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Industrial Management & Data Systems

Impact of JIT on inventory to sales ratios

Timothy B. Biggart, Vidyaranya B. Gargeya,
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Timothy B. Biggart, Vidyaranya B. Gargeya, (2002) "Impact of JIT on inventory to sales ratios", Industrial Management &
Data Systems, Vol. 102 Issue: 4, pp.197-202,
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Impact of JIT on inventory to sales ratios

Timothy B. Biggart
Department of Accounting, University of North Carolina at Greensboro,
Greensboro, North Carolina, USA
Vidyaranya B. Gargeya
Department of Information Systems and Operations Management, University of
North Carolina at Greensboro, Greensboro, North Carolina, USA

Keywords The just-in-time (JIT) production system (as In fact, this philosophy is now being applied
Just-in-time, Inventory, Sales, the Toyota Production System) was to service sector companies without physical
Inventory turnover, Benefits
introduced by Shigeo Shingo and Taichi inventories (Canel et al., 2000).
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Abstract Ohno, at the Toyota Motor plant in the mid- The feasibility of implementing JIT
Just-In-Time (JIT) production has 1970s. JIT production is called by many systems in any kind of an environment can
received a great deal of attention, names: Zero Inventory Production System be fully understood by addressing the
worldwide, since its introduction
(ZIPS), Minimum Inventory Production elements of JIT production and relating each
in Japan a few decades ago. It has
been well documented that some System (MIPS), Kanban production, Kaizen of them to the others. Some of the more
of the main benefits of JIT production, Stockless production, Pull- frequently identified elements of the JIT
implementation are reduction of through production, and Quick Response production strategy include the education
inventories, lead-time reduction, (QR) Inventory Systems. JIT manufacturing, and training (including cross-training) of
and cost savings. Most of the
both as a philosophy and a disciplined employees in the JIT philosophy, setup time
previous research on the impact of
JIT on firm performance has either method of production, has received much reduction, cellular manufacturing/group
been anecdotal (one-firm studies), attention since its introduction. The JIT technology (CM), continuous quality
or cross-sectional (comparing JIT production philosophy is founded upon three improvement (CQI), and supplier
firms with non-JIT firms at one
fundamental principles: elimination of waste, partnerships (Ebrahimpour and
point in time) in nature. This paper
focuses on studying the impact of continuous quality improvement, and Schonberger, 1984; Gargeya and Thompson,
JIT on inventories to sales ratios encouragement of worker participation in 1994; Sohal et al., 1993). The reduction in
prior- and post-adoption based on operations planning and execution (Harber setup time, and achieving CQI also leads to
actual performance of 74 firms as et al., 1990). Firms implementing JIT seek to
reported in COMPUSTAT data. elimination of waste (in terms of equipment
Results show that the total
minimize the need for raw materials, work- downtime, scrap, and rework). Variance can
inventory to sales ratio and raw in-process (WIP) and finished goods be reduced through the application of CM,
material inventory to sales ratio inventory by focusing on the reducing set up and CQI, and the development of long-term
decreased post-implementation; times, coordinating of JIT deliveries from
however, there has not been any supplier partnerships. An organization that
suppliers with production needs, balancing eliminates waste, and reduces variance on a
statistically significant change in
productive capacities of internal processes,
work-in-process inventory to sales continuing basis improves its shop
ratio and finished goods inventory and, above all, maintaining a continuing
performance through reduction in lead-time,
to sales ratio post- commitment to achieving the highest level of
implementation. WIP, and operating expenses, and
quality at all stages of the business
throughput increases leading to excellence
transaction. The overall goal of JIT is to
and growth. It is acknowledged that other
eliminate waste, where waste is defined as
intermediary benefits from JIT
anything that does not specifically add value
implementation do exist in the form of
to the product or service. As such, JIT can be
increased teamwork, higher worker
viewed as a long-term strategy, one that
motivation, increased equipment and worker
promotes excellence and eliminates waste
efficiency, and increased productivity
throughout the company. JIT is a continuous
(Schonberger, 1986). These intermediary
process, and instituting a JIT program in an
benefits, however, do translate into
organization has been described as a ``race
without a finish''. Rather, success in elimination of waste, variance reduction, and
implementing JIT can be viewed in terms of overall enhancement of shop performance.
the extent to which the culture and The current paper focuses on the extent to
philosophy of JIT permeates the organization which the implementation of JIT has affected
and the degree of commitment (to the JIT total inventory to sales (TIS), raw material
Industrial Management & inventory to sales (RMIS), WIP inventory to
Data Systems principles) that the managers demonstrate.
102/4 [2002] 197±202 sales (WIPIS), and finished goods inventory
# MCB UP Limited to sales (FGIS) ratios. The next section
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at
[ISSN 0263-5577] presents a brief review of the literature,
[DOI 10.1108/02635570210423235]
followed by a section describing the
[ 197 ]
Timothy B. Biggart and hypotheses in this research. Then the performance. Balakrishnan et al. (1996)
Vidyaranya B. Gargeya research methodology is presented followed studied a sample of 46 firms that publicly
Impact of JIT on inventory to disclosed adopting JIT production during a
sales ratios by a section on the results and conclusions.
very narrow time frame of 1985 to 1989,
Industrial Management &
Data Systems against a sample of 46 firms in a control
102/4 [2002] 197±202 Review of the literature group that did not adopt JIT production
systems. The 46 firms that adopted JIT
A review of the literature indicates that there practices were predominantly from eight
is an enormous amount of empirical work different industries (furniture and fixtures,
that has been done on the implementation of rubber products, primary metal, fabricated
JIT and its benefits (Billesbach, 1991; Chin metal, industrial machinery, electronics,
and Rafuse, 1993; Cook and Rogowski, 1996; motor vehicles and accessories, and
Crawford et al., 1988; Deshpande and Golhar, instrumentation) using a two-digit Standard
1995; Golhar et al., 1990; Handfield, 1993; Industrial Code (SIC). In terms of assets, the
Hobbs, 1994; Howton et al., 2000; Im and Lee, 46 JIT adoption firms averaged $330.80
1989; Inman and Mehra, 1993; Payne, 1993; million (with a median of $85.13 million). In
Pelagagge, 1997; Sohal et al., 1993; terms of net sales, the sample averaged
Sriparavastu and Gupta, 1997; Stamm and
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$378.27 million (with a median of $108.50

Golhar, 1991; Temponi and Pandya, 1995; million). Their results showed that there was
White, 1993; White et al., 1999; Yasin et al., statistically significant difference (at a p
1997). Most of the research (whether case value less than 0.01) in the overall inventory
based or survey based) done thus far on the turnover ratio, raw material turnover ratio,
benefits of the adoption of JIT production and WIP turnover ratio pre- and post-JIT
mechanisms has either been anecdotal (Chin adoption. The difference in the pre- and post-
and Rafuse, 1993; Cook and Rogowski, 1996), JIT adoption finished goods turnover ratio
or cross-sectional, i.e. comparing JIT firms was not statistically significant at the 0.01
with non-JIT firms at one point in time level.
(Inman and Mehra, 1990; Lawrence and Billesbach and Hayen (1994) compared the
Hottenstein, 1995; and Sriparavastu and average sales to total inventory ratio during
Gupta, 1997), or confined to a single firm the 1977-1979 period of 28 firms that had
(Pelagagge, 1997). The multiple-firm adopted JIT practices to the average sales to
empirical studies (Crawford et al., 1988; total inventory ratio during the 1987-1989
Golhar et al., 1990; White, 1993; White et al., period of those 28 firms. Unlike the study
1999; Yasin et al., 1997) have only sought the reported by Balakrishnan et al. (1996),
perceptual opinion of one individual in the Billesbach and Hayen (1994) only considered
organization on the benefits accrued. total inventory and not raw material, WIP,
Vergin (1998) conducted a longitudinal and finished goods. Their results showed an
study by analyzing the changes in the increase in the average sales to inventory
inventory turnover ratio of 427 firms from ratio for 25 out of the 28 firms at a p-value less
the Fortune 500 list of the largest than 0.05.
corporations in the USA, during the 1986 to Research by Huson and Nanda (1995)
1995 period, using regression analysis. His focused on the average inventory turnover
results showed that the slope of the ratio four years pre- and post-JIT adoption of
regression model was different from zero at a 55 firms (in 15 different industries
statistically significant level of 0.0001. representing four one-digit SIC codes). The
However, he did not classify the firms based firms had adopted JIT production methods
on whether the firms were JIT adopters or during the 1980-1990 period. Similar to the
not. work by Billesbach and Hayen (1994), Huson
Howton et al. (2000) examined the reaction and Nanda (1995) considered only total
of financial markets and financial analysts to inventory not raw material, WIP, and
JIT adoption. They found that for 97 JIT finished goods. Their results showed a
adopters, there was a significant, positive statistically significant (at a p value of 0.01)
stock market reaction at the time of increase in the average inventory turnover
announcement. However, financial analysts ratio. The findings of Balakrishnan et al.
did not significantly increase their one- three (1996) are noteworthy. However, their results
or five-year forecasts of earnings for those are based on 46 firms (from only two one-digit
companies. SIC codes) that have adopted JIT production
There have been only three studies systems during a narrow (four-year) time
(Balakrishnan et al., 1996; Billesbach and span. The studies by Billesbach and Hayen
Hayen, 1994; Huson and Nanda, 1995) that (1994) and Huson and Nanda (1995) span a
have used longitudinal data to study the longer time horizon as well as include firms
benefits of JIT implementation on firm from a wider range of industries; however,
[ 198 ]
Timothy B. Biggart and both sets of researchers have considered System (ZIPS), Minimum Inventory
Vidyaranya B. Gargeya inventory in a composite form. Production System (MIPS), kanban
Impact of JIT on inventory to production (the Japanese word for the sign
sales ratios
cards used to control demand pull
Industrial Management &
Data Systems Research hypotheses production), and kaizan production (the
102/4 [2002] 197±202 Japanese word used to refer to a continuous
The literature review and the earlier improvement philosophy).
discussion on JIT production systems give We searched the Lexis files for all these JIT
rise to the following set of research synonyms, as well as JIT itself. This search
hypotheses about the benefits of pattern was repeated for the WSJI subject
implementing JIT production based on a listing for the categories ``inventory'' and
study of firms from a wide variety of ``inventory management''. To the firms
industries: detected by these searches, we added the
H1. Firms that have adopted JIT
samples from previous JIT research by
production will have a decreased level
Moras and Dieck (1992) and Billesbach and
of inventory to sales ratio post
Hayen (1994); every firm included in their
samples was identified in our search of the
H2. Firms that have adopted JIT
Downloaded by SURABAYA UNIVERSITY At 18:02 19 March 2018 (PT)

Lexis database.
production will have a decreased level
We took several steps to verify that the
of raw material inventory to sales ratio
identified adoption announcement date was
post adoption.
the earliest public association with JIT,
H3. Firms that have adopted JIT
addressing two potential announcement-
production will have a decreased level
related problems. The first was that an
of WIP inventory to sales ratio post
announcement might have appeared in the
Wall Street Journal prior to the Lexis
H4. Firms that have adopted JIT
announcement, but the announcement did
production will have a decreased level
not appear in the WSJI subject listing under
of finished goods inventory to sales
the categories ``inventory'' or ``inventory
ratio post adoption.
management''. In order to investigate this
possibility, we examined all of the listings in
the WSJI for each firm in the sample from
Research methodology 1 January 1975, the beginning of the sample
The method used in this research is analysis period, through that firm's Lexis JIT
of data from secondary sources. An attempt adoption announcement date. In no case did a
was made to identify all firms (within the firm have a WSJI adoption date earlier than
USA) that made public announcements of JIT the Lexis adoption date.
adoption during the period 1975 to 1995. We A second potential problem with regard to
used Mead Data's Lexis/Nexis electronic the announcement date was that a firm could
database (hereafter, Lexis) and the Wall announce the adoption of JIT without using
Street Journal Index (WSJI) to identify firms any of the key-word patterns we used in our
that publicly disclosed a JIT adoption. On the data searches. For the firms in our sample,
Lexis database, we searched three sets of files we investigated this potential problem by
for the period: the PR newswire, the Major reading all inventory-related disclosures on
Newspaper files and the National Automated Lexis for each firm in the sample from the
Accounting Retrieval System (NAARS) beginning of the sample period to the
database. PR Newswire is one of the most previously identified JIT adoption date. Any
common sources used by firms making press announcement that contained one or more of
releases and when used in combination with the key JIT system concepts (reduced
the Major Newspaper files, it should provide machine setup times, employee
a comprehensive basis for identifying empowerment in the production process,
publicly available information about large inventory reductions or changes in supplier
US companies. The Major Newspaper files relationships) was read by two raters to
contain an index of 44 worldwide papers, determine if the announcement was
including such important US newspapers as considered to be a JIT announcement. A few
the New York Times, Washington Post and firms did in fact have such disclosures, and
Los Angeles Times. the announcement dates were changed to the
Identification of JIT adoption is prior disclosure.
complicated by the lack of a common name The sample included 238 US firms for
for the elements that make up the JIT system. which public announcement of JIT adoption
The JIT production system, in addition to occurred between 1975 and 1995; none of the
being called by the acronym JIT, has been announcements occurred before 1980. Of
referred to as Zero Inventory Production these 238 firms, 164 firms were eliminated
[ 199 ]
Timothy B. Biggart and due to unavailability of total inventory data. and 2 and the two-year average TIS, average
Vidyaranya B. Gargeya The final sample included 74 firms. Data for a RMIS, average WIPIS, and average FGIS
Impact of JIT on inventory to seven-year period (three years prior to JIT
sales ratios ratios in years 6 and 7. The two-year average
adoption and three years post JIT adoption) has been used to smooth out any temporary
Industrial Management &
Data Systems was collected. Year 4 was considered as the changes in inventory levels. We excluded the
102/4 [2002] 197±202 adoption year. The description of the sample data of years 3, 4, and 5 in order to eliminate
by industry is provided in Table I. the co-mingling of pre-adoption and post-
Table I shows that 15 different industries adoption measures. The use of TIS, RMIS,
(using a two-digit SIC) were represented in WIPIS, and FGIS (as opposed to actual
the sample. Based on the average number of inventories) allows for comparisons across
employees (65,552 with a median value more different firm sizes. Scaling inventory by
than 25,000), average total assets (about sales results in our study measuring relative
$6.7 billion with a median value more than changes in inventory levels. It should be
$2.7 billion), and average net sales (about noted that sales (as compared to total assets
$8.3 billion with a median value close to or market value of equity) is the standard for
$3 billion), it can be deduced that the sample scaling in inventory studies, as well as the
represents large organizations. The sample scaling factor used by the Department of
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in this study represents firms much larger Commerce in its inventory reporting. Then
than the ones in the study by Balakrishnan et Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used for
al. (1996). In the current sample, only three testing the hypothesis.
firms had less than 1,000 employees, only four
firms had less than $100 million in assets, and
only three firms had less than $100 million in Results and conclusions
sales. In terms of number of employees, the
smallest organization had 90 and the largest The findings indicate that the total inventory
firm had 657,000. In terms of assets, the range to sales ratio and the raw material inventory
between the smallest and the largest firms to sales ratio reduced substantially (at a
was $9 million to $87.56 billion. In terms of statistical significance level of 0.01) post-JIT
sales, the smallest organization had $14 adoption. There has, however, been no
million and the largest had close to $103 statistically significant change (at the 0.01
billion. level) in the WIP inventory to sales ratio and
The inventory change measures used in finished goods inventory to sales ratio post-
this study are the differences between the JIT implementation (Table II). Except for the
two-year average TIS, average RMIS, average results with regard to WIP inventory to sales
WIPIS, and average FGIS ratios in years 1 ratio, the findings are in consonance with

Table I
Description of firms by industry
Average total Average net
Standard Average number assets (in $ sales (in $
industrial code Industry description Count of employeesa millions)a millions)a
2000 Food products 2 42,363 4,511 5,536
2300 Apparel 1 57,000 2,712 3,824
2600 Paper products 2 48,290 5,699 6,785
2700 Printing 1 4,228 397 565
2800 Chemicals 6 26,639 4,522 4,399
2900 Refining 1 101,000 87,560 102,847
3000 Rubber and plastics 1 24,000 2,149 2,429
3300 Primary metal industries 2 34,466 6,794 6,115
3400 Fabricated metal 2 11,081 884 1,202
3500 Industrial and commercial 21 40,558 2,398 3,904
machinery and computer equipment
3600 Electronic equipment 17 52,177 4,214 4,803
3700 Transportation equipment 13 136,640 9,641 13,874
3800 Measurement instruments and 2 121,570 15,919 13,938
photographic goods
4800 Communications 2 234,250 30,955 31,960
5000 Durable goods-wholesale 1 1,700 189 399
Total 74 65,552 6,716 8,264
Note: For each firm, the data are for the year of adoption

[ 200 ]
Timothy B. Biggart and those arrived at by Balakrishnan et al. (1996). regard to layout re-configuration with cellular
Vidyaranya B. Gargeya The findings from the current study indicate manufacturing/group technology, adoption of
Impact of JIT on inventory to
sales ratios that firms reduced their total inventory setup time reduction technologies, and cross-
primarily through reductions in raw training of personnel as stated by earlier
Industrial Management &
Data Systems material inventory and not through researchers (Ebrahimpour and Schonberger,
102/4 [2002] 197±202 significant reductions in WIP and finished 1984; Gargeya and Thompson, 1994; Sohal et
goods inventories. This means that the firms al., 1993). This may take a long period of time.
were probably ``wielding the stick'' on their A three-year post-implementation time period
suppliers to reduce their own raw material may not be a sufficient enough duration to
inventories. The firms did not have the same bring about substantial changes in the
success internal to their own organizations reduction of WIP inventories.
or with their customers. It should be noted In general, the current research confirms
(from Table I) that the sample predominantly the findings of Balakrishnan et al. (1996),
consists of very large firms. These firms Billesbach and Hayen (1994), and Huson and
would have the capability to influence their Nanda (1995) using a larger sample of firms
suppliers, particularly if the latter are small (74 as compared to 46, 28, 55, respectively) in
companies, in making JIT deliveries. This 15 different industries (spread across four
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would result in reducing the inventory of raw one-digit SIC codes). The data (which
materials at the large manufacturer's/ includes total inventory, raw material
buyer's premises at the possible expense of inventory, WIP inventory, and finished goods
increasing the inventories at the supplier's inventory) covers a longer time span (1975 to
location. It would be interesting to study the 1995) than previous studies.
impact of the adoption of JIT production by Further research needs to be done on
different firms on the inventory profiles of whether the results were more oriented to
their suppliers, in particular, and across the particular industries. Also, more work needs
supply network, in general. to be done on whether the timing (year) of the
The data from Table II show that the firms adoption of the JIT production system had
in the sample have not had success in
any bearing on the reductions/non-
reducing the WIP and finished goods
reductions on inventory levels. Future
inventories. This underscores that large
investigations should focus on studying the
companies (which constitute a majority in the
impact of JIT adoption on inventories in the
sample) are likely to influence their suppliers,
entire supply network (including inventories
but may not have the agility and ability to
at the firm's suppliers' and customers'
improve their own internal processes. This
could be due to a wide variety of reasons.
Large organizations, due to their size, have an
in-built inertia for change. The processes to
Balakrishnan, R., Linsmeier, T.J. and
influence the reduction in WIP and finished Venkatachalam, M. (1996), ``Financial benefits
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Notes: Year 4 is the adoption year for Just-in-Time product; *The difference in inventory
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[ 201 ]
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