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Malaysian government had taken initiative step to improve the environmental quality
by providing new law in 2007 knows as Solid Waste and Public Cleansing Management Act
2007. According to The Star Online reported that a few states such as Kuala Lumpur, Putrajaya,
Pahang, Melaka, Kedah, Negeri Sembilan, Perlis and Johor were enforced with the regulation
where the resident required to separate their waste according the type of material that able to
be recycled into four different categories which are wet waste (organic waste), plastic, paper
and glass. These separated wastes can be grouped either in separate bins or trash bag.

However, the Solid Waste Management and Public Cleansing Corporation, SWCorp
advised the resident to follow the step on how to throw away the waste so easy for the Alam
Flora and Environment Idaman to collect the domestic waste. For wet waste need to be put in
the trash bags and placed in rubbish bin while dry waste needs to put in trash bag and placed
next to rubbish bins. If an individual disregard this act possibly hit with a compound RM 1000.

Besides, in order to form loving citizen towards sustainability of environment this thing
should be began from early stage which is from primary school by holding awarenees raising
activities such as public campaign, providing recycle dustbin and talk on recycling in every
school in Malaysia. Thus, the government able to educate and build in good mindset of young
generation on sustainability of environment. If this awareness keeping on track, hope in the
coming years the issues on waste pollution in Malaysia can be reduced.

Reference (2019). Waste Act by all states will be beneficial - Letters | The Star Online.
[online] Available at:
all-states-will-be-beneficial/ [Accessed 12 Mar. 2019].
Moh, Y.c., Manaf, L.A. (2014). Overview of household solid waste recycling policy status
and challenges in Malaysia. Resources, Conservation and Recycling V82, PP 50-61.

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