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PSC 3 Upgrade steps

Select System – File manager – PSC3 SW – load from PC

Load file from PC Browse – Select file from PC file PSC_3_V324B3.bin

Once file loaded controller will reset and you log in again

Set up the Modbus inter phase

Go to System – Interface Setup – Modem – select PPP using Null Modem

Parameter – Edit Parameter – change board rate to 38400 – Accept changes – Save

Setting of the PPP Modem setting

Next you go to System – Remote Monitoring – Customer Setting – Monitoring – Select Modbus Slave –
RTU – Accept Changes – Save and set Slave Id to 1

Once this is done load the Modbus Slave File

File Manager – Modbus Slave Mapping – Brows – Load file from PC – ATC_ZA_Modbus_Slave
Mapping_05_PSC3 from your PC

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