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Date: 23/1/19 Regular notes

SDLC Models and Testing Basics

SDLC Models
 There are different types of software development life cycle models.
 First and basic model that I am going to discussed is Waterfall model

Waterfall Model
 Stages(requirement gathering, planning, designing, coding, testing, deployment) of
this model are in sequence.
 In first stage requirement gathering will be done, all requirements should be collected
from client then only we can move to the next stage that is planning.
 It is good approach for only small projects
 Disadvantages are some teams sit ideal during life cycle and also maintenance will high.

Incremental Model
 In this model, product will be delivered in increments. In first increment basic
functionality added and given to client.
 Then new functionalities added to product and delivered and so on.
 Less staffing required and less risk compare to waterfall model.
 In this requirements are prioritise.
RAD Model
 This Model basically use for fast execution of project.
 Whole project divided into different modules and different teams assign on modules
For designing and coding. And then modules will be integrated.

Iterative Model

 Here requirements are divided into different parts and there will be different builds for
Different requirements.

Zest.trainee014(Shivam Poojara)
Date: 23/1/19 Regular notes

V Model
 In this model, every phase is associated with phases of waterfall model in sequence.
 V model phases are testing phases.
 It involves basically verification and validation of each phase.
 Verification phases are requirement analysis, system design, architectural design,
module design.
 Validation phases are unit testing, integration testing, system testing, acceptance
 Requirements should be static after getting from client.
 Use for smaller projects.

Testing Basics
 Testing basically a process to test and finding bugs in code which is developed by
 Software testing also require well understanding of requirements.

 STLC is process, that will show different stages related to testing phase of SDLC
 First stage of this model is requirement analysis, in these phase requirements will be
well understood by testing team. and then they will find the requirements on they can
create test cases.
 Second stage is test planning(like scheduling task) ,in this phase strategy will be
decided and also cost estimation will be covered.
 Next stage is test case development, test cases will created and also test scripts for
automation will be created.
 Next stage is test environment setup, software and hardware environment will be set
according to requirements.
 Next stage is test execution, executing test cases and assigning them as passed, failed,
blocked or not run.
 Last stage is test cycle closure , In this the team will have one meeting and discussed
about what went wrong or right.

Types of Testing
1. Functional testing(unit, integration, system testing..)
2. Non functional testing(performance, stress, security testing..)
3. Maintenance (regression testing)

Zest.trainee014(Shivam Poojara)
Date: 23/1/19 Regular notes

Unit testing
 It is basically testing each module of project. It is done by developer because it
require all details of that module. It is like testing login module of gmail.

Integration testing
 It require testing after integration of individual module. Let’s take an example as
Testing after integration of login and sign in module.

System testing
 Testing whole system as single unit like testing facebook functionality.

System Integration testing

 Combining two individual system and test them as single unit like GSRTC bus
booking site and any bank’s payment gateway.

Black box testing

 It is basically testing functionalities of system not testing internal system. User
Acceptance testing is an example.

White box testing

 It involves testing of internal coding of any software it involves testing logic of

Regression testing
 It applies when we add new functionality in existing involves testing of
existing functionalities after adding new functionality.

Zest.trainee014(Shivam Poojara)

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