D - Pharm Part - 1: Mahanadivihar, Cuttack 1 Internal Examination - 2019

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D –Pharm Part -1
1st Internal Examination -2019

Hr-1hr Full Mark :20

(answer any two question no:1 is compulsory)
I. Define Health?

II. Endogenious agents are produced on the

_________and their _________may lead to diseases.

III. Physical Health shows that all body organs are

________and ________ in a normal state.

IV. Write short notes on :- MENTAL HEALTH

V. Deficinecy of iodine causes_______.

VI. Explain the following Abbreviations (a)UFMR (b)PCM

VII. Write the composition of balanced diet.

VIII. Define essential fatty acids?

IX. _________ disease is called as 3D’s disease.

X. Write the name of diseases due to deficiency of


2)what do you mean by determination of health? Explain

various determinates?
3)what are vitamins? Classify them and Write the source,
deficiency and daily requirements of fat soluble vitamins?

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