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The expanding population and pollution has caused a serious

degradation in the environment around us. But what exactly is
the environment? Does the definition “environment
encompasses all the living and non-living things around us” still
hold true? The definition that we have been taught till date has
become elementary and must be modified as per the need of the hour. The new definition
of Environment can be stated as how you feel being where you are and in whatever it is that
you do. Thus, it has transformed into an individual quotient and it should be taken care of at
individual levels. Until and unless each person does his own part in saving this environment
around us, critical conditions are bound to prevail.

The environment is unable to put up with the pressures that we continuously bombard on it
and it may soon collapse in case of ignorance on the part of us human beings. The strain of
ever-growing human population and thus in turn pollution is causing the nature to retort
back in its own ways. As rightly said by Barbara Ward, "We have forgotten how to be good
guests, how to walk lightly on the earth as its other creatures do." Human race has become
selfish and its greediness increases with each passing day. This global selfishness can be
accounted to every individual of the race as we are all a part of it and in it together.

Global warming, endangered species, extinction of important flora and fauna are just a few
examples of the disasters to be faced by our future generations if we do not take proper
measures to curtail environmental degradation. The melting glaciers and the frequently
occurring earthquakes are warnings as to what we might experience in our near futures. As
Benjamin Franklin says, “When the well’s dry, we know the worth of water.” So why not
start working from today and avoid the debacle of loosing our environment which gives us
so much every single day.

Environmental mentoring is no more a privilege and has now become an obligation. Every
individual should carry out actions as miniscule as keeping your household and your work
place environmentally right. A good surrounding around you motivates and makes you a
better person. Thus when you help keeping environment sound, you help yourself. We all
think we need to modernise, globalize and liberalize, but in reality, Conscious capitalism,
Global Environmental Movement and Ethicality of decisions is what the world needs. Each
one of us holds the power to change things. Thus, if anything or anybody is going to change
the current shameful scenario of environmental curbing, it is going to be each one of us, as
we all hold the ‘POWER OF ONE’.

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