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The Changing Dynamics of Digital Marketing

in Indian Real-estate Industry

Capstone Submitted for the fulfillment of MBA Degree

Submitted By
Mayur Kasera

Faculty guide
Mr. Sandeep Janyavula
Assistant Professor - Marketing
Sri Sri University

Sri Sri University

CUTTACK - 754006
APRIL- 2018
The Changing Dynamics of Digital Marketing in Indian
Real-estate Industry


Mayur Kasera


Sri Sri University

CUTTACK - 754006
APRIL- 2019
Table of Contents

1. Title page

2. Certificate of approval

3. Preface, Foreword, Acknowledgments

4. Declaration

5. List of Tables

6. List of Figures

7. List of abbreviations

8. List of appendices

9. Abstract

Chapter 1: Literature Review

1.1 The Shift

1.2 Marketing Communication strategies before vs after

1.3 Digital Marketing for real estate - The benefits3

1.4 Digital Marketing for real estate - The Challenges

Chapter 2: Introduction

2.1 Introduction

2.2 Real Estate Industry in India

2.3 SWOT analysis

Chapter 3: Methodology

3.1 Problem of the study

3.2 Objectives

3.3 Data collection

3.3.1 Resources
3.3.2 Methods

Chapter 4: Digital marketing - Real Estate

4.1 Building the brand

4.2 Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

4.3 Creating a Blog

4.4 Having a strong social media presence.

4.4.1 Case study - Casagrand Builder Private Limited

4.5 Acquiring Customers

4.6 Drip email marketing

4.7 Influencer marketing

4.8 Customer Engagement

4.9 Multilingual Marketing

4.9.1 Case studies - Casagrand, L&T, Nisarg, Lancor.

4.10 Full Funnel Marketing

4.11 YouTube Marketing

4.12 Chatbots

4.13 Augmented Reality

Chapter 5: Conclusion
5.1 Conclusion

5.2 Recommendations

10. References

This Capstone Project Report has been prepared in fulfilment requirement for the practical
studies of the programme Master of Business Administration (MBA) in General Management
(Sem. III) in the academic year 2017-2018

For preparing the Project Report, I had completed a secondary research. The mix of knowledge
& learning acquired during our practical studies is presented in this Project Report.

The rationale behind visiting the research and preparing the Project Report is to study, to
explore and understand the trends in real estate industry of India.

The Project Report starts with information about the shift of digital marketing and real estate
industry, SWOT analysis, literature review, methodology, trends and strategy adoption & its
results and end with the Conclusion and my recommendation.

The information presented in this Project Report has been obtained from sources like Company
Reports, Online data, blogs and articles, primary sources such as interview with Industry
people, Other Websites, and Other Literature.

At the very beginning, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to HH Gurudev Sri Sri
Ravi Shankar for providing me the strength, blessings and the composure with his teachings.

During the period of my project work, I have received generous help from many quarters,
which I like to put on record here with gratefulness and great pleasure.

First and foremost, I am grateful to my Dr. Pushpendra Khandelwal, Assistant professor, Sri
Sri University to encroach upon his precious time freely right from the very beginning of this
work until the completion and also, my Academic Mentor, Mr. Sandeep Janyavula, faculty of
Marketing, and Capstone coordinator Dr. Namita rath, Sri Sri University, Odisha. His
guidance, encouragement, and suggestions provided me necessary insight into the research
problem and paved the way for the meaningful ending the work in a short duration.

My special gratitude goes to Mr. Vaibhav Khaitan, Product manager, Somani Realtors India,
for his modern outlook and meticulous supervision to carry out the job perfectly.

My utmost gratitude to Late Dr. Pooja K Singh, former coordinator for Capstone projects for
their precious knowledge on researching, her lifelong blessings and support.

In the end, I am thankful to my beloved senior Ms. Shweta Sharma for their continuous support.

I perceive as this opportunity as a big milestone in my career development. I will strive to use
the gained skills and knowledge in the best possible way, and I will continue to work on their
improvement, in order to attain desired career objectives. Hope to continue cooperation with
all of you in the future.


Mayur Kasera

Place: Sri Sri University, Odisha

Date: 08th April 2018

List of abbreviations

SMM: Social Media Marketing.

B2B: Business to Business.

B2C: Business to Customers.

SEO: Search Engine Optimization.

SEM: Search Engine Marketing.

CMO: Chief Marketing Officer

CPC: Cost-per-Click

CR: Conversion Rate

CRM: Customer Relationship Management

CTR: Click through Rate

KPI: Key Performance Indicator

SM: Social Media

UV: Unique Visitor

SWOT: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats

UI: User Interface

UX: User Experience

SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound.


I, Mayur Kasera, student of MBA fourth Semester, studying at Sri Sri University, Odisha,
India, hereby declare that the summer training report on “The Changing Dynamics: Digital
Marketing in Indian Real-estate Industry” submitted in fulfillment of Degree of Master’s
of Business Administration is the original work conducted by me. The information and data
given in the report is authentic to the best of my knowledge. This report is not being submitted
to any other University for award of any other Degree, Diploma and Fellowship.

Mayur Kasera


Sri Sri University, Odisha


Purpose–The study aims to explore the emerging role of digital marketing in transformation
of marketing landscape in real estate industry of India. It also throws light on some of the top
trends in the real estate industry of India. The project research will guide you through the trends
and its practical applications by some of the top brands to be ahead in the competitive race of
Industry, this research will also adjoin the links between the various available resources on
Internet and provide you with the inferences that is needed for any brand to remain top in the
real estate Industry.

Design/methodology/approach–In purview of previous literature, extant review was

conducted. Systematic review method (SRM) was used to review the existing literature based
on secondary data collected mainly from the articles, published researches, case studies, and
synthesize studies available on Internet. For more clear idea at the ground level the phone call
interviews are taken with some of the Industry people.

Findings– Findings have been reported after a rigorous review of existing literature which
insinuates toward significant relationship between the aforesaid linkages.

Research limitations/implications–This study examines the impact of Digital Marketing in

the transformation in real estate industry of India, thereby not limiting generalization to any
specific sectors. Practical and managerial implications have been discussed in the later sections
of the study. The source data is collected from the duration between of 2015 to 2018. Lack of
previous researched data on the internet may be the one of the limitations to this research.

Originality/value–This study adds value to the existing literature by adjoining the links. With
proper analysis, the observations and recommendation are formed and consist highly original
view of the researcher.

Keywords Digital Marketing, Trends, Real estate, Realty, India, Leads, Social media,
Multilingual marketing, Transformation, Traditional marketing, Facebook, LinkedIn
Chapter 1: Literature Review

1.1 The Shift

Digital Marketing has revolutionized real estate industry in a significant way. The industry of
real estate in India has matured enough where buyers are doing extensive research online before
actually making their final purchase. The buyers in the market are searching for the brokers,
dealers, projects, and sellers online, which make the digital marketing even more lucrative for
real estate industry.

It is true that people will make a final decision after seeing the property in person. But investors
are likely to conduct a thorough research before viewing the properties. That said, it is ideal
that you, as a realtor, have a strong online presence.

Furthermore, the digital conveniences can assist brokers in making the purchasing process a
lot easier for their customers. As a broker, you can give your potential customers tour to the
properties you sell online. Then, you can make the paperwork process easier without the need
to go to your office. Digital marketing has not changed the market entirely. However, real estate
developers are boosting their emphasis on electronic marketing for years.5

The change has occurred due to the customers moving from conventional method to various
digital tools. Purchasers now have a tendency to browse property on Google or they utilize an
app that makes everything simple.5

How the internet fits into home searches:

 92 percent: of all home buyers used internet at some point in their home search.
 87 percent: of all buyers who work with agents trust them as good information sources.
 42 percent: of all home buyers used the internet as a first step in their home search.
 14% of all home buyers looked online for information about the buying process.
1.2 Marketing Communication strategies before vs after

Traditional Marketing usually consist of print media such as; Postcard mailers, Print
newsletters, Billboards, Signage, Radio and TV advertising. While the Digital Marketing
consist of Eblasts, Social media, Blogs, Website optimisation, Search engine marketing (SEM)
and Search engine optimisation (SEO) etc. which will be discussed in detail in the later part of
the study.

1.3 Digital Marketing for real estate - The benefits3

Marketing techniques are open to evolve and get better over time. Additionally, if you are an
ardent user of the digital space for marketing your products, you know it comes with numerous
benefits. Apart from the urban space, digital marketing is evolving in tier 2 and tier 3 cities of
developers are India as well. Real estate yet to realise these benefits and are only scratching
the surface when it comes to taking full advantage of what digital marketing has to offer. Here’s
where digital marketing in real estate gives developers an edge, with a multitude of digital
marketing trends to expect in 2017.

 Cost-efficient: Needless to say, there is a lot of money that goes into a real estate
project. Digital marketing offers comparatively lower pricing to that of traditional
marketing, so it’s no surprise that marketers in the Real Estate industry are taking full
advantage of the cost efficiency.
 Increased exposure: Considering the numerous housing projects that vary in size,
location and cost, having a digital marketing strategy lets you expand your overall reach
and even customise that reach towards a selected target market.
 Performance Analysis: Digital marketing offers numerous ways to keep track of an
advertisement’s performance in the competitive marketplace, making it easier for real
estate developers to understand what marketing technique works best for their products.
 Creative licence: Be it an apartment, independent house, villa or plot of land, there are
numerous ways for developers to showcase their products in the online marketplace.
 Brand building: To succeed in the vast industry that is Real Estate, developers need a
strong and reputable presence. Having an online presence is considered the next best
brand building technique.

1.4 Digital Marketing for real estate - The Challenges

“Real estate cannot be lost or stolen, nor can it be carried away. Purchased with common
sense, paid for in full and managed with reasonable care, it is about the safest investment in
the world.” -Franklin D. Roosevelt

Digital marketing has its own set up challenges, and this is no exception in the real estate
marketing industry.

Challenge #1: Learning New Technologies Could Be Daunting

Keeping up with the real estate tech and tools on the market is really important, but can be a
challenge. You may find yourself swimming against the tide if you are not using real estate
marketing to its full potential. We are not saying that you should stop the old methods of
making sales, such as cold calling, door knocking, distributing flyers etc. What is important
here is to combine the old methods with the new, so long as all the methods are effective and
can be measured. That’s the advantage to digital marketing (that traditional marketing lacks) –
you could easily track how many prospects you engage with and how many of them contact
you for more information. We train our clients and their staff on new and emerging digital
marketing tools, so that you do not feel as if you are going against the tide.

Challenge #2: Showing Your Competitive Advantage

With so much competitors both online and offline, it can be difficult for some real estate
companies to set themselves apart from their competitors. That is where building relationships
can come into play. Top real estate companies in your area are keeping in touch with as many
of their prospects as possible and asking for their permission to email/call them with important
information from time to time. The purpose of this is to build familiarity and to establish trust
as the relationships unfolds.

Be patient as strong relationships take time to build. Resist indulging in insincere chit chats, as
it can be a severe put-off for your prospective clients. Instead, take the time to get to know each
person who walks through your door (both online and offline), and share a little bit about
yourself. Most importantly, remember that your work for them is supreme in building a
relationship. At the end of the day, no relationship, however strong, can beat exceptional work.

Challenge #3: Too Many Tools to Choose From

From real estate social media marketing to SEO to Pay-Per-Click advertising, there are endless
ways to market your business today. What’s the best channel for you? How do you know where
to put your money and what will actually work? Hiring a real estate marketing firm can help
you test the waters and navigate web of endless possibilities. They will be able to analyze the
different outlets and explain which tactic works best for you and why based on your set goals.\

How many tools is too many? Every business is different, but the answer is: If you are not
using it on an ongoing basis, do not use it at all. And, as more and more tools become available,
make sure you have an actual human beings monitoring the channels, engaging with the fans,
and posting information on an ongoing basis. Rule of thumb: do not put all your eggs in one
basket. It is better not to have a channel at all than to keep it blank because you stretched
yourself too thin.

Challenge 4: Low Conversion Rates

If you have a large inflow of traffic, but few visitors convert, you may need to fine-tune your
selling efforts. You may wish to start by evaluating your goals. For instance, if you want blog
readers to sign up for email alerts or a free on-site assessment based on market value, make it
easy to do so. Mention them in your posts and keep the sign-up box displayed in a visible area.
If you want visitors to your website to call your company, list the phone number in an easy-to-
spot place. Not always do marketers know where to add calls-to-actions (i.e., sign-up for email
alerts, sign-up for free on-site assessment etc.). Tech-savvy marketers do A/B Testing by
placing calls-to-actions in different spots on the web pages. They then use web analytics to
determine which spot gives off the best ROI.

Chapter 2: Introduction

2.1 Introduction

Digital marketing is the future of real estate. The results are usually transformative.

A couple of decades ago, properties were considered a luxury investment. Only the richest of
rich could afford the exorbitant prices stamped on the various housing projects. Even the
process of purchasing a property was a long and tedious one. Home seekers had to collect and
sign an endless flow of documents while also searching for a broker who could strike them a
good deal for the desired property.7

However, this trend has changed drastically. A large portion of home buyers research online
and find it convenient to check and shortlist apartments virtually before physically going to see
it. In fact, data suggests that 92% of home buyers search online to find their dream home.
Additionally, 82% of real estate market investors trust online agents as a reliable source of
information, and 42% have resorted to the Internet as their first search medium.7

The emerging role of Digital marketing is not only limited to the Real estate Industry of India
but the transforming the overall landscape of marketing in India. Most of the massive real estate
firms not only limiting themselves to the traditional ways of marketing but largely focusing on
the digital aspects as well. Self

Marketing for any product or service digitally has now become mandatory. With over 234
million internet users currently, the digital market has really opened up a plethora of
opportunities for brands today. Real estate is one such industry that has really benefitted from
the digital marketing wave. According to research, around 92% of potential buyers do vigorous
research online before they ultimately make the purchase offline.3

Today, there are 450 million active users on the Internet, in India alone, and going by current
trends, 635.8 million Indians will be online by 2021. These developments offer both a unique
opportunity and a challenge for real estate developers. They need to make full use of the
growing digital audience to engage with the next billion Internet users in India.7

2.2 Real Estate Industry in India

The real estate sector is one of the most globally recognized sectors. Real estate sector
comprises four sub sectors - housing, retail, hospitality, and commercial. The growth of this
sector is well complemented by the growth of the corporate environment and the demand for
office space as well as urban and semi-urban accommodations. The construction industry ranks
third among the 14 major sectors in terms of direct, indirect and induced effects in all sectors
of the economy. 1

Real estate sector in India is expected to reach a market size of US$ US$ 1 trillion by 2030
from US$ 120 billion in 2017 and contribute 13 per cent of the country’s GDP by 2025.
Emergence of nuclear families, rapid urbanisation and rising household income are likely to
remain the key drivers for growth in all spheres of real estate, including residential, commercial
and retail. Rapid urbanisation in the country is pushing the growth of real estate.1

The Government of India along with the governments of the respective states has taken several
initiatives to encourage the development in the sector. The Smart City Project, where there is
a plan to build 100 smart cities, is a prime opportunity for the real estate companies. 1

2.3 SWOT analysis


The major strength of the Indian real estate industry is raising population. It creates domestic
demand and scarcity of housing. As per industry estimates, India requires 18.78 million
housing. Of this huge shortage more than 90 per cent of the housing is required by those who
belong to either the economically weaker sections (EWS) or lower income groups (LIG). The
huge domestic demand will continue to drive demand and keep pushing developers/builders
and the industry to build more mid-income and affordable housing. The foreign direct
investors are interested to invest in real estate industry such as, constructions and

Thus, there is a requirement for more skilled professionals, more manpower and labour to
build. In addition to this, an infrastructure is also required to support the upcoming housing
and real estate developments. This would need more investments and external support. Due
to this essential demand and opportunities, India’s built environment and especially real
estate continues to be a search for area for investments.


Lack of regulations: Rapid urbanization is good for the growth but there are loopholes within
the entire system. The biggest of them is the lack of regulations in our country. Over the past
one decade, the country is trying to regulate country’s fragmented and irregular built
environment. Though there have been a few milestones of success, such as the opening of the
foreign direct investments for the real estate sector. However, this cannot solve the problems
of the entire built environment.

A regulation in place would address various issues — consumer grievance redressal,

registration of projects, their timely delivery of projects and crimes such as draw off funds
from one project to another. A regulation will also put a check on all untrustworthy players
who may be operating within the built environment. In addition, there are very few
regulations for the resale market. Thus, its absence would mean lack of trust within investors
who are closely watching the growth story.
Importance of investors: Indian micro-markets are primarily driven by investors within
regions. Often, investors are the first set of buyers in any new project in an upcoming area.
This takes away most of the genuine home buyers who may want to buy. Moreover, the idea
of pre-launch and soft launch is specifically meant for the deep pocketed investors. Thus,
discounted rates are available for primary investors. The same investor then sells them in the
open market at a higher rate when the project is actually launched. In all of this, buyers are at
a loss, even if they are buying from the company directly. One will anyway get a higher rate.
The entire manner of transactions forms a vicious cycle and pushes the rates up. The overall
prominence of investors thus gives Indian realty a tarnished image. Practices of cash
component: Often it is seen that property transactions in the resale market involves the use of
cash component that may or may not be from genuine source. When the component is from
unknown source, the property value is generally higher than the prevailing circle rates. So,
every time the owner is selling the property in resale, the price is higher than the previous
sale value. Thus, the gap between the circle rate and the market rates exists. This gap can
only be reduced if the circle rate matches the actual transactions rate. Over the years city and
state authorities have been trying to increase the circle rates thereby reducing the gap. Banks
too fund the purchase based on the circle rates but one can still find actual prevailing rates
higher than the circle rate. This disparity and irregularity deters most home buyers from
buying. Even corporate occupiers, multi-nationals and organizations keep away from
investing on real estate. They continue to take space on rent.


Expansion in tier II cities (Tier II consists of Hyderabad, Pune and Chennai, the cities
targeted by companies as alternative off shoring destinations and which now possess a well-
trained pool of skilled labour. According to a Deutch Bank (DB) Research the cost advantage
of Tier II cities over those in Tier I is estimated at 15% to 20%.): Along with metros smaller
towns and cities are also expanding. As cities are expanding towards suburbs new and new
villages are now getting closer to cities. Thus, the existing infrastructure needs an overhaul.
This would mean more development and more construction. There will be more jobs and
growth opportunities in the country. Even data supports such a growth.

As per a recent study, India is the highly potential and expected to increase further in future,
given the rate of urbanization and expansion of satellite cities. With over 600 million people
expected to inhabit Indian cities by 2030, the shift to cities and urban agglomerations implies
potential demand for quality real estate and extensive supporting infrastructure services in
urban areas.

The Retail Sector: Government has very recently allowed 100 per cent foreign direct
investment in multi-brand retail. This gives us an opportunity to build more. The retail
growth will boost future development. This in turn will generate more employment
opportunity. A number of multi-nationals are looking to invest and set their operations in the
country. Government incentives such as these will give them a favourable environment.
Commercial Sector: In addition to the residential and retail, commercial will continue to
grow. Companies and firms in various sectors will need quality work space. This gives us
immense growth potential. As more and more cities will start becoming the centre of
economic growth, requirement of an upmarket office space will grow. Besides, metros such
as OMR, Thiruvanmiyur and Sriperumbudur, in Chennai have their own marginal markets,
which are now witnessing huge growth.


While there are opportunities in our domestic demand and growth, there are impediments to
this growth.

Skills shortage: As now, the industry faces the biggest challenge is shortage of skilled
professionals. As per RICS’ recent report Real Estate and Construction Professionals in India
by 2020, India has nearly 50 million people will get employment in real estate industry, of
which only 2 million are professionally qualified, while the remaining are primarily
construction workers.

To deliver all the potentially required real estate space and planned infrastructure, India will
need nearly 4.5 million ‘core’ real estate environment professionals over the next decade.
However, given the microscopic supply of real estate environment professionals today; the
current demand-supply gap ranges between 82-86%. The built environment will have the
requirement of 5 million skilled candidates every year till 2020. Though efforts are being
made to reduce this gap, this needs an urgent attention of all the stakeholders. The industry is
now aware of these shortages and is trying to enhance the skill sets of the existing workforce.
RICS is also engaged in providing training and knowledge to those who want to build their
career within the real estate environment.

Delayed approval of projects: As industry is gearing to create awareness about bringing more
professionalism and transparency in the market, there is an urgent need to create a single
window clearance mechanism for projects within the built environment. This would need
equal participation from all — government, government agencies, industry (developers,
construction and allied firms) and consumers.

Chapter 3: Methodology

3.1 Objectives

The study aims to explore the emerging role of digital marketing in transformation in real estate
industry of India. It also throws light on some of the top trends in the real estate industry of
India. The project research will guide you through the trends and its practical applications by
some of the top brands to be ahead in the competitive race of Industry, this research will also
adjoin the links between the various available resources on Internet and provide you with the
inferences that is needed for any brand to remain top in the real estate Industry.

3.2 Data collection

The methods of data collection include Secondary research by internal & external data sources.

3.4 Resources

Secondary data is collected through internal & external data sources i.e., Research, published
researches & Papers (Including White Papers), the internal & External documents produced by
organizations, Books and Journals, Articles blog and researches, WebPages pages and the
internet, Newspapers and magazines, Governments and regulatory agencies reports, the public
reports of companies, items appearing in the press and other media platforms.

3.5 Methods

Competitive analysis is conducted to save time with low cost approaches, which is useful in
finding & highlighting the key problems or gaps. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant,
Time-bound (SMART) goals are determined to measure the success of the strategy.

Chapter 4: Digital marketing - Real Estate

The Planning Commission of India defines ‘Real estate’ as land, including the air above it and
the ground below it, and any buildings or structures on it. It is also referred to as realty. It
covers residential housing, commercial offices, trading spaces such as theatres, hotels and
restaurants, retail outlets, industrial buildings such as factories and government buildings. The
activities of the real estate sector cover the housing and construction sectors also. Real estate
business involves transactions, such as purchase, sale, and development of land, residential and
non-residential buildings. Major players in the real estate market are the land owners,
developers, builders, real estate agents, tenants, buyers etc.

For any company in real estate, hoping to succeed, digital marketing is a great place to start.
Developers not using this medium are losing out a plethora of opportunities that the medium
has to offer. Building a strong real estate brand through a website, social media marketing,
content marketing and search engine optimisation. Acquiring customers through advertising
on various platforms such as Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, lead nurturing techniques and
influencer marketing. Customer engagement via YouTube videos and social media posts.

Let's look at some digital marketing practices (in the Real Estate Industry) that will help achieve
the above-mentioned goals.
4.1 Building the brand

Creating an online presence is the first, most important step, and serves as a backbone for all
future digital marketing activities. To establish a powerful online presence, Real Estate
developers need to focus on creating three things.

i. Creating a Website

For Real Estate, a website can serve two purposes: a virtual office that showcases the builder's
latest projects or a virtual marketplace for home seekers to explore purchasing options. To
make either one or both of these purposes work well, there are numerous tools and optimisation
techniques that need to be implemented.

Even the design of the website matters as it can make a difference to user experience and one
such design that has been making waves amongst the real estate websites is a Flat Design. Flat
website designs are categorised by their simple, elegant and square’ish’ look; first noticed in
the Windows 8 Tile User Interface. With minimalistic animations and loads of white space, the
Flat website design has proven to be effective in page speed loading times, readability, mobile
optimisation and ease of navigation.

While a good website design is pleasing to the eyes, it only scratches the surface of what matters
especially in the Real Estate sector. A stellar design needs to be accompanied by great content
to create an impact. Writing good content that effectively communicates a Real Estate brand’s
message and intrigues the user to go ahead for a purchase is vital. Presenting your target
audience with engaging content is a sure-shot way to grab their attention and generate leads.

Real Estate is a very broad topic, so to fit everything into a single website, other strategies can
be utilised to showcase everything a Real Estate developer has to offer.

ii. lancor website

Multiple Web pages: Aside from having a homepage that gives a gist of the Real Estate
builder’s brand, having multiple web pages that provide more information on the brand and
interlink with one another through clever content navigation is essential. More pages ultimately
result in users spending more time on the website, which directly affects the website's rank on
search engines.

iii. Landing Pages

Landing pages act as mini e-commerce portals that explain in detail about a particular brand's
upcoming, on-going or released Real Estate project. Landing pages that are interactive or those
that have video presentations have proven to yield 403% more inquiries than regular pages.

4.2 Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

SEO is the glue that holds an entire digital marketing campaign together. As a matter of fact,
digital marketers for Real Estate must have an SEO planner right at the beginning of their
marketing strategy. From SEO plugins to various link building techniques, the driving force of
good SEO, especially for Real Estate, is keyword research.

Statistics show that 80% of home buyers search for properties online which means having a
list of search keywords incorporated into a content marketing strategy will pay off well.
Potential customers will most likely be presented with search results about a property that has
those keywords. Additionally, real estate companies can also leverage local SEO and Google
maps to promote their business.

Content and SEO go hand-in-hand. Real estate companies will have to focus on making their
content discoverable and the best way to do so is to create content like pillar posts that are
discoverable, sharable and informative. Pillar content is different from blog posts and other
long-form content. They are much longer than blog posts, almost like guides on a particular
topic. They help you rank for multiple queries on a single topic and generate organic leads and
traffic in the long run.

For example, pillar pages are a great way to rank for common real estate keywords like "home
loan application" or "first-time homebuyers". A pillar content on either of these topics will act
a complete guide for your audience, you can link back to other blogs on your website and
internal linking will signal Google to prioritise your website and give it a better ranking.

Here are just a few more effective ways to boost your SEO:

 Posting quality articles that provide quality content relevant to a specific keyword
search. Do not saturate your articles with spam or overuse of keywords.
 Making sure your site has no dead end links or unreachable pages.
 Associating your social media accounts with your website. Make sure contact info stays
consistent and you are cross pollinating content.
 Making sure your website is mobile friendly. Google is moving towards a mobile first
algorithm because most traffic on the internet is coming from mobile devices.
 Have responsive page loading times. This contributes to a higher bounce rate and will
frustrate any visitors into leaving.

SEO is a specialty within itself that is very dynamic. However, if you put the time and
dedication into auditing your site and posting quality content, you will reap the fruits of your
labour in due time. Constantly evaluate what you can be doing to drive traffic to your website.

4.3 Creating a Blog

When people need help or are looking for something, they do one of two things – seek out a
person or a place or browse the internet. Blogging has come a long way from being a casual
online tool for storytelling to an essential element of a digital marketing strategy.

Blogs are a long, short or creative source of information and if there is one thing Google loves,
it is loads of valuable information. Research shows that websites with blogs have 434% more
indexed pages. Google recognises and ranks these websites easily due to the information
provided, ultimately leading to that site showing up on the first page of search results.
Considering how broad a topic Real Estate is, builders must take advantage of the power of
blogging and focus on sharing information to potential home buyers. Blogs that give detailed
information on upcoming properties, tips on home buying and guides on investment options
are just some of the many topics a Real Estate blog can include.

Benefits of Blogging for Real Estate

The benefits of blogging for real estate are many. When you put a clear system in place along
with great content, your blog becomes a magnet for potential home buyers and sellers in your

Here are just some of the great things you have to look forward to when you’re blogging for
real estate.

Get More Traffic to Your Site with Blogging for Real Estate

You created a beautiful website. You love it. You know that potential clients will love it too.

But if you created a new website without any kind of promotional strategy, you may have
noticed something interesting. It gets no traffic. How is that possible? Over 4 billion people are
on the Internet globally. That’s over 40% of the world population.

It’s possible because there are around 2 billion websites on the web. In order to get any traffic
to a specific site, you need a strategy. Blogging for real estate is the first step in creating that
strategy that will help you get more traffic.

More Visibility in Search Results with Blogging for Real Estate

Blogging helps you get more traffic in two primary ways.

First, a real estate blog focuses on topics that people are actually looking for. Websites that
have blogs have 400X more pages showing up in search results. People who are looking for
these topics find your articles. Continue to consistently post fresh content on topics that your
target is looking for, and you’ll see that visibility go up and up.

More Engagement on Social Media

You probably have a Facebook page. But what are you sharing? It’s important to share pictures
and videos of great homes and happy new homeowners but people can only like so many
pictures of happy new homeowners holding a new set of keys. You need more substance.

Post a variety of engaging, helpful content that anyone who’s interesting in buying or selling a
home in your area will find useful. This is the kind of content that people not only like but also
share. They actually visit your website to view it. Blogging for real estate gives you an
eventually endless supply of content to share. Evergreen pieces like “how to stage your home”
and “how to bid on your dream home” will be shareable again and again.

Shows Your Expertise through Blogging for Real Estate

While there are strategies that a person can use to use create ads that people like, many people
today are tuning them out. If your website just looks like one big ad, that will turn potential
clients away fast.

Blogging for real estate gives you the opportunity to take a different approach. Did you ever
write a short story for high school English class? You may remember the teacher talking about
“showing, not telling”. Ads tell. Blog posts show.

Instead of telling potential clients how great you are or how many homes you’ve sold, show
them your process. Show them that you’re good at what you do. Show them exact steps you
would help them take to get into the home of their dreams.

This establishes you as an expert in their minds. If you continue to deliver consistently helpful
and relevant content, they will follow you. You are now top of mind when they’re ready to buy
or sell a home.

And if you sell commercial real estate, blogs are even more important. 59% of B2B marketers
say blogging is the best way to reach business buyers.

Generates Real Estate Leads

Blogging generates 3X more leads than more traditional methods of marketing like local
newspaper ads or billboards. And it costs a lot less. We’ll talk more about how to generate
these leads below.

Nurtures Leads

Blogging for real estate is a hands-off and efficient way to nurture a lead. While human
interaction is obviously important, 67% of people say they prefer to be able to help and learn
themselves rather than needing to speak with someone. While this may seem impersonal given
the outgoing person that you are, know that they still need to you.

You’re simply nurturing many people through your blog content first. Then, when they’re a
highly qualified lead that is worth your time to nurture in person, they will reach out to you.
This helps cut the waste out of nurturing leads. You can focus on the people who are most
likely clients rather than wasting time with people who aren’t.

Encourages Buyers/Sellers to Act Now

You’ll really like this one. It’s a common problem in real estate. People just want to test the
market. Or they’re not really sure if they’re ready to buy/sell now. They make inquiries that
take time to answer.

You think sometimes you actually have a warm lead here. But they’re not serious. There’s no
follow-through, so you don’t get paid. A blog is great way to take people out of the indecisive
zone to just do it. And because you’ve already written the article, you don’t have to give the
same answers over and over again. Many potential clients find exactly what they’re looking
for by reading the blog.
And in case you’re wondering, yes, people today do read. In fact, they read a lot. 57% of people
say they consume blogs regularly. So just how convincing can a blog be? Let’s take a look.

People who find you in search engines thanks to your amazing blog have a 14.6% chance of
becoming a client. People who find you through an ad, only have about a 1.7% chance of
becoming a client. Blogging for real estate encourages people to act now and work with you.

Works for You When You Can’t

You stay busy. Weekends. Holidays. Those don’t mean much to you. You’re working when
there’s work to be done for your clients. Often it feels like there just aren’t enough hours in the

That’s why it’s so great that your blog works when you’re not. Having a blog can actually free
up hours in your day. Never feel like taking a much-needed break or getting a good night’s
sleep means you’re missing opportunities. A blog works when you can’t. It’s there answering
questions and connecting with potential clients.

The more blog articles you have up on your website, the more effectively you can use your
work time. And as you continue to update your blog, you’ll keep getting results.

It Keeps Generating Traffic Year over Year

If you answer a person’s question you’ve helped that one person. But when you have a blog,
you’re helping hundreds or thousands with just one blog article. Plus it keeps helping people
year after year.

As long as you maintain your blog by adding new content and apply SEO strategies to stay
visible in searches, your blog delivers traffic to you year after year.

And this isn’t just any traffic. These are people who are interested in buying and selling homes.

Blogging for Real Estate is Cost-Effective

Finally, blogging is so cost-effective. Compared to other marketing methods, blogging costs

around 67% less and the benefits of it increase over time in a snowball effect rather than
decrease as you’d find if ran an ad for a short time.

We’re not against ads. Blogging is just much more affordable as a long-term strategy.

Blogging to generate leads comes down to choosing the right topics. These are ones that people
are looking for and are highly shareable in social media. And you need to have a clear way to
capture that lead (email) so you can continue to engage this person in a more personalized way.
Keep them informed about your latest blog posts with a monthly highlights newsletter. Or
create some customized listings of new homes on the market.

As you build an email list, you’ll be able to send the same content to multiple people. That
makes this a very efficient and profitable way to nurture leads.
4.4. Having a strong social media presence.

Social media has become a powerful tool to help reinforce the digital transformation of the real
estate business. 78% of marketers who've used social media for at least 2 years report that the
traffic to their websites has increased dramatically.4

Social media is a reliable marketing channel. Several companies still do not totally comprehend
how extremely effective these systems have ended up being. A variety of fresh offers from the
huge networks made it possible to get to target markets specifically and more effectively than
in the past. These fresh offers would include geofencing and improved retargeting.

The trick to maximizing it is to create advanced social projects that utilize the complete variety
of tools and styles. Companies that invest in advanced social methods are most likely to find
an outstanding ROI on their investment. The platform of Social Media offers brands a unique
way to get more personal with their audience, and it is no different in the case of Real Estate.

There are numerous platforms for Social Media Marketing available today and some of the
most useful ones for Real Estate developers include:

i. Facebook: India has the world’s largest number of Facebook users (195 million and
counting), so there is a clear and open platform for Real Estate developers to take
advantage of the numerous advertising techniques Facebook has to offer.
ii. YouTube: Videos are, without a doubt, the most watched medium on the planet. Real
Estate developers can use optimised YouTube videos to add a layer of instructiveness
to their promotional campaigns.
iii. Twitter: This micro-blogging giant has proven to be a rather useful marketing tool in
the recent years. Twitter serves as a great platform for Real Estate developers to invite
credible 3rd party sources to influence purchase decisions. For more insight on this,
make sure you check out our extensive Twitter marketing guide for businesses in India.
iv. LinkedIn: LinkedIn is the go-to medium for anyone looking to expand their business
to business portfolio. Real Estate developers can connect to 3rd party realtors,
architects, interior designers, house maintenance providers and so on.

4.4.1 Case study

1. Casagrand Builder Private Limited 2

The Indian property developer generated a record 190 crores in revenue after using a mix of
Facebook marketing solutions to build its brand and generate sales at the same time.

 190-crore (US$ 30 million) revenue generated in the last financial year

 60% lower cost per lead compared to other digital channels

Casagrand Builder Private Limited is an ISO-certified real estate enterprise committed to

building aspirations and delivering value. It offers superior homes in premium locations of
Southern India. To date, the developer has delivered dream homes across 68 landmark
properties to over 4,000 happy families.
Their goal: Generating property sales -Casagrand wanted to improve its residential property
sales from online inquiries and reduce its cost of acquisition by 50%.

Product used

 Instant Experience: Use the full screen to bring your story to life.
 Lead ads: Generate qualified leads for your business.
 Photo ads: Inspire your audience with photo ads.
 Slideshow: Lightweight video ads without the time or expense.
 Video ads: Capture attention with engaging video ads.
 Instagram: Promote your business to an engaged audience.

Facebook has been one of our best-performing digital advertising channels over the last
financial year. Not only has it helped us in driving top-of-mind recall with our audience, it has
also improved sales at a phenomenally low acquisition cost.

Gautam Aggarwal

Vice President – Product Development, Casagrand Builder Private Limited

4.5. Acquiring Customers

Having an online presence won't be fruitful if your potential customers are not aware of that
presence. Real Estate developers depend heavily on lead generation, and digital marketing
offers the quickest, easiest and most ROI friendly lead generation method. Here are some of
the ways Real Estate developers can acquire customers via digital media.

I. Advertising

Advertising online is one of the best ways to ensure you are reaching your potential target
Group. If done right, it can be the best lead generation tool for real estate developers. Be it
Facebook or Google or even other platforms such as Bing and Yahoo, using lead generation,
website conversion ads or even interactive ads to engage with your target audience and collect

i. Facebook Ads

As of July 2017, there are 241 million active users in India on Facebook. This is a primary
reason why advertising on Facebook is something every builder needs to try. From website
conversion ads to lead ads and carousel ads, builders should try a combination of videos and
images to drive enquiries and site visits. Facebook also has detailed targeting by demographics,
age and behaviour. Additionally, you can also target your website visitors and those you have
engaged with your post so that the ad is displayed to a more specific and niche crowd making
the probability of selling the property even higher than before.

Ads in regional languages have started rolling out, and marketers have begun incorporating
this concept into their marketing strategies to reach out to their target audience. When a
potential home buyer reads an ad in his regional language, he develops a bond of trust and
comfort with the seller and is more likely to make a purchase, or at least recommend that
product to a friend.

ii. Regional ads

With Facebook’s Brand Reach and Frequency campaigns, brands can even get assured
visibility and reach, similar to what a front-page newspaper ad gives.

iii. Google Ads

Google AdWords is a paid digital marketing strategy that is run on the Google search engine.
Adwords smart display campaigns run strongly through a set of rules and guidelines and work
best when incorporated into SEO tools and strategies.

Let's say a home seeker is typing "flats in OMR" in the search box; if the digital marketer has
incorporated the keywords "flats in OMR" along with some other relevant search queries,
Google will pick up that ad and display it in the search results. The placement of the ad depends
entirely on the budget set for the campaign. You can also optimise your AdWords campaign
for profound results.

Google’s algorithms are ever changing and evolving to be more consumer-friendly, and 2017
has some cool new digital marketing trends that every marketer must keep close tabs on.

4.6. Drip email marketing

Drip emails are automated emails that are sent out based on a predefined time or user actions.
Real Estate developers can target and constantly stay in touch with a group of people based on
certain criteria retrieved from a strong email marketing database. Let's say that a customer has
visited a property website and shown interest by subscribing to property newsletters. Digital
marketers can use the information provided by the customer to send emails about the
development and completion of the property and news on various other related properties.

Drip emails are a powerful lead nurturer, with statistics showing a 119% increase click-through
rate via trustworthy emails.

4.7. Influencer marketing

Influencer marketing is the Internet's word-of-mouth marketing method and can prove very
effective to generate leads for Real Estate Developers. Just like word-of-mouth, influencer
marketing uses popular bloggers and other professionals in the Real Estate industry to promote
a particular property. Influencer marketing channels include both blogs and social media
channels, so Real estate developers must carefully choose the appropriate kind of influencer to
market their properties. provides a one-stop platform for Real Estate developers to search and connect
with the best influencers in the country; they can choose from either working on long
campaigns with a selected influencer or contacting multiple micro-influencers over various
social media platforms to spread the word.
People want authentic and real experiences. That’s why your potential clients are likely to
believe a real person over the ad that you show. And this is where influencer marketing
becomes useful. It is costly. But it is also effective. If you use it in your real estate marketing,
you need to find influencers that can reach out to your right consumers. To further assist your
campaign, you can use an effective hashtag that your clients can remember easily.

About 39% of marketers are working with influencers. Influencer marketing is another trend
we’ve been talking about lately. It makes sense: Buyers value the opinions of peers and
colleagues. In fact, 82% of Americans seek recommendations when making a purchase of any
kind. Such a major purchase like real estate can be greatly influenced by what buyers’ peers
think of the neighbourhood, community or building, etc.

In real estate, it’s important to consider other people who might influence buyers and renters.
Aside from family and friends, financial advisors, brokers, interior designers, and celebrities
(be they local professional athletes or social media celebrities) can have an impact on buyers’
opinions of a property.

4.8. Customer Engagement

The age-old marketing rule of getting new customers while retaining existing customers applies
in the digital space as well. Of course, the most popular tool for customer engagement today is
social media, and Facebook ranks high up on the list, especially for the Real Estate industry.
There are a plethora of social media trends benefiting the real estate industry. Here are some
interesting ways developers can utilise Facebook and YouTube for customer engagement.

 Facebook engagement
 Post real estate investment advice albeit with a funny picture
 Post product comparison images and let the followers vote
 Post interesting facts about the locality where the property is being developed
 Post about celebrity or high-profile activity that is happening in the locality where the
property is being developed
 Post about festivals and celebratory occasions while adding a twist that relates to a
 Share information about daily real estate activities
 YouTube engagement
 Post videos on property interiors
 DIY practical tips on home improvement
 Property reviews
 Live feed of upcoming events that relate to the property
 Virtual reality property experience

4.9. Multilingual Marketing

As of 2017, India had 450 million active internet users. While these numbers are set to increase
over the next few years, what’s interesting to note is that by 2021, 9 out of 10 internet users
will be Indian language users. These massive numbers indicate a much larger audience group
for real estate developers to tap into. The easiest way to do this, is by employing multilingual
marketing as part of their digital strategy. Take a look at our detailed video on why every Indian
brand MUST have a Multilingual Digital Strategy and Vernacular Communication.

Be it ads, a landing page or even an entire website, when a potential customer sees content in
his own native tongue, several things happen. You create brand awareness and increase brand
recall, you build your customer’s trust in your product or brand and finally, you have a higher
chance of converting potential leads. In the case of real estate companies, your buyer is likely
to purchase a home or at the very least recommend your company to a friend.

Keeping the vernacular approach in mind, real estate companies can use vernacular content in
their ads to reach their target audience using Facebook Marketing Solutions. One thing to
remember is that you can’t stop with just your ads – your entire digital strategy must include
an end-to-end multilingual marketing approach. You can read how regional ads resulted in a
70% drop in CPL for one of our biggest real estate clients.

How multilingual ads generated high-quality leads & lower CPL?

As the saying goes – The only thing constant is change. Internet usage has evolved in India
from being a mere medium to connect with friends to an expansive forum to grow your business
and widen your reach. With the drop in the prices of smartphones and the introduction of
affordable data plans by Reliance Jio, users from the tier 2 and tier 3 regions of the nation have
joined the digital bandwagon and brands are leaving no stone unturned in targeting them.

However, when it comes to generating high-quality leads for your brand, just detailed targeting
is not enough. Marketers need to find an emotional connect with the potential target audience
to create a solid bond of trust and increase brand assurance. Keeping this in mind, we used
multilingual advertising to help our real estate clients reach their target audience using
Facebook marketing solutions. Keeping the vernacular approach in mind, we leveraged the
reach and convenience of Facebook Form ads with the sole objective of lead generation.
However, it was not just the ads that were vernacular, even the content in the forms was
presented in a regional language to provide an end-to-end multilingual approach.

Case studies

This case study is an important example of the power of social media marketing and
multilingual advertising. However, it is vital to understand that multilingual marketing is not
just about translation. It is about creating an end-to-end marketing strategy in the language your
target audience is comfortable in.

i. Regional ads resulted in 70% drop in CPL for Casagrand

Casagrand is one of the top property developers in the country with a strong presence in the
south. In an attempt to promote their recent project – Casagrand Smart Town – we used
Facebook to advertise the project. Since the project is located in Thalambur, in the IT corridor
of Chennai, we targeted both people working in the region and those who are looking for
investing options in the area. The project is smartly priced at Rs 24 Lakhs, making it a great
option for first time home buyers as well.

To begin with, we ran English ads on Facebook which resulted in a high CPL. Understanding
the target audience is also Tamil speaking, we ran the same ads in Tamil as well. The regional
ads generated 3x the number of leads and the CPL was almost 1/3rd. This resulted in almost a
9x better engagement with the same investment. This only proves that targeting your audience
with a multilingual ad strategy helps both the consumers and the marketers.

ii. 69 leads, 3 site visits and over 25% drop in CPL for L&T

L&T is a household name in our nation, known for top-notch residential and commercial
developments that are landmarks of their own. L&T Praganya Eden Park is an integrated
township located in Siruseri, with spectacular 3BHK apartments packed with new-age
amenities and facilities. Again, since Siruseri is a hot destination for both IT professionals who
travel to the locality every day for work and real estate investors looking for burgeoning areas
to buy a home in, we targeted both the groups on Facebook through Tamil ads.

The campaign resulted in over 25% reduction of CPL with the average CPL of the campaign
being 15% lesser than average CPLs in this micro market. Additionally, it generated multiple
leads with 3 site visits.

iii. 20% increase in qualified leads with 15% walk-ins for Nisarg

Nisarg Greens located in Ambernath East, Mumbai, is one of the most coveted gated
communities of the region with 1, 2 and 3 BHK apartments built in a luxurious plot of 25 acres.
This property was promoted in Marathi to connect with the local audience and generate high-
quality leads instantly. The price point of this project is attractive, making it a great buy for
young families and those who have just started working. Consumers were targeted with an end-
to-end multilingual marketing approach with both the lead forms and the ads being presented
in Marathi. The campaign resulted in a 20% increase in qualified leads, out of which a
whopping 15% contributed to walk-ins, and one successful booking!

iv. 64% drop in CPL and 75% increase in leads for Lancor

Lancor Lumina 2020 is a newly launched community enclave offering premium lifestyle 2 and
3 BHK apartments in the fast-appreciating locality of Guduvanchery. The project was
promoted on Facebook in both English and Tamil ads. The English ads and Tamil ads were run
one after the other and resulted in 64% drop in CPL and 75% more number of leads.

4.10. Full Funnel Marketing

The sales funnel of yore has been proclaimed as outdated by many. Today’s digital marketing
funnel is a cocktail of strategies targeted at gathering better quality leads, converting them
successfully and then nurturing your leads/customers so they keep coming back. Of course, the
important aspect of lead generation is quality content. The various phases in a digital full-
funnel marketing approach are Awareness, Consideration, Conversion and Retention. You can
check out our detailed video of Full Funnel Marketing via digital for an in-depth explanation.

The reason the digital marketing funnel is so important for real estate companies is because
back in the day, only the final level was considered important. Driving conversions was the
only target real estate brands poured their resources into. However, that’s where the problem
lies. Without your audience knowing who you are or the products and services you offer, your
brand cannot expect to have a high conversion rate. It is therefore imperative that real estate
companies include a solid full-funnel marketing approach in their digital strategies.

4.11. YouTube Marketing

If a picture paints a thousand words imagine what a video could do. Videos have been around
for decades and have taken the world by storm across industries – be it education,
entertainment, information, etc. YouTube is currently the world’s second largest search engine
with over 225 million monthly active users in India alone. Suffice to say that your real estate
brand needs to have a comprehensive YouTube strategy to tape into this sizeable audience. It
is important to note, however, that you don’t have to stop with just YouTube. Real estate brands
will have to explore multiple video formats across social media channels like Facebook,
Instagram, LinkedIn, etc and create customised strategies for each. Today, interactive videos
are currently an extremely popular trend due to the higher user engagement they deliver. You
can also read our blog on tips to create compelling videos that convert.

4.12. Chatbots

These tools have been around for a long time. The technology incorporates voice, text, and
messages to talk straight with customers. Chatbots are utilized much longer than virtual reality.
However, it is taking the spotlight now and in the coming years. The market of chatbot of
chatbot would have an annual growth rate of more than 24%. It expected to reach $1.25 billion
a few years from now. The majority of businesses now are using chatbots as part of their
customer support.

In fact, several messaging apps are using bots to promote products and services. The apps offer
chatbots to help brands in promoting their products and services while providing a personalized
customer support experience. It is a successful technology because it can quickly and
accurately provide answers to the client’s questions. Furthermore, they can gather data about
their users. These data are effective in boosting interaction with them.

4.13. Augmented Reality

The greatest challenge with real estate marketing is that clients need to see the property in
person before they make a final choice. The good thing is that you can add augmented reality
to your digital marketing.

There are several tools that let you produce virtual tours of properties. They can present to your
clients what a certain construction project will appear when it is finished.
The reason for this is that tours could give your clients a feel for the surrounding area. They
enable them to comprehend how it would feel like if they live in the property and the

Technology firms are also releasing toolkits that make augmented offerings a lot easier. In this
case, augmented technology becomes more accessible in 2019.

Chapter 5: Conclusion

5.1 Conclusion

The study shows the emerging role of digital marketing in the real estate industry of India and
the use of technology is transforming the real estate industry in India. The project research
also shows that the trends and its practical applications by some of the top brands to be ahead
in the competitive race of Industry, this research also adjoined the links between the various
available resources on Internet and provided with the inferences that is needed for any brand
to remain top in the real estate Industry.



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