Engine Performance Analysis

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Performance Analysis-Component Matching

Engine Performance Analysis: Engine performance analysis (also called off-design performance

analysis) determines the performance of a specific engine at all flight conditions and throttle settings.

The components of the engine charecterised by the change in properties they produce. For
example, the compressor is described by a total pressure ratio and efficiency. The compressor will

develop certain pressure ratio in a given speed, airflow and flight conditions. similarly, component

efficiencies and other operating characteristics change significantly at different conditions, for

example at different flow rates and rotational speeds.

When a gas turbine engine is installed in an aircraft, it’s performance varies with flight conditions
and throttle setting and is limited by the engine control system. In flight, the pilot controls the
operation of the engine directly through the throttle and indirectly by changing the flight
conditions. The thrust and fuel consumption will also change. The engine performance analysis
considers how specific engine cycles perform at conditions other than their design reference

The interaction of the performance of compressor-burner-turbine combination is known as the

“pumping characteristics” of the engine. For drawing the characteristic maps, we consider the
compressor-turbine combination as high-pressure spool (high pressure turbine, high pressure
compressor and connecting shaft) and low-pressure spool (low pressure turbine, low pressure
compressor, fan and connecting shaft).

Component Matching: The gas turbine engine operates under different flight conditions involving

large variations of thrust, inlet pressure & temperature and flight Mach number. The off-design

performance of compressor, combustion chamber and turbine must be matched to ensure stable

engine operation. Essentially, the matching problem and process issimple, however involve complex


When an engine is operating at a steady state, a change in flight conditions (ambient temperature

and pressure) or throttle setting (amount of fuel injected in to the combustion chamber) will result in

a transient state. When amount of fuel injected changes, the turbine inlet temperature and pressure

change, thereby, changing the rotational speed of the turbine-compressor-fan combination. The

compressor pressure ratio changes, resulting in mass flow rate change. This in turn will change the
inlet conditions to the turbine and so on. This cycle continues till a different steady state operating

condition is reached. In other words, different components interact and influence each other as the

engine changes flight conditions. These interactions dictate the overall engine characteristics
including parameters like the mass flow rate, rotational speeds, pressure ratios, thrust and power.

The ways in which components interact and change the engine steady state operating point is

termed as component matching.

The steady state engine performance at each speed is determined by two conditions. The continuity

of flow and the power balance. The turbine mass flow must be the sum of compressor mass flow

and fuel flow minus the compressor bleed flow. Also the power output of the turbine must be equal to

that demanded by the compressor.

𝑁𝑇 = 𝑁𝐶 , where N refers to speed and C & T refer to Compressor and turbine.

𝑚̇ 𝑇 = (1+f) 𝑚̇𝐶 where m refers to mass flow of gas f refers to fuel quantity as% of gas flow

In engine performance analysis, we consider the performance of an engine that was built with a
selected compressor ratio and turbine temperature ratio. The turbine temperature ratio usually
remains constant, where as the compressor ratio is dependent on the throttle setting (effecting
the fuel flow and main burner exit temperature) and flight condition (effecting the 𝑀0 and 𝑇0 ).

Engine Performance Analysis assumptions: The following assumptions are made:

 The flow is choked at the high pressure turbine entrance nozzle, low pressure turbine
entrance nozzle and the primary exit nozzle.
 The total pressure ratios of the main burner, primary exit nozzle, fan exit nozzle do not
change from their reference values.
 The component efficiencies do not change from their reference values.
 Turbine cooling and leakage effects are neglected.
 Power removed from turbine to drive accessories is neglected.
 Gasses are assumed to be calorifically perfect both upstream and downstream of the
burner. Also, value of 𝛾 and 𝐶𝑝 do not change with throttle setting (𝑇𝑡4)
 The term (1+f) is constant and does not vary with throttle setting.
Dimensionless and Corrected Component Performance Parameters: The steady state
matching point of the compressor/fan-combustion chamber(burner)-turbine combination is
determined from the individual component performance maps.

The quantities of pressure and temperature are made dimensionless by dividing them by the
respective sea-level static conditions. These are called the corrected parameters. The

dimensionless pressure and temperature are represented by ᵟ and ᶿ respectively.

ᵟ𝑖 =

ᶿ𝑖 =

The outlet pressure and efficiency of a component depend on several physical variables

𝑃0𝑖 , 𝜂𝑖 = f [ 𝑚̇ , 𝑃01 , 𝑇01 , Ω, R, v, D ]

The above variables are grouped to obtain corrected parameters, as below, for drawing the
performance maps of the components.

The corrected mass flow rate at engine station “i, used in the performance analysis is defined

𝑚̇𝑐𝑖 =
√Ɵ𝑖 , and

The corrected mass flow rate is a function of Mach number alone. A reduction in the engine
power (throttle) setting will lower the Mach number and the corrected mass flow rate in to the
engine compressor or fan. Since the entrance condition to turbine and the exhaust nozzle is
choked, the corrected mass flow entering these stations is constant. However, when the
afterburner is engaged in turbojet or turbofan engine, the nozzle throat area needs to be
increased to maintain the corrected mass flow rate increase.

The corrected engine speed at station “i’ is defined as

𝑁𝑐𝑖 =
The corrected engine speed is related to the blade speed and hence the blade Mach number.

The corrected mass flow and corrected speed are not dimensionless, and cannot be used to
compare different engines, however they can be used to for one particular engine under
different operating conditions.

Three additional corrected parameters are used the performance analysis. They are the
corrected thrust, corrected thrust specific fuel consumption and corrected fuel mass flow rate.

For gas turbine engines operating at maximum turbine entry temperature, the corrected thrust is
a function of only the corrected free stream total temperature. Similarly, the corrected thrust
specific fuel consumption and the corrected fuel mass flow rate depend on the flight condition
and throttle setting.

Performance Analysis of components (Performance Maps):

Compressor & Fan performance Maps: The performance of a compressor or fan is normally
shown by using total pressure ratio, corrected mass flow rate, corrected engine speed and
component efficiency. This performance is shown in one map showing the inter-relationship of
all four parameters.

The pressure ratio is plotted versus corrected mass flow. A series of corrected speed lines are
included in the figure. At different speed lines, curves are fitted to show constant efficiency
regions. Surge line is indicated highlighting zone of unstable operation where massive flow
separation occurs and performance reduces to zero. The following points emerge:

 As the mass flow rate decreases, the pressure ratio increases along the constant speed
 .As the mass flow rate decreases, the efficiency increases to a maximum on the
operating line, and decreases as the compressor nears to surge condition.
 The surge margin between the surge line and the operating line is considered as the
safety margin. If we design the compressor for a large surge margin, then the pressure
ratio will be small.
 Once the compressor performance map is known, for a given corrected mass flow and
corrected speed, the total pressure ratio and efficiency can be found.
 As the rotational speed decreases, choking will occur in the rear stages.
 At high rotational speeds, the lines become vertical, indicating low margins of mass flow
rate variations

Speed Governing for Surge control: Active control is required to avoid surge condition. The
following factors create surge condition:

 Engine overspeed
 Turbulent and disturbed mass flow rate
 Damaged engine components due to foreign object damage/bird hits
 Engine operation outside specified operating parameters

Methods to increase the operating margins of the compressor include:

 Air bleed from the compressor middle stages

 Multi-spool compressor to allow running high pressure and low pressure spools at
different spools
 Variable stator blade vane
 Combination of above

Main Burner (combustion chamber) Maps: The performance maps indicate variations
between total pressure ratio of the burner and efficiency. The total pressure ratio is plotted
versus corrected mass flow rate for different fuel/air ratios. As the mass flow rate increases, the
total pressure ratio falls. Similarly, increasing fuel/air ratios (throttle variation) results in reduced
total pressure ratios.

Turbine Performance Maps: The performance of turbine is shown by using the total pressure
ratio, corrected mass flow rate, corrected turbine speed and component efficiency. Following
points emerge out of performance analysis:

 For majority of gas turbines, the efficiency usually is constant or varies very little.
 Most of the turbines operate very near choking line where data is very congested
 Any change from design parameters will reduce the efficiency
 The turbine HP stages operate in choked condition. After choking point, increasing
pressure ratio, will increase the work extracted, but will not affect the mass flow rate
Relation Between mass flow rate with engine operating parameters:

The steady state engine performance at each speed is determined by two conditions. The continuity

of flow and the power balance. The turbine mass flow must be the sum of compressor mass flow

and fuel flow minus the compressor bleed flow.

𝑚̇ 𝑇 = (1+f) 𝑚̇𝐶
We define the mass flow parameter (MFP) at any station I in terms of the mass flow rate, total
pressure, area and mach number, as

𝑚̇ 𝑖 √𝑇𝑡𝑖
MFP(𝑀𝑖 ) =
𝑃𝑡𝑖 𝐴𝑖

MFP is a unique function of the Mach number in a calorifically perfect gas. For any given total
pressure and temperature, MFP is maximum when M=1.Using the MFP, we write

(1+f)𝑚̇2 = 𝑚̇ 4 = 𝐴4 MFP(𝑀4 ), by substituting 𝑃𝑡4 =𝜋𝑐 𝜋𝑏 𝑃𝑡2 , and using corrected mass

flow parameter, 𝑚̇𝑐𝑖 =
√Ɵ𝑖 ,

The corrected mass flow rate at station 2 can be expressed as

𝑚𝑐2 = 𝐶1 √ 𝜋𝑐

Where 𝐶1 is a constant depending on the flight conditions and burner efficiency

The above equation is straight line on the compressor map for constant values of , 𝑀4 and f.
The station 4 gets choked beyond Compressor pressure ratio of 2, and the lines are therefore
straight lines of constant when plotted on a typical compressor map.

Turbine Characteristics: By writing the equation for MFP at station 4, we can show that for a
simple turbojet engine, the mass flow rate through turbine is equal to that through exhaust
nozzle. Or simply
𝑚̇ 8 =𝑚̇ 4

Compressor Operating Line: The relationship between the compressor ratio and the corrected
mass flow rate is called the “compressor operating line” and it depends on the turbine

The mass flow rate into the compressor can be written as

𝑚̇𝑐2 = 𝐶1 𝑇
where 𝐶1 is a constant dependent on burner pressure ratio, inlet area of turbine

mass flow parameter decided by the reference pressure/temperature.

From the work balance between the compressor and turbine, we write

𝑚̇2 𝐶𝑝𝑐 ( 𝑇𝑡3 --𝑇𝑡2 ) = 𝜂𝑚 𝑚̇2 (1+f) 𝐶𝑝𝑡 (𝑇𝑡4 --𝑇𝑡5 )

𝑇𝑡4 𝐶𝑝𝑡
𝜏𝑐 = 1 + 𝜂𝑚 (1+f) (1+𝜏𝑡 )
𝑇𝑡2 𝐶𝑝𝑐


Where 𝜋𝑐 = 1 + 𝜂𝑐 (𝜏𝑐 − 1) 𝛾𝑐−1

Combining above equations, we get

𝑇𝑡4 𝐶 𝛾𝑐−1
𝜋𝑐 = {1 + + 𝑇𝑡2
[𝐶𝑝𝑡 𝜂𝑐 𝜂𝑚 (1 + f) (1 + 𝜏𝑡 )]}

𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑚 𝑖𝑛 𝑏𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑘𝑒𝑡𝑠 𝑐𝑎𝑛 𝑏𝑒 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑑 𝑎𝑠 constant and an expression for the temperature ratios
can be written as

= 𝐶2 [ 𝜋𝑐 𝛾 -- 1 ]

The equation for Corrected compressor mass flow rate can be obtained in terms compressor pressure
ratio by replacing the temperature ratio
𝑚̇𝑐2 = 𝛾𝑐−1
𝐶1 /√𝐶2
√𝜋 𝛾 −− 1

This relation between compressor mass flow rate and pressure ratio is the equation for compressor
operating line.

Relevance of Compressor Operating Line: We can plot the compressor operating line on the
compressor map, giving the compressor map with an operating line.

The compressor operating line shows that for each value of , there is one value of

compressor ratio and corrected mass flow rate. One can also see that for a constant value of

𝑇𝑡2 , both the compressor pressure ratio and the corrected mass flow rate will increase with
increase in 𝑇𝑡4 (increase in throttle setting). In addition, with a constant 𝑇𝑡4 , both compressor
pressure ratio and corrected mass flow rate will decrease with increase in 𝑇𝑡2 due to higher
speed or lower altitude, since 𝑇𝑡2 = 𝑇𝑎 .

At same 𝑻𝒕𝟒 (throttle setting), higher speed or lower altitude will increase 𝑻𝒕𝟐 , thereby
̇ .
decreasing 𝝅𝒄 and 𝒎𝒄𝟐

At the same 𝑻𝒕𝟐 (altitude and speed), throttle setting increase will increase 𝑻𝒕𝟒 , thereby
increasing 𝝅𝒄 and 𝒎𝒄𝟐

Effect of Exhaust nozzle throat area on Compressor Operating line:

The pumping characteristics of the gas generator change when the exhaust nozzle throat area
changes. It achieves this by shifting the compressor operating line.

Increasing Throat area ( 𝐴8 ) will increase the mass flow rate and compressor pressure ratio,
thereby shifting the compressor operating line to the right. An increase in throat area can keep
the compressor away from surge.
Engine Controls:

The engine control system controls the engine operation to keep the turbine entry temperature 𝑇4 ,
compressor pressure ratio 𝜋𝑐 , rotational speed N from exceeding specified maximum values. The
control system limits are defined by the compressor pressure ratio and temperature at station 4, at
different flight conditions. We need to define engine entry conditions, to understand the control system

̇ and 𝑇𝑡4) : To understand the

Influence of engine control system on compressor performance (𝜋𝑐 , 𝒎𝒄𝟐
control system limits for a given maximum compressor pressure ratio (𝜋𝑐 ) and maximum turbine entry
temperature (𝑇𝑡4), we define temperature ratio at station 0, as follows:

We had earliar defined dimensionless temperature ratio, ᶿ𝑖 = ,

𝑇𝑡0 𝑇0 𝛾−1
On similar lines, we write Ɵ0 = = [1+ 𝑀0 2 ] at station 0, ahead of the engine.
𝑇𝑟𝑒𝑓 𝑇𝑟𝑒𝑓 2

The value of Ɵ0 varies with forward speed of the aircraft, ie 𝑀𝑜 and altitude. Ɵ0 is 1.0 when M is 0, and
increase with speed. Similarly, it decreases with altitude at a given speed.

Now consider the case of an engine with maximum compressor ratio of 15, and maximum turbine entry
̇ with flight condition, Ɵ0 and throttle setting, 𝑇𝑡4,
temperature of 3200 R. The variation of 𝜋𝑐 and 𝒎𝒄𝟐
̇ versus Ɵ0 .
as shown in the graph. Two graphs are drawn from measured values, 𝜋𝑐 versus Ɵ0 and 𝒎𝒄𝟐

Note that for Ɵ0 above 1, the compressor pressure ratio and corrected mass flow are limited by the
maximum combustor exit temperature. For Ɵ0 below 1, compressor pressure ratio limits the

Variation in Engine Speed; Based on Euler’s turbomachinary equations for compressor indicate that the
change in enthalpy (or total temperature) across the compressor is proportional to the square of the
engine speed N.

The corrected compressor speed ratio is defined as , where 𝑁𝑐2𝑅 is corrected reference speed.

The corrected compressor speed is proportional to the compressor pressure ratio.

The plot between corrected speed ratio and pressure ratio indicates the extent of variation between
these two parameters.

A reduction in compressor ratio from 16 to 11, requires only 10 % reduction in corrected speed.

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