Habib Bank Limited

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HRM Report on HBL 2017

1. Introduction:...........................................................................................................................3
2. History of HBL.........................................................................................................................3
3. OBJECTIVES OF HBL.................................................................................................................4
I. Broad Goal:....................................................................................................................4
II. Operating Goal:.............................................................................................................4
4. Vision......................................................................................................................................5
5. Mission...................................................................................................................................5
6. SWOT Analysis........................................................................................................................5
6.1. Strength..........................................................................................................................5
6.2. Weakness........................................................................................................................6
6.3. Opportunities..................................................................................................................6
6.4. Threats............................................................................................................................6
7. Strategic planning of HBL........................................................................................................7
7.1. Differentiation:................................................................................................................7
7.2. Cost leadership:..............................................................................................................7
8. Job Analysis.............................................................................................................................7
8.1. The Interview for job analysis:........................................................................................8
Questionnaires method:.............................................................................................................8
Observational method:...............................................................................................................8
Job description:..........................................................................................................................9
Job specifications:.......................................................................................................................9
9. Recruitment............................................................................................................................9
9.1. Recruiting Goal................................................................................................................9
9.2. Recruiting Sources.........................................................................................................10
9.2.1. External sources............................................................................................................11
9.2.2. Internal Sources............................................................................................................12
9.2.3. Recruitment Alternatives..........................................................................................13
10. Selection...........................................................................................................................14
10.1. Selection Process......................................................................................................14
10.2. Reliability and Validity...............................................................................................17

HRM Report on HBL 2017

10.3. Cut off scores............................................................................................................18

11. Training and Development................................................................................................19
11.1. Employee Training.....................................................................................................19
11.2. Employee Development............................................................................................21
11.3. Organization Development.......................................................................................22
12. Socialization and Orientation............................................................................................22
13. Conclusion and Recommendations...................................................................................23

HRM Report on HBL 2017

Habib Bank Limited

1. Introduction:
HBL was the first commercial bank to be established in Pakistan in 1947.
Over the years, HBL has grown its branch network and become the largest private
sector bank with over 1,500 branches and 1,300 ATMs across the country and a
customer base exceeding five million relationships.
The Government of Pakistan privatized HBL in 2004 through which AKFED
acquired 51% of the Bank's shareholding and management control. HBL is
majority owned (51%) by the Aga Khan Fund for Economic Development, 42.5% of
.30the shareholding is retained by the Government of Pakistan (GOP), whilst 7.5%
is owned by the general public i.e. over 170,000 shareholders following the public
listing that took place in July 2007.
With presence in 25 countries, subsidiaries in Hong Kong and the UK, affiliates in
Nepal, Kenya and Kyrgyzstan and rep offices in Iran and China, HBL is also the
largest domestic multinational. The Bank is expanding its presence in principal
international markets including the UK, UAE, South and Central Asia, Africa and the
Far East.

Key areas of operations encompass product offerings and services in Retail and
Consumer Banking. HBL has the largest Corporate Banking portfolio in the country
with an active Investment Banking arm. SME and Agriculture lending programs
and banking services are offered in urban and rural centers.

2. History of HBL
Originally established in 1941, HBL moved its operations to
Pakistan in 1947 at the request of Muhammad Ali Jinnah, hence becoming the first
commercial bank to lay its foundation in the country. Embarking on a progressive
journey, HBL continued to grow and expand in the successive years. The Bank's
first international branch opened in Colombo, Sri Lanka in 1951, while the
construction of the iconic Habib Bank Plaza was completed in 1972, the year that
also marked the commemoration of HBL's 25th anniversary.
With a sizeable domestic share HBL was nationalized in 1974. The Bank
became a trend setter in the banking industry, acquiring lion's share in inward
foreign remittances and a major market share in loans to small industries, traders
and farmers. International operations expanded and HBL now operates in over 25
countries across four continents. In December 2003,
Pakistan's Privatization Commission announced that the Government had formally

HRM Report on HBL 2017

transferred 51% of HBL's shareholding to the Aga Khan Fund for Economic
Development (AKFED) against an investment of PKR 22.409 billion (USD 389
million). In February 2004, management control of the bank was handed over to
AKFED. By April 2015, the Government of Pakistan divested its entire shareholding
of 41.5% through the Privatization Commission of Pakistan, thereby officially
making HBL Pakistan's largest private bank.


Like other business organization the core desire of Habib Bank is to maximize the


Through saving & loaning money to the life of the common people. The Objectives

of the Habib Bank is given below:

I. Broad Goal:

Ash a nationalized commercial organization, Habib Bank belongs to the people. It

implies that it stands for meeting the banking needs of the mass people of the


II. Operating Goal:

In compliance with the very nature of the organization, the objective in mind the

bank aims at excelling quality and diversified services. To fulfill its mission Habib

Bank has its main objectives as followings.

 To earn profit for the Bank itself and maximize its shareholder’s value.
 To provide solutions for multiple requirements of clients of diverse
 Financial nature.
 To manage with the changing trends of the modern day financial market.
 To be a diversified bank by offering all basic consumer services along with
 Specialized services
 Honest and ethical conduct, including ethical handling of actual or apparent conflicts of

interest between personal and professional relationship.

 To provide employment opportunities to people.

HRM Report on HBL 2017

4. Mission
HBL is a client-oriented bank and its mission is:
“To be recognized as the leading financial institution of Pakistan and a dynamic
international bank in the emerging markets, providing our customers with a
premium set of innovative
Products and services and
granting superior value to our stakeholders – shareholders, customers and

 To be the trendsetter for innovative banking with excellence and perfection.

 To be the best performing bank in the country and the region.
 To exceed customer expectations through innovative financial products &
services and establish a strong presence to recognize shareholders' expectations
and optimize their rewards through dedicated workforce.
 Keeping ahead of other competitors in productivity and profitability. To
attain budgetary targets fixed in each area of business.

5. Vision

Simply the vision of Habib Bank is mass banking. At the time of

formation it changed its motto from class banking to mass banking. Expedite the
economic growth of the country through spreading the banking services to the
doorsteps of mass people so that they get institutional financial help and
participate in the economic activities of the country.
“To be the premier organizations operating locally and internationally that provides the
complete range of financial services to all segments under one roof.”

6. SWOT Analysis
Such an analysis is very important for the management in retaining
the strength, overcoming the weaknesses, capitalizing over the emerging market
opportunities, and carving ways to successfully tackle with the threats and
ultimately converting them in the strengths for the organization.

6.1. Strength

 Being the pioneer of banking in Pakistan, HBL is the oldest and is the richest
 HBL has the potential to encounter the competitive environment in the

HRM Report on HBL 2017

 The management of the bank believes in customer focused banking rather

than the product oriented banking. The products and services designed by the
bank are specifically tailored to the individual needs of its customers.
 The products of HBL are also the strength of it. HBL has many products for
almost all type of customers. So it depends on the customer that which product he
likes and in sector he wants to invest depending on whether a person is salaried
one or a businessman.
 HBL is the largest private bank in Pakistan now and people trust is very high.
 It has the largest branch network among private banks of Pakistan.

6.2. Weakness

 Lack of communication between bank and customers about terms and

condition of products and services. Like centralization of cheque book issuing
 Employees at branch level are not properly motivated to work by heart. They
take the all routine activities as a boring job.
 Most of the employees lack managerial training as they are not properly
educated. Due to seniority, they have moved up on the hierarchy line to Grade-I, II
or III positions having hardly bachelor degrees. This type of senior staff cannot
apply the modern and innovative techniques of management indecision making.
 I observed that some customers are facing problem to physically visit the
branch just to have bank statement
 At many occasions HBL's ATM network gets slow and the machines don't
allow for transaction so they should renew their ATM links.
 The bank has still some of the traditional ways of operations in this advanced
technological environment.
 HBL is lacking of customer feedback.
 It has poor IT system.

6.3. Opportunities

 A large amount of foreign investment is attracted.

 It has strong potential for growth.
 Islamic Banking is a growing market segment that offers attractive
opportunities to potential and existing customers
 E-banking facility is also a new opportunity which is a flourishing business in
foreign countries and can also be here, if HBL takes the initiatives.
 HBL differentiate and increase its deposit by offering attractive rate of return
on deposits.

6.4. Threats

HRM Report on HBL 2017

 The schedules of charges indicate that the fees charged by the bank on the various
services it provides are extremely high. It may result in decrease in the number
of its existing customers.
 Shortage of trained and specialized staff at lower executive and officer levels.
 Facing more competition by foreign banks in the market.
 Highly attractive and advance services by foreign banks to their customers.
 Other private commercial bank with sound profitability is also a threat to HBL e.g.
Bank Al Habib, MCB etc.

7. Strategic planning of HBL

Business level strategies used by HBL are

 Differentiation
 Cost leadership

7.1. Differentiation:
HBL’s strategy is to provide unique banking services to its customers in banking sectors
to make itself valuable for its customers.

7.2. Cost leadership:

HBL aim is to become low-cost leader in banking sectors that is why HBL is providing
effective services in low cost than other banks in Pakistan.

8. Job Analysis
David A. Decenzo and Stephen P. Robbins said about job analysis they say that job
analysis is a systematic explorations of the activities within a job. It is a technical
procedural used to define the duties, responsibilities and accountabilities of a job.
This analysis “involves the identification and description of what is happening on
the job . . . accurately and precisely identifying the required tasks, the knowledge,
and the skills necessaries for performing them, and the conditions under which
they must be performed.” The procedure for determining the duties and skill
requirements of a job and the kind of person who should be hired for it is called
Job analysis. Job analysis is every important as job analysis information is used in
Selecting and recruiting, compensation, performanceappraisal, training and in
resolving other issues which HBL faces. HBL takes Job

HRM Report on HBL 2017

Association(SHMA)whichisthe biggest HR consulting firm in Pakistan. The

methods which are used in collecting job analysisinformation are
 Individual interview method.
 Questionnaires method
 Observation method.

8.1. The Interview for job analysis:

Interview is a big source in collecting information in the job analysis. Individualem

ployees, group of employees and supervisors with vast knowledge about jobs
areinterviewed.Theformatof interview is Structured and unstructured. In structure
dinterview a set of sequence of questions are followed by interviewers and in
unstructuredtype of interviewthe interviewer pursues points of interest as they
come up in response toquestions.
HBL prefer to hire home country employees who give them more work on time,
and they are more honest and punctual with their work and because they know
our cultural values, traditions etc, and adjust in our environment easily. HBL prefer
interview method more, rather than questionnaire and observation methods. The
HBL thinks that this method is effective for assessing what a job entails, needs, and
involving employees in the job analysis is essential. Individual employees, group of
employees and supervisors with vast knowledge about jobs are interviewed so
HBL preferred interview method first.

Questionnaires method:

Book says this in questionnaire the employees solve the fill out questionnaires
to describe their job-related duties and responsibilities. The formats of
questionnaires are either structured or open ended.
HBL is against of this method, they think it is time consuming and get nothing.

HRM Report on HBL 2017

Observational method:

Using the observation method, a job analyst watches employees directly or reviews
of workers on the job.
HBL is not with this method because employees performed well if organization
check their employees individually and continuously so this method give poor
results in the mind of HBL.

Job description:

After getting job analysis information the next step is to describe job description
which contains the points of job identification, job summary, chain of command
relationships),responsibilitiesand duties, standard occupational classifications and
standard of performance and working conditions. A job description is a written
statement of what the jobholder does, how it is done, under what conditions it is
done, and why it is done. An example of job description for a Benefits Manager is
provided. HBL provided this method to their employees they facilitate them.

Job specifications:

After formulating job description the next step taken is job specification in which
the traits of employees are defined who are assumed suitable for the job.
Identifies the knowledge, skills, education, experience, certification and abilities
needed to do the job efficiently as HBL specialized their employees through
training and HBL take more work from them and they give good response to
organization and give work efficiently.
What approach of job specification HBL used? (Either focus on the skills and
potential or on the education and qualification?)We asked this question from HR
Recruitment Department and they said HBL used both skill & Qualification. HBL
need only those employees who are skilled or qualified.

HRM Report on HBL 2017

9. Recruitment

9.1. Recruiting Goal

The first goal of recruiting, then, is to communication the position in such a way
that job seekers respond. Why? The more applications received, the better the
recruiter’s chances for findings an individual who is best suited to the job
recruitments. However, the recruiter must provide enough information about the
job that unqualified applicants can select themselves out of job candidacy.

Human Resource management structure:

The HRM department plays an important role in value of any company. HBL has
very active and one of the best HR department in Pakistan as well as worldwide.
The structures as the President is assisted by ten Senior Executive Vice-Presidents
and a staff of 29Executive Vice Presidents, 154 Senior Vice Presidents, 420 Vice
Presidents, 831 Assistant Vice Presidents, 2350 officers Grade-I, 4108 officers
Grade-II, 3364 officers Grade-III and 10658 Clerical/Non-Clerical employees.
9.2. Recruiting Sources

Recruiting is more likely to achieve its objectives if recruiting sources reflect the
type of position to be filled. Certain recruiting sources are more effective than
others for filling the types of jobs this is what the book says about recruitment
In recruitment process first of all planning session is occurred, in planning session
it is determined that which section HBL will have to fill and how to fill. If there is a
vacancy of executive job then succession planning is done for filling that vacant

Analysis of positions and requirement:

HRM Report on HBL 2017

After planning it is analyzed that which position is going to be filled and the
requirements analyze by job analysis.
Identify candidates:
HBL identifies its
candidates by developing the criteria of job description and jobspecification and acting
upon these criteria job vacancy ads are spread through different Medias like newspapers
and internet.

9.2.1. External sources

HBL uses outside sources for recruitment which are:

 Advertising
1.Newspapers (Daily Jung, Nawa-e-Waqt, The Nation, Dawn and Daily Khabreinetc)
2.Trade and professional journals (Aurora Magazine)
3.Internet job sites (rozee.pk)
HBL uses a website for recruitment. 100% response HBL get from the cyberspace
 Other External Sources
1.Sidat Hyder Morched Association works for outsourcing for HBL.
2.College recruitment

Campus recruitment:
HBL is proud of its ability to nurture individuals and empower them to hone their
talents.HBL size gives itself the unique ability to provide fast growth and significant
responsibility early on in a career with multiple avenues to reach the top. As part of HBL’s
human resource strategy, HBL visits various universities across the country to induct &
groom fresh business graduates every year. Enthusiastic and talented youth form the
backbone of its banking operations and are nurtured to become future leaders at HBL.To

HRM Report on HBL 2017

attract the best young talent; HBL’s resource department employs a pro-active strategy.
HBL actively participates in campus seminars by giving presentations that highlight HBL’s
background, vision, mission, values, recruitment & selection process, future career
prospects and overall business strategies. HBL hires fresh talent on a permanent basis and
offer a wide range of career opportunities across all functions, including Finance,
Marketing, Operations, Information Technology and Human Resources.
As part of HBL’s human resource strategy, we visit various universities across the country
to induct & groom fresh business graduates every year. Enthusiastic and talented youth
form the backbone of our banking operations and are nurtured to become future leaders at

To attract the best young talent, our resourcing department employs a pro-active strategy.
We actively participate in campus seminars by giving presentations that highlight HBL’s
background, vision, mission, values, recruitment & selection process, future career
prospects and overall business strategies.

We hire fresh talent on a permanent basis and offer a wide range of career opportunities
across all functions, including Finance, Marketing, Operations, Information Technology and
Human Resources.
HBL is proud of its ability to nurture individuals and empower them to hone their
talents.HBL size gives itself the unique ability to provide fast growth and significantr
esponsibility early on in a career with multiple avenues to reach the top.

9.2.2. Internal Sources

Finding internal candidates:

In HBL if internal employees are hired, even then the proper selection process is
followed for them.HBL hire any other employment agency or do this task on their

HRM Report on HBL 2017

own? If yes, then for which positions? If HBL do internal search then by their Own
and from Low management to top management.
1. Job Posting
2. Rehiring former employees
3. Final Selection within the Organization

 Employee Referrals
One of the best sources for individuals who will perform effectively on the job is a
recommendation from a current employee. Why? Because employees rarely
recommend someone unless they believe that the individual can perform
HBL mostly hire those candidates who are under employees referrals due to
financial records because the records are so risky. And employee referrals may also
minimize an organization’s desire to add diversity to the workplace.

Job posting:
Related to job’s advertisement, HBL posted the job opportunity in their own
personal r internal website.

Rehiring Former employees:

It is an internal hiring source. Rehiring the former employees is the process in
which HBL rehires the former employees. But this process is practiced very rarely.

Final Selection within the Organization:

After going through all the processes the best candidates according to HBL’s
selection boards are selected.

HRM Report on HBL 2017

9.2.3. Recruitment Alternatives

More and more companies today are looking at hiring temporary help (including
retirees), leasing employees, and using the service of independent contractors.
Employee Leasing
Individuals who are hired by one firm and sent to work in another for a specific
duration of time. Whereas temporary employees come into an organization for a
specific short-term project, leased employees typically remain with an
organization for longer periods of time. HBL hired leased employees those who are
for longer period of time because these employees are also well-trained
individuals. They are screened from the leasing firms, trained appropriately and
HBL checked their performance on daily basis.

10. Selection

10.1. Selection Process

This process involves selecting the employees by follow the eight steps that include
the initial screening interview, completion of the application form, employment
test, and comprehensive interview, background investigation, realistic job preview,
conditional job offer, medical /physical exams, permanent job offers.
Selection process HBL follow is that Written test followed by panel interview. HBL
prefer Test & interview conducted while doing selection of new employees.
The diagram below represents the process on which HBL’s selection is based. This
gives an overview to potential candidates as to the steps involved in becoming a
part of the HBL team.

HRM Report on HBL 2017

Pre-screening and short listing:

Selection board goes through those CVs and selects those candidates which initially
fulfill the criteria of selection board. After prescreening the HBL
selection board short lists the candidates who are considered most suitable for job
at initial level on the basis of their resume.

Test/ interview:
In this process short listed candidates are called for test and interview according to
nature of their applied jobs.
 Selection interview.

HRM Report on HBL 2017

 Formats used in selection interview:

 Structured/Directed
 Unstructured/Non directed
 Modes of Interview:
• Panel interview
• Structured sequential interview
 Types of questions:
 Situational
 Job Related
 Stress
 Puzzled Questions

Selection Interview:
Selection interview HBL is conducted for short listed candidates. A selection
interview is the procedure designed to predict future job performance on the basis
of applicant’s oral responses to oral inquiries.
 Yes, HBL are providing opportunity of initial screening to their candidates
 HBL are providing the realistic job preview to their candidates. Brochures,videos etc source
HBL are using these sources.
 Structred interviews HBL conduct for interviewing new candidates.
 We ask this question from the HR manager of HBL that what type of test you take from the
candidates? (written etc, work sampling, performance simulation,assesseent centres) then
he replied HBL used written test from the candidates.
 Internal method in background investigation HBL follows for selection a new candidate.
 Bound signtype of conditions HBL put while offering the conditional job.

Final Selection:
After going through all the processes the best candidates according to HBL’s
selection boards are selected.

HRM Report on HBL 2017

Just after final selection and before starting of training process orientation is
conducted for selected employees in orientation new employees are provided with
basic background information about the HBL the basic contents of successful
orientation are
 Information on employee benefits
 Personnel policies
 The daily routine
 Company organization and operations
 Safety measures and regulation

10.2. Reliability and Validity

For any predictor to be useful, scores it generates must possess and acceptable
level of reliability or consistency of measurement. This means that the applicant’s
performance on any given selection device should produce consistent scores each
time the device is used.
Although HBL attempts to provide accurate, complete and up-to-date information, which
has been obtained from sources that are considered reliable, HBL makes no warranties or
representations, express or implied, as to whether the information provided on or via this
Website is accurate, complete or up-to-date. HBL makes no representations and disclaims
all express, implied, and statutory warranties of any kind to you or any third party,
including, but not limited to, representations and warranties regarding accuracy,
timeliness, completeness, merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose. HBL
assumes no responsibility for the consequences of any errors or omissions.
Test validity
The consistency of scores obtained by the same person when retested with the
identical or equivalent tests is called reliability and the accuracy with which a test
and interview what it purports to measure or fulfills the function it was designed
to fill is referred as validity.

HRM Report on HBL 2017

Types of test:
Generally two types of tests are taken in HBL
 Tests of Cognitive ability
 Physical tests
Cognitive test abilities consists of
 Intelligence Tests
Tests of general intellectual abilities that measure a range of abilities, including
memory, vocabulary, verbal fluency, and numerical ability are intelligence tests.
 Aptitude tests
Tests that measure specific mental abilities, such as inductive and deductive
reasoning, verbal comprehension, memory, and numerical ability are aptitude

Tests of physical abilities:

Tests that measure static strength, dynamic strength, body coordination, and
stamina are physical. Job related to guards and deliverers go through this sort of

10.3. Cut off scores

Cutoff scores predictors helps in maximize Correct Hires and Correct Rejection. A
cut-off score represents a standard of performance that is set in a selection process
with the objective of identifying the best qualified candidate(s). In setting a cut-off
score, you are deciding on the level of performance that a candidate must display
to be considered further. Often the objective of identifying the best qualified
candidate(s) will be achieved most efficiently by setting a standard of performance
above just a minimally acceptable level.
Higher scores on selection instruments are usually associated with higher levels of
job performance. The expression "more is better" captures this notion. The
manager may want to consider only candidates showing higher levels of

HRM Report on HBL 2017

performance. Whatever the initial preference of the manager, he/she will want to
consider several factors before making a cut-off score decision.
HBL get success in hiring of corrects hires and correct rejection because it provides
training to the news employees as well as also the 17 and its onward grades
employees and if such employees passed the special courses of CTR (Common
Training Program Lahore) so then they will also selected for the higher grades so in
such a manner organization wills knows that who is correct or wrong for an

11. Training and Development

For training and developing HBL follows five steps process of training and
 Needs analysis: Identify job performance skills needed, assess prospective
trainee’s skills, and develop objectives.
 Instructional design: Produce the training program content, including
workbooks, exercises, and activities.
 Validation: Presenting (trying out) the training to a small representative
 Implement the program: Actually training the targeted employee group.
 Evaluation: Assesses the program’s successes or failures.

11.1. Employee Training

Means to design the learning experience that will help the employees to improve
its skills that will help them in the job. HBL offers inhouse training to their new
Training approaches mostly used by HBL:
On-the-job Training: (OJT)
The most widely used training methods take place on the job.
 Coaching or understudy

 Job rotation

 Special assignments

HRM Report on HBL 2017

 Action Learning

Coaching or understudy:
It is the OJT method in which employee is coached and taught by profession that
how to do the job in order to meet HBL’s goals and objectives. At managerial
level the trainee works directly with a senior manager or with the person he or she
is to replace; the latter is responsible for the trainee’s coaching. It is d o ne a t a l l
l eve l s o f jo b . N e w e mp l oye e s a re t ra i ne d t hro u gh c o a c h in g a nd o l d
e m p l oye e s a re a l s o t ra in e d t h ro u gh t h is me t ho d l i ke whe n s o me ne w
i nn ova t i o n i s introduced old employees are trained in order to handle
that new innovation. In 2008 all managers have been trained to operate Misys
Software (Automation of service provision and book management).

Job Rotation:
Moving a trainee from department to department to broaden his or
her e x p e r i e n c e a n d i d e n t i f y s t r o n g a n d w e a k p o i n t s . J o b r o t a t i
o n i s u s u a l l y d o n e a t ma na ge r ia l l eve l . H B L’ s M a na ge r A s s o c ia te ( M
A ) p ro gra m is us e d fo r jo b ro t a t i o n training.

Special Assignments:
S p e c ia l a s s i gn me nt s a re a l s o g ive n to e mp l oye e s fo r s p e c ia l training.
These assignments are actually related to tasks within the branch by
achieving those tasks assigned by trainer, employee get training.

Action Learning:
Management trainees are allowed to work full-time analyzing and solving
problems in other departments. This OJT method is just for managerial
level employees.

Off-the-job Training:
I t is t he me t ho d whi c h i s o p p o s i te to t he OJ T. I n t h is me t h o d
e m p l oye e d o e s no t ge t t ra in in g a t h is / h e r wo r k p l a c e . Th i s me t ho d
o f t ra i n in g is o nly fo r ma na ge r ia l l eve l employees. Off-the-job training
methods are
 Case study method

 Outside seminars

Case study methods:

Special case studies are given to employees which contains some
dilemma about banking sector. By solving those case study problems
employee gets training to take bold and effective decision in crucial

HRM Report on HBL 2017

Outside seminars:
HBL encourages its employees to participate in the seminars arranged by
banking sectors not just in the Pakistan but also beyond the borders. By
participatingi n o ut s id e s e mi na r s e mp l oye e g e t s a ut he nt ic kn owl e
d ge a b o ut t he ne w ho r iz o ns o f banking sector which is useful for HBL
and makes it leading bank in Pakistan.

11.2.Employee Development

Future oriented training that is for the personal growth of employees.

 Job Rotation: Moving a trainee from department to department to broaden
his or her experience and identify strong and weak points. HBL’s Manager
Associate program is used for job rotation training.
 Special Assignments: These assignments are actually related to tasks within
the branch by achieving those tasks assigned by trainer, employee get training.
 Action Learning: Management of HBL trainees are allowed to work full-time
analyzing and solving problems in other departments.
 Outdoor Training: Outdoor training typically involves some major emotional
and physical challenge.

11.3.Organization Development

It is important to recognize that organizations change from time to time. Convince

health education type of benefits and packages HBL provide to your employees.
Organizational development facilitates long-term organization-wide changes. It
include different techniques HBL mostly used the techniques of survey feedback
from the employees on the basis of sort out the problems if there is any and also
the team building.
Habib Bank Limited (HBL) is the most recently privatized amongst the local big banks in
Pakistan. HBL is the leading private bank in Pakistan with over 1400 branches and
international outreach of more than 30 branches across the Globe.
HBL was privatized in 2004 and since then has emerged head on with the competition
because of its aggressive and effective customer oriented strategies, especially re-branding

HRM Report on HBL 2017

and revitalization of branches. HBL has a workforce of around 15000 employees, most of
which had been part of the pre-privatization phase.
Being recently privatized, it is facing the problems of pre-privatization bureaucratic
culture. However despite the fact mentioned above, HBL has been seen as emerging out in
the competition with aggressive and effective customer oriented strategies even though a
majority of its work force is used to dealing with conventional bureaucratic management
styles and a change resisting attitude.

12. Socialization and Orientation


Socialization process of adaption to a new work role. When the new employees
joined the HBL their way of working pattern is totally different and interaction
with colleagues is minor. In such away we socialized them by giving team works
that will help them to interact with their colleagues easily and it will also help them
to understand the organization rules and regulations.
HBL also socialized the employees by allowing them that they have a right to share
their ideas and their problems regarding to job. All employees of each grade are
considered to be an equal.
If new employees facing problems related to the jobs so we motive them by
providing extra training courses that will help them about their actual duties in an
In HBL socialization process is favorable new employees who passes through three
stages of pre-arrival at this stage they have their own working scenario after it they
making comparison with their previous and current job here we provide the
facility of providing different training courses that help them to their jobs. In last
stage of metamorphosis employees are able to understand that how to be stable in
an organization. Now it is up to the employees who want to commit with or leave
the organization. But we provide the Specific training to them so if they quit from
the job on the basis of their specific training experience they easily get new job.

HRM Report on HBL 2017

HBL provide employees enough time to socialize and adopt with the organizational

The activities involved in introducing new employees to the organization and their
work units. Orientations a process in which tells about the organization objectives
and its rules or regulation, HRM practices etc. That mostly given by the supervisor
or CEO. But in HBL not assigned specific duty to the supervisor that to orient about
the organization to the employees. When they hired new employee they send them
to different training center’s where they come to know about an organization and
learn organization culture.
HBL give orientation to their new employees, and it is banking college

13. Conclusion and Recommendations


HBL is clearly the first choice of everyone who believes in qualitative approach
of banking an environment of highly responsible people. Bank is enjoying a healthy
market share and taste of good status in terms of its operative features and
customer support. HBL is clearly the best bank operating in Pakistan. Corporate
and commercial functions are distinguished features of HBL experiencing a good
reputation and reasonable mark up with respect to prevailing market mark up
with assurance of satisfaction and support. HBL has more customers as compare to
other banks, if they given proper attention to every customer then in few years it
will be the leading bank of the country.


HRM Report on HBL 2017

 There should be authority in every region which ensures efficient flow of communication
and its understanding.
 HBL should immediately take brave steps towards the welfare of experienced Habibians. In
this regard NBP has set best example.
 The management should try to decrease job insecurity among the employees.
 Training program should be started for internees and newly appointed employees.
 The bank charges high service charges as compared to the other banks, so these should be
lowered down.
 Surveys must be conducted regarding customer satisfaction level and all employees of this
dept. should look forward to getting feedback whenever possible.
 Adding of value added features that offer competitive advantage is also a means of avoiding
customer dissatisfaction.


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