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A. Menentukan laju penyerapan CO2 dalam larutan Sodium Hydroxide dari analisis
Menentukan komposisi sampel
 Konsentrasi NaOH (CC) dalam sampel asli:

 Konsentrasi Na2CO3 (CN) dalam sampel asli:

B. Pengamatan kesetimbangan massa yang terjadi pada kolom absorbsi

Tabel 2.6 Data perhitungan kesetimbangan massa
Quantity Symbol Comments
Air flow rate (l/min) F2 Convert to l/s by dividing by 60

CO2 flow rate (l/min) F3 Convert to l/s by dividing by 60

Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) Li = Lo Convert to l/s by dividing by 60

flow rate (l/min)
CO2 outlet concentration Yo Read values from the console
CO2 inlet concentration Yi Read values from the console
Liquid Samples outlet
Titration with HCl (ml) T1(o) Refer to exercise A Module 10
(0.2M HCl used in titration of
100 ml sample)
Titration with HCl (ml) T2(o) Refer to exercise A Module 10
(0.2M HCl used in titration of
100 ml sample)
Titration with HCl (ml) T 3(o) Refer to exercise A Module
(0.2M HCl used in titration of
100 ml sample)
Liquid samples inlet
Titration with HCl (ml) T1(i) Refer to exercise A Module 10
(0.2M HCl used in titration of
50ml sample)
Titration with HCl (ml) T2(i) Refer to exercise A Module 10
(0.2M HCl used in titration of
50ml sample)
Titration with HCl (ml) T3(i) Refer to exercise A Module 10
(0.2M HCl used in titration of
100ml sample)
Column pressure drop (mbar) ∆P1 Read values from the console
Column pressure drop (mbar) ∆P2 Read values from the console
Pressure of column (mbar) P ∆P2 + ∆P1
Temperature of feed gas (oC)  Convert to K by adding 273

 Aliran Gas

Jumlah CO2 yang hilang

 Aliran fluida cair
NaOH: Konsentrasi CO2 terkait dengan konsumsi hidroksida dalam cairan:

Seperti dari percobaan A Module 10, konsentrasi Na2CO3:

Karbonat dihasilkan oleh penyerapan CO2 (𝑔.𝑚𝑜𝑙 / 𝑠𝑒𝑐)

C. Menentukan koefisien Mass Transfer Keseluruhan menggunakan film gas (Kog).
1. Gunakan nilai N (laju penyerapan CO2) yang dihitung dalam percobaan A modul
2. a adalah area bahan isian / volume unit menara, untuk cincin Raschig 10 mm
adalah 440 m2 / m3.
3. A.H. adalah volume kolom (area = π / 4 x (d)2, H = tinggi kolom)
4. Log mean driving force

5. Mass transfer coefficient:

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