Eprotect Act 1986 PDF

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THE ENVIRONMENT (PROTECTION) ACT, 1986 MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT & FORESTS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, FORESTS & WILDLIFE GOVERNMENT OF INDIA NEW DELHI The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 [No.29 OF 1986 [23rd May, 1985) Au Act toProvide for the Protection and Improvement of Enviroament ‘and for Matters Connected therewith, ‘Watenvas decisions were taken at the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment held at Stockholm in June, 1972, in which India participated, to take appropriate steps for the protection and improvement of hulman environment; An witeneas it is considered necessary farther to implement the decisions aforesaid in so far as they relate to the protection and improvement of environment and the prevention of hazards to human beings, other living creatures, plantsand property; Br it enacted by Perliemeat in the Thisty-seventh Year of the Republicof India as follows: (CHAPTER Prestiminany 1. (1) This Act may becalled the Environment (Protection) Act, 86. (2) Itextends to thewhole of India. (3) It shall come into force on such date as the Central Governmeat may, by notification in the Oificial Gazette, appoint and differeat dates may be appointed for different provisions of this Actand for different areas. Short tile ew tentand mere Destin Bowes fo Cone tral Go take mea ‘THE ENVIRONMENT (PROTSCHION) ACT, | 5 2. Inthis Act, unless thecontext otherwise requirest — (@) “environment” tneludes water, air and land and the inter. relationship which exists among and between water, air and land, and human beings, other fvingereatures, plauts, micro corganismand property; (b) “environmental pollutant” mesas any solid, liquid or go- scous substance present in such concentration as may be, or tend to be injuciousto environment; (©) “enviroamenta! pollution” means the presence in the en- ‘yiconment of anvenvironmental pollutant; (4) “handling’, inelatioa to any substance, meens the mamufac- fare procestiag, treatment, package, storage, trauspivration, use; collection, destruction. conversion, offering, for sale transferor the like of such substance, (©) “hazardous substance” means any substance or proparation ‘hich, by reason uf its chemical or physico-chemical proper ties or handling. is liable “o'cause harm to human beings, other living ereatures, plants, micro-organisi, property ot theeaviconment: (9 “oocupier’ in relation to any factory ot promises, meens 2 peron who has control over the affairs of the fuctory of the Premises and includes, in relation to any substance, the person in possession of the substance: {g) “prescribed” moans prewvibed by rulex madeunier this Act CHAPTER II (Gunerat POWERS 0 THF CENTRAL GOVERNMENT 3. (1) Subject (o the provisions of this Act, the'Central Govern aent shall have the power to fake all sucin measures as it deems necessary or expidient for the purpose of protecting and improving the quality of the environment and preventing, controlling and abatingenvironmental polluion.

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