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Name of Teacher Mehwish Mohsin Subject Science

Topic Forces and motion (class check up) Day Day 1

Class III Duration 40 mins

Attainment Target Know about different types of forces .

Learning Outcomes  Discuss about forces and motions.

 List down some forces in actions around .
(Knowledge, Skills and  Explain about different forces.

Learning Attributes  Inquisitive

 Creative and innovative.

Content and teacher activity Student activity Time Learning Formative assessment
materials and
(Day to day

How are you explaining and demonstrating What are the students doing to help them What resources will How do you plan to
the topic? (The teaching strategies/ understand the topic? you use that will assess learning as it is
methodology selected) support the happening?
teaching and
learning activities?
Introduction : .
3 White board Students will be
Teacher will start the lesson through Based upon their prior knowledge,
assessed on their ability
brainstorming. students will answer the questions asked Mins to :
What are forces ? by the teacher.
Discuss about forces
What is motion ?
and motions. List down
Name some forces ?
some forces in actions
 Board marker around .Explain about
different forces through
discussion and written
Development: Students will discuss and recall all the 10
Teacher will elicit the forces and motions . information given by teacher min
Ask students to tell about forces through
different examples.

Activity(Pair work):

In pairs students will be asked to list down Students in pair will think and answer the Pencil
some forces in actions around them on a piece questions asked by the teacher
of paper. 10
Feedback will be taken from each pair on
board inform of shared writing Min
Written Task: /5 marks
Teacher will ask students to complete the
following work .
Q1. Read the statements and write what Written Task: 15
forces is applied on 4each action/motion. Notebook: Mins
1. Flying a kite
 Teacher will ask students to
2. 2. Bouncing a ball
complete the written task .
3. Closing a cabnet.

Q2. A man is moving a table .what forces are

in action?
How can he move it with less force ?

Wrap up: What is a force ? Students will give their responses 2 mins
Where can u find forces ?
Exit Ticket:
Use as many rows in the table as applicable – add rows if necessary
How did you make the lesson inclusive?

Lesson Evaluation:
Strengths Areas for improvement
Identify a way forward to improve this lesson
Name of Teacher Mehwish Mohsin Subject Science

Topic Heat Energy Day Day 2

Class III Duration 80 mins

 Understand that heat can be

Attainment Target
produced in many ways and can
move from one object to another.

Learning Outcomes
(Knowledge, Skills and

Learning Attributes  Inquisitive

Content and teacher activity Student activity Time Learning Formative assessment
materials and
(Day to day

How are you explaining and demonstrating What are the students doing to help them What resources will How do you plan to
the topic? (The teaching strategies/ understand the topic? you use that will assess learning as it is
methodology selected) support the happening?
teaching and
learning activities?
. Based upon their prior knowledge,
3 Responses of prior
Introduction: students will answer the questions asked
"ot plate and
knowledge of students
Teacher will ask students to complete KWL by the teacher. Mins
container for oilin& about history and
water historians will be taken
Electrical Energy: The presence and flow of on board
an electric charge. cutout pictures of
Chemical Energy: Energy created from a heat source7
chemical reaction. radiation arrows7 hot
Development: fire poker7 and pot
k7 class7 toda( we are &oin& to talk a out how
heat can e transferred etween its heat source 05
Students made
and other o )ects! 8he first thin& 4 want to show Min discussion about the
(ou is what happens when we put this container of Students will ask questions by teacher
water on this hot plate! etBs make a few history of land of
about the topic in form of discussion.
predictions! hat do (ou think is &oin& to happen Pakistan through
to the water E 9fter a few predictions the teacher questioning
will put the container with the water in it on top of
the heat source! hile the water e&ins to heat 05
up the teacher will ask the students to o ser+e min
the water and descri e what is happenin& and After observing the picture carefully each
wh(! ASo7 wh( do (ou think the water is heatin&
student will mark the place on map Students will observe
up 4s there an(thin& esides the water that is the pictures of world
heatin& up 4f 4 were to rin& m( hands close to carefully and will write their location
according to compass. Then the feedback map shown to them
the hot plate what would 4 feel7 wh( hat if 4 10
put a metal spoon on the heat source and held will be taken from each child of the group. and attempt the given
the handle7 what do (ou think would happen7 Min activity.
wh( E 9fter the teacher asks the >uestions
he/she will e&in handin& out the article on heat
Durin& the e plore phase students will read the
article as a &roup and discuss the contents of the
article! hile the students discuss the information
in the article7 the teacher will walk around the
room askin& students a out the article! Some
>uestions to ask students are: hatnew words are
(ou usin& hat do these words mean hile the
students read the article the student should write
down the three +oca ular( words on the Students will ask questions to the teacher
oard!A hile (ou read and discuss the article7 4 about the topic and will also answer the
want (ou to keep in mind three words! 8he words questions which were asked by the
are conduction7 con+ection7 and radiation! hile teacher about the topic. 10 Students will discuss
(ou discuss the article in (our &roups 4 want (ou about different people
to e plain to each other what these words mean
who ruled on land of
and come up with (our own e ample of what the(
Pakistan through
Place an iron rod on a wooden block. 05
 Ask a student to touch both ends of the rod. min
 Put one end of rod in a candle flame for
some time.
 Ask the student to touch its free end.
 Ask him what does he feel? (It has become
hot). Students had observed
 Let different students perform this activity. Students in groups will be asked to look at the picture given on book
 Ask them what results are obtained from this the pictures given on page 54 and 55 and and answered the
activity? answer the following questions? 12 questions through group
 (Accept the answer like, “Heat flows from Feedback will be taken from each pair on min work activity
hot body to cold body” or “Temperature tells board inform of shared writing
the direction of heat flow”)
Written Task:
What is heat Energy ?
What is temperature ?

Students will write the

Students will ask questions to the teacher answers of given
about the topic and will also answer the 10 questions in their
questions which were asked by the min pamphlets.
teacher about the topic.

Written Task:
Workbook work: Students will complete pg
# 41 and 42 on workbook.
Notebook Work: Students will do the
question given by the teacher in their min
Wrap up:
Students will give their responses 2 mins
Heat is a form of energy transferred from hot
body to the cold body.
 Heat changes the temperature of an object.
 Temperature is the degree of hotness or
coldness. It tells direction of flow of heat.

Exit ticket:
Use as many rows in the table as applicable – add rows if necessary
How did you make the lesson inclusive?
By discussing different types of plains across the world
By asking questions.

Lesson Evaluation:
Strengths Areas for improvement

Identify a way forward to improve this lesson

Name of Teacher Mehwish Mohsin Subject Science

Topic Heat Energy Day Day 3-4

Class III Duration 80 mins

 Heat is a form of energy and can be produced in different ways .

Attainment Target

Learning Outcomes De define heat and temperature.
 Define temperature by using the hotness and coldness of the objects.
(Knowledge, Skills and Students will understand that the source of all energy for the earth comes solely from the sun. They will also be able to distinguish
Attitudes) mechanical and electrical sources of energy in everyday life activities.
Demonstrate that mechanical and electrical machines produce heat and sometimes light. a. Identify and classify mechanical and
electrical sources of heat. b. List examples of mechanical or electrical devices that produce light.
Learning Attributes  Inquisitive

Content and teacher activity Student activity Time Learning Formative assessment
materials and
(Day to day

How are you explaining and demonstrating What are the students doing to help them What resources will How do you plan to
the topic? (The teaching strategies/ understand the topic? you use that will assess learning as it is
methodology selected) support the happening?
teaching and
learning activities?
. Based upon their prior knowledge,
3 White board Responses of prior
Introduction: students will answer the questions asked
knowledge of students
Prior knowledge link up with the p[revious by the teacher. Mins about history and
historians will be taken
on board
Teacher will eilicit their knowledge. Board marker
By telling them that
Different ways of heat
Ask the students what the main source of all heat 05
Water Ice Gloves, Students made
is for the Earth. The sun is the main source of all Min coat, or beanie Lotion discussion about the
heat and light for the Earth. Some ways to show Students will ask questions by teacher
Flashlight with hand history of land of
this to the students can be done by discussing the about the topic in form of discussion. turning power Hand
following topics. Pakistan through
05 warmers Small glass questioning
bottle with quarter
Ask the students to think of different sources of min size top or smaller
heat and name them off. Then explain where the
different sources of heat come from and the two
groups, mechanical and electrical.
After observing the picture carefully each Students will observe
student will mark the place on map 10 the pictures of world
carefully and will write their location map shown to them
Children will be asked to rub their according to compass. Then the feedback Min
hands for one minute and attempt the given
will be taken from each child of the group.
What do they feel . activity.
Lit a candle ?
Using a hand crank flashlight, turn it on and have
a student crank the handle to produce light. Ask
the students what they think is happening.
Discuss why light is only produced when the
handle is turned on the flashlight. -Using a beanie,
gloves, or coat ask students why they get warm
once they put them on. Explain to them that the
beanie, gloves, or coat capture the heat that is
given off from their bodies. It is a common
misconception that the beanie, glove, or hat is
warm, but that is not true. Clarify this Students will ask questions to the teacher
misconception with the students. -Use a hand about the topic and will also answer the 10
warmer and before you break the chemicals questions which were asked by the min
inside, have a student come up and ask them if it Students will discuss
teacher about the topic.
is warm or not. Ask the students how you warm it about different people
up. Then break the chemicals up by moving the who ruled on land of
package around in all directions. Explain to the Pakistan through
students that by using mechanical energy from 05 questioning
their hands to break the chemicals up, they cause
a chemical reaction that releases energy in the min
form of heat. Once it is warm, pass it around to
the students feel the difference.

Ask the students to think of examples in their

house that are powered by electricity. Some
examples may include cooking at home with an
electric stove, a TV, computer, heater, iron,
stereo, cell phone charger, vacuum, toaster, Students had observed
microwave, or lamp. Ask them to think of items the picture given on book
Students in groups will be asked to look at 12
powered by electricity in their classroom. and answered the
Examples may include a computer, TV, VCR, the pictures given on page 54 and 55 and min
answer the following questions? questions through group
work activity
Feedback will be taken from each pair on
Written Task: board inform of shared writing
From where heat energy come from ?

10 Students will write the

Students will ask questions to the teacher min answers of given
about the topic and will also answer the questions in their
questions which were asked by the pamphlets.
teacher about the topic.
-Have students go home
and make a list of
mechanical and electrical
Written Task: sources of energy in their
20 home and bring the list
min back to share with the
Wrap up:
Students will give their responses 2 mins
Upon completing the examples, ask the students if a
particular object uses electrical or mechanical
sources for its energy. This will help solidify the
learning objectives.

Exit ticket:
Use as many rows in the table as applicable – add rows if necessary
How did you make the lesson inclusive?
By discussing different types of plains across the world
By asking questions.

Lesson Evaluation:
Strengths Areas for improvement

Identify a way forward to improve this lesson

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