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Feminization of the White Male: How

to stop drinking from the poisoned


As you folks have probably noticed, a new species of White Male made an appearance in the 21st
century. Paraded as the "modern man", this species, despite outwardly possessing male genitalia, exhibits
prominent feminine features: high—pitched voices, little to no body hair, low muscle mass, round flabby
faces, scrawny limbs, thin necks, wide hips and sometimes even semi—developed breasts. Femininity is not
limited to physical appearance, however — the "modern man" is soft, emotional, sensitive, passive—
aggressive, cowardly and extremely submissive. Some of us call members of this species "nu—males", the
less polite among us call them cucks and faggots, while in Russia they are known as having "never lifted
anything heavier than a dick". They are the eloi of the 21st century — a weak, bumbling, narcissistic breed,
consumed by petty distractions and utterly worthless.

However, many people still think that this mutation has occurred due to purely non—physical
reasons, such as cultural Marxist education and brainwashing as well as promotion of feminism and
subsequent disruption of gender roles in Western society. They are not entirely wrong, but this mind—rot
also has a powerful physical counterpart. The cause of mass mutation of normal, strong, brave and bold
men into nu—males has a name, and that name is xenoestrogens.

Xenoestrogens are chemical substances that imitate the behavior of estrogen, a female hormone, in
human bodies. Natural or synthetic, today they can be found literally everywhere in the food you eat, the
water you drink, the clothes you wear and cosmetics you use. They are the reason why today's girls develop
watermelon—sized tics and asses, while male teenagers barely even grow pubic hair. You have
consumerism to thank for that — ruthless profit—chasing has given producers free reign to sacrifice quality
of their goods to cut production costs, leading to replacement of many ingredients with cheaper substitutes
that contain xenoestrogenic compounds. On this day alone, you have probably ingested enough of them to
kill a horse, figuratively speaking — and didn't even notice. In the posts below, I will provide a small guide
on how to avoid a lion's share of xenoestrogens permeating modern daily life and provide a bit of advice on
how to boost your levels of testosterone. Do not become a man trapped in the body of an androgynous nu
—male. Also, whatever is written here does not apply to niggers, as their hormonal systems are a bit
different and they can all go extinct anyway, for all I care.

Food and drink

Avoid mass produced meats such as beef, chicken, and pork, as well as dairy products such as milk,
butter, cheese, and ice cream. To meet the immense demand, industrial farm animals, especially cows, are
injected with somatotropin, a growth hormone. It persists in their meat after slaughter as well as in their
milk. Upon ending up in your system, it not only boosts estrogenic activity, but also disrupts your general
endocrine profile. Solution? Any country has farmer's markets go there, befriend a few farmers and buy
your meat and dairy from them. Free range poultry and pork, along with milk from naturally raised cows
are not only healthy, they are also delicious.
Do not consume flax, sesame and sunflower seeds, dried fruit, alfalfa, fennel, yucca, dates,
motherwort, clover and legumes (beans, lentils, chickpeas, etc.), as well as all and any kinds of soy (tofu,
soybeans, cheap chocolate and processed meats such as sausages, as they also contain copious amounts.)
Why do you think most Asians are so scrawny, lack body hair and have feminine mannerisms? A steady diet
of soy since early childhood. Also, be moderate in consumption of blueberries and cranberries.
To compensate, expand your diet by adding things such as mushrooms, turnips, tuna, avocado,
honey, nuts (but not peanuts), cabbage, eggs, citruses, shrimp, pumpkin seeds coconuts, broccoli, Brussels
sprouts and spinach. You can also knock yourself out on onions and garlic.
If you are a sweet tooth, drop all candy that contains licorice, anise, peppermint, spearmint or
pennyroyal extracts. They have a powerful estrogenic effect.
Do not cook your food on sunflower, canola, cottonseed or safflower oil. Use olive or coconut oil
Sugar and caffeine. Two drugs most of the world is hopelessly addicted to, in addition to being
genuinely unhealthy, also have an indirect estrogenic effect. The less you consume them, the better.
Cheap/counterfeit coffee is quite dangerous in this regard, as it also contains dyes and other harmful
chemicals. If you absolutely need that cup of coffee, find yourself some organic stuff and grind and brew it
yourself. Also, drop soda from your life entirely and be careful with fancy teas that are so popular
Stay the fuck away from beer. Hops is well—known for its estrogenic properties; drinkers develop
manboobs. there is a reason why habitual beer Alcoholic drinks in general lower testosterone and increase
estrogen production. Moderation is your friend. A bit of wine for your dinner or a shot of vodka with your
friends from time to time will not do you any harm; chugging down whiskey every weekend night until you
pass out will.
Canned and packaged food (aside from tuna and olives) is generally unhealthy, but if you absolutely
need to buy it, read the label. If it says, "butylated hydroxy anisole" or "BHA", you are better off leaving it
on the shelf. BHA is a powerful food preservative that, aside from estrogenic effects, is also a carcinogen.
If possible, buy your greens, fruit and vegetables at farmer's markets as well. As hipsterish as it
sounds, go as organic as your wallet allows. Pesticides and insecticides that are used in industrial farming
contain xenoestrogens that are absorbed by the plants and eventually end up in your body. Yum.
Do not under any circumstances store and/or heat your food or drink in plastic or styrofoam
containers. Do not buy water in plastic bottles. In general, avoid plastic like a plague. Almost all modern
plastics are made using Bisphenol A, commonly known as BPA. It is a powerful xenoestrogen that is
released into your food/ drink when a plastic container is heated (by the warmth of your hand or by
standing in the sun for some time, for example). Buy yourself a bunch of ceramic or glass bowls with lids
and store your food in them. Use tinfoil instead of plastic wrap.

Personal hygiene

Here's the trick: when you ingest something that is not good for you (including hormone—
influencing substances), your liver filters out most (up to) of it before letting it into your bloodstream,
allowing you to harmlessly piss the garbage away later. When it comes to applying something to your skin,
it is absorbed directly into your bloodstream, long before the liver realizes that it must bail your dumb ass
When it comes to xenoestrogens in personal hygiene items, shampoo is the main culprit. A near—
absolute majority of shampoos produced nowadays contain the following: parabens (methylparaben,
butylparaben, etc. that are used as preservatives), sulfates (sodium lauryl (dodecyl) sulfate and sodium
laureth sulfate, used as foaming agents) and glycols (propylene glycol and polyethylene glycol, used as
fragrance stabilizers). These chemicals are bad for you. No, no. These chemicals are EXTREMELY BAD for
you. Parabens have very powerful estrogenic effect and are also carcinogenic. Sulfates are the worst — they
are mutagenic in addition to estrogenic. Constant exposure was linked to fetal malformations; in addition,
their way of "cleaning" your head is extremely abrasive and amounts to stripping away all naturally
produced oils from your scalp, making your hair even more Glycols are the tricky ones — they destabilize
your epidermal cells, allowing quicker and larger absorption of whatever is smeared on your skin. Basically,
whenever you wash your hair with a typical shampoo, you are giving yourself a huge estrogen shot. Chuck
your shampoo bottle into the trash and search for organic shampoos and shampoo bars by small
producers; they are usually inexpensive. Alternatively, you can just wash your hair with good soap.
Speaking of soaps, most of them are equally shit. This is also true for liquid soaps and shower gels.
In addition to containing all the nasty stuff found in shampoos, they also contain phthalates,
benzophenones (look for markings BP—L, BP—2, BP—3, etc. on the label), phenoxyethanol, triclosan
and/or triclocarban all of them either strong xenoestrogens or disruptive for your body's testosterone
production. And that's just the tip of the iceberg — soaps also contain chemicals like toluene, which fucks
with your blood and kidneys, diethanolamine (DEA) which slows down brain development, and dioxane,
which is highly carcinogenic. Again, chuck your soap bar into the trash and go for something like Grandpa's
Pine Tar Soap or any other organic soap. Just make sure there is no creosote in it.
Toothpaste. Fluoride fears aside, most toothpastes contain parabens and triclosan. If it says
"antibacterial" on the label, it has triclosan, period. And "antibacterial" usually means jack shit other
toothpastes do the job just as well without poisoning you with a chemical that fucks with your testosterone
and your sperm count in addition to accumulating in your body to an unknown (unresearched) end. Scour
the web for a proper herbal toothpaste or ask your dentist for recommendations as long as his name is not
Ezra Shekelgrabstein, that is.
When it comes to miscellaneous stuff such as hand sanitizers, single—use cleaning tissues,
deodorants, antiperspirants, lotions etc., the same rule applies: read the bloody label. If there is something
there that you do not like the sound of, do not use it unless in absolute emergencies. Also, avoid using
sunscreens altogether.

I know, I know, wait before you call me a faggot. Some people use things like acne creams or beard oils and
balms. Even if their labels say "organic", it does not mean that they do not contain plant—derived
estrogens, also known as phytoestrogens. It mostly boils down to oils the product is made of. Let me break
it down for you: Almond, grapeseed, chamomile, fir, pine, cedar, coconut, citrus and jojoba oils = GOOD.
Tea tree, lavender, apricot, clover, canola, eucalyptus and aloe vera oils = BAD. Especially lavender. Fuck
anything with lavender in it. Effects of sage, rosemary and sandalwood oils have not been fully researched
and produce contradictory results, so it's better to avoid them, too. Also, do not fall for labels listing
"essential oils" as an ingredient. This term can mean anything. If you do not know what exactly goes into
your cosmetics, do not buy it.
Household items

Your laundry detergent needs to go. It contains many of the chemicals listed above. Whatever you
wash your clothes with, it leaves residue within them that persists even after drying, and eventually seeps
into your skin. Use Nature Clean detergents for your clothes and bedclothes. Alternatively, if you want to go
full green mode, use white vinegar, baking soda, or trisodium phosphate (TSP). They are all excellent
cleaning agents that are safe for your health.
Do you use a fabric softener? Don't. If you absolutely need to, use white vinegar it loses its smell
once it dries.
Air fresheners need to go — almost all of them contain phthalates. Try ventilating your house better
For your benis in bagina matters, do not use condoms with spermicide.
I hope no one needs to explain why smoking is bad for you, but if you decide to be a huge faggot
and go on smoking anyway, at least avoid menthol cigarettes.
All sorts of hormonal medicine, HRT, birth control pills and the like are very, very bad for you, unless
you are aiming to become a Cranny.
Sugar substitutes. Saccharin, aspartame, acesuIfame—K and sucralose all affect your testosterone
production more, some less, but the effect is there. Stevia, a natural sweetener, has an extremely powerful
estrogenic effect, to the point of being prohibited for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers in many
countries. You might not have much of a choice here if you have diabetes, but if you can overcome your
sweet cravings altogether, you will do your testosterone a lot of good.

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