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fepnbticlor the Mbilippines nol the fetetion and banal Government HOHE POLICE COMMISSIOL HATIOBAL HEADQUARTERS PHIIPPNE BAIOMAL POLICE OFFICE OF 10 CHIEF, PHP Conn Cra, Queen Cle . Hepat nN Oolober 20, 2009 PHP CIRCULAR NO, 2909-019 SUBJECT > GUIDELINES AHL PROLEDURES IN THE GRANT OF SPECIAL PROMOTION OF HMIFORMED PERSONNEL OF THE PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE (PNP) ERENCES: |. Section 23 (bo) of Meqniblie Ant Me. 8554; b NAPOLCOM Menorandim Circular Me, 2008-002 dated January 24, 2008, subject: "“Amendiny Memorandin Circular Ne. 2007-003. entitiect "Amending Memorandun Ciscutus Mla, 98-03 And 98-012 Relative to the Grant of Special Promotion fo PNP Unitoamed Personnel; 6. NAPOLCOM Memormdum Circular No, 2007-003 dated May 2007, subject "Amencing Memearudoor Cevilas No, 98-013 anc 98-042 Relalive lo the Grant of Specie! Promotion fo PINE Uniformed Personnel, d NAPOLCOM Memoindiin Circular Mo. 2008-009 dated May 5, 2008, subject "Presuribing fhe Guideliues and Sequential Procedure’s on the Issuance of Appoiniiients Under Special Pronrotion’, and e PNP Memoranda Giodar Np. 2005-905 dated May 13, 2005 subject "Guidleiines and Hovedires Governing the Gran! of Special Promotions fo PNP Uniformed Personnel 2. SCOPEIGOVERAGE: This Circular shail onty cover the special promotion of second tevel PNP uniformed personnel (POF te P SUPT) who have: exhibited ants of conspicucis courage and gallantry al {he tisk of file Above and heyond the call of duty 3. OBJECTIVES: . This circiar aims lo a. Yo institufionalize a system in the grant of special promotion to second level PNP uniformed personnel tat is fine bound and ensure that the quidelines set forth aie unilonily applied in all levels of the command, b Inspits ane promote | devotion to duty, itil of heroisii., dedication, hard work and active involverent in public services, 6. Enstie faimess sad consistenny in the grant of special promotion of appropiate awan! to deserving UMD uniformed personnel and inslililion: the spirit of prompt recognition, ann! do Enable the PNP Specie! Dumvotion, Awarts ant Decorations Board (SPADB) to evaluate propery and objectively all applications for special promotion 4 DEI FINITION OF TERMS: ja Special Pronmotion — i position as provided for vnde Commission and salistins the cites @ promotion to the next higher rank or fin AV of Republic Act 8561, validated by the eMotth by this circular bo Promotion ~ is the conferment to the next higher rank wilh an Increase int duties ant esjensibilies as amhorized by law, usually accompaned by the corresponding increase in salary ©. Second level ranks — shall mean trons the ranks of Police Officer 1 fo Senior Police Officer 4 for Votive Mon-Gommissioned Officers (PNCOs) and from Police Inspector to Police Superintendent for Police Commissioned Olficers (PCOs) d. Commission ball wean the National Police Commission (NAPOLCON ©. Persunal bravery extreme coutaue oF resplileness: manifested by @ specific person while, alone or lnuether will his y tackling a physically existing sang, tisk oF ifficully WOU or assoviation, jf Comraye — the West ener len, indicating feallessness. ard determination, Whether ‘physicnl, smeatal, or moral, against a wide tangs of difficulties or dangers. Lg. Fearlessness — a tenn sinilar lo bravery, but tess commonyy used h. Nerve — cookies: aud steag of calculated risk-taking Ness, sometimes wilh Ihe suguesticn i Guts — a widely useit slang fen suggesting boldness or foufiluee: when faced wilh a difficull oF potentially dangerone siuation i Selfsserifice — git) up of personal interest fora higher sense al duly in oder to benoit others, Th denial and naryrelot synonyinous Io alhuism, selflessness, set k consrientions, Above and bewant ihe call of Wie and fegaly Uverieting ander anymore by a polire allier's basic frsks net diet the voluntary, ving thal is nok demanded Wis chatacterized by the denen of sily fo save We at) yroperly andl implore by one’s sense of Re righteousness. At limes this mmlertaking maybe complementary to an activity petformed by agoiher person, ainup or agency. Nanethele: value does not diminists thy sirywey isline Conspicuous - visible, olvions, stiking, juminent and distinct van fore than erditary haardous service — acl done characterized by the presence of an extieiely dangerous situation that is tiieat to lile and limb 8. Act of heraisn or heteie act — the acs of conspicuous courage and gallantry at ty of bisitea le above and beyond the call of duty POLICIES: ‘a. The giant of special puwnofian must ahways he im accurdanee with the provision pf Gestion 39. of Mepnblic Act Bly 8551 Validation of the herot and metiiofinus acts shatl be done by the National Police Gommission, jini, will the PE ib Only “en {he spol” special promotion confeved by the President vi the Republic of the Philippines shall he exempled fom the validation of NAPOLCOM. The issuance of promotion orders shall inmediately he unsleitake a by the PNP with the corsponting inlividial apponvinent (GSS Form Bla a2) for signattre by the Appointing Authority to be: submitied to the Civil Services Mion Por docttimentation puposes, the SPADB. and M shall tikewise isaue the comesponding resolution. Commission for atte NAPOL 6. Only police obivers in the second level that is from the sank of Police Officer 1 ly Police Ganetitendent shall he qanled special pronntion There shall be no spacial promation inv Hint level ranks (PSSUPT te PG) d The qhalification standants for promotion Le., education, -Pliuibility training and experiancestine. ininade shalt he waived; e To be filly effective, the (ant of special promotion should ke timely, submission of which fo the NNO SPADE shall he within she (8) months from the date of the accomplishment/inerilorinus ac promotion shall he disapproveu otherwise the application for f The BHO SPADT shall have a maximum of six (6) months to process the sate and submits ils recommenriation to NAPOLGOM for validaticn, and issuance of confiinatory yeselufion. Upon approval of the application for promotion by the NHO SPAM, prescriptive petiod shall no longer apply and tie applicant shall be vested (he tight for promotion, Gg. The provision of Section 25, Republic Act No. 8851 which prohibits? the promotion of uniformed personnel who have less than one (1) year service before reaching the compulsory relfitement aye shall nol apply lo special promotion; and h The effectivity date at special promotion shall he the dale of the hemi deed was yevurmert

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