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ee 7 Short Form of Contract AGREEMENT GENERAL CONDITIONS RULES FOR ADJUDICATION NOTES FOR GUIDANCE © Copyright FIDIC 1999 All rights reserved. No part ofthis publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any fox cr by any means without permission of the publisher FIDIC IDIC is the French acronym for the International Federation of Consutting Engineers, “"IDIG was founded in 1913 by three national associations of consuiting engineers within Europe, The objectives of forming the federation were to promoie in common the professional interests of the member associations and to disseminate information of interest to members of its component national associations, "W"oday FIDIC membership numbers more than 60 countries trom all parts of the globe and the federation represents most of the private practice consulting engineers in the world IEC IOIC arranges seminars, conferences and other events in the furtherance of its, 17” goals: maintenance of high ethical and professional standards; exchange of views and information; discussion of problems of mutual concern among member associations and representatives of the international financial institutions; and development of the consulting engineering industry in developing countries. = DIC publications include proceedings of various conferences and seminars, 7 information tor consulting engineers, project owners and international evelopment agencies, standard pre-quaifcation forms, contract documents and Glient/consultant agreements. They are available from the secretariat in Switzertan. Published by Fédération Internationale des ingénieurs-Consols (FIDIC) World Trade Center PO. Box 311 1215 GENEVA 16 (Switzerlanc) Phone +41 22.799 4900 Fax +41 22 79 4901 E-mal fdic@tdic.og Internet www SHORT FORM of Contract First Edition 1999 ISBN 2-88432.024-5 FEDERATION INTERNATIONALE DES INGENIEURS.CONSEILS: INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF CONSULTING ENGINEERS: INTERNATIONALE. VEREINIGUNG BERATENDER INGENIEURE FEDERACION INTERNACIONAL DE INGENIEROS CONSOLTORES, AGREEMENT GENERAL CONDITIONS RULES FOR ADJUDICATION NOTES FOR GUIDANCE

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