
- After intubation: nasogastric drainage, elevating the bed to 30-40 degrees, proper
hygiene of hands, use of HME filters, changing the breathing circuit only when
necessary, closed suction system, continuoussubglottic suction, gurneys, oral hygiene
with chlorhexidine,the reduction of sedation in order to shorten intubation, ventilator
weaning protocols

Additional measures after intubation: enteral / parenteral nutrition,selective decontamination

of the digestive tract, the use of tubes impregnated with antimicrobials.

6. 4. Systemic nosocomial infections

The maintenance of a central, venous or arterial catheter more than 5 days is the most
important risk factor for this type of infection.Other important risk factors are represented by
prolonged mechanical ventilation and urinary catheterization.
Etiology: coagulase-negative staphylococci, gram positive cocci (Staphylococcus aureus,
Enterococcus faecalis), gram negative strains - entereobacter, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas,
fungi (Candida albicans).
In critically ill patients, the diagnosis of systemic infection associated with the hospital
environment is more difficult because many of the classic signs of sepsis are masked by
underlying diseases. Furthermore some immunocompromised diseases can reduce the body's
typical response to bacterial aggression.
In order to identify the sources at least two sets of blood culturesshould be collected, one of
them being percutaneouslyharvested, and the other from each point of vascular access which
was introduced more than 48 hours.If other sources of infection are suspectedsamples from
these levels are collected as well- CSF, urine, respiratory tract secretions, wounds.Treatment
with anextended-spectrum antibiotic is recommended in the first hour after diagnosis. Every
hour of delay in treatment is associated with a 6% increase in mortality.

6.5. Nosocomial infections associated with central venous catheters

The risk factors are: age (especially in children, neonates), immune deficiencies,
cardiovascular diseases, prolonged hospitalization before the insertion of thecentral venous
catheter, multiple venous catheters, length of maintenance of the central venous catheter, total
parenteral nutrition, catheter insertion at a femoral or jugular level instead thesubclavian one,
in adult patients, multilumencatheters, non-sterile conditions necessary for their insertion
(mask, cap, sterile gown, sterile gloves, sterile environment)
Gram-positive bacteria of the skin are the most common cause of this type of infection.

Coagulase-negative Staphylococci are responsible for about 31% of the cases together with
Enterococcus, Candida. About a quarter of these infections are caused by gram negative-
microorganisms - Escherichia coli and Klebsiella species are the most common.
The diagnosis of such infections is difficult because the signs of systemic inflammation or
those from the injection site have a relatively low specificity for the infection associated with
venous catheters.
Clinically the signs of a general infection may occur, but which can be hidden by the basic
condition of the patient or can be greatly reduced due to immunosuppression. The
determination ofthe bacteria causing the infectionthrough cultures is a method of choice for
positive diagnosis. Depending on the resistance to the catheter there are:
- diagnostic methods that keep the venous catheter - qualitative and quantitative blood
- diagnostic methods which require the suppression of the venous catheter - the culture of
asegment from the venouscatheter
The antibiotic treatment of thesetypesof infections is often empiricallyinitiated. Vancomycin
is the antibiotic administered particularly in suspected infection by S. aureus and MRSA.In
immunocompromised patients there is a need to use antibioticsfor gram-negative enteric
bacilli such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa - fourth generation cephalosporins / third generation
ceftazidime, cefepime.For the treatment of fungal infections Amphotericin B or fluconazole
are recommended. Antibiotic therapy is initiated intravenously, but once the patient is
stabilized and the susceptibility of the infectedmicroorganism is determined the oral
administration of chinolone- ciprofloxacin, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, or linezolid are
Prevention is done by
- educating medical personnel who install and manipulate central venous catheters
- maintaining a high degree of sterility during catheter insertion
- avoiding routine replacement of catheters in order to prevent their infection
- the use of chlorhexidine solutions with a concentrations of less than 0.5% for skin
- short impregnation of catheters with antimicrobial substances
- use of chlorhexidine dressings

6.6. Other forms of nosocomial infections

- Nosocomial endocarditis
- Nosocomial gastrointestinalinfections
- Nosocomial infections of the CNS

7. General measures to prevent nosocomial infections

- Standard protection measures
 Washing hands and other parts of the skin - the most important and sometimes
the only way to prevent contamination and dissemination of microbial agents.
 reducing parenteral maneuvers to the minimum

Wearing gloves and protective equipment (gowns, masks, gloves, goggles, caps) are required
in case of contact with biological products such as blood, body fluids, secretions, mucus and
other potentially contaminated substances.

8. General principles of antibiotic therapy in nosocomial infections

Because in recent years the numbers of strains resistant to existing antimicrobial therapies
have experienced a significant increase, antibiotic administration should be made with
The development of some protocols regardingthe administration of antibiotics is
recommended, protocols based on reports made by each hospital unit. Choosing an antibiotic
for treating a nosocomial infection must be asserted by the clinical diagnosis and the
recognition / assumption of the infecting microorganism.

Before the beginning of an antibiotic treatment samples for bacterial cultureshave to be

collected. The choice of antibiotic should be done according to several criteria:
- the pathogenic agent
- the sensitivity of the isolated strain
- the patient’s tolerance
- cost
The use of a narrowspectrum antibiotic is recommended, an antibiotic which has an effect on
the isolated microorganisms. If possible combinations of antibiotics should be avoided. In
order to avoid the formation of multi-resistant strains, the correct dosage should be used.
An antibiotic treatment should last between 5-14 days depending on the type of infection. If
an antibiotic has not proven to be effective in the first three days of the treatment, it is
interrupted and the patient’s well being is reassessed.
Prevention of MDR is done by appropriate antibiotic treatment, correct dosage and
monitoring the use of antimicrobials.
The de-escalationof the antibiotic therapy involves changing the initially prescribed broad
spectrumantibiotic with a narrow spectrumone, but with an effecton the isolated
microorganism. This procedure can be carried out after obtaining the results of the
microbiological analysis

9. Surveillance
Doctors have thetask to identify nosocomial infections in hospitals / ambulatoryboth in the
public and private health care system. The diagnosis of nosocomial infections will be
mentionedin the medical documents (ex.: clinical observationsheet, examination sheet,
examinationrecord, etc.). The recording and reporting of nosocomial infections is done on the
Case sheet of nosocomial infection by a designated person in each department or manager
from the exact health care unit.

Selective bibliography
1. American Thoracic Society. Guidelines for the management of adults with hospital-
acquired, ventilator-associated, and healthcare-associated pneumonia. Am. J. Respir.
Crit. Care Med.2005; 171:388-416.
2. Barsanti MC,WoeltjeKF. Infection prevention in the Intensive Care Unit. Infect Dis Clin
N Am.2009; 23:703-725
3. Donowitz GA. Acute Pneumonia. (Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases, 7th
Edition, eds Mandell GL, Bennett JE, Dolin R.). Ed. Churchill Livingstone Elsevier,
Philadelphia, 2010; 891-916
4. Ducel G, Fabry J, Nicolle L. WHO Prevention of hospital acquired infections. A
practical guide. 2nd edition.
5. European Centre of Diseasse prevention and Control. Annual-Epidemiological-Report-
2013. (
6. Inweregbu K, Jayshree D, Pittard A. Nosocomial infections.Contin Educ Anaesth Crit
Care Pain. 2005; 5: 14-17
7. Owens CD, Stoessel K. Surgical site infections: epidemiology, microbiology and
preventionJ Hosp Infect. 2008; 70,Suppl 2:3-10.
8. Prisacari V. Ghid de supraveghere şi control în infecţiile nosocomiale. 2008; p 24-25.
9. Ryan KJ, Ray CG. Sherris Medical Microbiology (4th ed.), 2004; 322–4.
10. Sabiston Textbook of Surgery, 17th ed., 2004, Elsevier, 260
11. Sobel JD, Kaye D. Urinary Tract Infections. (Principles and Practice of Infectious
Diseases, 7th Edition, eds Mandell GL, Bennett JE, Dolin R.). Ed. Churchill Livingstone
Elsevier, Philadelphia, 2010; 957-985
12. Steven M. Koenig, Jonathon D. Truwit.Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia: Diagnosis,
Treatment, and Prevention. Clin Microbiol Rev Oct 2006; 19: 637-657
13. Vender, JS; Zimmerman, JL; Vincent, JL. "Surviving Sepsis Campaign: international
guidelines for management of severe sepsis and septic shock: 2008". Intensive Care
Medicine.2008;34: 17–60.

Chapter 8


Lucia Carmen Chiriac

The acquired imunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), consequence of the infection with HIV, has
been recognized in USA in 1981, when CDC reported 5 cases of pneumonia with
Pneumocystis jiroveci (carinii) diagnosed in homosexual patients (from Los Angeles) and 26
patients with Kaposi sarcoma associated or not with pneumonia, in New York and Los
Angeles. Subsequently, similar cases have been reported in intravenous drug users, recipients
of blood transfusions, hemophiliacs.

Human imunodeficiency virus (HIV) belongs to the Retroviridae family. Viruses belonging to
retroviruses, are defined by their way of replication: the reverse transcriptase enzyme
retranscribes the viral RNA into proviral DNA. According to the retroviruses pathogenesis we
may distinguish three subfamilies:
1. Oncoviruses: are the most widespread retroviruses, associated with tumors and
leukemias: HTLV1, HTLV2 (Human T-Cell Leukemia Virus)
2. Lentiviruses: are viruses which cause diseases with a lent evolution, pneumoniae,
neurological disorders and they are cythopathogenic in culture. HIV1 and HIV2
(Human Immunodeficiency Virus) belong to this subfamily. These two types of
viruses have been identified in 1983, respectively in 1986.
3. Spumaviruses: identified in numerous mammals but non-associated with a known
pathology, either in animals, or in human.
HIVTarget Cells. Cells that have on their surface the CD4 receptor and one of the co-
receptors (CCR5, CXCR4).
- T Lymphocytes helper CD4
- Monocytes, macrophages
- Follicular dendritic cells
- Brain microglial cells
- Langerhans cells
Genetic Variability of HIV
HIV’s origin is 650 years old, the origin of HIV-1-2 jointly with SIV-1 (Cercopithecus
The genetic organization of HIV +, HIV+2 and SIV is similar.
Based on the genetic modifications between the isolated strains of HIV+1 from HIV1
patients, they are classified in three distinct groups: M,N,O and P.
Group M (major) regroups 9 subtypes of HIV-1: A-D,F-H,J-K
Group O (outlier) identified in Cameroon, Gabon

Group N 5 cases in Cameroon
Group P
HIV2 is widespread mostly in West Africa, Angola, Mozambique, Portugal, France etc.
Geographical distribution of HIV subtypes
- Africa: all HIV-1 subtypes are spread
- Europe: predominates HIV-1B (in the Western and Southern Europe);
- Eastern Europe: HIV – 1 type G (Russia);
- Romania: HIV – 1 F
- America: HIV – 1 B less subtypes A, C
- Asia: HIV – 1 C, B, E

HIV infection iswidespreadacross the world,is a global pandemic,
In 2013, an estimated 35.0 million individuals were living with HIV infection, according to
the WHO.
In 2013 ,there were 2.1 million new cases of HIV infection

1981 – first AIDS case – USA

1959 – first serologic test which marks out antibody and HIV human serum in a

patient from Congo-Zair
1972 – cases diagnosed with HIV infection in Uganda, Malawi
The first case of HIV infection reported in Europe was a Norwegian sailor infected
probably in 1966, deceased in 1976.
In Romania, the first AIDS case in adults has been diagnosed in 1985, in children in
Epidemiologic Process
1. Source of infection: persons infected with HIV
2. Modes of transmission of HIV infection
a). The sexual transmission of HIV is predominantly transmission rout worldwide.HIV is
transmitted by both heterosexual and homosexual contact. High viral concentrations are found
in blood and semen, in infected mononuclear cells or in free form. The virus focuses in the
semen due to certain genital infections, the number of leukocytes and monocytes is high
(sexually transmitted diseases). HIV has been demonstrated in vaginal fluids also. There are a
series of factors that favour the sexual transmission: lesions of mucouses, of tegument. The
risk of sexual transmission is significantly higher if the HIV-seropositive partner is in an
advanced stage of immunodeficiency.
b). Transmission by blood and blood products: HIV is transmitted by blood ,blood products
or transplanted tissue. Intravenous drug users, hemophiliacs, contaminated blood recipients,
medical staff, the tattoos and piercing consumers are exposed. Drug users are exposed to
HIV infection under the conditions in which drugs are administered parenterally (intravenous,
intramuscular,,muscling,, or subcutaneous,skin popping,,), the risk grows proportionally with
the injection duration, the number of partners with which is made the exchange of accessories
(syringes, needles, water in which drugs are dissolved, filter).
The transmission of HIV via blood and blood products has been reduced on a global scale.All
blood donors are tested for HIV-1 via antibody tests, by ELISA technique,but the risk is not
completely eliminated.To identify donors who may be in the window of seroconversion,PCR
test is performed.
Persons so-called risk behavior:IV drug users,sexually active mans and women,persons from
hig-prevalence countries are excluded from blood donation.
c). Vertically transmission : HIV can be transmitted from the infected mother to her child,
intrauterine, during delivery, or by breastfeeding.The most important risk factor is viral load
of the mother during pregnancy, and at the time of delivery.The probability of vertical
transmission of HIV,in the absence of intervention, range from 15-25% in developed country
and 25-35% in developing countries.Since 1995,the mother to child HIV transmission has
been reduced to 1-2%,trough the prophylactic antiretroviral therapy,elective caesarian section
prior to the start of labor,avoinding the breastfeeding.
d).Occupationally–acquired HIV infection:the risk of HIV infection of health care
workers,laboratory personel, and others who work with HIV-containg materials-sharp objects
is small, estimated to be around 0,3.Exposures that is at risk to transmitted HIV are :
needlestick injury,cut with a sharp object,or contact of mucous membrane /nonintact skin with
blood or others potentially infectious body fluids.The use of antiretroviral drugs as
postexposure prophylaxis (PEP),decreases the risk of HIV infection.
Structural aspects of HIV
HIV-1Genomeis constituted of three regions named: gag, pol şi env, which codify the internal
proteins of the virion, the enzymes necessary for viral replication and the surface proteins of

the virion. On each extremity of the viral DNA there is a sequence of variable length: Long
Terminal Repeat (LTR) that allows DNA integration under the form of provirus, into host cell
genome and contains promoter elements necessary to genes expression. Except the three
classic genes, HIV genome contains also two particular regions, located between pol and env
genes, and respectively in the extension of the env. gene. They contain six supplementary
viral genes named: tat, rev, vif, vpr, vpu-vpx and nef. Codified proteins by these supplementary
genes are involved in the regulation of viral protein’s expression and implicitly in the viral
HIV viral particles have a unique morphology: spherical with a 90-120 nm diameter
The envelope is constituted of a lipid bilayer crossed by two glycoproteins gp120, gp 41.
Nucleocapsid, dense, trapezoidal shape, contains: protein p24 (marker of viral replication),
Enzymatic equipment: reverse transcriptase, integrase, protease.
HIV Replication Cycle.
1.First step starts with binding and penetration inside host cell, gp120 binding to host cell
receptor-CD4 molecule, which is found predominantly on the surface of T helper
lymphocytes and macrophages. Fixation of gp20 is followed by the conformational
modification of gp120 that allows the recognition of V3a gp120 domain by other surface
molecules named co-receptors. The major co-receptors of HIV are CCR5 and CXCR4.
2 The second step is the reverse transcription: RNA genome is copied into proviral DNA via
reverse transcriptase
3. Integration of proviral DNA in the genome of the host cell due to the viral integrase
4. Transcription of proviral DNA in messenger RNA
5. Synthesis of viral proteins
6. Assembly and maturation of viral proteins via viral protease
- HIV frequently modifies its genetic structure with the apparition of quasispecies:
- Syncytia inducing strains (fast replication, high titer)
- Non-syncytia inducing strains (reduced replication, low titers)
- HIV – fragile in outer environment
- Sensitive at certain common disinfectants’ activity: chloramine, 70% ethyl alcohol,
oxygenated water, quaternary ammonium salts, glutaraldehyde

Pathogenesis and immunopathology

The main characteristic of HIV infection is profound immunodeficiency, consequence of
qualitative and quantitative deficit of T helper lymphocytes. This subset of lymphocytes is
defined by the presence on their surface of the CD4 molecule, which constitutes the major
receptor of HIV. The CD4 molecule is expressed also by cells of the monocytes-macrophages
series, dendritic cells, Langherhans cells, microglial cells. The perfect fusion with CD4
receptor and penetration of HIV virus into the target cell needs also the presence of a co-
receptor. HIV uses two co-receptors: CCR5 and CXCR4, known as receptors for chemokines
(chemokines are low molecular weight polypeptides involved in inflammation and infection).

CCRC5 is expressed of TCD4 activated macrophages and lymphocytes. HIV-1 strains that
use the chemokine receptor CCR5 (R5) are capable of replication in monocytes and
macrophages and are called M- tropic and are non-syncytia inducing.

HIV-1 strains + CXCR4 – tropic (X4) replicate of preference in T lymphocytes, they are
much more virulent and syncytia inducing.

CCR5 has a special importance as co-receptor for HIV-1, because R5 strains are responsible
of almost all cases of sexually transmitted HIV infection. It has been demonstrated that R5
viruses are predominant in early stages of HIV infection. The variants that use CXCR4, tend
to appear later together with the accelerated depletion of CD4 + cells and fast progression of
the infection towards final stages.

HIV replicates actively constituting an early viral reservoir at the level of the lymphatic
organs-lymphatic ganglia (in follicular dendritic cells from germinal centers is formed the
primo-infection). A particular role in the early dissemination of the virus and subsequent
determination of the chronic infection has the immune system of the intestinal mucous, GALT
(gut-associated lymphoid tissue) that possesses most of T lymphocytes of the organism which
also expresses the CCR5 co-receptor.

Through the tropism for this co-receptor the virus may access an important population of
target cells generating massive viral replication that will give birth to a wide diversity of new
viral variants, capable to elude the natural primary immune response of the host.

At the same time, T memory cells continue to generate new cells that express on their surface
CCR5 co-receptors favoring this way the perpetuation of infection. Dendtritic cells have an
important role in initiating the HIV infection.

The human organism’s immune response to HIV-1 aggression is reduced and seems to be
“too little, too late”. Although it is set off a combined response of cytotoxic T lymphocytes
(CTL) and of humoral immunity, leading to a decrease of the viremy, the infection persists
for years and marks the evolution towards the secondary stage, of chronic infection. In spite
of a humoral and cellular robust immune response the virus keeps replicates itself further
establishing the chronic persistent infection. In the following weeks: in the plasma are
detected RNA-HIV and infectious viral particles (antigen p 24). Virus sanctuaries are
constituted: nervous system, genital organs, lymphatic ganglia (elude the defense mechanisms
of the host) and transform the HIV infection in chronic infection.

Immune response of the host:

- Humoral: neutralizing antibodies guided against all HIV proteins (detected by ELISA
and Western – Blot) appear at approximately 6-12 weeks from HIV infection, they
modify fast their coat proteins getting rid of the action of the humoral response
- Cellular: mediated by CD4 T lymphocytesand CD8 T cytotoxics. Cells infected with
the virus but not the latently infected ones. The plasmatic viremy level decreases to
low values (set point – after 2-4 months).
- The marked turnover of CD4 T lymphocytes– holds for years!
Balance/production CD4 cells depletion: - divers mechanisms:

- cytopathic effect, formation of syncitya
- immunologically mediated depletion
- programmed death of apoptosis cell
- superantigens intervention
- signal alteration
- abnormal secretion of cytokines (TH1/TH2 switching)
HIV Infection Diagnosis
Early diagnosis is very important: allows to patient the access to antiretroviral therapy,
controls HIV transmission. It is based on serological tests: immunoenzymatic method
(ELISA), the fourth generation tests identify simultaneously, anti HIV1,2 antibodies and p24
antigen. Negative test, confirms the absence of infection, except the cases in which there is
suspicion of exposure to HIV in the last 6 weeks.
Positive test is confirmed by Western-Blot test (immunoblot): viral proteins are separated
according to their molecular weight, by electrophoresis and transferred to a membrane
subsequently used as a strip test. The strip test is incubated together with the patient’s serum
or plasma.
- Western-Blot test is considered positive if there are guided antibodies against
an internal protein of the virus (anti-p24) and a guided antibody against a coat
protein (anti-gp41, anti-gp120). If WB test is negative or indeterminate, a viral
load is performed. If it is positive the infection is considered to be recent.
- The detection period of post-infection antibodies: 2-12 weeks
- In emergency situations fast tests are used - based on the
immuno+chromatographic method, the fourth generation, identify Antibody
plus Antigen p 24. The result is confirmed by classical tests.
”Immunological window” diagnosis – antibodies production starts in 2 weeks since exposure,
antibodies may be detected after 4 weeks.
Newborn diagnosis
Maternal antibodies remain detectable until the age of 18 months.
Viral Quantification
- plasmatic viral RNA (viral load) determined by genomic amplification (PCR)
- the viral load is a predictive factor of the disease evolution and the
fundamental parameter in therapeutic monitoring and HIV infection diagnosis
at infants born by a HIV-seropositive mother.
- Immunologic evaluation: number of T CD4 lymphocytes
- Antigen p24 detection (useful in the immunological window period – few
weeks up to 3-6 months after infection)
- Viral culture
- Resistance tests: viral replication in the presence of antiretroviral medication =
therapeutic failure = Antiviral resistance. HIV resistance: is realized by
mutations at the reverse transcriptase or protease level.
- Genotypation tests
- Phenotypation tests

Indications of HIV testing and counseling
- Legislation enforces appropriate counseling of the person who is to be tested:
pre-testing, post- testing counseling
- Observance of confidentiality
- Testing is recommended for: persons who personally demand the test, the
person belonging to the groups of risk (tuberculosis, sexually transmitted
diseases), compulsory testing of pregnant women
Clinical aspects in adults Natural history of HIV infection
1. Acute stage: lasts a few weeks. 50-60% of patients present unspecific clinical
manifestations that realize a pseudo-influenza syndrome: fever, dysphagia, cephalalgia,
myalgias, asthenia. The most frequent relevant clinical signs are diarrhea, oral or genital
ulcerations, adenopathies, neurological events (meningitides, encephalitides, facial paralysis,
peripheral neuropathy, myelopathies). The manifestations disappear spontaneously in a few
weeks (2-6 weeks) from infecting contact. Retroviral acute syndrome (similar to infectious
mononucleosis). The symptoms persist a few weeks, gradually the immune response to HIV is
developing, the plasmatic viremy decreases. Biological manifestations: leukopenia,
thrombocytopenia, mononucleosis-like syndrome, moderate growth of transaminases, high
plasmatic viral load, anti HIV antibodies positive p24 antigen. Clinical severity is proven at
persons whom have neurological signs present in acute stage, and it is given a prognosis of
risk of accelerated evolution and HIV disease progression.
2. Asymptomatic stage (clinical)
Patient infected with HIV do not present clinical symptomatology or present unspecific
symptoms: fatigue, depression, memory disorders, progressive loss of weight. Viral
replication continues.
3. Chronic stage
Generalized lymphadenopathy: symmetric adenopathies with cervical, axyllary, submaxillary,
occipital location. Cutaneous-mucouses manifestations: seborrheic dermatitis, chronic
prurigo, folliculitis, zoster herpes, verrucas, molluscum contagiosum, oral/genital candidosis,
lingual leucoplakia (EBV)
General manifestations:
- Alteration of the general condition
- Moderate persistent fever
- Nocturnal abundant perspirations
- Extended diarrhea > 1 month
- Without identifiable causes
- Opportunistic infections
- Tumors
- Manifestations of SN
- Profound depression of cellular immunity
- High viremy
The CDC classifies HIV infection into 3 categories, as follows:

 Category A: Asymptomatic HIV infection without a history of symptoms or AIDS-
defining conditions
 Category B: HIV infection with symptoms that are directly attributable to HIV
infection (or a defect in T-cell–mediated immunity) or that are complicated by HIV
 Category C: HIV infection with AIDS-defining opportunistic infections
These 3 categories are further subdivided on the basis of the CD4+ T-cell count, as follows:

 > 500/µL: Categories A1, B1, C1

 200-400/µL: Categories A2, B2, C2
 < 200/µL: Categories A3, B3, C3

Classification of HIV infection (CDC 1993)

Lymphocytes Clinical categories
A asymptomatic, B symptomatic HIV
infection, C SIDA
1. ≥ 500 A1 B1 C1
2. 200 - 499 A2 B2 C2
3. < 200 A3 B3 C3

Late serious consequence of HIV infection is the AIDS stage. It is characterized by the
appearance of infectious and tumor opportunistic manifestations of vital risk, due to profound
depletion of immunity or as direct manifestations of the cytopathic effect of HIV.

Opportunistic infections indicating AIDS are in fact reactivations of prior chronic infections,
they may affect certain apparatuses and systems, or the entire body evolves chronically with
recrudescences and correlates itself with the degree of immunosuppression.

Currently there are two main circumstances associated to opportunistic infections.

Patients of whom HIV infection is unknown, is not treated, and at whom opportunistic
infections manifest themselves in an inaugural manner, “late presenters” patients.

A second category is represented by the HIV infected patients who find themselves in a
therapeutic failure, with a number of TCD4 cells <200/mm3.


Agent Localization

Parasites Pneumocystis jiroveci Pneumonia


Toxoplasma gondii Central nervous system, retina, lungs,

systemic infection

Cryptosporidium Digestive tube, billiary tract

Isospora belli

Mycrosporidium Digestive tube, sinuses

Fungi Candida Digestive tube, lungs, dissemination

Cryptococcus Nervous system

Histoplasma Systemic dissemination

Aspergillus Lungs, systemic dissemination

Bacteria Sarmonella non- typhi Recurrent septicemias

Mycobacterii tuberculosis Lungs, ganglia, nervous system,

systemic dissemination
M.Kansasii M.Avium complex

Viruses Cytomegalovirus Retina, digestive tube, central nervous

system, lungs

Herpes viruses Teguments, mucouses, digestive tube,

central nervous system, lungs

Papovavirus Progressive multifocal


Tumors Kaposi sarcoma, non-Hodgkin

lymphomas, invasive cervical cancer

The most important opportunistic manifestations, evocating the AIDS stage are the

Pneumonia with Pneumocystis jiroveci

Initially known as pneumonia with Pneumocystis carinii, name reserved to a species of

Pneumocystis that infects rodents, it constitutes the important opportunistic infection

associated with AIDS. Pneumocystis jiroveci fung ubiquitar (biologically close to protozoa)
affects organisms with cellular immunity deficiency either by reactivation of a latent
infection, or by a new exposure, realizing a hypoxemia inducing pneumonia.

Clinical manifestations install themselves progressively: non-productive cough, fever,

dyspnea of progressive intensity, thoracic pains. Sometimes the onset is abrupt-brutal with
severe tachypnea and cyanosis with the clinical picture of an acute respiratory insufficiency.

Diagnosis is realized via pulmonary radiography that reveals diffuse bilateral interstitial
infiltrates or infiltrative nodules, in severe forms are described cavities, bubbles, cysts. The
specific complication that may appear at a reduced number of patients is the pneumothorax.

The certainty diagnosis is realized by emphasizing the cystic forms of pneumocystis in the
bronchoalveolar lavage fluid or in the post induced expectoration sputum, by
immunofluorescence or specific Gomori staining.

As extrapulmonary manifestations are described: affection of lymphatic ganglia, spinal cord,

spleen, liver.

The election treatment consists in the administration of trimetoprim-sulfametoxazol,

appropriate doses, for 21 days. It is associated with corticosteroids, oxygen.

Pneumocystosis is associated with a smaller T CD4 number than 200 cells/mm³.

For pneumocystosis prevention it is recommended to respect the prophylactic medication in

immunosuppressed patients.


Cryptococcus is a fungus responsible of approximately 5 % of the disease associated to AIDS

stage. The most frequent manifestation is the meningitis or the subacute meningoencephalitis,
which start with fever, cephalalgia, consciousness disorders, convulsions, neurological signs
of infection focus.

The neurologic picture may be accompanied by systemic manifestations: pneumonia,

cutaneous lesions, ocular lesions.

Diagnosis is suggested by the clinical picture, confirmed by the detection of cryptococcal

antigen through the latex agglutination test in serum, cephalorachidian liquid, cultures on
special media.

Treatment recommends Amphotericin B associated with Flucytosine followed by Fluconazol.

Prophylaxis with Fluconazol, is compulsory in patients who passed through the clinical
disease and have a smaller number of T CD4 than 50/mm³.

Mycobacterium avium Complex infections

Infections caused by Mycobacterium avium Complex (MAC) are detected in patients without
antiretroviral therapy, deeply immunosuppressed, without appropriate prophylaxis.

The specific clinical manifestation is multiorganic dissemination. Typical symptoms include

fever, nocturnal perspirations, marked weight loss, asthenia, abdominal pain, diarrhea. It also
manifests within the immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS) characterized by
fast increase of T CD4 cells, after the initiation of antiretroviral therapy.

Other clinical manifestations of MAC dissemination, include pneumonia, pericarditis,

osteomyelitis, abscesses of teguments and subcutaneous tissue, genital ulcers, infections of
the central nervous system.

Diagnosis is confirmed by MAC isolation in cultures.

Bacteriemia is direct and final. Biopsy and cultures from suspected sites (lymphatic ganglia)
may also isolate mycobacteria.

Specific identification is realized by technical PCR.

Preferential treatment of MAC disseminated infection is Clarithromycin associated with

Etambutol and/or Rifabutin. As alternatives may be used parenterally fluorochinolone and

In parallel is initiated as soon as possible antiretroviral therapy.

Prophylaxis is initiated in patients with T CD4 values under 50/mm³ and consists in
administration of Azithromycin/ Clarithromycin or Rifabutin.

Cytomegalovirus Infection

Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a frequent opportunist associated to infections in patients with

AIDS. The infection is realized through reactivation of latent focuses due to advanced

CMV Retinitis: is the most frequent clinical manifestation of the CMV infection. It evolves
unilateral or bilateral, peripheral or central. Peripheral lesions are characterized by scotomas
or visual field reduction, central retinal lesions are associated with diminishment of visual

CMV colitis evolves with fever, anorexia, loss of weight, abdominal pains, persistent diarrhea.
Potential complications are gastro-intestinal hemorrhage and perforation.

Esophagitis is manifested through odynophagia, retrosternal discomfort, fever.

Less frequent pneumonia may set off hypoxemia.

Neurologic disorders, with severe prognostic are frequent: encephaloventriculitis, dementia,

ascending poliradiculomyelopathy.

The certainty diagnosis consists in CMV detection by PCR technique.

The CMV antibodies titer is not very useful, a CMVIgG negative titer, does not exclude

Therapeutic options recommend valganciclovir, ganciclovir, cidofovir, foscarnet, antivirals

that are not lacking of side effects: neutropenia, trombocytopenia, nausea, diarrhea, renal

Prophylaxis is recommended to patients with CMV retinitis and for those with T CD4 values
< 100/mm3.

Cerebral toxoplasmosis

The most important opportunistic infection in HIV-infected patients remains cerebral

toxoplasmosis.Toxoplasma gondii is an intracellular parasite that infects birds,mammals and

Cerebral toxoplasmosis occurs at CD4T cell count bellow 100cell/ul.The major signs include
focal neurological deficits such as paresis,speech problems,sensory loss.A febrile status with
headaches,confusion are also frequent signs.CT or MRI scan of haead should be performed in
every case of focal neurological deficit.

Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML)

PML is a progressive demyelinating condition of advanced HIV disease caused by the John
Cunningham virus (JCV) and presents with focal neurological signs, changes in personality
and ataxia. The diagnosis is by MRI. There is no specific treatment and the patient usually
dies within six months unless effective ART is used. Some patients develop PML during
combined ART in the setting of immune reconstitution. Steroids may be useful in such cases.

Kaposi Sarcoma

Description of Kaposi sarcoma in young people, American homosexuals, constituted one of

the clinical events that signed the act of birth of AIDS disease. In AIDS evolution, Kaposi
sarcoma, an angioproliferative tumor associated to the infection with human Herpes virus 8
(HHV-8) takes an aggressive evolution, with dissemination at the cutaneous-mucouse level,
but visceral also, difficult to treat.

Clinically, is characterized by the aspect of nodular lesions with lavender like colour,
disseminated on the face, neck, upper third of the body, limbs. Lesions may evolve at the
level of the oral cavity, palatine arch. Visceral dissemination is more frequent at the level of
the digestive tube and evolves often asymptomatically.

The pulmonary localization evolves with dyspnea, non-productive cough, sometimes

hemoptysis, pleurodynia.

Histopathological diagnosis is the certainty diagnosis. It may be associated to PCR technique

which documents the infection with HHV-8.

The treatment associates administration of recombinant interferon alpha in antiretroviral

Neurologic diseases In HIV –infected persons,the neurologic manifestations are developed

primary by HIV itself, secondary,to opportunistic infections,or neoplasm. HIV-associated
neurocognitive disorder is the term used to describe a spectrum of neurologic
manifestations,that are be classfified in three categories ,in the order of descending severity.

1.HIV- associated asymptomatic neurocognitive impairment (ANI)-the impairment does not

interfere with everyday functioning;

2.HIV-associated mild neurocognitive disorder (MND)-at least mild interference in daily


3.HIV-associated dementia (HAD)-marked acquired impairment in cognitive functioning

Antiretroviral Treatment

Specific treatment of HIV infection has achieved remarkable progresses since 1996 the year
in which the concept of extreme active therapy has been introduced, HAART (Highly Active
Antiretroviral Therapy), which consists in the association of antiretrovirals capable to achieve
the following challenges: clinical, lifespan prolongation and improvement of life quality,
virological: reduction of HIV viremy up to the lowest values possible having as purpose
prevention of infection progress and limitation of the HIV development resistance to
antiretroviral drugs.

From an imunologic point of view, the antiretroviral therapy has as objective the restoration
and preservation of the immune system function, increasing the number of T CD4
lymphocytes to values which inhibit the development of opportunistic infections. Efficient
antiretroviral therapy, has also an epidemiologic role, reduces the rate of transmission of the

Antiretroviral medication used currently contains substances that activate in different phases
of the viral replication cycle.

Nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors have as mechanism of action inhibition of viral

reverse transcriptase, by replacing some of its nucleosides with others, inappropriate ones.
Through this mechanism the DNA synthesis fails.

Zidovudine (AZT, Retrovir) was the first synthesized medicine used in HIV treatment in
1987. Subsequently have been also synthesized other substances with similar action.

Generic Name FDA approval

Zidvudine (AZT) 1987

Didanosine (ddi) 1991

Zalcitabine (ddC) 1992

Stavudine (d4T) 1994

Lamivudine (3TC) 1996

Zidovudine /lamivudine/ abacavir 2000

Tenofovir DF (TDF) 2001

Entricitabina (FTC) 2003

Abacavir/lamivudine 2004

Emtricitabine/tenofovir 2004

a). Non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors are active molecules which also activate on
the reverse transcriptase, by direct and non-competitive binding, followed by alteration of its

Non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors

Name Year of approval

Nevirapine 1996

Delaviridine 1997

Efavirenz 1998

Etravirine 2008

Rilpivirine 2011

Protease inhibitors

1. HIV protease with a key role in the assembly of viral particles is a protein composed
of two identical symmetrical subunits of 99 amino acids, which delimitate in the
central position of the active site of the enzyme that cuts out the polyproteins produced

at the end of the viral replication cycle, in 9 subunits. The appearance of protease
inhibitors constitutes an incontestable event that has revolutionized the treatment of
HIV infection. Numerous clinical studies have proven the efficiency of the therapy
with one or two protease inhibitors in association with two reverse transcriptase
inhibitors. Since 1996, the protease inhibitors synthesis has developed very much.

Protease inhibitors

Name Year of approval

Indinavir 1996

Ritonavir 1996

Saquinavir 1995

Nelfinavir 1997

Amprenavir 1999

Lopinavir/ritronavir 2000

Atazanavir 2003

Fosamprenavir 2003

Tipranair 2005

Darunaivir 2006

2. Fusion inhibitors, block the virus binding to the host cell through the competitive
inhibition mechanism activated at level gp41. The medicine used currently is
enfuvirtide (fuzeon) approved in 2003.
3. CCR5 co-receptors inhibitors, CCR5 antagonists have a potent antiviral activity both
in vitro and in vivo against a population of HIV-1 strains with tropism for CCR5 co-
receptors, but not against the strains using CXCR4. The approved substance is called
Maraviroc and has demonstrated in several clinical trials, favorable results.
4. Integrase inhibitors
Raltegravir is the first integrase inhibitor approved to be used in the antiretroviral therapy
of experienced patients.

New class of antiretrovirals recently approved or under development fortreatment-

Class Name

Antagonist CCR5 Maraviroc,

Anti CD4 antibodies TNX- 355 (stadiu II of study)

Integrase inhibitors Raltegraviri, Elvitegravir Dolutegravir

Maturation inhibitors Bevirimat (stage II of study)

A major obstacle in the therapy’s success is represented by the capacity of HIV virus to
generate genetic mutations. HIV resistance to antiretrovirals was reported for the first time in
1989 at patients treated with zidovuzine. Therapy diversification, the HAART concept has
generated new mechanisms of resistance and implicitly the therapeutic failure.

On the other hand the pharmacokinetic profile of antiretroviral drugs intercrosses with the
one of other medications used in the patient’s management. Protease inhibitors are
metabolized through the inhibition of 3A4 enzyme of P-450 cytochrome. The inhibition of
this enzyme has important pharmacokinetic implications. The intervention which has
revolutionized the use of protease inhibitors was the administration of low doses of ritonavir
that blocks the metabolism of the other inhibitors favoring high concentrations of the latter for
a longer period of time.

It is important that this aspect be known because the use of other medicines in HIV/AIDS
infected patients, including antifungals, antituberculous, oral contraceptives,
anticonvulsivants, methadone, hypolipemiant drugs (statins) interact with protease inhibitors
in an unfavourable manner.

Antiretroviral complex therapy has reduced morbidity and mortality by HIV infection, but
opened new chapters of pathology, as lipodystrophic syndrome, alteration of carbohydrate
and lipid metabolisms, mitochondrial toxicity, cardiovascular, osteoarticular disorder.

Prevention of HIV infection.The most effective way to prevent transmission of HIV is

education,counseling and behavior modification.

When the HIV status of the partner is not know or the partner is HIV –infected,use of
condoms can decrease the risk of HIV transmission.

To prevent transmission of HIV among IV drugs users,the most effective strategy is to stop
the use of injectabile drugs.

Transmission of HIV by blood and blood products has been decreased by screening of all
blood donors.

Prevention the transmission of HIV from mothers to child, consist in a lot of

methods:antriretroviral therapy for mother,and for child afters births,caesarian section,the
avoidance of breastfeeding.


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