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“Management is one of most important science which is necessary for effectiveness in

producing all kind of goods and services for better output” (Fayyaz, 2007)

According to (Chudary, 2011) management is key factor for the success of any organized

activity and is an essential accompaniment of all social organization. Management is

discipline and culture. It is the life of giving and dynamic organ of any institution it manages.

Today management refers to managing changes and challenges, crises, complexities,

confidence, culture and credibility.

“Strategy implementation requires a firm to establish annual objectives, devise, and policies,

motivate employees and allocate resources so that formulated strategies can be executed.

Often it is called action stage of policy.” (David, 2007)

“A teacher's role involves more than simply standing in front of a classroom and lecturing. In

fact, even though a teacher spends the majority of the day in the classroom, the actual

teaching component is only part of the job. An effective teacher understands that teaching

involves wearing multiple hats to ensure that the school day runs smoothly and all students

receive a quality education.”(Zeiger, 2014)

According to (Shami, 2007) process of getting activities completed efficiently and effectively

with and through other people for bringing short desired time .

According to (Khan, 2008) “The process of attaining organizational goals by effectively and

efficiently planning, organizing leading and controlling the organization resources.”

According to (Certo, 2003) described management functions or activities that make up the

management process. The four basic management activities are planning organizing,

influencing and controlling.


“School management has two aspects- internal management and external management.

Internal management covers admission, management of library, laboratory, building and

other physical and material resources of school. External management covers the relations

with community, department and other person and agencies connected with establishment

and functioning of school.” (M. Dash, 2008)

According to (Chudary, 2011) the secondary school principal or head teachers are the manger

and administrator of school they organize all activities of school. It is a person who

supervises school operations, assigns duties to staff members, supervise and maintain the

record of the school and coordinates school instructional activities with those of the education


“School faces a complex world and a seemingly endless set of pressures. Those who manage

school must take responsibility for an arduous task. The above job description capture the

sense of crisis and despair that can easily affect educational managers in such a demanding

new social political and economic age.”(OECD, 2001)

“Secondary level of education is the most important stage of entire system of education

because it provides educated manpower to Pakistan to run the wheel of economy. So it is the

need of hour to focus full attention for the education of secondary school students. In

Pakistan secondary education is completed in 12 years”(Chudary, 2011)



According to (Jones, 2004) , both education and experience enable managers to recognize

and develop the skills they need to put organizational resources to their best use. Research

has shown that education and experience help manger to acquire three principal type of skill

conceptual, human and technical. Typically planning and organizing require higher levels of

conceptual skills, and leading and controlling require more human and technical skills.

Khan (2008) quoted Sher Robert Katz who has identified three essential management skill

technical human and conceptual.

2.4.1 Technical Skills

Technical skills encompass the ability to apply specialized knowledge or expertise.

2.4.2 Human Skills

The ability to work with understands and motivates other people individually or in

groups, describes human skills. Many people are technically proficient but interpersonally
incompetent. They might be poor listeners, unable to understand the needs of others, or have

difficulty in managing conflicts. Since managers gets things done through other people. They

must have human skills to communicate, motivate and delegate.

2.4.3 Conceptual Skills

Managers must have the mental ability to analyze and diagnose complex situation.

These tasks require conceptual skills.

Stoner, freeman and Gilbert (2000) quoted Fayol who identified basic kinds of skill

technical, human and conceptual. Every manager needs all three technical skills in the ability

to use the procedures, techniques and knowledge of a specialized field. Surgeons, Engineers,

Musicians and accountants all have technical skills in their respective fields. Human skill is

the ability to work with, understand and motivate other people as individuals or in group

conceptual skills is the ability to coordinate and integrate all of an organization’s interest and

activities. It involves seeing the organization as a whole, understanding how its parts depend

on one another and anticipating how a change in any of its part will affect.


“Principal is the leader and manager of school. Principal plays both managerial and

instructional role in school. Principal is manager who manages school facilities, plan

syllabus, scheme of study, time table, prepare job description of teacher, assign duties and

goals to teachers and evaluate performance of students and teachers. Instructional Roles of
Principal is to develop a vision and mission for school, coaching and sharing the vision of

school with staff.” (DSD, 2010)

“Management of school is responsible for the overall progress and failure of a school. A

quality based management system is required to run a school in best way.”(Warsi, 2013)

“The allocation and management of all resources of school are critical to effective school

management and should relate to needs of learners. School managers with knowledge and

understanding of education, financial and human resource management are required to

manage their schools economically, efficiently and cost effectively.”(Mestry, 2009)

Rue and Byarssssssssss (2000) described that three basic skills have been identified;

1. Conceptual skills involve understanding the relationship of the parts of a business to

one another and to the business as a whole decision making, planning and organizing

are specific managerial activities that require conceptual skills.

2. Human relation skills involve understanding people and being able to work well with


3. Technical skills involve being able to perform the mechanics of a particular job. In

Practice, management skills are so closely interrelated that it is difficult to determine

where one begins and other ends.


“The principal, as the instructional leader of the school, facilitates the process through which

instructional and media personnel cooperatively plan and implement the educational program

to meet learner needs. This process combines the media and instructional programs as the

school community moves toward common goals.”(school, 2014)

The overall responsibility for managing operations at school rests with the head teacher.

His/her primary function is to maximize the use of his staff administratively and

educationally. Operational management deals with the application of the basic concept and

principal of management to those segments of the organization that produce the

organization’s goods and services.(Chudary, 2011)

The Operational Management of educational institution simply includes the following


 Planning

 Organizing

 Delegation

 Decision Making

 Communication


Stoner, freeman, Gilbert (1995) defined the planning as, “the process of establishing goals

and a suitable course of action for achieving those goals.”

Managers begin the planning process by creating, modifying or reaffirming the mission,

which is the topmost goal in the organization and which describes the organization’s purpose.
Next, mangers use the mission to guide the development of organizational goals. Then they

outline and implement the plans necessary to achieve those goals. By applying the planning

process managers are better able to cope with environmental changes, large or small, because

the process forces them to focus on relevant result rather than considering daily activities in

isolation. (Khan, 2008)

According to Chudary (2011), Planning is a process of deciding that what are our objectives

which we are going to achieve in our future. Planning is the main function of management

that a manager do to achieve objectives. Through planning we actively effect rather than

passive effect on future. Without a proper plan a firm cannot achieve its objectives. Planning Process

Terry and Franklin (2000) described the planning process as for the planning process

to be effective the manager must question the existing plans regularly. Answer to that

question will be helpful to improve your plan. Following are some questions which are most

helpful in plan:

1. Why it should be done?

2. What are necessary activities?

3. Where will we do it?

4. When will to do?

5. Who will do it?

6. How will it be done?

First question that why it should be done motivate the manager to carefully analyze

and include only activities which are on top priority in his short term plans. The plan which

consists of only necessary activities is the effective plan. What are necessary activities

identifies the specific types and sequence of activities necessary to achieve goals. Where is

for the physical facilities to implement that plan on a specified place. When accentuate

suitable time and accessibility of resources to accelerate the plan. Suitable timing of

beginning and ending maximize the output of project. Who will do it designates individual

responsibilities for the variety of activities required of the planning team. How will it be done

focus on system or process through which the plan is going to execute, checking plan for

completeness and proper direction toward pre determined objectives.

In educational institution head teacher undergoes planning process. There are

different methods of school planning. Some of which are as follow:

First method is Individual Planning, which need more time but provide better control,

flexibility and ease of change and develops capable managers.

Second method is getting ideas from juniors and then finalize the plan individually

this method is much in progress because through this method manager get different ideas

while retaining individual control.

In third method the subordinate prepare plan and submit that plan to management for

editing and approval. This relives the manager of most planning efforts and assists in

developing subordinates. ((Franklin, 2000)

According to Terry and Franklin (2000) planning is process of preparing assumption for

future activities to achieve our organizational objectives. Educational Planning is the

determination of overall educational objectives and necessary policies, programs, procedures

and methods for attaining them. It includes activities regarding action or execution of policies

and procedures, review and revision of activities. And measuring actual performance against

objectives and coordination interrelated plan and programs.

Shami (2007) quoted Philip Combs as “ Educational planning is the application of rational

systematic analysis, to the process of educational development with the aim of making

education more effective and efficient, in responding to the needs of the students goals of the



According to Rueeeeeeeeeeee Bayrs (2000) the process of organizing is the grouping

of activities necessary to attain common objectives and the assignment of each grouping to a

manager who has the authority required to supervise the people performing the activities.

Terry and Franklin defines organizing is the establishing of effective behavioral relationships

among persons so that they may work together efficiently and gain personal satisfaction in

doing selected tasks under given environmental conditions for the purpose of achieving goals

and objectives.

Shami (2007) describe organization as a process of creating structure of an

organization. Framework of an organization can be expressed by degree of its complexity,

centralization and formalization. We can say organizing is determining

 What should be done?

 How it will be done?

 Who will do it?

The management function of organization is about assigning duties and

responsibilities, coordinating between resources and people, establishing the structure

of organization to achieve the firm’s goal. A formal system is the interaction of

individual’s responsibilities with group to help to obtain desired results. The structure

of organization is formal system because top management built that structure. During

the process of planning the goals are set by managers and also strategies are

developed to achieve those goals. (Khan, 2008)

According to Chudary (2011) organizing promotes collaboration and

negotiation among individuals in a group and thus improves the effectiveness and

efficiency of communication in an organization. Organizing clear the authorities and

responsibilities in an organization. IMPORTANCE OF ORGANZING

Organizing is very useful for managers in following way:

 Work is divided according to job specification

 Duties are assigned individually

 Develop internal and external relationships

 Develop line of powers

 assign organizational resources

 Coordinate among multidirectional task of firm The Organizing Process

Process of organizing consists of following five steps:

1. Develop strategy and objectives

2. Define key task of firm

3. split main task into sub task

4. Allot Resources for sub task

5. Evaluation of accomplishment of strategies.

Organizing is basically a process of division of labor. Division of labor means

dividing large tasks into smaller packages of work to be distributed among people. This work

specialization allows an employee to master a task in the shortest time with minimum skill. It

also allows human labor to become interchangeable, which contribute greatly to

organizational efficiency (Franklin, 2000)






Certo, S. C. (2003). Modern Management New Delhi, India.: Adding DIgital Focus. Prentice Hall of
Indian Private Limited.
Chudary, S. (2011). Impact of Management Skills of School Heads on Learning Enviorment in
Secondary School. (MPhil), AIOU, Islambad.
David, F. R. (2007). Strategic Management (11th ed.). USA: Pearson Education.
DSD. (2010). Directorate of Staff development Head Teacher Guide. Lahore: DSD.
Fayyaz, N. (2007). Impact of Management system of Agha Khan Edcation service on women
developmnet in Gilgit. (M.Phil), AIOU, Islambad.
Franklin, T. a. (2000). Principal Of Management. Pakistan: National Book Foundation.
Jones, G. R. G., J.M. (2004). Essentials of Contemporary Management.
Khan, S. D. (2008). Educational Management. Muree Hill.: College of Army Education Upper Topa.
M. Dash, N. D. (2008). School Management. New Delhi: Atlantic Publisher.
Mestry, R. (2009). Financial School Management. South Africa: Pearson Education.
OECD. (2001). New School Management Approaches. France: OECD Publisher service.
school, C. C. P. (2014). Role and Responsibilities of School Principal. Lahoe: Ilmi publication.
Shami, e., al. (2007). Educational Management Islambad: Academy of Educational Planning and
Warsi, S. (2013). Quality Management system for School. Lahore: AFAQ.
Zeiger, S. (2014). What is the Role of Teacher in Education. Retrieved March 17, 2015, from

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