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The following code of behaviour has

been prepared as examples of the
behaviours we expect. It is based on
similar codes used by many NSOs and

BEHAVIOUR will ensure you recognise inappropriate

behaviour, avoid situations which may
put you at risk and will help to protect
for WOSM representatives the reputation of WOSM.

• Do treat everyone with dignity and • Do not trivialise abuse.
• Do not form a relationship with a young
• Do remember there are different cultural person that is an abuse of trust. eg a
norms sexual relationship with a young person
who is over the age of consent.
• Do set an example for others to follow.
• Do not allow abusive activities, eg
• Do treat all young people equally – do
initiation ceremonies, hazing or bullying.
not show favouritism.
• Do not take part in inappropriate
• Do plan activities that involve more than
behaviour or contact, whether physical,
one other adult being present, or at least
verbal or sexual.
within sight and hearing of others.
• Do not take part in physical contact
• Do respect a young person’s right to
games with young people.
personal privacy.
• Do not make suggestive remarks or
• Do allow young people to talk about
threats to a young person, even in fun.
any concerns they may have and ensure
there are facilities to do so. • Do not use inappropriate language when
writing, phoning, emailing or using the
• Do encourage others to challenge
attitudes or behaviours they do not like.
• Do not let allegations, suspicions, or
• Do avoid being drawn into inappropriate
concerns about abuse go unreported.
attention-seeking behaviour, eg crushes
• Do not rely just on your good name to
• Do make everyone aware of our
protect you.
behaviour standards.
• Do not engage in private messages with
• Do tell other colleagues where you are
young people – always copy another
and what you are doing
• Do remember someone else might
misinterpret your actions, even if you
mean well.
• Do take any allegations or concerns of
abuse seriously and refer them to your
• Do look after and support each other

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