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Rancangan Tugas Tuton 2

Kode Mata Kuliah/SKS : MKDU 4107

Nama Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris
Pokok Bahasan : Clauses, Refer to, Subject and Predicate
Tutor Pengembang Soal : Gandhi Irawan, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Masa Tutorial : 2017.2
Jumlah soal : 20
Skor Maksimal : 100
Jenis Tugas : Penguasaan Konsep

~ Choose the best answer A, B, C or D!

1. It rained all day today, ............... I worked outside as usual.
A. so B. because C. but D. and
2. “I don’t know ........ pen it is.”
A. whose B. whom C. which D. who
3. .............. my money and my credit card came back to me, I started buying new
dictionary again,
A. so B. because C. but D. and
4. He doesn’t like a tea, ....... he drinks a milk.
A. although B. because C. but D. so
5. Next week, my father and I will go to the beach by a privat car. My uncle will join
them too. What does ‘them’ refer to?
A. my father and I c. beach
B. my uncle d. privat car
6. These kings had to kneel at his and his courtier’s feet when they sat at the table. (HC
Anderson). What does “they” refer to?
A. These B. Kings C. Kneel D. Courtier’s
7. “Such a cold day, “ sighed Mother Nature, “ and no blankets to keep my babies
warm! What does’my’refer to?
A. Mother Nature B. Cold day C. blankets D babies
8. Dear Father Winter:
Have you any warm blankets for my babies? The season is coming when they should
take a long, long nap, and Jack is up to his tricks again. What does ‘his’ refer to?
A. my babies B. Father winter C. Long nap D. blankets
9. He saw this bell begin to swing. It swing so softly in the outset that it scarcely made
sound. What does ‘it’ refer to?
A bell B. swing C. outset D. sound
10. The Nile river is the longest river in the world. It starts out in Lake Victoria, in the
middle of Africa. (Phil Shapiro). What does ‘it’ refer to?
A. Lake B. longest C. Nile river D. Africa
11. One day the company went bankrupt, and left their crane in Mrs. Katrinka’s back
yard. What does “their” refer to?
A. back yard B. The company C. bankrupt D. crane
12. “Look, a horseshoe is lying in the mud. Pick it up.” What does ‘it’ refer to?
A. a horseshoe B. lying C. mud D. pick

13. it was clear to everyone in town that this was a six o’clock. What does ‘this’ refer
A. clear B. everyone C. town D. six
*Find the subject
14. A gentle breeze stirs the air around me.
A. a gentle B. breeze C. A gentle breeze D. stirs
15.The minister of Education can sing better than the President.
A. the minister B. The minister of education C. president D. sing
16. Newcastle, Maryport and Birkby are in the North England.
A. Newcastle C. Birkby
B. Maryport D. Newcastle, Maryport and Birkby
*Find the predicate
17. Jack and Rose were not in the same class in this school
A. Jack and Rose B. were C. not D. class
18. My Dad is going to the office by private car tonight.
A. is B. office C. Private car D. My Dad
19. The older of the three was Debora.
A. The older B. The three C. was D. Debora
20. Kanjeng and Kiai are twins in their family.
A. Kanjeng and kiai B. are C. in D. their family

Gandhi Irawan, S.Pd., M.Pd.

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