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Bilaminar embryonic disc

Implantation of the blastocyst in the endometrium of the uterus is

completed during the second week of the development. The cells of the
inner cell mass (embryoblast) differentiate into two layers: the
hypoblast layer, consisting of small cuboidal cells, and the epiblast
layer, consisting of high columnar cells. The two-layered plate that will
differentiate into the embryo is called the embryonic disc.
The epiblast forms the floor of the amniotic cavity and is peripherally
continuous with a thin epithelial layer of the amnion. Flattened cells
probably originating from the hypoblast, form a exocoelomic
membrane (Hauser's membrane). This membrane and the hypoblast
form the lining of the exocoelomic cavity (primitive yolk sac).

1. Blood vessel
Blastocyst during implantation 2. Endometrial
4. Cytotrophoblast
5. Surface epithelium
6. Epiblast
7. Aminotic cavity
8. Hypoblast

Cells derived from the yolk sac form the extraembryonic mesoderm
and fill the space between the trophoblast externally and the amnion
and the exocoelomic membrane internally. Large cavities within the
extraembryonic mesoderm become confluent and form the
extraembryonic coelom. The extraembryonic coelom splits the
extraembryonic mesoderm into two layers: the extraembryonic
somatic mesoderm, lining the trophoblast and amnion, and the
extraembryonic splanchnic mesoderm, covering the yolk sac. The
extraembryonic somatic mesoderm and the two layers of trophoblast
constitute the chorion. The extraembryonic somatic mesoderm and the
extraembryonic part of the ectoderm constitute the amnion.
Blastocyst - day 12
1. Syncytiotrophoblast
2. Trophoblastic lacunae
3. Surface epithelium
4. Fibrin coagulum
5. Epiblast
6. Aminotic cavity
7. Hypoblast
8. Cytotrophoblast
9. Exocoelomic cavity

The endodermal germ layer produces additional cells which form a new
cavity, known as the secondary or definitive yolk sac. The
extraembryonic coelom expands to form a large chorionic cavity, within
which the embryo and the attached amniotic and yolk sac are suspended
by the connecting stalk.

Blastocyst - day 13
1. Secondary yolk sac
2. Exocoelomic cyst
3. Aminotic cavity
4. Extra-embryonic coelom
5. Epiblast
6. Connecting stalk
7. Hypoblast
8. Primary villi
9. Trophoblastic lacunae
10. Extraembryonic somatic
11. Extraembryonic splanchnic

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