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Question Bank

Sub- Science VIII

(Crop Production and Management)

Multiple Choice Question- (1 Marks Each)

1. The use of machines in agriculture: i) increases the quantity of crop yield ii) reduces the dependency on
human and animal labor iii) gets the job done faster (iv) all of these
2. The method of cultivation that results in the loss of fertility is: i) crop rotation ii) excessive use of
fertilizers iii) shifting cultivation iv) all of these
3. The advantage of Ploughing is: i) it allows the penetration of roots of plants ii) it helps in proper aeration
and eradicates weeds iii) it promotes the growth of useful bacteria iv) all of these
4. Removing chaff from the grains is:
i) threshing ii) weeding iii) harvesting iv) winnowing
5. The agricultural tool used to level fields is :
i) plough ii) rubber iii) harrow iv) seed drills
6. Which of the following is not a plantation crop?
i) Coffee ii) rubber iii) coconut iv) gram
7. Crops that transplanted:
i) Chilies ii) tomatoes iii) paddy iv) all of these
8. Crop that gets damaged if irrigated excessively.
i) Wheat ii) cotton iii) gram iv) all of these
9. A weed that is commonly found between crops is:
i) amaranths ii) peas iii) mint iv) none of these
10. Which dried leaves are used for storing grains?
i) neem ii) peepal iii) mango iv) mint
Fill in the blanks:- (1 Marks Each)
1. Coffee and tea are classified as …………………….. crops.
2. The implement used to sow seeds is called a …………………….
3. Fish food is rich in ………………….
4. A common nitrogenous fertilizer is ……………….
5. ………………… is a machine which carries out threshing along with harvesting.
6. …………… crop is transplanted in standing water.
7. ……………….. and ……………… are example of chemical weedi cides.
8. The same kind of plants grown and cultivated on a large scale at a place is called
…………………… .
9. The first step before growing crops is ............................ of the soil.
10. Damaged seeds would ……………… on top of water.
Very Short Answer Type Questions (1 Marks Each)
1. Name two broad cropping patterns.
2. Mention the names of two kharif crops.
3. Write two uses of hoe.
4. What are crumbs?
5. Write two uses of plough.
Short answer questions: (2 Marks Each)
1. Name some common crop plants.
2. What are weeds? Give examples.
3. What are weeds? How can we control them?
4. What is the difference between Drip irrigation and sprinkler irrigation?
5. What is crop rotation? Write its importance.
6. How is proper irrigation of crops important?
7. What is hoe? What is its use?
8. What do you know about Harvest Festival?
9. List various agricultural practices.
10. Write a method to separate healthy seeds from the damaged seeds?

Ans these questions: (3 Marks Each)

1. Explain the important takes employed in the preparation of soil.
2. If wheat is sown in the kharif season, what would happen? Discuss.
3. Explain how soil gets affected by the continuous plantation of crops in a field.
4. Explain some harmful effects of using fertilisers.
5. Explain the varuoius methods of weeding.
6. How do the grains stored and prevented?
7. What do you know about Harvest Festival?
8. Write the name of some sources and food material provided by animals.
9. What is crop rotation? What is its advantage?
10. What precautions should be taken while sowing seeds?

Long answer questions. (5 Marks Each)

1. Explain in detail.
a) Differences between manure and fertilizer.
b) Animal husbandry and its components.
c) Various types of animals that provide food for human consumption.
2. How can we control weeds?
3. Arrange the following agricultural practices in a proper sequence.
Ploughing Manuring Preparation of soil Harvesting
Storage Irrigation Threshing Winnowing
4. Explain how fertilizers are different from manure.
5. What is irrigation? Describe two methods of irrigation which conserve water.
Question Bank
Sub- Science VIII
(Microorganism: Friend and Foe)
Multiple Choice Question- (1 Marks Each)
1. Bacteria are classified according to their:
i) Shape ii) size iii) color iv) none of these
2. The first antibiotic discovered was:
i) Penicillin ii) Tetracycline iii) Streptomycin iv) Bacitracin
3. Cholera is caused by:
i) vibrio cholera ii) clostridium tetani iii) salmonella typhi iv) none of these
4. A common bacterial disease in plants is:
i) Citrus canker ii) Rabies iii) Polio iv) All of these
5.A common food preservative is:
i) Benzoic acid ii) Hydrochloric acid iii) Sulphuric acid iv) Nitric acid
6. An edible fungi is:
i) Mould ii) Mushroom iii) Algae iv) None of these
7. The smallest microorganism is:
i) Algae ii) Protozoan iii) Bacterium iv) Virus
8. Algae are:
i) Autotrophs ii) Parasites iii) Heterotrophy iv) Saprophytes
9. The microorganisms that play an important role in maintaining the balance of nitrogen gas in the
atmosphere are:
i) Bacteria ii) Algae iii) Virus iv) Protozoa
10. Which of these are added to dough to make it rise?
i) Yeast ii) Algae iii) garbage iv) all of these
Fill in the blanks:- (1 Marks Each)
1. Microorganisms can be seen with the help of a ……………………..
2. Blue green algae fix ……………….. Directly from air to enhance fertility of soil.
3. Alcohol is produced with the help of ……………………….
4. Cholera is caused by …………………….
5. ………………….. are non-green plants.
6. ………………….. cause fermentation.
7. ……………………….. and ………………………. Are diseases caused by fungi in humans.
8. A ………………….. found in the intestine of termite, help them to digest word cellulose.
9. …………………… only multiply in the body of a living organism.
10. ……………….. is a fatal disease of humans as well as cattle.
Very Short Answer Question: (1 Marks Each)
1. Write the names of some diseases caused by virus.
2. What is the main ingredient of rava idlis and bhaturas.
3. What is fermentation?
4. Mention tow groups of Microorganisms on the basis of their functions?
5. Name some diseases caused by protozaans.

Short answer questions: (2 Marks Each)

1. What are microorganisms?
2. How do microbes survive in adverse conditions?
3. How bacteria are useful to us?
4. What is virus?
5. What is fermentation? What are its utilities?
6. Write two common bacterial disease of human and write preventive measures for it?
7. What is the role of yeast in baking industry ?
8. Write sum commercial use of microorganisms?
9. What is pasteurization of milk?
10. How do microorganisms spoil food?
Answer these question (3 Marks Each)
1. What are major groups of microorganisms?
2. Draw any protozoa and Label its part.
3. What are the antibiotics? What precautions one should take while taking them?
4. How do bacteria help in increasing soil fertility? Explain.
5. Classify the bacteria according to their shape.
6. What are communicable diseases ? Explain with examples.
7. What do you mean by food poisoning ?
8. Explain how does a vaccine work?
9. Describe the role of blue green alae and bacteria in fertility of soil ?
10. Give one example of each.
i) an edible fungi ii) antibiotic obtained from fungi
iii) a parasitic protozoan iv) nitrogen fixing bacteria
v) a bacteria residing in intestines of man vi) what is nitrogen cycle

Long answer questions. (5 Marks Each)

1. Draw and explain the harmfull effects of bactria with Example.
2. What are food preservatives ? Explain some common food preservatives.
3. Explain cousative microorganisms, mode of transmission and preventive measure of the humand
diseases like Tuberculosis, Measles, Chicken pox, Polio, Cholera, Typhoid, Hepatitis B and Maleria etc.
4. Explain Nitrogen Cycle with the help of Label Diagram?
5. Draw different types of fungi and write useful and harmful effect of fungi.
Question Bank
Sub- Science VIII
Chapter-3 (Synthetic Fibers and Plastics)
Multiple Choice Question-
1. Plastics are very useful because they are:
i) Light weight ii) corrosion resistant
ii) Insulators of heat and electricity iv) all of these
2. In which method does the cast product harden without the use of pressure?
i) molding ii) casting iii) extrusion iv) laminating
3. The process in which a very thin coating of plastic is provided to wood, paper, etc is called:
i) calendaring ii) casting iii) molding iv) none of these
4. An example of thermoplastic is:
i) Bakelite ii) Melamine iii) Teflon iv) all of these
5. An example of thermosetting plastic is:
i) Formica ii) PVC iii) Polythene iv) none of these
6. The first synthetic fiber to be produced by man was:
i) Polyester ii) Nylon iii) Rayon iv) none of these
7. Which of these is called ‘artificial silk’?
i) Rayon ii) Nylon iii) Polyester v) none of these
8. Plastics are used extensively now-a-days because the are:
i) Light weight ii) corrosion resistant
iii) Longer lasting iv) insulators of heat and electricity
9. Synthetic fibers have become popular because they are:
i) stronger ii) less expensive iii) easy to maintain iv) absorb very little water

Fill in the blanks:-

1. …………………… got its name from the cities New York and London.
2. …………………… is the synthetic fiber that is made from cellulose.
3. ……………………. Is a plastic used for making electrical switches?
4. Synthetic fibers are prepared by the process of ……………………..
5. Fishing nets are made from …………………………… .
6. Polythene is made by the polymerization of …………………… molecules.
7. ………………. Fiber is used for making blankets and shawls.
8. Rayon is made from ………………. Obtained from wood pulp.
9. ……………….. is neither affected by heat nor reacts with chemicals.
10. The ……………….. associated with plastics far overweigh their utility.

Very Short Questions: (1)MARKS

1.Name two man made fibers.
2.Give two examples of natural fibers.
3.Name one natural polymer.
4.Name fiber having properties similar to that of silk.
5.Name a polymer which is commonly used.
6.Name two type of plastic.
7.Give full form of PVC.
8.Name thermo setting plastics.
9.Name a sythentic fiber which works like wool.
10.Name two article made by rayon.

Short answer questions: (2) Marks

1.write uses of rayon.
2.why should we not wear synthetic clothes while working in kitchen
3.what is 4R principle.
4. How is PVC formed?
5. What happens to thermoplastics on cooling and heating?
6. Define Polymer.
7. What are plastics?
8. Why is melamine used to make crockery and table tops?
9. How is styrene obtained?
10. How is poylthene prepared?


1. 3. Give two uses each of:
a) Nylon b) Polyester c) Polystyrene d) Polyvinyl chloride
2. Blended fabrics are better than synthetic fibers alone. Explain giving reason
3.What is plastic why is it used ina a variety.
4.what are biodegradable and non biodegradable waste explain with examples.
5.List the Characteristics of synthetic fibers that make them popular.
6.Say no to polythene bags and yes to paper bags comment on slogan.
8. Polyester is a synthetic fiber, but is easier to wear in summers as compared to other
Synthetic fibers. Why?
9. Give the reasons why synthetic fibers have become very popular.
10. Why should you not wear synthetic clothes while working near fire?

Long answer questions. (5- Marks Each)

1. Differentiate between thermoplastics and thermosetting plastics giving example.
2. Plastics are used in every sphere of life. List the properties of plastics that make
them so useful.
3. How have plastics become an environmental harzard?
4. Write some uses of polyester?
5.Write the characterstics of synthetic fiber.
Question Bank
Sub- Science VIII
Chapter-4 (Materials: Metals and Non-metals)
Multiple Choice Question-
1. The metal which is the best conductor of electricity is:
i) gold ii) silver iii) copper iv) zinc
2. Number of naturally occurring elements:
i) 92 ii) 90 iii) 83 iv) 80
3. Which of the following is a noble gas?
i) helium ii) oxygen iii) nitrogen iv) all of these
4. All metals are solids, with the exception of:
i) aluminum ii) graphite iii) mercury iv) silver
5. A metal that is non-malleable is:
i) aluminum ii) zinc iii) arsenic iv) both (ii) and (iii)
6. A highly ductile metal is:
i) silver ii) arsenic iii) antimony iv) none of these
7. The hardest naturally occurring substance, that is a non-metal, is:
i) graphite ii) diamond iii) carbon iv) none of these
8. The least reactive metal is:
i) gold ii) silver iii) iron iv) sodium
9. Oxides of non-metals are:
i) acidic ii) neutral iii) alkaline iv) both (i) and (ii)
10. Firemen crawl when entering a burning building because:
i) smoke is hot and rises ii) it is faster to move out by crawling
iii) both(i) and(ii) iv) none of these

Fill in the blanks:-

1. ………………………. Is an exception of non-metals with high tensile strength.
2. Iron when red hot reacts with steam to form an …………………. And ………..
3. Metals react with dilute acids to form metal …………… and ………………….
4. ……………………… is the only non-metal to occur as ‘liquid’.
5. ……………. And …………… are exceptions of non-metals with some degree of luster.
6. ……………. Is a metal that is highly ductile.
7. ………………….. and ………………… are non-ductile metals.
8. Metals react with oxygen in air to form their corresponding oxides called ……………..
9. ………………….. metal has a very low melting point and melts on the plam of the hand.

Very short questions: 1 marks

1. What is metallurgy?
2. What are ores?
3. Define elements?
4. What is an alloy
5. Define oxide
6. write the name of metal which is found in liquid state at room temp.
7.what is rust chemically known.
8.what is the nature of non metallic oxide.
9.what is the nature metallic oxide.
10. name two metals which can cut with knife.
Short answer questions: (2)marks
1.How do metals differ from non-metals in terms of:
i) physical state ii) conductivity
iii) Lustre iv) Malleability and ductility
2.Why are sodium and potassium stored under oil?
3. List three uses of non-metals.
4.List three uses of metals?
5.What are metalloids? Give two examples.

Answer these questions: 3 marks

1.What is aqua regia?explain with example.
2.What are displacement reactions? Give one example
3.What happens when iron reacts with air?
4.What happens when metals react with dilute acids?
5.What happens when sodium reacts with water?

Long answer questions. (5)marks

1. Differentiate between oxides of metals and oxides of non-metals giving example.
2. What is meant by ‘Reactivity Series of Metals’? Explain.
3. What is ‘displacement reaction? Give an example.
4. Why should foodstuffs like chutney, pickles and curd not be stored on containers made of metals?
5. Write the constituents and uses of the following alloys.
(Steel ,Bronze, Brass, Stainless steel)

Question Bank
Sub- Science VIII
Chapter-5 (Coal and Petroleum)
Multiple Choice Question-
1. A renewable source of energy is:
i) air ii) coal iii) petroleum iv) natural gas
2. Natural gas is stored under high pressure as:
i) CNG ii) Petrol iii) Coal iv) none of these
3. A dark coloured, viscous, strong smelling liquid is:
i) Alcohol ii) Kerosene iii) Petroleum iv) CNG
4. Natural gas is found:
i) below the petroleum oil ii) above the petroleum oil
iii) along with petroleum oil iv) none of these
5. The common name for petroleum is:
i) Black gold ii) Yellow gold
iii) Green gold iv) none of these
6. Which of the following variety of coal has the lowest percentage of carborn?
i) Peat ii) Lignite iii) Anthracite iv) none of these
7. During the fractional distillation of petroleum, the vapours with the highest boiling point condense:
i) in the uppermost ii) in the middle portion
iii) in the lowermost portion iv) none of these
Fill in the blanks:-
1. In the Presence of carbon monoxide, hemoglobin forms……………………….
2. …………………….. gas results in global warming.
3. The full form of CNG is…………………………………..
4. ………………………. Is used as a domestic fuel.
5. ……………………… is a fuel used in light vehicles and for drycleaning.
6. …………….. ……………….. is a mixture of methane, hydrogen and carbon monoxide.
7. ……………….. and …………………… are examples of fossil flues.
8. …………………. is also known as soft coal.
9. ………………….. is also known as hard coal.
10. Coke is used as a ……………………. And a …………….. agent.

Very short questions: two natural resources.
2.write two exhaustible substances.
3. write two inexhaustible substances
4.which gas is produced when coal burns in air.
5.what is the purest form of carbom
6.expand PCRA.
7.What are petro chemicals. the gas which is formed when coal is heated in absence of air
9. name two fractions of petroleum which are used as a fuel
10.why is petroleum called black gold.
Short answer questions: (2)marks
1. Name the different varieties of coal . Which one has the highest carbon content.
2. What are uses of petrochemicals.
3. Why are natural gas called a very important fossil fuels in these days
4. What CNG is called clean fuel
5. What is meant by energy crisis?
Answer these questions: 3 marrks
1. Give the temperature range and two uses of the following products obtained by refining petroleum
i) Petrol ii) kerosene iii) LPG
2. Where does natural gas occur? How is it useful?
3.How is coke obtained? List two important uses of coke
4. what are inexhaustible natural resources
5.what do you mean by refining what is petroleum refining.

Long answer questions. (5-)marks

1. Explain the destructive distillation of coal with the help of a diagram. List the
Various products obtained and their uses.
2.What is meant by ‘Refining of petroleum’? How does it take place?
3.Suggest four ways by which we can conserve our energy resources
4.Draw a labeled diagram to show the various components and their boiling points.
5.What are the advices given by PCRA for saving petrol and diesel.

Question Bank
Sub- Science VIII
Chapter-6 (Combustion and Flame)

Multiple Choice Question-

1. The burning of a substance in the presence of air, with the evolution of heat, is
i) Combustion ii) carbonization iii) refining iv) distillation
2. If the temperature of a burning substance falls below is its ignition temperature, it
i) will get extinguished ii) will burn brightly
iii) will burn dimly iv) none of these
2. Water cannot extinguish:
i) burning cloth ii) burning wood
iii) burning all iv) none of these
3. Combustion in which heat, light and sound is produced is called:
i) explosion ii) spontaneous combustion
iii) rapid combustion iv) none of these
4. While burning fire with logs of wood, space is left between the logs for:
i) movement of air ii) less consumption of wood
iii) controlling the temperature iv) none of these
5. A gas that helps in burning is:
i) Oxygen ii) Nitrogen iii) Hydrogen iv) all of these
7. An example of a combustible substance is:
i) Glass ii) Cement iii) Cowdung iv) Clay

Fill in the blanks:-

1. ………. Undergoes combustion in the absence of oxygen but in the presence of chlorine.
2. Combustion is an ………………….. process.
3. The ignition temperature of ……………… is lower than that of kerosence.
4. The combustible substance should attain a temperature ……………… than its ignition temperature.
5. Fires caused by electric short circuit cannot be put off by …………………..
6. The …………………. Zone is the coldest part of the flame.
7. The …………………. Zone is the coldest part of solid fuels.
8. ……………… and ………………. are examples of solid fuels.
9. ………………… and …………….. are examples of liquid fuels.
10. ………………and ………………. Are example of gaseous fuels.
Very short answers: two fuels thatr are dused in your home.
2.write full form of CNG
3.what are combustible substances. the substances which are used to extinguish fire.
5.mention two inflammable substances.
6.what is the colour of lpg flame
7. what is the colour of candle flame
8.what do you mean by deforestation.
9.which zone of flame has heighest temperature.
10.what is rapid combustion.
Short answer questions: (2-)marks
1.Hydrogen has the highest calorific value. Yet it is not used as a fuel. Give reasons.
2. What are the conditions necessary for combustion to take place?
3.Water is used to extinguish a fire. Which condition of combustion is removed to stop combustion?
4.Why can’t water be used to extinguish fires caused by oil and petrol.
5.Differentiate between combustible and non combustible substances give two examples for each.
Answer these question: 3marks
1.what do you mean by forest fire.
2.what is ob of fire extinguisher.
3.we can boil water in a paper cup while paper catches easily explain the process.
4.what is fuel give some examples with their types.
5.what do you mean by global warming write its effect.
Long answer questions. (5-)marks
1.List the characteristics of a good fuel.
2.Draw and explain the various zones of a candle flame.
3.Differentiate between soild, liquid and gaseous fuels giving examples.
4.Fuel ‘X’ has calorific value 50KJ/gram and produces CO2 and water on combustion. Fuel Y has calorific
value 60KJ/gram and produces carbon monoxide and sulphur dioxide on combustion. Which is a better fuel?
5.Explain types of combustion.
Question Bank
Sub- Science VIII
(Conservation of Plants and Animals -Biodiversity)

Multiple Choice Question- 1marks

1. The IUCN Red list helps in:
i) developing awareness about the importance of threatened biodiversity
ii) providing a global index of the declining biodiversity
iii) identification and documentation of endangered species
iv) all of these
2. The living resources in nature are the:
i) soil ii) flora iii) fauna iv) both(ii) and (iii)
3. Biodiversity can be conserved by maintaining:
i) forest reserves ii) pollution iii) gene pool iv) all of these
4. Less trees mean less:
i) oxygen ii) carbon dioxide iii) nitrogen iv) all of these
5. Decrease in rainfall slowly leads to:
i) soil erosion ii) desertification iii) soil conservation iv) none of these
6. A natural cause of deforestation is:
i) industrlization ii) preserving land for cultivation
iii) accidental forest fires iv) none of these
7.Morphine is a drug used to reduce pain. It is obtained from:
i) poppy plant ii) cinchona tree iii) bark of willow iv) none of these
8. An example of a rare species is:
i) Snow Leopard ii) Tiger iii) Elephant iv) Rhinoceros
9. Chilka Lake Sancturay is situated in the State of:
i) Orissa ii) Gujarat iii) Tamil Nadu iv) Bihar

Fill in the blanks:- 1marks

1. ……………… play a very important role in maintaining an ecological equilibrium in the environment.
2. ……………….. provide a variety of products such as lac, fur, honey.
3. Depletion of water vapour affects cloud formation and results in less ……………
4. Fertile land becomes barren due to ………………………. , …………………… .
5. Species belonging to endangered, vulnerable or rare class are termed ……………
6. Recycling of paper again and again can save many.
7. Species which existed previously but can no longer be seen are called ………….
8. Project tiger was supported by an organization known as ……………….
9. Drug Quinine used to cure malaria is obtained from ………………. Tree.
10. Migratory birds fly to far away places because of …………………… changes.

Very short questions: 1marks

1.which is the first reserve forest of india. any two endangered species.
3.what is zoo
4.when was project tiger launched
5.what are species. plant found in satpura forests some migratory birds
8.write name of one extinct animal many times a paper can be recycled
10.what is red data book
Short answer questions: 2marks
1.How does recycling and saving of paper related to deforestation
2.which types of animals are much more in danger of being extinct.
3.what do you mean by migration write the cause of migration of birds
4.what is biodiversity
5.explain biosphere reserve.
Answer these questions: 3marks
1. Define ‘Biodiversity’ How is it important to preserve biodiversity? List four uses
2. What is meant by desertification.
3. How can we protect wildlife
4. State difference between national parks and santuries
5. Explain term ecosystem with help of examples

long answer questions: (5)marks

1. Name three examples each of the following:
i) endangered species
ii) uses of biodiversity
iii) animal which have become extinct
iv) sanctuaries
v) flora and fauna
2. Differentiate between
i) Extinct and endangered species
ii) Endemic and extinct species
iii) Deforestation and forestation
iv) Wildlife sanctuaries and National parks.
3. Give brief answers.
i) Describe various factors that have resulted in loss of biodiversity.
ii) What are protected areas? List some National park and wildlife sanctuaries of India.
iii) List some measures adopted by Indian government to preserve biodiversity.
iv) Write a short note on ‘Project – Tiger’.
4. Answer in brief
Why should we
i) Preserve biodiversity
ii) Not cut forests
iii) Not kill wild animals
iv) Plant more trees
5. Discuss the effects of deforestation on the following:
i) Environment
ii) Climate of the area
iii) Village
iv) Wild animals
v) Next generation


Cell structure and function

Multiple choice question (1- marks each)
le Cell was discovered by :
i. Louis Pasteur ii. Robet hook iii. Fleming iv. none of these
2. These are the structural and functional units of life:
i. Tissue ii. Cell iii. Organ iv. Organism
3. An example of a unicellular cell:
i. Euglena ii. Tapeworn iii. Grasshopper iv. All of these
4.The smaller cell is :
i. Mycoplasma ii. Ant iii. Algae iv None of these
5. The smallest cell is found in :
i. WBC ii. RBC iii. Platelets iv. All of these
6.The large animal cell is :
i. Ostrich egg ii.Hen’s egg iii.Snake’s egg iv.None of these
7. Cell that change their shape continuously:
i. Amoeba ii.WBC iii.Snake’egg iv. None of these
8.The outermost covering of the body of the cell is called :
i. Cell membrane ii. Cytoplasm iii. Nucleus iv. None of these
fill in the blanks :
i. Locomotory organ in paramoecium are……… .
ii. Vacloroplasts are present in ………..cell.
iii. Choloroplasts are present in…...…...cell.
iv. ……….is a filamentous algae with identical cell.

i. Cell wall is made of………… .

ii. Mitochondria contain………..that are needed for respiration
iii. All cell arise from ……….. Cell only
iv. Cell were first observe in cork by ……….
v. …………. Is seperated from cytoplasm by a nuclear memorane.
vi. Green plastids containing chlorophyll are called……. .
1. Name two unicellular organisms ?
2. Name two Multicellular organisms ?
3. Name a cell which can be seen by an unaided eye ?
4. Name the structural unit of an organism ?
5. Who discovered the cell and when ?
6. Name the part of cell which help in control of the activities ?
7. Write the name of unit of inheritance in livings ?
8. Which part of the cell gives the shape to a cell ?
9. What is protoplasm ?
10. Name two cells which can change their shape ?


1.Why is the mitochondria called the ‘powerhouse’ of the cell?
2.What is the function of chloroplast?
3.Write the function of the cell wall?
4.What are the chromosomes?
5.How do unicellular organism differ from multicellular organism?
6.Distinguish between prokraryotic cells and eukaryotic cells?
7.Distinguish between plant cell and animal cell?
8.What is plastids?write their function?
9.Why could cells not be observed before 17th century ?
10.Cells are the building blocks of the life ?
1. Explain the structure of a cell ?
2. Explain the structure of onion cell with the help of a slide ?
3. Write the functions of mitochondria, golgi bodies and ribosomes ?
4. Explain prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells ?
5. What is gene ? What is its function ?
Long answer question: (5 marks each)

1.Draw well labelled diagram of animal cell and plant cell?

2. Draw different types of cell in humans?
3. Draw plant and animal cell according to their parts?
4. Make a sketch of the human nerve cell. What function do nerve cell perform?.
5. Draw the structure of a cell observed in an onion peel?write the function of cell wall, cell membrane ands

Class-VIII Science
(Reproduction in Animals)


1. The Animals that produce new young ones are called
a. Oviparous b. Viviparous c. Both d. None of these
2. Tadpale is the developing stage of
a. Dogs b. Cats c. Frogs d. Human
3. The fusion of male and female gametes usually takes place inside the
a. Fallopian tube b. Ovary c. Uterus d. Zygote
4. The cell formed after fertilization is called
a. Foetus b. Zygote c. An embryo d. None of these
5. Eggs are formed in the
a. Testes b. Penis c. Ovary d. None of these


1. All living organisms have the power of …………….
2. There are two modes of reproductions ………….and ……………….
3. Amoeba reproduce by laying …….and producing young ones
4. There are two types of fertilization …………..and……………….


1. Name the male gamete ?
2. What is name of the reproductive organ which produce sperm ?
3. Name the Female gamete ?
4. Which organ produce the ovum ?
5. What do you mean by fertilization ?
6. What is the other name of oviducts ?
7. What types of fertilization takes place in humans ?
8. What is foetus ?
9. Give some examples of viviparous animals ?
10. Write an animal’s name in which asexual reproduction takes place by budding ?


1. What are the different types of animals depending on their style of reproduction ?
2. What is metamophosis ?
3. What is Budding ?
4. What do you understand by the term fertilization ?
5. What are oviparous animals ?
6. What is a zygote?
7. What is sexual reproduction ?
8. What is the deference between embryo and zygote ?
9. What is Internal Fertilization ?
10. What is Viviparous animals give to example ?


1. How does sexual reproduction differ from asexual reproduction ?
2. What is reproduction ? Why is it important ?
3. How does binary fission takes place in amoeba ?
4. What is sperm ? Explain its structure ?
5. Explain the terms viviparous and oviparous animals with examples ?


1. Explain with diagram the asexual reproduction in amoeba ?
2. Draw a diagram of human reproductive organs and label the parts ?
3. Draw a labeled diagram of human female reproductive organs ?
4. Draw a diagram of human egg and show nucleus in it ? which organ produces egg
5. What do you mean by reproduction ? Explain various mode of reproduction ?

Class-VIII Science
(Reaching the Age of Adolescence)
• FILL IN THE BLANKS ( 1 marks each)
1.Individuals during adolescence start thinking………………………
2.The …………………………. Hormone is responsible for secondary sexual characters
in lames and the ……………… hormone is responsible for secondary sexual characters
in females.
3. ……………………… initiate reproductive functions.
4.Hormones are produced by the ………………….
5.…………………….. gland is situated in the brain and is called the master endocrine
gland of the body.
6.The ……………………. Hormone stimulated ova and sperms to mature in the ovaries
and testes.
7.The ovum ia released by the ovaries after an interval of ……………………. to.
…………….. days.
8.The body cells of every human individual possess ………………. Pairs of
9.The 23rd pairs of chromosome in females is ………………. And in males is
10.A child inheriting an X chromosome from the father will be a …………………….
And the one who inherits the ……………………. Chromosomes from the father will
be a boy.
1. Name main male and female reproductive organs ?
2. Name the male hormone ?
3. Name the Female Hormone ?
4. What are the name of sex chromosomes ?
5. What is puberty ?
6. What is the age of adolescence in human ?
7. Which organ is called voice box ?
8. What is adam’s apple ?
9. Which endocrine gland produces the growth hormone ?
10. Name the element which is essential to produce thyroxine hormone ?
1.What is the term used for secretions of endocrine glands responsible for
changes taking place in the body?
2. Define adolescence.
3. List changes in the body that take place at puberty.
4. How do Harmon work ?
5. What is balanced diet ?
6. Define the term puberty?
7. Name the harmones secreted by pancreas write its function?
8. Write the full from TTH. What is its role?
9.Distinguish between Menarche and menopause?
10. Exocrine glands and endocrine glands


1. What are sex hormones? Why are they named so? State their function?
2. Write some myths which are not facts ?
3. Name the virus causes AIDS. What are medium through which this virus is transmitted ?
4. Why pituitary gland is called master gland ?
5. Explain the term menstruation ?
LONG ANSWER QUESTION. ( 5 marks each)

1.Prepare a Table having two columns depicting names of endocrine glands and
hormones secreted by them.
2.With the help of diagram how is Sex determined in the unborn baby?
3. 4. Draw postion of endrocrine glands in the human body?
4. Draw and explain function of Adam’s apple?
5. Write short notes on Secondary sexual characters.
(1) Adolescents should be careful about what they eat, because
(i) proper diet develops their brains.
(ii) proper diet is needed for the rapid growth taking place in their
(iii) adolescents feel hungry all the time.
(iv) taste buds are well developed in teenagers.
(2) Reproductive age in women starts when their
(i) menstruation starts. (ii) breasts start developing.
(iii) body weight increases. (iv) height increases.
(3) The right meal for adolescents consists of
(i) chips, noodles, coke. (ii) chapati, dal, vegetables.
(iii) rice, noodles and burger. (iv) vegetable cutlets, chips and lemon drink.
(4)A menstruation cycle in girls usually lasts for about:
(i) 5-7days (ii) 10-14 days
(iii) 20-23 days (iv) none of these
(5) The master gland in the body is:
(i) adrenal (ii) parathyroid
(iii) thyroid (iv) pituitary
(6) The voice box is also called:
(i) pharynx (ii) larynx
(iii) wind pipe (iv) esophagus
(7) Which of the following is not an exocrine gland?
(i) pituitary gland (ii) sweat glands
(iii) sebaceous glands (iv) none of these
(8) Insufficient production if insulin in the body causes:
(i) Addison’s disease (ii) cretinism
(iii) diabetes (iv) none of these
(9) Hormones are transmitted to the place of target by:
(i) nerves (ii) blood
(iii) ducts (iv) none of these
(10) The sex of a child is determined by the:
(i) mother’s chromosomes (ii) father’s chromosomes
(iii) Rh factor of the father (iv) none of these

(Force and Pressure)

• Fill in the blanks: (1 marks each)

(1) To draw water from a well we have to ——— at the rope.
(2) A charged body ———— an uncharged body towards it.
(3) To move a loaded trolley we have to ———— it.
(4) The north pole of a magnet ———— the north pole of another magnet.
(5) To stretch the bow, the archer applies a force that causes a change
in its ——.
(6) The force applied by the archer to stretch the bow is an example of ——— force.
(7) The type of force responsible for a change in the state of motion of the arrow is an example
of a
———— force.
(8) While the arrow moves towards its target, the forces acting on it are due to ———— and
that due to
———— of air.
(9) At the same depth, a liquid exerts ———— pressure in all directions.
(10) Unlike poles of a magnet ———— each other.


1. A ball is in rest. Push it gently. Does the ball begin to move?
2. Name the term used to express the strength of a force.
3. What is force ?
4. When does net force becomes zero?
5. Give two examples of muscular force.
6. Give an example of non-contact force.
7. Give two examples of contact force.
8. What do you mean by electrostatic force?
9. What do you mean by pressure?
10. What is atmospheric pressure?


1. Why do deep sea divers wear special suits?
2. Why do we sound ‘pop’ out at higher altitudes?
3. A blacksmith hammers a hot piece of iron while making a tool. How does
the force due to hammering affect the piece of iron?
4. An inflated balloon was pressed against a wall after it has been rubbed with a piece of
synthetic cloth. It was found that the balloon sticks to the wall. What force might be responsible
for the attraction between the balloon and the wall?
5. A rocket has been fired upwards to launch a satellite in its orbit. Name the two forces acting
on the rocket immediately after leaving the launching pad.


1. Name the forces acting on a plastic bucket containing water held above
ground level in your hand. Discuss why the forces acting on the bucket do
not bring a change in its state of motion.
2. What are contact force. State different contact force.
3. What are non-contact force. State different non-contact force.
4. What are the various effects of force on different objects.
5. Explain force of gravity.


1. What is electrostatic force? Proof with the help of diagram.
2. Explain with diagram liquid exerts equal pressure at same depth.
3. What is friction? Explain with example types of non contact forces.
4. Prove that the force of friction depends on two surfaces in contact.
5. Explain the liquid exert equal pressure at the same depth.


1.When we press the bulb of a dropper with its nozzle kept in water, air in
the dropper is seen to escape in the form of bubbles. Once we release the
pressure on the bulb, water gets filled in the dropper. The rise of water in
the dropper is due to
(i) pressure of water
(ii) (ii) gravity of the earth
(iii) shape of rubber bulb
(iv) (iv) atmospheric pressure
2. An example of contact force is:
(i) Gravitational force
(ii) Frictional force
(iii) Magnetic force
(iv) Electro-static force
3. An example of a non-contact force is:
(i) Magnetic force
(ii) Muscular force
(iii) Frictional force
(iv) all of these
4. with increase in height (high altitude), the pressure:
(i) decreases
(ii) increases
(iii) remains same
(iv) none of these
5. If force is applied to an object in the direction of its motion. Its speed will:
(i) decreased
(ii) increases
(iii) remain unchanged
(iv) none of these
6. The SI unit if force is
(i) Newton
(ii) Newton/metre2
(iii) Pascal
(iv) none if these
7. Force of friction brings about a:
(i) change in speed of the object
(ii) change in shape of the object
(iii) change in direction of the object
(iv) none of these
8. The pressure exerted by a liquid:
(i) Increases with depth
(ii) decreases with depth
(iii) remains the same
(iv) none of these
9. Which force do you use when you ride a bicycle?
(i) Muscular force
(ii)Frictional force
(iii) Electrostatic force
(iv) Magnetic force
10. Why do deep sea divers wear special animals
(i) to keep dry
(ii) to maintain pressure
(iii) to protect themselves against sea animals
(iv) to maintain their body temperature

• Fill in the blanks: (1 marks each)
(1) Friction opposes the _____________ between the surfaces in contact
With each other.
(2) Friction depends on the _____________ of surfaces.
(3) Friction produces __________.
(4) Sprinkling of powder on the carom board ________ friction.
(5) Sliding friction is ___________ than the static friction.
(6) Polishing a rough surface _____________ Friction.
(7) Friction _____________ motion.
(8) Friction is caused by the _____________ of the surfaces in contact.
(9) The force of friction _____________ Depend on the area of the surfaces in contact.
(10) The force of friction between two surface always _____________ motion.
1. What is force of friction?
2. does friction depend on the nature of the objects ?
3.Which surface produces more friction?
4.How many types of friction are?
5.What is the direction of frictional force?
6.What does friction produce?
7.Write one harm of friction?
8.when Does rolling come in play?
9.Can we eliminate friction completely?
10.What are fluids?
• SHORT ANSWER QUESTION. (2 - 3 marks )
1. Suppose your writing desk is tilted a little. A book kept on it starts sliding down. Show the
direction of frictional force acting on it.
2. You spill a bucket of soapy water on a marble floor accidental. Would it make it easier or
more difficult? For you to walk on the floor? Why?
3. Explain why sportsmen use shoes with spikes.
4. Iqbal has to push a lighter box and Seema has to push a similar heavier
Box on the same floor. Who will have to apply a larger force and why?
6. Give examples to show that friction is both a friend and a foe.
8. On what does the frictional force on an object in a fluid depend?
9. Is force of friction a contact on non-contact force?
10. Why are the types of automobiles made corrugated and rough?
1. What are static and sliding friction?
2.why is it not easy to move an object from its static position?
3.Mention three examples which show that friction produces heat?
4. Why do we need to Decrease friction and how it can be decreased?
5. Why do We shape aeroplane like that of a bird?
1. What is sliding friction? Explain why the sliding friction is less than the static friction.
2. What are lubricants? Explain why objects moving in fluids must have special shapes.
3. Explain friction as a friend and foe with examples.
4. Explain advantage and dis advantage of friction?
5. Explain various types o friction?


1. Four children were asked to arrange forces due to rolling, static and sliding
Frictions in a decreasing order. Their arrangements are given below.
Choose the correct arrangement.
(a) Rolling, static, sliding (b) Rolling, sliding, static (c) Static, sliding, rolling (d)
Sliding, static, rolling
2. Alida runs her toy car on dry marble floor, wet marble floor, newspaper
And towel spread on the floor. The force of friction acting on the car on
Different surfaces in increasing order will be :
(i) Wet marble floor, dry marble floor, newspaper and towel. (ii) Newspaper, towel, dry
marble floor, wet marble floor.
(iii) Towel, newspaper, dry marble floor, wet marble floor. (iv) Wet marble floor, dry
marble floor, towel, newspaper.
3. Which of the following is likely to have least friction :
(i) Pape (ii) wood (iii) glass (iv) a road
4. In rotating machines, friction can be reduced by:
(i) rollers (ii) wheels (iii) polishing (iv) ball bearing
5. Children sprinkle powder on a carom board:
(i) to decrease friction (ii) to increase friction (iii) for fragrance (iv) none
of these
6. Streamlined body of a fish:
(i) increases friction (ii) decreases friction (iii) reduces weight (iv)
increases weight
7. It will be easier to:
(i) drag a suitcase (ii) lift a suitcase (iii) pull a suitcase with wheels (iv) all will have
the same effect
8. Tyres of vehicles are threaded to:
(i) increase friction (ii) decrease friction (iii) increase speed (iv) decrease
9. Friction reduces the efficiency of machines due to:
(i) wearing out of moving parts (ii) production of heat (iii) increases in energy consumption
(iv) all of these

• Fill in the blanks: (1 marks each)
(1) Time taken by an object to complete one oscillation is called
................... .
(2) Loudness is determined by the .........................of vibration.
(3) The unit of frequency is..........................
(4) Unwanted sound is called ......................... .
(5) Shrillness of a sound is determined by the ................. of vibration.
(6) Sounds having higher pitch are …………….
(7) Sounds with frequencies more than 20, 000Hz are called ………………
(8) Higher the …………… , more is the pitch.
(9) We hear sound waves when they strike against the …………………………
(10) …………………. and …………….. are example of musical instruments that produce sound.
1. What is Ektara?
2. How is sound produced?
3. What are vocal cords?
4. Define hertz?
5. Define time period?
6. What is noise?
7. What is ultrasound?
8. What is ear drum?
9. What is noise pollution?
10. What is unit of loudness?
• SHORT ANSWER QUESTION. (2 marks each)
1. What is frequency ? What frequency are heard by dogs & cats ?
2. The sound from a mosquito is produced when it vibrates its wings at an average rate of 500 vibrations per second. What is the
time period of the vibration?
3. What is the difference between noise and music? Can music become noise sometimes?
4. List sources of noise pollution in your surroundings.
5. differentiate between noise and music.
6. Lightning and thunder take place in the sky at the same time and at the same distance from us. Lightning is seen earlier and
thunder is heard later. Can you explain?
7. What are musical instruments? How do they produce sound ?
8. What is amplitude?
9. What is oscillatory motion? Give two examples ?
10. What is pitch?
1. What are the applications of ultra Sound?
2. What do you mean by musical sound and noise?
3. How an noise pollution can be controlled?
4. How is the loudness of sound is affected by its amplitude?
5. Write five sources of noise in your surrounding?

• LONG ANSWER QUESTION (5 marks each)

1. Sketch larynx and explain its function in your own words.
2. Explain in what way noise pollution is harmful to humans.
3. Draw and explain function of human ear.
4. Your parents are going to buy a house. They have been offered one on the roadside and another three lanes away from the
roadside. Which house would you suggest your parents should buy? Explain your answer.
5. What is audible and in audible sound? Write measures to limit noise pollution
1. Sound can travel through
(a) gases only (b) solids only
(c) liquids only (d) solids, liquids and gases.
2. Which of the following voices is likely to have minimum frequency?
(a) Baby girl (b) Baby boy
(c) A man (d) A woman
3. Sound cannot travel in:
(a) solids (b) liquids
(c ) gases (d) vacuum
4. Larger the amplitude of vibration:
(a) lounder the sound (b) lesser the sound
(c ) sound remains the same (d) none of these
5. Rohit put his ear on the railway tracks and could hear an approaching train due to:
(a) vibration of air (b) vibration of railway tracks
(c ) more speed of sound in solid medium (d) hearing ability of Rohit
6. The characteristic of sound is determined by:
(a) frequency (b) loudness
(c) amplitude (d) all of these
7. Which o fthe following is responsible for the difference in the voices of men, women and children?
(a) lungs (b) larynx
(c ) vocal chords (d) wind pipe
8. Sound travels the fastest in:
(a) solids (b) liquids
(c ) gases (d) none of these
9. A human ear can tolerate sounds upto:
(a) 80 decibels (b) 100 decibels
(c ) 60 decibels (d) 70 decibels
(Chemical Effects of Electric current)
Fill in the blanks (1 marks each)
(1) Most liquids that conduct electricity are solutions ______________ and ______________.
(2) The passage of an electric current through a solution causes ______________ effects.
(3) If you pass current through copper sulphate solution, copper gets deposited on the plate connected to the
terminal of the battery.
(4) The process of depositing a layer of any desired metal on another material by means of electricity is
called .
(5) The solution of all electrolytes conduct______________ due to the movement of ______________
Through them.
(6) Pure water can be made conducting by adding ______________ to it.
(7) The full from of LED is __________________________________________.
(8) The longer lead of the LED should be connected to the ______________ terminal and the shorter one
should be connected to the ______________terminal.
(9) Electrolysis is used to obtain metals from their ______________ and ______________.


1. What are good conductors?
2. Give two examples of good conductors of electricity ?
3. Give two examples of poor conductors of electricity ?
4. Do liquid conduct electricity ?
5. Name two liquid substances other than water which conduct electricity.
6. Write full form of LED.
7. How can we check magnetic effects of current ?
8. Name the gases which release when current is passed through water.
9. What is distilled water ?
10. Define electroplating.
11. Is air a conductor or insulator ?
1. Does pure water conduct electricity? If not, what can we do to make it conducting?
2. In case of a fire, before the firemen use the water hoses, they shut off the main electrical supply for the
area. Explain why they do this.
3. A child staying in a coastal region tests the drinking water and also the sea water with his tester. He finds
that the compass needle deflects more in the case of seawater. Can you explain the reason?
4. Is it safe for the electrician to carry out electrical repairs outdoors during heavy downpour? Explain.
5. Paheli had heard that rainwater is as good as distilled water. So she collected some rainwater in a clean
glass tumbler and tested it using a tester. To her surprise she found that the compass needle showed
deflection. What could be the reasons?
6. 8. A thin plate of pure copper and a thick rod of impure copper are used as electrodes. Copper from impure
rod is sought to be transferred to the thin copper plate. Which electrode should be attached to the positive
terminal of battery and why?
9. What chemical changes is observed when electricity is passed through water?
10. What is the magnetic effect of electric current?


1. What is LED ? Why is it most important source of light ?
2. Explain why does a bulb glow on passing current ?
3. Explain the mechanism of glowing of bulb in liquid.
4. Why do we need magnetic compass to test the conduction of electric current ?
5. How can you test liquids conduct or non conduct the electricity ?
1. Prepare a list of objects around you that are electroplated. What is electroplating? How is it done ?
2. What are good conductors and insulator? Give some examples of good and poor conducting liquids/
3. Write some chemical effect of electric current. What happen when electric current passes through water?
4. How you will test conduction of electricity in lemon juice? Explain with an Activity.
5. Draw some objects which can be electroplated.


1. A tester is used to check the conduction of electricity through two liquids labeled A and B. It is found that the bulb of the tester
glows brightly for liquid A while it glows very dimly for liquid B. You would conclude that
(i) liquid A is a better conductor than liquid B. (ii) liquid B is a better conductor than liquid A.
(iii) both liquids are equally conducting. (iv) conducting properties of liquid cannot be compared in this manner.
2. A tester may not be working as:
(i) the connections are loose
(ii) the bulb is fused
(iii) the battery is discharged
(iv) All of these
3. The object to be electroplated is made:
(i) anode
(ii) cathode
(iii) anode or cathode
4. Cations carry:
(i) no charge
(ii) positive charge
(iii) negative charge
(iv) positive or negative charge
5. When a metal is purified, the refined metal is obtained at the :
(i) anode
(ii) cathode
(iii) surface of electrolyte
(iv) none of these
6. Purifying of metals by passing electricity is called:
(i) electroplating
(ii) electrofining
(iii) electrolysis
(iv) none of these
7. An example of a non-electrolyte is:
(i) sugar
(ii) sodium choride
(iii) sodium hydroxide
(iv) sulphuric acid

(Some Natural phenomena)

• Fill in the blanks: (1 marks each)

(1) …………….. is a form of static electricity.
(2) When lightning heats the air and causes it to expand rapidly,……………. Is produced.
(3) A charged body attracts an ……………… body.
(4) …………… between two bodies is definite proof that of them are charged.
(5) A point where the rock first breaks in the earth during an earthquake is called the ……………….
…………………….. of the quake.
(6) Earth quaks are most frequent in …………… zones.
(7) The strength and location of an earthquake can be determined by an instrument called…………….
(8) The magnitude of an earthquake is recorded on a …………………. Scale.
1. What are the two types of charges ?
2. Name the material used to transfer of charges from one body to other.
3. Name the device which is used to test whether an object is charged or noy.
4. What is the cause of earthquake ?
5. Name the device used to save multistoried buiding from lightning ?
6. Name the instrument used to measure earthquake.
7. What are seismic waves ?
8. What is tsunami ?
9. What are seismic or fault zones ?
10. Define lightning conductor.
1. Sometime, a crackling sound is heard while taking off sweater during winters. Explain.
2. Explain why a charged body loses its charge if we touch it with our hand.
3. Name the scale on which the destructive energy of an earthquake is measured. An earthquake
measures 3 by a seismograph? Is it likely to cause much damage?
4. What is an Earth Quake. Name the instrument used to measure earthquake.
5. Explain why a charged balloon is repelled by another charged balloon whereas an uncharged
balloon is attracted by another charged balloon?
6. What is seismic or fault zones?
7. List three states in India where earthquakes are more likely to strike.
8. Write the causes of tremors on earth .
9. The weather department has predicted that a thunderstorm is likely to occur on a certain day.
Suppose you have to go out on that day. Would you carry an umbrella? Explain.
10. Why does a charged body attract an uncharged body?
1. How many different types of charges are there ? Write the nature of charges on glass rod and silk cloth when they are rubbed each other ?
2. What are the causes of sparkling ?
3. What is electric discharge ? How does it occur ?
4. How does electric discharge occur in clouds ?
5. What is static electricity ? How is it differ from electric current ?
1. Suggest some measures to protect ourselves from lightning.
2. Describe with the help of a diagram an instrument which can be used to detect a charged body.
3. Suppose you are outside your home and an earthquake strikes. What precaution would you take to protect yourself?
4. Draw and explain the function of Electroscope?
5. Write Do’s and Dont’s during thunderstorm.
1. Which of the following cannot be charged easily by friction?
(a) A plastic scale (b) A copper rod (c) An inflated balloon (d) A woollen cloth.
2. When a glass rod is rubbed with a piece of silk cloth the rod
(a) and the cloth both acquire positive charge.
(b) becomes positively charged while the cloth has a negative charge.
(c) and the cloth both acquire negative charge.
(d) becomes negatively charged while the cloth has a positive charge.
3. When a glass rod is rubbed with a silk cloth, it acquires a
(a) negative charge (b) positive charge (c ) both positive and negative charge (d) becomes neutral
4. An electroscope is a device used to:
(a) detect and test small electric charges (c ) test the presence of magnetic filed
(b) calculate the amount of electrical charge flowing through the conductor (d) none of these
5. Lighting conductors are made of:
(a) plastic (b) copper (c ) wood (d) bakelite
6. When a wollen cloth removed in the dark. We see sparks and hear a cracking sound. This is due to:
(a) static electricity (b) refraction of light (c ) current electricity (d) none of these
7. A thunderstorm is accompanied by:
(a) Lighting (b) cyclone (c ) hurricane (d) floods
8. Earthing is provided in buildings to protect it from:
(a) cyclone (b) cyclone ( c ) hurricane (d) floods


• Fill in the blanks 1 Marks Each

1. A person 1 m in front of a plane mirror seems to be _______________ from his image.
2. If you touch your ____________ ear with right hand in front of a plane mirror it will be seen in the
mirror that your right ear is touched with____________
3. The size of the pupil becomes ____________ when you see in dim light.
4. Night birds have ____________ cones than rods in their eyes.
5. While reading, ensure a distance of at least ……………………. Cm.
6. Long sightedness is also called ………………….. .
7. ……………………… is a condition when the eye lens cannot focus clearly on either nearby living in
developing countries.
8. The deficiency of vitamin ……………….. accounts for blindness in millions of children living in
Developing countries.
9. The eye lens is situated behind the ………………..
10. The curvature of the eye lens is controlled by ……………………


1. In which part of an eye, no image form ?
2. What is the working of iris ?
3. What kind of image is formed by a plane mirror ?
4. Where does the image form in our eye ?
5. What makes things visible ?
6. What is responsible for vision in bright light ?
7. What is responsible for vision in dim light ?
8. What is the front transparent parts of the eye called?
9. How many colours of light consists in white light ?
10. Which part of an eye sends the sensation felt ?


1. Suppose you are in a dark room. Can you see objects in the room? Can you see objects outside the room.
2. What is the functions of eye lid?
3. What is the angle of incidence of a ray if the reflected ray is at an angle of 90° to the incident ray?
4. How many images of a candle will be formed if it is placed between two parallel plane mirrors separated
by 40 cm?
5. Name four foods that are source of vitamin A?
6. What is ‘rectilinear propagation of light?
7. What is regular Reflection?
8. What is the Braille System?
9. What is Spectrum?
10. What is function of rods and cones in our eyes ?
1. Differentiate between regular and diffused reflection. Does diffused reflection mean the failure of the
laws of reflection?
2. What is reflection of light ? State the laws of reflection.
3. What are the characteristics of image formed by a plane mirror ?
4. Draw the diagrams of :
(a) Irregular reflection
(b) Regular reflection
5. What is Blind spot? Explain the function of Retina.
1. Describe the construction of a kaleidoscope.
2. Draw a labeled sketch of the human eye.
3. Explain how you can take care of your eyes.
4. How will you prove that the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection ?
5. What is Braille system ? Explain.


1. Image formed by a plane mirror is
(a) virtual, behind the mirror and enlarged
(b) virtual, behind the mirror and of the same size as the object
(c) real at the surface of the mirror and enlarged
(d) real, behind the mirror and of the same size as the object.
2. Angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection
(a) Always (b) Sometimes (c) Under special conditions (d) Never
3. White light is composed of:
(a) 6 colours (b) 7 colours (c) 5 colours (d) 8 colours
4. The human eye consists of:
(a) Iris (b) Cornea (c )Pupil (d) all of the,
5. To be made into mirrors, glasses are coated with:
(a) copper (b) aluminum (c ) silver (d) platinum
6. We are unable to see objects because:
(a) they absorb light (b) they reflect light (c) all light is reflected through them (d) none of these

5. How many multiple images will be formed by two plane mirrors, if the angle between them is 600?
(a) 5 (b) 7 (c) 6 (d) 8
6. What type of mirrors do we use in our house to see ourselves?
(a) convex mirror (b) plane mirror © concave mirror (d) concave lens
7. The perpendicular dawn at any point on a mirror is called:
(a) normal (b) incident ray © reflected ray (d) none of these
8. In a periscope, the f\reflecting mirrors will be:
(a) at an angle f 450 (b) at an angle of 600 © perpendicular to each other (d) parallel to each other
(Star and the Solar System)

1. Fill in the blanks (1 marks each)

2. The study of objects in the sky is known as……………..
3. ……………… and ………….. Are famous Indian astronomers.
4. Scientists who practice astronomy are called ……………..
5. The star that is closest to the earth after the Sun is …………..
6. Stars and plants can be viewed in the night sky with the help of a ………….
7. The speed of light is …………… km. /s.
8. One light year is ………………. Km.
9. Time taken for light from the Sun to reach Earth is ……………….. minutes.
10. ……………….. is a constellation that appears like a hunter holding a sword and shield.
11. When less than half the Moon is lit, it is called Moon.
1. Name the planet where there is no carbon dioxide?
2 .Name planet nearest to earth?
3,.Which is the smallest planet in the solar system?
4. What is the speed of light?
5. Which planet is called the red planet?
6.Name the artificial satellite?
7.Name the planet farthest from the sun?
8. Which star is called the morning or the evening star?
9.What is other name of Orion? the planets with no moon?
1. In which part of the sky can you find Venus if it is visible as an evening star?
2. Name the largest planet of the solar system.
3. What is a constellation? Name any two constellations.
4. Name two objects other than planets which are members of the solar system.
5. Explain how you can locate the Pole Star with the help of Ursa Major.
6. Do all the stars in the sky move? Explain.
7. Why is the distance between stars expressed in light years? What do you understand by
the statement that a star is eight light years away from the Earth?
8. The radius of Jupiter is 11 times the radius of the Earth. Calculate the ratio of the
volumes of Jupiter and the Earth. How many Earths can Jupiter accommodate?
9. When does the ‘New Moon’ appear/
10. When does the ‘Full Moon’ appear?


1. Differentiate between stars and planets?
2. What is a pole star? How do you locate the position of pole star?
3.What are asteroid And metoroid?
4.What are constellaions?explain with examples?
5.Why can we not hear any sound on moon?

• LONG ANSWER QUESTION (5 marks each)

1 . Draw a sketch of solar system.
2. What is constellation? Draw some constellation in the night sky.
3.What is Ursa Major? How does it moves around the pole star? Explain with the diagram.
4. Differentiate between meteors and meteorite. Draw the asteroid belt.
5 .Differentiate between natural and artificial satellite? Give few example of artificial satellite. Write the application of
artificial satellite.


1 All stars appear to move from:
(i) East to west
(ii) West to East
(iii) North to South
(iv) South to North
2. The force that is responsible for the rotation of the planets around the Sun is:
(i) magnetic force
(ii) frictional force
(iii) gravitational force
(iv) electrostatic force
3. The biggest planet of the solar system is:
(i) Jupiter (ii) Mar s (iii) Venus (iv) Neptune
4. The brightest star that is visible to be naked eye is:
(i) Venus (ii) Jupiter (iii) Mars (iv) Neptune
5. Which planet is called ‘red planet’?
(i) Mars (ii) Saturn (iii) Earth (iv) Mercury
6. The Halley’s comet appears after:
(i) 76 year (ii) 78 years (iii) 72 years (iv) 70 years
7. The planet which is called the morning an evening star is:
(i) Venus (ii) Earth (iii) Mercury (iv) Jupiter
8. Which planet rotates from East to West, unlike other planets/
(i) Venus (ii) Mars (iii) Mercury (iv) Jupiter
9. More than half lit Moon is called:
(i) Crescent Moon (ii) Gibbous Moon (iii) New Moon (iv) Full Moon10
10.When the Moon appears completely dark, it is called:
(i) new Moon (ii) Full Moon (iii) Crescent Moon (iv) Gibbous Moon

(Pollution of Air and Water)

Fill in the blanks: (1 marks each)

1. ………….. has spoiled the quality of natural resources.
2. 78% of the air is made up of ……………. Gas.
3. ……………….. is he most vital natural resource, without which living organisms cannot survive even for a few
4. The air that we breathe in is not ………………
5. Deforestation increases the …………………… levels in the atmosphere.
6. The …………….. layer protects us from the harmful ultraviolet radiations.
7. Carbon monoxide binds with hemoglobin and forms ……………
8. ……………… and ………….. are disease caused by drinking dirty water.
1.What is smog?
2. what is air pollution ?
3.What is global warming/
4.Which fuel is pollution free?
5.What pollutes ganga?
6.Which rays are harmful for us?
7.Which gas is called green house gas?
8.What do mean by van mohotsav?
9.What radiation is absorbed by CO2? the element present in the exhaust of automobiles?
1. At an individual level, how can you help reduce air pollution?
2. Clear, transparent water is always fit for drinking. Comment.
3. what is ganga action plan?
4. Explain the differences between pure air and polluted air.
5. name some air pollutants.
6. What are the different ways in which water gets contaminated?
7. What are natural causes of pollution? Give one example.
8. What is potable water?
9. What does our natural environment consist of?
10. Why has the government set up forest reserves and national parks?
1.What is acid rain ?How it is caused?
2.What is potable water ? Write the process of water treatment to make it drinkable ?
3.Explain the term global warming?
4.What is green house ? How does it causes global warming ?
5. What are CFCs ? How does they create pollution ?


1. You are a member of the municipal body of your town. a list of measures that would help your town to ensure the
supply of clean water to all its residents.
2. Explain circumstances leading to acid rain. How does acid rain affect us?
3. Describe green house Effect in your word.
4. Describe the threat the beauty of the taj mahal?
5. What is water pollution? Write its effect and preventive measures to control water pollution.


1. Which of the following is not a greenhouse gas?
(i) Carbon dioxide (ii) Sulphur dioxide (iii) Methane (iv)Nitrogen
2. The gas that reduces oxygen in the blood is:
(i) carbon dioxide (ii) carbon monoxide (iii) nitrogen oxide (iv) none of these
3. Which gas is associated with the greenhouse effect?
(i) oxygen (ii) nitrogen dioxide (iii) carbon dioxide (iv) sulphur dioxide
4. An example of a fossil fuel is:
(i) coal (ii) petroleum (iii) tar (iv) both (i) and (ii)
5. The method of purification that does not kill germs:
(i) distillation (ii) oiling (iii) chlorination (iv) filtration
6. Lead particles are released into the air by buring of:
(i) petrol in vehicles (ii) LPG while cooking (iii) biomass (iv) coal in thermal power stations
7. The gas that is an atmospherics pollutant is:
(i) oxygen (ii) sulphur dioxide (iii) nitrogen (iv) helium
8. Potable water is :
(i) clean (ii) colourless (iii) odourless (iv) all of these
9.Polar ice caps may melt due to:
(i) acid rain (ii) greenhouse effect (iii) depletion of ozone layer (iv) all of these

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