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Understanding Self

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We shall continue the Vedic lessons and touch upon

the concept of Self and its relation with Ishwar. To
understand Ishwar, please review first three articles
of the series: Vedic Lessons.
Q: Who am I? consciousness or ‘I’ is real
you. This I is questioning
A: You are the soul or right now and reading
Atma or Jeeva. You are this article and knows
different from your mind that ‘I’ exists. This ‘I’ is
and body. When body the one who is currently
perishes, you do not perish keen to explore who this
because there is no entity ‘I’ is. Even when you sleep
in the universe that can without dreams, you wake
destroy you. up and say I had a good
sleep. This ‘I’ enjoyed the
Q: How do I know that I peace of sleep as well.
am different from body Read further and discover
and mind? Am I not a the ‘I’ further.
chemical reaction?
Some people say that
A: Very simple! Your consciousness is nothing
body and thoughts have but a chemical in brain
changed since your birth, and there is no soul.
but you remain the same. They say that all the
Even on regular basis you emotions and feeling
find body and thoughts of pain and pleasure is
changing. Thus you are simply chemical reaction.
different from body Nothing can be more
and mind. The feeling of foolish than this to claim

Mission Agniveer - Vision Vedas. 1

as truth. Normally such our body – our true self.
views are held by people And since it is not a
who have dumbed their physical entity, it cannot
intellect below a threshold be affected by physical
by indulging in a variety things like fire, water etc.
of immoral activities. They Thus it is indestructible.
are running away from After all destruction
their guilt feelings and means breakdown of
‘inner voice’ and hence various components. So
indulge in such empty how can something which
talks. has no further components
be broken down. Also a
But just consider: when gross thing cannot break a
someone slaps you, subtler thing like a sword
reactions happen in body cannot break an atom.
and neurons fire to give Thus soul is indestructible
feeling of pain. But ‘who’ as explained in almost all
feels the pain? And when scriptures.
you are praised, agains
neurons fire in a different Further ask these childish
manner and you feel ‘chemical intellectuals’
happy. But again, ‘who’ that if its all chemical
felt happy? The very fact reactions, then why they
that something is felt have a problem when we
implies someone is feeling. refute them? After even
Obviously an electron, that is chemical reaction
proton or neutron or a and so are they! Why
hydrogen atom or a water they love, why they feel
molecule or whatever offended, why they take
cannot be ‘I’ that feels. education and why they
This ‘I’ that feels and have urge to propagate
decides is the soul within their knowledge and

counter ‘superstitions’? meaningless intellect who
Also, why don’t they would not mind even being
oppose laws against killed because even their
crime? Because if its all life is meaningless and
chemical reactions, why murder is also a chemical
to punish a chemical reaction!
reaction? Do you punish
acid when someone throws Let us keep such
that on someone’s face to meaningless arguments
damage it? Also if they aside, and explore further
are chemical reactions, the logical truth of we
why to take them being ‘soul’ that is unborn
seriously? All they speak and undying.
or write or argue may
just be a stupid random Q: Is Soul free to act or
chemical reaction creating dependent on Ishwar?
disturbance, like two acids
mixing in chemical lab! A: It depends. When the
universe is destroyed
In summary, if its (Pralaya), soul (except
chemical reaction or non- souls that have reached
eternal entity, the whole salvation or Mukti
concept of law, order, or Moksha) remains
love, emotions, education, unconscious without
character, crime, any free-will. During
punishment, rewards, existence of universe,
sports, entertainment, soul is imparted limited
compassion etc become freedom to act when it
useless. Whole life is given a birth as per its
becomes meaningless. deeds. However how much
So this theory is only for freedom the soul desires
meaningless people with for itself is also based

Mission Agniveer - Vision Vedas. 3

purely on the soul through so that it does not fall
its deeds. down from a high bed.
Gradually we provide him
For example, typically more and more freedom
Indians decide to remain till he becomes a grown up
slaves of foreigners due man. If in the process, we
to their celebrated slave- find that it is cultivating
mentality. So they have bad habit of eating dirty
limited freedom and face things on floor, the mother
humiliations even in their finds some innovative way
own country. This limited to prevent it from doing
freedom is not divinely so. Its freedom is thus
provided but purely choice restricted. On contrary,
of our own society as a if the child behaves like
whole. Same happens at a good boy and obeys
individual soul level. parents, does not do
messy things, he obtains
In other words, depending increased freedom quickly.
upon the capability of
the soul, Ishwar provides Ishwar, like our parents,
a domain of freedom to keeps doing this on an
soul to act. And it keeps ongoing basis like a
modifying this domain on continuous simulation of
an ongoing basis. optimization algorithm.
And he does so, like our
This is similar to the level parents, only for our own
of freedom we provide to benefit.
our child. When its a baby,
we restrict it to a small In summary, soul is
cot. As it starts walking on completely free in deciding
four legs, we ensure that how much freedom it
we restrict its movement wants for itself.

To state this in other and kept in some book
words, Soul is free to (like Lohe Mehfooz of
decide its actions, but its Muslims under throne
dependent completely on of Allah) are actually
Ishwar to face fruits of its saying that God/ Allah
actions. should be punished for all
wrong things happening
Q: Could you explain what in the world. All sensible
you mean by ‘free’ and people should reject
‘fruits of action’? such obviously self-
contradictory theories.
A: One whose ‘will’ rules
over its body, senses and As per Vedas, soul is
life-force is called free. completely free to act and
If soul is not free, there govern its body, senses
would be no reason why it and life-force within the
should face fruits of sinful domain of limitations
or noble actions. Because it has. And through its
if it acts only like a puppet actions, it can choose
of Ishwar, then Ishwar to increase or decrease
should face fruits of sinful this domain of limitation.
or noble actions. Because When the domain of
if you kill someone with limitation is completely
a sword, you get the broken away, the soul
punishment and not the acts in sync with Ishwar’s
sword. inspiration and becomes
completely free or Mukta.
That is why, those cults
who believe that Ishwar To understand this from
has already written another example, consider
everyone’s future even the freedom a child has.
before he created them, Because he did not study

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he could not become MOST optimal and fastest
a doctor. So he has no manner. This department
freedom to conduct of optimization or deciding
surgeries. But if he would the ‘fruits of actions’ is
have studied and become managed by Ishwar and
an MS, he would gain soul has no control over it.
the freedom to conduct
surgeries. This freedom is Now ‘fruits of actions’ is
his own choice. But unlike a term used to define the
manmade laws, where one aggregate of the ‘domain
cannot become a doctor of limitation’ we possess
after a certain age, as at any point in time as
per laws of Ishwar, each well as feeling of pleasure
soul possesses the chance or pain. Basically these
to transform itself and emerge from one and
reach ultimate bliss and same thing that we call
potential every moment. ‘Sanskaars’ or our innate
The cumulative of all
such choices that we Thus, to put in very simple
have exercised each words:
moment since Anaadi
Kaal (beginninglessness) Soul is free to act but
up to this moment across is totally dependent on
various lives and deaths Ishwar to face the fruits of
decide our present ‘fruits his actions.
of actions‘.

These ‘fruits of actions’

are such that they are the
best possible fruits to have
to reach complete bliss in

Q: Had Ishwar not The role of Ishwar is to
created the soul and integrate the inanimate
given it the capability to or non-living nature
act, soul could not have with conscious soul in
done anything. Hence it is a manner that soul is
Ishwar alone who dictates able to perform actions,
exercise choices and reach
the souls.
eternal bliss. Thus Ishwar
is like an engineer who
A: Again a very pertinent
designs and works with
question, but relevant
existing items and NOT a
only to those superstitious
creator in the sense that
cults – like Islam and
He creates lollypops and
Christianity – that believe
‘lemon choos’ like Sathya
that Ishwar ‘creates’ the
Sai Baba or Allah from
As per Vedas, soul is never
After integrating nature
created nor destroyed.
and soul, he passes on the
Just as Ishwar is eternal,
the control of mind and
so is the soul. The root
body to soul as per the
cause of material world
optimization algorithm
– nature (Prakriti) is the
discussed in previous
third eternal entity. Ishwar
section. Now it is soul who
creates neither the soul
obtains the capability to
nor the Prakriti.
act and hence faces the
‘fruits of actions’.
There was never a time
when these three eternal
When someone murders
entities did not exist nor
another person with sword,
would a time come when
punishment is accorded
they would cease to exist.
to the murderer and not

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to the maker of sword, and undying.
the seller of sword or
the miner who extracted But Ishwar has additional
iron from earth because characteristics like
only the murderer is creator of universe,
responsible for the crime. manager of universe,
Similarly, Ishwar does not destroyer of universe,
face ‘fruits of actions’ nor infinite knowledge, infinite
can be held responsible powers, infinite bliss etc
for good or bad act of the as discussed in previous
soul. articles of the series.

Had Ishwar been forcing The characteristics of

souls to act, no one would soul as per Nyaya Sutra
have been committing sins (1.1.10) are following:
because Ishwar is beyond
sins and the most pure. 1. Desire to obtain
This is what happens with something (Ichha)
those exalted souls who
burn all seeds of ignorance 2. Repulsion from
and act solely as per something (Dwesha)
inspiration of Ishwar and
then achieve salvation. 3. Will to put efforts
Q: What are the
characteristics of Soul 4. Feel happiness (Sukha)
and Ishwar?
5. Feel sorrow (Dukha)
A: Both soul and Ishwar
are conscious (Chetan) 6. Have knowledge
and basically pure. Both (Jnana)
are immortal, unborn

Vaisheshik Sutra (3.2.4) Q: What is the size of
details characteristics of soul? Does it fill entire
soul when it is in mortal body?
body as:
A: Soul is like a point
1. Inhalation in space. Soul is point-
like in size and limited in
2. Exhalation knowledge. Ishwar is even
finer than soul and has
3. Contraction infinite knowledge.

4. Relaxation Thus Ishwar manages the

entire functioning of the
5. Mind and feeling of Self body and soul controls it
like the CEO in its office.
6. Movement
Some people believe
7. Sense and work organs that soul of an elephant
under control is bigger than soul of
an ant. This is not true.
8. Variations. All souls are completely
equal in their potentials
When soul is in a body, and dimensions. The only
these characteristics difference between the
are manifested. When different souls is the
it leaves the body, these ‘fruits of actions’ that
characteristics are no they face as per their
more present. From different deeds. So soul
these scholars deduce the does not change size when
existence of soul. it transmigrates from one
species to another. Only its
locus of control changes.

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Q: So you say that discussed earlier, Ishwar
Ishwar is both within and pervades within and
outside soul? But how outside soul. Thus soul can
can another object be never ever separate from
where an object is already Ishwar.
existing? Hence Ishwar
But that does not mean
cannot exist where soul
soul becomes Ishwar
exists. They may be close
ever. If that were so, it
to each other but Ishwar
would have happened
cannot be within soul.
already. After all soul
and Ishwar exist from
A: Two things cannot
exist at same place only
when they have same
However when soul burns
dimension like size. But
all seeds of ignorance,
just like electricity exists
it acts completely in
subtly within iron in same
sync with Ishwar. Now
manner Ishwar resides
in such a situation, soul
within each soul and in
becomes completely
fact each point in world.
Ishwar-oriented in same
So Ishwar and soul have
manner as a hot piece of
relation of pervader-
iron becomes a ball of fire
pervaded, ruler-ruled,
within a big fire. This is the
parent-child etc.
state of ultimate bliss or
Q: Do soul and Ishwar
ever unite as One or For more details on this,
always stay separate? refer More of Vedic God.

A: Soul and Ishwar are

never separate. Because as

Q: Ok, I got it. I Dharma fades in us. But if
understand what is soul you notice, that inner voice
and what is its relation always keeps guiding you.
with Ishwar. But what do When you start following
I need to do in this life? that inner-voice, rest of
What is its purpose? the things fall in line
A: We shall discuss all this
in details subsequently. You will find that it is
However to put briefly, unnatural for you to do
the purpose of this life is fraud, to be cruel, to be
to achieve ultimate bliss characterless, to not be
or Mukti through right patriotic, to be lazy and so
actions. on. As and when we start
getting natural, we feel the
urge to do more and more
Q: How do I know what
natural things – to be
are right actions?
disciplined, to put efforts,
to be compassionate, to be
A: Right actions are
truthful, to be patriotic, to
those actions which are
seek knowledge of Vedas,
as per Dharma. Dharma
model life accordingly
is NOT religion. Dharma
and move fast towards
means natural traits. For
ultimate bliss. All these
example, to burn is natural
are thus natural Dharma.
trait or Dharma of fire. To
This may take one life,
wet is Dharma of water.
two lives, several lives and
Similarly there are natural
Ishwar will ensure that the
traits or Dharma of souls.
journey is never broken.
However due to ignorance,
this understanding and
We shall discuss these
acting according to
in more details later.

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But keep one thing in A:
mind – Vedic wisdom is
completely intuitive. The 1. We never promised
knowledge already resides that we would convince
in you as Ishwar. So blind you. We simply presented
belief in completely out of knowledge of Vedas in
question. This is applicable most logical manner to
even to Vedas. However best of our intent and
skepticism and needless capabilities. Conviction
criticism as shown by would come only through
communists towards our your own efforts and we
culture, and doubting can no way interfere in
everything is also a recipe that process.
for regression (opposite of
progress). All we can recommend is
to evaluate all the existing
All those cults who ideologies of the world,
demand blind faith in any scrutinize them and think
book, prophet, angels, why should we believe in
heaven, hell through them. Include Atheism
fear or lure are for sure also. And assess why and
demanding you to follow how they are better than
the most wrong actions what Vedas – the oldest
that one can. Stay away and most preserved texts
from them! of the world – offer. Also
consider that if any one
Q: Nice to know all the of them seems more
details. But I am still not appealing, why is another
convinced. How do you not appealing? Is it merely
prove truth of these fancy a personal choice or
hypothesis? something more logical?

2. Whatever has been Before we end, an amazing
presented is most intuitive message from Aitreya
from observations in Brahman 7.15 of Rigveda
the world. We know we for all the souls:
exist, we know that the
whole world including our (Hindi poetic rendition by
body is being managed Br. Arunkumar Aryaveer is
in most ordered manner, given below)
we know that noble acts
bring us bliss, we feel “One who does not put
that natural urge to do noble efforts tirelessly
something productive etc and relentlessly cannot
etc. As and when we get achieve prosperity and
rid of bad sanskaars and glory. A lazy person who
control mind better, all this only thinks but does not
knowledge becomes more do anything significant,
and more intuitive. gets destroyed due to this
greatest sin. Ishwar helps
3. And finally there is only him who puts the
no compulsion to believe best efforts. Hence keep
arbitrarily and blindly. So walking, keep walking.
simply accept truth and
reject falsehood and steer A laborious person makes
ahead! his body strong and his
soul becomes deserving
In next lessons, we shall of greatest fruits of
discuss concepts of actions. Efforts destroy all
creation and then move road-blocks. Hence keep
to concept of salvation, walking, keep walking.
how to achieve it and
understand Law of Karma
better in the process.

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What is destiny? One Only one who walks
who sits also makes his gets sweetness and bliss
destiny seated. One who of honey. Only one who
sleeps puts his destiny into walks achieves sweet
slumber. One who walks fruits of action. Look at
forces his destiny also to sun, it never stops and
move forth. Hence keep keeps moving. Hence keep
walking, keep walking. walking, keep walking.”

When one sleeps, it is May my country and

Kaliyug. When one wakes entire humanity start
up, it is Dwapar. When walking in right direction,
he stands, it is Treta dazzle like bright sun and
and once he gets into bring Satyug immediately.
action, he creates Satyug. O Ishwar! Please make us
Hence keep walking, keep work to our best to fulfill
walking. this ambition very soon.

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