DR.H. Jufri, M.PD.: Reading 1 Assignment Novel "The Girl On The Train"

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Reading 1 Assignment

Novel “The Girl on The Train”

DR.H. Jufri, M.Pd.

Name : Syafira Dwi Maharani

NIM : 18019114
Class : NK3-2018

English Department
Novel Description

The title of the novel is The Girl on The Train. The author of this novel is Paula
Hawkins. It is published on 13 of January 2015 (Riverhead Books, US) and 15 of January 2015
(Doubleday, UK). The total page of the e-book is 180 pages. There are three points of view:
Rachel (the main character), Megan, and Anna.

Rachel is a commuter on a train. She tells us her (ex)husband always said she had an
overactive imagination. Rachel explains that she has been on this train for years and always
sits in the same seat, three cars down, so she has the perfect view of a neighborhood. She says
she is a new person now and thinks people can see that in her, as a man in a suit makes
judgmental eye contact from a nearby seat. Rachel tells us she likes to imagine about the lives
of all the people she passes. She wonders if people who live by the train even notice it when it
goes by. We see her on various trips watching a blonde woman in her home with her husband.
Some days, they kiss; other days, they have sex. She says they have the perfect marriage and
she says that's the marriage she could have had. Rachel tells us that she herself was previously
married and lived three doors down before her husband left her for another woman. Rachel
wonders what the blonde woman's name is and, while Rachel sketches in a pad, imagines the
woman to be some sort of artist.

Its now one year earlier and we meet Megan, the woman Rachel has been fascinated
with from the train, as she tells someone that she has had many different roles in her life
including a waitress, a wife, a nanny, and a whore but not necessarily in that order. Its revealed
shes talking to a therapist, Dr. Abdic. She says that her husband convinced her to take a job as
a nanny to help convince her to become a mother, which she has no desire to be. The therapist
asks if it helped and she says that when she gets home, she rushes to shower to get the smell of
the baby off of her.

We are then introduced to Anna who is washing her baby, Evie, in the bathtub while
gushing about how her husband sang happy birthday to her that morning. The nanny comes in
and its revealed to be Megan. She says that they've been getting more hang-ups on the telephone
and they speculate its Rachel, who used to be married to Anna's husband. As Megan and Anna
are folding a top sheet together, Megan says she the gallery called her back and shes going to
leave the nanny job after that day. Anna tells her that's uncool since shell have to be alone the
following day. Megan suggests she gets a job again and that a lot of mothers work. Anna
complains that she has to go grocery shopping and whatnot and being a mother is a huge job,
pointing out that Megan wouldn't know. Later, Anna has a flashback of Rachel stealing her
baby from the house and wakes up, upset.

Rachel checks the Facebook profile for her ex-husband, Tom and sees a new pic of the
baby he had with Anna. Moments later, Rachel is drunk and leaving voicemails at 1 AM. She
is stopped short by Cathy, a friend who has let Rachel stay with her for over a year, following
her divorce. Cathy pours the rest of the alcohol down the sink and advises Rachel not to call
Tom anymore. Rachels phone reveals all of her recent calls have been outgoing messages to

The next time Rachel rides the train, she sees Megan embracing another man on her
balcony. She rushes further down the train to catch another glimpse, seeing them kissing.
Rachel gets upset, saying it was a perfect marriage and this woman is destroying it. She gets
off at Grand Central and drinks at the bar there, then fills her water bottle up with alcohol and
drinks it for the rest of the day. She remembers how she used to read Toms emails after guessing
his password and saw all the emails between him and Anna, the real estate agent. She thought
they were business related until she realized all the XXXXXs at the bottom were kisses. She
writes XXXXX on the mirror in a public bathroom and gets her friend to shout Fuck Anna
Boyd! into her phone as it records video. She explains Tom posted another picture of his baby
and goes into a wild monologue while intoxicated about how she is mad at the girl she saw
from the train for cheating on her wonderful husband she says if she saw her in person, she
would yank her hair back and attack her.

That night, when the train stops at the neighborhood Megan lives (and that she used to
live with Tom), a drunk Rachel gets off the train. The man in the suit begins following her,
knowing her from the daily commute and knowing she doesn't get off there. Worried, Rachel
rushes into the park and sees someone down a tunnel. We hear her shout Whore! and then hear
a thud but don't see any activity.

The next morning, Rachel wakes up at Cathy's, blacked out and covered in blood and
bruises. She has no idea what happened. She goes into the bathroom to wash up and Cathy
knocks on the door, asking what went on the night before. When Rachel tries to make up an
excuse, Cathy tells her she can see the blood on the sheets and she isn't stupid.

Cathy and Rachel talk and Rachel reveals that she got fired from her job a year ago.
She says that she takes the train to New York City every day. Cathy chastises her for spending
her alimony on train tickets to nowhere.

The next time she rides the train, Rachel sees someone reading the news on his tablet
and the lead story is about a missing woman named Megan Hipwell, the woman Rachel
watches from the train whom she exited the train to yell at about cheating on her husband.

In a flashback, we see Megan with her therapist again, talking about the aggressive
relationship her husband, Scott and her have. Her therapist suggests its a form of emotional
abuse but Megan says she likes it.

Rachel goes to an Alcohol Anonymous meeting and admits its day one of sobriety. She
recalls that she had fertility issues and that's when Tom drifted away from her, which led her
to start drinking. On her way home, a woman boards the train and Rachel gets nervous. She
quickly exits before the woman can see her.

When Rachel returns home, she is greeted by Cathy who cushions her from speaking;
moments later, it is revealed that two police officers are in the living room waiting for her.
Officer Riley does all the talking, asking where Rachel was the night before. Rachel admits to
leaving the train at 6 PM in her old neighborhood to see Tom but that she changed her mind.
Officer Riley points out she didnt get home until 11 PM and thats a huge chunk of time she
was unaccounted for; she tells Rachel that Toms new wife, Anna, had seen Rachel in the area
and wonders if Rachel asks if she killed Megan Hipwell. Obviously Rachel denies this but she
isn't sure if she did or not.

Rachel visits with the police and tells Officer Riley the truth, that she noticed Megan
from the train and there was another man with her that morning. Officer Riley says that Rachel
said she has been stalking Tom and her with phone calls and points out that Rachel once
kidnapped Anna's baby. Rachel explains she went to visit once, drunk; the door was open and
she went inside and saw the baby crying while Anna slept. Rachel picked up the baby and
walked her outside after having some compulsion to do so but had no intention of kidnapping
her. Anna woke up and became hysterical after seeing Rachel outside with her baby. Rachel is
insistent they find the man on the balcony with Megan but they tell her to leave the people
involved alone.

Rachel goes to meet Scott, the husband of Megan. She claims that she knows Megan
from the gallery (Rachel found out she used to work at one). She tells him that she saw Megan
outside with another man and they were kissing. Scott wonders if its her therapist, Kamal
Abdic, and brings up pictures of him on Google Images. Rachel confirms that, yes, in fact, it

In a flashback, we see Megan meeting with her therapist. She talks about how she likes
to touch herself and demonstrates but he chastises her for not really truly doing it. Megan
continues to flirt with him and sucks his finger. He warns her he could lose his practice.

Rachel now meets with Dr. Abdic and uses him as a therapist, to see if he can help her
remember what happened when she blacked out. She said usually when she blacks out, her
husband would tell her what she had done the night before so she knew what she had to
apologize for. But they had been divorced and it was all her fault for drinking. She says this
started after their attempts at in-vitro fertilization failed and she felt guilty for not providing
Tom with a child he wanted. We learn that the woman Rachel saw on the train was Martha, the
wife of Toms boss when they were married. Rachel flashes back to attending a party at Martha's
house, then getting upset when enough people weren't eating her deviled eggs and throwing
the platter against the wall. After theyre kicked out of the party, Tom chastises her, telling her
that Martha is the wife of his boss and he could be fired but she is mean to him, still inebriated.
Then, another night, also drunk, she takes a golf club and smashes a mirror in front of him.
Rachel realizes her drinking ruined her marriage and led him to cheat on her.

It is announced that Megan's body was found and her husband was brought in for
questioning but was released due to lack of evidence security cameras caught him in a sports
bar during that time. Rachel rushes to his house as he is released from jail. After reporters
swarm Scott, Rachel walks away, spotting Anna pushing her baby in a stroller. Now confident,
Rachel pushes past Anna.

That night, Tom tries to have sex with Anna but she brushes him off, worried about
why Rachel was in their neighborhood. He tells her Rachel didn't kill anyone; she is harmless.
The next day, she tries to sign into Toms computer using various passwords first Anna, then
Evie, then she tries Rachel. But none work
Anna goes to Officer Riley and is adamant that Rachel is the killer, pointing out that
shes been spotted visiting Scott and citing phone records that show all of the calls Rachel has
been making to the house. Officer Riley points that these calls are listed as Unknown Caller
and don't prove anything.

Rachel goes back to where she is staying, having moved out of Cathy's place, and finds
Scott waiting for her. He says the police now suspect him and that, after talking to her therapist,
he told them everything Megan told him about Scott being emotionally abusive. Scott admits
that Megan and him got in a fight right before she disappeared. Then he asks Rachel why she
has an appointment reminder card for Dr. Abdic on her refrigerator. He accuses Rachel of being
in cahoots with Dr. Abdic and attacks he

A new piece of information is revealed Megan was pregnant during her murder but it
wasn't the therapist or Scotts baby. Because Rachel claimed to be her friend, Scott demands to
know whose baby it could be but she admits she didnt really know Megan.

We learn Megan had had a baby at 17 years old where she lived in a shack with the
father, who happened to have been the best friend of her brother before he died. On a cold
night, she got in the warm tub with her baby in her arms and fell asleep, waking up to find her
baby drowned.

Rachel goes to the police station to report Scott's attack and is interrupted by Officer
Riley who is dismissive of Rachel. On her way home, Rachel goes into a bar and sees the man
in the suit from the train. She asks why he is following her. He says he can ask the same thing.
She asks if he remembers anything about the night of Megans murder. He says he saw that shed
fallen and cut herself near the tunnel and tried to help her up; she told him to fuck off so he
fucked off. Rachel leaves, walking by the tunnel. She now remembers seeing Anna and calling
her a whore before getting knocked out somehow. She remembers seeing Tom there, in a car
with Anna, and the man in the suit asking if she was okay and her drunkenly telling him to fuck

Anna continues trying to hack into Toms computer but is unsuccessful. She finds an
uncharged phone in his drawer and plugs it into a wall to charge. She reviews it and sees tons
of texts from Tom telling the user how much he misses her (similar to when he cheated on
Rachel with Anna). Tom comes home and she is able to hide the fact that she is snooping,
pretending to just be checking on their baby.

Rachel sees Martha on the train again and now approaches her, apologizing for getting
drunk and embarrassing herself at Martha's party. Martha said she had nothing to apologize
for. When Rachel tells her the story of her throwing the deviled eggs, Martha reassures her
Rachel simply got dizzy and went to sleep in their guest room until the party was over. Rachel
points out that Tom got fired because of Rachel's behavior; Martha tells her Tom got fired
because he couldn't keep his dick in his pants and was fucking everybody in the office.
It becomes apparent to Rachel that Tom was planting false memories into her head he
was actually the one that smashed the mirror with a golf club in anger when Rachel was drunk
but then told her it was her fault the next morning.

Anna waits until Tom falls asleep and then creeps out of bed, taking the now charged
cell phone outside. She listens to an outgoing message and learns it is Megan's phone. Just then,
Tom appears behind her and she tosses the phone over the fence. He asks why shes up and she
says she heard a noise and he tells her she should have woken him up if she heard a noise.

Now Rachel remembers what happened that night she saw who she thought was Anna
and called her a whore. But it turned out to be Megan. Megan goes to the end of the tunnel,
where Tom is waiting to take her to their secret rendezvous spot in the woods. Megan says
Rache'ls down there (knowing her because she has been stalking Anna). Tom rushes towards
Rachel and attacks her, knocking her down and causing her to black out.

Rachel rushes to Toms house, trying to warn Anna. She tells her Tom is lying to her.
Anna is nonchalant and says she knows he lies and that the two of them lied to Rachel. She
seems to have enjoyed the cheating but realized Tom then cheated on her with Megan when
she was supposed to be watching her baby (which we see in flashbacks). All the hang-ups Anna
thought were coming from Rachel were actually Megan calling from an unlisted number.

We now see in flashback when Megan found out she was pregnant. She called Dr.
Abdic over for advice; Scott is an aggressive man and Megan is worried about letting him raise
the child. Megan and Dr. Abdic go on the balcony and he hugs her affectionately and then gives
her a friendly kiss on her face. We see Rachel watching this from the train, misinterpreting it
as sexual.

Scott attacks Megan after she reveals she was having an affair. This is the first time hes
been violent with her and she storms out of the house, texting Tom to meet her. When he picks
her up in the tunnel, we see her saying again Rachel's down there and Tom beating Rachel up.

In present day, Tom corners Rachel and yells at her. Rachel tells Tom she knows he
attacked her in the tunnel and that he got in the car with Megan. Anna admits to finding Megan's
phone in his bag. Tom confesses to the affair and complains that both of them were weak
women so he had to move on. Tom begins to accost Anna while Rachel grabs a corkscrew and
then slips away, dialing 911. But before she can ask for help, Tom approaches and destroys her
phone. Rachel is dragged and beaten up by Tom.

In a flashback, Tom then takes Megan to the woods where he tries to have sex with her.
But Megan stops him, telling he she took him there to tell him that shes pregnant with his child.
He tells her he will help her get an abortion. She says she wants to keep the baby and when he
is adamant it will ruin his family life, she gets irate and threatens to reveal their affair. Tom
gets angry and stomps repeatedly on her face. As she is bleeding, he finds a large rock and
smashes it on her face, killing her.

Rachel is attacked some more by Tom and struggles to reach for the corkscrew. She
cant find it with her hands but smashes a pot over his head, giving her just enough time to run
outside. Tom follows and he begins strangling her to death, killing her. Anna watches from the
house, not intervening. And then Rachel reaches up and stabs Tom in the jugular vein with the
corkscrew she had reclaimed at some point in the earlier scuffle she stands up and its revealed
a train has passed by during the attack. Tom is now bleeding to death. Anna marches out to the
lawn but instead of attacking Rachel, she twists the corkscrew into Toms neck even deeper.

Rachel is brought in by the police for questioning and she claims it was self-defense.
Separately, Anna corroborates the story.

Time has passed. Rachel now takes the train again but sits in a different seat, on the
opposite side overlooking the Hudson instead of the neighborhood that she used to live with
Tom, and that Megan used to live with Scott. Rachel now seems healthy and sober.
Mini Glossary

No. Word Part of Phonetic Meaning My Sentence

Speech Symbol

1. Cairn Noun /keən/ Tumpukan batu It is buried inside

the cairn

2. Pile Noun /paɪl/ Tumpukan I got a pile of

assignments to

3. Sorrow Noun /’s Kesedihan She couldn’t hide

the sorrow she

4. Raucous Adjective /’r ᴐ:kəs/ Parau I heard a raucous

sound from one
of the three

5. Tidings Noun /’taɪdɪŋz/ Kabar We rarely receive

tidings from that

6. Jumble Verb /’ʤɅmbl/ Campur aduk A lot of ideas

jumbling around
in her mind

7. Lonesome Adjective /’ləʊnsəm/ Kesepian She thinks she

would feel
lonesome here.

8. Jolt Verb /ʤəʊlt/ Sentak A jolt of

electricity made
her sit upright

9. Scrape Verb /skreɪp/ Mengikis She heard herself

scrape against the
wall as she fell

10. Screech Verb /skri:t/ Menjerit He hears the train

brakes screech.
11. Trundle Verb /’trɅndl/ Berguling She trundles left
and right in her

12. Brisk Adjective /brɪsk/ Bergerak cepat He followed me

with brisk steps

13. Decrepit Adjective /dɪ’krepɪt/ Tua I look around and

see a decrepit

14. Beset Verb /bɪ’set/ Menimpa Some confusing

little problems
beset her lately

15. Shed Noun /ʃed/ Gudang We have a wood

shed behind our

16. Incongrous Adjective /ɪn’k Ganjil There is

incongrous about
what she just

17. Fellow Noun /’feləʊ/ Laki-laki, Teman I lined up behind

and old fellow

18. Rustle Verb /’rɅsl/ Mendesir The leaves rustle

in the breeze

19. Lurch Verb /lɜ:tʃ/ Bergerak dengan The train lurched

tiba-tiba and moved away
from the platform

20. Sway Verb /sweɪ/ Mengayun She sways her

hands as she
walks to me

21. Chaotic Adjective /keɪ’ Kalut, kacau The chaotic

balau thoughts keep me

22. Swarm Verb /swᴐ:m/ Mengerumuni A group of

people swarm the
23. Dappled Adjective / Belang-belang The dappled
appearance of
that wall is quite

24. Flagrant Adjective / Mencolok That day, her

outfit was so

25. Sag Verb /sæg/ Melengkung My bed sag as I

sit on it

26. Faulty Adjective /fᴐ:lti/ Salah His faulty

annoyed her

27. Storey Noun /’stᴐ:ri/ Tingkat The houses are

often of one
storey only

28. Occupant Noun / Penghuni, We are interested

Penyewa in the occupant
next room

29. Sash Noun /sæʃ/ Bingkai jendela The sash was

being painted

30. Pace Noun /peɪs/ Kecepatan My pace slowed

as I walk down
the intersection

31. Burnish Verb /’bɜ:nɪʃ/ Memoles, They burnish the

mengilapkan car

32. Rattle Verb /’rætl/ Mendetak The train rattle

33. Glimpse Noun /glimps/ Pandangan I catch a glimpse

sekilas of him

34. Twitch Noun /twitʃ/ Gerak, sentakan The twitch

annoyed me

35. Forlorn Adjective /fə’lᴐ:n/ Sedih, kesepian The forlorn on

his face is so
36. Wretch Noun /retʃ/ Orang malang The old wretch
wore dirty

37. Bulge Verb /bəlj/ Membengkak My hand is bulge

38. Lodger Noun /lӓjər/ Penginap, The lodger next

penumpang door is kind

39. Bland Adjective / Hambar That food was


40. Writ Noun /rɪt/ Surat tuntutan He just wrote a


41. Jostle Verb /’ʤ Mendesak, They jostle each

mendorong other in the

42. Acute Adjective /ə’kju:t/ Genting The situation is


43. Scrutinize Verb /skrutin Menyimak I scrutinize his


44. Flair Noun /fleə(r)/ Pengamatan yang He has a good

tajam flair

45. Enermous Adjective / Hebat That explanation

was enormous

46. Sallow Adjective /’sæləʊ/ Pudar My old shirt is


47. Puffy Adjective /pɅffi/ Bengkak My hands are


48. Anguish Noun /’æŋgwɪʃ/ Penderitaan The anguish

hurts her

49. Chunk Noun /tʃɅnk/ Bongkahan I saw a chunk of

50. Stagger Verb /’stægə(r)/ Mencemaskan He stagger his


51. Nub Noun / Inti The nub is

52. Obstinate Adjective / Keras kepala He is an obstinate

53. Ooze Verb /u:z/ Mengalir dengan The blood ooze

54. Clack Verb / Berkeletak The teeth clack

55. Shrill Adjective / Melengking, Her voice was

nyaring shrill

56. Tedious Adjective /’ti:diəs/ Menjemukan The lesson is


57. Gawky Adjective /’gᴐ:ki/ Canggung, kaku Last night’s

situation was

58. Gag Noun /gæg/ Lelucon He likes to throw

a gag

59. Flounce Verb /flaʊns/ Bergerak dengan He flounceand go

marah out of the room

60. Pout Adjective /paʊt/ Mencibir He pout his


61. Broody Adjective /bru:di/ Sering merenung She is a broody


62. Dull Adjective /dɅl/ Kusam, pudar The paint is dull

63. Hovering Verb / Berlengah-lengah She is hovering

64. Intruding Verb / Mengganggu He intrudes her

65. Convertible Adjective / Dapat ditukar The items are


66. Unburden Verb / Mencurahkan He unburden all

of the things

67. Emerge Verb /i’mɜ:ʤ/ Timbul, muncul The scratch is


68. Sooth Verb /suth/ Menenangkan His voice sooth


69. Vacant Adjective /’veɪkənt/ Lengang, kosong The street is


70. Whinging Verb //whing/

71. Shiver Verb /’sɪvə(r)/ Gemetar, I’m shivering
menggigil now

72. Jittery Adjective / Gelisah, gugup I saw her feel


73. Slumber Verb /’slɅmbə(r)/ Tidur She is slumber

74. Vicinity Noun /’və’sɪnətɪ/ Daerah sekitar I walk around the


75. Snatch Verb /snætʃ/ Merebut He snatches the

bottle from me

76. Snoop Verb /snu:p/ Mengintai She snoops


77. Blithe Adjective /blaɪð/ Gembira, bahagia I feel blithe

78. Invade Verb /ɪnveɪd/ Menyerbu We invade the


79. Daze Noun /deɪz/ Kelinglungan The daze in her

eyes is so clear

80. Triumvirate Noun / Tiga serangkai We call ourselves

as a triumvirate

81. Fumble Verb /’fɅmbl/ Meraba-raba He began to


82. Palpable Adjective /’pælpəbl/ Jelas The explanation

was palpable

83. Encroachment Noun /ɪn’kəʊtʃ/ Gangguan The

encroachment is
so depressing

84. Admonish Verb / Menegur, She admonish the

memperingatkan boy next door

85. Lull Verb /lɅl/ Menenangkan, He lulls the baby


86. Clawing Verb /klᴐ:/ Mencakar I claw his hands

87. Abruptly Adverb /ɜ’brɅpt/ Dengan tiba-tiba The train stops

88. Jag /

89. Steadfast Adjective /’stedfa:st/ Kokoh, stabil His opinion is


90. Confeniment Noun /kən’faɪn/ Kurungan He put the pet in

a confeniment

91. Veer Verb /vɪə(r)/ Berubah arah He veers


92. Dread Verb /dred/ Sangat takut I’m dread of


93. Brusque Adjective /bru:sk/ Kasar The texture is


94. Sleazy Adjective /slizy/ Kotor, jorok The room is


95. Imperceptible Adjective /imperseptibl/ Tidak terlihat The dust is


96. Stiff Adjective /stif/ Kaku He was a stiff


97. Feverish Adjective /feverish/ Panas, gelisah It was a feverish


98. Intrigue Noun /intrik/ Tipu daya He talks about


99. Cloak Verb /kloak/ Menutup-nutupi She tried to cloak

the truth

100. Nauseated Adjective /nauseatid/ Mabuk They felt


101. Innocous Adjective /innokous/ Tidak berbahaya He is an innocous


102. Exasperation Noun /iksesperesion/ Kejengkalan My exasperation

grow bigger

103. Quell Verb /kuel/ Menumpas, I want to quell

mengakhiri the laziness

104. Flinch Verb /flinch/ Menjauhkan diri She flinches from

105. Deranged Adjective /direnj/ Gila He thought I was

106. Fuss Noun /fus/ Kehebohan, This fuss

pertengkaran annoyed me

107. Exacerbate Verb /ikzeserbeit/ Mengesalkan, It exacerbates the

membuat lebih situation

108. Barren Adjective /berren/ Mandul His wife is barren

109. Bedgrudge Verb /bigrudj/ Iri You shouldn’t

begrudge with
her success

110. Gauge Verb /gaug/ Mengukur, He gauges the

menaksir size of the plate

111. Vague Adjective /vaug/ Samar, kabur The sight is


112. Damp Adjective /daem/ Lembut The area is damp

113. Solvent Noun /solven/ Larutan That solvent is

quiet sweet

114. Pompous Adjective /pompous/ Sombong, angkuh I don’t wanna be

a pompous

115. Stale Adjective /steil/ Pengap The room is stale

116. Vengeful Adjective /venjful/ Pendendam She is a vengeful


117. Contender Noun /kontender/ Lawan, pesaing My contender is

my own self limit

118. Dank Adjective /daenk/ Lembab Dank place isn’t


119. Wring Verb /ring/ Memeras They wring the


120. Thwart Verb /twart/ Menggagalkan, He tried to thwart

menghalangi my plan

121. Frantic Adjective /frantik/ Panik, gelisah Fira feels frantic

122. Verge Noun /verj/ Ambang, tepi He stands on the

123. Slain Adjective /slein/ Terbunuh, tewas She was slain last

124. Swift Adjective /swif/ Cepat, tangkas Her move was


125. Slouch Verb /slauch/ Membungkuk I slouch as he

enters the room

126. Thrill Noun /tril/ Sensasi

127. Shatter Verb /shater/ Memecahkan, It shatters me


128. Wobble Noun /wobl/ Keraguan, He showns the

kembimbangan wobble

129. Elaborate Verb /elaboraet/ Menguraikan He elaborates the


130. Menace Noun /menas/ Ancaman, bahaya I’m secured from

the menace

131. Retrieve Verb /retriv/ Mengambil They retrieve the

kembali books

132. Dispirited Adjective /dispiritid/ Putus asa, kecil I feel dispirited


133. Mould Adjective /mould/ Lapuk The building is


134. Relegated Verb /rilegatid/ Mmebuang, He relegated my

memindahkan stuff

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