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Sierra Radio Systems

Getting Started With The

Microcontroller Project Platform
Getting Started With the HamStack Microcontroller Project Platform

Revision 3.2 - April 2013

See appendix for document revision history.

© 2011-2013 George Zafiropoulos, KJ6VU and John Best, KJ6K

Special thank you to Robert Ralston, KJ6HFR, who contributed many edits and
improvements to this manual. Your contributions will be appreciated by all who
use it.

This guide provides a broad introduction to the HamStack microcontroller platform,

DEV-1 development board, software development tools and project examples.
For more in-depth information, we recommend the following resources.

Sierra Radio Systems' HamStack web page –

The HamStack community support web site is hosted on Yahoo Groups with a group
name of hamstack –

Microchip's web site for more info on the CPU chips, MPLAB, C18 compiler and
incircuit programming software –

Swordfish Basic compiler website for basic language and compiler information and
general support forum –

If you are interested in purchasing HamStack hardware, software or accessories, visit

our web store at and click on the “store” link.

We believe all material in this document is correct and up to date. There is always a
chance that something was omitted or incorrect. If you find any errors or have
ideas of how to make the document better, please email us at
Table of Contents


1. CPU board hardware reference

2. DEV-1 Development Board hardware reference

3. Assembly Instructions

4. Software development tools

5. Putting it all together: Your first sample

6. Basic circuits and program examples

Digital output
Digital input
Controlling relays
Analog input
RS-232 serial output
LCD display
Temperature probe

7. Mini-Projects
Temperature controlled fan
CW beacon controller

8. Accessory and expansion boards

Prototyping backpack board
Project board
LCD display and interface
Dual 8A relay board
USB interface


Over the last several years, we have built some very sophisticated, multi-CPU ham
radio projects using PIC microcontrollers. The power and flexibility of these
devices can be applied to many applications including repeater controllers,
beacon transmitters, keyers, antenna switches, battery monitors, etc. We had
several people ask us how to get started designing and building their own
microcontroller-based ham projects. As we thought about it, we asked
ourselves “what would the perfect platform look like?” We came up with the
following criteria…

 Powerful enough to build REAL applications

 Simple enough that anyone can start to learn from scratch
 Open enough so you are not tied down to only one chip or language
 Focus on higher level languages including C and Basic
 Low cost to encourage everyone to give it a try
 Small hardware that can be embedded into projects
 Expandable enough to handle large projects
 Examples that are relevant to the ham radio operator

As we looked around, it became obvious that nothing really met our requirements.
So, in typical ham radio fashion, we decided to build a platform that met our
criteria. We looked at various hardware devices, board form factors, language
compilers, etc. The result of that effort is a platform we call the HamStack.
The “ham” part of the name refers to the desire to target the platform to the
needs of the ham radio operator. The “stack” is a play on words that refers to
the physical design of the platform with its ability to stack multiple boards
together. Stack also refers to the “software stack” of libraries that are available
to make programming easier.

The HamStack is designed for the beginner and the experienced designer

If you are new to the world of microcontrollers or programming, don’t be afraid to

jump in. The process of designing circuits and writing programs for the
HamStack is very simple. Following the examples in this book you will be
building hardware and writing programs in no time. The HamStack supports
program development in Basic and C. You can choose the language you want
to learn or are more comfortable with.

For the more advanced user, the HamStack is a powerful hardware platform with a
high performance CPU, lots of IO and a variety of packaging options. You can
easily incorporate a HamStack CPU board into your own projects. Lots of
- 4 - access to all signals.
solder pads are provided giving you easy
People new to programming may prefer the easy to read Swordfish Basic language.
Advanced programmers can take advantage of the free Microchip C18 C-language
compiler for developing sophisticated programs. The HamStack library provides
added functionality to build really amazing applications without developing all of the
low level code from scratch.

The HamStack is open

As an open platform, we make all circuit schematics and source code for examples
available to the user. Our PCB layout and stacking connector approach is designed to
be as hardware compatible with the Arduino shield boards as possible. There are
dozens of software tool sets that are intended for the Microchip 18F microcontrollers
and should work. We specifically develop examples and software applications using
the Microchip C18 and Swordfish Basic compilers and we recommend you use those
tools. Thousands of professional and amateur designers and developers use these
tools every day so there is a very large and diverse community of users.

The HamStack is modular

A variety of boards are available including the main CPU board, add on “backpack”
boards that stack on top of the CPU and “project boards” that the CPU stack can plug
into. These project boards, provide additional circuitry that make a complete project.
You have the option to add your own hardware functionality by customizing the
prototype backpack board or design your own board to plug in.

Some assembly required

HamStack boards are available as hardware kits to encourage ham radio operators to
build their own gear. By building your own equipment, you gain a deeper
understanding of how the hardware works and you are more likely to tweek and
experiment. The HamStack documentation provides step by step assembly
instructions. You will only need simple hand tools including a soldering iron, solder,
sponge (use a medium temperature iron with a fine tip), small diagonal wire cutters to
trim the leads from the bottom of the board. Our boards use all “through hole”
components, not surface mount parts to make assembly easier. No particular test
equipment is required but an inexpensive volt-ohm-multimeter is very handy.

How does the HamStack compare to the other hardware and software out there?
There will be the inevitable comparison between the HamStack and the Arduino, Basic
Stamp, PIC-EL or any of a dozen other platforms out there. There are many fine
products on the market and they all have their pros and cons. Some are proprietary,
some are very slow or very limited in memory space, some lock you into specific
software tools or languages and most have little or no design examples or software
tailored to the ham radio operator. Our goal is to make the HamStack a powerful, yet
easy to use platform, ideal for learning about and deploying microcontrollers in ham
radio projects.

We hope you enjoy using the HamStack as much as we enjoyed designing it.

John, KJ6K
George, KJ6VU

Section 1

CPU Board Hardware Reference

Hardware Reference
Architecture Overview
The HamStack is built on the 8 bit PIC 18F series of flash based microcontrollers from
Microchip. These powerful “computers on a chip” are some of the most popular
devices in use today. As a result there is a very large and growing community of
professional and hobbyist designers and programmers that you can draw on for ideas
and information. The heart of a project is the CPU board. The HamStack CPU board
contains the CPU chip, crystal, voltage regulator, RS-232 interface chip and
connectors. When building your own project, the CPU board can be embedded into
your project. For experimentation and extending the functionality of the CPU board,
you can add the prototype “backpack” board. This board stacks on top of the CPU
board and provides either solder pads or a reusable solderless breadboard block.
Pass through connectors allow multiple backpack boards to be stacked. The
backpack board is pin compatible with the Arduino shield boards. The CPU and
backpack boards can be stacked on top of the project board. This board provides
several convenient peripheral devices, connectors and sub-circuits. Many projects can
be built completely from the CPU and project boards alone.
Since the CPU is the heart of the HamStack, it is helpful to understand a bit more
about the chip itself and its IO pins.

The CPU Chip

The HamStack CPU board is designed to support the 18F series of microcontrollers
that come in a 40 pin DIP (Dual In-line Package). All of our testing and application
development is done with the 18F4620 and the faster 18F46K22. The HamStack CPU
kits are shipped with either the 18F4620 or 18F46K22 chips. Many other 40 pin
microcontrollers from Microchip will work in the CPU board but we can not guarantee
that all the software compilers or examples will work.
* Note that each pin may be configured to serve multiple functions but only one at a
time. There are a maximum of 30 physical IO pins which can be assigned from the
pool of pins on this chart.

Specification PIC 18F4620 18F46K22

Max CPU Speed 40 MHz 64 MHz
Program flash memory 64k bytes 64k bytes
RAM 4k bytes 4k bytes
Data EEPROM 1k bytes 1k bytes
Number of physical IO pins 30 30
Max analog input pins * 25 25
Max SPI serial IO ports * 1 2
Max I2C serial IO ports * 1 2
Max serial UART ports * 1 2
Max PWM ports * 5 5
The CPU Pins
You will want to become familiar with the physical pin names and functions they
perform. One of the powerful aspects of the PIC architecture is that all of the IO pins
can perform multiple functions. IO pins are not simply digital inputs or digital output
but may include serial interfaces (UART, I2C, SPI), analog to digital converter inputs,
pulse width modulator outputs, etc. Each of these pins has a name. The IO pins are
grouped into “ports” or “registers”. The groups are named PORTA, PORTB, PORTC,
etc. Each port group can have a few pins or as many as 8. On the 18F4620 and
18F46K22 CPU chips, there are 30 IO pins. They are grouped as follows…
PORT A – 6 pins – Digital IO and analog voltage inputs
PORT B – 5 pins – Digital IO
PORT C – 8 pins – Digital IO and serial interfaces
PORT D – 8 pins – Digital IO
PORT E – 3 pins – Digital IO
The individual pins are referred to by their port or register name (A, B, C, etc.) and
their logical number in that group (0, 1, 2, etc.). So the first IO pin of port B (register B)
is called RB0, meaning “register B, pin 0). You will become very familiar with the
names of the pins and what they can be used for. You may wonder why didn’t they
just call the pin “input 1”?, Since each pin can be configured to perform various
functions (analog, digital, serial, etc) we use the general name to refer to the pin is
“RA0”. When you look at the datasheet for the part, you can see that RA0 is also
known as AN0 because it can be configured as an analog to digital converter input.
These names are shortened on the PCB layout to save space so pin RD1 for example
is labeled “D1”. For now all you need to become familiar with is the common pin name
like RB0 (“B0”), or RC7 (“C7”).
User Programmable IO

Reset J1-5 RE2

J1-6 RA4
J1-7 RC1
J1-8 RC2
J2-4 RB4
Mode (A4) J2-5 RB3
J2-6 RB2
J2-7 RB1
J2-8 RB0
CPU J4-3 RC3
Programming J4-4 RC5
V+ J4-5 RC4
Ground J4-6 RA5
PGD J4-7 RD7
PGC J4-8 RD6
J5-1 AN0
J5-2 AN1
J5-3 AN2
J5-4 AN3
RS232 Port RS232 Tx J5-5 RE0
RS232 Rx J5-6 RE1
Ground J6-1 RD5
J6-2 RD4
J6-3 RD3
J6-4 RD2
Power J6-5 RD1
Voltage +5.0v J6-6 RD0

Stacking interconnect bus and Arduino compatiblity
The HamStack establishes a standard physical PCB layout and electrical signal
assignments to the interboard connectors. This ensures hardware compatibility and
makes the re-use of modules very easy. Each pin in the stack has a specific purpose.
The hardware reference sections specify the exact pin assignment and what they are
used for. There are 7 interboard connectors. Four of them match the interboard
connectors of the Arduino Uno and similar boards. This means that you can take an
Arduino shield, like a relay board or a Zigbee RF module and plug it on top of a
HamStack CPU board and there is a good chance it will work. There are hundreds of
3rd party Arduino shield boards on the market and the HamStack will not be completely
compatible with all of them. The Arduino uses an Atmel CPU while we use a PIC so
there will be some differences on some boards. Having said that, we have mapped
the HamStack’s CPU IO pins as closely as possible to the Arduino pins so many
functions will be “plug and play”. Digital inputs, digital outputs, analog inputs, serial tx
and rx, I2C, and SPI pins should work on most boards. Of course, the Arduino
software is not compatible with the HamStack. However, many, if not all, Arduino IO
functions are available in either the Microchip C18 or Swordfish Basic compilers.
In addition to the 4 Arduino compatible connectors, there are two additional 8 pin
interboard connectors providing more IO. The seventh interboard connector is the
HamStack (PicKit compatible) in-circuit programming socket.

You will notice that there are two sets of solder pads for each interboard connector on
the CPU board. Each pin is duplicated on the board. This is done for two reasons.
First, the inner row of solder pads, those closest to the center of the PCB are used for
the vertical stacking of PCBs using the stacking interboard connectors. The outer row
of solder pads can be customized by the user. One use of these solder pads is to put
a set of female sockets on the bottom of the board to allow the CPU board to plug into
a larger “motherboard” that we call a project board” The project board spec uses male
header connectors to mate with the female sockets on the bottom of the CPU board.

The other use of the solder pads is to provide a place to solder wires directly to the
CPU board if you are embedding the CPU into your own project. You can choose to
solder wires to any IO pin, power and ground.

CPU clock frequency and crystal selection

The HamStack comes with a 10 or 16 MHz crystal. The 18F4620 comes with a 10
MHz crystal and the 18F46K22 comes with a 16 MHz crystal. In both cases, the on-
board phase lock loop oscillator circuit (PLL) will multiply the crystal frequency by 4x.
This means that a 10 MHz crystal will clock your CPU at 40 MHz and the 16 MHz
crystal will clock the CPU at 64 MHz. You can also choose to clock the CPU at the
native (1x) crystal frequency but you might as well use the higher speed modes.
When you write your programs, you have the choice of what oscillator to use to clock
the CPU chip.

Most, if not all, of the examples in this book use the 18F4620 with a 10 MHz crystal
with the oscillator set to the native (1x) crystal frequency of 10 MHz. This is done to
keep the examples simple. We will explore how to use the 4x PLL mode in app notes.

Embedding the HamStack CPU into your own projects

The HamStack CPU can become the brain in your next ham radio project. When you
assemble the CPU board for embedding into your own project, you can use the IO
stacking connector sockets or make direct wire connections to the solder pads
provided. Installing the 6 pin programming jack will ensure that you can upgrade your
firmware in the future. Be careful not to exceed the current capability of the on-board

Read Warning – Do not exceed the current capacity of the on-board regulator.

The 78L05 5v voltage regulator on the HamStack CPU board can supply a maximum
of 100ma. The CPU board itself should consume less than half of that. Depending on
the input voltage, you can power one or two additional chips but that is about it. If your
input voltage to the CPU board is 13.8v and you are powering other devices with the
5v out of the CPU’s regulator, the device will get too hot. You can either reduce the
input voltage, to 6 or 7 volts or provide an external DC power source to the other

RS-232 serial port

The CPU board has a built in voltage converter chip that will match the (0/5v) level of
the CPU chip to the RS-232 voltage standard (+12v/-12v). The RS-232 signals are
present on J9, the 3 pin male connector and are also passed to two of the interboard
connector pins. The pins on the CPU board are Tx, Rx, ground when looking at the
connector from the edge of the board. To connect to a PC or other serial device, make
the following connections.

HamStack J9 pin 1 (Tx) to DB9 Female connector pin 2

HamStack J9 pin 2 (Rx) to DB9 Female connector pin 3
HamStack J9 pin 3 (Ground) to DB9 Female connector pin 5

This configuration will plug into a male DB9 RS232 port on a computer or straight
through extension cable.

The reason we choose to put RS232 on the HamStack, rather than USB is that most
devices in the ham shack you would want to control use RS-232. It is also easier for
those new to programming microcontrollers to program a RS232 serial interface rather
than the more complex USB interface. If you want to add a USB interface to the
HamStack, that can be done as well but a different CPU chip will be required. For the
majority of ham applications, the RS232 interface is more useful.

What about USB ?

If you want to directly control the HamStack CPU from a PC, you can use a commonly
available USB to RS232 dongle. We have tried many different brands and all adapters
tested worked fine.
A USB to TTL serial adapter board is also available.

- 10 -
CPU Board Pin Assignments
J4 RS232

Program Mode

J2-1 C0 (LED)
J2-2 PGD (Programming)
J2-3 PGC (Programming)
J2-4 B4
J1-1 User pin A J2-5 B3
J1-2 User pin B J2-6 B2
J1-3 RS232 Rx J2-7 B1
J1-4 RS232 Tx J2-8 B0
J1-5 E2
J1-6 A4
J1-7 C1 (PWM2) J4-1 Bias
J1-8 C2 (PWM1) J4-2 Ground
In PCB version
J4-3 C3
1.0, J3-5 is not
J4-4 C5
connected to
J3-1 Reset J4-5 C4
ground. The pin is J4-6 A5
J3-2 3.3v
isolated. J4-7 D7
J3-3 5.0v
J3-4 Ground J4-8 D6
All later versions J3-5 Ground
are correct. J3-6 Voltage In
J6-1 D5
J6-2 D4
J5-1 AN0 J6-3 D3
J5-2 AN1 J6-4 D2
J5-3 AN2 J6-5 D1
J5-4 AN3 J6-6 D0
J5-5 RE0 J6-7 C6 (Tx serial)
J5-6 RE1 J6-8 C7 (Rx serial)

- 11 -
CPU version 4b

- 12 -
CPU Board
Pin Assignments & Parts Placement Diagram
The CPU board is powered by the Remove jumper JP1 when Plug PICKit2 compatible
DEV-1 board so there is no need using the CPU board programmer into J9 or into
to plug a power supply into the DC plugged into the DEV-1 J5 on the DEV-1 board.
power jack board.

RC0 / Status LED

Programming pin PData
Programming pin PClk
User A - not used RB4 - Relay
User B - not used RB3 – LED 4
RS232 Rx RB2 – LED 3
RS232 Tx RB1 – LED 2
RE2 – Encoder button RB0 – LED 1
RA4 – Button 4
RC1–PS2 keyboard data Bias – not used
RC2 – PWM Tone out Ground
RC3 – I2C Clk not used
RC5 – I2C Data not used
Reset RC4 – Not used
3.3v - Not used RA5 – PS2 keyboard clk
5.0v from DEV-1 RD7 – OneWire bus
Ground RD6 – Not used
External voltage in
RD5 – LCD E pin
RD4 – LCD RW pin
RA0 – Analog input RD3 – LCD D7
RA1 – Button 1 RD2 – LCD D6
RA2 – Button 2 RD1 – LCD D5
RA3 – Button 3 RD0 – LCD D4
RE0 – Encoder A RC6 – UART Serial Tx
RE1 – Encoder B RC7 – UART Serial Rx

Reset Button J7 RS232

This button will cause Pin 1 – Tx
the CPU to reset. Pin 2 – Rx
Pin 3 - Ground

Mode Button Status LED

Connected to RA4, the mode button is Connected to CPU pin C0 and is typically used to indicate
used by some applications and is wired program status. User programmable.
to Button 4 on the DEV-1 board.
Pwr LED Indicates power is present on the CPU board.

Some CPU pins are not used with the DEV-1 board including RC3, RC4, RC5,
and RD6. They are not pre-wired to any devices on the DEV-1 board. These pins
are available for the user to use for custom applications. Adding a stacking board
on top of the CPU board provides easy access these and all other pins. RC3 and
RC5 are the I2C bus which is very convenient for connection to all kinds of devices
including memories, sensors, IO expanders, etc.
J1-1 A User definable pin
J1-2 B User definable pin
J1-3 R2 RS232 UART1 Rx (Same as J9 pin 2)
J1-4 T2 RS232 UART1 Tx (Same as J9 pin 1)
J1-5 E2 CPU pin RE2, digital IO pin, or RS485 network control pin
J1-6 A4 CPU pin RA4, digital IO, and “Mode” button w/10k pull up
J1-7 C1/PWM2 CPU pin RC1, digital IO pin or PWM #2
J1-8 C2/PWM1 CPU pin RC2, digital IO pin or PWM #1

J2-1 C0/LED CPU pin C0, general IO pin and status LED, logic 1 = LED on
J2-2 PD CPU pin PGD. In-circuit programming pin
J2-3 PC CPU pin PGC. In-circuit programming pin w/ 10k pullup
J2-4 B4 CPU pin RB4, digital IO pin
J2-5 B3 CPU pin RB3, digital IO pin
J2-6 B2 CPU pin RB2, digital IO pin
J2-7 B1 CPU pin RB1, digital IO pin
J2-8 B0 CPU pin RB0, digital IO pin

J3-1 RST Pull this pin to ground to reset CPU. CPU MCLR pin #1 w/10k pullup
J3-2 3v3 3.3v DC supply rail output
J3-3 5v 5.0v DC supply rail output
J3-4 GND Ground
J3-5 GND Ground (Isolated on v1.0 PCB layout)
J3-6 Vin Input voltage. This is the external voltage input, typically 7.5 to 13.8 VDC.

J4-1 Bias Not used on the CPU board. Reserved for 2.5v DC supply rail
J4-2 GND Ground
J4-3 C3/SCK CPU pin RC3, digital IO pin, or SPI clock or I2C clock
J4-4 C5/SDO CPU pin RC5, digital IO pin or SPI data out pin
J4-5 C4/SDI CPU pin RC4, digital IO pin or SPI data in pin
J4-6 A5/SS CPU pin RA5, digital IO pin, or SPI select
J4-7 D7/Rx2CPU pin RD7, digital IO pin, or serial UART2 Rx pin (TTL level)
J4-8 D6/Tx2 CPU pin RD6, digital IO pin, or serial UART2 Tx pin (TTL level)

J5-1 AN0 CPU pin RA0, digital IO pin or analog input AN0
J5-2 AN1 CPU pin RA1, digital IO pin or analog input AN1
J5-3 AN2 CPU pin RA2, digital IO pin or analog input AN2
J5-4 AN3 CPU pin RA3, digital IO pin or analog input AN3
J5-5 RE0 CPU pin RE0, digital IO pin or analog input AN4
J5-6 RE1 CPU pin RE1, digital IO pin or analog input AN5

J6-1 D5 CPU pin RD5, digital IO pin

J6-2 D4 CPU pin RD4, digital IO pin
J6-3 D3 CPU pin RD3, digital IO pin
J6-4 D2 CPU pin RD2, digital IO pin
J6-5 D1 CPU pin RD1, digital IO pin
J6-6 D0 CPU pin RD0, digital IO pin
J6-7 C6/Tx CPU pin RC6, digital IO pin, or serial UART1 Tx pin (TTL level)
J6-8 C7/Rx CPU pin RC7, digital IO pin, or serial UART1 Rx pin (TTL level)
- 14 -
CPU Board
Mechanical Dimensions

Board length 3.1”

Inner pin
Board spacing
width for
2.3” Arduino Hole
1.9” 2.1”

Hole spacing
2x O=0.125”

- 15 -
Section 2

DEV-1 Development Board

Hardware Reference

- 16 -
DEV-1 Development Board Features
OneWire PS2
Temperature Relay computer
RS232 Contacts
DC power in Probe jack keyboard Audio
7-14VDC output jack

Optional DS
Power LED sensor (not

Programming jack
Volume pot

CPU chip or Audio amp

CPU board

LCD contrast pot

data storage

IO Jumpers
LCD Display
External A/D
converter input

CPU reset button Rotary encoder

and pushbutton

CPU pin
Status LED
reference table 4x LEDs and push buttons Built-in AN0
Optional external connection Potentiometer
solder pads
DEV-1 Development Board
CPU Options
The DEV board can be used 2 ways. One option is to use the built-in solder pad
location for a 40 pin CPU chip. The other option is to leave the socket empty and
plug in a HamStack CPU board. The functionality is essentially the same.
The DEV board is supplied with a CPU chip (18F4620), a 40 pin socket and
associated components that will be installed next to the CPU chip.
You should install all these parts AND the CPU 40 pin socket.

If you are not planning on using a HamStack CPU board with your DEV board, at
least, not initially, you should assemble the whole board and plug the CPU chip
into the socket.

If you plan to use a HamStack CPU board that plugs into the HamStack
interconnect header pins, then you should install all parts EXCEPT the CPU chip
and then plug the CPU board on top.

Option 1 Option 2
Use the built-in CPU chip. Use a HamStack CPU board

DEV-1 Development Board
Configuration Jumpers

Jumper block JU2 – Select A0 Input (Analog voltage input)

Jumper between pins 1 & 2 selects the built-in potentiometer
Jumper between pins 2 & 3 selects the external voltage input terminal block P5
This 3 pin jumper block selects which voltage input will be routed to the CPU pin
AN0 analog to digital converter 0.

Jumper block JU3

Enc_A Connects rotary encoder to CPU pin RE0
Enc_B Connects rotary encoder to CPU pin RE1
Button Connects rotary encoder push button to CPU pin RE2
Pot Connects analog voltage input to CPU pin AN0 A/D converter

Jumper block JU4

LED4 Connects LED 4 to CPU pin RB3
LED3 Connects LED 3 to CPU pin RB2
LED2 Connects LED 2 to CPU pin RB1
LED1 Connects LED 1 to CPU pin RB0

These jumper blocks allow you disconnect some of the peripheral parts from the
CPU. This is a convenient way to free up extra CPU pins for use in your own
custom projects by simply removing the jumper shunts. The default configuration
is to install all jumper shunts for JU3 and JU4 and insert the JU2 jumper between
pins 1 and 2.
Audio Amplifier

CPU pin RC2


PWM output from CPU



The audio amplifier takes the output of the CPU’s pin RC2, which has a hardware Pulse Width Modulator
output, and will shape the wave into a sine wave using the RC filter R8, R9, C11, C13. The raw filtered
signal is available at the 3.5mm jack J5. The audio then passes into an LM386 audio amplifier and to the
local speaker. The pot R21 is used to set the audio level. If fixed levels are needed, the user resistors R11
and R12 can be installed instead of the pot.
Note: components in the feedback loop, R13 and C10, are optional depending on the gain desired. The
default configuration includes C10 installed with a 10uf capacitor and a jumper wire in the R13 position.
Analog Input

Use jumper JU1 to select the analog
input. “Pot” connects the built in
potentiometer. “External” allows an
external voltage input. The analog to
digital converter (ADC) input can
measure from 0 to 5 VDC. This value is
+5v reported as a number between 0 and

When using the external voltage input on

connector P6, the input voltage goes
through a simple voltage divider using a
10k series resistor and a 2.2k resistor to
ground. This provides a usable range of
0-27.5 VDC.

The in this case, each unit from 0 to

1023 represents a resolution of 0.026


GND Jumper JU3

Pins 1 & 2

OneWire – Temperature Probe


JU3 is a 3 pin connector to

provide a connection to an
external OneWire sensor.

OneWire RD7

CPU pin RD7 is used as the data pin for OneWire sensor devices. Typically used for sensors like digital
temperature devices, the OneWire interface connector J3 provides +5v, data and ground. There is also a TO-92
footprint on the PCB that can be used to install an optional DS18B20 temperature chip.

Digital Inputs and Buttons




RE0 Encoder A
RE1 Encoder B
RE2 Encoder push button

The rotary encoder has two outputs which creates wave forms
90 degrees out of phase. These signals are decoded to
produce a count up pulse or a count down pulse. For example,
if the last value was 00 and the current value is 01, the device
has moved one half step in the clockwise direction.
LCD and LED Displays
+5V +5V


This LCD display uses the industry

standard 4 bit Hitachi interface.
The CPU uses 6 wires, 4 for data and
2 for control. Pot R17 is used to set the
contrast on the display. An extra connector,
J6 is wired in parallel with the built-in LCD
display if an external display is going to be used.
Normally J6 is not used.


RB0.. RB3 are wired up to 4 LEDs. When

the CPU pin is set high, +5v, the LED will
be turned on.

Jumper block JU4 is provided to allow the

user to disconnect any of the CPU pins
RB0..RB3 from the LEDs and free up the
CPU pins to be used for another purpose.
External Connections

RA5 PS2 Computer Keyboard

This connection provides a convenient way to take
user input into an application running on the
HamStack CPU.
The PS2 keyboard requires the hs_keyboard.bas
library to be included in your source code.

RS232 Serial Port

The CPU chips’s main serial UART is connected to a
TTL to RS232 level shifter chip (MAX232) located on
the CPU board. Those RS232 signals are routed
through the inter-board header connectors to the
DEV-1 board then to J2, a female DB9 serial data

Pin 2 – Transmit data out of the board.

Pin 3 – Receive data input to the board.
Pin 5 – Ground


SPDT Relay
The board includes a single pole double throw (SPDT)
relay. The relay control signal comes from CPU pin RB4.
When pin RB4 is high, +5v, it will turn on Q1 pulling the
collector of the transistor to ground. This will complete
the circuit allowing current to flow through the relay coil
and actuating the relay.
LED D8 will indicate when the relay is turned on.
Diode D5 is used to eliminate “counter EMF”. It’s the
voltage produced by the interaction of current in the coil
of the electromagnet its magnetic field, when one, or
both, is changing.
Power Supply
Section 3

Assembly Instructions

- 26 -
Assembling the DEV-1 Board

These assembly instructions are specifically for building the HamStack DEV-1
development board but the general principals apply to any of the HamStack boards.
For detailed assembly instructions of additional HamStack boards, refer to the
hardware manual for those boards.

Too many parts

You may find extra parts in your kit. This happens because some components are
easy to loose or install incorrectly. So just in case, we may include a few extras.

Too few parts

While we are very careful to make sure you get what you are supposed to get, we may
have accidently omitted a component. If this happens, drop us an email at and we will send you a replacement part right away.

General assembly instructions

Assembly is very straight forward but requires some basic soldering skills. If you are an
experienced builder, you can use the parts placement diagram as your guide and start
assembling the board. If you have never built an electronic circuit board, we suggest
you practice on another PCB to get the hang of it. There are many good resources on
the web to show you how to solder

- 27 -
Hardware Overview
The DEV-1 board provides several common hardware peripherals that are connected to a
HamStack CPU board plugged on top of the DEV-1 board. The connectors on the bottom of the
CPU board provide a path to the DEV-1 boards peripherals. This system is a handy platform for
software development and system prototyping.

The DEV-1 board comes as a kit and can be easily assembled in an evening. While there is no
special s no special order of assembly we would recommend the following order.

 Install all IC sockets, header connectors.

 Install the pushbuttons, LEDs, resistors, capacitors, diodes and transistors.

 Install the LCD display.

 Install the larger components including the connectors, speaker, encoder and knob.

This order is recommended because it allows you to put the lowest parts on first and ultimately the
heaviest components last.

Special notes…

 LCD – The connection between the LCD and the circuit board is accomplished using wires
between the boards. Your kit includes 12” of buss wire that is cut into short pieces long enough to
connect a solder pad on the LCD board to the main PCB.

 Encoder knob – Be careful when putting the knob on the rotary encoder to make sure you
don’t but the knob too low. The encoder includes a “button press” action and if you install the knob
too low, it will prevent the encoder “push button” from moving.

 The input voltage to the board can be any DC voltage from 7-13.8 VDC.
Reference Designators Not On The Silkscreen
Some components on the board are not labeled with a reference designator. This
diagrams shows the proper placement of those parts.

J7, J8, J9  J7 J8 J9

Male header pins

J10, J13, J14  J10 J13 J14

J15, J11  J11

Male header pins

Install 6 male header

connectors here

- 29 -
Assembling the LCD Display Module
Install the two female SIP header sockets on the bottom of the LCD board. The
connectors will be pointing down.

Install two screws and standoffs on the bottom of the LCD PCB in the lower two holes.

Female header sockets mounted to the

bottom of the LCD display PCB.
J16 - 6 pin J17 - 8 pin
J7 J8 J9

J10 J13 J14




7/16” Standoff


Header connector
side view  7/16” Standoff

Side View

- 30 -
Builders Alerts
The builders alerts are important modifications that should be made to your DEV-1 board for
proper operation.

Rev 3 Beta Boards

There is a missing trace on the bottom of the board that connects the voltage regulator ground pin
to the DB9 ground pads. This is a view of the bottom of the PCB. Install a piece of wire as shown
below. The mod is done on the bottom

This mod is on the bottom of the

board in this location

This is a view of the bottom of the PCB

Bottom of

Added jumper wire

Bottom of 7805 regulator


This missing trace was corrected in the production boards. No jumper is required.
DEV-1 Development
Check Type Part
Board Parts Checklist
Reference Designator

□ Capacitor 0.047uf C1
□ Capacitor 10 uf electrolytic C11, C14
□ Capacitor 22 pf C12, C13
□ Capacitor 1 uf electrolytic C16, C17, C18, C19
□ Capacitor 0.022uf C2
□ Capacitor 0.1 C3, C4, C6, C9, C15, C20
□ Capacitor 330 uf electrolytic C5, C10
□ Connector 3.5mm stereo jack J1
□ Connector 8 pin female SIP connector J13
□ Connector 6 pin mini-DIN connector J2
□ Connector DB9-F J34
□ Connector 2.1mm DC coaxial power connector J4
□ Connector 1x6 pin female SIP connector J5, J16
□ Connector 1x8 pin female SIP connector J17
□ Connector 3 pin header right angle w/ ramp J6
□ Connector 1x8 pin male header J7, J8, J9, J10, J11
□ Connector 1x6 pin male header J13, J14, J15
□ Connector 1x2 pin male header JU1
□ Connector 1x3 pin male header JU2
□ Connector 2x4 pin male header JU3, JU4
□ Connector 2 pin pluggable terminal block P5
□ Connector 3 pin pluggable terminal block P6
□ Diode LED T1-3/4 RED D1, D2, D3
□ Diode LED T1-3/4 GREEN D4, D6, D7, D8
□ Diode 1N4148 D5
□ IC LM386 audio amplifier U1
□ IC 7805 +5v voltage regulator U2
□ IC PIC 18F4620 U5
□ IC MAX232 U7
□ IC Socket 8 pin DIP IC socket 0.3" U1-SOC, U4-SOC
□ IC Socket 40 pin DIP IC socket 0.6" U5-SOC
□ IC Socket 16 pin DIP IC socket 0.3" U7-SOC
□ Misc Rotary encoder with pushbutton ENC1
□ Misc Crystal insulator INS1
□ Misc Knob for rotary encoder KNOB1
□ Misc 2x16 LCD display LCD1
□ Misc 4-40 x 1/4" screw M1, M2, M3, M4, M5
□ Misc 4-40 nut M6, M7, M8
□ Misc Standoff, long M9, M10
□ Misc Jumper shunts QTY 10
□ Misc Speaker SPEAKER1
□ Misc Pushbutton SW1, SW2, SW3, SW4, S5
□ Relay SPDT 5v relay RY1
□ Resistor 10k Pot R1, R5, R19
□ Resistor 10 ohms R12, R20
□ Resistor 270 R14, R15
□ Resistor 270 resistor pack (5 resistors bussed) R17
□ Resistor 2.7k R18
□ Resistor 10k R2
□ Resistor 2.2k R3
□ Resistor 10k SIP resitor pack R4, R11, R13
□ Resistor 2k R8
□ Resistor 1k R9, R16
□ Resistor 10 MHz Crystal - 32 - Y1
□ Transistor PN2222 Q1
Assembling the CPU Board
These assembly instructions are specifically for building the HamStack CPU board but
the general principals apply to any of the HamStack boards. For detailed assembly
instructions of additional HamStack boards, refer to the hardware manual for those

Too many parts

You may find extra parts in your kit. We do this because some components are easy to
loose or install incorrectly. So just in case, we may include a few extras.

Too few parts

While we are very careful to make sure you get what you are supposed to get, we may
have accidently omitted a component. If this happens, drop us an email at and we will send you a replacement part right away.

! Before you assemble the CPU board,

take a minute to review these important options.

Making the right decision now will save you potential headaches down the line.

All components are mounted to the top of the board. That is the side with the white
silkscreen lettering.

#1 DC Power Connections
The CPU kit includes both a 2.1mm coaxial DC power jack, the kind found on small AC
adapters. The kit also includes a two pin screw terminal block. You have the option to
install either of these connectors or solder wires directly to the PCB. As a general rule,
when embedding the CPU in your own projects, you would use the terminal block or
solder wires to the pads. If you are using the CPU board stand alone or with a
backpack board and want quick connect / disconnect of power, then you should use the
2.1mm DC power jack.

#2 Stacking Connector Options

The stacking connectors allow your board to connect with other HamStack boards. You
should install the inner connectors on J1 – J6 plus J7. You have the option of installing
additional connectors on the bottom of the CPU board. These connectors are required
when using the HamStack project board.

#3 Generally Speaking
Assembly is very straight forward but requires some basic soldering skills. If you are an
experienced builder, you can use the parts placement diagram as your guide and start
assembling the board. If you have never built an electronic circuit board, we suggest
you practice on another PCB to get the hang of it. There are many good resources on
the web to show you how to solder

To identify components, refer to the component identification guide in the appendix..

- 33 -
CPU Board V4b - Parts Placement

Parts List – Required Components

C1 10uf electrolytic capacitor J1, J2, J4, J6 Inner connector row 8 pin
female sockets
C2, C3 0.1 uf capacitor (104)
J3, J5 Inner connector row 6 pin
C4, C5 22pf capacitor (22)
female sockets
C6 0.1 uf capacitor (104)
J7 3 pin male connector with tab
C7, C8, C9, C10
J8 2.1mm coaxial DC connector
1 uf electrolytic capacitor
J9 6 pin female programming jack
R1, R2 270 Ohm ¼ w resistor (270)
RP1 10k resistor pack (103)
D1, D2 Red T1 LEDs
S1, S2 Pushbutton switch
Y1 10 MHz crystal
INS1 Crystal insulator
U1 78L05 5v voltage regulator
U2 CPU chip
U3 MAX232 RS232 level shifter IC

- 34 -
CPU Board
Step by Step Assembly Instructions

Step 1 - Install the IC sockets

To start off, lets install the IC sockets. There is a 40 pin socket
for the CPU chip and a 16 pin socket for the RS232 interface
chip. Put the 40 pin socket in place first. The end of the socket
that has pin 1 will be indicated by an indent. Flip the board over

and solder pin 1 first. Then solder pin 21. You now have one

pin at each corner soldered. Pinch the socket against the

board with your fingers and touch the solder pad for pin 1 with
Make sure you have
pin 1 on each socket the soldering iron tip. If there is any space between the socket
in the correct and the board, the socket will snap tight against the PCB.
position. Repeat this for pin 21. Now the socket is snug against the
PCB. Solder all remaining pins.
Insert the 16 pin socket for U2, the RS232 interface chip.
Follow the same procedure you did for the 40 pin socket.

Step 2 – J8, the Input power connector

Now, you have a choice of they type of input power connector
you use. The kit comes with both the 2.1mm coaxial DC
connector and a two position screw terminal block. If you plan
to package the CPU board into a chassis, you should use the
screw terminals. If you will use the CPU board by itself, maybe
with a backpack board, you could use the coaxial connector for
quick connections. The coaxial connector will clash slightly with
a backpack board but work OK. The screw terminal will sit
flush with the backpack board.
You could also solder wires directly to the PCB for an
embedded application

Using the 2.1mm DC coaxial jack

These three highlighted solder pads are
where the pins of the jack are inserted
and soldered.

Using the terminal block

These three highlighted solder pads are
where the pins of the terminal block pins
are inserted and soldered. Note that the
silkscreen indicates which pin is GND and
which is the +V input.

- 35 -
CPU Board Assembly – Continued

Step 3 - Install the crystal, insulator and Parts

capacitors Y1 – 10 or 16 MHz
Find the thin crystal insulator and slide it on to the crystal
leads of the crystal. The insulator may be clear or INS1 – Crystal insulator
white. C4, C5 – 22pf mono cap
Then install the crystal and insulator on the PCB.
Also install the two small 22pf capacitors next to the Note: These capacitors
crystal case. These caps are marked “22”. look very similar to the
0.1 uf capacitors. Do
not confuse them and
Make sure you don’t confuse these install the wrong part.
capacitors with the 0.1uf capacitor Make sure you install
marked “104”. The 0.1uf caps go next the capacitors labeled
to the CPU socket. That step comes “22” in these two
later. positions.

Step 4 - Install the 78L05 5 volt regulator Parts

This voltage regulator is in a small plastic TO-92 U2 – 78L05 voltage
case. It looks like a common transistor. Make sure regulator
you look closely at the markings to see that you have
the 78L05 voltage regulator and not another part.
You can see the solder pads say I, G and O. These
are the Input, Ground and Output pins.

Step 5 - Install capacitor C1

This filter capacitor is installed near pin 1 of the CPU
C1 – 10uf to 47uf
chip socket. The silkscreen says 47uf but this
electrolytic capacitor
capacitor can be anywhere between 10uf to 47uf.
Note that the silkscreen for all polarized electrolytic
Note: The silkscreen on
capacitors show a “+” sign on the board and the
the board says 47uf.
positive hole is “pin 1” of the capacitor indicated by a
+ - square solder pad. You can quickly tell which pin is
The kit will be supplied
with a 10uf capacitor
the “+” pin on the capacitor because the “+” lead is
instead. Install the
always the longer of the two. Also the markings on
supplied 10 uf capacitor.
the can typically indicate the “-” lead.

Step 6 - Install resistors R1 and R2 Parts

Install the two 270 Ohm resistors R1 and R2 next to R1 – 270 Ohms ¼ watt
the CPU socket. The silkscreen on the board shows R2 – 270 Ohms ¼ watt
“270” inside the pattern for the resistor to indicate the
value of the component.
270 Ohms 5% is Red Violet Brown Gold.
These resistors limit the current through the LEDs.

- 36 -
CPU Board Assembly – Continued

Step 7 - Install bypass capacitors C2 & C3 Parts

Install the two small 0.1uf capacitors, C2 and C3 next C2 – 0.1uf
to the CPU chip. These little capacitors are marked C3 – 0.1uf
“104” indicating the value of 100000 pf or 0.1uf.

Be careful not to confuse these with the 22pf

capacitors that go next to the crystal. The may look
exactly the same except for the tiny writing.

Step 8 - Install the 10k resistor pack Parts

RP1 – 10k resistor pack.
When installing the resistor pack, make sure to install 5 resistors, common
pin 1 in the proper location. When reading the value bus.
of the component on the side, pin 1 is always the left
most pin of the package. That pin will go into the
square pin 1 solder pad on the PCB.

You can read the value of the resistor pack by

looking at the part number. Most manufacturers will
indicate the value of the resistors by a three digit
number. Make sure the 3 digit number on the
component you install into the CPU board is “103”
which means 10k Ohms.

Step 9 - Install the programming socket Parts

Now it's time to install the last few components: the 6 pin female SIP socket
SIP sockets. SIP stands for “Single In-line Package”
The programming socket is a 6 pin SIP female

Place the socket into the holes on the PCB. Flip the
board over being careful that the socket does not fall
out. Now, solder one pin. Flip the board back over
and see if the socket is flush with the PCB and if it is
perpendicular to the board. The socket MUST be
flush and straight. Take you time. It is very
important to get these SIP sockets installed properly.

The properly installed SIP socket will look like this.

- 37 -
CPU Board Assembly – Continued

Step 10 - Install 6 top mounted SIP socket Parts

2x 6 pin SIP sockets
4x 8 pin SIP sockets
The six SIP sockets are used to provide
interconnection between the CPU board and the
backpack or other boards plugged on top of the CPU

As with the programming socket, set each socket in place by soldering

only one pin. Then make sure it is snug against the PCB and is

These six connectors are mounted on top of the PCB just like all the
other components so far.

When you look at the PCB, you will see two rows of solder pads for
every connector position J1 through J6. The inner solder pads are
used for these six sockets.

Step 11 - Install the remaining components Parts

along the front edge of the board J9 – 3 pin male
Now its time to install the last few components, the C6 – 0.1uf capacitor
serial jack, the 4 electrolytic caps for the serial interface, C7, C8, C9 C10
the 2 LEDs, and the two pushbuttons. 1uf electrolytic
From top to bottom as shown in the picture to the left... D1, D2 – Red LEDs
B1, B2 – Pushbuttons
11.1 Install one of the 1 uf electrolytic capacitors, C10

11.2 Install the RS232 3 pin locking male connector

11.3 Install the remaining three 1uf electrolytic

capacitors that are used for the RS232 interface. Be
sure to put the longer “+” lead into the square solder

11.4 Install the 2 RED LEDs.

The longer leads of the LEDs go into the square
solder pads.

11.5 Install the 2 push buttons.

11.6 Install C6, the 0.1uf capacitor

Note if you build a project that runs on battery power and you want to reduce power
consumption to the absolute minimum, you can choose to not install the LEDs. If
you already installed the LEDs, you can always cut a trace that powers the LEDS
On the bottom of the PCB, the traces that go to the two LEDs can be cut with a
knife. The little traces are next to the <LED> label on the bottom.

- 38 -
CPU Board Final Assembly
Congratulations !

After you insert your CPU and RS232 chips, you

have completed the heart of the CPU board.

Note that the rev 1 boards included a 3.3v

voltage regulator which was removed from the
rev 2 and later boards.

Now you have one last decision to make. Do

you want to install the inter-board connectors on
the bottom of the CPU board? Those 6
connectors are used to plug the CPU board on
top of the IO extender board.

If you are embedding your CPU board into a

project then you most likely will not want to
install the bottom connectors. If you are
plugging into a IO extender board then you must
install them as follows…

Step 12 – OPTIONAL Parts

Install 6 BOTTOM mounted SIP socket 6 pin female SIP sockets

Remember, when you installed the 7 SIP connectors Note

on the top of the board? They were installed on the If you are going to install
inner solder pads of J1-J6 and J7. the bottom SIP sockets,
you may want to install
Bottom view Now when installing the bottom SIP socket the sockets before you
connectors, they will be installed into the outer solder plug the chips into the
pads of J1-J6. Use the same procedure to insert board.
each connector, solder one pad, make sure its flush
to the PCB and vertical. Then, solder all the
remaining pins.

Place the bottom connectors on the outer row of

solder pads on J1-J6

Now, your completed

board looks like
- 39 -
Section 3

Software Development Tools

- 40 -
Programming Software
As an open computing platform, the HamStack can support any development tool set
that is designed to support the 40 pin 18F series of Microchip CPU chips. Having said
that, we recommend the Microchip C18 C language compiler or the Swordfish Basic
compiler. To help those people new to programming with microcontrollers, we have
focused all the examples illustrated in this book on Swordfish Basic compiler. In
addition to the compiler tools, you will also need an incircuit programmer. The
HamStack USB programmer uses the Microchip PicKit2 programming software. A
dumb terminal program also helps debugging by providing an easy way to send data
back and forth between the CPU board and the PC.

We will focus in this book on the Swordfish Basic compiler because it is simple and
easy to start writing code and see results immediately. If you want to start learning C
for the HamStack, there are other documents on the HamStack website that will show
you how to get started.

Which language: C or Basic?

The biggest question you want to consider is which language, and ultimately, which
compiler should you use? There is no simple answer to this question that covers all
users. We choose the C18 and Swordfish Basic compilers because they are very good
and there are free versions available. There are also commercial versions of these
compilers and others that cost about $150. While there are some limitations to the free
versions, they are very capable and all the examples in this book are developed with
the free versions. Ultimately your choice of compiler depends on many factors but if
you really need some advice, here goes…

Microchip C18 compiler

- Very powerful compiler with no code restrictions
- The MPLAB IDE has a lot of features and lets you manage large projects with many files
- The complexity of MPLAB also means there is more to learn about the environment
- The upgrade to the commercial version is an optimizing compiler that generates smaller code

Swordfish Basic
- Also a very powerful programming environment
- Simple, easy to use environment. You will be coding in just a few minutes
- The SE (Special Edition) version limits the maximum RAM variables to 256 bytes
- The upgrade to the commercial version has no restrictions

Ultimately, if you are scared off by the terse, obtuse C language syntax and all the curly
braces, then start with Basic. If you are comfortable with C and are willing to spend a
few evenings learning MPLAB then start with the C18 compiler. Either way, you have
great tools to use.

- 41 -
Introduction to Swordfish Basic

Swordfish is a highly structured, modular PIC® BASIC compiler for the PIC18 family of
PIC® microcontrollers. Swordfish is a true compiler that generates optimised, stand
alone code which can be programmed directly into the HamStack CPU board.
Extensive library support is provided with full source code, some of which include LCD,
GLCD, EEPROM, ADC, software and hardware SPI, software and hardware I2C,
software UART, USART, string manipulation, USB and math libraries. Support for
strings, arrays, structures, boolean, bit, unsigned and signed 8, 16 and 32 bit ordinal
types and 32 bit floating point is also provided. Swordfish is supplied with a powerful
and flexible Integrated Development Environment (IDE) which includes an advanced
code explorer, full syntax highlighting, third party programmer integration, serial
communicator and integrated boot loader application. Just a single mouse click, or key
press, will compile your program.

The HamStack comes with the free version of the compiler called Swordfish Special
Edition or Swordfish SE for short. The Special Edition has all the same features of the
full commercial version except that it can compile a program with a maximum of 256
bytes of RAM. Even with this limitation, you can develop significant applications. All
the examples in this book can be compiled with the SE version. If you need the full
RAM capacity of the commercial version, you can visit the HamStack web site to
purchase a copy.

Swordfish enables you to structure a program using subroutines and functions. Each
subroutine or function can have its own local declarations consisting of constants,
structures and variables. Procedural programming is a better choice than simple
sequential or unstructured programming, especially in situations which involve
moderate complexity or require significant ease of maintainability.

In large and complex programs, modularity is essential. Swordfish enables you to

group commonly used subroutines, functions, constants, structures and variables into
a single entity called a module. Scoping is an essential part in keeping a program
modular and Swordfish allows all module declarations to be defined as either private or
public. The separation of private and public parts of a module is often referred to as
encapsulation, or information hiding, and enables you to create modules that are both
reusable and robust.

- 42 -
Typical screen shapshot of the Swordfish Integrated Development Environment (IDE)

The following lists some of the key compiler features.

Signed and unsigned ordinal, floating point, string and array constants
Boolean, bit, 8, 16 and 32 bit signed and unsigned, floating point, char and strings
Arrays and structures, including arrays of strings and structures
Alias and modifiers
Addressable EEPROM data constants
Conditional statements including if...then..elseif...else...endif and
Repetitive statements including while...wend, repeat...until and, break
Subroutines and Functions, support for local constants, structures and variables.
Inline subroutines and functions
Full support for passing by value and passing by reference.
Powerful frame recycling algorithm ensures optimal RAM usage
All constants and declaration types can be declared as private or public
Support for embedded assembler
Powerful hardware based interrupt support
Rich set of compiler directives including #ifdef, #constant, #variable, #define, etc.
Predfined subroutines and functions, including AddressOf, BitOf, Bound, Dec,
DelayMS, DelayUS, High, Inc, Input, Low, Output, Terminate and Toggle
Extensive library support is provided with full source code, some of which include LCD,
GLCD, EEPROM, ADC, software and hardware SPI, software and hardware I2C,
software UART, USART, Secure Digital (SD), string manipulation, math, interrupt based
RX and interrupt based timer libraries. Specific peripheral libraries are also included
with full source. Some examples include the DS18B20, DS18S20 and DS2405.
Comprehensive set of relational, mathematical and logical operators

- 43 -
Step by Step Instructions for Using the
Swordfish Basic IDE
After launching the Swordfish
Basic compiler IDE for the first
time, you are presented with an
empty text editor file. The IDE
assumes you will be using an
18F452 CPU chip.

We need to make a few quick


In the editor box, erase the

contents and enter the

' This is my first program

Device = 18F4620
Clock = 10
Any text after the single quote is a comment and ignored by the compiler.

As soon as you enter the device type, in this example, 18F4620, the compiler loads
the proper CPU parameters and updates the navigation bar on the left side.

Entering “clock = 10” tells the compiler that we are clocking the CPU at 10 MHz and to
adjust any timing specific behaviors accordingly. The 18F4620 can be clocked up to
40 MHz with the supplied 10 MHz crystal using the 4x clock mode called HSPLL (High
Speed Phase Locked Loop). However, all the examples use the native 10 MHz clock
to keep the examples simple

At this point you can compile your first program. Click on the “Build” button in the tool
bar. The compiler will generate the .hex file to be down loaded into the CPU chip.
This program won't actually do anything but you can see how the process works.
After compiling the program, the
After compiling, the screen looks like this... Results window will tell you how
much code you generated and how
much RAM will be used.

In this example, the program

generated is only 19 bytes long and
uses 0.3% of the CPU's program
memory. It will also use 25 bytes of
RAM. This is a little misleading
because the compiler allocates at
least 25 bytes to every program,
even if it uses less RAM.

- 44 -
Swordfish Basic Compiler Commands
Swordfish Basic is a powerful structured Predefined Subroutines & Functions
programming language. Here are some of AddressOf
the types of constructs available. BitOf
Variables and data types Clear
Constants, array constants, variables, Dec
Boolean types, strings, char types, arrays, DelayMS
structures, unions, user types DelayUS
Conditional Statements Low
The If…Then Statement Output
The Select…Case Statement Terminate
Conditional Jump Toggle

Repetitive Statements Library of Modules

The While…Wend Loop Analog to digital converter
The Repeat…Until Loop Data type conversion (string, float)
The For…Next Loop EEPROM
Short Circuit Boolean Expressions Graphic LCD
Break I2C
Continue ISRRX
Subroutines Keypad
Functions Manchester encoding
Math library (abs, trunk, round, cell,
Subroutine Declarations floor, fmod, modf, sqrt, cos, sin,
tan, acos, asin, atan, exp, log,
Embedded Assembler log10, pow, atan2, cosh, sinh,
tanh, fexp, idexp)
With Statement DS One Wire devices
Interrupts Shift register
Events Software I2C
Context Saving Software SPI
Software UART
Compiler Directives Hardware SPI
#constant String library (length, copy, upper,
#variable lower, position, mid, left, right,
#define delete, insert, trim, compare)
#undefine Hardware USART
#ifdef…#else…#endif USB and HID
#ifndef…#else…#endif USB CDC
#if…#elseif…#else…#endif. Utils
#option - 45 -
Typical Swordfish Basic Program
In this example we will have the CPU do the following tasks...
- Send a “Hello World” message to the serial port
- Blink the LED once a second
- Every 10 blinks, send another message to the serial port
- Loop forever blinking the LED

Source code

' HamStack_blinky.bas
' Send a "Hello World" message and blink the status LED

Device = 18F4620 ' Set the CPU type to an 18F4620

Clock = 10 ' Set CPU clock frequency to 10 MHz

Include "usart.bas" ' Include the RS232 UART subroutines

'----- VARIABLE DEFINITIONS ---------------------------------

Dim x As Byte ' Loop counter variable

'----- DEFINE PIN DIRECTIONS --------------------------------

' 0 = output
' 1 = input
TRISC.0 = 0 ' Status LED defined as an output


x = 0 ' Initialize loop counter to zero
SetBaudrate(br9600) ' Set serial baud rate to 9600

'----- START MAIN PROGRAM CODE ------------------------------

USART.Write("Hello world from HamStack", 13, 10) ' Send hello

'----- START MASTER CONTROL LOOP ----------------------------

For x = 1 To 10 ' Set up a count from 1 to 10
High (PORTC.0) ' Turn on status LED
DelayMS (500) ' Wait 500 ms.
Low (PORTC.0) ' Turn off status LED
DelayMS (500) ' Wait 500 ms.
Next ' Loop
USART.Write("Another 10 loops completed", 13, 10)
GoTo master_loop ' Loop forever

- 46 -
Now lets look at what each command in this example does

Device = 18F4620
This command tells the compiler to generate code for a Microchip 18F4620. If you are
using another CPU chip, change the part number to match the CPU you are using.

Clock = 10
This command tells the compiler that the crystal oscillator is running at 10 MHz.

Include "usart.bas"
Swordfish Basic allows you to put commonly used program code into separate files that
can be inserted automatically at compile time. This makes your source code easier to read
and keeps you from accidently making changes to your library of good working
subroutines. To user the serial IO commands, you must include the “usart.bas” source
code file.

Dim x As Byte
Next, the variables used in the program are defined. Variables can be byte (8 bits), word
(16 bits), strings, etc. The command means “dimension variable named x as a byte”

TRISC.0 = 0
Next we need to define the behavior of the IO pins we are using. In this case, we are using
the pin PORTC pin 0, or “RC0” as we refer to it. The “TRIS” control register inside the CPU
controls the behavior and direction. If TRISC.0=1 then the pin is a digital input, if
TRISC.0=0 then its an output pin. Note that 0 is a zero.

X = 0
Here we initialize the variable to a value of zero. Although not necessary in our program,
its good programming practice to initialize all variables to avoid unexpected behavior.

Sets the serial port baud rate to 9600.

USART.Write("Hello world from HamStack", 13, 10)

This command sents the string “Hello world from HamStack” out the serial port followed by
a return and a line feed character. The return character is a decimal value of 13 and the
line feed is a value of 10.

Now that the setup is all done, we can get down to work. Most programs have a primary
control loop. The control loop typically reads a set of inputs, makes a set of decisions and
sets various outputs, then loops forever. In our case the control loop starts at a label called

Inside master_loop, there is a For / Next block and a serial output command. The
basic control structure is simply a label, followed by some commands, then a jump back to
the master_loop starting point. This will cause the loop to execute forever.

- 47 -
Inside the master_loop is a for/next statement. This control structure is convenient for
doing something a certain amount of times. In our case, we want to blink the LED 10
times then send a serial port message.

Here is how the for loop works...

For x = 1 To 10
High (PORTC.0)
DelayMS (500)
Low (PORTC.0)
DelayMS (500)

For x = 1 to 10
This says that x starts out with a value of 1 and that all commands between this line
and the “Next” command will be executed 10 times.

High (PORTC.0)
Turns on output pin RC0, which is hooked to the anode of our status led that we want
to blink. When we say High, we mean put +5 volts on the output pin.

DelayMS (500)
Do nothing for 500 milliseconds.

Low (PORTC.0)
Turns off output pin RC0. This puts a value of 0 volts (ground) on the output pin thus
shutting off the status LED.

DelayMS (500)
Do nothing for 500 ms again.

Go back to the last “For” command and start executing the code.
If the value of x as defined in the For statement is greater than 10, exit the for loop and
execute the next sequential command.

USART.Write("Another 10 loops completed", 13, 10)

This is the next command after the loop executes 10 times. This command will send a
message to the serial port.

- 48 -
In-Circuit Programming
Now that your program is compiled and you have generated the .hex file, its time to
download the program into the CPU board. This is done using the HamStack USB
programmer and the Microchip PicKit2 programming software.

The idea is really simple. Once the software is installed, you plug the programmer into
the programming jack on the CPU or backpack board and go through these steps...

1. Make sure the HamStack is powered up

2. Make sure the programmer is communicating with the CPU board
3. Erase the flash memory that stores the program in the CPU chip
4. Load the new .hex file from disk
5. Write the new firmware into the CPU chip

Download the latest version of the PicKit2 software from the Microchip web site or use
the version on the HamStack CD. Follow the simple instructions in the setup program.
When the software is installed, lets try downloading our firmware into the CPU.

Plug the HamStack USB programmer into your PC and launch the PicKit2 program.

The window should look like this...

The program should automatically

recognize the programmer and
detect the CPU chip in the
HamStack CPU board. You can tell
because the “Device:” field will say
PIC18F4620” or whatever CPU
chip is installed.

The message window will also say

“PicKit2 found and connected
PIC device found”

If you get this message...

The programmer is not plugged in

properly or there is no power on the
HamStack CPU board.

- 49 -
Next, click on the “Erase” button to erase the contents of the program flash memory in
the CPU chip.

Now, open the .hex file. Select File / Import Hex then navigate to the file. In our
example the file is called HamStack_blinky.hex

import of the
.hex file

You can see

the hex file is
now ready to
be downloaded
into the CPU

Now its time to download the firmware into the CPU chip. Click on the “Write” button
to download.

After successful
you will see this

- 50 -
HamStack In-Circuit Programmer

 USB plug and play

 No external power required
 Uses Microchip's PICkit 2 software and MPLAB IDE
 120mA current output
 Over-current protection
 Compatible with C18 and Swordfish basic compilers
 Read / write serial EEPROM 24LCXX, etc.
 Runs on Windows XP ,Windows Vista and Windows 7 (32 and 64 bit)
 forplug
sure you 3.3Vthe
and 5.0V devices
programmer into the CPU board with the red stripe of the
ribbon cable plugged into pin 1 of the programming jack. Pin 1 is the pin closest to J2
on the CPU board. Put the programmer into 5v mode with the slide switch. When in 5v
mode, the green LED will be off.

The connector on the end of the programmer's cable is a 6 pin female SIP connector.
The HamStack CPU board and backpack boards also have a 6 pin female SIP
connector. To connect the programmer to the CPU board or backpack, you will need a
6 pin male to male header adapter. This is included with the HamStack USB
6 pin male / male header
Ribbon cable from
USB programmer
CPU or backpack
board with

- 51 -
HamStack In-Circuit Programmer
Pin 1 of the ribbon cable plugs into pin 1 of
the programming jack labled “M”.
M is the MCLR or reset signal for the CPU.

Pin 1 of the ribbon cable is indicated

by the RED stripe


Power – Please Read...

The HamStack programmer provides +5v DC power to the CPU board. This is very
convenient when developing your software and testing it on a HamStack CPU.
However, when the HamStack CPU is embedded into a project, you will want to
provide power directly to the CPU board, not through the programmer. In this case
you must disable the +5V DC from the programmer. To do this, you must cut or
remove pin 2 from the programmer's in-circuit programmer connector as illustrated
Programming connector
1 M MCLR (reset)
2 V +5v DC from programmer
3 G Ground
4 D Programming serial data
5 C Programming serial clock
6 A Aux (not used)

Remove or cut pin 2, the +5v DC power from the 6 pin programmer adapter header when
powering the CPU board directly and not from the programmer.

- 52 -
Section 4

Putting It All Together:

Your First Project

- 53 -
Putting It All Together
Now lets walk through the process from start to finish. We will take the simple
example that illustrates the concepts of the control loop to blink the status LED and
send a message to the serial port. We will show the following steps in detail.

1. Enter the source code in the Swordfish editor window.

2. Compile the program, generating the .hex output file.
3. Downloading your program into the CPU board.
4. Watch the LED blink monitor activity on the serial port.

Step 1. Enter the source code.

Launch the Swordfish Basic compiler program.
These screen snapshots were taken on a Windows 7 system. If you are using XP or
another OS your windows may look slightly different. When the program starts, you
will see a screen like this.

The Swordfish environment automatically inserts a default header of text at the top of
the file. You can edit this banner to include any text you want by going to View / Editor
Options / Program Header. You may want to go there now to enter your name and
any other info you want included in the very beginning of your programs.

- 54 -
To keep the comments to a minimum, we will delete the header comment block and
enter the following program.

Source code
This program assumes you have an
' My first program assembled HamStack CPU board
with the serial RS-232 cable plugged
Device = 18f4620 in and connected to your PC. If your
Clock = 10 PC does not have a RS-232 port you
can use a USB to serial RS-232
Include "usart.bas" dongle adapter.
Include "convert.bas"

Dim status_led As PORTC.0

Dim x As Word

TRISC.0 = 0 'Sets pin PORTC.0 to be an



While true
x = x + 1
High (status_led)
USART.Write("Hello from HamStack #", DecToStr(x), 10,13)
DelayMS (500)
Low (status_led)
DelayMS (500)
Wend - 55 -
Step 2 – Compile the Program
Click the “Build” button to compile the program. This step will generate a .hex file that
will be downloaded into the CPU board.

At the bottom of the screen, the Results window will either list problems with the
program or show the “Compilation Success” window.

You must configure your “build” option before you compile any
Me Select the little downward pointing triangle next to the “Build” button at
the top of the screen.

Select Option / Compile Only

This tells the compiler to generate the .hex code but not to automatically download it
into your HamStack board. Then use the Microchip PicKit2 programming software to
do the firmware download into the CPU board.
You can always change this later if you use another programmer.
- 56 -
Step 3 – Downloading your program into the CPU chip
Make sure your HamStack USB programmer is plugged into your PC.

Then plug the programming ribbon cable into the HamStack board. Note the location
of the red wire on the ribbon cable. The pin on the red striped wire goes to the “M” pin
of the programming connector on the CPU board.

Red stripe

- 57 -
Launch the Microchip PicKit2 programming software.
Your screen should look like this...

If everything is working
properly, the PicKit software
should detect the CPU board
and report the type of CPU
chip it found.

It should detect an 18F4620

CPU chip.

The status window should say

“PIC Device Found.”

You are now ready to read in

the .hex file you just compiled.

Click the [Erase] button to erase the program from the CPU chip.

Now do File / Import Hex ...

- 58 -
Now you should see the status window say “Hex file successfully imported.”

You can tell the file was imported because you can see the code displayed in the
“Program Memory” window.

All you have to do now is press the [Write] button and the program will be downloaded
into the CPU chip
If all goes well, you will see the message: “Programming Successful.”

- 59 -
4. Watch the LED blink monitor activity on the serial port.
Now, lets launch Termite, the terminal program to watch the serial data coming from
the CPU board.

Now click the Settings button to set the COM port.

Make sure the baud rate is set for 9600. Every computer is different so you will have
to figure out the right COM port. If you click the Port pull down menu, you will see the
available COM ports on your computer.
Then click [OK].
- 60 -
If everything is working properly, you should see the status LED blinking and text like
this in the Termite terminal window.

Now that you can see it all working together, this is a great time to experiment. Go
back to the source code and modify the program. Change the timing on the LED
delays, change the text in the serial output line, etc.

Take your new source code and run it through the whole process of compiling and
downloading a few times to get the hang of it.

The next step is to try some of the other examples in this book.

- 61 -
Section 5

Program Examples

- 62 -
Program Examples
These program examples are written for the standard HamStack CPU board and DEV-
1 development board. They are helpful to understand the basic hardware and
software development process using the HamStack and they can be combined to build
your own projects.

These examples use the native 10 MHz crystal frequency and not high speed PLL
mode. When making more complex projects, the PLL can be enabled to run the CPU
up to 40 MHz.

The HamStack CPU board also supports the 18F46K22 and newer CPU chips. The
standard HamStack CPU boards with these chips use a 16 Mhz crystal and can run at
64 MHz in 4x PLL clock mode. When using these faster chips, replace the first few
lines of each sample program in this section with the following code...
Device = 18F46K22 ' Assign CPU device type
Clock = 16 ' Set effective clock frequency

If you want to use the higher speed 4x PLL mode that can clock the chip at 64 MHz,
use this header...

Device = 18F46K22 ' Assign CPU device type

Clock = 64 ' Set effective clock frequency
Config fosc = HSHP ' Set clock mode to 4x PLL (16 x 4 = 64 MHz)
Config PLLCFG = on ' Turn on 4x PLL mode
#option usart_brgh = TRUE ' Configure serial UART for 4x PLL mode
#option usart_brg16 = TRUE ' Configure serial UART for 4x PLL mode

- 63 -
Digital Output

Description Schematic
The simplest example of digital output is
blinking an LED. When a CPU output pin
goes high, logic state 1, the pin's voltage
is +5v. When the pin goes low, logic
state 0, the voltage at the output pin is 0
In this example output RBC toggles
between high and low logic states
blinking the LED.
Note: The CPU board already has the
status LED wired up to RC0. You can
just compile and load this program to see
it blink or add your own LED in parallel
witht the status LED and watch both

Swordfish Basic Code Swordfish Basic Code

Using the “goto” statement Using the “while” statement

Device = 18F4620 Device = 18F4620

Clock = 10 Clock = 10
TRISC.0 = 0 TRISC.0 = 0

master_loop: while true

High (PORTC.0) 'LED on High (PORTC.0) 'LED on
DelayMS (500) 'Wait DelayMS (500) 'Wait
Low (PORTC.0) 'LED off Low (PORTC.0) 'LED off
DelayMS (500) 'Wait DelayMS (500) 'Wait
GoTo master_loop wend

In the example above, the goto statement sends the program back up to the top to
create the loop. In the second example, the while statement performs the same task.

The Status LED on the HamStack CPU board is already connected to CPU pin C0.
This example will work with the HamStack CPU board by itself plugged into the DEV-1

- 64 -
Digital Input

Description Schematic

A digital input is used to register a push +5v +5V

button, switch closure of any kind of
digital signal transition. In this case, we
will sense the state of a pushbutton and
turn an LED on and off. The digital input
is pulled up to +5v through a 10k resistor.
When the switch is pressed, the circuit is CPU pin
closed and the input is pulled to ground. RA1


Hardware Swordfish Basic Code

Device = 18F4620
Clock = 10
Dim button As Byte
TRISB.0 = 0 ' LED output pin
TRISA.1 = 1 ' Push button pin
LED LED LED LED master_loop:
button = (PORTA.1)'Read button
RB0 RB1 RB2 RB3 If button = 1 Then
High (PORTB.0) 'LED on
Low (PORTB.0) 'LED off
Switch Switch Switch Switch GoTo master_loop


- 65 -
Relay Control

Description Components

Relays are used to control real world

signals. Microcontroller output pins can
not directly drive most relays so an
additional buffer device is required. You
can use a transistor or an array of
transistors such as the ULN2803 chip.
This example shows how to use a
common 2N2222 NPN transistor as the
buffer. The circuit illustrated uses a 5 v
DC relay.
When the relay is on, the status LED on
port RC0 is also on.

Schematic Swordfish Basic Code

Device = 18F4620
Clock = 10
RB4 Dim relay As PORTB.4
Dim led As PORTC.0
TRISC.0 = 0 ' LED output pin
TRISB.4 = 0 ' Relay control
While true ' Do forever
High (relay) ' relay on
High (LED) ' LED on
DelayMS (500) ' Wait 500 ms.
Low (relay) ' relay off
Low (LED) ' LED off
DelayMS (500) ' Wait 500 ms.


When RB4 is set high, putting +5v on the pin, the transistor will turn on pulling the
collector close to ground. This causes current to flow through the relay’s coil actuating
the relay contacts. So a logic “1” will turn on this relay. In this example we will also turn
on the status LED to track the state of the relay.

- 66 -
Analog Input



An analog input pin can measure a DC
voltage between 0 and 5 volts. In this +5v
program, every 250 ms. we sample the
input pin AN0 which has been configured
as an analog input. Using the 10 bit A/D
converter in the CPU, the raw value of
the sample is between 0 and 1023 In
this example, sampled value is converted
to the voltage and sent to the serial port.


GND Jumper JU3

Pins 1 & 2

Swordfish Basic Code

Device = 18F4620
Clock = 10
Include "usart.bas"
Include "ADC.bas"
Include "convert.bas"

Function ADInAsVolt() As Word

' Read analog input AN0 and scale for 0 - 5 volts...
result = (ADC.Read(0) + 1) * 500 / 1024
End Function

Dim ADVal As Word ' This is the sampled analog value

TRISA.0 = 1 ' Set AN0 direction as an input

ADCON1 = %00001110 ' Set AN0 pin type as an analog input
SetBaudrate(br9600) ' Set baud rate to 9600
DelayMS (500)

'--- Main Program Loop ---

While true
ADVal = ADInAsVolt
USART.Write("DC Volts = ", DecToStr(ADVal / 100))
USART.Write(".", DecToStr(ADVal, 2), " ", 13, 10)

- 67 -
RS-232 Output

Description Circuit

The serial port on the HamStack is very

useful for controlling external devices as
well as for debugging your code.
It is very easy to generate serial data
output. You must include the usart.bas
module in your code, set the serial port
speed and you are ready to start sending
serial data.
For debugging your program code, you
can insert write statements to the serial
port and capture it using a terminal
program such as HyperTerm or Tera

Swordfish Basic Code

Device = 18F4620
Clock = 10

Include "usart.bas"
Include "convert.bas"

Dim x As Word

SetBaudrate(br9600) ' Set baud rate to 9600

DelayMS (500)
x = 0

USART.Write ("HamStack is ready to go...", 10, 13)

'--- Main Program Loop ---

While true
x = x + 1
USART.Write("The count is = ", DecToStr(x), 10, 13)

- 68 -
Using LCD Displays

Description Swordfish Basic Code

Device = 18F4620
The HamStack supports the popular LCD Clock = 10
displays that use the Hitachi LCD
controller chips. This examples shows #option LCD_DATA = PORTD.0
how to send text to the LCD display using #option LCD_RS = PORTD.4
the 4 bit parallel data mode. The LCD #option LCD_EN = PORTD.5
pins are D4, D5, D6, D7 and two pins for
Include "usart.bas"
control, RS, E. These are mapped to the Include "lcd.bas"
HamStack port D pins RD0 to RD5
respectively. SetBaudrate(br9600)
Sending commands to the LCD is very
simple using the WriteAt () subroutine in While true
Cls ' Clear LCD
the LCD module. WriteAt(1, 1, "Hello world")
USART.Write("Hello World", 10, 13)

+5V +5V


- 69 -
Measuring Temperature with a DS18B20

Description Circuit

If you have the optional digital

temperature probe you can measure
temperature with the DEV-1 board.
In this example we will use a DS18B20
digital temperature sensor. This device
reads temperature and returns the value
in degrees centigrade and Fahrenheit.
The temperature value is sent to the RD7
serial port at 9600 baud.

Swordfish Basic Code

Device = 18F4620
Clock = 10

Include "usart.bas"
Include "DS18B20.bas"
Include "convert.bas"

Dim LED As PORTC.0 ' Status LED

Dim TempA As ShortInt ' Temp C from DS18B20
Dim TempB As Word ' Temp C from DS18B20
Dim tempf As Word ' Temp converted from C to F

SetBaudrate (br9600) ' Set serial port to 9600 baud

SetPin(PORTD.7) ' Assign pin RE0 to temperature probe
ADCON1 = %00001011 ' Set 4 analog inputs, rest digital
Low(LED) ' Set status LED to off

If Not Find Then ' Look for temperature probe

USART.Write ("No temp probe", 10, 13)
Else ' Temperature probe found, process normally...
While true ' Do this loop forever
High (LED) ' Turn ON LED to show activity
GetTemp(TempA, TempB)
tempf = (TempA*1.8)+32
USART.Write ("Temp = ", DecToStr(tempf), 10, 13)
DelayMS (200)
Low (LED)
DelayMS (500)

- 70 -
Section 6

Mini Projects

Typical program structure

Temperature controlled fan

CW beacon

- 71 -
Typical Program Structure
A complex Swordfish Basic program contains several sections. Most of these
sections must occur in a specific order to work properly. Here is the standard
program flow. Each section show one or two lines as examples.

1. Set configuration parameters

Device = 18F4620 ' Assign CPU device type
Clock = 10 ' Set effective clock frequency

2. Include subroutine libraries

Include "ADC.bas" ' A/D converter subroutines
Include "eeprom.bas" ' Include EE PROM subroutines

3. Physical IO pin assignments

Dim analog_in As PORTA.0
Dim button1 As PORTA.1

4. Variable declarations
Dim x As Byte
Dim ainput0 As Word

5. Subroutines
Public Sub relay_on () High (relay) End Sub

6. Serial Port Configuration

SetBaudrate(br9600) ' Set baud rate

7. Difine pin directions

TRISA.0 = 1 ' analog_in
TRISA.1 = 1 ' button1

8. CPU Configuration Parameters

ADCON1 = %00001110 ' Set AN0 to be analog input

9. Initialize variables
x = 0


User code to run at program start time - runs only once
WriteAt (1,1,"Welcome")

11. Main control loop - user code goes here

WriteAt (1,1,“Hello world! ")

- 72 -
Mini Project
Temperature Controlled Fan

This project illustrates how to read a temperature with a Dallas Semiconductor

DS18B20 digital temperature sensor and use that temperature to turn on a cooling fan.
When the temperature reaches the target temperature, it will turn on the relay which
turns on power to the cooling fan.

The program will also send the current sampled temperature out the serial port at 9600





- 73 -
Mini Project
Temperature Controlled Fan

Swordfish Basic Code

' fan_control.bas

Device = 18F4620
Clock = 10

Include "usart.bas"
Include "DS18B20.bas"
Include "convert.bas"

Dim LED As PORTC.0 ' Status LED

Dim relay As PORTB.4 ' Fan relay
Dim TempA As ShortInt ' Temp C from DS18B20
Dim TempB As Word ' Temp C from DS18B20
Dim tempf As Word ' Temp converted from C to F

SetBaudrate (br9600) ' Set serial port to 9600 baud

SetPin(PORTD.7) ' Assign pin RE0 to temperature probe
ADCON1 = %00001011 ' Set first 3 inputs to analog

Low(LED) ' Set status LED to off

If Not Find Then ' Look for temperature probe

USART.Write ("No temp probe", 10, 13)

Else ' Temperature probe found, process normally...

While true ' Do this loop forever

High (LED) ' Turn ON LED to show activity
GetTemp(TempA, TempB)
tempf = (TempA*1.8)+32
USART.Write ("Temp = ", DecToStr(tempf), 10, 13)
If tempf > 70 Then ' Temperature trigger
High (relay)
Low (relay)
DelayMS (200)
Low (LED)
DelayMS (500)


- 74 -
Mini Project
CW Beacon


This project shows how easy it is to generate CW. You set the cw_string variable to be
the text you want to send. The program will send that string in CW keying output RB4
which would be connected to a relay or an open collector output buffer transistor. The
program will send the string and loop forever.

Note: When the voltage is removed from a relay coil, an induced voltage transient may
be generated across that coil as its magnetic flux, which is linked by the coil
turns, collapses. This transient voltage spike can damage the transistor driving the coil.
To eliminate this spike, you can put a diode across the relay coils with the anode
connected to the ground side and the cathode connected to the voltage (+12v) supply


- 75 -
Mini Project
CW Beacon
Swordfish Basic Code

' cw_beacon.bas This program sends a message in CW forever

Device = 18F4620 ' Set the CPU type to a Microchip 18F4620

Clock = 10 ' Set CPU clock frequency to 10 MHz
Include "string.bas" ' Include the string manipulation subroutines
Include "usart.bas" ' Include the RS232 UART subroutines

'----- VARIABLE DEFINITIONS ---------------------------------------

Dim wpm As Byte ' CW speed in words per minute
Dim cw_string As String(30) ' CW message to be sent
Dim cw_time As Word ' Calculated time value of a dit in ms.
Dim cw_len As Byte ' Working variable, length of string
Dim i As Byte ' Working variable
Dim x As Byte ' Working variable
Dim y As Byte ' Workign variable
Dim cw_char As String(2) ' Holds the character being sent
Dim cw_bits As String(15) ' Dit / Dah pattern being sent
Dim cw_temp As String(2) ' Working variable
Dim led As PORTC.0 ' Assign the name "LED" to RC0
Dim relay As PORTB.3 ' Assign the name "relay" to port RB3

'----- DEFINE PIN DIRECTIONS --------------------------------------

'Pin function. GPIO is General Purpose IO.
TRISA.1 = 1 ' Mode button
TRISB.4 = 0 ' Relay 1
TRISC.0 = 0 ' Status LED

'----- INITIALIZE VARIABLES AND SERIAL PORT ------------------------

SetBaudrate(br9600) ' Set serial baud rate to 9600
cw_string = "CQ CQ CQ DE W6ABC W6ABC" ' CW message to be sent
wpm = 13 ' CW speed in words per minute

'----- START MAIN PROGRAM CODE -------------------------------------

DelayMS(500) ' Pause for 500ms after hardware reset
USART.Write("Beacon program will send " + cw_string + " forever.", 13, 10)
cw_time = 1200 / wpm ' Calculate the length of a dit
cw_len = Length(cw_string) ' Determine the length of the string

- 76 -
Mini Project
CW Beacon

Swordfish Basic Code

'----- START MASTER CONTROL LOOP ------------------------------------

master_loop: ' Outer loop will process

the whole string.
For i = 0 To cw_len-1 ' Go through the string
cw_char = Mid(cw_string,i,1) ' Grab the current char
USART.Write("Sending: ", cw_char, 13, 10)' Send char serial port

Select cw_char
Case "A" : cw_bits = ".-"
Case "B" : cw_bits = "-..."
Case "C" : cw_bits = "-.-."
Case "D" : cw_bits = "-.."
Case "E" : cw_bits = "."
Case "F" : cw_bits = "..-."
Case "G" : cw_bits = "--."
Case "H" : cw_bits = "...."
Case "I" : cw_bits = ".."
Case "J" : cw_bits = ".---"
Case "K" : cw_bits = "-.-"
Case "L" : cw_bits = ".-.."
Case "M" : cw_bits = "--"
Case "N" : cw_bits = "-."
Case "O" : cw_bits = "---"
Case "P" : cw_bits = ".--."
Case "Q" : cw_bits = "--.-"
Case "R" : cw_bits = ".-."
Case "S" : cw_bits = "..."
Case "T" : cw_bits = "-"
Case "U" : cw_bits = "..-"
Case "V" : cw_bits = "...-"
Case "W" : cw_bits = ".--"
Case "X" : cw_bits = "-..-"
Case "Y" : cw_bits = "-.--"
Case "Z" : cw_bits = "--.."
Case "0" : cw_bits = "-----"
Case "1" : cw_bits = ".----"
Case "2" : cw_bits = "..---"
Case "3" : cw_bits = "...--"
Case "4" : cw_bits = "...-"
Case "5" : cw_bits = "....."
Case "6" : cw_bits = "-...."
Case "7" : cw_bits = "--..."
Case "8" : cw_bits = "---.."
Case "9" : cw_bits = "----."
Case "/" : cw_bits = "-..-."
Case "=" : cw_bits = "-...-"
Case " " : cw_bits = " "

- 77 -
Mini Project
CW Beacon

Swordfish Basic Code

' This section sends the individual dits and dahs

x = Length(cw_bits) ' How many dits and dahs ?

For y = 0 To x-1 ' Loop through sending each

cw_temp = Mid(cw_bits,y,1) ' Grab the dit or dah

If cw_temp = "." Then ' Check for dit

High(led) ' Turn on the LED
High(relay) ' Key down relay #1
DelayMS(cw_time) ' Wait for one dit
Low(led) ' Turn off the LED
Low(relay) ' Unkey relay #1
DelayMS(cw_time) ' Wait for one dit

If cw_temp = "-" Then ' Check for dah

High(led) ' Turn on the LED
High(relay) ' Key down relay #1
DelayMS(cw_time * 3) ' Wait for one dah
Low(led) ' Turn off the LED
Low(relay) ' Unkey relay #1
DelayMS(cw_time) ' Wait for one dit

If cw_temp = " " Then ' If space? If so...

DelayMS(cw_time * 7) ' Wait for 7 dits

Next ' Send the next dit or dah

' Now that all the dits and dahs are sent...
DelayMS(cw_time * 3) ' Delay the length of 3 dits

Next ' Go to the next character

' All characters in the string have been sent.

DelayMS(cw_time * 7) ' Delay the length of 7 dits
GoTo master_loop ' Go back and loop forever

- 78 -
Section 7

Accessory and Expansion Boards

Prototype backpack board

LCD with 4 bit interface

8A relay module

RS-485 & 2 Small Signal Relays

Serial to USB adapter

- 79 -
Prototype Backpack Board

- 80 -
Prototype Backpack Board Options

Typical configuration with

stacking connectors. All
interconnect signals brought
to the top of the board.
Additional power and ground
are available.
Two unwired pushbuttons
and three unwired LED are
convenient accessories.

A solderless breadboard
block can be attached to the
PCB providing a convenient
way to build and test new

The backpack easily stacks

on top of the CPU board.
The CPU is slightly longer
allowing access to the
pushbuttons, LEDs and
RS232 connector.

- 81 -
Prototype Backpack Board – Rev 1
The prototype backpack board is used to build custom projects and easily plug them on
top of the CPU board. Adding a solderless breadboard to the prototype backpack
board allows you to experiment with circuits before soldering them in place. The
prototype board has all the CPU IO pins brought up through stacking SIP connectors.
In addition there are also 3 LED and 2 push buttons. These extra components are not
connected to anything by default. The use of stacking connectors allow you to stack
multiple accessory boards on the HamStack. The physical dimensions and electrical
signals are compatible with the Arduino Uno and similar single board computers. While
there can never be 100% compatibility, most Arduino shield boards should be hardware
compatible with HamStack.

- 82 -
Prototype Backpack Board – Rev 1
In-circuit programming
jack connections
6 Ground pads
6 +5v power pads
Solder pads
connected together

Individual solder
pads not connected
to anything

Push button
jumper block LED jumper block

2 Push buttons 3 LEDs Resistor pack pull

down to ground

- 83 -
Prototype Backpack Board – Rev 2

- 84 -
Prototype Backpack Board – Rev 2
In-circuit programming
jack connections
6 Ground pads

Solder pads
connected together

6 +5v power pads

Individual solder
pads not connected
to anything LCD Jack

Push button
LED connection
connection points

Pullup resistors
3 LEDs Resistor pack pull
2 Push buttons
down to ground

The rev 2 prototype backpack board

includes a 10 pin header connector
connected to CPU pins D0...D5.
The HamStack LCD interface cable plugs
directly into that socket making it easy to
connect up the LCD wihout cutting any
wires or soldering them to the pads.

- 85 -
Backpack Prototype Board Assembly
When assembling the backpack board, the minimum components necessary are the
stacking connectors. These connectors provide all the power, CPU IO and other useful
signals from the CPU board to the prototype boards.

The stacking connectors are single in-line

header connectors with long leads that
connect into the female connector below.
Additionally there are female SIP
connectors with short leads that are used
to provide convenient connections for
prototype jumpers to ground, +5v, LEDs
and push buttons.

Note: Make sure you install the long

stacking connectors along the edges. The
short pin connectors are used inside the

The long lead stacking

connectors are placed in the 7
positions shown in this picture.

When soldering the connectors, first place the

connector and solder only one pin. Make
sure the connector is snug against the PCB
and it is vertical.

- 86 -
Backpack Solderless Breadboard
An option to prototyping new circuits is to use the solderless breadboard block. The
block comes with sticky tape on the bottom. Just peel off the paper and stick the block
to the prototype board. We recommend installing all the SIP sockets first to make sure
none of the holes are covered by the bread board block.

When properly installed, the board looks like this.

With these breadboard blocks, the five horizontal holes on each side are bussed
together. This allows easy placement of DIP components and other devices. Wire
jumpers are used to make the connections between the parts on the bread board and
the CPU IO pins that are brought up to the SIP header connectors on top of the
prototype backpack board.

When assembling the prototype board, the components you choose to install are
completely up to you. If you want to drill holes, add parts, do whatever you want. The
prototype board is made for experimentation and exploration.

- 87 -
Fully Assembled Breadboard

Top view of completed

prototype board with
breadboard block.

Bottom view of the

assembled prototype

Prototype board installed on

top of the CPU board. Note
that the pushbuttons, LEDs
and serial IO connector are
easily accessible.
- 88 -
2 x 16 LCD Display with 4 Bit Interface
The LCD pack provides a 2 line by 16 character backlit LCD display and an interface
board. The interface supports the standard 4 bit Hitachi control signals. There are 6
signals that must be hooked up. These are Data 4, 5, 6, 7, (called D4, D5, D6, D7)
and the RS and E control lines. The interface cable supplied is a 10 wire ribbon cable
with a 2x5 pin header connector on the end. When using the HamStack Project board
or Prototype Backpack Rev 2 that supports this connector, you just plug it in and go. If
you are interfacing to a HamStack CPU board directly, you will have to either adapt the
connector or cut it off and wire the 6 control signals directly to the CPU board using
solder pads.
The schematic below shows how to make the proper connections when connecting
directly to the CPU board.
The interface board must be soldered to the LCD display. Mount the interface board to
the back of the LCD display and solder the 16 pins in place.

Note: 10 pin header

connector on the
ribbon cable will plug
directly into the
Project board or the
GPIO board.

Note: The CPU board provides

limited current through connector J3.
We recommend using an alternative
source of the +5 voltage especially
when the CPU board is powering
additional devices.

- 89 -
Dual 8A Relay Module
This relay module provides two single pole, double throw relays with a maximum current
rating of 8 AMPs. The relay 1 and 2 are connected to IO pins B3 and B2 respectively.
Setting the IO pin on the CPU to a high state will actuate the relay.
Connections are made to the relay board through screw terminal blocks or wires can be
soldered directly to the board.

The board is designed with an absolute maximum current capacity of 8A. If your
application will operate at the high end of the maximum current capacity, we
recommend that you add additional wire tack soldered to the bottom of the board to
ensure current spikes will not damage the circuit board traces.
The relays are rated well above the 8A maximum

Powering the relays

Jumpers are provided to route either the +5V DC or V-In from the CPU board. There
are three options to power the relays as follows.

1 – Use the supplied 12 volt relays and an external 12 volt power supply connected to
the +Vin screw terminal. This is a recommended method. Do not install any jumpers.

2 – Use the external +Vin from the CPU board. Assuming ther +Vin voltage is enough
to actuate the relay (~12 DC). The only dowside to this approach is that you will also be
powering the whole HamStack from the same supply. If you are using a lower supply
voltage, say +7.5v DC, this may not reliably actuate the relays.

3 – You can hack the board to use your own 5v relays. The jumper is provided to route
5v DC to the relays but you must make sure the relays don't draw too much current

- 90 -
8A Relay Module

The 8A relay module can be mounted to a chassis with the 4 screw holes or built into a
board stack. Due to the height of the relays, the 8A relay module must be the top
board when building a board stack.and only one board will fit on a stack at a time.

- 91 -
8A Relay Module

Front view
The relay contacts are brought out to
the front edge of the board. Each
relay's SPST connections are
represented by
NC – Normally closed
C - Common
NO – Normally open
The default wiring for control is from
RB3 to the left terminal block and
RB2 to the right terminal block.

Note: the ULN2803 transistor buffer

array chip has built-in coil spike
suppression diodes.

Rear view
The terminal block on the rear of the
board is used to supply the coil
voltage for the relays. The supplied
relays are rated at a nominal 12v DC
to operate. They will engage as low
as 9v DC.

The relays are normally powered by

an external 12v DC supply connected
to the rear terminal block.

If you supply an input voltage to the

CPU board over 9v DC, inserting the
jumper labeled VI_En will route the
CPU boards input voltage to the relay

- 92 -
Serial to USB Adapter
The serial to USB interface converts the TTL signals from the CPU board to USB for
connection to a PC. When using the adapter, remove the MAX232 lever converter
chip on the CPU board.

The adapter is installed with a 6 pin

SIP male header.

1. Do not install the DB9 connector.

2. Solder the six pin male header to

the Project Board PCB.

3. Slip the USB adapter on to the 6

pin header and solder it in place.

4. Install the FTDI serial driver on

your PC.

5. At this point you are ready to talk

from the PC to the Project board
through the USB connection.

- 93 -

Prototype backpack board worksheet

Component identification guide

ASCII character table

- 94 -
Prototype Backpack Board Rev 1 Worksheet

- 95 -
Prototype Backpack Board Rev 2 Worksheet


- 96 -
Component Identification Guide

Diode Integrated circuit

Common part: 1N4004 Make sure pin1 is in the right
The band on the diode is cathode position.
The cathode side. Pin 1 is indicated by the dot.

Resistor pack Resistor

Multiple resistors in a Quarter watt.
package. Values indicated Value indicated by
by a 3 digit number. IE color code.
“103” means 10k

Dipped monolithic Electrolytic capacitor

capacitor. 3 digit Insert positive lead into
number. IE “103” the square solder pad.
means 10,000 pf or Long lead = positive.

Terminal block Crystal

Screw terminal block. Make sure the crystal
insulator is installed
under the crystal case
to prevent shorting out.
Top view B
Inductor NPN transistor
Sealed inductor. TO-92 plastic case
transistor C

LM2576 Linear voltage regulator Com

Swtiching TO-92 plastic case
I Out In
voltage regulator (78L05, etc.)
TO-220-5 case O Top view

LED (Size: T1) LED (Size: T 1-3/4)

Insert long lead Insert long lead (anode)
(anode) into the into the square solder
square solder pad. pad.

Optocoupler with Solid State Relay

optically isolated 6 pin DIP package
darlington transistor.
6 pin DIP package

- 97 -
Component Identification Guide
DC coaxial power jack Pushbutton

Jumper block 3.5mm stereo jack

Shunt RJ45
Tab up configuration
with built in LEDs.

3 Pin connector DB9 connector

Reed Relay SPST 40 Pin machined IC socket

The reed relay is fast and Install socket with the dimple on
quiet. Make sure pin 1 is one end pointing toward pin 1.
in the proper orientation.

Crystal Insulator 6-18 Pin machined IC socket

Make sure the crystal Install socket with the dimple on
insulator is installed under one end pointing toward pin 1.
the crystal can.

3 pin connector Contact point

Molded plastic connector Inserted into molded
with alignment tab plastic connector

Top view D
8 Amp power relay DS18S20
This power relay is designed to G V
Temperature sensor
switch medium power loads. Each V
using the DS OneWire interface in
set of contacts supports up to 8 G
a TO-92 plastic case

100 uh inductor
This inductor is used in the switching
power supply.

- 98 -
Dec Binary Hex Char Char Dec Binary Hex Char Dec Binary Hex Char
0 0 0 NUL 32 100000 20 80 1010000 50 P
1 1 1 ^A SOH 33 100001 21 ! 81 1010001 51 Q
2 10 2 ^B STX 34 100010 22 " 82 1010010 52 R
3 11 3 ^C ETX 35 100011 23 # 83 1010011 53 S
4 100 4 ^D EOT 36 100100 24 $ 84 1010100 54 T
5 101 5 ^E ENQ 37 100101 25 % 85 1010101 55 U
6 110 6 ^F ACK 38 100110 26 & 86 1010110 56 V
7 111 7 ^G BEL 39 100111 27 ' 87 1010111 57 W
8 1000 8 ^H BS 40 101000 28 ( 88 1011000 58 X
9 1001 9 ^I HT 41 101001 29 ) 89 1011001 59 Y
10 1010 A ^J LF 42 101010 2A * 90 1011010 5A Z
11 1011 B ^K VT 43 101011 2B + 91 1011011 5B [
12 1100 C ^L FF 44 101100 2C , 92 1011100 5C \
13 1101 D ^M CR 45 101101 2D - 93 1011101 5D ]
14 1110 E ^N SOH 46 101110 2E . 94 1011110 5E ^
15 1111 F ^O SI 47 101111 2F / 95 1011111 5F _
16 10000 10 ^P DLE 48 110000 30 0 96 1100000 60 `
17 10001 11 ^Q DC1 49 110001 31 1 97 1100001 61 a
18 10010 12 ^R DC2 50 110010 32 2 98 1100010 62 b
19 10011 13 ^S DC3 51 110011 33 3 99 1100011 63 c
20 10100 14 ^T DC4 52 110100 34 4 100 1100100 64 d
21 10101 15 ^U NAK 53 110101 35 5 101 1100101 65 e
22 10110 16 ^V SYN 54 110110 36 6 102 1100110 66 f
23 10111 17 ^W ETB 55 110111 37 7 103 1100111 67 g
24 11000 18 ^X CAN 56 111000 38 8 104 1101000 68 h
25 11001 19 ^Y EM 57 111001 39 9 105 1101001 69 i
26 11010 1A ^Z SUB 58 111010 3A : 106 1101010 6A j
27 11011 1B ^[ ESC 59 111011 3B ; 107 1101011 6B k
28 11100 1C ^\ FS 60 111100 3C < 108 1101100 6C l
29 11101 1D ^] GS 61 111101 3D = 109 1101101 6D m
30 11110 1E ^^ RS 62 111110 3E > 110 1101110 6E n
31 11111 1F ^_ US 63 111111 3F ? 111 1101111 6F o
64 1000000 40 @ 112 1110000 70 p
65 1000001 41 A 113 1110001 71 q
66 1000010 42 B 114 1110010 72 r
67 1000011 43 C 115 1110011 73 s
68 1000100 44 D 116 1110100 74 t
69 1000101 45 E 117 1110101 75 u
70 1000110 46 F 118 1110110 76 v
71 1000111 47 G 119 1110111 77 w
72 1001000 48 H 120 1111000 78 x
73 1001001 49 I 121 1111001 79 y
74 1001010 4A J 122 1111010 7A z
75 1001011 4B K 123 1111011 7B {
76 1001100 4C L 124 1111100 7C |
77 1001101 4D M 125 1111101 7D }
78 1001110 4E N 126 1111110 7E ~
79 1001111 4F O 127 1111111 7F •

- 99 -
Document Revision History

Page 82 - Fixed errors on the 8A relay schematic to match the PCB.

Page 11, 12 - Noted on the CPU board revision 1, that J3 pin 5 should be
ground but is isolated.

Various minor edits.

Added prototype backpack rev 2.

Several edits and minor corrections.

Add DEV-1 board information.

- 100 -
CPU Board v1, v2, v3 Schematic

- 101 -
CPU Board V1, V2, V3 - Parts Placement

Parts List – Required Components J1, J2, J4, J6 Inner connector row 8 pin
female socket pointing up
C1 10uf electrolytic capacitor
J3, J5 Inner connector row 6 pin
C2, C3 0.1 uf capacitor (104)
female socket pointing up
C4, C5 22pf capacitor (22)
J7 3 pin male connector with tab
C6 0.1 uf capacitor (104)
J8 2.1mm DC power jack
C7, C8, C9, C10
J9 6 pin female socket pointing up
1 uf electrolytic capacitor
JP1 2 pin jumper and shunt
R1, R2 270 Ohm ¼ w resistor (270)
RN1 10k resistor pack (103)
Parts List – Optional Components
D1, D2 Red T1 LEDs
J1, J2, J4, J6 Outer connector row, 8 pin
S1, S2 Pushbutton switch
female socket pointing down
Y1 10 or 16 MHz crystal
J3, J5 Outer connector row, 6 pin
INS1 Crystal insulator
female socket pointing down
U1 78L05 5v voltage regulator
U2 CPU chip
U3 MAX232 RS232 level shifter IC

- 102 -
- 103 -

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